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Determination Of Time For Financial Loss and Gain

It easy to understand the financial status of the native and related matters through the study of vedic astrology. There are certain yogas and periods where the native gains wealth or loses wealth. The study of vedic astrology help us identify such yogas and period of a natives life. A person is always inclined to know his prospects of becoming a rich man, or when his financial status will improve. In order to be able to answer these questions, it is important to analyze the yogas that are dedicated to give related results. It helps in identifying the period, yogas and planetary positions, in which the native may or may not have to suffer from financial losses or lose his wealth. In this post, well discuss some of these yogas and planetary combinations that help analyze the financial position of the native and related prospects.

Through the study of Parashar principles incorporated in Vedic astrology, the facts behind the financial gains and losses can be determined. According to the Parashar rules, the planet that rules the kendra or trikona house, or have positive effect on other planets of the kundli is likely to give financial gains to the native. Such a person finds ample of opportunities to multiply his finances. Parashari Rajyoga and other benefic planets also play a significant role in making a native wealthy. Such a person lives a luxury life. Malefic planets placed with inauspicous lords of the houses tend to cancel the inauspiciousness formed from this relation. Thus, the native is able to attain financial gains. By analyzing the auspicious and inauspicous planets, we can understand the significance of each on our lives and finances. It should be noted that the effects of different ascendants can be different. If yogkaraka is strongly placed in one kundli, it can be weakly placed in the other. If it is formed in all three ascendants, it attains strong position which gives profitable results. The magnitude of financial gain can be estimated from the the degree of auspicious yogas formed in the kundli and their counts. The more auspicious yogas are formed, the more the native is likely to attain financial benefits. If the lord of the ascendant, lord of second house, lord of the ninth house and lord of the tenth house are strongly placed in the kundli or forming relations with benefics, the native enjoys the pleasure of wealth. This condition is considered to be highly auspicious for the native. According to another principle, the lords of 3,6,8, and 12 house placed in enemy houses or inauspicious houses, forms Vipreet Rajyoga. It is also formed if any of the lord of above mentioned houses forms relations with malefics. Lord of the ascendant, lord of the Moon ascendant and lord of the Sun ascendant forming relations with each other forms dhan yoga. This relation helps the native to attain wealth in his life. Four or more houses being aspected by their own lords also results in dan yoga. The native attains financial benefits, when the exalted planets are placed in an auspicious position and the lord of that place also becomes strong. The moolyankan of planets can be seen in their respective mahadasha. This moolyankan increases and reduces unexpectedly, according to the position of planet in the system. The native may have to suffer from financial losses, when any planet is situated in the enemy sign, or with less points or aspected or conjucted by malefics.

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