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Uniform exponential stability for evolution families that are not exponentially bounded

Raluca Mure san, Petre Preda

West University of Timi soara 4, Blvd. V. P arvan, Timi soara 300223, Romania, CSM 2 2012 Conference Paper

Abstract. In this paper we give a characterization for the uniform exponential stability of evolution families {(t, t0 )}tt0 on R+ that are not a priori required to be bounded, using the hypothesis that the pairs of function spaces (L1 (X ), L (X )) and (C00 (R+ , X ), C (R+ , X )) are admissible to the evolution families.

AMS Subject Classications (2010): 34D05, 34D09. Key words and phrases: evolution family, admissibility, uniform exponential stability, asymptotic property.


This paper studies the asymptotic property of stability for evolution families that are not uniform or nonuniform exponentially bounded. As a result, we

get a characterization for this property in terms of the admissibility of some pairs of function spaces. The situation when the evolution families considered are uniform exponentially bounded, i.e. there exist M, > 0 such that ||(t, t0 )|| M e(tt0 ) for all t t0 0, and the admissible pairs of spaces are (L1 (X ), L (X )) and (Lp (X ), Lp (X ) C (R+ , X )) is well known and is discussed by N. van Minh and T. Huy in [13] (2001). The novelty in our paper is that we replace the hypothesis of uniform exponential boundedness with the admissibility of the pair (L1 (X ), L (X )) to the evolution families. In addition, we consider the pair (C00 (R+ , X ), C (R+ , X )). In this way we not only obtain similar results to those in [13] (N. van Minh, N. T. Huy, 2001), but we also generalize some results referring to dierential systems found in [10] (J. L. Massera, J. J. Sch aer, 1966). Therefore our results concerning the asymptotic properties of evolution families are discussed in the more general frame of dierential equations and asymptotic properties of their solutions. As a starting point for a vast literature concerning asymptotic properties of solutions of dierential equations, we mention the pioneering work of O. Perron (1930), who was the rst to establish the connection between the asymptotic behavior of the solution of the dierential equation (A) x (t) = A(t)x(t)

and the associated non-homogeneous equation (A, f ) x (t) = A(t)x(t) + f (t)

in nite dimensional spaces, where f is a continuous and bounded function on R+ . This idea was later developed by W. A. Coppel [5] (1978) and P. Hartman [8] (1964) for dierential systems in nite dimensional spaces. Further developments for dierential systems in innite dimensional spaces can be found in the monographs of J. L. Daleckij, M. G. Krein [6] (1974) and J. L. Massera, J. J. Sch aer [10] (1966). The case of dynamical systems described by evolution processes was studied by C. Chicone, Y. Latushkin [4] (1999) and B. M. Levitan, V. V. Zhikov [9] (1982). 2

Other results concerning uniform and non-uniform exponential stability, exponential dichotomy and admissibility of exponentially bounded evolution families were obtained by L. Barreira and C. Valls in [2], [3], N. van Minh in [12], [13], [14], F. R abiger and R. Schnaubelt in [14], P. Preda and C. Preda in [16], [17], [18]. The starting point for our paper is [13] (N. van Minh, N. T. Huy 2001), in particular we use a certain technique found here. As well as this, we use the input-output technique and some well known results in functional analysis. The key to proving our results is choosing the right input functions. The proof of our main result can be divided into two parts, rstly we prove that the evolution families {(t, t0 )}tt0 on R+ are uniformly stable, i.e. there exists a positive constant N such that ||(t, t0 )x|| N ||x|| for all t t0 0 and x in X , using the admissibility of (L1 (X ), L (X )). The admissibility of the other pair (C00 (R+ , X ), C (R+ , X )) is used to prove the uniform exponential stability of the evolution families considered.


Let X be a Banach space and B(X ) the space of all linear and bounded operators acting on X . The norms on X and on B(X ) will be denoted by || ||. Denition 2.1. An evolution family {(t, t0 )}tt0 on R+ is a family of operators (t, t0 ) B(X ), t t0 0, satisfying: (i) (t, t) = I, for all t R+ , where I denotes the identity on X ; (ii) (t, s)(s, t0 ) = (t, t0 ), for all t s t0 0; (iii) the map (, t0 )x is continuous on [t0 , ) for all x X and (t, )x is continuous on [0, t] for all x X . If there exist two constants M, > 0 such that ||(t, t0 )x|| M e(tt0 ) ||x|| for all t t0 and x X , then the evolution family {(t, t0 )}tt0 is said to be uniform exponentially bounded. 3

If there exist M : R+ R + and > 0 such that ||(t, t0 )x|| M (t0 )e(tt0 ) ||x|| for all t t0 and x X (see [2]), or M, : R+ R + such that ||(t, t0 )x|| M (t0 )e(t0 )(tt0 ) ||x||, for all t t0 0 and x in X (see [11]), then the evolution family {(t, t0 )}tt0 is said to be nonuniform exponentially bounded. Throughout this paper we use the following function spaces:

L (X ) = {f : R+ X : f is Bochner measurable,

||f (t)||dt < },


L (X ) = {f : R+ X : f is Bochner measurable, ess sup ||f (t)|| < }, C (R+ , X ) = {f : R+ X : f is continuous and bounded}, C00 (R+ , X ) = {f C (R+ , X ) : lim f (t) = f (0) = 0}.

The norm on L (X ) is

||f ||1 =

||f (t)||dt,

on L (X ) is ||f || = ess sup ||f (t)||


and the norm on C (R+ , X ) and C00 (R+ , X ) is |||f ||| = supt0 ||f (t)||. Denition 2.2. Let {(t, t0 )}tt0 0 be an evolution family. It is uniform exponentially stable if there exist N, > 0 such that ||(t, t0 )x|| N e (tt0 ) ||x||, for all t t0 0 and x X . Let (B, D) be a pair of Banach function spaces. Denition 2.3. Let {(t, t0 )}tt0 0 be an evolution family. The pair of function spaces (B, D) is said to be admissible to {(t, t0 )}tt0 0 if for every f B , the function xf : R+ X ,

xf (t) =

(t, )f ( )d,

is in D. 4

Main results

The following theorem proves that there exists a connection between the norm of the output function xf in L (X ) and C (R+ , X ) and the norm of the input function f in L1 (X ) and C00 (R+ , X ), respectively. It is very important because we use it in order to prove our main result. Theorem 3.1. Let {(t, t0 )}tt0 0 be an evolution family. If the pairs of spaces (L1 (X ), L (X )) and (C00 (R+ , X ), C (R+ , X )) are admissible to {(t, t0 )}tt0 0 , then there exists a constant k > 0 such that ||xf || k ||f ||1 , for all f in L1 (X ), and |||xf ||| |||f |||, for all f in C00 (R+ , X ). Proof. We consider the linear operator U : L1 (X ) L (X ), U (f ) = xf . We will prove that the operator U is closed. Firstly, let fn f and U fn g. We show that U f = g in L (X ). We have that
t L1 (X ) L (X )

||U fn (t) U f (t)|| = ||

0 t

(t, )(fn ( ) f ( ))d ||

||(t, )(fn ( ) f ( ))||d,

for all t 0. By the Uniform Boundedness Principle there exists M (t) > 0 such that

||U fn (t) U f (t)|| M (t)


||fn ( ) f ( )||

0, M (t)t p ||fn f ||p

n 1 1 for all t 0, where p +p = 1. In the above inequality we also used the H older inequality. Therefore U fn (t) U f (t), for all t 0. n

But U fn g , so U f = g in L (X ), which means that U is a closed linear operator. By the Closed Graph Theorem there exists a positive constant k1 such that ||xf || k1 ||f ||1 , for all f in L1 (X ). Now let U : C00 (R+ , X ) C (R+ , X ), U (f ) = xf . We prove in the same way that U is a closed linear operator, using the Uniform Boundedness Principle. By the Closed Graph Theorem there exists k2 > 0 such that |||xf ||| k2 |||f |||, for all f in C00 (R+ , X ). If we take k = max{k1 , k2 }, we have the conclusion. Our main result is the next theorem. Theorem 3.2. Let {(t, t0 )}tt0 0 be an evolution family. If the pairs of spaces (L1 (X ), L (X )) and (C00 (R+ , X ), C (R+ , X )) are admissible to {(t, t0 )}tt0 0 , then the evolution family is uniform exponentially stable. Proof. First, we will show that the evolution family {(t, t0 )}tt0 0 is uniformly stable on X , i.e. there exists a positive constant N such that ||(t, t0 )x|| N ||x||, for all x in X and t t0 0. Let t0 0, > 0, x X such that (t, t0 )x = 0 for all t t0 and the rst input function f : R+ X , f (t) = [t0 ,t0 +] (t) (t, t0 )x , ||(t, t0 )x||

L (X )

where [t0 ,t0 +] is the characteristic function of the interval [t0 , t0 + ]. We have that

||f ( )||d =
0 0

[t0 ,t0 +] ( )d = < ,

therefore f is in L1 (X ) and ||f ||1 = . Since the pair of spaces (L1 (X ), L (X )) is admissible to {(t, t0 )}tt0 0 , then the output function xf : R+ X ,

xf (t) =

(t, )f ( )d

is in L (X ). 6

But xf (t) =

t0 + t0

1 d ||(t, t0 )x||, ||(, t0 )x||

for all t t0 + and by Theorem 3.1 we have that 1 If 0, then ||(t, t0 )x|| k ||x||, for all t t0 0. Now, if there exists t1 > t0 such that (t1 , t0 )x = 0, then obviously (t, t0 )x = 0, for all t t1 . We denote = inf {t : (t, t0 )x = 0},
tt0 t0 + t0

1 d ||(t, t0 )x|| k. ||(, t0 )x||

so (, t0 )x = 0 and (t, t0 )x = 0 for all t [t0 , ). Therefore ||(t, t0 )x|| k ||x|| for all t [t0 , ) as seen above and obviously ||(t, t0 )x|| k ||x|| for all t since in this case (t, t0 )x = 0. We can conclude that ||(t, t0 )x|| k ||x|| for all t t0 0 and x in X .

Next we show that the evolution family {(t, t0 )}tt0 0 is uniform exponentially stable. Let > 0, x in X and g : R+ X , 0, 0 t < t0 4 ( t t )( t, t ) , t0 t < t0 + 2 , 0 0 g (t) = . 4 (4 (t t0 ))(t, t0 ), t0 + 2 t < t0 + 0, t t0 + We have that g is in C00 (R+ , X ) and |||g ||| 2k ||x||. t Obviously xg (t) = 0 (t, )g ( )d is in C (R+ , X ). But xg (t) = (t, t0 )x for all t t0 + , so by Theorem 3.1 we have that ||(t, t0 )x|| 2k 2 ||x||, for all t t0 + and all x in X . If = t t0 , then we have that ||(t, t0 )x|| k (2k + 1) ||x||, 1 + t t0

for all t t0 + and all x in X . By Lemma 5.3, page 539 in [10] (also known as the Lemma of Massera and Sch aer), it follows that the evolution family is uniform exponentially stable. Remark 3.1. The converse of the theorem above is true. Indeed, the statement is very easy to verify.


Work based on the talk given by the authors in The Second Conference of PhD Students in Mathematics (CSM 2), Szeged, Hungary, 2012. This article is a result of the project Cresterea calitatii si a competitivitatii cercetarii doctorale prin acordarea de burse. This project is co-funded by the European Social Fund through The Sectorial Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007-2013, coordinated by the West University of Timisoara in partnership with the University of Craiova and Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology - Fraunhofer IISB. 8

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