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First mid Term Exam (TICs)

Quinteros, Sebastian Mauricio (MUN 2569)

N 1 a. Word Cloud: Word clouds or Tag clouds are visual images made up of words from various sources. These words can be from a class lecture, website, poem, story, or even random words that you enjoy the sound of. Different images can be created and made up of these words ranging from an object of an angel to the word love. The amount of times a single word is put into a word cloud will determine the size of the word itself within the object of your choice (ie. the more times a word is mentioned, the larger the word will appear in the image). The reason people make these word clouds may be to learn visually, create a piece of art, or any other relevant reason. The fun part about creating them is that you can be as creative as you want, meaning no special skills are required. b. Cloze test: is a kind of exercise that consists of giving a students or students a text with words missing. They have to think about words to put on the empty spaces. The intention of this is to teach students a manner of recognize words through the context and it allows them to improve their vocabulary. c. To Digitize: it means to convert sometimes more clear to understand with the help of electronic or digital tech like mobile phones, computers, tablets, etc. You digitize something adding images, words, a video, making it different from its original form and makes you more possible to understand and remember. d. To Google: the term is used to name when we look some kind of information using the Google Search Engine. e. Aid: it means to give assistance or help. f. Communicative Competence: refers to use language knowledge to accomplish communication. N2 0

N 3 a. English Language- Writing Part b-c. Ideal B-Learning, English Language- Writing Course. Would be a good contribution using blended learning in English Language, much in the writing part because when we describe a place for example, teachers would have plenty of pages to give students (us) to read a short time in class, where student have their net books at the same time the teacher has his/her computer. Computers may be connecting each other by a WIFI LAN in order to have the opportunity of receiving teachers advice and attention in students work. As I said before, there are plenty of pages to have information and to practice English Writing. teacher would provide this link to students and in a short time as introduction of the topic. After that she/ he would explain it more clear or add some important point to take into account. Teacher would give students this page to help them with the vocabulary. Obviously students would have the opportunity to read and have information about others topics at the right of the web page. this pdf file is a useful because there are many words to describe places and separated in columns and with its translation to Spanish. The translation is very useful because there are students who need the meaning in Spanish. it provide students how to write their description in a correct way without make a mixture of information. Also it have a image that show you what is the information speaking about. ners.htm Its a very good page to student who need much information about language and its problem when we write or do an exercise. Colloquial pairs, commonly confused words, rules to speak a better English, advanced words, business vocabulary, etc are the topics we find on this page.

N 4 there are some rules to take into account to organize a classroom with net books. provides tips on classroom management, lesson ideas, and troubleshooting net books. there are very good points to integrate in classes in our country and our classroom. One of the major is collaboration across net books. here there is a example of using net book in a class. Children are interested and they feel relaxed and works become easier for them. It would be useful in our country and classroom.

N 5 a. Web Sites: there are plenty of vocabulary with images, and examples. I choose it because it has vocabulary to children who has problem to describe a people in physical appearance, clothes and accessories, character, etc. after reading some about description of people children will able to do this exercise as practice. Its interesting because it has a picture to give them a help. more exercises and words to learn about physical appearance. vocabulary putting more emphasis on the face/hair appearance or how it looks. An exercise. vocabulary and exercises to give students more practise. It is to teach students a manner to describe people adding very little details. Here there is vocabulary and how we have to use it. Writing details will turn a composition more clear and interesting. Physical description Vocabulary with images to illustrate it. Exercises to know how the students go on. A video about describing people to attract childrens attention and it will improve their listening. It for children how has a very little knowledge of English.

b. Tools: it is good to find the pronunciation of the words. It is also good for pronunciation, here you can listen a complete sentence. you can find text based around key topics. you can record a class teaching the theme it is good for listening and writing you can create interesting practice about the theme through this page.

N 6 a. I imagine that classes were the teacher and its students paying attention and the teacher were who has the computer to help her/himself. CALL didnt success because after its beginning the foreign community consider that the focus of these technological gadgets was not enough to teach foreign language.

CALL N 2. Should put the learner at the centre of the process. Cognitive learning theories said that students learn best and most when they feel engaged. It means when they feel they have the control of their learning. It result more interesting to them an approaches are reach more efficiently. But, having freedom of the learning through CALL would cause a disaster and a interruption of the learning. So; the solution is to give some unobtrusive scaffolding in the form of carefully designed levels of help, conditional branching and feedback. All as transparent as possible. Undoubtedly assists the language learning to feel a sense of progress. CALL N 3. CALL exists for learners, not teachers. Learners want to explore, find out, test hypotheses, refine and repeat. They need exploration activities, examples, model, etc. And one of the most important aspect students need is a safe environment, and it is a key example where CALL has the major role. In a CALL class children have the opportunity to take risk and makes them feel well, then feel capable to do the work given by the teacher. For all those things we say that CALL is for learners not for teachers. It helps teachers but it is designated to students. CALL N 6. CALL should engage and motivate the learner. An effective CALL should engage and motivate the learner by providing a rich experience, enhanced by appropriate feedback. Feedback must be applied in cases of best practice. It means, apart from the point made earlier concerning the need for it to be adaptive, feedback should be intrinsic. This implies that the input of the learner should result in some form of interactivity on the screen or via the loudspeakers, which will, at the most basic level, indicate to the user the success or otherwise of that input. Another point is that feedback must not be exhaustive for the learner. CALL N 10. CALL should help learners learn better. When learners have routines with CALL they will be capable to say the way in which the work was achieved, they will understand the nature of the exercise and at what point in a process they accessed them. So, CALL benefits learners in their knowledge, in their lives, in their future.

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