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The Basic Technique

Step 1: Be clear on the specifics of what you wish to create. This will form the foundation for the Future Self that you will be creating. There is power in the details, so be specific. Step 2: Place your awareness in your solar plexus, located back behind the pit of your stomach. Step 3: Imagine yourself inside a Sphere that is the size of the universe (or smaller if you are uncomfortable with such an expanded sense of space). Your solar plexus sits in the exact center of this Sphere. Step 4: Imagine your Future Self in front of you. For most people this will be 10 30 feet (or about 3+ 9+ meters) away, but place this Self as close or as far away as feels right to you. This imagined Future Self is the you that will be experiencing the outcome you wish to create. It is the embodiment of that future reality. Once you have a clear sense of this imagined Future Self, you are ready to move to step 5. Step 5: Imagine a line that runs from your solar plexus to the solar plexus of your Future Self. Step 6: Set into action the download of energy from the Sphere of All Possibilities into your solar plexus. From here the energy flows outward to the solar plexus of your Future Self. The download starts as soon as you realize that the Sphere of All Possibilities is available to you by virtue of your existence as a multidimensional human being. You then activate the Sphere through an act of silent intent. Step 7: For as long as you are comfortable with the experience, allow the Sphere to download energies into your solar plexus and into the solar plexus of your Future Self. Step 8: If you feel so inclined, add the feeling of appreciation to the experience in order to amplify the magnetic attractor that is your Future Self. Note: It is normal for most peoples mental attention to wander during this type of energy work. If and when your focus of attention wanders off, gently bring it back to the area you were working with. No judgment, no impatience, just bring yourself back to the task at hand. Step 9: When you are complete, take a few minutes to just be with yourself after going through this. It is best to be in silence during this time so that you can integrate the subtle energies that have been released through the process.

The Advanced Technique

I find this portion of the method to be the most intriguing. Perhaps this is because I can feel the collision of two waveforms during the final phase. It is as if the standing waves of my current reality overlap with

the standing waves of my Future Self. The collision of these two waves does, indeed, create a void point or as the Hathor clarifieda void region. This area of waveform interactions seems to me to be a potent transformational matrix. In addition, the download of energies and potentialities from the Sphere seems much more intense to me during the Advanced technique. Finally, I have found an interesting anomaly around the spatial shift that the Hathors propose during the final stages of the technique. You might encounter a similar phenomenon, which is why I am mentioning it. At first, I found it somewhat disorienting to look back at my present self from the vantage point and spatial perspective of my Future Self. Eventually I was able to make the shift, and when this occurred the energetics from the Sphere went off the charts. The experience became very intense, and I could feel potently charged waves of energy flowing to my present self from my Future Self. When I flipped fully into a sense of being embodied in my Future Self rather than my present self, the energetics reached their highest point. When the energy got too intense for my comfort zone I would spontaneously pop out of my Future Self back to my present self. And in those moments of reintegration back into my present self, it felt like my body was being flooded with endorphins and the entire experience seemed oddly amusing. I think that this amusement may due to the strong mental impression that the entire world, including me, is more dream-like than real and that all forms (including physical bodies) are both ephemeral and subject to alteration in the blink of an eye.

Using Music
There is no need to use music as a background when doing this process. I have experimented with both, and I do find that certain types of music can help to generate a deeper experience. Having said that I find that most of the time I prefer silence to do the process. It is a matter of taste and neurological receptivity as to whether you will find sound/music a helpful ally in this or not. If you choose to use music as a background I would suggest something that makes you feel inclined to turn your attention inward, and if it is psychoacoustic in nature, something that at least generates an increase in alpha activity. I also suggest you play your music at low volume so as not to overpower your inner experience. Since some people will want to know what of my music I would suggest, I will save you and me some time and just put it out there. My current favorite compositions (of mine) that I like to use with the Sphere of All

Possibilities are either Infinite Brain or Lightship.





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