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Female Reproductive System The female reproductive system is designed to produce the female gametes (ova), transport the

developing conceptus (uterine tubes), support the development of the embryo (uterus) and provide a receptacle to receive sperm from the male (vagina).

The almonds.

are flattened oval organs roughly the shape of

They are intraperitoneal and their position in the pelvic cavity is stabilized by a mesentery called the that comes off the posterior surface of a mesentary called the . In addition, the lateral end of the ovary is held against the wall of the pelvic cavity by the , by which the ovarian artery and vein reaches the ovary, and the medial end of the ovary is attached to the uterus by the .

1. Ovaries 2. Mesovarium 3. Broad Ligament 4. suspensory ligament 5. Ovarian Ligament

The peritoneum covers the ovaries as a 1. called the 1. . The thick connective tissue layer underneath the germinal epithelium is the 2. . The interior of the ovaries is divided into the superficial 3. and the deeper 4. .

3 2 4

1. Simple Cuboidal Epithelium Germinal Epithelium 2. Tunica Albuginea 3. Cortex 4. Medulla

1 2

1. Primary Oocyte 2. Follicle Cells

5 6

3 2 1

7 8 10

1. Primary Follicle 2. Thecal Cells 3. Zona Pellucida 4. Granulosa Cells 5. Primary Oocytes 6. Zona Pellucida 7. Nucleus of Primary Oocyte 8. Granulosa Cells 9. Thecal Cells 10. Secondary Follicle

3 5 2 1

1. Tertiary Follicle 2. Corona Radiata 3. Primary Oocyte 4. Antrum containing Follicular Fluid 5. Granulosa Cells

The production of female gametes is a process called . occurs as part of the monthly ovarian cycle. The female stem cells, called (sing. oogonium), complete their mitotic divisions before birth and by birth have already begun the process of meiosis as .

1. Oogenesis 2. Oogenesis 3. Oogonia 4. Primary Oocytes

The first reduction division of meiosis freezes during and roughly 2 million , frozen in prophase, are present at birth. From birth to puberty, degenerate until at puberty only 400,000 remain. This process by which primary oocytes disappear is called (adj. atretic).

1. Prophase 2. Primary Oocytes 3. Primary Oocytes 4. Primary Oocytes 5. Atresia

The primary oocytes are surrounded by in a structure called a . The primordial follicles are found in the outer edge of the in clusters known as egg nests. At puberty, rising levels of (FSH) begins the ovarian cycle by which a select number of primordial follicles begin further development.

1. Simple Squamous Epithelium 2.primordial follicle 3. Cortex 4. follicle stimulating hormone

A follicle becomes a follicle when the cells divide and become . At the same time the primary oocyte becomes bigger. When there are two or more layers of cells surrounding the primary oocyte they are called . As the primary follicle gets bigger, a fluid filled space containing macromolecules, called the appears between the primary oocyte and granulosa cells.

Growth of the follicle is also associated with development of the cells immediately surrounding the follicle called . Some thecal cells along with secrete female sex hormones called estrogens, of which is the most important.

1. Primordial Follicle 2. Primary Follicle 3. squamous follicular cells 4. Cuboidal 5. Granulosa Cells 6. Zona Pellucida

A few of the continue to grow while most degenerate through atresia. In the follicles that remain, the cells secrete a fluid called . This fluid coalesces into a fluid-filled cavity called the . With the appearance of an antrum the follicle is called a .

1. Primary Follicles 2. Granulosa Cells 3. Antrum 4. Secondary Follicles

Usually only one follicle remains midway into the ovarian cycle. This follicle enlarges partly as the result of further accumulation of fluid into the . The projects into antrum in a mound of cells called the . The follicle is now large enough to span the width of the cortex and creates a conspicuous bulge on the surface of the ovary. The follicle is now called a .

1. Antrum 2. primary oocyte 3. Granulosa Cells 4. cumulus oophorus 5. mature Graafian follicle

At about 14 days, or midway into the ovarian cycle, a sudden rise in (LH) released by the causes ovulation. About 3 hours before ovulation the resumes the first division of meiosis. The division results in a secondary oocyte that receives all the and a that contains only the genetic material and not much else. The polar body is essentially discarded.

1. luteinizing hormone 2. Pituitary 3. Primary Oocyte 4. Cytoplasm 5. Polar Body

As a result of the upsurge of , the cumulus oophorus detaches from the follicular wall, the fluid pressure within the follicle increases and the follicular wall weakens. The follicular wall finally ruptures and the is extruded. Granulosa cells remain attached to the of the secondary oocyte and form the .

1. Luteinizing Hormone 2. Secondary Oocyte 3. Zona Pellucida 4. Corona Radiata 5 6

5. Secondary Oocyte 6. Corona Radiata made of Granulosa Cells attached to Zona Pellucida

The ruptured follicle collapses and the and internal transform into -producing cells.

1. Granulosa Cells 2. Thecal Cells 3. Steroid-Hormone-Producing Cells

Though some estrogens continue to be synthesized by these cells, these cells now synthesize of which progesterone is the most important. promotes the secretory phase of the uterus. The accumulation of a yellow pigment in these cells is the reason this structure is called the (yellow body).

1. Progestins 2. Progesterone 3. Corpus Luteum

If pregnancy does not occur the corpus luteum begins to degenerate after 12 days. invade the deteriorating structure and form pale scar tissue that is called a (white body).

1. Fibroblasts 2. Corpus Albicans

The uterine tubes are lined by an epithelium that has both and cells.

1. Ciliated AND Nonciliated Simple Columnar Epithelial Cells

The secrete lipids and glycogen that provide nourishment for and the developing conceptus and the create currents that move material toward the uterus. The developing pre-embryo is also moved toward the uterus by of the of the uterine tubes.

1. Nonciliated Cells 2. Spermatozoa 3. Ciliated Cells 4. peristaltic waves 5. Muscular Layer

The can be divided into four regions:

Uterine Tube

The 1. is the funnel-like, open end of the uterine tubes. The edge of the 1. has numerous finger-like projections called 2. . The cells lining the inside surfaces of the 2. and 1. have that ensure that the ovulated secondary oocyte enters the tube and is propelled toward the uterus.

1. Infundibulum 2. Fimbriae 3. Cilia

The 1. is the expanded intermediate region of the uterine tube. 1

1. Ampulla

The 1. narrows near the uterus to form a short segment called the 2. . 1

1. Ampulla 2. Isthmus

This is the final segment of the tube within the wall of the uterus.

Intramural part

The is a pear-shaped organ that provides support for the developing embryo and fetus.


The uterus has a muscular wall called the whose contractions assist in the expulsion of the fetus during birth.


In most women the uterus bends over the in a position known as . However, in some women the uterus bends back toward the in a position known as

1. Urinary Bladder 2. Anteflexion 3. Sacrum 4. Retroflexion

The largest region of the uterus is called the . The rounded portion of the uterus superior to the attachment of the uterine tubes is the . Inferiorly, the body ends at a constriction called the . The cylindrical portion of the uterus below the isthmus is the .
2 1

1. Body 2. Fundus 3. Isthmus 4. Cervix

The inferior end of the cervix protrudes into the end of the . The passageway within the cervix is the which opens in the vagina at the and opens into the uterine cavity at the .

The uterus is and its position is stabilized by a number of ligaments


Uterus Ligaments are 1. 2. 3. 4.

1. Broad ligament 2. Uterosacral ligaments 3. Round ligaments 4. Cardinal ligaments

The peritoneum on the surface of the uterus extends from the sides of the uterus as a mesentery that attaches to the interior walls of the . This sheet of mesentery is called the .

1. Laterally 2. Pelvic Cavity 3. Broad Ligament

The are folds of fascia that extend from the lateral surfaces of the to the .

1. Uterosacral Ligaments 2. Uterus 3. Sacrum

These ligaments extend anteriorly from the lateral surfaces of the near the attachment of the through the and end in the connective tissue of the .

1. Round ligaments 2. Uterus 3. Uterine Tubes 4. Inguinal Canal 5. Labia Majora

These ligaments extend from the base of the and to the lateral walls of the .

1.Cardinal ligaments 2. Uterus 3. Vagina 4. Pelvis

The can be divided into three layers:

Uterine Wall

2 3

1. Perimetrium 2. Myometrium 3. Endometrium

The mucosa, or innermost lining of the uterus, is called the The contains numerous glands and blood vessels that provide physiological support for the conceptus.


This is the muscular wall of the uterus. It contains layers of smooth muscle that contract to provide the force that assists in moving the fetus from the uterus into the vagina.


The peritoneum of the pelvic cavity is present as a on the and anterior and posterior surfaces of the uterus. This serosa is called the .

1. Serosa 2. Fundus 3. Perimetrium



provide blood to the uterus.

Uterine and Ovarian Arteries

Within the myometrium encircle the endometrium

arcuate arteries

The endometrium is supplied by that branch from the .

1. radial arteries 2. arcuate arteries

Two types of arteries then supply blood to two zones of the endometrium:

Functional zone Basilar zone

The is the innermost zone of the endometrium. This zone contains most of the and it is supplied by .

1. Functional Zone 2. Uterine Glands 3. Spiral Arteries

This zone is adjacent to the myometrium. It contains the terminal ends of the and is not sloughed off with the . It is supplied by the .

1. Basilar zone 2. Uterine Glands 3. Menses 4. Straight Arteries

The is coordinated with the as it is influenced by the same hormonal cycle. The can be divided into three phases:

1. Uterine Cycle 2. Ovarian Cycle 3. Uterine Cycle

The uterine cycle begins with the . The is the period during which menstruation occurs. involves the degeneration and detachment of the of the uterus. The dead tissue is sloughed and along with some blood exits the uterus through the cervix and vagina.

1. Menses 2. Menses 3. Menstruation 4. Functional Zone

1. Menses

After the menses, and under the influence of secreted by the developing follicles of the , the of the endometrium is completely restored. By the end of this phase, which occurs during , the functional zone is several millimeters thick and highly . secreting a mucus rich in glycogen extend the full thickness of the endometrium to the basilar zone.

1. Proliferative Phase 2. Estrogens 3. Ovaries 4. Functional Zone 5. Ovulation 6. Vascularized 7. Uterine Glands

Proliferative Phase

The begins at ovulation and continues as long as the remains intact. The secretion of progestins by the corpus luteum stimulates enlargement and enhanced secretion of the and the elongation and further development of the .

1. Secretory Phase 2. Corpus Luteum 3. Endometrial Glands 4. Spiral Arteries

Secretory Phase

The is an elastic, muscular tube that extends from the cervix to the vestibule of the external genitalia. The recess that surrounds the part of the cervix that protrudes into the vagina is called the . The boundary between the vaginal and the vestibule is indicated by an elastic, epithelial fold, the .

1. Vagina 2. Fornix 3. Hymen

The is the central space that leads into the vagina.

Vestibule External Genitalia (aka Vulva, Pudendum)

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