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Industrial Ecology and LCA, Instructor Iddo Wernick Fall 2012 Syllabus (subject to refinement/updating)

SUS 7300CIndustrial Ecology and Life Cycle Analysis (Fall 2012) Description: Students will be introduced to the purpose, philosophy, and applications of Industrial Ecology as well as the status of environmental and urban resources. The basis and use of tools to assess Industrial Ecology will be reviewed, focusing on Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Carbon Footprinting. Several case studies that use the philosophy of Industrial Ecology to manage resources in the built environment will be presented and discussed: energy, agriculture, commerce, transportation systems, manufacturing, and waste management. 3hr/wk.; 3cr. Instructor Pre-req: Textbook: Dr. Iddo Wernick. Math 190 or equivalent, or consent of instructor. T. E. Graedel and Braden R. Allenby, Industrial Ecology and Sustainable Engineering, 2010, Prentice Hall and Selected Readings. Room: Shepard 209. Time: Monday 4:50-7:20pm Office Hours: Mondays 3-4 PM Shepard Hall Room 307B. Objectives: By the end of the course, students should be able to: determine the correct framework for assessing environmental problems using Industrial Ecology; quantitatively analyze environmental problems; and have an improved ability to effectively communicate technical information to a broad audience. Homework assignments 30% Midterm 30% Term Project 40% A term paper is due at the end of the semester. Students must submit a one-page outline of their term paper at mid-semester and present a five--minute talk describing their proposed project. The instructor will provide a list of suggested topics. Students may suggest their own topic of interest. Topics Covered (on an approximately weekly basis): Human Attitudes to the Natural Environment Driver-State-Response model Optimists and Pessimists Tragedy of the Commons Malthus Ehrlich/Simon wager Master Equations IPAT, IMPACT Readings: Graedel & Allenby Chapter 1, 2. New York Times editorial, December 15, 2009, Four Sides to Every Story, Stewart Brand.

Industrial Ecology and LCA, Instructor Iddo Wernick Fall 2012 Syllabus (subject to refinement/updating)

Defining Industrial Ecology Biological o Industrial Metabolism o Cycling materials and energy efficiency/resilience o Ecology as a science Physical o Materials Flow Analysis o Dematerialization - less resource for same bang o Waste Utilization Business o Market-based policies o Industrial Ecoparks Readings: Graedel & Allenby Chaps 3, 4, 5. Frosch R, 1997, Toward the End of Waste: Reflections on a New Ecology of Industry Resources (Production & Consumption) Land Energy Food Water Materials Readings: Graedel & Allenby Chapter 24. On Borrowed Time? Assessing the Threat of Mineral Depletion, 2003, John E. Tilton, Resources for the Future (RFF Press), Washington, DC. With Both Eyes Open chapter TBD. Land Food paper Indicators Environmental currency Cataloging Ratios Indices Readings: Wernick IK, Ausubel JH, 1995, National Material Metrics for Industrial Ecology, Resources Policy 21(3):189-98. Thomas P. Seager and Thomas L. Theis, 2004, A taxonomy of metrics for testing the industrial ecology hypotheses and application to design of freezer insulation, Journal of Cleaner Production 12 (2004) 865875.

Industrial Ecology and LCA, Instructor Iddo Wernick Fall 2012 Syllabus (subject to refinement/updating)

Building Technologies Look at science/engineering principles for: HVAC Windows Water Building materials/Embodied energy LEED Readings: Graedel & Allenby Chapter 11. Industrial Ecology of Architecture Metabolism and Foot print Ecological Design- Mimic natural systems - Use natural systems Wind-Sun Orientation Design for multiple functions Readings: Chapter from Kibert, CJ, 2008, Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery. 2nd Edition , Wiley, John & Sons. Van der Ryn S, Pena R. 2002. Ecologic analogues and architecture. In: Kibert CJ, Sendzimir J, Guy GB (eds). Construction Ecology. London: Spon Press. Design For Environment DFX concept where X is: o Environment Producer objectives Extended Producer Responsibility o Reuse o Disposability o Energy recovery o Use Phase DF Manufacturing o Process design o Green Chemistry o Decision Matrices Readings: Graedel & Allenby Chapters 8-10 Industrial Ecology by David T. Allen, Chapter 14 in EPA's Green Engineering Textbook, Green Engineering: Environmentally Conscious Design of Chemical Processes. Life Cycle Analysis Carbon footprinting as special case Formal LCA - Life Cycle Stages Examples o Drinking Cup example 3

Industrial Ecology and LCA, Instructor Iddo Wernick Fall 2012 Syllabus (subject to refinement/updating)

o Diaper example o Silicon solar panels example Data Sources Risk ranking LCA impact o Traditional midpoint, end point, Distance-to-Target (policy) o TRACI o Process-based and Economic Input Output LCA o EU examples - Software, Databases, Consulting o SLCA Readings: Graedel & Allenby Chapter 12-14. Emissions from Photovoltaic Life Cycles, 2008, Vasilis M. Fthenakis, Hyung Chul Kim, and Erik Alsema Environ. Sci. Technol., 42 (6), 2168-2174. Bare, J. C. (2002), TRACI. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 6: 4978. Cities Local Impact and Distant Impact IE Built Environment - use resource more efficiently, reduce waste, disrupt least o Urban density o Surface area o Transport o Water and wastewater o MSW Readings: Graedel & Allenby Chapters 20. Growth, innovation, scaling, and the pace of life in cities, PNAS _ April 24, 2007 _ vol. 104 _ no. 17 _ 73017306, Lus M. A. Bettencourt, et al. Water Water Supply o Surface/Ground o Cross basin transfers o Desalination o Recycling Water Pollution o Point/Non-point o Municipal/Industrial/Households Wastewater Treatment o Collection o Treatment o Discharge Readings: Graedel & Allenby Chapters 21.

Industrial Ecology and LCA, Instructor Iddo Wernick Fall 2012 Syllabus (subject to refinement/updating)

USGS, 2002, Pharmaceuticals, hormones, and other organic wastewater contaminants in U.S. streams, 1999-2000: A national reconnaissance, Environmental Science & Technology, v. 36, no. 6, pp. 1202-1211. Rhine/Hudson papers. Municipal Solid Waste Material sorting and recovery technologies Markets for recyclables Recycling policy Landfill - Pollution and Resource Special topics o Scrap Tires o Construction & Demolition Waste o Electronic waste o Carpet o Batteries Readings: T Amari, NJ Themelis, and IK Wernick, 1999, Resource Recovery from Used Rubber Tires, Resources Policy 25(3):179-188. Recent Paper on Plastic recycling Energy 1st Law of Thermodynamics 2nd law entropy Primary energy and end-use energy Energy Life cycle Alternative energies Climate o Geoengineering o Wedges Readings: Graedel & Allenby, Chapter 19. Curing climate backlash, Daniel Sarewitz, Nature vol. 464|4 March 2010. Stabilization Wedges: Solving the Climate Problem for the Next 50 Years with Current Technologies S. Pacala1 and R. Socolow 13 August 2004 vol. 305 Science. Economics and Government Rich enough to care? Forms of government Economic Valuation Blue Sky Readings: Graedel & Allenby Chapter 7, 26, 28. Kline JD, Mazzotta MJ, Patterson TM, 2009, Toward a Rational Exuberance for Ecosystem Services Markets, Journal of Forestry, June 2009 pp. 204-212. 5

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