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Philippine Association for the Sociology of Religion (PASR) and The Institute for Cultural Studies (ICS) Religion

in the 21st Century: National Canopy Forum on Religion in Contemporary Philippine Society December 6 - 7, 2013 Bulwagang Bonifacio, NALLRC, Polytechnic University of the Philippines Sta. Mesa, Manila

Many scholars in the past century predicted that modernity, industrialization, science and secularism will cause the wane of religion as a definitive force in society in the succeeding years. To some degree, their predictions have come true as we consider some aspects of religion dwindling in their influence today; however, we cannot discard the fact that religious processes and its engendered social structures continue to thrive in different communities and, to some extent, morph into different forms, pervading and manifesting themselves in different avenues of social life: sometimes, determinative of current social change and sociopolitical relations resulting to conflicts and wars; oftentimes, more implicit and benign as they affect how we define ourselves, relate to others, and see the world in everyday life. This National Canopy Forum explores the contemporary relevance of Religion as a social institution in society. The first day will be dedicated to a seminar discussing contemporary theories in the Sociology of Religion and Indigenous Research Methods. This is timely and important since sociologizing religion requires sensitizing theories and concepts and culturally sensitive methodology. On the following day, speakers and participants will discuss current researches and insights in the Social Sciences, Philosophy, Theology and Cultural Studies that tackle some of the most neglected but intriguing dimensions of Philippine society. Panel themes include: (1) the Dialogue of Life in Quiapo and Binondo; (2) Religion, Technology and Cyberspace; (3) Religion, Identity, Sexuality and Politics; (4) Religion in Everyday Life; (5) Religion in Disasters; (6) the Cult of the Dead; and (7) Religious Heritage in Philippine Society. We invite individual submissions of abstracts, reports about on-going research projects or complete papers delving on these panel themes for possible presentation at the National Canopy Forum until November 15, 2013. Please send your abstracts to: or (You may also direct your inquiries to these e-mail addresses.) The National Canopy Forum is covered by the year-round CHED endorsement for the activities jointly organized by the Institute for Cultural Studies of PUP, Institute of Religion of UST and the Philippine Association for the Sociology of Religion (PASR) for the promotion of the sociology of religion in the Philippines. For more details, you may visit or contact our President at 09423839543 or the Secretary at 09214632761.

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