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I,IIN ERAL l{()RK Joxlnnes I smcr Hor-uno r

I n u h i ch a n e e o n ta i ned the dr auinge of hi.e eeenet funn a e e s a n d a e ve ra l o th e n leeeels and instnum ente m entioned i n o t h en l o f h i e u n i ti n g a; in addition to othen eaeellent e e e r e t te e h n i q u e e .
I?anslated frcrn Lot Cenran into E enn e t ie High @rnan by a skilled farrcier

P h ilo s o p h u


Dear readen, after tlE third part of tle l{irpral tbrk of the great phifosopher Jolurmee feaae Hollandus, of r*ridr rptJting tras treretofce been npnticned in any bmk, care into ny harrls, I lnncdlately decided to translate tt into cur Higtr GeunantargnEge for ycrr benefit. lrlany a rnan night rpt ha\te dsE it, but trridrt have laept, it fc hftnself. f, lrever, do rrt qtsider ttris ri$rt, brt belierrc it to be everl ne's duty b firrtlEr the crmsr good to the best of qrers ability, *ridt firrtlnrare is dse in rp mll nEasure try nEldrg arrailable to trqlle ttre writings of the wise ren, s that they, shen reaa:nl thsn, are lrducd eirnilarly to etriug for ryisdcrn, art ard vi:fin, ad to qpeal fc tlpse to tlre giwr of tlse glfts. tlsr, Ibllardts is qrsiderd cre of tte in natunl ecierrs wtp ever Lived ln Ctristerrilcm, it i^s ri$rt tiat his writings stsfld also be d.iligently hrrytrt b light ant rot wit]rhels, as is tnfortwately rp &trbt &re by srei becarse oe canrpt laarn aryttrirlg of his great Opere oegetabiTi--r&ictr is rp douh, a naqnifisrt intricate bocik, because everywtnre referere iB Ede to it ard orrcn 300 drapters of it are E$#hrt rpt of hj-s Operc anhmli. Cre can crly assrne, tlsefore, tiat tlEse ad ottcrs of his r*ritings, of r*rictr qre lcuilrs rptltirtg JEt, are a4pressed and withheld by errviors peruts; h.rt tut right srh a 1xooeAr're is enrcry fancier can aee try the fact, that ntten he tears of a good arrl useful bocilrr tE wlshes ant m,ild liJte tne criller to let him red it t@. Ifr $I11' thent If ltctt liJre othens to trea'L 1'cu in thLs my, trea't them li.kerrise wittt tfiat 1rcu lranre, aooAirq to t.he eqrress qmrarrftat qrr of lord: fftat 1nr wish others to do r.urto 1ou, & rnto thsn. f hear that a ncn of high ranl( is witlttnldirg Ue Vegetable Bmk of the dearest mn, Paraelsus, tur dc tE allcrl anlue to oryy urtfthirg frcn it. lErose rnrst be de\riltsh niflfs ntrich, so to glnak, rS the pblic Listsr, yur emrlds mrcter, rD trEtter rfto yru are, fou rfio have Fod. the ardacity b wit]rfpld sdrEttrJng written fon tle gneraf pblic hry arh highfy gifEd nen. llave tlsr Utese eane autlprs wrltten for the ard hide it? erd rFt ratlE ttEt tl|e tr.lrpoe that yql eludd qel general prblic ant the lurelard, aleo its dear chtfdrerl, the deecendants, night be ilW.ovedl by tt? If tnei.r irrtenticr had been to lcp thefr gifts e@t arrt hifien, tlEy mi$rt 811 ha\re sa\rd t}rgnselrcs the tmrble of writirrg.


hrt I an afraid t}rat this refletiqr will be little heded by srrch envicnrs Persqts; for r*tpever &es rDt take rpte of the tclrjble ttrreat ot Christ (fiictt will ore tnE slttll mEh nore assuredly than re aee learren ard rttt before o:r eyes) tlat the senrant r*ro brries hls talent will be thmn into uttelrret darlctess, will take rnEh less rrcte of orr wriJrportant rprds. I wifl tfenefore learre tlsn to tlEi-r poisdurs mtnds ant take care of cnrree.hres, that rF ftry & orr duty wittr tfe lelp of God, tv tdpse fugrlse I, ds ncnticned, have nost d,iligently tnnslated thi^e treatise ftsn Drtch inb Hidr Geunan, trave ocpied aU figures nDst exactly, ard eent everytniry to b lrinted. Ant I tqE, if It pleases @d, nr(t also to Frdfish Hollandusl "Opuawgetabile?' of the rine. A1tfu$r it has ben Fbfished in lati d in Arnheim, I ha\te dis@\rered, by orparirrg it witi tlE Drtch nunuscipt, tJrat it has not been transbtd ccrecUy. Besides, it is rrcrt,ccnplete, bJt ttE seqd Part i.s still rnissirg, rfi, to speak of tlc fact tlrat cne can hardly Eet, lt anlz lcrryer, deficines E trcpe to ocnpensate for. Uterniry cur lbJ-lardrs, f ernt relly krr{ at v*hat tire tE IivEd, hrt f have fgrd firqn a n&Le c?emieo tlat he tivd at tlc tine of grardfatler witi rilur, as lE ms also an exe.llerrt philoeotle tatts's I*rer, he ms finkd in geat ftiendstrip, Just as with yet ardhen great GDse ttree great rte.sters Ere \rery fanurs at Ipsseasor of the ecrrets. that t$tE. ltris, and other cl-rqmstdEes, allcrr ua b aasure tlrat lbllanfus had rp dcrlrt lcnsr Panelsus, tut tnat he ms pcbnbly ratlrer old at tJte LifiE of ParaselsrJs' ycr:th (1493?-1311). Ge sare ie pr*ably tnn of Baeili.ue Valentirune, tJtat he alo 6till Ii\red ntsr Paracelans me 1tqng, altluryh the high-nirded lblrrrcnt states irr the 'T?aetat trh prtma OTW|co?umprincipiat that Paraelgus ms 150 yEars yffirger tian Valentirnrs, ard that his fuve$tisr of tlre three Chenieal winctplee hd been a plagiarisn. It iB, tnerrcr qz to fo\re hDtBastltug \xalentinus hlr self that that cpinio is rmgr, eirne Basilfirs teadtes a rsrcdlun ln his hrt TfirylnL Clwiot fc the Mr dieese, *ricfr tlren just curred. ad rnJther Basllius t}rat disse started crfy abut ttE 15th ertury, rpn Paraeleus @rld tleefcre ha\re El,tten t*nty 1lears apart frqn eactt otheri. erd asarnirg tlat Bastliue and lbllandus rrcte t*nty years prior inr to Paraelsus, re cm rnverthelees rd ErssrrtEthat tletr rrritings se nediately 1rrUfidEd, ao that Parael$rs 6ild harc cqied firqn ttslt dd lnterlardd his writirgs with thstt. frcm ottnrs tltan It is also tnre tnat thy lra\re ttEj.r lcuildge Paracel.$.ts, atd ncne of tlgn can'be Bald to be tJte tnventor of the three Clsnical Prircipfes ard others with rfiich ttrsy deafr for it can be Froved by very old bocirs that ttE oppeea tlftd prnttciphn of t}te alcalfuE aEtF salt whirfi.ig in aU thirye ln the fire, hE.sbsr tcudn ard usd b1 elrymien glre tlrc imgwial, tluEtr the sdrcIe did rd classify it anurq tlE as they are tday being taugtlt in ttE bcilts of olums of tlre firrcipl, Yet it my rell be that Paraelsus qreulted orally witlt tlEse or griJd. lcrcnF len and tnat they gnddd him to geater rientifi.c hidrlflltrminatd ldcing fq the Art, aill Ldge, elrc Paraelsus tr:avefed in rwry ontrieE larn frrcnr EdrE nEn. fb cculd alo trave agtred wlth tlElt ms rpt anil be quaUy tafented liJ<e tl'sn. tn his writirgs witturt their instructlan, qrsrarnfy in varios netjcns rnt lrrurn ittrst s oUEr Afupfi harp rritten aid rrt laclc tn drlt Ey tn inccnr BirEe Paraelers to ch otlnr, eqsinffy parable ingerri-ousrEss as his pru,eeeptor, Salomon l?tenoei,n, reoqnLzed and ( 2)

Fredicted in his sdrcI ]tearg that his disciple, Philipp ttotrenheircr rtild yet tarrn into a ruder of the rcrld, as did in fact. happen. It that be as i.t ttuy, rD cle can trave a grat gift ftsn anyrrtnre hrt ftcm God, r*sn re shculd also tbank fc lt ard pray to htm $ith alf qrt tert tltat tE ntght frrt}rer endclr hi$t-ehining nEn, $.Etr as rculd be highly rrcessary for the mrtbling ard tnrribly srfueed Churdr netters, fc resttring eedierEe ard faith to oader ard lnnury, rc that the miserable yellfug of tle 161renlr19 rclyes; lEre, tlEre, over tltre yar rdll be eaved - rculd @re to is Christ - aording to qrr rellgicr an end; arrt instcad tlre agercId toly apstollc life mrld again be set in nptian by wise nsr esrt by eod; for bry tlEj:r splerrdlid divjrc gifEs and calls to rErity re lour that tsadrers orc fran God. In sttradistinc{,ist, disSnrsior, orfrrsicrr, disorder, nnnlbeaddress, and acintless sects are a sign of the rillenirrg.rclf kirt. Cre strcu1d justly learn to rptioe ard wdenstard that God is rpt a God of qrfusiqr ard dieorden hrt of oriler ard peace, ard tlat tE reccmended ard left to us peace qr tle easiqr ft is s:rely of his last farrerrell. a pity that cte listens to srnh mtserable wretdres of eectarians, allor irtg qEself to bemrc eo deplonbly sparated frsn tlre H of perfectiqr, tiat is, fnn love ard rrdW; sirrce it is pblicly lsu,m that $ctr lawlens do rst wderstard srEll eartfUy thirgs, tnr tlEn can t}te5r harrc reoognizd the teatenly things rE\rer seern, as crrr Iord titef,ise a:rgued: If lotr do not believe utsl I Epeak to yor of earthly things, tsr rrculd yan believe if I Epeak to yotr of teavenly ttrirrts? As if he wished to say that, wtne\rer is blird fon earthly ttdngs utrich he sees errcr1day, moet recessarily be blirden ard nue igrorant fcr tearenly things whictl rp ttutnn qfe has e\rer geen. nris irmntestably alplies to tlte sectarians, in htsn rpt cne spark of divire [uer, wiedcrn ard virhrc is shining, brt ntn ofly resorts to t}eir slreeprE oats. If tlEy Ere s gter to greach, t}relz hrould Fr# Htriclh thery do rpt do, turenrcn. ably do so befone unbelie\ring tetlsrs, lthy tlte lbrcifril God graciorely deliven his Ctnrrdr frcnr Euctr \rennint with ttEse rDrds erurgh of this. Ftrr tlE rest I re4luest ard aftrnistr anl'qre to yrtsn it applies, that if Divirn Prurjdere has put olE or anottcn edifyirtg writing urr:ler tris chre, he nake suctr liksrise arrailable fc tle orrrsr gpod, to vrhich it belmgs. Itry mild he needlessly erpoee hfuself to stffer tle jrdgrcnt of t}te run rriho hid his talent, r*trile instead, ty srrerdering his talent to tlte elCnngFbank, he can nalce hirrcelf agreeable to God ad pians pnsons, I, fc ttty part, will earrestly erdeatw to recognize stEtr trresty as a favw bestcrlecl qur rE in epecie ard a of Gd to be earned to the best of qe's ability. With thia, nay the ChrisLian reader fare re1l, arrl ray tE be sirrcerely orrcrrled to Divire Gace.

(3 )

(F Itfi TMNSI-ATOR,; PREFACE NB It it be lsffi to tlE reader t}tat the arangsrEnt of tlre ctrapters in this tras*ate has tpt been dcne by Eolladas trirrgelf hrt bDrrre, ion better retEr.rtlsr. otlpnrige, tpwsrer, r ha\E l<egt to hts style rgd by rffi. apart ftEro thig, let it be Eaid to tln ilnrytrtreas !s a eirpers rrarr ilE that ttty stnrld rpt, undertake tln goesses tErfui descibed ad rcrk wittstt reflecLio aroafuig to tlE letter; Clswire, I sill rnrt arcept any gruilt if trey hEn tldr hmds. rt is better firgt to Itbor with the head ard to t*retard t}e nearing of tte Saqes tlrmttrr Ettdyirrt ratlen tlan tjrrqryh the bard and erparses. lhe sages have arptlrer Mercuyia than the srrEn, fiich is like the otlr hrt very differrent in Eulity. lftis nret be &tained tfgq.Eh t.he old Saturnus, utrictr carries the sigur of tJre ncrld.

(4 )

The Mineral Work

trly child, all things the philosophers without forrowed nature before and first put

in water,

any feees,

they used them also looked first put the

in the chymical Art. for the earth into

similarry, just

the philosophers as God Almighty the earth

in the water,


the water;

and they did find their precious

in the water, since the they then called beginning of arl things

and dear stone,

is of earth. and make it it rf,

That is why one must take fertile, before sowing into

oner8 earth, it; self rain other

prepare it

for without it


cannot bear fruit, therefore, it

because by it-

is cold and dry.

is not moistened by on the that not too

and warmed by the sun, it hand, if it is burnt

cannot produce frul.t.

by the Eun, it temperature, To this

is also steril_e; not too hot,

is why it cold,

must be of the right

not too dry,

not too moist. with

end, the masters inhot and moist. on it more write

vented an Aquafort, rn this strong

which to make the earth earth, not pouring

they dlssorved water (Aguafort)


than required.

The philosophers

about it rf

as follows: our stone is too dry, Lt brings if it forth no fruLt; it if it

is too hurntd, it rates. Aquafort

drowns the fruit;

is too hot,


That is why the earth

or the stone must not get more it. otherilise it wirl

than ie necesEary to dissorve too hotror too moistr

become either

ot too volatile. the spirits

For alof saltto rise say: rf

though the stone or the earth petre with will thenr. nevertheless

is fixed,

cause the stone or the earth

lrhie ls the reason why the philosophers ie etronger with it; than t,he eotpue, but if tt wirl

the spirit

cause the aquafort

co?pus to rise

you give too littte

to the earth, fruit. weight lifer No real


wirl weight

become all

too dry and unable to bear for their in everything neceasaries of

can be preecribed, all things

is nothing

but giving

i D d n o mo re r D o l ess.

II Cxnpren
When then the earth is ready to receive sandf,old. fore: their all earth If this has been dissolved in such a rilay, it forth fruit a thouthe eeed and to bring nature is followedr

dB has been shown bebefore God put that this


must first

have been water,

in water.

From this

the wise men understood But what is ig,

the earth earth?

had to be pulred

out of the water. the seed, that Therefore, for

One understands


such a seed

as you would like thing etc. for

to harvest. it,

do not look in a

what is not in

from a man again comes a man,

The philosophers perfect

took for


stone a thing elements,



and which was above the four either in waterr

which cannot or in

be corrupted fire,

or in airr

or in earthr

which alone is gold, and silver

seven times purified,

cemented by way. im-

eementum regale,

and mercury cemented in this and cleansed i",O )ana tllen of their p

Then they put these together purity, clear as crystal,


, which befron the

come red as gold; gold,

and they eought to make aa elicir manner:

in the following

Cxnprpn III
My child, upon a furnace moisture, that it if it take pure mercury, with moderate fire, put it for

v\ oven-vessel, its

six weeke, until

has too much of it,

be dried

up; consequently, be possible to

be between fixed

and not fixed, - 2-

and it

rightly verr just

amalgarnate with


Then they took as much gord or siland amalgamated it with the mercurius, in-


by cementing,

enough to amarganate and no more. and put it into

Thereupon they put it

to a glass vessel tnipode,

the furnace of the wise, just as if 9 days.

or in

and gave it without out,

moderate heat, getting

one were to keep After that,

lead in flux they took it ginal it

hard - for

and it

was a dark powder(*in

the Dutch ori-

i s w ri tte n

" a Per sian powder ' ,) . as much mercury as for so that it the first again. for

Then they again gave it amalgamation,

and amalgamated itr the vessel

came alive

They put in into

ae before,

and again heated it four or five

9 days as previously. or as often Ionger

They repeated this

times, and no has

as necessary into

to keep the amalgarnate alive Then the gold or eilver


a powder.

drunk sufficiently

of the mercurius. glass veseel that it. was very thick,

Now they took a large

and they put the amalgamate into

They put a helm on with to three or

a big head, as big as a manrs head, in addition four noses. To every noae they luted for 3 days. After a big this,



heated moderately er fire 12 hours. for

they gave a strongburning hot for

3 days.

Then they made the vesgel all that

Thus they sublimated

could be subli.rnated, tight, becauee in

but they took care that of the lae oi,nginie,

the vessel

was guite

which goes over each tinre and drips Lae oitgi,ni.e well After

the recipients. titl

They kept this

etoppered that, they

they put the stone into it to cool


allowed matter.

down, rlnoved the helm and the eublirnated a stone mortar, added the

They put the feeee into - 3-





and vinegar,



again beBut

came an amalgamate. if it

That they washed with they added a little


dlid not come alive,

of the mercury Thie they

and put t,he amalganation to sublimate did so long tirl mation. and rid everything

as before.

rose together related

through the subli-

fn the manner just

t}re eorpua was overpowered ..

o f L ts cru d e n e ss, and m ade spir itual.

The above-mentioned ophers, wish put it and it is



first of

ordinance the or eo?puy.


the ff


an augmentatl.on this

now you (or lLme) , in t o a

to thake an augment of in such a glass Revolve the

white p la t e

red chalk

(No . 1 o f glas s ,


and that f ix it . to

fur n a ce . (figieren). work.

a n d a g a in , or silver,

so as to

llhen you have gold



If, take this

however, you wieh to make the philosopherrs fixed ealeem which has been coagulated or imbibe) it with

Btone, wdy,

in this

and inbi.bine
lae vinginie. wLth ashes or tha t ls,

(eaturate Take it
sand. of

the aforementioned into


to a furnace

and put it
coagulated of

a vessel
aleali, put

Then take aLeal i

2 parts

a n d o n e p a rt

e a |, a mmo n ia e .

them together lination night, till let

on your furnaee the


to eubllmate. fixed

Repeat this During



on the bottom.

Lt dissolve that

on a etone in cold air; is humid.


the day, with

in a cold cellar this water. with

Drench the silverlLme drying it lt

Repeat it ashes.

seven tirnes,

each tLme in a


Then dissolve - 4-

i.n balneo or horse dung,


40 days, in an open vessel.

Now take it


pour off

what has been dissolved, a furnace Do that fore. as before.

and put what etays at the bottom on with it eaZ ammoniae water. as be-

Again drench it and let

7 timesr

is before,

again dissolve

Repeat until


is dissolved. into a eubtile ( subtle) let

No w co a g u l a te i t powder. calcinate Put it into

a nd tur n it

a broad vessel, for


aa a thunb;

in tnipode

2I days; then take it t- he balneum, for

out and set In bewith .it, it it close is

t o p u tre fa e ti o ,

o r i n to

40 days.

tween those 40 days you must nourish good food of gold or silver. your vessel satiated, and set it

your medicine

Once you have added and feed it till

to putrefy;


the medicine has become so subtle and come to naught if gold, it


would consnme itself nourished,

were not eilver. When it and

the red with

the white with

the pieces no longer stand thus for thr,ow yet etill

dissolve, 7 days. piece this

close the vessel

and let

another little

Then open your vessel, into it to see if it


gets the


Look for

every 5 or 7 days tilt out and eet it all

40 days are over;

then take it

to coagulate. netals trans-

Now your philosophical muted into

stone ie prepared,

gold or silver.

Cmpren VI How ro PnrplnrSIlvrn ron rxr Srone. lHn lrs Fooo

My child, deseendants Iet us now conaider what thing Eermee and his stone. found of which they made their gold and fine silverr ds it perfect

They took fine

eomee from the

Minena, and as nature

had cooked it, - 5-

since the seed must be

good, if

the fruit

is to be good.

you cannot take any kind itself. For whatthere-

of seed for which a fruit

is to grow for

ever Eeed you sohr, such kind you will fore, look in a thing for


Do not,

what is not in it, gold and silver,

aa eaid before. i.e. r gold they reThen conunon

And they cemented their

(was cemented) 7 times through eementum negalei fined silver on the "cuper" thin like and refined it

of lead. with

they beat it sart

penniee and cemented it earthiness with

which had been cleansed of its cl a ri fi e d

by having this salt of too

b e e n d i sso l ve d ,

and congealed. so often tirl it

they cemented the sirver the fire. hot,

came out white

. But you muet know that the salt can mert; this for

you should not make it then the silver wourd

so that


also melt, Afte r Take 3 lbs. Roman vitriol phur,

and then all th i s, ke e p tt

labor would be lost. 24 hour s in the for lowing and prepared sartr earthinees, I lb; eem ent:

of white, clarified

purified of its

ds before; Living it these sulin

of which the erude hag been separated by boiling ds will be taught later on, I lb. Dissolve

vinegarr three for


in good, dietilled

wine vinegar After

and put them this, congeal 24

2L days in the balneum to putrefy.

them and powder them down finely; hours without let them cool melting, down. following

now calcinate

them for

which remove the fire


Again rub them to a fine at night,

1rcwder and let dur-

them dissolve ing the day.

in cold air I{hen all into

and in a cold cellar that can be diseolved, above the

is dissolved a glass vesselt

put your matter fire

place that

in a bowl with

ashes; add a helm.

-6 -

Thus your matter will

stay pure. it finery

Now take as much of this and, together with


as you wish, silver, prt


the laminated stopper lt well

rayer for

upon rayer 24 hoursr as often actually silver

in your vesser.

and cement it frowing.

dE has been said before, tiLr your silver and that


Do this

has started it

to become dead (taub is Then your and


meets your wishes.

is ready for it

inunediately making of it

the stone,

a l s o t o fe e d w i th

b e for e and dur ing putnefaetio.

Cxnpren VI I
T xp p u R r pr CatIott op Sul pHUR Take r0 or L2 lbs of living in good, clear this first; one off wine vinegar off, tilI till sulphur, powder and boir ie corored. it pour

the vinegar

corored vinegar again boil it

and pour other.vinegar the vinegar vinegar. is corored.

on top of the pour that the vinegar is

too and add fresh colored. sulphur; stay

Repeat till

no longer purified

Now congeal this

corored vinegar,

and your

which you must use for at the bottom.

the work described

above, will

Anorurn Punrprcarron op Sulpnun

There were aome who took riving it and put it vinegar into a big, earthennare sulphur, can. L2 rbs, powdered They poured dis-


upon it it

and put the can in the balneum, well boil it for 3 days and 3 nights, then

stoppered. cooled colored it

They let down and let


They decanted the erear, vinegar on top, and after they


and poured fresh for

the mixture

had been boiling

3 days and 3 nights, this tirl

cooled and skfuuned it. would not become eolored. put the colored vinegar

They repeated

the vinegar

Then they threw away t-he feeee, alr together

-7 -


an alembic with

helm, and distilred balneum. dish.

the vinegar

to about one quarter into

in the

Then they took it for

out and poured it 3 or { days into into

a grass

They placed it that like time it clear

a cord cerrar, clear and

and within transparent


a saltpetre,

iAugstein" that vinegar

or a noble golden yellow. in the dish again into till some-

Again they evaporated thing etayed in it,

and they put it

the cellar powder as stones it in

to crystalize,.

fhey evaporated to a dry,


what was not crystalltzedr the powder of noble gold. evaporate distilled t,he feeee, fresh into a yellow

iDd which was eo beautiful They aleo let the little

powder, and again dissolved 6s before.

wine vinegarr

They then precipitated from above, and again this work till no more

and poured the pure matter on top. They repeated


feces remaLned. Again they distilled proximately Since all leaving tal three-quarters, the sulphur any feces, saved. in this it the colored(tincted) and let vJ.negarr dpae before.

Lt crystalize

was by now clean and pure, without was ready and cleansed, ft ie a great way. alchemical pure as cryssecret how to

which is



Cxrpr e VITI n or lrfticunrus Tur PunrprcarroH

Take Roman vitrlol, Dlix thern with previously 6 or 8 lbs; comnon salt, 2 Ibs. 3 lbs of mercury washed wlth times (quicksilver) ealt , which has Subli-

been well

and vinegar.

nate your mercury fresh matter.



them, each time taking

Keep Lt for

Later use.
-8 -

Txr PuntprcnrloN or
Take sal vitriol with armnoniac, 3 lbs; and Lap haenatit, fresh matter;

Sqr Amr.tonrlc
sublimate it through Roman 3 tirnesr ich time

or bloodstone,

and keep it

for when you need it.

Drssor-vrne ldlten op rue PHrr-osopurRs

They took eton e , Roman vitriol, or iro n 6 parts; ru s t , Lap haenatit or or bloodA ES T h ey a 4 lbs , three two e?oeue fenri v e n millio n dtctt put c in n a b a r,

ASTAM or burnt dried these

copper, till

ammo n iu m min e n a le they powderedr

o n e p a rt . them into o n t h e m,

items vessel,


d isti l l i ng and dietilled times partsr


re c t if ie d , to the

a q u a p it a e

them again another. into


powdered feoear this water glass. into

one after gach part

They divided

a separate


Now they added one-third sublimated and preserved

of the prepared 9p

to the red,

as mentioned before,

and dissolved in

in the balneum.

When they had done that,

they dissolved also in the

glass one-third the Berme balneum, and later dissolved

of the prepared 4), . There arl""

also the q

three were which had been called secret it fitting

in the water

of the philosophers,

prepared from t-h'e aqua oi.tae, the philosopherst powers. ft's

and which is rightly wonderful nor is

water on account of its

wonders cannot be deecribed, them, because of certain

to describe this


They preserved

water in which the spirite one-third

had thus been diesolved. of fine all gold in the other part

Then they dissolved of the water, into clear

in balneum, until


was dissolved

water. - 9-



they poured it stLrred

to the water in which the spirits it well ln order to unite

had been dissolved' the epirit wlth

and nixed

the body.

Then they sealed the glass strained

(hermetlcarry), stover

put Lt Lnto a dieh wlth

ashes on the they go up which into

6s much ashes as the matter was deep. fire, with

At flrst,

gave but a little and down together

and then they saw the spirits the water, with untll many little the spirits


were blood red and golden yellow, one color, i.e., brownish-yellow. thus steadily and coarser


Now they increaeed the fire till they eaw the little That was a slgn eoagulating. Now

somewhat and kept it veins that become bigger the matter

and fewer. and etarted

began to thicken fire

they Lnereased their er the little they made their veins fire,

once again,

and the coarser

and thick-

or rays became, the etronger untLl the matter was fixed

and stronger and no more at

rays could be seen in the g1ass. the bottom, This oil like oil, brownish-red,

The matter clear

Btayed fixed

and transparent.

w a s th e e l i xi r,

oom positum . elixir, put lt into an dmpulla, sealed

Then they took this it, put it in tnipode, thie

and gave a moderate heat for time the elixir one c6uld turn eoaguLated into Lt into

40 days and the philosft was

nights. ophical

I{ithin stoner

80 that

powder. gold,

a delightful

treasur e, vhich changed lead into

Just as

Jeetion will

and D

r whieh gold was better

I Remmber this

than the one that

work vell, the pro-

comea out of the mountaine. te a ch i tse l f.

Cnlprpn XI

Sprnrrs Altotxrn llonr wrrx npse Txnge

My child, they then went further and acconplished yet an-

:her work with other 4t


these three as before,

s of


, prepared

them. bne ounce of copper lead or white lead; They

Then they took one-third fillings, and one-third

of iron-fillings,


of grated

mixed these pieces font, of

and diseolved

them in the normal way in aqua3 parts of

made of 5 parts

of Roman vitriol,

, I part

Lap haematit,

and 10 parts

of saltpetre.

This they poured and so

3 or 4 times on the feces, dried that they were like this

each time powdered finely dust. into two parts.

They divided they dissolved

aq. fort spirits;

f'n one part part they dis-

the three

in the other

solved t,he eonpora (bodies), $lhen they were all dissolved into

euch as iron, into clear

eopper and lead. they poured well closed, they drive no


both waters together

a glass, for

and put it,

in the balneum, to putrefy the'aq. Ionger. fort After off

15 days.

Afterwards it

Ln a moderate balneum, till they left it still


that tilI


I days in the

balneum, boiling the glass glaes, is

the matter

was dry.

Now they removed into another they sdal ed i t and

from the balneutn and put the matter i s d e p i cte d o n the plate in tripode

as No. 2.( p9.14) there for

above and put it to dry well

to digegt

15 days,

and ealcLnate. took the glags out and put the matter firet with into a

Now they eublimatLng fire; nixlng


They eublLmated it, They did the feces, this

a little each again


stronger. with

7 timeg,

what had risen

in order

to thoroughly

draw the spirits to reverberate and 3 nights,

out, of the bodies. into with

Then they put the feces during 3 days

the reverberatl.on-furnace, a morderate heat, letting

them glow blood-



but not bright-red, After that,



would be too hot. into a for 3 or

they took it

out and put the matter on it,

g1ass, poured dietilled 3 or 4 days into 4 ti.nes with feces drop.


and placed it it the

the balneum.

Every day they etirred it cool and let

the hands; then they let They poured off

what was pure very gently the vinecar off.

from Thus

above, put a helm on, and distilled the ealt of the three salt bodies

stayed at the bottom. it


removed this tion-furnace

and calcinated it well

again in the reverbera? daye and 7 nights. a glass, poured

and let

glow tor put it upon it,

Then they took it good dietilled and did clear

out again,


wine vinegar

put it

in the balneum, which lraa very

as before.

Then they took out the ealt

and blood-Ed. Then they took our Agua vitae prepared ealt, for the Red, as it


is taught,

and poured it

upon this

and dissolved in a lukewarm and diesolved They re-

on hot ashes. balneo; again,

Again they drew off Agua vitae

the Salt on it

they poured. fresh and drew it tilt off

in the balnuem as before. no longer

peated thie like

the salt

congealed but remained epirits, ground salt,

a red oil.

Then they took the sublimated and irnbibed and drying the oil them with

them on a stone, steadily aghee, till rubbing all

the dissolved

(them) at the aun or on lukewarm

had been absorbed by the spirits. and put it in tripode, into a glass, such

Now they took all

the matter

aa ie drawn abover iDd put it fire for 15 daya. for After that,


a moderate broke the

they removed itr


the matter

waa ae hard as glass;

then they poundinto a fixation

ed the matter

to a subtle. powder and put it - L2-


(" F i g i e r-Gl a s" ). which dissolved till

They pour ed som e of our Aqua vitae inunediately. But they poured Eome Then they sealed on the furnace. increasing was fixed the fire and reThey

upon it,

more on it


was dissolved.

the coaguLation glass They let as it it

henmetiee and put it

stand on warm ashes, gradually everything oil

was going up and down till a fixed

mained at the bottqn'ae put it glass I{ithin into for this

which is an elixir.

a glass ampulla,

sealed it regulating

above, and kept the the fLre as before.

40 days in tripode, time th elixir

congeals into

the philosopher's

stone which truly

trane;irutes I
teach my child

Cnaprrn XII
Now f will philosophers, for in this which is their furnace their is,

3nd D

into O
of the

how to make the furnace calcinaGlon-furnace their

or a dry "Stove", spirits with and a

they cal-cinate elixir.


congeal therein gentle their child fire, ealia

They also digest matter furnace


that in it.

they make their The name of this

subtle is

and dry My


should know that of works, secret

we have heretofore without separation is often



on many kinds for which this I will

of the elements, Now, however' secret



teach you aome works in the course of which this times. Make it

furnace comes in handy several

ae follows.

Funrunce l'looel or rxe SecnEr

N0 . 3 1 p e 1 4 )
First which there holesr iron one puts down a big, round foot Starting of the furnace, from these ashone puts an One continin are 3 or 4 ash-ho1es. high.

on puts masonry 2 feet croas that is big,

Upon that

atrong and thick,(

No. 4.)


ues to make a round furnace with masonry, one and a harf high. into fire, rn the center of the furnacer


or reaves a aquare hore, the heat of the After removing

which one can insert together with

one's hand to feel it.

a stone which closes

oners hand, one must inunediatery close the hole to preserve the heat. welL-keeping groove, Let the furnace be coated inside glue. and outside with

olrer the brim of the furnace of two fingers, lid, i nside up with well since there

leave a

the width ra i se d

must come on and a

top a big, outside

glazed by the potter , fnside the furnace




chamber (room) must be constructed one eIl high, baked of strong thick, will well clay

(no. 5 of the diagram), in a potterrs oven. ft

must be 4 fingers one end with

glazed inside

as well

as the it

stand on the iron

cross which lles

at the bottom of the furnace. one and a harf quarterr so that

This vesser shourd be wide, one quarter of room remains An even

between the container lid there

and the big round furnace. the inside,

(No. 6) rnust be made for should lie a cross with

and in the center (No.Z), upon which e99.

a round ring

s t a n d s th e g l a ss a n p u l l a 9lhen either is standing with

( No. 8) or the philosopher ,s on the eross, its lid

one should cover the lt. (see plate page 14) lid be-

charnber (bontainer) Af ter this,

and lute lute

one has to tightly rim of the big

the la'rge,


onto the inner


Then prod the fire

low in the furnace. gtands the glass with thereinr

rn the chamber, atover the natter,

oE dry oven there are calcinated

or the spirits

or one can dry thereLn. underetand me well as far as thls earthenware ft is

My child, vessel

ie concerned that

is to stand in the big furnace.


called inside ter.

the chamber or dry stove. the iron On this cross must lie,

The potter

is to make it,


somewhat lower than in the cen-

cross is placed the anpuTla or the eggr oE another in which one wants to dry something. r have also

open vesser drawn three In this volatilizing,

types of glasses


we need in the Art. all spirits without their

furnace you can calcinate for in this

furnace they cannot fly, most of all

because they of

have everlnrhere egual heat, the furnace. cross, quarter flows

in the upper part itanding and it sideer

For the earthenware cask is foot above the fire, on all

on the big etands a

one and a half ell

away from the furnace

so that

the heat

around the earthenware and rises against


between the walrs

of the down cask it.


the lid. caeki

Then the heat turns and the earthenware no air can enter

again and upon the earthenware is up above luted Thus the spirits Therefore, with its lid,

so that

have equal heat round about in thiE epirits in it


one can dry all fn this

and produce their all spirits in

crystallization. and eonpo:pa unite this furnace If all

furnace one achieves that one another. and distill

and merge into spirits,

You calcinate them after-

to dissolve

wards. fn this

we did not possess this elixirs,

furnacer qils,

w could do nothing. convert into the

furnace all etone.

or fixed

philosopherfE have this

And knowr rny childr



you did not even if you

furnace, of all furnaces

you could not work in the Art, philosophers. secretr is That is why all the utmoet secret. the stone; that

had the art keep their this

philosophers For without ie why they


one cannot accomplish this furnace the secret

have called and tnipue

furnac-e of the philosophers and with many other

or Fimus Calidue ot Stereo?d, - 16-

names too long to tell


C xnp rrn XIII THr Cemrnrrne Funrunce

(plate The cementing furnace closed all four little around. holes, into pg. 231 above, and must be round and thick

Above, in the round hood, there must be wide enough to aIlow.a it, since air man to put his

or five finger

is passing through there. should be a wheel with the f1ame. On the

fn the center many holes, wheel there ble, so that

of the furnace lying on a star

there that teeth


should be three

on which stands the cruciAt the eide of the to in-

the flames cannot touch it. there

furnace, sert fits

above the wheel, It

should be a aquare hole

the crucible. into it,

must again be closed with Iuted during cementation.

a stopper that

and glued,

Agua Fort

AND Aqua Regis


Solurronop Gol-n nnoSrr-vnn

Now we will After Fortie either again turn to the prepared gold and silver. on has to have various I'ty child, Aqua to hae been preparedr

to diEeolve

the gold and silver. dissolving and {f and. . gold,

in order vitriol

nake an Aqua Foyt for Romanum, eotnnon salt petre all

take saltpetre, silver,

To dissolve

take saltwater, one

and alumen tiehae

However, before making thle that is,


muet be prepared ahead of time, clarify


has to diesolve, forth, well after prepared

and congeal them, and let dried.

them shoot

which they must be well and dry, put them into

tfhen they are veseel

an earthenware its

which must be built

in such a way that -L7-

mouth would fit


a Syburgian ruffle, vessel

in which one should receive must be luted one thumb thick,

the water. and with Such a lute

This earthenware the aane lute

the necks muet also be glued together.

is made as followe: The white milk, of egg8, fresh bolue, cheese, vintagerrg and soaked paper. butts of butteris to that

good rye flour, mixed together


be well mixture.

and your veesels first

are to be luted


Let them wel,l dty,

give A GENTLEF'IRE LrKE Hor suN-

SHINE, FOR 24 HOURS, i'UST AS IF ONE VIERETO KEEP LEAD IN FLUX WITHour DRrvrNG rr. becomes gradually ln the Eame heat, For there are still Afterwards, glowing hot, increage your fire so that the pot stand

for another if

24 hours.

Let it

irrespective flxed Then let there spirite it

no water goeg over, going over,

L2 hours. improve the this water.

work wonderfully. Nota,

cool down and preserve Agua Fortr the spLrits i thereafter,

in the receiver

muet be clear so that the V

dt the rate of the mattake once put it

of 2 ounces to I lb of the matter, ter can all the better move into according

again prepared matter, Lnto a glass (No. rO)t pot with

to how btg your work is.

a helm which hae a big head and 2 or 3 beaks, one to put a thunb through there them.


enough to allow

Above, in the top of the furnace through careful tached, houre, ly. shich luting, for till it the Aqua Fort give a gentle

should aleo be a hole, After

can be poured upon the matter. fire, when the receivers your fire graduarry

are atfor 24

24 houre. it

Now increaee

becqnee burning

hot againr

!E mentioned previousto the first. Now


coor down, and add the Agua Fort dietilt however, large. -IBit into as before. which all

take again new matter, 9 times. poured, * plate The Elaea, nust be quite page 23

you muat do that this water is to be

Now take t,lre eapita solver where. clarify,

montua (the dead heads),


them dis-

congeal and shoot up, as r have taught you elseclean, take as much saltpetre as the

9fhen they are quite

eapi.ta montua weigh; that they are well


them together

and congeal them so a big grass pot and and give fire as for


Then put them into Aqua Fort upon it, 3 days as if this,

Pour alr the first

your distirled

7 days, and again for without glow. it After

one wiehed to keep 12 hours in glow to cool down.

lead in flux (strong fire),


then let

gtand for water,

3 days in order with

Now you have the philosophersr wondrous things. all bodies into rts spirits it;

which one can do many for It it turns

power cannot be.conprehended, and all it spirits into bodies.

destroys with

everything this water

put into

is a work of wonder in our Art.

the Irlasters shorten

the work of one year to one month,

and of one month to one day.

My child instructed into it

ehould now take his gordr oE silver, it must be laminated and pour on it clear it water. may weII when it and cut.

prepared as r you must put it as to enable in hot no


a big recipient into

as much Aqua Fort

to dissorve

place it dissolve

on a furnace

ashes or eandr 8o that white clouds

in such a way that

remain in it without

is cooled down; but it any feces Ln tt. the wateriness

must be Now from

dissolved set it it,


oners noticing

in the balnueur in order

to separate it

and the Wtrite from the Red; and give gold or g.ilver tiII it

something to eat of is no longer hungry.

the aforenentioned Let it right

stand auch as, not hotter hand into it it. Ilhen it

than to allow

you to dip your distill the or

is no longer hungry,

water off

in balneo,

to the thicknees

of a childre


aomelrhat thicker.


you draw off

the phlegna or the water in if it lt threatens cool down. the helnr turns work till red or you have to turn

such a way, look after red or yellow, I{hen it yellow; distill ie cold, it

the helnr, fot

no more, but let distill again titt

then ret alr

cool down again. or till it

Do this

drawn off


you no ronger see the sign. as before, the aremirr ashes

Remove the helm, and give and feed it bic with or sand. well with

again something to eat, aB before. close

small piecesr

a cork and luting; As often

then put it it,

on the furnace

as you close

you must lute fresh

above with

prepared Lute of wheat flour, o f b u t te rmi l k, My child B o l u a , e tc. must khow that for


cheese, butts


your medicine is dissolved it beeomes so spiritual a eo?pus and meLt it. it would fly

and that There-

stays didsolved

a long time, it

one could never again bring fore, it must be nourished,



away and you is very the Red

would lose your work, especially fierce Lionr that when its Eo fiery phlegma are gone. it

sLnce this It

Aqua Fort

is then called

ie and so hot a stomach it That ls why it ls, with

has; also a dragon

devours everything. good food, ft that

has to be fed and satibeaten

ated with very thin.

prepared gold or silver, under observation part of the work:

has to be constantly

because of to throw The vesin hot be-

the feeding, snall pieces

which is the noblest Lnto it, so that

Lt ghould not eat more. Put it

ael muet each time be luted ashes. Finally, make it weaker,


on the furnace as the A$ra Fort

eomewhat hotter, because it

comes gradually gilver.

has swall@ed

rnuch gold and

You must also

know that

the alernbic must be opened and -20-

again closed twice demands to eat, or 3 days. After let

a day, so as to give air, it nevertheless

When it

no longer 2

stand on hot ashes for


pour your medicine

from the alembic in-

to a double Venetian t o s t a y i n th i s it. work. glass


(no. 1l)*, because the medicine has it is per fect to do pnoieetion wi th

g l a ss ti tl

T hi s ve sse l 's Now pour it (w o . 1 2 )t off

si ze has to be accor ding to the scope of y our into a big alembic or recipient cr osswise with of Hessian

C u t th a t

a r ed hot ir on wir e i n demands. Put or

order to tift

the upper partr

irs necessity

your glass with silverr lutlng; oE glass

the medicine tripod.

in the lower partr with

oD a goldenr

Lute caps on it with it,

the aforementioned water.

also mix some guicklime

which keeps against

One has to remove and put on this dlligently lute, othemise it

cap often;

but you must most

would spoil

and would not keep. the alembic on you would burn

Now put the helm on the alembic and place the furnace rosewater, in ashes or sand. eo that Give it fire

as if

the red spirits The red spirits

do not rise

from the Aqua Fort it and be coaguas dry as grue1 reasons. if

of the medicine. lated with lt,

must Btay with

and the medicine must be distilled

or children's If it it

pap, but not more dry becauEe of certain lt

we re d rye r,

w o uld not open up dur ing putr efaetionr

were too moist,

the solution

would give too much water and the medicine.

would diseolve It

too aoon, which would not be good for enough.

would then not beeone subtle

* ( plate page 23)

Itly child putrefylng ttlls, the but

must know that in the



a great for d is t ill. in

dLfference the In balneo

between one disin

and keeping in putrefying


one does not is

a d d it io n ,


the medicine

wel-I mixed

and merged and ren-

dered subtle, as you will

so aE to congeal after:wards and then to coagulate, be taught later. But know that you must lute your

helm and recipient distill with little

tightlyr fire,

6Dd thus prepared according

put in aehes; and

to the above Lnstruction, it has been fed. Take f'or this

the wateriness care,

from the nedicine


however, that

the red spirits

do not also rise.

reason do in everything cine is distilled and is

as you have been taught. like a pap or gruel,

lfhen your medi-

remove the helm well above and and

and put again a stopper put it into putrefaction it

on the alembic. for

Lute it

40 days in boiling hot, without

hot water, interruption,

always take care that or your matter

be boiling

would spoil.

Nota, the litt1e its

glass with luted,

the when

medicine must also be closed with it is put into putrefaction.

cap and well

(see No. 14, plate

on Page 231

Cxnpren XVII Funtlce THr ConstRuctron or rne PutReractron

l{ake a round gtover high 2 elIs. deep pot, inside gersr of one stone'6 therein thicknees (No. t5 page43) or a Hang a kettle which is deep I eIIi on 2 ot 3 hooks,

which hange in the furnace


the furnaee. width

There ehould on1y, be room fot and the kettler

2 or 3 finthe heat ket-

between the furnace

so that

can play tle yet there

aJ.I around the kettle should be a tripod, kettle

to the eame degree. 4 fingere high.

fn this

Upon the tripod high; and


hae to be placed, kettle there

three-quarters should likeulse wlth

between it for

and the other

be room small hay. brim. It

2 or 3 fingers. ie

This aPace is to be filled

Then water

to be poured on it filled that

up to the uppermost

must always be kept night must be filled

muchr aIId every day'and warm water.

every fill

once with

You must also

- 22-

the inner



hay at the bottom. Stuff tt



hay put your kettle fuII

alembic in which is your medicine. of hay around the alembic, is quite quite dry. fulri however, Bo that

the inner

stands firm kettre

and the kettle must stay

the hay in the inner

That is why it

must be covered and werr glued with to prevent any srnoke from entering a bell it (dome) and i n-

a leaden or eopper plate, from the hot water. that eide, f i ts i t,


put on the furnace cr ay, well fingere

ma d e o f p o tter r s

glazed outside wldth,

having a hore above, three

to arrow the rt shourd

eteam to escape.

rt rnust not have any oth6r it on"and off.


have two handles to lift hole at the side is daily for

, There should also be a through which the warm water

addlng a funnel, big kettle.

poured into,$he




have thus .been prepared,


fire close



days and nights, irg, there that not hotter

al-wayg keeping .l.t' at a tFmperature and not colder; however, even if the medicine by boiting it

to boil-

were boiling, preserved Nevertheless, for it is the also proor

would be no harm, since it cannot easily

iE so werl water.

get spoiled

you must watch and be vigilant eaeiest thing in the Att. It If ls



you.;rutref,y wellr impossible to join

lou will

duce a good eolutl,on. bodies, unless

Bome spirits with-

ttrsy have first

been put into

pure water,

out feces.

Such, howevcr,

cannot be done perfectly, and solution. lherefore,

except by putrefy your

means of the putrefaction corpora well,

and also your spiritsr

iDd join

them thus dissolved'

then you may reach perfection. My child subtle that it must know that is not possible putrefaction to change it renders the work so a corPus,

back into



through digesting, it

of whieh we shall

give instruction until everything

later. has

Know also that turned Then it into

ehould stay in putrefaction water, without leaving


any feces at the bottom. is thus well putrefied,

is duly putrefied

and, when it

you can draw off for

the Lae oirginie

and bring

the work to a powder taught later .

e me rg e n ci e s, (" n o th er heischliches") ,

as will

When the medicine any fecesr opD the

has been well put


without and put till is the fire it it

leaving on the dry. air,


a helm on it, to la c coagulate v irg in is

aforementioned Dr a w off yellow off, the like and the out

distilling Lae oinginie,

furnace wh ic h this, will It


e le me n t

an oil. feces your

After (earth) medicine. it will

draw the stay will at

element bottom,

likewise as coal.



Now take more soft

be between in contact caee. That is

hard with

and soft, cold air,


hardr fire.


and congeal putrefaction eolved in

over it

Such must be the moisture.

Besides, why it is

during dis-

has absorbed This moisture


must be removed through


dig e a ti on.

S g r t l n e u p r HE Dle e stlvp F u n Hn cr ( No . 1 6 p a ge 43)

First construct a round wall, fnside of the thickness the walls, half of two stones and the height fingers there foot width the fire of I e11.

an e1l and two to put in on this

from the earth or the coal. a quarter


should be a hole another

Construct of an ell half


(wittr masonry),

high and of the thickan ell up construct a

ness of one stone. aquare hole, into


which one can put the hand to feel the fire. One must put a stone,

how one or lid

should regulate

a cover,



to go in and out as one wishes. from the bottom to the top, so that tt

The furnace and well

must be

round inside, e i d e w i th fire. Upon this

glued inby the

L u to e a p i e n ti a e,

is not affected



should be an iron



hooksr on which ehould hang, in the furnace, copper vesser, This vessel gersr gers' all width the thicker the better,

a thick

rnetar or

on account of the heat. possible, two fin-

shourd be one ell thick.

high and, if there

Round about it

should remain two finthe heat can pray Put

wLdth Bpace between the walls, and rise

so that

around the kettle kettre since it a lid

and heat the whole furnace. that can crose the

on this kettle, any air this

of the sarne material luted

must get well Dry,

on the kettle

to prevent

from escaping.


aehes have to be put into

kettle. You should also have an earthenware vessel, made of clay the alem-

one thumb thick, bic with


wide and high enough to allow containing

the emall glass vessel

the medLcine to etand in it. there must likewise be two

Between this fingers'

and the kettle

w i d th o f sp a ce . caek in the dry ashes; yet over, just the earthenware vessel

Put this

must not be glazed

as the alernbic and its stands in the earthenware

head (Haube) cask. The

must not be covered when it earthenware nust cask,

however, must have a well-fitting on but only lie tightly fitting

lid, on it.

which And dry

not be luted this

know that before


caEk and the ashes muet be quite into it. First, take the cask

you put your medicine

To put the medicine in, alembie with your medicine;

do as followe: put it - 26into

the earthenware

and cover the latter the copper'vessel fingers' thickness




- or put it

uncovered into is two in the furthe lid it the the hole here. so

or kettle, of ashes.

upon whose bottom there Then hang this its lid, kettle

nace, cover the earthenware cask with kettle with that all

and fill

around the earthenware caek up to the latter,s with lts lid; lute like

dry ashes; and cover the kettle it gets no air.

Then cover also the furnace, Ls alike,

Putrefaction into

Furnace, because it

except for

which one Lnserts

the fururel which ls not required not identical, for

These two furnaees Putrefaction is one kettle the other. furnace. it except

are certainly

Ln the

Furnace there and one cask, Yet with Now lute through fire

were two kettle, although this

whereas here there kettle is bigger than one


one could also manage with no air can penetrate

the lid

so that

through is

the hole that ae is required.

ia above.

I{hen everything



Digeeting is

means either its

the euperfluoue own or that



in some medicLnes,

which it moisture

has abmust be

sorbed during


This excessive

consumed by dry heat, Since a thing

more or lees accordLng to what ie required. Ln the air and coagulates in the fire wllL

which nelts

has moisture melt salt, ture. in the fire

in it,

and when that

Ls gone, it

and stay

(unchanged) in the air,

as conmon by na-

amnoniac, tartar

t BdL aleali;

thoge are fusible

E\ren Bo, they diesolve

in the air

and congeal in the fire. they contain.

That happena becauge of the excessive But when that them by proper (the exceseive digestion, moisture)


has been removed from and can be dLs-

they become fusible

solved by fire

and harden in the aLr., things have, one

Accorcding to how much exeeesive moisture hae to give Things that be given siLver), fire them have a great ae if One requires more fire

than another. Ln digeetione (quick-

deal of moi.sture nust

one wanted to eubllmate equal heatr


conptant, it ttll

rB best as you are able to. is no longer in this dLesolved Ln

Continue rith the air, kettle

your matter

then it

is enough.

Test it cask,


Open your

and'"also the earthenuare


a apoon take

out some of your nratter a humid eellar. gested. giving If tt

frorn the glaee.' diesolvee,

Put Le on a stone in di-

Lt is not, sufficiently agal.n to dLgest by ie not dissol.ved,

Coneequentlyr fire as before.

you muet put it Instead, if it


is enough. The aforementioned al-l mattera. not become all not be fusible. between moiet moist method holds good for take care that since the dlgestion your matter it of does

But you must well too dry during


would then middle too

That is why it and dry; and if it

ie best to keep to.the nuet be, tt Le better

than too dry.

Take for

exarnple borax, how Lt

whose powder will be. Never- it

not dissolve theless, will noict. nidity piece gelf, vl,triol melt,

in the air,

no matter

(the air)

put it

powdered upon a stone in a hunid cellar although retains affeets

get dissolved,

Borau is between hot and dry and its'fueibil.ity, a subtle becauge the hu-

That is why it of the ee1lar that is

powder more than a hard moLsture in itJuat ae alurn and

not, powdered. ie cprouted

Borax containe ln eugar-water' Neverthelees,

beeauge it

are in pure water. becauee it

borax is easy to is too dry

ts not too dry.

Something that


i s d i f f i cu l t conmon salt, great ter salt, ture.

to me l tr etc.

B B one may clear ly

see fr om alum, vitr io l ,

They do not easily

melt on account of their a fusible matter had betcommon


That is why I say that rather than too dry. and tartar,

be too moiet

One can Bee it


ammoniac, sal alcali

which are fusible earthiness,

by nathey are they

But when they are purified than before,

of their

much more fusible

the eole reason being that

now have more moisture naturally ished that fusible,

than before. their

That is why they would be were so much dimin-

even if


they would sprout Everything that its

in water. that is too dry does not easily is easily neltedi one its is


meLt; and everything can remove from it moisture as if to that

is too moiEt,



But to restore ft

which is

too dry would take too long. fusible on account of its

one tried A thing

to make glass that till sprouts


dryness. orate that its eign,

in good water - one has to evapekin showe. if it When you see eprouts, it is

wateriness put it (or:

a little

in a cold,

dry placer


medium) fusible. on the above-mentioned criteria, whether

Thus you may no!r, relying test all things whether

they are eagiLy meltable and if

or not,

they are too moist

or too dry;

something in your work of its deficiencies, ex-

was not to your liking,

you can get rid In this

aince the work depends on this. plore this matterr etc.

way you urust well

Cnlprpn XXtf
Now we wiII through geetion fire continue to make our powder naturally Yflren your matter you must give fusible stande in di-



as mentioned heretofore,

as much heat as

a6 will

allow you to hold your hand, after burning,




the hole, -rgithout for

between the furnace At this

and the kettre the fire your

the perLod of one Ave Maria.


must be kept for hand through well

t5 days, from time to time testing After that,


the hole.

the hore must always be than


because the medicine has no other moisture and from putrefaction. a big digestion. put it back into rf

from the Aqua Fort

That is why the medit were too dry and it wourd

Lcine does not require you wourd fuunediately nevertheless


not get dissolved.

when the 15 days are over, from digeeti,on, it, and lt and thank God.

remove your medicine

or matter with is arso

Then one can d,o pnojeetion elixir. rt

is now ready to achieve the great w i th l ,t a n y kind of miner al

easy to join and preserve.

apir its

or qu. eaaent.

These spirits order this

must previousry

have stood Ln digeetione,

in For

to be proeessed alongr PurPoBe, however,

ES hae been mentioned before.

the fLre must not be hotter

than sunshine such

at the end of the month of August. as Lae uinginie,

wtren then the epirits,

e a l mi a o , aqua andene or other m oist epir its they are prepared. in any

have thus been congealed, in digeet,ione, My child kind must know that

one cannot set any epirLts

of work to coagulater Lnto, firet

or to remain with

t!.e eonpo?a, or

to turn

unleee that

to which one wishes to join that it could tnanefen

the splrite all imperfect and eo strong

bodiee or metals

Lnto gold or silver.

vthen that

is the case, horrever, the spirits not fly away when they come into of the medicine

are protected the fire. into

eo that

they do cause

The epirits

a deeper entrance fend that with

the metale;

and they de-

which they meet and resembles them; but they devour that which is not like the spirits when it it thern. rn this way the

the fire united

medicine owni for rise with


has more power than of its was small, after had the power to being coagulated And if to

as the medicine, projection,


has later,

the spirits,

the power to transfer

IOO times.

the two rrere also added the qz. eeaentia of gold or silver, and they were coagurated transfer a thousand tines together, into true it would have the power to And if

gold or eirver.

o n e f s bu si n e ss w e re to subtilize with the spirits

the nedicine

thus eonjoined

and t-h,e qu. eeeentia, putrefaction

which would have to and congearing, it would

be done by dissorution, g a i n a n i n fi n i te

p ro j e e ti on

in ever y eubtilisationr

year is

could not be expressed. My child silver, fire, subtle able, ehould aIEo know that spirit or quint no corpuE, essentia except gold or with (ors it in the evenly) it ig

can keep ite

unless the corpus be first and a medicine, therefore,

made likewise

as previously

rnentioned; that

to make a projection.

ro Flnrrrne Gnear How Elrxrn rnom tne Aronementrotpn llenrcrne

Let my child well digested, take his medicine, made of gold or silver, Upon it pour gome of a paste and as has just been taught. that

your aqua fort, or gruel.

no more.than

the work becorne rike

Then add the head (Haube) onto the little



and drrange it as shown abover putrefactionr

Ln the big recipient. But above alr other

Lute lts things,

lid Bet it

on as well, first glass into in

and lute is.

the head Iflren everything

onto the little

which the matter fl.rer

has been prepared, putrefaction,

give not to

rs has been taught but eolely into

abov regarding


to dissolve. Lts clear watr

When the medicine has thus (which rnay be done withln fecesr take your grass Mereuniue, or

been prelrared

24 days or ress),

and it

is pure without

and have at hand the above-rnentioned sublimated which is eubLimated in the folloring manners

Take aublimatum, fore you put it to this ite into

as much as there ras of your medicine beputrefa'ction. medicine, it, Rub it very small on a stone; close your little away.

add it

dieeolved lid


glass with Then put. it taught

and rute

eo that

no spirite firer


again into - for


and give

EB has been rf


40 daye and nights. into

Then rook at it: Inrre water, it is arr tt

your medicine right. pletely that rf

has been dissolved put it back into




is comglass on


Then relnove the lict from the little and again lute set it the lid


the medicine,


the recipJ.ent, your medicine

put a helur on it, with

tn ashee, and congeal putrfactl,on, the reeipiint in order 21 days.

euch warmth aB you made for Remove the helm and close glaes, fire Firt lt into

ae dry as you can. above with a littre

digeetione during

to coagulate, Withtn finally cLpient

and give 6 daye, all

as taugbt



of the world

can be seen and from the redigeetion

come to one color. and put lt gLve fire into'the for

Norr remove your glaes earthenware cagk for

ae before;

15 daysr is abover so as to decrease

the noisture. the big elixir, ver.

Then take it

out and thank God, for metals into it,

you have

which transmutes all

gold or sil-

But because the aqua fort it

is with

one cannot use it than mi-

in medl.caments; otherwise neral gold or silver.

is better

in projection

How ftlow to Joln to rt ttE 0. Fss. or Goln on SllvEn

Take the medicine joined it to P Lnto putrefactionr that you have just made and which is as before; into put water i pour upon it as much aqua fort

and when everything

has turned

a s b e f o re ,

ta ke Qu . E e s. of gold or silver ,

or of antim onium the weight of put it which

(which Qu. Ees. I wiLl your sublimated I into putrefaction. has been dissolved little putrefy glass like

teach you to urake here)r

r or your medicine Add it

when you first medicine,

to your dissolved

in putrefaction.

Then quickly

close the to

and afterwards above.

the big recipient, for

and put it

Give fire

40 days as before, and thereafter Then you wiII for

and afterL5 days

wards put it into

to congealr

iB before,

digeetionr with

ds mentioned above.

get your


the help of God who beetows such upon you. do projection you wish. one to one thousand or more, upon The work for that the Red or the White the epirit be sub-

Tf,ith this, all metals


Ls all limated

one labor;

but the one requires the other

to the Red, while

to the l{hite. frqn )

The Ou. Ess. ana a?Beneither

to the Red is from gold or' 6 ieum. for For the rest there

, the t{hite

is no difference

in the laborr

the Red or the White.

- 33-

Cnapren XXVI THrPnrpnnntron or Al-l rnr Trrnes t{e Nreoron rHr Suo l{bnr
First, golve salt one has to prepare in comrnonwater; comnon ealt as followel Discongeal the pure. burnt, Then take legs and purified then calciYet the fire

of horses or sheep which are well salt, I part. Together,

3 parts tet

tho'se are { parts: well mixed together. the ealt

nate for

6 weekg Ln heatr

nuet not be too strong, into glaes. Put it


doee not burn anray one gives to the

in the kind of heat that gilver. Take care, After fror that

"Cupe1n when refining flanes galt

however, that dissolve

do not touch the vessel. in sater lt it and eeparate it



the aehes of the legs; no duet fall Lnto it. without it melt-

congeal Now put hg;

and be very


Lnto an, earthenrare

pot f,or 3 houre, on it,,Nnd let

again pour distiUed rhen it



diasolvet to distl.ll.

iE dissolved,

pour off

the pure and put it take it out

Ifhen the vinegar it. is With this

has gone dmm dry, salt

and preaerve or eilver

you must cenent your gold or you nay make i.n the


to be added to your rcrki this salt and with

the medicine. with following manaer:

gold br sLlver,

Take Aqua fort, dieeolve colved. mentioned of your fhen ealt. take

made of ) eilver,


and alum.




LL cenented eo tJrat tt cenrented 7 tirnes that rith

be Just disthe abovemade of @t Then pour these

DigEolve that it intp

a!.so in Aqua fort, rightly. this

and ealtpetre, trrc mtera

gets diEEolved a pk:iole..Put

tog'ether wellr

on hot Ashes' anl feecl till After it that, is well Put it satito

your rnedfcine ated.

re you hanre been tauglrt, the phlcgna Ln balneo.

Then draw off

putrefy it


15 days, and congeal it 15 days Ln digeetione.



which keep

again for

Now you can make proand on tin. there The


on Laton, which has a soul in lt, the Red, except that

work l.s the same for

must be am-

moniac in the Aqua fort.

How ro Pnppqnr rxr ltlnnenwrrx

wHIcHGOr-n Is Cpmprurpn
Take new, unbaked, ra\r tiles never been in the fire. (ori brlcks) , which have Pound and rub these unfeelingly. furnace to carcinate tirl they

Then put them Lnto a potterrs are white,

wtrieh causes them to become very dry. with which one calcinates

rn the same dry.

way the sart Nota: rf

must also be guite with "Minifarben',

you cement your gold or silver

(nay be a lead oxide) r dDd therefore their receive carefurly, humidity wlth dry things,

you do not draw off never be able to Therefore, eement

they will

the tineture at least

of the Aqua fort. 7 times, if

you are after


Quicksilver'is manner:

sublLmated to the Red in the forlowl-ng made of nonan @u rn that , arum de roehe, your quick-

Take Aqua fort,

alum'inb plumoeo and, ammoniae. eilver. Again draw off

you dissolve

the water


the helm in balneo.

Then your p is dead. Then take nornan @

I Ib, these things 3 parts.

I lb, sartPetre 2 lbs, sar amnoniac

commonsalt 3 lbs. pulverize all Now divide the powder into mix it with

alumen de roehe I lb,

and mix them werr.

Then take r lb of your dead quicksilveri

I part

of the said powder and put it wlth


a glass;

put an The well Give

alembicum on it

tno noaes the size of a manfs head. Add a recipient to every spoutr cold water. for

Bpouts must be very wide. luted,

and put each of them into a mild After fire for

a dish with

the first 12 hours. hours,

12 hoursr aDd stronger yorrrt pot burn well wirl for



another 12 into the herm

in which time your quicksilver as snow. It will have within


as white


the red eu. Ess. be

out of which thinge in the recipients;

have been sublimated. keep it tightly

The water will

closed in a glass.

Now remove the sublimated with the second third the previous.

from the helm; mix it again e of the eaid powder, and proceed with it Do the same with the third well part of the

as with

powder, and preserve With that of tincture.

your water each tine get your quickeilver finely


you will

snowrrhite and full to the

Porrder that

on a stone and add it from it. Put it

water which you have preserved nace in a dish with pients on to it. till

on the furthe reciwork

ashest put a helm on and lute as before.

Now sublimate

Repeat this

3 or 4 times, thing well, it

no more feces stay at the bottom, together. PreEerve thie

but everywater and

be eublimated

drawn off in it,

because you must dissolve than any kind

your quicksilver

is better

of water you could nake. and prepared for in this

l{hen your wry, it

quicksilver is it

has been eublimated

I lb of gold and ie weII to the medicine


the work of adding

of the gold.

- 35-

Cnrpren XXIX ()urAlr Trncrunrs How ro Dnnw

Art tinctures, white as werl as red, are all drawn out in is a great glazed vesthe same way. secret. eel with on it, This work for the Red and the l{hite a large well

My child old,

must take and fill urine. everything


put a big helm and one recipient that can be distilled and you

and distill

can overcome. carcinate

Then black

feces wilr

stay at the bottom. they burn. and let drop. it Then dissorve boil for 2 hours.

those for

3 hours so that

then in distilled Remove it

or comnon water, and let it boil is it

from the fire

pour off

what is

pure from above, while on'the on it. ilear fi re and let it

stitr till

warm; put the pure back ther e for m s a r ittr e or in the air Removethat, skin and a

Then put it sa l t will


a cool cellar

sh o o t (cr ystallize) . again tirl sart a skin

and let Dry

the water boil the crystallized

forms on it

as before.

in a pan and heat it After that, it


in an earthit again in of an the a

enware pot without clear, hour. distilled


diesolve for


Again boil let

a quarter

Then remove it, while it

the feces drop, yrarm. Boil it

and pour off

upper part skin lar

ts still ind put it

again hot tirl

forms on topr as previously. a skin

again in the air

or in the celeart, boir it

Take out the crystalrized forms as before. has turned pan till lt Repeat thie into salt.

again till fore sart it until

work as be-


Then dry your dry, and preserve

in an earthenware I tell you for

is quite


what purpose you should use it. urine, distirl of the oil it through the or aome yel-

Now take arl helm. rf there is

the distilred

sbme uncleanlLness

low fattiness, tilr it

ekim it


a emarl feather it

or a small apoon

i s ve ry cl e a n .


in an ear thenwar e, glazed Repeat this left distil-

cask with lation tirl

a herm and a recipient there

spout. feces

are no more black without salt it

in the pot and

the water goes over pure, Put your aforementioned pour it into an alembic;

feces; into werl,

throw away the feces. this pure water and on hot into pure but



and put it

ashes for water, it

3 or 4 days, till feces. of its that

your salt

ie dissolved


Then it

is again urine

as before,

is relieved

feces and coarse humore, and has now it cannot be expresaed how much. 6 measuresi of distilled ealt vinegar 2 lbs; and

become so subtle

Take of thLs urine

brandy 3 measures each; corunon,evaporatcd moniac t lb; diesorve and t lb calcinated till tartar.


Mix them werr and Then cor-

thern in pure water

no more feces remain. brings the ealees of all

you have a wonderful pora to their first this

water that state

of being


That is to say,

IttERcuRrus. with

water one producee the eu. Es6. of treasurer ES aleo of gold and This water r-

antimonium, which l-s a precious silver and of arl things that

are red and white.

thus prepared, tains rectify its i t.

used and again drawn off as if it

l0 or L2 timesr


had not been used; but one has to

rn thls this water,

wdy, my child,

one can produce all


with Take

drawn from whatever you wish. or attament,

For example:

Sulphur or aunipignentr

Ogerr oE anything Rub it like quite

else out finely with

of which you wish to draw the tincture. distirled vinegar till the matter is

a Eoap.

Then put it


a big glass and into

a dish with

ashes or eand over the fire. the glass, it stopper werr, it

Put some of the aforementioned above with again put it eo that it a cork, ehake it

urLne lnto

about and incorporate First


in the gand or ashes. warm.

give a gentle


becomes moderately


remove the cork Stir

in order to give air. it occasionalry

Othenrise, werlr

the glass would buret. ES before t Bo that that your vinegar off

to mix it

the vinegar and your

can work in it. urine are well

When you notice colored,

pour the pure llquicl

above and

take care that poured off much urine Eart well

no feces are poured out. stoppered and by itself.

Keep what you have Now pour igain as distilled as vineas

on the feces as before, it

as well


and put Lt on the furnacei is colored it well again,

warm and mix it off

before, other,

and when it and preserve

pour it

and to the urine


Again pour fresh put it

and some vinegar nace, heat it till atl

upon the fecesr

ds beforet

on the furand repeat

and mix it;

then pour off

the pure,


is extracted.

Non throw the feces atrayr or

use then for


you need then. poured together luted thereon; will into an alembic, put a in

Pour the tincture heln on with a recipient

distill stay

the humidity

ashes or sand. or white,

Then the tincture to the matter

at the bottom red it. This is In


used to prepare

the Qu. Ess. of the thing this for

from which it

has been drawn.

say the Qu. Ess. of quicksllver is extracted, eublimated "Item, from e?oeus mantie, from iron the Red or the lfhite. oendignie, a e e u atum , cinnabar , briefly, from all gold and silver mineral matters llm e ( c al x )


and from antimoniumi But to make the effect

you wish.

of the urine


you can eaeh tine

add anunoniac and cormron sart one-thirdrand extraet

which have been prepared , of each EB has been taught here. cements and

the tincturesr

rn these extracted cement therewith, Agua fort with with it,


you may now prepare art.

which is an excelrent as red as blood,

you may make like a ruby, thing, which


which water one can perform many a rronderfur no purpoae to reveal all.

(Txp susLrmnrroN or l,leRcunv ro rxe Hxrrp)

Aqua fortr of each I lb; nicum I lb; them werl made of cadnia (or: calamine) and "Eierkalk,', arseand mix 'Kraucken", it. alum de roche and white one: 5 rbs. End distirr powder alr each I rbi

sartpetre togetherr

these things

your Aqua Fort with above. After that,

(a erocklTas when it

has been taught


is rectified,

add raw quicksilver

which has come from

off in balneo,

the mineral. and you will

Now take

Dissolve Lt and draw the water find your





congealed. of e g g s ),

egg s h e lls


o r c h a lk

w h i t e vi tri o l ,

a rse n i c,

alum en plum oeum, of each I lb; each 2t lbs; mixed, saltpetre this

alum 4 lbs. por.rij,

de rocherprepared Powder all der into mix it reported (.)

conmon ealt, fine,

these very 5 parts.


and divide

Then take

r lb of the dissolved and let it eublimate, find


one of the 5 parte

aB wag your with arl


in the Red work. to the lithite,

Then you will is

5 parts.


when it


- 40-

rxe 0urNresseNcr How ro Dnnw rnoil GoLo, Srlvrn EnoornEn Bonrrs

My chtldr work is aimed. eilver, take gold or silver 7 timesr or that upon which your The Cement it rB has been taught. until. it

however, mugt be calcinated

cqnes beautifur above. Take your to what your and amalit on a has till

and whi.te out of the saltr gold or eilver, work is gamate it etone with to be. with prepared Beat it

6s is lndicated as previously

aecording it



or file

small, ltix

a good portl.on vinegar

of gricksilver. in which clean,


cqunon salt

been dissolvedi it. is well limated P your matter

on with

a stone peetle Mix this of ,@.

Ln a etone mortar, ij

amalganated.and 2 parts into

amaLgamate with when it ig well

of sub-

mi.xed, put

2 crueibles a small

which lock hole

one on top of the..other. and insert upon each of wood is can a

With a punch drill thin other stick dry, piece of wood. with

in the upper part ftrrrly It

Lute the tuo crucibles thickness and let of wood. of lute. the lute In that into all

2 f,ingersr

the plece

in the crucible, remove the piece

dry well. way.the

lfhen it wateriness

leep out of the matter. and it. Then cloge a gentle

Now put it fire till

eand. upon the furnaee has gone out of

hunidtty it dry.

Ghe hole on top and let the fire tilf

Now lnerease but not above. nake the crueible that the eilver

the crucible

ie glowing After

below, that, Bo hour

Let Lt stand thus for

one hour. hot throughout' does not melt. Let it find

but carefully, a half

stand for that

and then cool. down, and you will caleinated into a subtle

the sllver and a very

has been fine

Lime (or:


p o w d e r (n u n g re i fl i ch " Now take tartar white gether tilled and sal into

o r impalpable) . ("Weinstein") that has been calcinated put thern toof white, dis-

ammoniac, harf

a pound of each.

an alembic,

pour upon then a pint

wine vinegar

whieh should be quite eirver,


Add one

"Mark" of the calcinated quiree, air and inunediately it,

or as much aB your work retightry to prevent

cloee your alembic as otherrlise

from entering

the etrength tightty

of the amand put it into

moniac would eacape. putrefaction above. it After for this

Lute your glass

21 daye in equal heatr time,

dB has been taught put a helm on, eet will go over, after-

open your vessel, First, the vinegar

in sand to distill.

wards the Qu. Egs.

of the guicksilver.



, and wirl


into the form

Ln our

This quicksirver

iE very powerful hear later.

work and no lees necessary,

aB you wtl.l

Cnnpren XXXI II
Now X will his work. teach my son how he should flnish should know that there and complete in our to My child are 7 orders

work, which one hae all perfection. the third, lation; The firet

to perform before is cementation;

the work attains

the eecond, dissolution; the fifth, fixati,on coagu-

feedLng; the fourth, digestionl all

putrefaction; the seventh,

the eixth,

("figieren") the

You must also know that Red or the l*rite, for the Red it

these works are the airme.for the seventh, the fixing;

exeept for

because the

must etand much longer the Red requireE

in the nore flre

than for


In additlon,

Ln the fLxation (or: resembof a than

than the l{hite, ling) wqaan. the nature

ainee the Red mugt be imitating of a man, but the t{trlte like

the nature and hotter

That is why the Red mugt stand Ionger

th e Wh ite, sembling

so long



c h a n g e s in t o

a b e a u t if u l that wise it is

e o lo r perfect. through but

re -


by which must also

one recognizes know that the

l{y child menting, during it

stone, hot in


changes from solution it will


and moist


and dty;


become moist; it again


becomes subtle, earthy, is

and in

digestion Further, when it

becomes dry, must know that of putrefaction


and fixed. congealed Therefore, it is all

ny child

the medicine and digestion. with less in it,

comes out yet

one cannot too subtle. with the it,

make projection you neverthenot evaporate of is its not with


Artd if it

were to make a projection fire, yet This that flow is through



bottom fourth

on account element it

subtleness. it, For since if

so because the be with it to

must also not


becomes perfect. one could not

one did

add a corpua

the medicine, the medicine tt ig

make a perfect for, although it

projection, is


were applied; not stay a

novr a medieLne, of its


corpus; imperfect ea r thy) . not

and on account corpus, Y es,

eubtility too

Lt does not earthly best are great the

on an (or: wo ul d and


such ie lt

and coarse s ilv e r, foreign it to

even if

you p u t

on the they the


anything from

on it,

because because of

different That is

each other

subtleness. fourth it element. into 3

why we will

now add to from

the medicine digestion atonei teach

Remove your equal silver third 3 parts parts. calx of your


and divide take

Rub it (which

on a clean I will here

as much of

the white

you to prepare)

as onethat is, Now



Then you have 4 parts, of silver calx. in

of medicine

and I part in

Mix well. a fine cloth.

you must get

dew, gathered

the morning



over a gentre silver so that

fire; calx, it

rub your powder with Iike soap or butter.


or the Now dry in-

medicine mixed with it in a glass dish

may porvder. with

Thereupon put it firm rute,

to a round grass like glass upon ite vessel mouth.

No. l7*and rute,

a round

Now put your grass into a box or covered dish.

an earthenware The size must

No. 18,* made like round'about

be such that vessel

between the grass and the earthenware width filled with sart or sand, rike

there must be 2 fingersr on top of it

No. r9-* a quiver, filr joints

yet another vesser shourd be rocked, is to have a Little Then crose it, I{ hen it

and the uppermost vessel with w i th sand and sart. l u to

hole to the

through it ti g h tl y


is fur r , it arr

put a

small piece of brick Lutunfingersr cross, three days. Aftenrvards thick. which is

on the smalr hole and rute rute the eanthenware vesser is dry, set it

welt with around z on the with its for 3

rfhen it

in tripode

in the furnace. it

cover the furnace fire for to start

heavens and give After that,

a gentre the fire



3 more daysr ds if Then

one wished to keep read in flux, your medicine will This is now perfect bodies sou1. into its like, be joined

in a reasonable way.

to the earth

or the 4th erement. all imperfect

and bas the power to transfer after page f3) which the imperfect

corpus has a

* see plate

All tioned


and spirits

muEt be fixed

in the aforemen-

manner, in the Little however,

work ae much as in the Great yfork. which aome no matAnd

There are' masterg call ter

two ways of making the fixation, The firet


concerns dry things, conjoining.

how varied

or not varied

they may be for

know that

the regimen of the fire



is not one to what is in

and the Bame, but must be established the fire; and the same applles


to the length

of tirne during as hae been taught

which dry thlngs before; ported

are to be kept in tripode,

and one has to proceed according above for the fixation.

to what has been re-

The other

manner of fixation or bring

concerns humid things, Lnto one being, putrefaction, things

when that are

one wiehes to conJoin, humid.

These have to be put into

as has been also the

taught before, length

wLth sueh a regulation of

of the fLre,

and the order

the works aciording But the vessele

to what you have and the furnace,

been put in

(to putrefy).

and the fixation with all rules.

of htuttid and dry thlngs lfherefore

must be in accordance

of one hundred not one reaches perof the works,

fection, although

because they do not keep to the'fules they have thern we'II laid

down in writinge.

ro mnrr SrlvrR Cnu How (on Srlvrn Cxar-r)

Take the fineet as white pennies, eilver you ean get; laml.nate it as thin with earth(Weispfennlge), and eet it to calcinate

corrnon salt,

which has been prpared and congealing. till very it fine

and cleansed of its In this salt

Lness by dissolving cinate your silver eLlver

you must calsalt. Then after-

comes out white ln an iron


porrder your

mortar, is;.with

ln order

wards to mix it ag mentioned


the medl.ciner that

dew on the stone,

before. the sllver salt wLth

r ES before, and afterrrards and with

Or you can calcLndte then wash the calx with

and vinegari

good distilled clear.

water from the balneum, till has dried

the water runs off it

Then, when the calx for

in a stoppered glaee,

is prepared

being added to the meilicine. the Red and the t{hite ie in everythlng the

The worh for

aamei gold must be cemented 7 tirnes, verized as before. rt must likewise

also calcinated

and pul-

be added to the medicine Neither fixed

on the furnace, cari one put it and much hotter

though it

must get much more fire. like silver,

Lnto fixation than silver.

since gold ls

My child sible? would like yes, for to ask me tf the Art all is indeed posperfect, f reply God has created forever; things

to renrain without four' eleniente,


but becauee of sLn the things, feces. have become Owing to this, includmade

whieh were sirnple in all and full of harmful

eomp'oaita, corrupted many sicknesses ing death. of the four ln, shich

and illnesses

have occurred

ln nature, in all things

From this elements

we can conclude that there are two kinds

of natures, is

one withthe Qu. Esmany harmful feces in

ie eternal The othir

and LmperLshable, part it is imperfect,

and that corruptiblei


feces have entered

on account of our sins, elements,

which harmful also contain

have been rnade of the four themselveg. ever could through lng, ealled it

which they thlngs

These have led ug and aII eeparate the poisonoua feces

to death.


from the elements into thel.r first bebe

the Art,

and restore

the elements

or into


the elements would then no longer 'For the above-cited ind possible

eletnente but Qu. EsBelrtia. evident that lt

reasons, to use

is therefore

is eertain



in the work.

Txe SecoHn Oupsrrot

out of what is eontained? mountains, b e r s , b i rd s, bloodr Answer: trees, fi sh , this Art extractedr thingE, oE in what ie this Art rn all in water, ln the sea, the Secret chamnails, in the four


grounds, morasses, earth, excr em ents, ur ine, that hair ,

a n i mals,

e99s, and in arr


have originated

e l e m e n ts.

TueTxrnn Qursrroru
How many kinds first i s ca l l e d of stones are there? that is, Answer: Many. The L a p i s minenalie, minerals one can pr epar e th e

etone from all lapie purled

or arr metars. is, that

The second Le called stone can be sprout out of

Degetabi.Li.a, that out of alr

the vegetable that tr ees,

grorring and green things her bs, fr uits, rt

t h e e a r th , and all

su ch a s p l a n ts, things. T h e th i rd

wine, honey, and to zlnanimalie, birds, and the


serves manf s health

e e r a t e me ta rs.

is called

Lapie natur alis animale,

or the Soul Stone, and is made out of all Bewers, stables, like, dung-heaps, eggs, blood, The four th matters

bones, nails

an d se rve s A l e h yn i a.

is called

eompoeitus the Art aLL

and is drawn from nany different Joined into a stone. ft

and through

gerves in Alchlzmy to ineenite

leprous metals.

My child haps there two other

would now like

to put the question,

whether per-

are more stones?

Thereu;ron I answerr ya, there are nothing; for,

Etones which God bestows upon us for

aince they grow, they are not noticedi the other for the l{hlte.

One Ls for

the Red,

Anybody may take of them without saysc You ehould not Art; and does as

asking anyone.

That is why Alehindus to incur

open your purse in order

expenses in thle

they are means between metalg and qulcksilverr not l-ike to stay with the soul can stay termediary (or: the metals without

oB O

meansr Els little whLch is

in man without

the spLrit,

an Ln-

a medLator)

between the soul and the body.

And I will explain to you the nourishmdnt of.the child 'the rffinb. lfhe '-atter is there for 40 days before all its in members are made of the four and faithful that it elements; and nature ie so noble

compares itself


the nature of heaven, it has within it-

because of the noble substance and subtlety self; and thie tiing has a spirit. (eince it

For as faEt as the spirit is subtle and spiritual), spirit is

is prepared as it the soul falls into

should it

by order

of God. for

Thus the

epread everywhere it


the body,

the eake of the nature Ln the body and increases' Ls the same

haE from the body. from it.

Thus the soul

ls kept

cannot separate the eplrit with

And when the body gradually members. It

grows with

the body and all be it white

these two gtones, for

or red.

These 2 stones are for the

Roman vLtriol Wtrite. called

the Red, and roek alum (alumen roche) should note that the two bleesed

My child

Ctohes are

Mi n e n e n r th a t

i E , Ilbpeur iue eulphilieue, there are two gtonesr

Of these two white and red,

atones Monienua Eays that to which God the Iord

has given

such (eee Glauber llilltl)

XL Cnnprrn

Tur Firrx Oussrroru

Among all these' which ls the noblest, mo6t usefulr slow-


and ahortest

to use?


r say that

the Minerar (,,sorglichste,,), stone

Stone is the slowest and reguires and is made with

the most care eince

concern and danger, rt consists

the Minerar

ta conpaet and fixed. first

of 2 waters , of which the without labor and danger.

water rendere the stone volatile it dissolve in it. arl This colors

One lets mortal rt

water makes Meneuriue uiuus of the medicine or the ferment. with rt special understanding,

and murtiplies

muet be produced by the alchemist the spirits do not fly away.

go that

is drann out of the

stone which God has given drawn out with And it

us free.

This lrrinerar stone is a rot of time.

care and danger and requires

is very useful.

Tll'e Lapie animali,e has no end, because of the separation of the erements and because there is less knowledge of the art of preparing it; it lagts longer than any other stone. There_ fore, there is no greater in nature is I will aecretr and it this is the greatest stone; and it art trans_ ever discovered forme anythingr T he th i rd greening stonei and its

to extract later prove.

sto n e i e called

Lapie uegetabilie.

That is the

one, and it

and it

has hidden powers, more than the other is the greateet and most praieed among arr stones, of all otherE, for it has been tested rt

power ie above that

in the rectification

of the erements and their elicir,


accompriehes the great infinite chemiets, other things, if it

which is the black one, doing All the gord of the al_ (caugtic) waters or

more than the others. is prepared with



cannot be used in medicine however, that

on account of the

corrosives. of this

The gold,

ie made from the eu. Ess. if it is fixed



ig not deficient,



the ferment and ie made with such gold ie medicl.nal


by nor

the archenriet. deficient, vegetable lt

and not corrosive,

eince no corrosive stone.

is added to the regimen of the

That is the reason why the gold made with a n d o u . EBB., and paaees in the fir st of power that, it wirl if it degr ee.

i s me d i ci n a l

This stone is

so fulI

is made of silver into silver; it in-

and thrown upon gold, etead, if it



is nrade of gold and is thrown upon sllver, will find turn thie into gold. in the vegetable

(the silver) You wLll in any otherr neither greatest


stone and not Ls Ln no other, becomes the in good health

because this

Etone, or eu. Ess,, and it it

in the lrtineral

nor in the Animal,

medicine in manrs body, preserving goal of his life.

t o t h e l a st

T h e fo u rth

sto n e i s car r ed Lapie com poaitue. spirits and bodies. rn its


ls com -

posed of nany different one finds great trouble


andl paLns, in the opening of the vesfrom flylng is a great away. secret The work ls of nature great and

eels to prevent tedious

the epirJ.ts and it rt

and difficultr poyrer,

a stone of great care, danger,

is accomprtshed rrith


and in a long time.

Txr Srxrl Oupsrton

My childr more secrets fou have aeked whether useful to alchemy. opena (works) in nature there are Btill there An8wer: 'r report that

are many different

in the Art.

For not al1 men be Lt white or red. nor

know the etone which God has given us free, Nor can all the Aninal men produce thle stone, etone,

not the Minerar stone,


nor the vegetable

nor the conrposite


Thus they do not have much and would like For this

to get advanmany kinds

tages out of the Art. of works.

reason they undertake

Ther e a r e aome who are making odd amalgamations
-E }( (.,rY




They boil After that

them on fire they dissolve


they stay together them together in an then they con-

at the bottom. Aqua fort. let geal it it

They draw the water off into little it

one or two parte, After that,


stones. once more.

again and diseolve vork so often till

They are interchangoil. Then they take work,

ing this

Lt stands like

sublimated taking the oil it into

to the Red or the !{hite; of g ij vivus

depending on their of oil. After hot, thatl

? parts with

to 1 part

They rnix they put it and

the sublimate

on a marble. glass, boil it

a srnall fixation again with

sublimate with

mix it

the feces, it with


one is


the other.

Then they dlssolve for that purpose. it

Aqua vitae


and prepared in a luke-

Then they draw off turns into

the Aqua vitae

warm balneum tilI fresh this A bit Aqua vitae 7 times, till

a powder. lt

Thereupon they pour They are doing an oil. elixir ,

on it it like all

and digsolve no longer


congeals but stays like is a perfect true O

of sugar,

unmelted honey, and it imperfect netalE into

which transforms better

and D

than they come out of the mines.

C x^pren XL III Wonx Txe Seconn

There are aoloe who make a cinnabar has been well washed vith salt from quickailver thereafter that sublimated and vinegdrr

and reetified a crystal: quicksilver Lnto a pot;

in boiling Of this


iDd of sulphur,

elarified 2 parts

like of

they make a oetmilion, of eulphur,


and I part boiled

powdered on a stone and put Aftemards

on fire

as one makes cinnabar. and dissolve that it

tbey calcinate (salt water),

the vermilion prepared for with

Ln aqua eali.e (drench) it on a they 3 times, the 7 parts till

purpose; they irsibed of aqua sa1is, kept

7 parts

of cinnabar for

1 part

emall fire imbibed it until

7 days, in a elosed cask; afterwards, They did this

again and did as before. of aqua salis

3 parts

had been soaked into to be fixed

of vermilion. everything dissolved it

Then they set it together


remained it

fixed prepared

at the botton. for that

Then they and put

in aqua vitae into



a fixation till


.they kept it

in warm to-

ashes, rising gether

and falling,

everything elixir.

stayed fixed

at the bottom,

and was a true

Tre Turnn Honr

others eublirnated with fresh it took living 7 times A through , washed with ealt and vinegalt and one pound of vitriole, they diesolved d

each time in rectified powder, from


fn addition,


aqua vitae,

and rubbed the sublinaied a glass

to a subtle

which they put into the goldt till it

pot and imbibed with off

the water

put a helm on, and drew it

the ashes with

Pure heat, subtil the helm

was dry. put it

Then they again rubbed the powder quite back into off the glass pot together with

on a stone, on it,

and drew it

in warm ashes as before. of

They repeated of mer.b

thiE work till

curial powder.

the water were funbi.bed in ? |

Each time,

oRe ounce of water of the gold should - 53-

be soaked into moisture no good. when alr

the above-mentioned

powder; and do away wlth the alembic,

the is

which you must draw off


because it

the water

from the gold had been soaked into on a gentle fire,


powder, they put it wards on stronger with the feces.

to sublimate fire.

and after-

That whieh rises sublimate again,

must again be mixed till it no longer sub-

Let it


up but stays



at the bottom of the vessel. In that they the

Then they Sroured aea ultum, dissolved

moisture in balneo, water.

e?oeul maptie over.

with or

, congealed it
an alembic. finor or they in

on warm ashes, drawing off

put it till again it to

Then they a cold

dissolve into

cellar, again





on warm ashes this honey. d aften

as before, till it iE a gold, comes no

and then longer true which from


again. but

They repeated thick like

coagulated elixirr is


Then it true


and tincturing colored

lnto that


and more highly



the mines.

Cxrpren XLV
Sone took gar tiII 4 partsi living a
, and washed it mirror. with salt and vine-

L t w a s cl e a r aes ustur

Then they


Roman vitriole,

and crocus

martisP 7 parts


eal commun, I part. first with lit-

Through that tle fire,

they eublimated strongerr After

of mercury,

then with fresh

and they did thie this'

7 tinresr each rectified

time wlth a g u a v i ta e


they took well aenie ueti,

a n d . a n ti mo n i u m minenalie, as rnuch vitriol

e?oeua marti s , the

einnaban, dna 2 partsi others together.

as the weight of all till it

They dried

the vitriol

powdered, and


then mixed everything they poured uPon it width

together well

powdered very aqua vitae, it well

fine. rising

rn a glass, two handsl and put it Everythe


above the matter.

They stirred well lutlng


in the balneum, after day they stirred aqua vitae After first firer it

the g1ass, for

10 days.

3 or 4 times with the better

the hands, so that with

might all

get incorporated

the matter.

the 10th day, they put a helrn on the glass with a little all its fire, and fina'lly for

and distilled a strong the

12 hours with

Bo that

coLored epirits

rnight go over with

aqua vitae. They repeated uPon fresh matter, this tilI water work often, each time pouring the water Then they

the water was as red as blooil. and dissolved in it

took I lb of this dissolve. I

as much gold as would Then they took

Thus they obtained water

a water of gold. in it

lb of that

and dissolv"ia

as much of the mercury After this, they took ancl A helm the mois-

sublimated one part

above to the Red as could be. of the mercury water together into fire. of gold

and two parts an alembic,

of gold water well mixed.

poured both. waterg upon it, ture water with and set it a gentle


a dish with

ashes, and drew off

Then they took two parts water and poured it

of mercurial

and one part

upon the powder con-,

which they had congealed. gealed it work till again as before, both waters

They put it with little

back on the furnaee, fire.

They repeated this Then or in

were united

in a mqaaa or potcder, in freeh ail, till aII

they put it

to solve on a stoner at night, or in dungr oE'in balneo,

a huml,d cellarr into pure- water.

was Clissotvecl'

That which was diesolved

waa eongealed on warm eo often till it no red

ashes. longer

They clicl the eolution

ancl congealing an oil,

congealed but stayed like

fixeGl; transparent,

as blood,

and eternally.fixed. q into true

Then it

wae a perfect

elixir leprous

which tinctures m e t a l s a n d th e i r

9o1d and goes through

d i se a se s

( ,' M a1zey,' ) .

Cxnprpn XLVI

trr Rrnr*nr O
Some have calcinat"d with they sart and vinegar it througtt O as crear @t


to a Eubtle

powder, and washed Afterwards

as a mirror.


, aes uBtum, crocum martis,

and O is, hematite ("Blutstein') - of the last four as much ? as one ae of the other; ana $r as much ae the weight of the others weight. Bel, together; also Eorne conunon sart this 7 times matter. of wtrich there was no ves-

They aublfunated

in our eublirnating Then they.took

eaeh time taking crocus martis


aes ustum, ana,


and Q

ie hematite, of all

antimonium, the othere

Roman vitriol

as much as the leigtrt por*der of it. aqua vitae the matter After.wardg


and made a eubtle width of rectified etirrfng

Th:y poured on it and pbt it

two hands'

in a warn balneum for well with

3 days,


to mix the matter

the aqua vitae. through

they distilled a gentle rlith

the aqua vLtae off firer'.which fire for they in12 hours, each time

the helmr Et first

creased gradually, to well with

and finally

a strong this

draw out al.l epirits.

.They did

3 times,

freEh matter. Then they took I Lb of this ae they water and in it Then they wi,tn dieeolved took 3 lbs as of

nuch of the sublimate gold calx, . finely


powdered, and imbibed it tn a glaes with

They put it

iij aqua .l a helm on, and set it in with a gentle firer dnd

aehes, and drew off

the moisture

congealed it.


they ground it iij i prr


on a marble;

and again irnbibed with dering).

They repeated this the powder. a sublimation with

been inbued into and put it rubbing titl after, limate it into

Then they ground Lt on a stone, vessel; its and, while continually

(mixing it)

feces of earth at the botton

or ferment, fixed. There-


etayed together it

they dissolved

in the same water and they put it for 15 hours; thie

in which the subinto the balneum they'conand con-

had been dissolved; stoppered glass on ashes. tirl it

in a werl gealed it gealing



They repeated


no longer.hardened

but remained in the eonsiserixir which tinges

tence of a gorden oil, and changes the which is better stant in a l l

which Ls the true

and all Lmperfect metals into true go1d, P than that which comes out of the mLnes, con-

te sts.

Cxapren XLVI I TxESrxrn l{onx

fn that the epirite, way some have calcinated the eo?po?d and dissolved the spLrits. the eorpo?d; and and then imbibed the bodies wlth the epirite, and diseolved

Others sublimated with the diesolved

bodies they inbibed well,

the eublLmated epinita. an

Then all elixir

was egually

and at the end they achieved

of the Eame power.

II Cxapren XLVI
Finally, it with some took flowlng till lt ( "running" ) waa aa clear it
, and washed

eal,t and vinegar

aB a mirror. on a sm all fir e ,

Then they took alumen noehe and evaporated -57-





BB dry until

Lt became powdered. ealt ouo?um ,

of this ealt, thtng

a ru m th e y to o k 3.Ibs washed 6

Lapis ealam ina*ie,

of each I lbi together

on..a gtone,

and sublimated fire.

, 3.Ibe.

They ground e\reryit flrst on a amalI subthe spirits,

and subsequentLyr 7 times,

on a etronger

lfhey dld thig the 6

limation white

to enable them to irnbibe into


of the alum; since alum ie full Ls f,ulL of red epiritei without

of wnftf

a6 the Roman (alun) copper with

for people whiten addition, ys,

Lapi,a ealamiaanie, ae silver.

any other

even ae white

Then one leaves.eggshelle imbibed with'the into diseolved

in vinegar, eggshells; ag,silver. (whitenings) full wlth the

and the ealeee are often

then these eaLeee lre.reduced. This'those to deceive white people well othera

a corpus as white

know who ean make albationee Thus they f*U{bea 6

by that.


Then they took alumen roehe, ansenieun eubli.?s f have instructed you wlth U i 2 lbs

nated. to the whiter eggshell-chalk as everything took just

, Lapie ealaminanis elee toget!rer,

crrld t I lb; 16 lbs.

ae nuch ealtpetre Of that they

th'at ie,

4 lbs

to nake aqua fontr 4 tlmeg,

EB you have been taught; and they poured all 4 waters

thue they made aqpa fort i.nto a glass.

Then they took aLl the eapita 16 lbsr their burnt unite turned dietillating from it, them Lnto the fl.nest vessel. and kept After it

montua {dead heads) of the portder and put that into

They poured on Lt all for 15 days in balneo,

the water in order to

the spirits.


took Lt out of the balneum, fir gt with' Iittle fir e this and work

s e t a h e l m o o 'l t, later wlth a,atrong

a n d n ade aqua.for t, heat1., for

24 houre,

Thsy repeated into

4 tlmes,

Bo as to bring

the gtrength

of the earth

the water.

This is

the very best water ever found in the world, the white stone or the white water, elixir.

to serve

the work for

Then they took I lb of this fine cupel-silver (or:

dissorved ln lt,

in it

as much it, and

as they could dissolve customary).

and filred the water,

as is usual

They poured off water ttll

rubbed the calx with my distilled

the water was gone. , subrimated

Then, they took r lb of the carx and I rb of to the white. limated fire. mixing it first They ground both together with Iittle fire

I to a powder, and subwith etronger

and afterwards

They repeated this the subrimate with and preserved it

sublimation its feces.

5 or G times, Finatly

each time

they took the They put the


in a sealed glass.

feces which had stayed at the bottom into furnace and reverberated thenr for

a reverberation

3 days, hot enough that (just enough), that it

the earth was glowing and no more, glowed Just a little would turn After into this, glass. they let it red; for if it

were heated too much, it

cool down and then ground it put it into a glass jar

on (or

a stone with jug),



and poured yet a good quantity They set it into a fresh,

of distilled boiling

wine vine-

gar on it.

hot balneum for hands.

4 days, shaking it At last tate; they let

every day 3 or 4 times with'their

the balneun cool down and the feces precipioff above, dried the feces,

they poured the pure tiquid those again for

and reverberated furnace. before, all

24 hours in the reverberation ground them with vinegar this as till

Then they took them out, and diesolved

them in vinegar.

lfhey repeated

the feces were dissolved together

in the vLnegar.

Then they poured dls-

the vinegar

and eet it

in the balneum Mariae,


the vinegar

in the balneum.

Then the salt of

stayed at the bottorn as white Now they put the salt furnace out, to reverberate for

as Bnon. the carcination which they took it wine vinegar, the last and

once again into 24 hours, after

pounded it it

on a stone with above.

dietiued After


as indicated

distiltation like , in

of the vinegar, a crystal

they took out ttre salt like wax.

which was shining 6

and melting

Then they took the

which the sirver-spirit

had been hidden during into this, one.

eubrimation, it

and they pounded thern together into a fixation-glass. After

Then they put

they took alumen noehe,

L a p i , e ea l a mi n a ? e l , evaporated spirits; very

ca l s ovo?um , anseni.ei.umcom m unedflctt and fire, while preserving the-

the alum over a gentre

.they powdered it

and rubbed it

together a glass

on a stone and above


they put the powder into rectified and set it aqua vitae to distill, fire, for on it,

or jar

poured well the matter, and later

3 hands' width with little





24 hourE. finely on

Then they took

t-h,e oaput mortuum, pounded it that

a stone and again added to it as above. with this white -They did this

which had been distilred, eohobating it each tirne And the U ?

4 times,

the feces,

ao aa to gain the strength

of the earth. and serves for

was unknown to the old pfrilosophere, stone or elixir; and it

iB a meditur between the livi"g cannot get at the body with-' into a fixaby I

and the bodies, out a means. tion-glass, handsr width. with

gince the spirit

They took this

water and poured it it

upon the powder, eo that They sealed with it

stood above it and put it till into

hermetice fire,

a dish was

ashes, 6t first

a gentle



opened in water, the flre, happened in 2l days.

Then they increased when streaks

and they saw that for at firet

by the fixatLon-glass they are subtle,

went through it;

but aftemards their fire in the

they beeome coarae and thick. till it no longer

Then they increaeed

rose but stayed fl.xed at the bottom, oil. tfhen that elixir, was cold, tinging true D it


of a thick

was thick-

er than honey and sas a perfect (transforming) all imperfect

and translating , better than

bodies into

which comes fronr the mines. ff opherfs one wished to bring stone, like (turn) this elixir into the philos-

a CRISTAL, one would have to take a small the eecret furnace, hermetice carl eearedr or give In

grass and set it


in the dry furnace which the phirosophers fire this into so strong heat it that you can easily


keep your hand in it. will

has to stand for

40 days, when it as cr ystal,

congeal one

t he p h i l o so p h e rrs and its

stone, clear

eo that

can powder it; and, pnojeetion.

power has increased


in nobility

CHapren XLIX Txe Eronrxl{onr

All dealing the with details { used in all this work of

must be ueed in
agree that the ealees

, since



effect {

in all

worke aE mu in

drawn from


riut of O

I Cxnprrn
Txp llrnrs lfonr 0p rxe
Quinta Others took silver E s e e n t ia Lunae common agua fortr beaten calx, made with

- 51-

down vith thereof

eolulon water, and drew from it

and dried. living q

They took a rarge guantity , in the following vinegar, way.

They took good tripre into a stone jar. rnto


which they poured tartarum (calx


they poured {$ iii;


of tartar) vinegar, chalk,

and clear, 6 q u a rts,


ana of the aforementioned they took this eir ver

e a l e e e r unae


and ground them 3 times together vinegarr a brueh. so finely

on a marble a painter into a

srate with could paint large jar

the digtirled with it with


Then they put it

of 12 guarts, They quickly

and poured upon it I guart closed the jar, out of the jar. as othemiee

of distilled the vinegar with the in a to


would inunedLately fly their hands so that

They shook the jar get mLxed with

the natter

would werl jar for


Then they put this

24 days to putrefy

warm balneumr stirring mix it well. 2l days,

the matter

every day 3 or 4 times,

After it

they removed the can, put a helm on it, the vinegar off. Aftenrarde, quicksilver.

set the

on a furnace and distilled

qu. eaa. Lunae followed rt all has such a great its power, for in the Art, it

in the form of a living that it

virtue certain for thie

is not permitted And this is

to revear

reasons. 6

the greatest


or qu. ess. Lunae is eo noble compare with the nature on. After of heaven they had

and pure that in ite

can actually ag wirl


be taught


drawn the qu. ess. Lunae out of the jar, quicksilver, earth they preserved it titl

in the form of tiving and the and the sal

they needed it, the tartar

of the eilver

atayed blended with

ammoniac in the jar. Then they took colunon distilled water, poured it into the

Jar, 3or

and kept 4 ti,mes.



a hot








and *F


both into



but the earth Then they let J a r , drew it

or eo?pue of lt off

settled at the trottom of the jar. ) cool down, poured the water off into another and found the tartar and the

pe" alenbieum,

at the bottom, fore;

each by itself,

as good as they were beother purposes as before, than before. dried it over a for

and they can again be used for the vinegBEr while


they are better of the silver, and set it fairry into forging

Then they took the earth gmalI fire, powdered it finely,

to calcinate hot - only

3 days in a reverberation no morer Bo that a strong ttrrn glass, into heat, glass, it


red and one kept would

Ehourd not turn

glass. iron,

rf it

euch as is ueed for for arl things

are by nature them. !{hen it put it

ultimatery had thue reinto well, a stone and set

when the spirit for 3 days,

has left

verberated jar, it

they removed it, vinegar 8 days, on it, stirring boiling

poured distilled in the balneum for

mixed it

every day 3 or 4 times hot. down, poured the jar to

and keeping After the vinegar one eide.

the balneum steadily the I days they sl.deways off After let

the balneum cool

from the feces by turning off,

they had drawn the vinegar whLte silver-salt. furnace fot

they found at ealt be-

the bottom the clear, into fore. tilled the reverberation Afterwarda vinegar

They put this EB nentioned

24 hoursr

they put it and eet it

back into

the Jar,

lrcured disin they

on it

in the balneum, proceedlng was drawn off, like ice and

every way aE previously.

llhen the vinegar glistening it for

found the sal tunae at the bottom, melting like wax. They preserved

the time they would

need it. Now they took all salt, till and the 6th part one no longer of q of


and rubbed thern on a stone

saw rny thing

alive of
eeared it,

Then they put it into a smarr grass (No. zo p9 43)

in a dish with ashes on a gentle fire, this tLme the q turned into a hard within

and set it

for 24 hours, mass.

Now they broke the glass and powdered the mass finely. P 2 ae and mixed it
more of it.

Then they took the other part of

the massr so that it this into tirr a grass, all one could to boil of


see nothing

They put

in ashesr 6s before. O nere imbued with its

They retrreated its own ealt, And this living water,

6 parts

and the corpuar

or ealt,

tr]u drunk alr

spirit. with

is what Morienue aays: and he'wilr no more feel

Refresh the thirsty thirst in all

eternity. into

Afterrards a fixation-

they powdered the mass very glass, and poured rectified


put it

aqua vitae

on it,

one handrs wldth into a dish

above the matter. with thing epirits streaks; aehes to boil, wae dissolved rise with

Then they gealed it first into with clear little water. and the

and put it fife,

and in 12 days every-

Then one can see the aqua vitae as silver

the bodies,

and when the streaks your fire,

begin to become coarse and thick, and 24 days afteryards everything

you must increase will be fixed with

the aqua vitae it will

in the form of a glossy oil. like oil or elixir. into the

When that

ie cold,

be somewhat thicker, like cryetal. It

honey, clear Put lt gecret into


is a perfect

a glass ampul,La, closed abover and put it of the philosophers r oE i.n tri,pode. Give it


That is the Bo that of

dry furnace

of the philosophers.

moderate heatr for

you can keep your hand in it



the duration

one ADe Mania. philosopher's perfect D this metals

Then the elixir stone within and well


be congealed into


40 days, which will into true,

change al1 imbetter and nobler speaks of

washed p

than comes out of the mines. work that it is

Rainundua Lutlius

a stone and a medicine,

to which no forwhat

eign matters is too much.

are added, but that Praise Godt

one takes away from it

CHqpren LI
Understand that

you can make an elixir for all )



, and unanirnously


alone to the red, $ is

old Bhilosophers

agree that

at bottom fine
heat of the

, but yet raw and not

enough by the

Likewise they say f

If its funpurity outside, purpose open God, who has




in its

innermost, and its

but impure. innermost

were taken away from it it would be perfect gold.

turned thie for

You must not for

your purse and incur made all things

much expense in the Art, a diminution us to fulfill them.

without for

of his easence, has preall our desires, provided pray God

pared enough matter

we know tbem and can prepare that he may give

Let ue, therefore' to recognize

us the intelligence for us, and that

the things it in such for which and

which he has created

rre may prepare the stone,

a way as to reach our goal, we work, aleo for for

and to acquire

and to use the same for

the honor of God and ours,

the happineee of the souls of our neighbors o r " heavenly b1iss") .


t h e " e a l va ti o n "

LI I Cxapren
THE IENTH lloRK - equa philosopltonun

Sometook I lb of


, and also the salt of D

- 65-


in everything

ae has been taught thsnselves.

in the ninth they burnt

work; an

and they kept thern for aqua fort I part, From this on its of 3 parte, saltpetre


alum, arsenl.c, 6gg-chaLk, calamine ana other parts it welgh together. each time anerd rn this

as much as arl

they made an aqua fort, dDd agaln burning the g of it D



4 or 5 tirntss.

water they dissolved by distillation. this subrimation

, and drew the water off the 6


They subtimated 3 times,

ae. water.

They did Thus

each tLrne with


they drenched the

artd by dissolving oreaged it in its

and eubl.inatlng


Ln a white spirit
they made it

or tl.ncture,
subtle and in-

power and proJectlon ealt of D

100 tl-mes. it

Afterwards ln recti-

they took the prepared fied aqua vl.tae;

and dLssolved

drawn off

5 tl:ne of ana alrmr, arsenic t aggthe water off the

chalk and calamine.

They agaLn disttlled

aal Lunae in a lukewarm balneum. poured water through till it wae dl.seolved;

Upon the salt

they again

and again drew the water and congeared with fresh

the'baln"rr*. ttll white ;thts

They dLssolved

agua vitae llke oiI, After

the sirversalt and glistenLng they took the

no longer ltke snow.

congealed but etdyed

rubbed Lt on a etone, what th phtlosopher aweat, and tt it in all wtIl

which they had subtimated, I and tntriUea it wtth ltgelf. That is Bays: GLve lt Bo that henceforth to drlnk its


beeone etrong, for it will

one cannot overcorne no more lose its of its sueat,

eternity, is,

power, that

one will

be unable to rob it (or: ione") $ oil ltke

because they are rmw simple able heaven, and it After thiy

'the Lnsurmountess. Lnto ? , they

is no:Ionger

U"t q". and salt

had irnbibecl all

took a glass with the matterl sealed

a long neck (No. 2rpage r03r.rnto it above and put it for


they put

g, days on varm ashes.

Then the matter

became hand as a stone. finely;

Now they broke the glass Lnto a fixationupon Lt. They ashes.

and powdered the matter

they put it

glass and poured I handrs width of aqua vitae gealed the glass and set it First water. rise, glassr thicker, ter starts they gave a gentre t{ithin like on.a furnace, 6s if

in a dish with


one wished to burn rogewith the aqua vitae

10 days they gaw the matter streaklets,


up and down through the fixationbegan to become coarser considerabry, And that rt rises for and

BDd when the streaklets they increased

your mat-

beconing coarse.and


is what Hermes from the earth and the nether-

says in the regirnen of the fixation: to heaven, and again falls most turne into

down upon the earth, the uppermost thicken,

the uppermogt, begins to

Lnto the nethermost.

And when the matter the end is near,

you may be ageured that you aee in the glass, They eontinued the

and the fewer veins increase

more you must gradually with veins this rise regulating

your fire. titr

of the fire And they

they aaw no more little at the bottom ae crystal. arr lep-

and d.escend. like

saw the matter oir, the Q all

of the vessel And it

a bright, elixir, sLlver,

griEtening penetrating


waa a perfect into real

rous metals

withstanding (or:

""u teeta,

better ,If then Btone, into

than what ccmes out of the mines, they wished to turn they put it the furnace into of thiE elixir ampulla,

the ores).


the philoeopherrs

a glaes

closed ot in

above and get it that

the philoeophere


ip the fur-

nace of the philoeophers to calcinate

or the dry furprce, spirits;

in which they used in such

and congeal their

and they kept it

-6 7 -

heat that the jar in this into

they could hold their their

hand without

burning They let

between it stand


ampurla and the furnace.

heat for

40 days, in which time the elixir pulverizabre and it stone. And it

had congealed grew r00 s tone.

a hard crystalline

t i m e s i n th e fi rst

p ro j e c tion,

ie the philosopher ' s

Say thanks to God Almighty, f i c i e n t l y.

be klnd to the poor,

and work suf-

CHnprEn LI l I

Txr ErrvenrHUonr
Othere took mentioned V . q After and D that, , and dissolved they sublimated them in the aforethem, in every way of

as in the work just D just as before; its

related. thereafter own spiritr

They also prepared the salt they dissolved

and imbibed the work the salt

eaL Lunae with with the

ds in the previous

of . .O I of the Mineral Stone: and the earth enly color. solved e have taught philosopherrs this will

This is what Morienue says in the book Refresh the earth with the heavenly dew, of a heavand dis-

become fertile

and produce flowers

And after in ite

they had imbibed the sublimated they prepared it

own salt,

Ln every nay as r it into fn the

in the above work; Btone, into

and thus they turned

the aame power and proJection. made their elixir brought

way the old philosophers their

in many ways, it into very

and prepared high power.

stone and inrnediately

LIV Cxnprrn
Tre TwelrrxHonr
There were othere solved the chalk thing who calcinated O and O vinegar, r and dlstill everyLn balneo in distilled into pure water. - 58-

was dissolved

Then they drew the vine-

gar off

by distillation


a smarl skin appeared. into a grass potr tine into

Now they a very cool

removed the heln and put it cellar, tot 5 or 5 days.

During this

smarl gtones sprouted,

nothing else but crystals,

removed these little

trorn @

as welr aa from D


stones and again distilled the cellar.

some water off

them; and put them again into till nothing sprouted;

They repeated .this into a glass with O

then they put the crystals

pot with

a helm, set it till

in a cupeJ- with. ashes, distilling dripped. were oil; Thus the O as soon as it and

a moderate fire

nothing it

remained so to speak as if down, it fact


was hard Like a pulverizable very finely.

Etone, which they did in it tlll in distilled a rittte as be-


They dissolved the vinegar


ai before,

and drew off

skin appeared, and set it fore. They repeated this the O

in the cerlar tirt ind

to crystarlize

no more feces remainedr iDd thus O from their uncreantiness. pounded

they had purified

Then they took these rittle them to a subtle

stones thus purified, into

powderr dDd put that of rectified

a fixation-grass. on it, and

They poured a handrs width proceeded with tilr it

Agua vitae

a moderate firer a fixed oil

iB has been reported and was a perfect into O or D

above, which to

stood rike


, )( and A 0 what had been t-lre fernent. tnansferned


, accordins


they wished to change this i n to


into set it

the philosopher's in tnipode for above. withgtone. noits

s t o n e , th e y p u t.i t 40 days,

a gr ass ampulla, the fire

and reguraied

ae has been taught

ln the 40 days the elixir

changed into

the phirosopherrs calid

This ie the stone of which the philosopher thing foreign comes into it, only that

Bay6 that

one removes from it


and urges lt

a bit

so that


stays in fixed

, that it


ln the Aqua vitae, fl.xatlon

whLch ls wonderfully


in the

and Ls a means between (or: '.rra the metals, did not exist, but when rrow this

a nediumr oE intermediary) stone.

between the S For lf the .5rr.

and the philosopherrs the q

would Ln no way stay fixed with the

wLth the metals; p h i l o s o p h e r's fn this fonned. Ileve eubtle Art

medium is

sto n e , th e spir its

r em ain constantly

in the metal s . is per-

many expenses are incurred

and much labor

Then, when they have worked for work weII, arrive after

a long time and bethey have made it fixed,

to have done thelr and fusible anything that

and at last

at projection,

they don't


and are then as far the Art

as they were before. to practice, for

Then they think

ie impoesible

they do not know the medLum and do not understand which God has given by this neither medium all us for things nothing. Neither

the stone

do they know that

mrst be joined,

and because they have medium, they can Doomsday;

knowledge nor understanding even if medium, all

of thiE

never reaeh penfeetion, but if they knew this this

they labored till their

work would succeed. except on but if it and I has been


you cannot rnake any pnoieetion is a Stone to the l{hite;

, and it

prepared from O
taught the quantity

, throw l-t on I

and $

of the pnoieeti,on by experience.

, you will



others the O make Aqua fort of Romari @r ana O to diesolve O D i or of alum de roche and saltpetre as is cuetomary, to dissolv"

They make such egua fort therein @ and D

and they dissolved

, each by itself,

because they wished to

make both Btones. glaes pot rith Aqua fort the;rcts etones



they put each a pant Lnto a and distill.ed 2 parts of the and put

a helm on it,

Ln balneo. for

Then they removed the helns humid cellar.

I days in a cool,

Thus, litt1e took out,

formed in time

at the bottom.

Thoee they

put the heLm on again and distilled in balneo. They set the rest formed.

each almost entirely as above,

once again to sprout,

and again crystals each to its kind.

They added those to the first, its

They cleaned the pots and put in it 8 days into

etoneg, put the helm on, and set Lt for balneum. into During this tine all

a boiling

these little

stones congealed

a hard,



'Itren they took the etones powder; and they put

and pounded each by itself each into Aqua vitae, glasses fire a fixation-g1ass,

to a subtle

and poured I hand's width of our for with eaeh. They eealed the of the

prepared specially and boiled


such a regrulation places, red, tiII

as hae been taught

in various oil,

they stayed clear

in the consietency tike a ruby,

of a fixed

transparent, c1ear,

to the Red; and transparent, like a crystal, to the l{hite.



And both were elix-

irs that tinsed

the tfhite.

and d

to the Red, and

and T


But if

they wished to transform they.put each elixir

both elixirs a'glass

the philosopherts anpulla, sealed

them hermetice for

and put them into with

the furnace euch a regulain various

of the philosophers tion of the fire

40 days and nights

ag hag been taught

previously into

places. gtoner

In the given bard,

tLme they turned like

the philosopher's

traneparent to the White.

a ruby to the Red; and gnowwhite,


My :child,

Thank God and work dlligently.,


what you taught of theee two etones, you can make tt^r, I

to tlre Red, and fronr that


to the Whtte, although T wouldl be d,one more easily and perfectly Nevertheless, Lead is inpurity and its leprous all gold, philosophers and that it

I believe from, @ coilbut


and old'f,olhs laeks nothing lnside

cur that that

be renroved from it, outside, lnside;

and ite rould

be turned @ the


then it

be ffne

That ie why it philoeophical metars without of their medirmr. itrputity

is known, for etone, rrtrite

the reagona mentioned, and red,


can be nade from these provided they be cleansed which ie the

a foreign


and Jolned

to an Aqua vttae,

Cxapren LVI
Take antinoniun, Aqua fort eublinate , 1 lb; it by itself. saltpetre, Then'make an 2; salt, 6 I Lb. ,

from Roman s,

Pour this
distill half it


, 4 fingerr'g


above the eublimated it LB guite dry. wittr

again in balneo till r and sublimate Put uhat rises can eacapei

Add to it a strong well of

ae nuch f$ flre.'

tlreur togrether eparately shat



a glaes,

elo sed so thit the

no air

has not on it


, pound gnall, of itr

and pour ryiter put it

which has first till

been,,dietil.l,ed It is dry. To thie fore. called

ln the balnernn to dietill

add again ha!.f as much )+


and sublimate

J.t as beThis gu. is egg.

Repeat this the 0r.



has been sublinated. , llqr take this glue,

Eger of the anti.mbnium. into a glass, well


put it

cloeed with


and wax. nights.

Set it It will

in a hot eteam bath of water d i se o l ve as white as m Llk.

for After Firet

3 days and this, distill away. lut e

a helm on it the bad water Put another

and separate the four elements. from it with a gentle fire

and throw it


on and let

the balneum boil.

Then a

whlte water will o r L a e o i rg i n i ,a . till it

go over it, D i sti l L till

whieh is the element of the water Lt no longer dr ops; also, for then disit belongs fLne,

out of the ashes, and keep that Such tlnges tin

to the white water. good silver. After and set it above. this,

and copper into

pound what remained in the glass in putrefactionr



to dissolve wtII

dB has been taught That is the

Then an oil

appear, pale as water. Btronger thin fire

element air. matter till will

Now give appear, like

ln the ashes, and a red fncreaae your fire again




has gone over.

Then you have the element fire. in the glass, is good

llhe element earth, only for throwing

however, which stays srday. elenent

Now take the first put it athanor fire. into a glass

of the water, hermetice.

Lae vi,ngi,nisi Set Lt into a.very the gentle

and cloee it

which one has in the warm stove, Then all colors will appear, for come.

and give after

the blackness, All

a beautiful this for will silver,

whitenesa will take place

l$len it

has enough. will

Ln one month and lt { , just

be a tincture sLlver with

which mixes with

as all

gold. Now put I lb of starts smoking. into a crucible; heat it (half till it P Pour upon Lt one "Lot' and give strong

an ounee) of fire. Then it

the said elixir,



stand aB if

the crucibre A

would break.

But if


becomes O ,

brittle, eteadfast

add more red in all tests.

r tDd you will

have very


The element of the fire, close lt into


which you have kept apart, the white water, in everything titt

a glaes as previously appears. This tinges,


a red color the p

as in the white, tests, better

which stande all

, O than what comes from the mines.


good and fine

Cxaprrn LVII Tnr FrprreHrx t{onr

This is an elioin is to be pulled off from 6 and how the golden ehirt + ; the black king, which ie 6 r and is to
and pulverize into this it, and mix him with and first stoppered. put it into distill Ae to a cal-

tinse D into o
Take the black pulverized of it tartar; king put it an alembic, water well

the tartar.


the powder that cination-vessel, cinate it for

stayed below in the veesel, and caleinate it

in the wind-furnacer gfhen it is well

or calcalcinated and

3 days and 3 nighte.

and has cooled down, pour good distilled let it it. off it off It etand till into it the vinegar alembic, ls colored


uPon it


Then pour vinegar upon


and again pour other it is coloredr

gtand again till to the other and do thie till

and then pour it vine-


red vinegar. all

Again Pour freeh

gar upon it,

rednese has been extracted

from the chalk. Now take all neun !lar. alernbic; You will that the tinged find vinegar and draw it
off per of this of bal-

a red powder at the


the powder oil.

ie the qu. ess. of the upon a glass tablet


I dissolve

in the cellar

to the consistency

Pour to thie and put it tort



own water which you had first wlth an alembic; or lute

drawn off, another rein


a retort

over it,

the joints on warm ashes;

(seane) being well let it oil rise


Set it

the furnace have a fixed into gold.

and deecend, and you and tinges D

and incombustibre Take thin plates

which fixes eirver, turn

of fine

burn them and let into fine O .

them go out in this Thie oil- cures all leprosy, fever,


and they wirr

mant B sicknesses and all and cancer, etc.

wounds, including


Cxnpren LVI II
This is another erixir from $ well ,or sith all sicknegses. vinegar. vinegar ag butter. ors by it) in-

Take ant'i.monium, 1rcund it Put it and ret in a warm spot to dry. it dry.

distilled with

Again pound it

Then take powdered sart it (or: fire, cold,

as fusible with it,

Sublimate for

the antirnonium through first with a gentle

14 hours, it.

then gradually

creasing will find

when it

has turned

break Lt open, and you Now filealtiThen it with

the antimonium ae white u1rcn the feces that

as snow, sublimated. stayed

pour warm water ter lt off

at the bottorn, till alt

aB one would make a lye. Dry what is

Repeat thie reft

nesa is gone from it.

over and keep it. on itr lt well Eo that and put it

take Bame and pour distilled atands 3 fingerrs

wine vinegar stir

wl,dth above it.

the grass on warm ashes for at the bottor. vinegar before. upon it, Do thie

3 hours,

and let

the matter off;


Then pour the vinegar etir Lt well, and let


pour other

Lt stand in hot ashes as

tl or 5 times. vinegar in a glaes, for in it ie the

Keep the drawn off

qu. ess. of 6 completely

i J.

N o w take this

vinegar and distitr



by Baln. Maria, After it; thie,

and the qu. ess. etays below in the take what has been eublimated qu. ess. off. Then take it the oir and and

destillatorium. do Likewise with let it putrefy Then it

draw its

in horse dung or in balneo till is aneet as honey. Thie oil contagious

ie dis-


has inexpressibry diseases and to and inside, and the 6s

great virtuee


chasing away arl it heals all

keep man heatthy; leprosy, etc.

wounds, outside


f mean to say that together

one has to bring and use itr

qu. ess. and the sublimated has been taught above.

in an oit

Cnnprrn LIX Tur Spvenrreurs llonr How ro lhre aNEr-rxrn rnom 2007 ANo 1111
OtherE took one part melted, they threw into it it 2OO7 and melted Lt. l{hen it was 3 parts'' of 1111, stirred Then it with is brittle ealt them to-

gether and let Pound it further

cool down. very well it.

and soft. till no

and t*aeh it blackness After twice

and vinegar

gets off that

Then dry lt into a glass

at the aun or a retort and, in described

small fire. addition, hereafter. like an oil,

put it

as mueh as i.ts own of the Aqua fort it red, up and down till and it it

Distill guite

etays at the bottom

can no longer be congealed. incom-

Then you have the Aqua vitae bustibile. Now take of thls to it:l lot (half

and oleum philosophorum

ij, or as mueh aa you wieh; add J ah ounce) of thinly beaten, fine goldleaves. ol into a glass retort or phiole, well closed,

Put them together and let it stand


7 days and nights

on a moderate fire.

Then everything Lot of fine gold,

together and let

turns it


an oil.

Now add again r 7 days and nights as molten pitch. are 3 r,ots of

again etand for

in warmth, as before.

Then it

becomes as thick and thus there

Now add 1 Lot of gord as before, gold in 4 Ipts as before, utmost Red. this, all of oil. Let it

again stand 7 daye and nights medicine, like wax, to the

and you have a meltable It turns stiff

in cold air.

you must pulverize silver; it will

and throw I part turn O The aforementioned , I Ib; into fine

on 500 parts . water alumen

of fine

is made in the following roche and common salt I lb of distilled into that put I ,

ways ana, I Ib.

Take no*"tt @,

Powder them emall and mix it gar. Of that


wine vineff .

burn an Aqua fort;

LX Cxrpren TseEreurerrurx llonr AgourTwoHrrens

Now, ny child, f will

teach you to make two waters with works of Art, for without alone. these two Anno|dus

which one does wonderful watersr Do one will

draw the Stone from 6

de Villanooa, irnproved this it. Arnoldue

Rai.mundueand ALbertua ldagnue have considerably water, since they found each time more truth in

found that

one ehould add to Lt enoeus and lap. Raimundus found that Albertus


an equal meaaure of each.

one ehould add antimonium minenale and permillion. Magnus found that ischgrOn" f bqeic were sceptical Roman vitriol one should put in it copper lcetqte regard

aea uetum and "SpanAfl old philosophers from

or ctrbonate): and made their

in this

Aqus fort

and saltpetrer

or from alum and saltpetre. they accomplished any-

That is alao why it

took eo long till




was perfect. water,

That is why r will of which there rt

now teach you to

make the first

yras mention made before Make it

in the Mineral-stone. as follows': Take Roman vitriol, lap. haematite, I part

nakes the stone volatLle.

3 parts;

antimonium minerale,

2 parts;

erocus Martis,

aes ustus,

Spanischgrfln and Dry them to a flre for 24


of each; ealtpetre,

10 parts.

powder and burn an Aqua fort, hours; subeequently with

first'wl-th fire.

a gentle $then it

a stronger

has cooled smal1,

down, remove the eaput'nrortuum and put it back again into it.

from tlte Jar,

powder it

the distillation-veEsel

or the Jar. a re3 and

Pour Agua f6ftrupon cipient, times, closely

Imnediately and distill

put a helrn on with aE before. Do this


each time pouring off again.

the water on its

powdered feces;

drawing it for

Tbl.s ls then called oftea

aqua phi.Losophonum to use in the Art.

the Red, which you will

be. ordered

Cxnprrn LXI
Now, how also with the work, to nake the other water whlch gets fixed of which there ttllneral l{ork, has been mentl-on made in the when I eaid that of the that it Ie made with Proeeed then

aforementioned danger and wlth as followe: parent,

Take Roman vitriol,

J.s very pure and transcrocus Martis, lapis Dry and

and verurillion, aeg ustrm,

of each 1 part; Spaniechgrfln, till it


of eadh N part.

congeal them io a dust, If half a part

does not retain

any spirits. one

of antimonium mLnetale were aleo, Lts eplrit with vLnegar in a lukewani

ehould extract eo that

balneum, it is Is

the spirit

of ant&nonium Ls congealed before But f will later

added to the work.

teach how the spirit

to be drawn out. Now put the aforementioned to dusting, Aqua vitae r e c t i f i c a ti o n . epirits can fly into a recipienti matter, pour on it that has been dried

as much rectified the no

as was drawn over still Qu i ckl y out.

L2 or L4 times after so that

etopper the neeeptaeul, for

Put it

7 or I days in a warm balneum; a recipient, and provide

then take it yourself during Distilr increase with


add a helm with that

such lute

you do not lose your epirits your work wourd be epoilt. After this, that, keep it to into and you can

the distillation; with little fire for

otherwise for

2 days and nights. 2 days. for Following 3 days.

your fire with


your glass

the matter


Then let in order

cool down, remove the helm, and break the glass remove the caput mortum. the recipient set it just it for suffer Powder that finely

and put it tightly

in which your water ig.

Close it

8 days in the balneum, in such a way that your hand in the balneum. gently heating the first it Now take it

out and put

on the fire,

day, more strongly and let

the second; the third it stand thus fot

dayr Bo that

glows (burns), cool down.

24 hours and aftenrards natter, like Do this

Now put again fresh and proceed with matter each time. it

the firet, 3 times, this

in the water using fresh in earthAdd a in-

as before.

You may also prepare


enware jugs,

which are urade at Siburg near Cologne. hae a hole

helm on top that; for

at the crown to put the natter very firmly luted on it and the

when the helm is

epout at the end is well epirits. be spoilt, For if since

blocked with

wax, you do not lose any everything would

you were to lose the epirits, the tinctures are in the spirits

and not in

the bodies. and danger,

rn such a way it and with

must be prepared with interrigencer

great Bo that

care one

the alchemist's

doeg not lose the spirite,

otherwLse your work would be spoitt.

My child, there

r am telling

you with secret


love that

never has'

been found a greater

in nature all

than these waters, of rrorks that

since with

them one ean accomplish

the kinds

can be done Ln alehgny.

Because of this

seeond water there yes, all our That anyfor long

have been ao many !{rrors in the Art forefathera ls why it thing have ao far took


not known of this

gecond water.

them so huch time ttl't

they accomplished great labor, it


and they worked also wlth

timesr' and epec'ia1 eare; plained to you with elear

Here, however, my ehild, intelligence the'flrst we call and labor.

Ls ex-

Therefore, is

thank God the Alntghty called


of these two waters the seeond our,

aqua philoeophotumi

blessed water. refer

That ie wtry, when I Bay aqRraphilosophorum, water which contaLne the saltpetre that

to the first

Bakes'the water,

Stone volatLle.

lnd when I speak of our burning with the work (or:

I mean the eecond, which gets flxed " lfherefore, the other my child, (or:'

coagulatea). take one for

be very careful

not to mis-

not to uae one Lnstead of the other).

I vlll Cxqprrn
Now take quickailverr"4 was quiekel.lver @f wfthout in- the'fl.rst or 81bs; or aa rnuch as there but dry your till

two eublLnations;

loeLng the apl.ritg, dugL. Uix'lthen

aleo the" eanron calt,

they are lLk strong,

and grind till

them on a atone with is no


wine vinegar,

the quieksilver

longer with


- as subtly Now put it

as if into

one were to paint

with that

it pur-

a brush.

a stone pot made for and tightly; set it a recipient a gentle drips

pose; add a helm, luted naee in a cupel with to the spout; you see that


on a fur_ firmly fire tilr

ashes or sand; Iute up with

draw the wateriness

the helrn gets dry and nothinc Now increase when the fire your fire,

from the it can add After

tubes of the helm. nicery sublimate;

so that

begins to throw flames,

more coal, this,

so as to keep it your fire

for 24 hours in even heat. till


considerabry let it

the bottom of the 6 hours in a gentle in order with the

pot begins to glow nicely; glow (heat). to drive After this,

stand for

make it

burn more strongry, together

up the coarae spirits eince the volatile because it is its

of the vitriol part rike

guicksilver; by the I,{ ', ? naturei that

of the vitriol

is embraced

and they are of the same Therefore, Anis_

is why they clasp each other.

t o t e T . e e sa ya i n th e B o o k of the stone, that are quLte fixed

in the gth:

The spiri ts

are of no use as long as they are earth, that the philosopherrs is, vitriol, is stone, fixed which God in one

and they do not notice has given us for part; metals. living otherwise

nothing, it


would have nr unfixed natr has received the, they which

For in its being arive;

and when it

become together was previously us ie united

one eo"puy and congealed guicksilver, alive.

And thus the stone which God has given and they become one eo?pul 0 with the fixed to rise part. and again fall, natural


the quicksilver, and likewise

which is volatile, Aftemards, one congeals

when one has made it with

(gets fixed)

the other,

keeping their

m o i s t u re . says.

Thus it

d o e s not lose its otherwise will

natur al

ingneser dB Ge ber the stone that to the righteous

Whoever eublimates

than through never attain

God has given us for and perfect Art.


Cxrpren LXIV
My child, I am telling you this so that wh a t is who wants you should e u b lin a t io n ; to lead know ao wh a t you are doing, that blind. once or fixed is you do not and u n d e rs t a n d the blind


another at least

You must know that twice through the with best

you must always feces, them, part in for is order

sublimate to rise aays: retains

the more ff the one part best,


together and the

Monienua it

volatile is


w hich

volatile. must know that to in the firet but in sublimation the second one takes eublimathe

Uy child 2 parts tion t ot other, of

Roman vitriol the firstr

1 part;


on takes twice

as much of the in

one as of

and one sublfunates My child twice


feces. the as first

That makes eublima-

3 sublimations. tion one takes

must know that

as much Roman vitriol

, because


dead on a stone,

but it if

would always live you grind it,

and not mix with it such that is totally nothing, with the but always is

the vinegar. nothing killed; living



Ls aeen of tne p your sublimation

on the stone and it would be good for would not rise


and your spirits quicksilver,

of the Roman vitriol

nor would they grasp each other and rLee by itself. its feces, til.l all


each wouLd sublimate once or twice through

Sublimate it

the quicksilver

dead and hardr it

so that

you can powder it vitriol. After


you sublimate

again tfrrough fresh


do not take more

of one than of the other ff the quicksilver it, were not yet dead, you would now not is no more of the one than it

be abre to kirl of the other. well ff

because there


take good care to incorporate time, and to grind its feces, it

on the stone the first

diligently. with good a

you have to mix it vi n e g a r, it.

again with as if

do it

distilled brush with

a s fi nely

one wer e to paint


rn this q

way you must always proceed when you through Romanvitriol. it without any addition, If, however, it you

wish to sublimate

you wish to sublimate dry and always set it must well that is, sublimate the first it

gulverize that

dry to sublimate.

Know also

5 or 6 times before you dLssolve it, 3 times through double the My child, you memwhen



and then 3 or 4 times through equal weight. you sublimation. great Take care that

I have now taught orize it it well, for

errors occur during


is done poorly,

the work is spoilt. to sublimate that and do

There are many who have the audacity not know what they are doing; done their job. they believe

they have weII at the is in-

Then, when they find the Art impossible.



end, they consider deed impoeeible, nor the Art,

For them the Art neLther

because they understand

thenrselves, and They to

nor the work at hand.

They wish to aublimate with vitriol.

do not know why they sublimate know nothing rubify; else but that


one has to subll-mate Ln order it must be joined Ancl if it

but they

Lgnore that us for

to the stone were not subli-

which God has given


mated with without this


one could never unite



the metals, for

for the

means, it

would not stay in the metals; us for nothing

stone that

God has given

is a medium between Because they

the metals and quicksilver, neither know nor understand the Art,

as said before. this

medium, also because of other

reasons concerning Therefore,

they can never reach petfeetion. and hear;

open your eyes and see; and your ears, &rtelligence, this, for

and open your

here you are shown everything

you need - with

enough of subLimating.

Now we will

deal with

eoLution. it first


the quicksilver

has been sublimated, and thus dissolved,

dissolve put it into

in aqua philosophorum; put a

the sublimation-pot; well luted;

helm on, and a recipient, it first with a gentle

everything fire, till all

and distill has gone Now to


over and you see the quicksilver increase sublimate your fire for a littler 6 hours.

sublimate it

in the heLm. nicely

Bo that



At the end of the 6th hour, 4

make the bottom glowing. times 6 hours,

Let the pot stand in the heat for is 24 hours.

which together let ie it

When your water has

been drawn off, The water that

cool down, remove the helm and the is no longer bodies, any goodr oE it all is power

in the recipient certain

one may keep it no good. and all a horse, are like, first all.

to calcinate

otherwise with it

For th'e argentum oitum has carried tincture, because they are equal. AIl

From a horse comes in the water nature and of

from a dog, a dog, etc. and they have all

tinctures their

received q



in the mines from carries all - 84-

, and he is

the father

Thus the


to his nature.about


him; and he marries have turned they into all

thern only'in water

the solutl.on,




andr' aB 6

beeorneg,water, Thus there nrarriage

become one and joined between the tineture the fixation,

at the Bane tlme ln the eolution. and q ,

is A marriage ie later, work. after

to be eonsLdered the says: f do not

matrirnonial believe into that

That is why Anietotel,ee one thlng bring

one can transpoee unless one first

out of Lts nature ite first nature.

another, then lt

aame into into

nature; All

ie "1rcsaibIe to change it water.



uere originally


aome penfeetion, philosophorum, water before.

or wl"shes to rnake aa elid,r 'be muet needs turn everything

lf aonone wants 'or the lapts together Lnto

Now take the quicksilver aqua philoeaphonum. with a gentle firer least

and dissolve


agaln Ln fresh through the helm, 5 or 6 times, and'take

Again draw the water off iB before. 4 times, Do this

at leaet

or at the very each tLne fresh tincture that

each time resublLmating, f,or it

aqua philosophorum; it is

rnust have so mubh gold. Uy child solu-

within q

as beautiful

as fine

must know that tion

becqnee eo eubtle that it

and etrong

Ln every

and subLimation, when it etone.


each time in proJection to the elixir or the of

a hundredfold philosopherrs dissolving and reErded

hae been brought

That ie why' uty chiId, for the time

do not tlte

and sublimating, a thoueand

and labor

ie Patd


Crapren ljill I
Ifhen everythl,ng has been dlseolved and sublimated' eubli-

mate E


or 5 timee, tilt


leaveE no more feces, for


i s w h a t Mo n i e n u e says: crear rike

.unless you take its a crystar,

br ackness

away and make it priehed tirr anything

you have not accomaublimate it

in the magistery;


the bottom of the pot stays as beautiful into it, and it is crear rlke

as Lt was when Then it

you put it

a crystal.

is prepared up to the calcination. says: christ


a philosopher the grave.

is taken from the cross and put into

Now they took the quicksilver, and closed it in a glass entirelyr


in this

wiy, e99,

ampulla or in a philosophicat Bo that the spirits

which they filled rise.

ehould not

They ground it it in

very finely (the egg). after

on a narbre or glase prate t{hen it was ineide, they as tightly for wourd as if

before putting stoppered it

tightly, eo that

they had thus packed it

as they eouldr they had air rise

the spirits

should have no air; the spirits as firm

and the heat were too great,

in the glass. filled it

That is why they packed it to the brim, hermeticer. so that set it with nothirrg

they courd,

stayed empty.

Then they sealed tripode hardly


6 or ? weeks in that they could and

and heated so strongry hold their


hand betseen the rall

of the furnace

the dry etove in which

stood calcinating. I As Boon as they had checked the heat by looking furnace, they cloeed it

through firmly with

the square hole of the big a stone that fitted into it,

Eo aa to retain they inserted

the heat in it. their if hand i or 5 the heat was

During the day and the night tirnes through suitabre. to well rt digest,

the aquare hore,

so as to feer for

must stand thus at reast or calcinater

6 weeks, in order for to

or open up, the matter;

digest inized

i E a s mu ch a s to digest

( Note:

"diger ier en"

is a lat-

expr"eseion which meana the eame as "verdauen". ) r like of the gtornach. lthe stqnach ie the veswhich is its its type

the food in the pit

EeI in which the food is boiling; epread under the stomach-pit, heat and dryness of food. and separate

but the liver,

must open the food with the elements, mateti eaeh for

fn the same way this

must also be digested Eo as afterwards metal

and opened with to separate

the help of a moderate fire, from it, so that

the elements

each imperfect requires

should take its health


each what it

to reach

and penfeetion.

That ls why, hy child, lost. up. For if Aftenrards

keep your fire too

moderate or your work is hot, it would dry itself

you were to make it

you could not get any (make white), and thus


or water and could not albifg For if

your work would be epoilt. with what will you have fire just

you cannot have any water, for such must be done by of the earth. Con-

and air,

means of the water, sequently, water is

as the preparation

the axe and the hanuner with and afterwards this water. shows it With it

which the workup. you must aeparto perfect

man performs Such it

his work,

is also with

ate your elements your work. with After

and prepare that,

your earth

in order

however, the water does not remain be taught too hot, 'It later. Thereforer ny child,

the workr 88 wiII fire give

do not make your natter. Neither

so that

you do not dry up your a firer oE else the rnatter

too gentle

would become too coarse, open up to get Note: cold, the water

ranr, and remain closed, thereofi into neither could

and rcu1d not tt be eeparated. is too

lfhen the food gets it is not digested

the stomach and the liver

and the food remains closed

and un-

consumed, which people thnow out and splt happen that by chance or negligence or if in you feit tripode,


Should it

you have made your fire the matter etand too

too hot or too coldr 6hort

or too long a time

and then you would get would not rise, out too

to the stage of distillation being too crosed or too dryi early and it

but the matter or if

you had taken it

would thus not be subtle

enoughr or not eufLn the aqud philosand


openedr dDd would not dissolve

ophonumr tB you had done before eublimate it as before; put it

- then draw the water off again in a glass

ampulla or an and give fire

egg of the philosopherrs, as before, and take better with thie

and then in tripode, care.

My child, digeeti,on

I have taught enough of ealeinati,on,

or opening.

Do not begrudge the time you spend on each thing correctly before you be-

the work and understand gin to work with it,


CHnprrn LXIX
$lhen the 40 days and nights are over, remove
the tripode and break the glass, Take it finely. with lute because the matter it

is hard

and baked together. glass lute plate, very

out and grate

on a stone or a glase pot,

Put the powder into that.can

a he1rn on it

etand water,

and set it

in the balneum of this kettle, 2 eIIs

shape (No. 221. eIl wide.

You must hdve a long At the eide there when oceakettle one

long and a half for pouring

nuet be a pipe sionally

in boiling away. half

hot water, fnto this big

eomething ie boiled

has to hang a gmall kettle, the rim on the long kettle small kettle must be fuII

an ell that

deep, which 1ies with weIl. Below, thig which the

and flte

of emall ho1es, through

steam of the balneum can go round the retort which a furnace. and alr rt the emal| kettre. must be level with set this the kettle


alernbic) into

lonq kettle

above at the rim

around it

I handfs width This furnace (or:

of room between the furnace for ashes

and the kettle.

should have two holes grid) through

and above them, a grate falr. a hole one and a hatf for heating. to rest

which the ashes there shourd be for the the


above the grate iron

put a strong on. rt

croBa in it

big kettle

must be attached

above with layer

uppermost rayer. furnace

The stones of the uppernost they fit all

of the

muet be hewnr eo that

around the kettre with

and keep the heat within. strong gluer it is ready. I hand's thick,

The furnace

has to be lined

Bo as to retain

much heat - then

Now hang the emall kettle tle h"y, with stuff lid lies and put on the floor or cowhair, the matter fine (or: cloee


the holes

in the long ket(or: fine)

of E.rme; small, rnto that All this,


t hand thick.

eet the glass pot around the glass make a round leaden and

and the berm on it. After arl

hay, or cowhair. cover), which fits pot.

around the smalr kettre

by the glass

The reason is that into

Ln the center alem-

of the lead a round hole must be cut bic fitsr Bo that

which the glass

no steam can escape anlmhere except through into which the hot water the recipient is poured. to the put

the pipe of the long kettle llhen it spout, fire is ready, fill

put the helm on, lute through and ret

the kettre

the pipe with

clean water, Keep it

under the furnacer.

the balneum boir.

thus for to fill

15 days and nights, the balneum anew.

arways having hot water at hand provided your matter has been werr

opened during fire


and provlded you will

you have kept your beyond 9 enough water. is to say, you

at an even temperature,

not distill obtain

or 10, or at mogt 12 days, since you will Othenrise hardly you will not get it for

a long time,


in one month or 6 weeksr ot perhaps neveri to remove the matter draw off again, dissolve it

so that

are obliged

in aqua it, and

philosophorum, again put it

the water,


and grate

back into

the glass ampulla or the philosophical keeping the temperature of

egg, and Bet it the fire

back in trLpode,

Just as above. cannot be said for eertain how long it takes to

But it

draw the water must distill

from the balnelrm over,

nor how much water you all your sub-


which you have to dissolve since there it is no specific

stance or natter, for it.

measure or weight it,

Nevertheless, d i sso l ve s

ie easy to have enough water for it can well it

f o r w he n

(and again congeals) , and once it (agatn).


I solve in cqrunon water; wise easy for it

is congealed, This is

is like-

to congeal

said by Hermes

in the Book of the Stone: 3, 4, 5 parts of water,

Thus some have drawn over 2, 2\, work, which

depending on whether their or big.

they had begun, was small

If I wiII


should happen that

your matter it.

does not dissolve,

show you a way to digsolve the water off, grind

Put the helm back on, with a little Put

again distilt distilled it

your matter tiII it is

water on a marble slate the glass, pour all



back into

the dietilled 5 or 6 days.

water upon it, In time it the water, will remove

and put it dissolve,


the balneum for

and when you have again drawn off

the matter g l a s s e l a te , round belly like rises,

from the pot,



on a marble slate

or on a

a n d th e n p ut it and a long neck, (or:

in a glass luted tight

( No. 23 Page 103) w i th a above and turned in,

a small pin it

peg or plug) r Bo thatr dripping.

yhen the bottom

ean again start

on each eide there must the watery

be 2 arms rising smoke that rises

from the belly into

to the neckr Bo that

the neck can escape, tube, like

somewhere, (maybe through werl is arso

in the neck) there

is a glass

a funnel,

which the pounded matter shaking it, through matter. into into so that it

has to be put into

the glass, rt

may fall

upon the bottom.

such a tube that Aftenrards,

one has to pour the water

upon the

seal the tube hermetice, it thus tirl

set the vessel is dissolved the best frorn the which the r

the balneurn, keeping pure water without


feces at the bottom.

This is

kind of a dissolving belly through


because what eteam riges the neck, drips helps quite

the arms into

at the point a bit with

goes down from the necE, and thiE solution

on account of the steady dripping kind to disEolve

day and night. quickly and well.

have not found a better

when everything neum cool

is well into




the balthe

down, pour it

a distillation

pot through

tube through

which you had poured in .and which sas sealed. on the furnace distill arl well in a dish with strained down with you need on a marblea glaes am-

Put a helm on, put it aehes, add a recipient' a moderate fire, it.

water and milk stoppered very finellr' till

and keep that out,

Take your matter tablet.

pound it

etone or glass pulla

Thus grcunded, put it fill it


or egg of the philosophers;


so that

the spirits in tripode

do not rise, to calcLnate,

and eeal it digestr


Now put it for it

oE op.".r is before,

must again be digested help of the water air (or:

and then again dissolved. by means of the water) Be careful, therefore,



the element to give the Then let the

is to be drawn out. for

aame heat as before, furnace

30 days and nights.

coor down, remove the egg with

the matter,

and break

t h e g l a ss. Take the matter and put it after it again into the dissolving

glass through the tube, Againr'pour you consider dissolves hermetice with part

has been pounded finely. water upon it, as much as which now

of the elenent

necessary for the matter, tine.

more easily and put it Stuff

than the firet

SeaI the tube the emall kettle and let it

in the balneum into

the holes.

hay or eowhair around it, After this, let


8s before.

the balneurn cool down, water into the distil-

open the tube, lation-cask; strained luted before surest water,

and pour the dissolved

put the helm on, and put it together

into with

a dish with a recipient

ashes on the furnace, or first


draw the water

in the balneum off

you set it

in the ashes.

Ttrie would be the best and rises but the element

meansr 8s in the balneum nothing while Ln the aeheE occagionally

something of the ele-

ment air ff eeparate first it

also goes over. one has made the fire it somewhat too hot, is why it one has to ie safest

again in the balneum; that the water

to draw off

ln the balneum and then remove ashes on the furnacer The air iDd distill

and put it off

in a dish with a good fire.

the air


goee over in the form

o f a g ol d e n o i l , nothing a glass it. drips

o f a b eautiful

yellow color . air

Do this oil

till into

any longer.

Pour this it well

or yellow till

ampulla and preserve


you need glass and 99,

Now take your matter intangibly. so that

out of the distillation Put it into

again pound it completely fire; for it

a philosophical do not rise


the spirits

from the

seal it 30 days.

hermetice, Then let it

set it

in tripode,

heat as before, out and pound gLass to distill it is

cool down, take it into the dissolving.

intangibly, Put it

and put it back into

solve. all

the balneum as before,

water without Let it

a sediment. out, pour it into with the distilit, distill

cool down, take it



put the helm on and a recipient in balneo, vi rg i n rs pour that

the water off t h e w a te rr-o r

to the first

element of

m ilk, at first

set your glass on the fur nace gently, gradually rnore strongNow dis-

in the ashes, heating Iy, till thing ful with till at last

the matter

is glowing in the pot. It tinges

the element fire it touches, Wtren it violence

blood-red. makes it

glass and everywhich is a wonderanother cool 4 hours

and it


thing. great

no longer


heat for it

of the fire. Iute it

Then let

downr Eit care-

move your recipient, fully till


and preserve

you need it.

Curprpn LXXII
Thus you have the 4 elements, that is, virgin's . I and put it earth (or: into a vessel made as a covered bowls clay) i or take two flat milk or water, each prepared air, firer specially, splrpound it and earthl pot,

ated from

Remove the earth

from the glass

emall on a etone, dish of Siburgian



tightly lute that

upon each other. can stand the firer

Lute them firmly iDd place



them in an for 8

arched furnace or ?eoe?benatory to ealcinate days Ln even heat. bly; put it into Then take it


out and pound it pour on it milk - a large it

J.ntangiof your amount; would be

a dissolving-glass, oE virginrs

element of the waterr ys, all even if

you poured all Close it

your water on it, tightly and let into clear out, it

the better.

stand in balwater without pour it into with a the

neo tiII feces.

everything Then let pot, it

is dissolved

cool down, take it and that

distillation helm on it off ter and let

in the balneum together attached to it. Distill

and a reeipient it cool down. nilk,

the water the wafor times

Remove the recipient close it tight


or the virgin's

and keep it

of need. Remove the helrn from the pot, at the bottom, iE the nourisher clear and you will find the fixed

as a crystalr

whieh salt

or earth

and the foundation

of the Stoner and' aa any ferment of gold or

some sEy, thus one does not require silver, spirits because the earth have been sithdrawn and spe?ma of all and that 6r salt

ie a corpus from which the It in it is eaid to be

and eeparated. metals, that

the origin ferment,

is the true ferment. half

they do not require of the earth and all into

any other

![hey take one half

or galtr the water;

and ttre other

of the element of air, and put tice, (the rnixture)

they mix them well glass, eeal it Lt rise hermeand

the fixation

and get it

on warin ashes. everything is

There they let fixed

go down again ttll oil.

and remains in a fixed oE a philosoPhical

This they put into

a glass ampullar

egg, Beal it nights

above, and put it

in tripode


6.0 days and time it ig stone.

at -an even, moderate heat. a crystalline,

During this

congealed into

pulverizable half

and fueible

Then they take the other mix them with fixation rise glass; all the fire, they seal it, ttIl it is fixed

of the air

and the earth, into it a

and put it put it

(the mixture)

on warm ashes, let into a fixed

and fall

and turns into


Then they take Lt out and put it philosophical ln tripode into ble e99, eeal it,

a glass for

ampul,La or

and set it

50 days and nights time lt congeals and fusi-

in moderate beat. stone,

DurLng this

a crystalline like wax.

red ae blood, that


Then they believed

the Stone nas perfeet

to the Red and the l{hite; tLon, they found nothing that

but when they cane to make proJecand sere cheated with they did not reguire because it relied theLr false' ex-

op'tnion, cept salt and oriEin It all


any ferment

and tenrae Meteunii; of a1l metale, that p

is the beginning solely on it.

and thei

ie true

ls the ape?ma and the begl.nnin g of ls hidden; but he is


and that

in him everything

no metal. artd has never been one. i e m a nrs o ri g i n ,


The ape"ma of man in it; but it or there

a n d manr s natur e lLeshidden and has never yet

is raw and unbotled a corpus; l.s neither how could

been a human being out of it; nature ln lt

a human being arise except through

coul nor life,


the help of

of the mother and wet nurse, time and rnoderate heat.

which muet be done by length is algo wLth P (the ores), . It

Thus lt


be congealed in Lts nother, of the air of Sulphur, and it

the minera

by means over a

and boiled wiII

Ln moderate heat,

peri.od of time,

thus become a metal

and a corpus.



to the above-cited



people are cheated.

Cunpren LXXI II
Now they had, or they kept, both to the White and the Red. tion glass, each powdered fine burning their ferment in reserve, a fixaThey put them into by itself. and to

To the Red they the [{hite, the

poured the blessed blessed water.


They sealed both glasses,

put them on both aehes; they

sides on top of a furnace dissolved erate into the ferment till oil, with

in a big dish with

the powder of the Stones in modblessed water was congealed elixir. Then they an am-

heat, a fixed

our burning

which was a perfect glass,

removed same from the fixation pulla or philosophical for

put each into hermetice,

egg, sealed it

and set Lt During

in tripode this

40 days and nights into

in moderate heat.

time they congealed

the Philosopher'e

Stone to the This

Red and the White,

both having an infinite wtth

capability. 7 parts

stone you can at any time nultipZy quicksilver a fixation and I part glassr of this

of multiplied into


Put them together

pour on them of our burning with

bleesed water, our blesged sealed,

and when thie uater, put it

has been congealed together into for a philosophical

egg, hermetice

set in tripode plied

40 days and nights.

Then you have multipower.

the Stone both to the tfhite

and the Red, in like

Cnnpren LXXIV Txr PRepln^ttoru or rne Fenmerr

Take gold or silver, manner and one woik. laminate and diesolve whichever you wish, for al.I is one chalk, oE Calcinate them with a subtle

them in our red or white - 96-



which, white burning Draw it draw it o ff off,

water I shall

teach later 3 times,

on how to make. the laet time

a g a i n i n b a l neo. and your ferment

Do this

is ready.

My child,

when you have separated



as be-

fore, all


the earth, milk

, and the salt air and fire,

or earth

has been prepared,


mix them together

and keep your

virginrs gether,


Weigh how much these three weigh to7 parts, I part of ferment; that ie 7

and add to all

mi.sture to I fenment. glass. thing it Pour on it together

Mix them and put them into

a fixation as everyput

as much of our burning seal the fixation strained

blessed water


glass hermetice, aehes.

on the furnace will

in a dish with into waterr

Everything aee them rise

together and fall


aDd you will speake:


Be a philosopher

The lower must be

as the upper, complished it

and the upper as the lowerr Let it

or you have not actilI be-

the magistry.

thus stand day and night But before it

remains at the bottom like you will see all

a fLxed oiI. colors,

eomes fixed, imagine. union

y8, more than you could or wedding, that iE, a

Then there

oceura a marriage

among the elemente, that

and the ferment

and the burning


and the things colora euffers manifest, great

are in the burning virtue, it


llhen then the glass

each shows its

and the fixation


so that

gtands there

and trembles, so who the

because all that

optrrosing spirita glass

are thus fighting

each otherr and all

the fixation

may well frqn fight

sometimes buret; that

are in the room may die air is when all colore

the air; with

is how ;loisonous Thle is

eaeh other. the flxation

the rea-

aon why it

ie highly

neceseary that - 97-

glase be rather

thick. Therefore quarrel, now they and then sunmated. till hot. cool ft pu t for it ie and it A riatotelee tore heaven, says: I h e a rd out a n d e a w my c h ild re n of the world. When

and I ran

have quarreled the matter

enough they to



one color, is con-



and the in

marriage moderate

Therefore, fixed, it

keep it

day and night care not in

heat fire let too it

and take stays at


to make the a fixed oil,

$lhen then downr

the bottom that is

BDd you have an oil Eliain. or in

thicker from the and set heat.


honey. glass, t n ip o d e

iE a perfect it into

Nott renrove it e99t seal even, it ,

fixation it in

an ampulla

40 days and nights, stone like real wilr

moderate which all

Then the and

Philosopher's which is


can be pulverized impure which metals and

fusible into

wax, gold,

transmuting better than

quicksilver the mines.


comes from

Tt-s pnojeeti.on

and power are to

infinite. the poor. Later the The pnojeeon we will quicksilver kinds (Fixation of

My child, tion teLl is will

Thank God and be kind

be self-evident projection.

when you do it.

more about finished.

Here the work of learn many different thie work.

You will in


manual g la ssr

operation or fixing



glass. )

TxeTwenrrrrx Honx
l{y child, ing water fire to I now wish the till (or: lfhite. it dusts, calamine), to teach you how to make the dry it burna Take alum de toehe, without losing its over




galrneystone to the Whiter

egg chalk later,

(egg calyx) ana;


iB will

be taught

pound them subtly



put them into of

the distillation


pour aqua

ui.tae rectified distirr

it-s phlegna on them, put a helm on, and about the burning pour it water to

a water aa r have taught during it off.

the Red, which congeals its feces, and disti[

the work.

agrain on pour for

Then take fresh matter,

your water on it, the Red; preserve My ehild,

and do in everything this water for

as has been taught

when you need it.

I will

now teach you what you should do with milk, which you drew off be-

the element of water or virginrs fore during the work of

which I did

and which I told you to keep and |i .F not wigh to have fo,r the work to the Red. Ther,e together this with air ite the earth, the virgin's

are some who put the air nilk and the fenment,

but all

is ng good except in tincture to the White. the

the White work, I will, however,

because it


teach you here another mi l k. dissolve i! it

way of utilizing

w a t e r or vi rg i n 's Take fine


in aqua fort,


from alum and saltpetre of the aqua fort a jar; tartar, with

t p"eei.pitate eonrmonwater. wine vinegar

and wash the ehalk

Dry it upon

and put it *


pour distilled


ana calcinated Dratr it off

and proceed Just as I taught

you before.

again, and distill

Prepare the salt have taught ailver,

the p

of the silver,
of the gilver the 6

I Ib or ij everything

ae above. as I

or the earth Now take it through



or the Qu. E6s. of the of alum and 2 Barte keeps ite.epirits; together with ttre of, mix


4 Parts

comlon ealt. them together of


Dry the alrur eo that

and pound them on a stone vinegar till

and distilled

one no longer

sees the



Then put it

into our sublimation,.caskr. and sublimate -99-


as has been taught feees;


After it





through its

then sublimate dissolve

again 4 times, it in our white

aways with burning with the

fresh rnatter. bressed water, fire;


and again draw off the ( t

the water together

and again sublimate

time with

fresh white-burning

o f t h e Qu . E se . L u n a e l s pr epar ed. Now take the prepared salt which I told e a c h by i tse l f you to keep. of the silver with the or the earth, of O ,

Pound it it

o n a sto ne tiIl n i l k,

I is intangible.

Fur ther ,

t a k e t h e vi rg i n 's it by grinding

which I told

you to keep, and i,m bibe mixing) into the


on a etone (or: silveri :he silver

or put the pounded into a glass anpulla milk, whic h, the

o r p h i lo so p h e r's in the previous air, for f ire

e g g , a nd pour on it work,

the vir ginr s

I did not wish to have mixed with S eaI Lt her netiee, and set it wiLI

a n d e a rth .

in Lnipo de

60 days, with

a moderate fire. S to ne.

Then it

change into

a h a r d , crysta l l i n e

Now break your ampulla or egg, pound your Stone intangibly, put it into a fixing-glass, and pour 4 times the weight blessed water on it.

of your matter

of our white, p l a ce it it


Se a l Lt h e n n e ti e e , etrained dissolve

on the fur nace in a dish with and everything will

ashes, give into

a moderate fire, also rise

pure water, up wtth lt

and fall,

and one will and tt They will it will con-

take the other again fall

in the fixlng-gIass;

down drop by drop on the matter. and one will

geal gradually bottom;

keep the other with the other

at the

and one will

eongeal wlth

and stay at the

bottom as a fixed that rear t r a n e fe n s sirver. ti n



and transparent,

a true

Elixir into

a n d quicksilver ,

ys, also gold,

As Monienue says:

l{hoever cannot make sirver

of gold,

cannot make gold of silver. from the fixing-grass, ggt seal it put it Lnto an Ermin

Now remove it pulla tripode firer

or philosophical for


and set it

40 days and nights,

or G weeks, with Then it wirr

a moderate congeal into

ds has been mentioned before. stone. stoner

the philosopherts have a Bnow white wax (or: transfers than that multiply

Break the glass open, and you will is crear as crystar and fusible like

meltable), tin and

which can be pulverized,

and which arso better tLmes of

into true silver, r ya, arso O P you can at alr which comes out of the mines. this stone with to I part subtimated E , that is,

7 parts

the sublimate a fixing-glass in cold waterr other

of the stone, mixed togetherr Then let it

put in

and set on warm ashes. and rise and farl, oir , tirl

dissolve the

one congeals with like

i n a cl e a r,

g l i e te n ing Elixir.

tr anspar ent

a cr ystal,

becoming a true put it it for into

Then remove it e99, eeal it in tripode,

from the fixing-glass, hermetice, will and set congear into

a philosophical

40 days and nights stone,

and it

the Philosopher's

which is as good as the first.

Txt Freunr op rxp Fwrne-Glass - ilo. 24 (ps. 103)

l,[y chlld flask) thick must know that things this is the fixing-g1ass rt (or: in which all glass, and its are conEealed. must be made of Ln above, just There the

round head must be turned glaes in turned

as the beLLy of a drinking must be a long, sharp point

in above.

hanging down, :lt which point - 101-

drops that

eteam up from below can again fall



has to be a tube at the side, the chalk fart in, after

to pour the matter

and to let in over it. the tube

which to pour the water

A smarr round grass has to be cut upon it and closes it weII some glass-por*der with it. eo eubtly Put a bit

which fite

Now grind that

with of that

Linseed oil on the edge glass

one could paint

of the tubes with on it, it

a small


and then put the small When it

and ugron that as if it.

put a wei.ght of lead. it were glass, this, Let it

is dry,

is as firm through

and no spirits

can peneall no to ponin



you can paint dry well.

the jar

around with d e f i c i e n cy'i n ope.n it up.

the brush.

You will find it


yo u r L u tu m, but you will That you must do with oil dries glaes. it


a razor, so tightly It

becauoe this together

der of glaes and linseed this way aa if it it were all

stands up to fire, proYet lute

provided vided it

is not burnt;

also etands up to water, water day and night. lutum. Therefore,

does not stand in boiling ean harm this

no steam or cold water with this lutum all I mainly

your glasses, refer it to this


when I aay: But if

'gealed you wished a while. you must

hermetice", to burn it


in the fire,

would burn away after burning hot,

Should you have to make a glass plnch it togrether with tonga while



so that


becomes one glass. imitation tation gently). jeuel,

There ie yet another with

way to lute work. into it.


which the goldemiths finely

Thie futiponder (very


bas to be pounded very

One has to mix some borax with one has to grind (or:

When one ia the mouth of

ready to lute,



the glass one has to w ater , is put

quite apply the of

evenly, this rim it, is of

and put powder with the g la s s ;

o n it the

another borax,

g la s s . mixed with

Then some


t h e p o lis h e d fire is

g ra s s

No . 2 5 ( p . r 0 3 ) The has

on top the

and a small put is through

made above it. in which a hore (or:

mouth of

grass The fire the

a tire

been made. ti l e,

made on this the g la s s

earthenware s t a rt s with to to the

cray) As

so that

neck o f the

g lo w we ll. borax

soon as it to melt, both je we l, help of

glows, and thus are is

imitation is

jewel welded is

begins so that

one glass one glase, glas s ,



together which the


done by the e a s ily

imitation wit h the


a n d wh ic h me lt s


Cxnpren LVXVI II THrTwerurv-Frnsr Honr

l.ty son shaIl Stone from lead know how he can prepare alone, without any other go1d, in all its the Philosopher's ft is additions. by itself, innermost,

as powerful any ferment, lacks not its nothing turned

as the for

one made of is that If its

without and it is and phiand


good gold it is



and lts taken

innermost from it AIl work


impuritf it would



were outside, in this

be good gold. the

losophers have found

concur the

who have investigated For aII these reasons


no other


has to be added than

My child, or 12 Ibs, less and put take

in order

to make the Stone.

n i, n ir o t i e e ru a a a , 10

as m u c h le a d -d ro s s , ds you wish. of strong which wine

or morer 2 parts

Take a large, vinegar in it.

earthenAdd 3 or 4

ware jar also times

good, from

calcLnated ite fecibus,


has been purified burnt in

and congealed,

a firer


u p o n a g a i n d i sso l ve d , feces. tartar When it

Repeat that




no more the

is thus dissolved

and agal.n congealed,

is prepared. Take of that what is required according to how much transparent

a jar on itr


you have; take also good, clear,

needed. after out of Put them together the over vinegar the in in

as much as is

and close or everyto

them inunediately thing putrefy would into run the

pouring the jar

neck. the

Set it


and proceed

satlle way as I

have taught
and in the

you concerning
sane nanner minir

the Ou. Ess. or I

the (o r: Qu. Essc e ru E e ). or

of. silver;
of the T h is

draw off le a d

le a d - ca lx, is lead

ori white Etlill

(No t e :


After gublimate

you have drawn 5 or 6 lbs of it in every way as f taught it

you in the 19th work. ( as

from the lead,

T h e n d i sso l ve taught before),

l n o u r aqud phi,Loaophonum as often and sublimate it again, just

ae has been

. When everything P has been done and the elements are Beparated, each in a eeparate glass, well etoppered, and you have kept the earth pot of which you have in which the vinegar, bodily of the


in the 19th work of the

at the bottom of the dietillation drawn the firei take it

out of the jar

arunoniac and tartar together galt, galt, in the jar.

were, since these 4 are still

I have taught you the operation you how to bring the matter the

when f instructed how to diesolve it.

out of the E and beat down the corpus, the body of the lfhen you

and how to dry lead, in all

Thus proceed algo with


Juet as I taught you then.

have prepared the 8alt-corpusr the galt of the lead,

or earth

of the

, prepare pot, of

which wae left

P in the distillation prepared the salt

in a eimilar

way as you have previously

Now take these two earths that salt well stayed in the jar that

or ealia,



the one and the

when you drew over the pot.

etayed in the distillation

I Take these two, Take the element

prepared as before,

mix then well.

of the air into for

and the element of the fire,

put them together Bet them be conPowder

a glass

ampulla or egg, geal them herzreticer in tripode, and they will

40 days and nights a red,

gealed into this it

transparent, put it into

crystalline a fixing-glass,


stone finely,

and pour on 3

some of our bleesed,

burning - for

water to the Red, 2 ot

hands above the matter since all Cloee it

which there

ie no exact measure' the work. in draw

water is Elixir hermetice, and rise set it

when it

is congealed with will

in aehesr and it together.

diesolve will

pure waterr

and fall

The light

the heavy; and the hearry, the light; with the other. But when that

and one will

congeal of the

happens, all

the colore

world rnanifest, with another

more than one can imagine. as a fixed oil'

Then one eongeals is truly an

and stays

and it

El i x L r . Now remove your Elixir' egg, eeal it tripode. transparent copper, hermetice, put it Lnto a glass for anpulla or in

and eet it congeal into and it fine - 106-

50 days and nights

Then Lt will

the Philoeopher'a leadr


and blood-red,

tranemutes gold, better

silver, which

and quicksilver


than that

comes out of the mines. except Jection its -own salt

No ferment yet it


added to this

stone pro. to you

or earth;

is as good in its and V O

and goes ae far

as the Stone from however, will

The degree of the projection, by experience; therefore, give

be taught

thanks to God and be charita-

ble toward the poor.

My child,

you well

know that

when you conjoined



of fire.

from I

, you took no more than the earth, milk,


and did

You kept the water or virgin'e

because it before.

not eerve the Red Stone, draw P and lead, from tin,

ae has been taught before

But D of

as has been taught the salt

conceininq the salt

ind prepare

as you prepare

red in everything into water or virgin's |J milk which was left

as you did the

which you imbibed over fron work,

the work of and when it

ie perfected,

Do likewise

in everything of tin

in this

the rcrk

ie ae good ae the work of silver; and their projection is egually

both are Stones to the White, great. to incur

That iq why Alcanus saya: great expenae in this as a rich Art,

You must not open your purse because a poor man possesses it everlmhere to buy,

the Stone as well and it

mani he finde

is a work of women and a child's


Cxapren ljfir\l I lfonx. How TxeTwpnrv-SrcoHn ro ltlarr Pxrrosopxrc^r l{atrn GornrRom G, lnn tHr Rpn
My child, God gives different I will now teach you how to make the Stone which Kno\r that it can be prepared in many us for nothing.

ways, but I will

now teach how to make it

the way I


from my father. that there are 2 kinds of vitthen

You must know, my child, riol. there like One is light-green

and eomea ln emall pieces; vitriol, and that feels

is also dark-green augar candy.


These 2, however, are of no use to us. of the rhines and boiled; Then there exiete

They are drawn from the top layer they are crystallized etill like

auqar candy.

another kind of vitriol. looks aa if

That one comes in big pieces it were rusty tron, sornewhat

and on the outside shitish.

As the pieces are broken up, they are blue inside, ae if Lt were a sapphire. These pieces Of

Eomewhat greenish are as big

as human heads, weighing

about 6 or I lbs.

such you must take, of it, dry it

and so as to be surer, of Lts wateriness, to burn in a furnace. it

buy I or 2 lbs and then set it ff it it does not

at a fire

I or 2 days and nights become beautifully nicely red, Of thts it red,

is no goodr but if


is good. ua for nothing, take as

Stone, which God gives dissolve filter it it

much as is necessary,

in dietllted carefully wlth

wLne vLnegar of its sedirnent fire it oE 4 tiII

and Let Lts feces drop; and draw the vinegar it off,


a gentle

drips'. no more and the matter dtstilled vinegar,

is dry. let

Then dLseolve

again in fresh draw it off

the feeee settler the felt. Do tbia

from its



times tilI distill

no more feces remain Ln the dissolution. the vl.negar off with a gentle fLre, till it

Nort ie so Now

dry as to dust, it is ready for

but neverthelese calcination. - 108-


Lts spl-rits.

My child pering (or:

must know that stuffingr or:



ie by nature


constipating) fixed.

and attracting, That is why lt eo that in order it has may

and partly


and partly

to be dissolved retain

in distilled spirit

wine vinegarr

the subtle with

of the vinegar, to render it for

to be and helps

calcinated easier



more subtle of vinegar

to open and dissolve; all th i n g s well.

the spirit

t o d i s s o l ve Put this or e99, lute the spirits there

vitriol, it

thus prepared, but fiII Set it it


a glass ampulla Eo that it stand


completelyr and let

do not rise.

in tripode

in moderate heat, finely,

so as to sublimate. put it into

Then remove it, pot, put

powder the matter a helm on, set it everything tilling it off; fo r that

a distillation a recipient, will probably

in the balneum with ft

and distill be distake

can be distilled. W hen it

2 0 o r 2 5 d a y s.

no longer dietills,

take the feces that on a stone.

are at the bottom and pound them a dissolving SeaI it witl glass herme-

intangibly (or: tice into it till

Norr put thern into

flask), and put it

and pour all into

the water upon it. Then it

a hot balneum. eettled pot;

dissolve and pour

pure water without into off the distillation all water


Rernove it

put a helrn on, and again disa moderate fire. the helm on it, oil. it and


the balneum with


the distilled

water well. strained

Put the pot with

on a furnace and receive

in a dish with

ashes, a recipient as a noble, yellow

the element of the air etrong heat.

Thie ig done with put it

Keep it

and stopper

next to the water,

each by itself.

Now take the feces from the distillation are red as blood; then into gubtilize ate fire. a glass for pound them lntangibly anpullar


They put

on a stoner

or e99r Eeal it in tripode

and put with a moder-

30 days and nlghts


remove them, pound them on a stone, glass, and pour over it put it all

put them into

the diseolving

the element of the water; balneum, as before, water as before; tion pot, and let

eeal it,and everythtng and pour it

again in the Lnto pure

dissolve into

remove it

your dietillaashes on the its till belly; it

put a helm on, set it Put the recipient little fire, and let time lt into

in a dish with cold rater it

furnace. first,




gradually heat for

glows strongly, days.

Btand in thls

5 or 6 go over

Duririg thie

the element of the fire'will Let it cloee'it coorl down for tightly till

in the fom

of a red oil.

3 or 4 nights. next

Then remove tlre recipient, to the element of the air

and put it

and the water,

you need it.

Now rmove the earth tqn and look has been well greyish-white, drawn out.

or feces which provided


at the botof the fire and 3 days

the element

Pound them snall

on a stone, for

put them to caleinate and nighte, vith

in a reverberation-furnace Eo that above.

a moderate firer

they glow nicely

and no nclrer iB has been taught put thern into themn gtir ml.xed. neun for into well a gtone jar, with

Then remove them, wine vinegar on

pour dlstilled

a wootlen spoon eo that into

they get well a,boiling bal-

lfhen put thern, weII ,stopperedr 4 days and nights,

meanwhile stirring

the rnatter the

the vinegar

5 or 6 times a day, each time cloeing - 11 0j

Jar again.




cool down and Let the feces drop; from the fecibus, and filter ( sur ger y) ; it; pour

pour the vinegar d r y t h e fe ce s, the vinegar recipient


so a s to use them Ln ehir ur gie the distillation pot, off


put a heLm on and a in balneo, and the


draw the vinegar will

elernent of the earth Now set it

stay at the bottom snow white. 24 hours to nevenbenate, in moderand put it back into the jar, again

again for

ate heat and no more. pour vl.negar on it, distill Pound it on it all the vinegar intangibly, your fire

Remove it

put it off,

in the balneum as before, and your earth into or ealt

ie prepared. or egg, pour use it for 40

put it or air;

a glass anpulla

but do not use the water; put it in tripode a Red Stone.

in nedi.eine,

and eeal it and it

hermetice, will

days and nighte, Renove that

congeal into

and add to I lb of Lt 2 ounces of gold oxide, Put it into a fixingthe gold

and 2 lbs of our red, 'blesged water. glass, oxide tioned geal it, and Let it into

stand on warm ashes till

ie disEolved

pure water.

Now rub your aforemento the calcinated eeal it again and Thus, will be Fi-

Stone to a fine

powder and add it

and dissolved

gold in the fixing-glass;

put the glass on the furnace by meane of the reguJ.ation dissolved nally, into pure water

Ln a dish with


of the fire, and rise will turn


and falI


most of the colors At last, it will

manifeet' into

tnore than one ean and fixa-

lmagine. tion,

a red eolor

etaying tt etill

at the bottom cool

eomewhat thicker it

than honey.

Do not let but while that

down, as otherwiae it run into for

would not run out' Seal the

earm' let and set it

a glass ampulla. with


6 weeks in tripode

same regulatLon into

of the heat as before. stone. for

Now it



the Philosopherre

Remove that,

thank God, and treasure, into

be eharitable which tranefers true gold,

to the poor, silver,

you have a precious copper, and quicksilver


and this

stone can be multiplied

as has been



tlonror O rnn Ii TxeTwenrv-Txrnn child, I will now teach you how to *"*T the Stone


and O

Take quicksilver,

as much as is needed,
dissolve it in aqua

to the Red; after


to the Red, as has been taught

above Ln the

sork of
gold calx it

. P

Bring it

to calcination,

then ,^*."



to each lb of the thus prepared. with the U rF

very gently

on a Btone together

, put it

to subli$atei actually

subtimate q through the O olia" ('Katk' means "chalk" or "lirne', but Gotrdkalk is transor "gold oxide"). its Again etir what has

as gold calx

been gublimated again, a third

into time. J ij

oxide or feceer

and subli.nrate it


keep your feces of the gold, pound it again,with the

and again take Eame sublimated with freah

gold oxide;

t titregr EB before, repeatLng each time I gold oxide; and keep all your feces frorn the gold furnace for 8 days Then

together. and night,s, your rnatter

Put them Ln a reverberation to calcinate

in rnoderate heatr of the gold water

rB before. ig well

or feees or earth our burning


Now take put it into


to tbe Red, 2 lbs; or earth of

a fixing-glaes seal hemetice

and add your matter and put It :ll2-

the gold,

on the furnace

in the

d i s h wi th dissolve silver set it pound it

th e a sh e s. into clear

T hus it water.


given m oder ate heat,

Pound your eublimated quickput it into a glass ampulla, out,

very fine

on a stone, fo r into se t i t

to ca l ci n a te and put it

40 days; after a distillation

thie, potr

take lt

add a helm and distir l it

w i t h a re ci p i e n t, everything for that

in balneo to distilr ,

can be distilled.

But you must distilr W hen it no longer distills, put it into

2 0 o r 2 5 d a ys a n d n ights. out and pound it glassr it; pour all seal it will

take it solving

on a stone.

the dis-

your water on it, hernretice, put it dissolved

which you had in the balneum, into pure water. above

drawn off

and everything Proceed in this in the work of When thiE prepared,

be together

work in everything q

as has been taught the elements. of

, when you separated

has been done and your ealt salt intangibly with

pound this

has been I on a etone, put it into gold, and add

the fixing-glass all milk your air


the dissolved

and arl

your fire,

but keep the water or virgin's this work. seal

which does serr/e no uEeful purpose for on the furnace dissorve colors together

the grass and put it Now everything together, till wirl arl

in a dish with and alEo riee

warm ashes. and fall into

appear and they finalry staying


a red color oil. I{hile

and fixation, still

at the bottom rike

a fixed into

warm, pour Lt out of the fixing-glaes seal it and set it in tripode Then it will for

a glass

ampulla, with

50 days

and nights,

a moderate fire. Stone. Take that of all

congeal into This

the Philosopherrs

out and thank God.

Stone exceeds the virtue so far,

Stones which have been taught and its salt is

becauge the ferment spiritualizesr


Now I will from arsenic.

teach my child Take arsenic,

how to make the white 4 or 5 lbs; egg lime), fire, porvder lt



then take alum, egg chalk cornmonsalt, of conunon salt (or: nic, all dried


calamine and that Ls, 2 parts Pound then

at a gentle

to I part

of each of the others. aDd for matters. vessel;

mix them) weLI togetherr take I lbs of the other

every 4 lbs of araeIulix them together sublimate the arseand

and put them into nic.

a sublimation

Pound what has been eublimated again. Repeat it

among its


subLimate it

once more.

Now mix the ar"as your arseAfter this, Then like

eenieum eublinatam with nicurn weighs; eublimate sublimate

as much fresh matter it and repeat

3 times.

again will

3 times with

as muih fresh white


your arsenic crystal. calamine gether. distillation

become clear, that

and tranaParent


In aqua fort, EB much as all

made of alum, egg chalk, the others weigh toa

andl ealtpetrer

Dry them to the point pot and distill

of dusting'

put them into

aa one normally

makee agua fort. Pour your drips

Put the eaPut mortuum, powdered, back into aqua fort any longer. repeat that again on it, After agiin, this, distilt keep it it for

the pot'

36 houre t111 nothing for another

glowing with its

36 hours; It

rectifying the third

caput mortuum.

Ls achieved with

distillatl'on. arsenicr draw the

With thLe dissolve water off, it and subllmate

your eublimated the arsenic


and again dissolve

in the said water.

Do this

3 times,

eaeh tirne dissolving

- 114-

in fresh water. i s prepared.

Then sublinate

the arsenic

by itself,

and it

Now take as rnuch eirver eolve it in coruton agua fort, conunonwater of its Take this

as the welght of the arsenic, and beat lt saltiness, down. l{ash this


chalk with erate fire.

and dry it

on a mod-

ealeem Lunae and the prepared arsenic, our saD|inatonheating fairly

pound them together i'um, and sublimate etronglyr glow, limate; gublimate ted all nic. cinate a eoft for Bo that 2 hours.

on a etone, put tlren into thenr of the chalkr. at first the dietillation Then let with Do this it

pot etands there

in a soft

cool down, and remove the suband set it again to

again pound it as before. the epirit

l-ts fecibus, 4 tirnegr

aDd you have sublimawith the arse-

or Qu. Ess. of the ailver

Then put the feces of the silver in the sublimation glow furnace, for

to reuenbenate or cal4 days and nights, in

not too hot or Lt wourd mert and spoil out, put it into your stone Jar,

everything. pour die4 days above

Then take it tilled

wine vinegar

on it,

set it

in the balneum for

and nights,

and proceed in every way as r have taught when r inetructed

in the work of antimonium, pare the salt, gether intangibly earth,

you horr to prepound it to-

or corpus.

subseguentlyr that

on a atone, water

and for

take twiee

as heavy to-

of our burnLng blessed gether

to the lthlte. seal it

put everything put it

Lnto a fixLng-grass,


on a furand

nace in a digh with ewerything until perfect it will

aehes, and again noderate into pure water, alao riae oLl,,

dieeorve fixed

and falr,

stays Elixir.

as a erystalline,


whleh is a

rt tranelates
- tI5-



and X

into true silver.

P u t t h is

i n to

a g l a ss a mpulla or egg, eeal it, in tripode, and it will

set it into

for the


days and nights Philosopher's


Stone, whose projection

is very great. silver

The very

Eame work which you have here done with do with tin, and the projection will

you can also high. Thank

be equally

God and be charitable

to the poor.

l{onxor rxe SulpHun

ltly child, all Stonesr listen and hear as the about the secret strong Stone above those re well greateEt among all are (or:

taught kinds which

before. of eulphur.

My child There of iron

must know that ig ores. the blackish There oreE of


different darkish)

sulphur is green

comes out which

and yellow

sulphur, which the is

comes from

somewhat yellow of lead. There the ores

and greenish; is of also { white

. There is sulphur O ? that one comes from sulphur these like suet, aerve



comes from

and all

do not

our work. But there exists a Sulphun which is hard and schistous and very beautifully lemon-yellowr in large pieces, it is lumps is and

and somewhat clearr though it

were noble gold. $lhen it inside' If

This one occurs le broken up into threaded sith

of l0 or L2 lbs. very light yellow

small streaks,

somewhat reddish. both together, if it you rub it creaks. it with

one knocks off

a piece of it like little

and rubs miee; or leather, O ,

creaks and whistlee the nail

of your finger Take a flat

or a etiff piece of sulphur

Yet a better upon iti


rub Lt firmly

or take powder of this - 116-

and put


on a silver will


and rub it



a dry leather, ie if it Or

the O

take on a beautiful copper.



were polished

That one (that

sulphur) for If

ls good.

put the Pfennig thus rubbed,

(a German coin)

or silver

I or 9 days, now the Pfenit etays

in a dry

spot out of the air.

ning becomes b1ack, the Sulphut is no goodr but if beautifully You find this red like Sulphur find it polished copper, it

is good Sulphur. comes from Hungary. and Brflgge

in Frankfort,

and it

One can also (tlote:

in Cologne, or in Middelburg is 'Bruges"); that

In French it

one comes from Spain

from the gold mines, and it Of this it Sulphur

is the right-one. pulverize as if and pound

take l0 or 12 lbs, vinegar,

on a gtone with it. Put it "f with X .


one were to paint a goodly it well to-



a stone jar

and pour on it stir

guantity gether

set it

in the BaLn. Mdr., cover the jar,

a wooden spatula, 5 or I days,

and let

the bal-

neum boil then let off gins it



every day 3 or 4 times; Filter the tinged till vinegar beinto


down and fall. vinegar on. Put all it till

and pour other to becme

Do thie

the vinegar vinegar


of the colored there

the balneun,

and distill

ie a golden-yellow freeh vine-

powder at the bottom. gar on the stone, and draw it Now distill. can coll.ect manuf acturers off till put it

Rub this into

trnwder again with the.balnerlm with X

r BS before, it. you

no more feceE remain in diseolving off. Ae to ,the feces that

the vinegar them together


and melt

then and sell

them to the

of g.unpowder. and to I part of eulphur-grcwder Q, take

9leigh the powder, 5 parts of Roman vitriol,

which should Ue dried

, but in

auch a way that


keeps its


pound arl



g e t h e r o n .a e to n e , p u t it it first with a gentre


a eublimatoniuni

subr imate (gradualry) fire) for


and then gradatim and'do that out, mix it (strong with its

morer and finally 2 days. subrimate


Take the eublimate it again. Do this freeh

feces and

3 times. matterr

Then throw the feces ES has been said, and

away, put it urlx it matter, water,

back with

3 times with 3 times;

the feces;

and then again with


then dissolve'it here.

in our red philosophical Draw the water off and

which has been taught it 3 timeE.


Now welgh your sublimate, part of poudered gold oxide, and put it into

and take to Z parts then it ia ready.

of it

Now take a99,

your sublimate

a golden philosophical

because the glass like wax. Close it

is of no use here as it tightly, and set it

wourdl become'soft for lB

in tripode

weeks, the firet work; if it the other rere held

6 weeks as hag been taught 6 weeks such that in the jar

in the previous a paper Try that

one cotrLd light

in which ls the egg.

every day 2 or 3 times at the outsLde furnace It it stand in thie

or more, and block in order to better

the square hole retain the heat.

regimen till

the 18 weeks are over. the work is standing in trithe

lrteanwhile, pode, calcinate eublimation. it into

however, while

your feeee So'Lis whieh remained after Reverberate the eals Solie for

2O daysr put water,

a fixing-glass', it

pour on it

our red burning gfhen it it well

Just enough that pour it

can dissoLve. glass, cloee

is dissolved, and keep it for

Lnto a small

a time of need.


T{tren the golden cask has been used,

it for

no Longer Berves this the matter is just l i g h te r

work to make medicine

from itr its like.

has drawn out the spirit ae good to seII a n d p a l er .) it

as being it

But it a little

or the like,

is only

When the 18 weeks are over, as much of it glassr as you wish.

remove your matter put it into

and take a fixing-

Powder it, water on it,

and pour red burning Seal it

as heatry as the let it

powder weighed. dissolve, tion heat. cl a ri fy,

or close it out, Distill

very tightlyr into

ta ke it

and pour it it

a distilla-

pot with

an alembic.

per balneum in clear luted. You must

The recipient

has to be very weII

have an alembic which has a tube above, because you must distill matter move it 6 times, will each time pouring remain in the glass fresh like red water oni and your thick honey. Then re-

from the balneum, eet it give a gentle will firer

on the furnace

in strained

aehes, first First the air After will will

and subeequently gnadatim.

go over as water. one has to put on another Bo that it recipient, and it


9o oVer as a gold-oilr shine like gold. of blood. It

the helm and the recipient the helrn will and close Lncreasing

gtand thus till

take the color it guickly;

Now relnove your recipient on the spout, the pot starts for 24 hours,

put another till

the fire Then it

gradatim will


at the bottom. red emoke. down, take

go over like

blood and finally go over, let it

like cool for

gfhen no mo:re epinitue it off, and set the feces

to reverberate

I or 10 days. ampulla.

Then take then out and put them into Add the eolution of the gold,

a emall glass

which you had kept

in a small

-I I 9 -

glass, earthE dissorve

to the other together. together.


in the ampulla.

Norr you have both wirl

Put them on hot ashes and the earthe Then set tt

Ln the barneum and draw the remain of your natter a glass ampulla or egg. seal Lt hermetice, a rnoderate fire. into the earth fn

water off,

and a salt

or earth will

which you must pound and put into Pour on it and set it time all all the air with all

the fire,

in tripode fLre and air

f,or 12 days, Irith will be tnbtbed

and be-

come hard aa a stone. Remove that ing-g1aes matter and weigh your matterr our burning put it into the fix-

and pour on it


ae much ag the on the furnace Notr everything


Seal Lt hermetice, aghes, giving into elear

and set it

in a dish with will will disaolve rise with

a moderate f,ire. also rise


and descend and one one will also keep all and when Do pale-

the other

and subsequently, and make it fixed. will

the other that that

at the bottom aII

But before appear; color.

takes place, is over,

imaginable will till

colors lnto

everything your fLre


a whlte

not increase yellm.

you see that

the matter


Then rejol.ce: Now increase your

For under the l{htte off eonEiderably,

the Red is hidden.

and take good care perfectly hot, Set

that red.


does not cool is red,


you Eee your matter the egg while

Wtren tt

pour it



and seal lt it in tripode

with with

the seal Eenmetis (the seal of Hermes). a good regulat'ion of a cmall firer

Eo that

you could iron


keep your hand between the uaLl

of the big the a Phi-


and the chamber Ln whieh gtands these 6 weeke tt will




coagrulate into




Take it



f,har{k' God, fob t*t rts prbjection


the Stone of which Le lnflnite, and too

much has been eaid be'fole. it

makes the beet gold ,that, can. be seen, though it so one ha^Bto ahd te this is all too eoft. gold'other

ls aII

nalleablei.r because it


rHE'Ti+iRD'PARr, Er'm-or oF THE l'lrrenru-' l{bRr' I0', Isn*cr Holunor



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