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. Human Arain MappirS 2t234411994) .

Neural Network Interactions Related to Auditory

L.earning Analyzed With Structural Equation Modeling

F. Gonzalez-Lima and A.R. Mclntosh

ltistitute Jor Neurascience and Depart'nent oJ Psycholog!, Ulritercity ol T.Jtas, Austin, Texas (F.C.-L.),
a d Labantory ol Newosciellces, Natio al Instit te an Aging, Natianal lnslitules oJ Health,
Belhesda, Matltland (A.R McL)

it it

Abstra.r lf learning is an emergent property of inteEcting brain regions, unde6tanding it requires a

networkanalysis ofthe patterns of interaction between brain regions. Brain mapping techniques have the
potential of providing information about tunctional interactions within entire neural systems, but
compulational methods aie needed to make sense oI the complex interactions thattake place in the brain-
This leview paper illustraies, with exanpies flom auditory learning studies, the apptcation of a
computatjonal m€thod that quantifies the interactions anong neuraL regions in terms of netwo.ks, and
whatis gained lrom this approach. The method ls Shuctural Equation ModelinS, and it computes network
interactions by combining anatomical circuilry wiih the covariation in ihe activity between auditory
structures. Activiiy was assessed by fluorodeoxyglucose upiake, and the fmctional strengths ofauditory
pathways we.e quaniified by computjng paih coefficients representinS the strenSth of the functional
influence through each anatomical path. Changes in ihese values were used as indices of how leamed
infolmation was proce$ed and modified within the audiiory sysiem. Structunl hodels of the audito.y
system .evealed the patterns of network inieractions related io habituation to a sound, as well as the
patterns.elated to the opposite learned associative properties ol the same sound. Theyillustlated how the
functional interactions among parallel auditory neural paihways were nodified as a .esuli of audiiory
learning. This analysis supports the hypothesis ihai audito.y learning is an emergent network property,

Keywords: auditory learning, sbuctural equaiion modeling, path analysis, Pavlovian conditioning,
habituation, 2 deoxygldcose, fluorodeoxyglucose, neuroimaging, network interachons, covan-
ance analysis, neural pa thway, .a t

INTRODUCTION tions in which neural activiiychanges are subtle. With

the introdu.rion of neb funLhonal neuroimaSinS
Advances in analytic techniques are especially im- techniques for data acquisihon, new data analysis
portant for neuroimatinS studies of learning func lechniques .lco been developFd Ifor re! iew., -ee
Horwitz et al., 1992, Mclntosh and Gonzalez-Lima,
1992b1. For €xample, averat€ image subtraction [Fox et
Received for plblication May 2Z 1994; r€vision accepted September
al., 19881. statisiical parametric maps lFdston et al.,
26, t994.
19911, cluster analysis lPoline and Mazoyer, 1993, this
Addr€ss reprnrt requests to Dr. F. Conzalez Lima, Unnersity of
TexasatAustin, Mezes 330, Austin, TX 78712. issue; Roland et a1., 19931, and landscape param€tdc
A.R. Mclntosh h now at the Rotnan Research lnstitut€, Baycrest
profiles [Barreto and Gonzalez-Lima, 1994] have been
C€nrre lor Geriahic Care, 3s60 Bathust Sheet, Toronlo, Ontano, developed to reveal changes in r€donal neural activ-
ity. With modern metabolic mapping techniques it is
o 1994 Wiley-Lissj ltrc.
. Gonzalez-Lima and Mclnlosh .

possible to obtain functional data from mostregions in Likely to be highly dependent on the specific connectiv-
a sinde brain lconzal€z-Lima et al., 1992J. This is a itybetweenbrain regions lconzalez-Lima, 1989, 1992;
Ereai advance over tradiiional neuroscience meihods Mclniosh and Gonzalez-Lima, 19941.
of studying learninS because the op€rations of many The reasoning that brain connectivity influences
neural structures can be visualized simulianeously in brain funciioning gave the impetus for the develop-
d \inBIe brdin T)picdll) mort dndlyses of i,,.rpprng meri of our siructural modeling approach io quantify
data are restricted to the comparison of average functional interaciions mediated by specific neural
regional activity between experimental groups or connectiorls IMclntosh and Conzalez-Lima, 1991,
conditions. This is like treating each brain re$on as if Ioo2db louj, looa. ll-ir ir-uel ln de\elopinB our
ii were separate from the system, but the neural approach/ we have kept in mirld a basic principle thai
functions that mediate associative learning are prob- we should like to state explicitly- This is the principle
ably dependent on the inieraciions that take place or neural rnter.r, hon Tl \ldle. lhd I il npurdl retion5 drF
within and between these systems. By restricting the synaPtically connected. the disturbance in the postsyn-
analysis to one iegion at a iime, brain mapping studies aptic action potentials of a region is passed on to
of learninS may iSnore important sources of informa- anoiher. In other words, brain regions do not merely
iion about the interaction beiween reFons. Therefore, aci locally, ihey interact with one another in complex
in order to make better use of brain imaging data io neural networks. Therefore, brain activiiy is interde-
study leaming functions, computational iechniques pendent on the aciions and reactions of ihe compo-
need to account for the in teractions between elements nents that form the neural neiworks. We can now
in a neural network. monitor ihe operations of many ne ral regions simul-
The use of computational approaches to measure taneously using brain mapping meihods. The model-
network inieractions in brain siudies may be iraced ing technique presented here and similar analyses of
back to the Cerstein ei al. [1978] analysis of nultiunit network interactions may help us to understand the
electrical recordings and ihe Cevins et a]. 119851 combined actions of these neuralregons and how this
analysis of electroencephalographic waves. The first activity is related to behavior.
applications of covariance analyses to brain metabolic Mclniosh and Conzalez-Lima 11991, 1992ah, 1993,
data were reported in 198,1by Clark et al., Horwitz et 19941 demonsirated how €ovariance structural equa-
a1., and Metter et al. They demonstrated the impor- tion modeling [Bentler, 1985; Berry, 1984, Bollen,1989,
tance of functional interactions in neural systems by Davis, 1985, Hayduk, 1987; ldreskog and Scirbom,
the use of interredonal Pearson produclmoment 1979, 1984, 1989; Loehlin, 1987, Long, 19831 (also
correldlion L oeth, renis to quanlrf) meraboli. n'aPPin8 known as path analysis) could be used to quantify
data. This method ofcovariance analysis has provided simultaneously the interactions between iniercon
a major advance in the effort to determine which brain nected brain regions. When applied io neural systems,
regions are functionally associated with one another sfructural equaiion modeling uses information about
during a particular experimental condiiion. However, the anatomical pathways and ihe corelation coeffi-
when one wants io examine interactions in a multi- cienis beiween brain regions io determine the func-
siruciure system, inierpretations based on Pairwise tional paihways in a given experiment. Struciural
correlations can become complicated. Other ap- modeling uses algorithms thai attempt to account tor
proaches that can provide information about sysiem an observed pattern of correlations based on the
interactions are the vafous multivariate techniques causal structure of a system defirled by ihe neuroana-
such as discriminant analysis, pincipal components tomical conneciions. The models use inierregional
analysis. facior analysis, and canonical correlation. correlaiions ofactivity to quaniify the pairwise pattern
Some of these techniques have been applied success- of interaciions ihai take place between brain regiorls.
tully to positron emission tomoSraphy (PET) meia- The application of struciural equaiion modelinS io
bolic data from humans lclark et al., 1991; Frjston et neural data uses the basic assumption ihai ihe ob-
al., 1993, Frision, this issuel and optical recordings servedpatternof corlelationsbetweenbrain regionsis
from cortex lshoham et al., 19911. One commonality due, at least in part, io either common influences to
between these techniques is the assumption thatbrain both regjons or direct anatomical connechons be-
regions that function together have corelated aciivi- tween them. By combining ihe correlations between
ties lHorwitz et a].,19921. These iechniques determine brain regions and the anatomical connections (causal
patterns of regional interrelations independent of order), parameters are estimated for all inlluences in
infl uences mediated by specifi c neuroanaiomical path- the system. This structural equation modeiint apptica-
wcy-. However, brd'n fun!lron- relalFd lo ledrning rre iion is a logical extension of ihe ini€rregional correla-
. P.rh Analsis ofAudilory LearninC.

tional approach since the solutions for the models are Lima, 19911. Habiiuatiol is regarded as the simplest
derived from correlaiion coefticienis. li adds to the formoflearninS, and it mav b€ defined as the decrease
analysis of mapping data in that instead of looking at in behavioral responding to a stimulus afier rcpeated
reSions that are functionally associated h a pairwise presentation. Habituation of the acoustic starile rc-
manner/ the models can demonstrate how specific sponse is widely used as a model for siudying the
pathways in entire sysiemsfitcract in different experi, ( ur.rl bJ.r- of be ,.r\ ror.r. lr.,brludlron lror rcvi-q . -ee
mental paradigms. Our structural modeling approach Davis and Fi1c, 19811. The second example comes from
has also been recently applied to the study of human a siudy of associative learning comparing metabolic
brain function [McIniosh et al., 1994] and dysflulciiorl activity produced by the same ionc irained as erther a
lcrafton ei a1., this issuel. Pavlovian conditioned excitor or inhibitor lMclntosh
In the companion paper lMclniosh and Gonzalez- and Conzalez-Lima, 1993, 199,11. Conditioncd inhibi-
Lina, ihis issuel we explain the general application of tion is a kel' notion in ihinkint about associative
structural equation modeling io brain inaging,provid- learniDg [Rcscorla, 1988]. Miller and Sped I19851
ing the methodological background nceded for a review how it has beco,nc clcar that subjects leam to
better understanding of the present paper. In this associate negative correla iions beiwecn thcjoinioccur
paper we review specific applications of structural rence of two stimuli, and that this constituies more
equaiion modeling to funciional brain .iata lrom ihan simpl), ihe failure to learn a positive relation.
mapping expernnents of audiiory learninS lunctions. These irvo examples illusiraie nonassociauvc and
The paper is both a review of our previously pub- associaiive forns oi audiiory learning depending on
lished results as well as an exposition of how siruc presentation of single siimuli wiihout any conse
tural equation modehlg may be apptied in ihe study quences (habituation paradigm) or paired stimuli in
of complex neuroanaiomical networks. The examples which ihe sounds signal the presence (excitor) or the
used are from animal experimenis with rais, bui the absence (inhibitor) of an aversive stimulus (condiiion-
Suidin8 pfinciples and the spccific approach pre- ing paradigDr).
sented also apply to the siudy of neural network The objective for ihc structural equatjon modeling
interactions in the central nervous systems of hunans analysis was to use ihese exisiinB meiabolic clata trom
and othermammals. The focus ofthis paperis on what audiiory learning experiments usint fluorodeoxyglu-
is ganled from application of ihe strlrctural modeling cose (FDC) autoradiography Iexplained by Conzalez-
approach to the understanding of auditory learning. Lima, 19921 to develop structural models with ihe
The theoretical and techrlical issues ofstructural equa- methods discusscd here. The daia on interregional
tion modeling have been extensively reported ir1 its correlations in FDC uptake were used io consttuct the
Seneral use [e.9., Bentler, 1985; Berry, 1985r Bollen, structural models based on ihe anatomical interconnec
1989; Davis, 1985; Hayduk, 1987; loreskog and SoF tions between auditory regions. The audiiory sysiem
bom, i979, 1984, 1989; Loehlin, 1987, Long, 19831, and models explained in the habituation expcriments
in its applicaiion to brain nraging lMclniosh and IMclntosh and Conzalez-Lima, 19911 demonstrate the
Conzalez Lima, 1991, 1992a,b, 1993, ihis issrei. use of structural equaiiorl modeling io provide a
dcs.riffirc index of the functional interactions within
Obiectiv€s the auditory sysiem. This approach permitted models
to be consirucied for each experimental group sepa-
The basic strategy of our research proSram is to raiely, but dley could not be compared statisiically.
cxamine how the same auditory stimulus afiecis brain Therefore, it was not possible to make nrllcrttdl
metabolic activity when the siimulus serves differcnt staiements regarding the observed dif{erences in ihe
bph"vio a' r, e- r(qurred thr.ud I ledrnifB F\peri models. Instead, the nodels could be used only h a
ences IConzalez-Lnna, 1989, 1992; Conzalez-Lima and
Agudo, 1990, Conzalez Lima and Scheich r98h-c, Our nost recent modeling efforts have used a
1985, i986a,b; Conzalez Lima et al., 1989a,b, 1993, muliiple group or stacked rnodel appLoach to compare
Mclntosh and Corrzalez-Lima, 1991, 1992a,b, 19931. functional models staiistically, allowing for hferential
Data from two learning paradigms will bc used as siaiements retarding dif{erences between experimen,
examples to illustratc what kind of new information tal models. We hav€ used this approach successfully
may be derived from structural equaiion modeling. with models of the visual system, as explained in
The first example invoived the study of shori-ierm Mclntosh and Gonzalez,Lima [1992a]. The auditory
and lon8 iern habiiuation of the acoustic srarile r€rlex {.lem nodcl. r\plained in lhe,ondrlroninS <\peri-
lConzalez-Lima et al., 1989a,b, Mclntosh and conzalez ments lMclniosh and Conzalez Lima, 19931 demon-

. Gonzalez-Lina and ticlntosh .

strale the use of an "stacked" models .rpproach and autoradioSraphy as explained before IConzalez-Lima
how the models can be evaluated infereniially. The et al., i989a,bl. With this expcrimental design we
obiective was to use the siacked models to compare tested the hypothe$is that althouSh subjects in ihe
how opposite learned associative properties oI the long-te.m and short-term Sroups received the same
same auditory stimulus are represenied by the pattern auditory stimulation during ihe postinjection period,
of network interactions bet*,een audibry system re- their auditorv systems would reflect different patterns
gions. The circuitry of the audibry system model was of aciivation related to their differeni kinds of behav-
modified by the addition of ihre€ anatomical paihs io ioral habiiuaiion to the saDre stimulus. Therefore, any
our previous habituation model to make it more group differenct's in the evoked patterns of neural
anatomically accurate. They include reciprocal paths responses io the same sound by the auditory sysiem
between the two cochlear nuclei lLorente de No, 1981, u'ould be presumed to rellect learning-related difJer-
Osen, 19871 and a descending path from the external ences in behavioral habituation, and not difterences
nucleus of the in ferior colliculus io the dorsal cochlear due b ihe sensory stimulation, which was identical
nucleus [Osen, 1987; Shore etal., 19911. durinS the testins of activation in the shorl
term and long-term grolrps.
METHODS The experimental desisn and meihods for the asso-
ciativ€ learning experiments have been explained in
Experimental designs detail by Mclniosh and Conzalez-Lima 119931. Briefly,
iwo groups of animals lvere irained with the samc
Theexperim€ntaldesitnandnlethodsforthchabitu- sound serving as a Pavlovian conditioned excitor or a
ation experimenis have been explaired in detail by Pavlovian conditk)l1ed inhibitof lLolordo and Fairiess,
Conzalez-Lima et al. [1989a,b]. Briefly,ratswere housed 19851. Rats were trained with reinforced trials of thc
in a iesiing apparatus like ihe one of Cassella and condilion(d e\citor (A J rnternri\p.t \rth nonrein-
Davis I19861. The acoustic startle respons forced trials of a compound Drade bv ihe tone and a
sured after bursts of white noise of 100 dB. The size of litht (AX ). The bne was the e\citor (A-) for th!'
this response (jump ampliiude) did not enier into the Conditioned Excitor group and ihe light was ihe
brain activity correlations. Each sessidl was made of inhibitor (X ), whereas the tone $'as thi' inhibitor (X )
270 noise bursts presented at irregular in tervals (mean, for the Conditioned Inhibitor group and the light was
10 sec; ran8e, 4-16 sec) during ,15 min. IrreSular the excitor (A+). ln this experinent, the excitor acted
intervals were needed to eliminate the possibility of as an "alarm" to signal the subsequent presentation of
temporal conditioninS. Rats were injeci€d i.p. with l8 an aversive event, whereas the inhibitor acted as a
ACi/100 8 body weight of [']C(U)]2-deoxyglucose or "safety" signal to predici absence of the aversrve
['rC(U)12-0uoro-2-deoxyglucose. The first Sroup of event. Animals show a conditioned tear response to
subjects was long-term habituated for 5 days (2 ses- the cxcitor that is suppressed in the presence of the
sions/day separated by t hr) and injected with the inhibitor- Thus the same physical tone can serve two
tracer immediately piior to their ninth session. The opposite behavioral roles dependinS on th€ associa-
second Broup of subjects was not long{erm habiiu- tive leaminS iraininS. After training, all rats were
dled lo rhc 5ound. fhe( .rnimals had no e\perience iniected with [!C(U)]FDC and exposed to the same
wiih the stimulus butwere handled like the firsi group tone. FDC autoradiography was used for imaging
in every other respect. Then they were iniected with reSional neural activity lConzalez-Lima, 1992, Gonza-
the tracer prior to their first and only session of lez-Lima et al., 19931 and to generate interregional
shorFterm habituatiorl. ln this paradigm, shorlterm correlations of activity resultinS from the presentaiion
and long-term habituation werc defined operationally ofthe ione lM€lntosh and Gonzalez-Lima, 1991, 19931.
as the habiiuaiion wiihin-session (short term) and
iha i between sessions (lon8-term). Short-term habiiua- Application of structural modeling to the
tion is a more transient modification in behavior, with auditory system
spontaneous recovery a fter stinlulus remova l, w hereas
lonS{erm habituation is a more permaneni decrement The analysis began by constructin8 an fltntotxical
in behavior that takes place across daily sessions of model of the auditory system linking th€ regions
stimulus repetition [Leaton et al., 1985]. A ihird group
through their known anatomical conneciions. Then,
of subjects was iniected like the other groups but t/'r.liorai models for ihe various groups were con-
received no stimulaiion. At 45 min postinjection, rats structed using structural equation modelinS. In the
were killed and theirbrains processed for quantiiatjve modeis, activiiy correlations were decompos€d k)
. Path Analysh ofAuditory LeaninC.

calculate numerical weiShts, or path coefficienis, for a compromise is usually reached between anatomical
each anatomical path. These path coefficients were accuracy and inierpretabiliiy. A model that includes
th€n used to compare the network interactions for ihe all potential connections wili be more accurate but
different group models. Therefore, ihe application of may not be interpretable, or worse, may not be
structural modeling to analyze functional interactions solvable. On ihe other hand, a model that does not
in the auditory system involves five major steps: 1) include all well'established anatomical connections
construciion oI the anatomical model or path diagram willmost likelybe solvable, but may have less theoreti-
of the auditory system,2) computation oI the conela- cal utility.
iion mdtri\ of d(trvrtv between ll'e auditor) region. The anatomical model for ihe rat central auditory
that form the model; 3) creation of the structuml system is shown in Figure 1. The directional arrows in
equaiions for the system to express mathemaiically Figures 2 and 4 indicate the anatomical paths between
the vdridnce rn drlivily in each dudrroD region J- d auditoiy regions shown in Figure I All the paths
function of the variance of othef brain regions and linkinS the regions were based on well esiablished
some residual influencei 4) solving the equations in anatomical connections llor€nte de No, 1981j Osen,
the model to find optimal soluiions foi path coetri- 1982 Coleman and Cle ci,1982 Webster, 1985, Shore
cients and residuals in aSreement with the observed et a1.,19911. The central auditory sysiem ofihe rat,ljke
coffelation matrix of activity, and 5) statistical evalua- that ofother mammals, is made up of six main regions
tion of the vaious functional models to determine located along the neuroaxis ftom the medulla to the
significant diffeiences due to $orp treatments. These neocofi ex lwebster, 198s].
steps are explained below.
1. The cochlear nucleus, located in the laerar me-
Anotomi.ol model of the cen''ol oudi.ory tfstem dulla, could be subdivided into dorsal (DCN) and
ventral (VCN) cochlearnuclei in our autoradiographic
Th€ brain of exp€rimental animals such as the rat is
well known in ierms ofanatomical connections. How- 'ma8es.
2. The superior olivary nucleus in the ventral pons
ever, like most neurobioloSical da ia, these connections could alsobe subdivided into lateral (LSO) and medial
repiesent the best available approximation of the (MSO) olivary regions. The lateral region was made
actual circuitry of the central audiiory system based up of the lateral superior olivary nucleus, whereas the
on the currently available experimental techniques. medial region comprised both the small medial olivar\
Most review a.counts of neuroanaiomy are inad- nucleu. in lhe rdl ind ll-e ar8er <uperio-pardoh\dr\
equate for building an accurate connectivity model of nucleus ddjdcenl lo :r. The'e ."f'airl.on- or .1,
the auditory system from a particular species. Pimary cochlear and olivary nuclei are important because
source journals wete consulted io document each they showed clearly distinct patterns of activity and
path in the rat model. The anaiomical model by could be connected in parallel io differenibrain regions.
necessity is a simpler approximation of a more com- 3. The nucleus of the lateial lemniscus (LL),located
plex biological reality. Parameter identification is at rostral pontine and caudal mesencephalic levels,
geatly dependent on how the connections beiween showed a well-defin€d ventrai nucleus in our autora-
structures in a model are determined. This relates to diographs.
the accuracy and interpretability of ihe model. When 4. The lar8e inferior colliculus in the lower midbrain
decidingwhich connections toinclude in amodel, one could be clearly subdivided into a central nucleus
must rely on the current anatomical knowledge of the (lCC) and an externalcortex (lCE).
sysiem. Connections that are part of a well defined 5. The medial teniculate (MG)body is located in the
path should definitely be included. For instance, in caudal thalamus.
modeling the audiiory system, the geniculocortical 6. Finally, the primary audiiory cortex (AC) is
connection would constitute a well defined paih. There located in the temporal lobe at approximately the
are, however, cases in which the connections are less same coronat planes where the medial g€niculaie
well documented or are minimal. ln these instances, body is found.
one must rely on a parsimonious judgment. IncludinS
questionable connections that "may exisi" can lead to The \i\ main .eBion< dnd their subdivi\ion- men-
the problem whereby the number of connecfions tioned were included in the anatomical model. Ii is
within a system exceeds the number of correlations expected that with hiSher resolution metabolic and
between the regions, so that no single solution to the neuroimaging techniques, such as cytochrome oxidase
path coefficients can be calculated. In the final model, histochemistry lconzalez-Lima and Jones, 1994] and
. Gonzalez-Limd and Mclnlosl.


LSO -----::- MSO

FiSure l.
Anatomical model of the.enral alditory systefr ot the rat. neural nerwork formed bI resons VCN, LSO. and MSO aid
A!dno./system re8tons ares) were placed on
(tabe ed white three their anatom ca paths is indicated by p,, Pr, and Pr labels. StructuE
schematctransvercesecrionsofthe brain (hiidbra n. midbrain, and eqoar on model ng uses iniormat on about this connectl! ty and the
torebEin evek frod lett ro righO Anarom cal pathways berween corelat ons of act v ty between r€tions to determine the strength
res ons were iidicated by schemat c 'neurons with cell bodes o{ influences throuSh each Path (es path coefflcients for p, Pr,
(cncbt within reSion and then axons (iinet p.ojecrinS ro anothef
a and pr explained in the l'lethods sectior). DCN, do6al cochlear
region ofsynapr c.ontact. These uond p.ojections corespond to nucleus; VCN, ventE <och ear nucleusr LSO, lateralslPer or o ivary
the paths (arrows) used n rhe $ru.tural modes in subseqlent nu.le!s; lvlso. medal superior olivar/ and suPerior Pamolivary
fisLfesForthesakeofsimPicrv.iPslateraandcoiralateraPalhs nuclei: LL. venra ntceus of the lateral lemnis'tsi lcE external
are showi on the same side n the fitufes. No left riSht side nucleusoftheinferior.olliculls;lCC,<entralnuceusofthe nferior
commissuE paths were n<llded in the model because no left riSht col culls; l'lc, media Senculate nuceusi AC, Primarv auditor/
side in rea ona act v ty were determined. The reduced cortex lAdaPted from YcLntosh and Gonalez Lima l993l

landscape parametric profiles LBarreto an.l Conzalez- such small nlrclei could noi be measured and they
Lima, 19941, these regions wiLl be flrrther subdivided were excllrded fro,n thc model. Limitations of sPatial
in the fuiure, pcrnitting the claboration of mo.e resolution are a decisive factor in any brain imaging
study. In the case of PET studies, for instance, most ol
As indicated above, the sclcction criteria follorved to ihe subcortical regions included in our auditory sys'
bur.d r\r- Inrrorhrl lI'.1. 1 rr\ol\pd J pr\noniou. tem model cannot be investiSaied at this time.
judgnent about the number of regions that could be Eramples of ercludcd paihs were the olivocochlear
disthSuished n1 thc nrages and in their connecti')nq paths lwarr, 19921, i'hich in the rat oriSinare trom
v€rified in the liierature. Specific details of how these neurcns in the lateral superior dive (lateral olivoco-
selection criteria were applie.l are Siven below with chlear path) ancl ventral nuclcus of the trapezoid body
examples ofinclusion and cxclusion ofsPccific fegions (medial olivocochle.rr pdth). Boih of these paths iermi-
and paths. The main limiting factor in the number of naie in the co.hlen. iltich is not in our autoradLo-
rctions included in the model was tiven by the graphs of the Lilnin, and thus these paths had to be
regional spaiial rcsolution oi the autoradiograPhic excludcd from th€ mod€I. However, it could be ar-
meihod uscd io collect thc aciivity data For eranPle, gued that some oli\!.ochlear fiberssendaxon collater-
small perioUvary nuclei like the ventral nuclets of the als frorn ihc lilcril superior olive io the cochlear
irapezojd body could not be clearly differentiated nuclei granlrlar la\e. The anatomical status ot these
from adjacent reliions in the rat. Thcrefore, activity m collatcrals na\ Lie iLlmmarizecl in the following quota

. PathAnahri.,f AuditoryLearninS.

tion as an example of what constitutes a piih i::r: r: Siructural equation modeling is ai{ecied by sample
less well documented or mnrimal and thus i: r\. -.-..-. iize (e.t.,less than s0 [Boomsma, 198s, Loehlin,1987]).
from our model: ". . . the existence of collater:1i ::.::1 .\ sample size of five or fewcr subjecis per group is
LOCS (lateral olivocochlear paths) io the....:1.:: .ommon for brain imaging experimenis. To compen
nucleus has been somewhat inconsisienth rr,::... sate for this, one can obiain multiple measures of the
-u88e\rint ,\.r , r(ir rurnber \ p .r . (.\ sane brain region in,nany brain sections. In the
vadable across species. . . . The existence !,i.,,i1.::.r,rli analysis of FDC autoradiographic images, more than
from LOC axons io the cochlear nLr.Fu. ]1:i L.een one rcading ofeach brain regiorl is iaken, uslrally from
deriedb\ JllIr\e.lrSdror.h.rl rdrr -. ,. f -. more than one brain seciion. To compute correlaiiols,
lwarr, 1992, p.4291. As a Beneral rule...ll;Ier:rls or the multiple sections per brain are treaied as a source
axons of questionable anatomical e\isi!..e:r the r.1t of variance in a siatistical design, as explaine.t in
and other rodents were cxcluded ih. nr.l€l ]n Mclntosh and Conzalez-Lima [1992b]. Briefly, when
addition, paihways that have not Lieen \'€fifiE!t in th€ ihc within subjeci source of variance is partialled oui,
rat using modern axonal transPort te.hni!upi te.g., the resllltinS partial correlations are corrected for this
reirogradc tracing ofhorseradish Fero\r!taie or dniero, source of variance, which in ei{ect renders within-
Srade tracing of this or similar conlpoundsl rlere subiect observaiions independent. This pariialling tech
excluded. For example, connections d€iennin€d \!,ith nique can be done by rnany statisiical software pack
lesion degeneration techniques roLri.t no t .l irer€ntiate agcs, such as SPSS, SAS, and BMDP.
lrun d;m.rge ro cpll bodie. i. , t.I ^-,.i .o p,*rnB ln ihe siudies reviewed here we used threc adjacent
axons through a region, which resulted n misleading autoradiographic sections from each brain reSion for
evidence abort the location of thc neurons whose each subjeci to caiculaie inierreSional correlations.
axons deSenerated. Thercfore, proiections described Since ihe toial number of measuremenis included
in such lesion studies were cxcluded lrom the model multiple lneasures from each subjeci (i.e., 3 sections/
unless they were contumed rvith modern axonal Nbje.t), the group correlations were inflated due to
trarlsport method s in ihe rai. the within-subject source ofvadance. However, as the
source of this vadance was known, it could be re,
Coftelarion mattices of duditory rcgionol octivities moved using a partial correlation procedure LPedha
zur, 19821. This partialling technique is comparable to
After construction of the anatomical modcl, ihe nexi ihc variancc partiiioninB donc h ANOVA, in which
step is io compute interregional correlations ior the there are four known of variancc: oerween-
data file. lt should be emphasizcd that ihe umis used group, between-Letion, between-section (the latter
to quantify netabdic data (e.9., isoiope incorporaiion, two are wiihin-subiect), and error variance. ANOVA
optical density, glucose uiilization) are irretevant for separates the iotal variance into between-snbject,
computation of interregional correlations bccause the within-subjeci, and error variances. Since these sources
covariance relationships are the same regardless of of variance are independent, ANOVA can assess the
which linear transformation of the data is applied. statistical significance of each source rclative to error.
This is a major advantage of structural €quation The objective of our partialling iechrliquc is analogous,
modeling for a wide varieiy of mapping studics thai is, we assessed ihe si$ificance of the bctween-
because activity units are immaterial in the assessmeni group and beiween'region variances, with the oiher
of funciional relaiionships between reSions ot the variance sources held consiant or pariialled out- When
between-section variance is pariialled out, ihe measure
Correlations can reflect a bias becanse the data are ments are rendered mathematically independent for
all derived from the same brain [Ho {iiz, 1989; Hor the pLrrpose of calculaiinS interregional correlahons.
witz et al., 1984; Soncrant et al., 19861. To correct for In ihismanner the calculaied partial correlations were
this bias, a relative measure of activity such as u'hole- conected for the extra source of beh,{een section
brain ratios ls used. These fatios are calculated by vadance, and the effeciivc sample size was increased
dividingtheactivityvalue (e.g.,isotopeincorporation) lMclniosh and Conzalez-Lima, 19941. AlthouSh the
from each brain region by the avera$ vahe for the actual value of a corelation calculaied using the
entire brain of that subject. This gives a better indica- pariialUng techniqlre will differ from that calculated
lron ot rhe tun, rio'1il d-\ocrdlron\ br'heen regr.n- with one section per region per subjeci, ihe pattern of
beyond any association due to a common source of correlaiions will be the same. Although the patterns oi
variance. Pariial correlations of FDG uptake werc correlaiions and €stimates of path coefficients ob
\ omPured s ,rhin cr.h EroLp .r.rns \uojecl.. tainecl with 3 seciionslsubject are the same as ihose
. GoDzalez-Lima and Mclntosh .

obtained with 1 section/subjeci, the inferential implica- may be computed. They represeni ihe basic method
tions of this approach are unclear [Mclntosh and for structural equation modeling, although the equa-
Conzalez-Lima, 1992b1. Therefore, in the statistical tions and procedures are somewhat more complex
evaluation of the functional models explain€d below, lfor specific details see Beny, 1985, Jdreskog and
the probability values should be interpreied as an Sorbom, 1979, 1984, 1989, McDonald, 19801. In most
indication of the relative size of an effeci rather than structural equation modeling programs, ihe causal
the exact likelihood ofa particulai x':value. order ofihe system is represented by a set of st/r/cirlnl
eqratiors rather than path equations. ThrouSh dedva-
Stru.turol equotions for rhe auditory sysaem model tion, siructural equations can be related to path equa-
tions, by expressing the correlations in raw form, i.e.,
Correlahon. between acti\ ilies o{ iudilory re8ion. converting the correlaiions back to variances and
are decomposed based on the causal order of the covadances lfor the mathematical derivation, see
system lBoll€n, 1989, Loehlin, 1987]. For example, Loehlin, 19871. While path equations specify the com-
consider only th€ reduced "neural network" in FiSxre ponen ts of each correlation coefficieni, structural equa-
1 made of three brain regions VCN, LSO, MSO and tions specify the components of the variance for each
their inierconneciions. These anatomical connections auditory region in the system. An example of the
provide the causal order for this network. The direct structural equation for the ieduced networkis: LSO =
paths show that region VCN projects to LSO and VCN pr + VVCNand isread as:"The vafanc€ oILSO
MSO, region LSO projects also to MSO. Using path- is equal to the variance of VCN times a weighting or
tracing rules outlined by Wrighi las cited in Cohen path coeaficieni (pr) plus avariance residual source (V)
and Cohen,1983, Loehlin, 19871 for paih analysis, this unique to VCN that is external to the model." For this
network can be represe \ted by a set of path equntiolls, €quation LSO and VCN rcpresent known parameten,
in which the corelations between activities in VCN, and pr and {. represent unknown parameters that are
LSO, and MSO are expressed as the sum of the to be solved. The solutions for ihe siruciural equahons
compound paths conneciinS the threeregions. For the dre obtained in a ha) simrlar to multiple reSre\qion
correlation between activities in VCN and LSO (called but instead of solving for each eqmtion indepen-
rr) th€h direct path coefficient (called pr) is ihe same dently, they are solved simultaneously using matrix
value, i.e., rr : p . The €onela tion between activiiies in
computations [dreskogandS6rbom, 1979].
VCN and MSO (rt, on the other hand, equals the sum
of their direct path coefficient (pt plus the cornbined Solving the model for poth.oefricien s and residuols
indirect influence mediat€d ihrough ihe VCN to LSO
path (pr) via the LSO to MSO paih (pr, i.e., r: = pr The maihematical goal of structural equationmodel-
(dircct influence) + prpr (indirect influence). Finally, ing is to obtain an optimal solution to a set of
ihe correlation between LSO and MSO (r3) equals the structural equations that minimizes the differences
sum of thei direct path coefficient (p3) plus the between the observed covariance relationships (from
indirect paths ftom VCN (pr and pr, i.e., 13 = p3 + the correlation matrix of activit),) and those that ar€
prpr. There are three known parameteis (the corela- implied by the solution. The calculation be$ns by
iions beiween regions) and three unknown param- 8ivin8 each unknown parameter a stating value.
eters (the paths between reSions). These data, to- These values are ihen used to stari a series of succes-
gether with the other correlations in the entire model, sive iierations as to whai the parameters must be,
are j11st adequate to solve for the unknowns throuSh given the correlaiions behleen yariables. As with all
altebmic substitution. The values obtained (pr, pr, p3) iterative fitting algorlthms, there is no Buarantee that a
represeni the pdfh coerfi.ierfs foi the influences among soluiion may not be at a locaL minimum rather ihan a
the auditory reSions in the reduced network. Unlike Slobal minimum. Holi€\er, the LISREL software
the example presented here, for most struciural equa- {Jcireskog and SorL'on. 19891 used for solving the
tion models the number of known quantities is geater model uses a non iter.ii\ e least-squares estimation to
than the number of unknowns. This limits thepossible provide starting vaLLrei. increasing the probability that
mnte of values a paih coefficieni can take and pro- the iterative sohrtron tinds a global minmum. As
vides a somewhat more reliable soluiion than the indicated abole hrth paih equaiions, the causal oidei
"jusi-determined" (i.e., three unknowns and three $ven by the.lna(rmical connections in the path
knowns)solution presenied in the above example. diagram (Fig. 1r iussests sone of th€ factors that
Path eqmtions help to understand what structuml influence the correlations between re-
equation modelingdoes and how the path coelhcienis gions. Using ih€ re::il.rn., dructural equation model

. Gonzal€z-Lima and Mclntosh.

evaluation of different models. Second, it improves based on measurements taken over a fixed period of
the fitness of ihe models by increasin8 the degrees of time, e.8., cytochrome oxidase acrivity Iconzalez-
fr€edom, due to the larSer number of obse ed values Lima and Garrosa, 1997; Gonzalez-Lim4 79921, c-t'os
(correlaiions) relative to ihe number of unknowns. mappinS ISharp and Sagar, 19921, and cerebral blood
Each Broup's correlation mat x operates as a set of flow IFox et a1.,19881.
obseryed values when ihe models are estimaied simul,
taneously. Therefore, when certain parameiers are AUDITORY SYSTEM MODELS OF SHORT.TERM
constrained to be equal between groups, the ratio of AND LONG.TERM HABITUATION
knowns io unknowns is increased, and this makes th€
parameter identification of the models more likely Co[elations for the auditory functional modets
fHayduk, 19871. The stacked models approach will be were based on data repoited by conzalez-Lima et al.
presented with the auditoiy turnctional models of ihe 11989a,b1. Three values for each auditory region from
conditioninB groups. each subjeci were obtained. Pdor to calculatinS the
After the final solution for the struciural model is cofielation matrix used aE data for the models, ihe
obtained, the next step is io inierpret the findings in within-subjects variation due to multiple observations
terms of neural mechanisms. While therc is a tempta- was pariialled out as previously described. Activity
tion to interpret the direciion of a path coefficient measures were obtained from the DCN and VCN, the
(positive or negative) as a reflection of excitatory and LSO, iheMSO, the nucteus of the LL, the ICE and ICC,
inhibitory influences in the postsynaptic electrophysi- the MC, dnd prrmdry AC re8ion\ show.l in FiSrre L
ological sense, the interpretation of path coefficients is Analyses were condrcted using LISREL version 6.6
besi likened to correlaiions beiween variables. When lJdreskog and Sdrbom, 19841. The residual inflrences
two variables increase in size in a proportional way, repr€senied by V were fixed at 0-4 for all regions. To
they are positively coirelated. On the contmry, when ass€ss the possibility that these estimates were unrea-
one variable increases while the other decreases, they sonable, functional models were computed with lower
are negatively correlaied. ln the case of neural struc- values of q., and it was deteimined thai the overall fii
tural models, the path coefficients measuring the and the estimated path coefficients for each model
strentth of interconnected siructures can be defined were not drastically chanted. In the 6nal models the
more specifically. A positive paih coef{icient means partial denvatives for q,s wer€ also very near zero,
that a unit increase in the activity of one structure suggesting that the value of 0.4 for Vs was a ieason-
leads to a direct increase in the activity ofstructures to able estimate. The intemction between DCN and VCN
which it is linked proporiional to the size of the was depicted with a bidirectional arrow egual to the
coef{icient. Conversely, a negative path coefficient correlation between the two regions, representint the
means ihat an increase in activity in one structure influence of ihe cochlea. Estimates of the parameiers
leads to a direct proportional decrease in the activity were produced using unweighted least squares. For
of structures to which it is connected. Thus positive the models, path coef{cients thai did not exceed 0.3
and negative path coefficients measure the direction (absolute value) were not considered subsianiive.
ofthe covariance relationship between components of
the network. A change in a paih co€fficient would Dire€t effe€ts
represent a change in the funciional interaction. The
de-i8n.rrion of d chdn8e in a pdrh d- dn rncrei\e i1 Both the direct and iotal effects for these models are
postsynaptic excitation or inhibition will depend on presented in graphic format only. Speciftc values for
what is known about the physiology and pharmacol- each effect may be found in Mclntosh and Gonzatez-
ogy of the pathway in question. lnteryreiations are Lima [1991]. Presenting the path models glaphically
best done considering the researcher's theoretical rather ihan as a series of tables containing ihe coeffi-
stance and th€ current knowledge of ihe system. cients seems to aicl in observing the pattern of effects_
ln the case ofstructural equation modelingbas€d on The functional models are represented graphically in
2-deoxyglucose (2-DC) data, the models do noi explic- Fiture 2. The focus was on how ihe lemniscal (VCN ro
itly indicate the temporal flow o{information. Instead, ICC) and extralemnrscal (VCN io LSO, DCN to ICE,
structural equation modeling indicaies the patterns of et€.) pathwavq ilere operating in the ihre€ models
interaciions between structures within a neural sys IWienberBer and Diamond, 19871.
tem based on the functional activity measured by Direct effects are grven by path coefficients ihat
2-DC and relat€d glucose analogs. This would also be quantify ihe cliect oi a given reSion on anorher to
the case with other metabolic mappinS techniques which it is monos\ naptically connected. The tunc

. Palh Analysis otAuditorJ LearDins.

Unstlmulated Contiol

Short-term Habituauon Long-term Habituation

Graphi< representations ot the functiona models of rhe aoditorydnectl/ connected. The magnitude ofrhe direcr effecr is propor-
sFtem for unstimulated conro and short- and lonS term habitua- rional to arow wldrh lor €ch path. valles for the width sradient
tion 8rcoPs- The dnectional arros indicate the anatomical paths are given n the legend at the bottom ritht of the llgure. Posirive
betwen auditory system s$! The bidirectional afow going path <@fllcients de shown 4 solid arows, whered neaative ones
to DCN and VCN represents reidual influences common to borh &e shown d setmented arrcws. [Adapred from l'lclntosh dd
reSions and includes the cochlea. vaiues represented here are Gonalez,L ma, 199l.l
dire<t effects of each sru.ture upon all regions to whi.h it is

tional model for the unstimulated control group (top. cal paths dominated. The unstimulated control group's
Fig.2) can be thouSht to rcpresent thebaseline activity model could be characterized as a balance of positive
of the auditory system in the absence of the acoustic and negative path co€fficients- DCN and VCN had
stimulus producing the startle respons€- The patterns both positive and negative direct effects. Mosi influ-
of interactions observed in ihis model w€re that the ences on AC were negative path coefiicients, while
influence of the "lemniscal system" (from VCN to relationships among brainstem and midbrain regions
ICC) was apparenily minimal and ihat the extralemnis- were mostly positive.

. Gonzalez-Lima and Mclotosh .

A fundamentally different pattein of inieractions on MC. The total ef{ect was 0.481, while rhe direct
was observed {or the shorterm habituanon runc- effectwas 1.286. This leaves an indirecteffectof -0.805
tional model {bottom left of Fig. 2). All path coefficients (total minus direct). The only rouie by which ihis
from VCN were positive. The positive influence ap, could be transmitied is throughAC.
peared to continue throuth ICC and ICE, and to AC For ihe lonS{erm habiiuated Sroup the modifica
through MG, sng8esting that l€mniscal influence was tion of ascendins effects is obsewed by comparison of
much stionger in this model- The descending path the toid effectsofVCN on otherregions (bortomnght,
coefficients from AC were both negative, a reversal of Fig.3). The total effect of VCN decreased in hii.:l
thepaiiem in the unstimulaied conirol group. brain re8ions (ICC, MG, and AC) The totd eiee oi
The bottom right of Fiture 2 shows the model for VCN and LSO was 0.794 and it was highest at ICE
the long-term Broup based on data ftom habituated (0.902) but at ICC it was rcduced to 0.282 and ai AC it
subj€cts that had previous daity exposures to the was down to 0.20. However, th€re were also large
acoustic stimulus. The pattern of interactions in this indirect effects ofVCN. While the total effects of VCN
model demonstrated characteiistics of the two prior were ali positive, the direct effect from VCN to ICC
models. While the hitherlemniscal effects appeared to was negative (Fig.2), suggestintthat there was a large
be pdmarily positive, the direct effect from VCN to indirect ef{eci, presumably via the supeior olivary
ICC was negative. The posiiive influence appeared to nuclei (LSO and MSO).
be mediated through the supe or olivary nuclei, LSO had larger total effects in the long{erm group
whichbelong to the extralemniscal system. Boih DCN relative io the short-term model (except for LSO effect
and VCN had neSative and positive path coeficients, on MSO). This suggests that, in ihe long-term group,
with th€ inflnence of DCN sironger than in the pari of ihe influence from VCN was passed to and
short-term model. The unique effect of the long-term poientially modified by the LSO. It may be ihat
habituation model was a stront posiiiv€ d€scending another site of iranslormation involved the ICE since
influence ofAC on ICE. it received a large influence ftom VCN, but did not
appear to iranslate that to the MG. Cortical influences
Effects decomposition were also modified since the long-term goup showed
the largest descendinS influence from AC io ICE.
Effects decomposition provided an evaluation of
the total and indirect effects in the functional models. Discussion of auditory system models of habituation
Total ef{ects represent the influence of a region throu8h
both dir€ct effects and indirect effects. These effects The functional models of ihe auditory system dur
are ihe alfbraic sum of the influence ofa brain region ing shorlterm and lontterm habituation showed
on all others throughboth direct and indirect anaiomr- how the inieractions of parallel pathways chanted as
cal pathways. Examination oI the total effecis showed a result of repeated experience with a single strmulus.
that the greatesi dif{erences in the three models werc It seems that with long-term habiiuaiion functional
inihe ef{ects from threenuclei:the VCN, the LSO,and influences are shifted from the lemniscal paths domi-
the relation oflCE withMG andAC. Therefore, Fi8uie nant in short term habituation to the extralemniscal
3 shows ihe iotal effects of VCN, LSO, and ihe circuit pdlhwdv\. wilh .lron8 invol\pmenl ot lhe \uperior
amongICE, MC, and AC for the three groups. olivary nuctei and the lCE. It also appears that the
The total ef{ects for the unstimulaied control group auditory sysiem in a baseline state (control gloup)
(iop of Fi8. 3) showed a balance of positive and maintains some kind of balance among positive and
negaiive influences. This was consistent with the negative influences.
pattern ofinieractions observed {or the direct effects. The patterns of interaciions in the functional mod-
For the short-ierm group &ottom left oI Fig. 3), the els can be related to the regronal paitems of 2-DC
large positive effects originating at VCN were domi uptake obsewed in the auditor\'siruciures lconzalez-
nant. Totaleffects ofVCN were relatively sirong for all Lima et al., 1989a1. For example, the largest difference
possibl€ direct and indirect routes. In contrast, no in 2-DC uptake beiNeen th€ shori, and lonS-t€rm
oiher brainstem region seemed to have substaniial Sroups was in th€ LSO. lt appears ihai part of this
influence on upstream ar€as. Most o{ the total effects effect may be relaied to ihe shiii oi inierachons trom
for other regions were close to zero or failed io exceed the direct route (\'C\ to lCC) to the indireci rouie
0.3. Attenuation of iotal effects existed in all three (VCN to LSO to ICC] ai rlell as the direct effect from
Srorps but was most pronounced in the short term LSO alone. This aciilit| chante, thereiore, may be
model. This is especially €vident in the effects of ICE partly a refleciion oi the shift of inieraciions related to
. Palh Analysis orAudilory L.arniDg.

Unstimulated Control

Short-Term Habituauon Irng-Term Habituatton

Gmphic reprcsentatlon ofthe totaleffects frcm VCN and LSO and tnnsmitted through direct and indirecr anaromical routes. The
the toralinterre ation betlveen lcEwith f1G and AC forrhecontrol magnitude of rhe rota eftect is proponional to drow width for
troup (top) and shon-term (bottom eft) ad lonS-term (bottom tradient are d in Fiture 2. lAdapted
each path. Values for the width
risht) habituation groups. Eflecrs are rhe sum of all innlences from l'lclntosh ad Gonzale-Lima, l992b.l

processint and modification of the ascendint sitnal sho\rn in the functional model. For example, the LSO
lMclntosh and Conzalez-Lima, 19911. The increase rn regional activaiion may be related to a pedpheral
activity in LSO may also rcsult from changes not ieedback to th€ cochlea, not measured in our model,as
related to shifts in central connectivity interaciions as in ihe case of activation of the descending olivoco-
. Gonzalez-Lim! add Mclnlosh .

chlear pathways lconzalez-Lima et al., 1989a1. It is aptic inhibition of the input pathway, as suggested by
worth meniioling that our auditory sysiem model is intracellular unit recordinS studies in invertebrates
designed to quantify interactions in ccntral pathwa)'s, lKandel and Schwartz, 1982]. Instead, the models
and not changes mean reSional activity due io rcvcaled that behavioral habiiuation in response to a
activation of peripheral outpuis. It is obvious ihai to solrnd involves ar active modification of complex
a ssess central peripheral interaciions, activity measure- interactions between different auditory pathways.
ments o{ peripheral targets are required. When such
data become available they can be incorporated in ihe AUDITORY SYSTEM MODELS OF ASSOCIATIVE
model. However, addition of a peripheral ouiPut CONDITIONED EFFECTS
paihway to the present anatomical rnodel iviU have no
effeci on the solved path coefJicients of the central The findin8s from Mclniosh and Corlzalez Lina
paihs. Thai is because ihe residual influences used in li993l arc summarized here with more emphasis on
the calculations of ihe siructural equations already neurobiological inierpreiations than computaiional
account for any influence not measured in the model. aspects. The puryose was to show that struciural
Experimenis with simulated data showed thai any equaiion modelinB permiis much nlore information to
effect of adding such an output path like the oiivoco- be obtahed irom any neuroimaging experiment in
chlear bundle, for example, will be on the residual which functional daia arc measured from a complete
influence on LSO in the model rather than on the neural system. We used structural equaiion modeling
ceniral a ditory path coeFficients Isee Mclniosh ancl to provide €vidence that network interactions in the
Gonzalez-Lima, this issuc, for ciiscussion with sjmu auditory s],siem are parily related to the associative
lated datal. significance of auditory stinuli- The interregional
Together with modifications at ihe level of the co elations of aciivity for the functional models were
superior olivary complex, difterent Patterns of inierac- obtained usinS auditory system FDC uptake patterns
tions beiween paths acting on ICC and ICE and ihe in response to the same ione trained as eiiher a
influences of these areas on MG and AC may suggest Pavlovian conditioned excitor or inhibitor. Condi
further modificaiion of the auditory signal ai the mid- tioned exciiaiion consists of presentinS two stimuli
brain level of ICC and lCE. This is consistent with re- with one stimulus (A ) always paired with another
gional differences in 2-DC upiake in short- and long- stimulus (an aversive foot shock). The A then be-
term groups in ihe ICC found by Gonzalez-Lima ei al comes an "alarm" signal ihai predicts the occurrence
[1989a]. The total effects from VCN to output regions of the aversive stimulus, orUS. Conditioned inhibitiorl
appeared to be relatively stronS in the short term dif{ers in that the stimulus (X ) predicts the abscncc of
group- However, in the long-term group, this Pattern ihe US. We used a procedure in whi.h X is trained by
of influences appeared to be modified substantially at compound presentation with A. (Pavlovian condi-
various sieps in the pathway. The descendint influ- iioned inhibition, A-/AX ). This associative learninS
€nce of AC io ICE may have acted to attenuate the involves contrasting A trials with trials in which
€ffects. This influence may rcduce the arousal co'nPo stimuli A and X are presented bgetheras a compound
nent associated with the signal since ihe ICE is Pari of that signals the absence of ihe US. This results rn
ihe system [Weinberger and Diamond, siimulus X acquiring the behavioral properiies of a
19871, and this system is proposed io relay nonsPecific conditioned inhibitor (a "safety" siBnal). This para-
qlralities of the audjtory stimulus related to stimulus digm was Lrsed to train the same physical tone as a
siSnificance lParham and Willot, 1990]. ln the short conditioned excitor (A.) for one Erorp and a condi-
ierm group, the total effect of ICE was larger ihan the tioned inhibitor (X ) ior anoiher. It was used io iesi
long-term 8roup, suBgesting that the aroLrsing comPo- ihe hypoihcsis ihai nctllork interactions between
nent of the siSnal was transmitted io hjgher alrditorv aLrdibry svstem regi'rns rvouLd reflect thc differentiaL
centers in the short-term 8roup, but noi in the long' associative prop€rtie! (i.e., alarn vs. safety siSnalinS)
term habiiuaied group. From these models it was clear of the same phYsical ione.
lhdl habrrudtior tn o r.peared r.und i. nor r p.r'.i\e Followirlg conrpleiiol of ihe FDG uptake per'od, rat
processlinked to a simPle decrement in brain llrnctjon- brains wcrc reno\ ed arld processed for autoradiogra
in8, as suggested by early elecirophysiologjcal stuclies phy, as eaplained in .letail elset{here [Conzalez-Lima,
lHernandez-Peon, 1960; Condon and Weinberger, 19921. FDC uptake in the auditory system was mea-
i9911. lt is also unlikely that the nultiPle changes sured Lrsing qu.lnhtaiiye imagc analysis of isoiope
obse ed in ihe ceniral auditor], system in lonS-term I 'c,In..rl. r. U ,' | '. .,udrr.'ry -y-r"m re8i,', r Ind
habituation can be accounted for merel]' by a prcsyn- lyzed Ncrlr the DCN and VCN, the LSO, a more

. Pnrh Anah5is ofAuditory learning.

medial region coniaining ihe MSO, ihe ventral nuclcus lhF rriluen.e uI \C\ .'n LcO .howed " lrrgp de-
ol .hF I L, the ICF ,r d ICC rr,L \,1C .,nd il,( p, inr. ' creasein lnagnitlrde to near zero in the Conditioned
AC. To hclp reduce interanimal variaiiol rn the Iniribitor. Coefficients from VCN to LL and ICE wcre
,,r(c, ,,r) of l-DC ldbtslint rn,,l".Fd lo,hF c\pFnn, negaiive in the Conditioned lnhibitor, but the abso-
r,il m.n,puldlron rC vdlur. tron- ed.h b,din reSi' I lute magnitude of ihese influences was similar to the
were divicled by the average rC value for the ('hole Conditioned Exciior.
brain of each annral (whole brain ratio). Thi\ proce- Both associative models showed strong descending
dure was validated by determining ihai thcre were no paths from AC b lCE, and frorn ICE to DCN. For the
sysienatic dif{erences in the r{hole-brain means be- Conditioned Excitor, these descending paths helped
tween the groups (i(13), P > 0.10). Within to form a positive path coeffrcients loop involving the
group interregional correlaiion matrices were based direct paths from DCN to VCN to LSO to ICC to MG
upon ihree obscrvations for each audiiory region for and then AC, and completed with the descendinS
each slrbject. Irartial correlation nairiccs were com- paths (AC b ICE to DCN). This loop's influences were
puted as before [Mc]ntosh and Gonzalez Lima, 19911: discontinlrous for ihe Condiiioned Inhibiior, wiih the
the variance due to multipLe observaiiols was re- path from VCN to LSO reduced io zero.
moved, thereby increasinS the number of observa
tions per group by a facior of 3. Efects d€comPosition
LISREL version 7, fronr Scientific Software lnc.
Ildrcskog and Sorbom, 19891, was used b compute For each auditory region, iotal and direct effccts as
naximum-Likelihood estimates for the path coeffi- $el d. v"lup\ tor ,1, (dl]^sed .hdn8F :1 i\r-
cients representing the influences through the anatomi application) are used for effects decomposition. Total
cal pathways. Statistical comparison of the modelswas effects represent thc impact of a region ihrough both
done using ihc multiple Sroup or siacked models direci eftects and indirect effects. Total effects are the
approach whcreby path coc{ficienis were constrainecl algebraic sum of the influences of a region on all
to bc cqualbetween condittuns (nullhypothesis model) othcrs throuth both direct and indireci anatomical
with ihos€ in which the coefficients were allow€d io paths. From the Xr dif{erence tesi ihe output from
differ (alternative model). Each model was assessed VCN and ihe residual influences (V) on DCN were
for its ability io reproduce ih€ original correlahon found io vary significanil)' between ihe Excitor and
matrix ihrolrgh the X2 goodness-of-fit statistic. If the Inhibiior. The differences in the direct effecis from
differencc in the X: value for the null and altcrnaiive VCN were significant upon comparison (x:1"(3) =
models was significant (X],ft test), then the coefficienis 12.68; P < 0.0s). The value of V for DCN was
that were allowed io vary beiween conclitions were significantly larger in ihe Condiiioncd Inhibitor (0.90)
statistically differeni ILoehlin, 1987]. compared wiih the Conditioned Excitor (0.292; X3ir
(1) = 5.02; P < 0.05), so less of the variance in DCN
Direct effe€ts $'as accounted for by the alrditory paths in the
Conditioncd Inhibitor model.
Figure ,l represents the flrnctional nci Differences in between-group total eftects were
works for ihe Conditioned Excitor nrodcl and the evaluated descriptivell, since there is currently no way
Conditioned lnhibitor model. The values for the direct to evaluate directly ihe statistical siSnificance of such
effects irl thc figure are based on the standardized differences. However, sincc thc direct effects were
-^ urior rn whirh .h, bcrween-tsroup staiistically differcnt, it is likel], that the total effects
equated to a common scale ranging from zero to onc lvere as well. Our criterion for a substantive difference
in absolute magniiude. Tables wiih the speci6c values in toial ef{ects was an absoluie value of 0.3 or greaier.
for each effect may be found in ihe oi€linal report The greater differences between the iwo functional
lMclntosh and Conzalez-Lima, i993J. models were in the effects from VCN and DCN. This
Differences betwecn the exciior and inhibitor mod- comparison displayed an interesting paiiern of re-
els were in ihe extralemniscal ouipui of VCN. The sulis, illustrated in Figure 5, in which the iotal effects
direci lemniscal paih from VCN to ICC was ihe sa e are prescnicd graphically. These effects represent the
betweenmodels. Exiralemniscal paths fronr VCN were sun of direct and indirect influences and are not
manlly positive in thc Condiiioned Excitor, with the meant to denote direci anaiomical pathways.
largest positive paih coefticieni to LSO. li€laiive io VCN mainly exhibited sirong positive total effecis
this, the influences of VCN in th€ Conc:titioned Inhibr- for the Conditioned Exciior, while thcse were nega-
ior showed differences in both nagnitucle and sign. ii\c ior ihe Conditioned lnhibitor (Fi8. 5). These sign

. Gonzalez-Lina and I'lclniosh.

Condrtbncd Exclto. Model Condltlon€d LrHbltor Modcl

Path Ccn lents

iff"," __:Y","

Left: cEphic repr$ertation of the direcr effects ror the Condi- shown 6 seSmented arows. Righe GEphic representation or the
tionedExcitormodel.|lagnitudeofrhedirectefiectisproponional direct efiects of the Conditioned Inhibitor model. Direct effects
to arow width for sch path. Vaues for the width gEdient are that were sisnifi.antly different from the Conditioned Excitor
given in rhe egend ar the bottom of the 1lgure. Positive path hodelwere the Paths from VCN to LL, lCE, and LSO. lAdapted
coefficients are shown d solid afows, whers netative ones are from I'lclntoshand Gonalez Lima, 1993.l

chantes were not accompanied by larte differences in most regions except for ICE { 0.239) and VCN. Th€
absolute magnitude, with the excepiions of the ICE direct effects from DCN did not dif{erbetween groups,
and LSO. The direct effects from VCN to ICC were suggesting that the DCN pattern of toial effeci differ-
negative for both models, bui ihe total effe.ts were enceswas a function of theinfluences through parallel
positive in the Conditioned Excitor (0.404) and nega- pathways, prcbably mediated via ihe indirect effects
iive in ihe Conditioned Inhibitor ( 0.487). The posi throuth VCN. The differences in ihe total effects of
iive total effect in the Conditioned Excitoi model VCN between conditions were generally more in sisn
rcsulted from the lar8e Posiiiv€ indirect effecr rra n qm ir ihan in magnitude. The differences in the total ef{ects
ted through LSO and LL (indirect e[fects = iotal of the DCN were more in ma8nitude and not sign.
direct, 0.647). The direct path from VCN to LSO was
smaller inihe Conditioned Inhibitor (cf. Fig.4) and the Discussion ofauditory system models ol conditioning
indircct effect was small (-0.14), so the total effect did
not differ much from the direct ef{eci. The siSn While DCN and ICE i'ere ihe only r€dons that
reversal ofthe totaleffects ofVCN on ICC maysuffiest show€d mean ditlerences in FDC upiake between
that the ascending influences were modified in paral- Bioups/ structural equaiion modeling demonstrated
lel pathways throrSh the Lso and LL. that differenc€s beille€n ihe audiiory system interac-
In the Conditioned Excitor, the DCN showed mod- tions oiginated at the le\el of the iwo cochlearnuclei.
erate total effects on most areas excepi ICE (e-8., total ln the Conditioned Inhibitor model, paihs from VCN
eff€ct on ICC = 0.303, on ICE : 0). However, for ihe to LL and ICE !ho\ ed direct effects opposite in siSn
Conditioned lnhibitor DCN had zero total effecis on and a reduciion in th€ eilect on LSO.

. Path Analysh ofAudito.y LearninC.

Tot2l Dfects
Condiuoned Excttor Modei Conditloned Inhibitor Model

Fitur€ 5.
left: Gdphic representarion of the total effe.n from VCN and width for ea.h path. Values for the width tEdient are d in Fiture 4.
DCN in the Conditloned Excitor model. Totalefiecrs are the sum Righe Gmphic repr$entation ol the total effe.G from VCN and
ofallinlluences t€n5min:ed through direct and indirect anatomicl DCN inthe Conditioned Inhibilormode. [AdaPted from l'1.litosh
routes. The matnitude ofthe total efiect is proponional to arow and Gonzaiez-Lima, 1993.1

The residual effects on DCN were also higher in the involve stimulus siBnificance and arousal [1\'einberg€r
Conditioned lnhibitof. The larger residual value for and Diamond, 19871. The direct effects did noi difi€r
the DCN in the Conditioned Inhibitor model may between Broups in the lemniscal paihwa|s. Since ih€
have occurred by a combination of internal processes physical qualities of the ione iLere ihe same tor ihe
within DCN and the influence of functional interac- two groups, ii is expected that ihe djreci iniluences
tions of the region with extra-auditory re8ions not wiihin this subsystem were similar for the tlLo SiouPs.
included in the model. Thereis anatomical evidence of However, the absoluie magnitude of ihe iotal €ffects
a cuneocochlear pathway in the rai brain [Weinberg differed in sign, in aSreemeni *'ith the opposite
and Rushoni. Lc87l hom the cunedre nucleus. a pri associative properties of the ione for the two Sroups.
mary somatosensory nucleus, to the DCN. Since a Thus, the direct lemniscal paths from VCN appeared
relevant source of extra-auditory influences du nt to act to relay invaiant information about the physical
conditioning was the footshock (US) effect, this direct qualities of ihe stimulus, while the opposite associa-
connection with ihe DCN provides an opportuniiyfor tive information may have b€en relayed throuth the
ione-shock interactions at this level. Extra-auditory parallel paths.
interactions would be expected to be stron8er in the Th€ network intera€tions revealed that the associa-
Conditioned lnhibitor model because the action of the tive value of the tone influenced the maSritudes of
tone condiiioned inhibitor would be on systems out- both direct and total effects along the parallel extrale-
side the audiiory system. mniscal pathways. These associative netwoik differ-
Network interaction effects within ihese models ences were reflected in the interactions from the two
maybe interpreied based on direction and magnitude cochlear nuclei, and these findinSs could not have
diff€rences in th€ two auditory subsystems, lemniscal been seen by simple calculation of mean r€gional
and extralemniscal lcraybiel, 1973]. The lemniscal effects. Th€ dbect effectsofVCN on the extralemniscal
subsystem (VCN to ICC to MG) is associated with regions LSO and ICE were smaller (LSO) or differeni
Processin8 of the "pure" sensory components of in sign (ICE) in the Conditioned lnhibitoi model,
stimuli, while the extralemniscal paihways relay the while the tolal effecl: of VC\ on lhe\e region: sere
"nonspecific" components of a stimulus, which may zero. The total effects of DCN were smaller in the
. Gonzale2-Liha and Mclnlosh .

Conditioned Inhibitor modelbecause ofthe change in other hand, if a unit recording techniqu€ that isolates
the indirect effecis of DCN ihrough VCN (i.e., the aciion potentials is us€d to monitor aciiviiies in re-
direct effects of VCN). An exception to th$ was the gons "A" and "B." it may fail to deted any functional
total effect of DCN on ICE, which was negative in the activity in "B," ifno action potentials are t€n€ratect in
Conditioned Inhibitor model compared with zero in "B" as a resuli of the stimulation from "A." Conse-
ihe Conditioned Excitor model. Both the DCN and quentlt a different correlative index of aciivity canbe
ICE showed relatively less FDG incorporation in the obtained between regions "A and B" depending on
Conditioned lnhibitor 8roup. For the DCN, this differ- the kind of activity measured. Cl€arly, metabolic and
ence in mean FDG rptake was consistent wiih the unit iecording techniques monitor different cellular
relatively lower iotal functional influence of DCN on events and therefore may not always be expected to
most oiher auditory system reFons. For the ]CE, the reflect the same correlative relationships when ana-
difference in means was consisient with sitn chan8es lyzed wiih covariance methods as proposed here-
in the directeffect ofVCN and the total ef{ect ofDCN. Metabolic mapping techniques that map electrical
The combination of both lower mean activity and activity changes throughout cell membranes obtain a
negative covariance influences in the Inhibitor model comprehensive functional index of activity, but extra-
may be taken as an indication of relatively weaker cellular unit recording techniques, for instance, isolaie
functional couplint in the extralemniscal pathway for pariicular electrical events such as action potentials.
ihe Condiiioned Inhibitor model. They furiher sng- Caution must be exeicised in comparing data sets
gest a dominant role for ihe cochlear nuclei and the ieflectinS difjerent phenomena. Validation of the ana-
ICE relaied to functional processing of the associative lyiical method of structural equation modeling is
significance ofth€ sornd after conditioning betier pursued using computer-simulated data sets
with known r€lationships, as explained in the compan-
GENERAL DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS ion paper lMclntosh and Gonzalez,Lima, this issue].
For example, the issue of accuiacy of the anatomical
We envision confirming the results obtained with model has been of great conc€rn to us, and w€ have
FDC dutorddiotrdphy u\int olher melrbohc mdppinS recenily conducted daia simulations to evaluate the
techniques such as .ytochrome oxidase histochemrs- impact of incomplete anatomical models with omitted
try lconzalez-Lima and Garrosa. 199']; Conzalez- regions or paths. ln general, it appears that the
Lima, 19921 in adjaceni sections of the same subjects exclusion of re$ons or paths does not affect the
us€d for these studies. However, using multiunit estimates of path coefficients themselves, brt rather
recording or electroencephalo$aphy, for instance, is the estimate of the residual influences lMclntosh and
likely to rcsult in different data sets difficult to com- Conzalez-Lima, this issuel.
Pare with data obtained from metabolic mappint of The studies reviewed showed that not only do
b.ain energy metabolism. This difference is noi related learning-related effects occur in the auditory system,
to the meihod of struciural equation modeling but to but also ihai the nature ofthese effects depends on ihe
the kind of activity measurement technique used to behavioral significance of ihe auditory stimulus (i.e.,
gen€rate the data used for the models. For example, habituated, excitor, inhibiior). These and previous
meiabolic mappint iechniques such as FDC and cyto- studies lconzalez-Lima, 1989 and 1992 for review]
chrome oxidase mapping refleci cellular energy meta- indicate that multiple levels within the auditory sys-
bolic demand, a functional index that is berrer corre- tem show learning changes. Furthermore, the use of
lated with overall cell membrane ionic pumpinS than structural equation modeling permitied characteriza-
axonal action potentials Isee Gonzalez-Lima et al-, tion of the specific funciional interaciions amont
1992, for discussions on this issu€1. tf this is the case, parall€l neural pathNavs that presumably reflected
membrane el€ctrical activity can be highly correlated the associated behaIioral pfoperties of the tone stimu
between a brain re$on "A" sendint action potentials lus. It is worth mentioning that the conclusions de-
thai stimulate a target region "B" as revealed by rived from ihe auclitorl mod€]s reviewed will noi be
coupling between metabolic activity (action poten affecied by further in\ estigating extra-auditory mod-
tials) in "A" and me tabolic aciivity (perisynaptic poten- €ls of r€dons in|ohed in siartle or conditioned re
tials) in "8." This tunctional coupling can be visual- sponses, since ihe Soal of the piesent analysis was to
ized by metabolic mappint of FDG using correlative see if auditor\ s\siem rnt€ractions were affected by
analyses because the FDC uptake does not isolate the stimulus sitniticanie. and not to identify all the brain
different cellular events (i.e., a€tion vs. perisynaptic regions inYoh€.1 in itarile or conditioned behavior.
potentials) contributing to ener8y utilization. On the We are presefil\ lo.runt at extra-auditory interac-
. Path AnalJsis ofAudilory Learning.

iions in these paradigms lNlclntosh and Conza]ez systems lMclniosh an.l Conzalez-Lima, 1992a; Mcln-
Lnna,1994l. tosh ei al., 19931. Totether, these studies dcmonsirate
Even a felatively sinple ionn of Learning such as that whilc a certain paihway or area nlay be more or
long-term habituation involv€d multiple parallel neu- less critical for a particular function, operations in ihe
ral pathways acting together in the iniact brair. From inld, I br"rn I.r\.'l!( inlerd.lion. dmonB n'dn) reBionr
this it may be concluded that auditorv brain reSions and at nany levels. Our findings suPPort the hyPoth
use a combine.l network strategv io represent specific esis thai auditory learning is an emergent property of
changes in stimulus siSnificance. These distribuied distribllted brain activity ancl network interactions
chan8es in auditory pathwav int€ractions are not in lconzalez-Lima, 1989, 19921, and thai such an emer-
.Sreemenl wrlh lhe older \res. ot lp"rninB d. rF gent property cannot be understood solely by consid-
stricted to a local activity chang€ limiied to "hiSher- ering ihe component parts of the brain one at a time
order" reBions or to some specialized neuroanatomi Alargenumberof earlyelectrophysiological studies
cal system with a memory-based mechanism. The have shown the development ofPhysiological change
funciional models of the auditory system suggest ihat at many levels of ihe audiiory system during learnhg
purely audiiory sensory responses io the sound may Ie.g., Hernandez Peon, 1960, Buchwald et al., 1966,
work in parallel with nemory-based mechanisms Olds et a1., 1972; Gabdel et al., 19761. More recent
taking place in the auditory system [Conza]ez-Lima, studies by Weinberger et al. [1990] have accumulated
1989, 19921. The findings in the conditioning study evidcnce of learning-relaied plasticity of neuronal
may be compared with the functional neiwork model rcccptive fields distributed h the mammalian alrcli-
for long-term habiiuaiion of the acoustic stariie reflex tory system using single unit recordints. For insiance,
lMclntosh and Gonzalez-Lima, 19911. Parts ofboth the the receptive 6elds of auditory MC neurons show
Excitor and Inhibitor models in the conditioninS retuning following associative learning in Suinea pigs
experiment resemble the model for long tern h2bihra- lEdeline and Weinberger, 19911, while similar recep
iion, in which we found that the lemniscal path from lr\L field pla.l crl\ n.r- bLe.l rF.orded '-on' P-in-ar!
VCN to ICC also had a netative path coefficient arld AC neurons in cats and grinea pigs lBakn and
the posiiive influence was throuSh extralemniscal Wpinberger, loo0l. loB,Fll-e' r\e.F Lle.trJLh\-rol r-
paihs, especiaily fiom ihe superior olivary nuclei. This ral.tudie. and our n'e,dbol. n,.,pFing - | li' -.,r-L-'
simihniy may imply that this pattern of interachons, thrcL B(ne,dl conclu.ron-: .'f(,.,',1 .f"1'- '
involving paths parallel to the more direct lemniscal rrceplivF field proDerriL- i1 r.dirol - r. 1

paihway, occurs whenever an acoustic stimulus has n.odiiiFd ov . ur.EL, in rl. -1p ,rnj . a .

some acquired mcaning (habituated or conditioned). stimuli acquired through learningr l) liiher€ni r€grr..i
Descending cortical paths also had strong effects in and paihwa_v.'s within the audLior! :\ sho\ ! er!
the long ielrn habituation models and in both models specific changes ln acti|ii]. ancl iunctiorlal interactirrs
in ihe present study. Funciional changes in the audi- relatcd to l€arning paradigms, ind 3lelectroph!ridogr
tory cortex in learning paradigms have suggested ihat cal as well as metabolic corfelai€s oi th€se l€aLnint
auditory cortex plays a central role in learning related effectscan occur as carly as in ihe first regional statrons
plasticity in the auditory system [Wenrberger and of the auditory system. The view held once that ihe
Diamond, 19871. The funciional models in the long- auditory system was made of nonplastic neural ele-
term habituaiion and the present conditioning siridies menis erclusively concerned with deiection of physi-
provide support for this hypoihesis, as ii appears thai cal stimulus properties is no longer tenable. lt should
the descending cortical pathways from cortex become be replaced by a more inclusive view that includes the
functionally stronfr in va ors conditions $'hen an involvement of sensory regions in behavioral siimulus
acoustic stimulus has acquired m€anin8. properties acquired by leaming.
The various ftrnctional models developed using The combined use of functional brah mapping and
structural equation modeling [Mclniosh and Gonzalez a na tomically based siruciural equa tion modelinS h old s

Lima, 1991, 1992a,b1 sugSest that parallel paihways n1 great potential io promoie our un.lerstancirng ot
the auditory system interact to process ihe physical brain-behavior relations at the system level.
(lemniscal) and behavioral (extralemniscal) compo- n,oJelI.rd pen,,il- rr-edn her\ lo ldlp
nenis oi acoustic stimuli. Sirong functional rnterac- funciional data sets from compleie neural s\sieln! t\
tions between parallel sensory pathways have been a quantifyingthe networkirieractions. Presenth..te.
consistent finding in all structural equation models of rurdl pgudlron modclrnS cir provide n-o-p.l . I
brain imaSing data pe ormed thus far in auditory informaiion aboui functional influences medi:ri.i :.
lMclntosh and Conzalez-Lima, 1991, 1992b1 and visual .pe,r6. n(uroanatomi.dl pdlh!\d\- r\.n " r :
. Gouale2-Liha and M.ldtosh.

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ieversal Physiol Psy.hol,1:124 13.1.
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