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Med-surg Quiz review.

1. List the complications associated with fluid resuscitation. a. Fluid overload b. CHF c. pulmonary edema d. cardiovascular overload e. anaphylactic syndrome f. hypothermia g. generalized edema. 2. A 69 year old is admitted to ed with sudden onsight of eye pain, blurred vision, halos, ocular erythema, and loss peripheral vision while mowing the lawn. You suspect the client is exhibiting: a. Closed angle glaucoma. 3. Compartment syndrome a. Pain b. numbness, tingling and pain with cast. c. Leg is blue pain gets worse. 4. Mitotic medication prescribed with glaucoma. Purpose of medication. a. Medication causes pupil constriction and will relieve pressure in the eye. 5. Once skin traction is set up assess circulation: a. every 30 minutes initially then every 2 hours. 6. Erectile dysfunction. Which client is not suitable candidate for Cialis. a. A 75 y/o Caucasian man with diabetic retinopathy. 7. Menieres dx a. controlling vertigo b. avoid sudden head movements. 8. Cardiogenic shock a. receives dialysis b. heart rate sinus tachy to atrial fibrillation c. skin is yellow d. Stage of shock i. Irreversible. 9. Alpha blocking agents for BPH: a. Flomax.

10. Compensatory stage of shock a. Hormone to decrease urinary output ADH/Renin/Aldosterone. 11. Do not give to a patient in shock: a. 0.45% Normal Saline. 12. Client having undergoing cataract extraction with intraocular implantation. Home care measure nurse will include in the plan: a. Avoid bending over b. Place eyeshield on surgical eye at bedtime c. Contact doctor if decrease in visual acuity occurs d. Take Tylenol for minor eye discomfort. 13. Which statement made by nurse is wrong in regards to dopamine: a. I will stop abruptly. 14. What stage of shocks is patient experiencing: PH 7.25, co2=37, hco=16, the nurse notices his skin has small pinpoint red spots (petachie) a. progressive. 15. Hx of client who has hx bph - To determine whether client is experiencing difficulty the nurse asks of early symptom: a. decreased force in the urine stream. 16. Client admitted to hospital with bph. The Turp is performed. Four hours after vs are taken and empties foley bag. Which would indicate a need to notify physician: a. Blood pressure 100/50 b. pulse 130. 17. Internal radiation implant - nurse should observe which principal: a. Do not allow pregnant women in clients room. 18. Child with right femur fx. In skin traction. Nurse notices dorsalis pedis pulse is absent: a. Notify physician. 19. Patient needs further teaching after mastoid surgery if making following statement. a. I should avoid ambulating. 20. Ortho nurse should be particularly alert for fat embolus in client with greatest risk for complication: a. 21 year old with fracture femur (long bone) 21. Client treated for fat embolism. What is most favorable indication of fat embolus resolution: a. Clear mentation (A/O)

22. True or False: I should limit fluids after my TURP. a. False 23. Priority nursing diagnosis for a client recovering from hip surgery a. Keep hips in ABduction. 24. Student nurse teaching senior citizen class in hospital about diseases that can lead to blindness. Which is not a cause of blindness. a. Exophthalmos and conjunctivitis. 25. Client dx involving inner ear. Common complain of that part of the ear: a. Ringing of the ear.

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