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Name____________ Ms. Reyes/Ms.


Date:_______ Global 10

An Age of Revolutions
Common Core Learning Standards: CCLS RI.1, CCLS CCR 7, CCLS W 5, CCLS CCR Speaking and Listening 1, 3, and 4

Layer C: Basic Understanding (600 points MAX)

You must earn 650 points to complete Layer C and move on to Layer B **Assignments** with asterisks are REQUIRED ACTIVITIES; all students must complete You can earn the remaining points you need in each category using any combination of assignments, including lecture notes, videos, textbook reading, graphic organizers, handouts, and internet activities All assignments will be graded based on an oral quiz given by your teacher, and will be collected at the end of the unit Depending on the assignment you will be graded on both the assignment and the oral quiz Any work that is not completed in class can be completed at home for homework

Objectives: When I complete this layer, I will be able to answer the following questions 1. How did new ideas and social pressures contribute to the outbreak of the French Revolution? 2. Why did the French Revolution dissolve into the Reign of Terror? 3. To what extent did Napoleon carry out the goals of the French Revolution? 4. Why is Latin America called a hotbed of Revolution? 5. Why did democracy fail in the newly independent states of Latin America? Learning Tasks: These are activities you will complete to show you have learned the objectives *MINI-LESSONS (50 points each) and VOCABULARY: notes are 250 points total Mini-Lesson 1: Causes of the French Revolution Estates General Old Regime Mini-Lesson 2: French Revolution Preliminary Stage Tennis Court Oath Absolute Monarchy Natural Rights Revolution Mini-Lesson 3: French Revolution and Enlightenment Declaration of Rights of Man Mini-Lesson 4: French Revolution Radical Days Reign of Terror Radicals Jacobins directory Mini-Lesson 5: French Revolution Age of Napoleon coup detat Napoleonic Code Waterloo scorched earth policy balance of power Great Powers Mini-Lesson 6: Revolutions in Latin America Peninsulares Creoles Mulattoes Gran Colombia Mini-Lesson 7: Revolutionary Leaders of Latin America San Domingue/Haiti Bolivar Toussaint LOuverture Miguel Hidalgo


Louis XIV

Declaration of Rights of Man Bastille

National Assembly Marie Antoinette

Natural Rights

Robespierre Directory

invasion of Russia Congress of Vienna Napoleon Mestizos Caudillo

San Martin

VOCABULARY ASSIGNMENTS (250 points): Product and oral defense is 250 points total. For each Mini-Lesson, complete one of the following vocabulary assignments. This is to be done at home, or after you finish the assigned classwork for the day. 1. Index Cards: Make index cards for each of the terms. On one side of the card, write the term. On the other side, write definition, examples, location, and any other relevant information. 2. Glossary: on a piece of paper, write a definition, and a sentence for each term

OBJECTIVE ONE ACTIVITIES: French Revolution Causes and Preliminary Stage (you must choose one). 50 points.
1. Complete the jigsaw graphic organizer in your scholar teams using evidence from the primary source documents. Determine the five major causes of the French Revolution based on your discussions and document analysis.

OBJECTIVE TWO ACTIVITIVES: French Revolution Preliminary Stage

1. Write one Point of View journal entries for three of the perspectives listed below (so in total, you will have three journal entries) written during the Reign of Terror. In your entries, you must include all of the vocabulary words from the Mini-Lesson 2 list. a. a noble b. a member of the clergy c. a member of the bourgeoisie d. a peasant e. an urban worker during the Reign of Terror. Create a mini-poster that might have been used to support or oppose one of the following: the goals of the Jacobins; the elimination of the monarchy; the policies of the Robespierre; equal rights for women. Include at least two illustrations, and at least 5 reasons someone should support or oppose your topic. Pretend that you are a reporter sent to cover raid of the Bastille. In a short newspaper article of describe the events. You can use details from your textbook, notes, or the Internet. You may also choose to write an article from the firstperson perspective as if you were a witness of or participant in the events at the Bastille.



OBJECTIVE THREE ACTIVITIES: French Revolution and Enlightenment. 50 points.

1. Use the graphic organizer provided to analyze a series of political cartoons depicting themes of the French Revolution.

OBJECTIVE FOUR ACTIVITIES: French Revolution Radical Days (you must choose one) 50 points.
1. 2. Option 1: Pretend that you are the host of a talk show (think Oprah). Write a script interview in which you discuss with Robespierre his reign and his reasons for doing so. Option 2: Write a page giving your opinion on the French Revolution. Was it worth the bloodshed? Was it a good cause? Be sure that you have a topic/thesis sentence (I believe that the French Revolution was ______________.) and then prove it with specific events that occurred during the French Revolution. Option 3: French Revolution Story Board


OBJECTIVE FIVE ACTIVITIES: Age of Napoleon (you must choose one). 50 points.
1. Using your textbook, conduct research on Napoleon. Write an eulogy, or a speech read at someones funeral commemorating their life, for Napoleon. Include his major achievements, reforms, and major failures. Decide whether he was a hero or a villain. Your eulogy must be at least 1 page long. Complete activities 3, 4, and 5 on page 600. Use evidence from the textbook reading in your answers.


OBJECTIVE SIX ACTIVITIES: Latin American Revolutions (you must choose one). 50 points.
1. Write a letter to a friend overseas that has never seen the Encomienda system at work. Take the perspective of a peninsulare, meztizo, mulatto, or slave class worker and explain how your class operates and how the encomienda system came to exist in your Latin American nation. Create an advertisement or piece of propaganda that supports one of the Latin American Revolutionary Leaders (Bolivar, Hidalgo, San Martin, and LOuverture). The advert needs to represent the ideals of the specific leader, be aesthetically appealing, and refer to the causes of their revolutionary movement.


OBJECTIVE SEVEN ACTIVITIES: Revolutionary Leaders in Latin America (you must choose one). 50 points.
1. In your scholar teams, complete the stations activity using evidence from the readings.

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