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A species-specific human activity Speech organs Biological function Breathing Two organ systems The upper part of the food tract The respiratory system A close interdependence Respiration Speech production A supplementary activity to respiration The respiration apparatus Maintains that Nourishment Far more agile than it needs to be for the purpose of eating spiiz spsfk hjumn ktvti spit nz baldkl fkn bri tu n sstmz i p pt v fud trkt rsprtri sstm klz ntdpendns respren spit prdkn splmentri k tvti t respren O activitate uman specific omului ca specie Organele vorbirii Funcie biologic Respiraia Dou sisteme organice Partea superioar a tubului digestiv Sistemul respirator O strns interdependen Respiraie Producerea vorbirii O activitate suplimentar (+D) respiraiei Aparatul respirator Susine c Nutriie Mult mai agil dect necesar n scopul alimentrii n totalitatea lor Sunt denumite... Tubul fonator Mecanismul vorbirii Actul fonaiunii Producerea sunetelor vorbirii Toracele Plmnii Este iniiat ncepe Curentul de aer Sursa sunetelor Laringele Sunetul se genereaz prin vibraia coardelor vocale Cavitile supraglotice Glota

respren p rets mentenz t nrmnt f mr dal n t nidz t bi f pps v it The speech mechanism In their totality n e ttlti Are referred to as... rfd tu z The speech tract spit trkt The speech mechanism spit meknzm The art of phonation i t v fnen The production of prdkn v spit speech sounds sandz The thorax rks The lungs lz Is initiated z netd The air-stream i estrim The source of sounds ss v sandz The larynx lrks The sound is generated sand z through the vibration denretd ru va of the vocal cords bren v vkl kdz The supraglottal supr ltl cavities kvtz Glottis lts

Act as resonators Through their disposition Make possible the diversity the fundamental tone of voice The air current Speaking may be regarded as a byproduct of respiration Respiratory apparatus Is active in the production of speech The breathing movement Expiration inspiration The two layers of intercostal muscles Elastic tissue The ribs the diaphragm The chest cavity The volume increases or decreases Which brings about the inflammation or deflation of the lungs The rate of respiration ranges normally 10 to 20 cycles per minute The ratio between inspiration and expiration is 1 to 1.1 The expiration stage may be considerably prolonged depending on the length of utterance We are physiologically conditioned by the limitations of our lungs The lungs need refilling after short intervals

kt z reznetz ru e dspzn mek psbl da vsti fndmentl tn v vs The thorax i e krnt spik me bi rdd z baprdkt v respren rsprtri prets z ktv n pr dkn v spit bri muvmnt ekspren nspren tu lez v nt kstl mslz lstk tu rbz dafrm test kvti vljum nkrisz dkrisz wt brz bat i nflmen dflen v lz ret v respren rendz nmli ten t twenti sakl z p 'minit re btwin nspren nd eksp ren z wn t wn wn i ekspren sted me bi knsdrbli prld dpend n le v trns wi physioloicallei kndn d ba lm ten z v a lz lz nid rifl ft t ntvl z

Funcioneaz ca rezonatori Prin dispunerea lor Fac posibil diversificarea tonului fundamental al vocii Curentul de aer Vorbirea poate fi considerat un produs secundar al respiraiei Aparatul respirator Particip la producerea vorbirii Micrile respiratorii Expiraie Inspiraie Cele dou straturi de muchi intercostali esut elastic Coaste Diafragm Volumul crete sau scade Ceea ce produce umflarea sau dezumflarea plmnilor Frecvena respiraiei variaz n mod normal 10-20 cicli pe minut Raportul dintre inspiraie i expiratie este de 1:1,1 Faza expiraiei se poate prelungi considerabil n funcie de lungimea enunurilor Suntem condiionai fiziologic de limitele plmnilor notri Plmnii trebuie s se reumple la scurte

The speech chain Integrated stretches of speech Breath groups The breaks in speech do not fall at regular intervals of time With each new intake of air They are not conditioned by outside factors They coincide with syntactic cuts in speech as well Phonetic phenomenon The abdominal and intercostal muscles Dynamic stress Originated in the lungs Trachea Wind pipe cartilage Muscle enclosing The cricoids cartilage The thyroid cartilage Adam's apple Two lip-like folds of ligament and tissue The vocal cords The opening between them is called the glottis A sort of value barring the entry of any foreign bodies into the trachea

spit ten ntretd stretz v spit bre rups breks n spit d nt fl t rejlr ntvlz v tam w it nju ntek v e e nt kndnd ba atsad fktz e knsad w sn tktk kts n spit z wel fnetk fnmnn i bdmnl nd nt kstl mslz danmk stres The larynx rdnetd n lz trki wnd pap ktld msl nklz krakdz ktld ard ktld dmz pl tu lp lak fldz v lmnt nd tu vkl kdz i pn btwin m z kld lts

intervale Lanul vorbirii Segmente constitutive ale vorbirii Grupuri de suflu Pauzele n vorbire nu se produc la intervalle regulate de timp Odat cu fiecare nou priz de aer Ele nu sunt condiionate de factori externi Ele coincide i cu seciunile sintactice n vorbire Fenomen fonetic Muchii abdominali i intercostali Accentual dinamic Nscut, aprut n Care pornete din plmni Trahee beregheat Cartilaj inveli muscular Cartilaj tiroid Mrul lui Adam Dou cute n form de buze din esut ligamentos Coardele vocale Deschiderea dintre ele se numete glot

| st v vlju br Un fel de valv care i entri v eni frn mpiedic intrarea bdz nt trki eventualelor corpuri strine n trahee Various breathing or vers bri Diferite funcii speaking functions spik fkn z respiratorii sau vocale Normal breath nml bre Respiraia normal The free passage of the fri psd v i Trecerea liber prin air-stream through the estrim ru lts glot a curentuluu de glottis is accompanied z kmpnid ba aer este nsoit de o by audible friction dbl frkn friciune audibil

A sort of (h) sound If the breathing is directed in and out through the mouth instead of the nose Heavy breathing Whispered speech The vocal cords are brought loosely together along the median line Only part of the glottis The act of phonation Voicing The air is forced through the glottis by lung pressure 2 theories about vocal cord vibration the tonic theory Vibration is caused by the air-stream The laryngeal recurrent nerve Which transmits nervous fluxes from the brain The vocal cords may also be kept tightly closed By compressing the air behind this closure a glottal stop is produced Transcribed as (P) Controversial problems A few things however have been proves experimentally The vocal cords are thicker for a low register voice and thinner for a high

st v /h/ sand f bri z drektd n nd at ru ma nsted v nz hevi bri wspd spit vkl kdz brt lusli ter l midn lan nli pt v lts i kt v fnen vs i e z fst ru lts ba l pre

Un sunet ca un fel de (h) (dasia) (flux laringal) Dac aerul este dirijat la intrare i la ieire prin gur i un pe nas Respiraia adnc Vorbea n oapt Coardele vocale se cupleaz lejer pe linia median Numai o parte a glotei

Actul fonaiunii Producie vocalic Aerul este expulzat prin glot de presiunea pulmonar tu rz bat vkl 2 teorii cu privire la kd vabren vibraia coardelor vocale tnk ri Teoria tonic vabren z kzd ba i Vibraia este produs estrim de curentul de aer lrndil rkrnt Nervul laringal nv recurrent (care revine la locul de origine) wt trnzmts nvs Care transmite fluxuri flksz frm bren nervoase da la creier vkl kdz me ls bi kept tatli klzd ba kmpres i e b hand s klr ltl stp s prdjust trnskrabd z /p/ kntrvl prblmz fju z haev hv bin pruvz ksper mentli vkl kdz k fr l redst vs nd n fr ha redst wn

Coardele vocale se mai pot ine nchise strns Presnd aerul din spatele acestei ocluziuni se produce o oclusiv glotal Transcris ca (P) Problem controversate Totui cteva lucruri au fost demonstrate experimental Coardele vocale sunt mai groase n cazul vocii n registru jos i mai subiri n cazul

register one It is possible to control the vocal cords in such a way that only part of them is allowed to vibrate Or to regulate the rate of vibration Practical tests for the vibration of the vocal cords Stop the ears with your hands A loud buzzing sound will be heard Press your fingers against the Adam's apple Physiological characteristics which differ from one individual to another according to age, sex, etc. Cycles i.e. successive opening and closures of the glottis ( in one second) The more rapid the rate of vibration the higher the pitch of the voice Cricoids The lowest bass male voice The highest pitch a soprano can reach The amount of air exhaled from the lungs The amplitude of vibration The intensity of the sound The pharynx Laryngeal tone is modified in the cavities

vocii n registru nalt t s psbl t kntrl Eeste posibil s se vkl kdz n st controleze coardele we t nli pt v vocale estfel nct s se m z lad t va permit numai vibraia bret unei pri a lor t rejlet ret Ori s se regleze v frecvena vibraiilor vabren prktkl tests f Experiene practice vabren v vkl pentru vibraia kdz coardelor vocale stp i z w j Acoperii-v urechile cu hndz plamele lad bz sand wl Se va auzi un zumzet bi hd puternic pres j fz enst Apsai-v degetele i dmz pl (mare i arttor) pe mrul lui Adam fzldkl krkt Particulariti fiziologice rstks wt df frm care difer de la un wn individ la altul n funcie ndvdl tu nr de vrst, sex, etc. kd tu ed seks etsetr sakl z sksesv Cicli-indic deschideri i pn nd klz nchideri succesive ale v lts n wn glotei (pe secund) seknd m rpd ret Cu ct este mai mare v frecvena vibraiilor cu vabren ha att este mai mare pt v vs nlimea vocii krakdz Cartilaj crioid (1-2) lst bes mel Cea mai joas voce vs brbteasc de bas hast pt s Cea mai mare nlime prn kn rit pe cae o poate atinge o sopran i mant v er eks Cantitatea de aer held frm lz expirat din plmni i mpltjud v va Amplitudinea vrbraiei bren i ntensti v Intensitatea sunetului sand The supraglottal cavities frks Faringele lrndil tn z Tonul laringal este mdfad n modificat n caviti n

for the production of actual speech-sounds Resonators of this basic tone Oesophagus The root of the tongue The soft palate Epiglottis Arabic The degree of contraction of the pharynx muscles Tenseness- a quality of some vowels A labial cavity Obtained by protruding and rounding the lips and thus bringing about important modifications in the quality of sounds The nasal cavity Velum Its terminal part the uvula The air-stream is forced to escape through the mouth Oral sounds Nasal sounds A complete closure at some level within the mouth cavity When situated in a nasal context Accumulation of mucus Nasal sounds are released orally The mouth (oral) cavity The final quality of

kvtz f pr dkn v ktul spit sandz reznetz v s besk tn isfs rut v t sft plt eplts rbk dri v kntrkn v frks msl z tensns kwlti v sm valz lebl kvti btend ba prtrud nd rand lps nd s br bat mptnt mdfken z n kwlti v sandz nezl kvti vilm ts tmnl pt juvjl | i estrim z fst tu skep ru ma rl sandz nezl sandz kmplit klr t sm levl win ma kvti wen stetd n nezl kntekst kjumjlen v mjuks nezl sandz rlist rli ma rl kvti fanl kwlti v

vederea peoducerii adevratelor sunete ale vorbirii Rezonatori ai acestui ton de baz esofag Rdcina limbii Palatal moale Epiglot Limba arab Gradul de contracie a muchilor faringelui Tensionare- calitate a unor vocale O cavitate labial Obinut prin uguirea i rotunjirea buzelor, producndu-se astfel importante modificri n calitatea sunetelor Cavitatea nazal Velum (n lat.) Vlul paletar Partea lui terminal Uvula (omuorul) Curentul de aer este obligat s ias prin gur Sunete orale Sunete nazale O nchidere complet la un anumit nivel n interiorul cavitii bucale Cnd se situeaz ntrun context nazal () n (mn) Acumulare de mucus Sunete nazale sunt emise oral Cavitatea bucal (oral) Calitatea final a

speech sounds The articulation is complete within the mouth cavity Fixed organs: -the teeth -the hard palate They serve as points of articulation Movable organs Points of articulation: -the teeth -the palate The convex part of the palate immediately behind the teeth Extending further behind the ridge The velum is terminated by the uvula Collocation The mother tongue Mobile Of utmost importance 1. The apex a. The tip b. The blade 2. The dorsum The middle The centre The back of the (opposing the uvula) tongue 3. Radix (the root of the tongue) The rims Or the sides of the tongue Subdivisions of the tongue Are referred to as: Apical

spit sandz i :tkjulen z km plit win ma kvti fkst nz ti hd plt e sv z pnts v :tkjulen muvbl nz pnts v :tkjulen ti plt knveks pt v plt midtli b hand ti kstend f b hand rd vilm z tmnetd ba juvjl klken m t mbal v tmst mptns i epeks tp bled | dorsm mdl sent bk v - pz juvjl t rdix rut v t rmz sadz v t sbdvn z v t rfd tu z pkl

sunetelor vorbirii Articularea se ncheie n intertiorul cavitaii bucale Organe fixe: -dinii -palatul tare Servesc drept puncte de articulare Organe mobile Puncte de srticulare -dinii -palatul Poriunea convex a palatului imediat n spatele dinilor Care se ntinde n continuare n spatele cutei Vlul se termin prin uvul Colocaie (O.K.) mbinare de cuvnt Limba matern Mobil De cea mai mare importan Apex-ul lingual Vrful Folia Dorsum-ul lingual

Partea posterioar a limbii Radix (rdcina limbii) Marginile Prile laterale ale limbii Subdiviziuni ale limbii Sunt determinate Apicale

Front-lingual Back-lingual Adding lip rounding to them The jaws The lower jaw is mobile The upper jaw The distance between the tongue and the palate Vowel opening Articulatory classification of speech sounds Directly observable By means of quite simple devices Can be photographed Laryngoscope Can be x-rayed x-rated

frnt lwl bk lwl d lp rand t m dz l d z mbal i p d dstns btwin t nd plt val pn tkjltri klsf ken v spit sandz drektli bzvbl ba minz v kwat smpl dvasz kn bi ftrft lrskp kn bi eks red eks reitid

Antero-linguale Postero-linguale Adugindu-le rotunjire labial Maxilarele Maxilarul inferior este mobil Maxilarul superior Diatana dintre limb i palat Upertura vocalic Clasificarea articulatorie a sunetelor vorbirii Direct observabile Cu ajutorul unor procedee ct se poate de simple Se poate fotografa Laringoscop Se poate radiografia

Considerat inacceptabil tiat x, cenzurat (film, etc.) The exact and minute i zkt nd ma Descrierea exact i description of the njut dskrpn v amnunit a sunetelor speech sounds in spit sandz n vorbirii n termeni articulatory terms tkjltri tmz articulatori On closer analysis n klsr nlss La o examinare mai atent Articulatory criteria are tkjltri kratrr Criteriile articulatorii se mixed up with linguistic mkst p w l amestec cu cele ones wstk wnz lingvistice Voiced consonants vst knsnnts Consoane sonore An obstacle in their n bstkl n e pr Un obstacol n production dkn producerea lor There is a possibility of z psblti v Exist posibilitatea by-passing the obstacle baps i bstkl ocolirii obstacolului Some other free sm fri psd tu Vre-un alt pasaj liber passage to escape skep pentru a iei The lateral passage for ltrl psd Pasajul lateral pentru (l) (l) fr /l/ It has been suggested t hz bin sdestd t s-a propus ca folosirea to confine the use of knfan jus v termenilor (de) vocal the terms vowel and tmz val nd i consoan s se consonant to knsnnt t f restrng la domeniul

phonology a. The source and direction of the air-stream Used only under special conditions e.g. whispered speech Vocal cords in a state of vibration

nldi 2.2.1 Contoids ss nd drekn v i e strim juzd nli nd spel kndn z wspd spit

fonologiei Sursa i direcia curentului de aer Folosite numai n condiii speciale e.g. vorbirea n oapt Coardele vocale n stare de vibraie Fr participarea coardelor vocale

vkl kdz n stet v vabren Without the wat p:ts participation of the pen v vkl vocal cords kdz b. Position of the soft palate Can be raised against kn bi rezd enst the posterior wall of pstr wl v the pharynx frks And thus nd s Shut off the nasal t f nezl kvti cavity leaving the oral liv i rl kvti cavity open pn It can be lowered so as to close the oral cavity and direct the airstream through the nasal cavity Oral sounds released through the oral cavity Nasal sounds released through the nasal cavity 1. bilabial 2. labio-dental 3. apico-(inter) dental 4. apico-alveolar 5. apicopostalveolar 6. retroflex 7. palatal-alveolar 8. palatal 9. dorso-velar 10. glottal

(velum) Se poate ridica (lipinduse) de peretele posterior al faringelui i astfel nchinzndu-se astfel cavitatea nazal i lsnd deschis cavitatea oral t kn bi ld s z Se poate cobor pemtru t klz i rl kvti a nchide cavitatea nd drekt i estrim cavitatea oral, dirijnd ru nezl kvti curentul de aer prin cavitatea nazal rl sandz rlist Sunetele orale scoase ru i rl kvti prin cavitatea oral nezl sandz rlist Sunete nazale scoase ru nezl kvti prin cavitatea nazal

10 classes of consonants balebl Bilabiale lebudentl Labio-dentale piku nt dentl Apico-interdentale piku l'vil piku pust l'vil Apico-alveolare Apico-postalveolar

ritrufleks Retrofelx pltl l'vil Palato-alveolare pltl Palatale dorsu vi:l Dorso-velare ltl glotale c. Manner of articulation

Explosion Plosives Affricates Obstruction Fricative Intermittent closure Rolled Intervocalic position With a simple tap Phonetician A frictionless continuant Obstacle A vowel-like sound Partial closure To escape laterally A lateral sound d. From the articulatory point of view The speech tract On functional grounds The marginal position in the syllable Lack of syllabic function Fortis Their opposites Lenis Voiceless Voiced stops and fricatives Criteria The horizontal axis The vertical axis Axis Axes A detailed description Variables The tongue is raised against the palate Degrees of raising Intermediary degree Muscular tension

kspln plsvz frkets bstrkn frktv ntmtnt kl rld ntvoklk pzn w smpl tp fntn frknls kn tnjnt bstkl val lak sand pl kl tu skep ltrli ltrl sand frm i tkjltri pnt v vju spit trkt n fkn l randz mdnl pzn n slbl lk v slbk fkn

Explozie Oclusive (explosive) Africate Ocluziune Fricative() Ocluziune intermitent (r) rulat (latin) Poziie intervocalic Cu o singur btaie Fonetician Sunet continuu nonfricativ Obstacol Un sunet de tip vocalic Ocluziune parial S se elibereze lateral Un sunet lateral Din punct de vedere articulatoriu Tubul fonator Din considerente funcionale Poziia marginal n silab Lipsa funciei silabice

e. Force of articulation fts Fortis er pzts Opusele lor leinis vsls surde vst stps nd Occlusive i fricative frktvz sonore kratr Criterii hrzntl kss Axa orizontal vtkl kss Axa vertical kss Ax ks:z Axe diteld dskrpn O descriere detaliat 2.2.2. Vocoids verbl z Variabile (trsturi articulat) t z rezd enst Limba se ridic plt (ctre/spre) palat driz v rez Grade de elevare ntmidri dri Grade intermediare mskjl tenn Tensiune muscular

Lips may be either spread or rounded The muscles of the tongue and of the walls of the mouth (i.e. of the pharynx) In English Long vowels are tense Short vowels are lax Duration is always associated with muscular tension Constancy in articulation During the entire duration of its production Monophthongs or simple vowels Diphthongs or glides The cardinal vowels Emission No direct contact between a certain articulator and a certain point of articulation In satisfactory terms In assessing the actual qualities of vowels Auditory impressions Articulatory facts A description model A system of reference The cardinal vowel scale Can be ascertained with a greater amount of precision Relative position of the tongue against the palate The exact part of the tongue

lps me b a spred randd msl z v t nd v wlz v ma v frks n l l valz tens t valz lks djren z lwez sietd w mskjl tenn knstnsi n :tkju len djr i nta dj ren v ts prdkn mnfz smpl valz dfz ladz kdnl valz mn n drekt kntkt b twin stn a:tikjuleit nd stn pnt v :tkjulen n stsfktri tmz n ses i ktul kwltz v valz dtri mpren z tkjltri fkts dskrpn mdl sstm v refrns kdnl val skel kn bi stend w retr mant v prsn reltv pzn v t enst plt i zkt pt v t

Buzele pot s fie ntinse (lateral) sau rotunjite Muchii limbii i ai pereilor gurii (i.e. cei ai faringelui) (v.p.32) n englez Vocalele lungi (ncordate) sunt tensionate Vocalele scurte sunt laxe (destinse) Durata se asociaz ntotdeauna cu tensiunea muscular Constana n articulare Pe ntreaga durat a producerii sale Monoftongi sau vocale simple Diftongi sau glissade vocalice Vocalele cardinal Emisie/emisiune Nici un contact direct ntre un anumit organ mobil de articulare i un anumit loc de articulare n termini satisfctori n aprecierea calitilor reale ale vocalelor Impresii auditive Date articulatorii Un model de descriere Un system de referin Scara gradat a vocalelor cardinale Se pot constata cu o mai mare doz de precizie Poziia aproximativ a limbii fa de palat Partea exact a limbii care se ridic

Two opposite qualities Highest and front

Dou caliti opuse Extrem nalt, anterioar Lowest and back lst nd bk Extrem cobort, posterioar Friction would be heard frkn wd bi hd S-ar auzi friciune The front part of the frnt pt v t Partea anterioar a tongue occupies the kjpaz hast p limbii (pre-dorsal) highest position zn ocup poziia cea mai nalt (apex cobort) A slight raising of its slat rez v ts O uoar ridicare a back bk prii ei posterioare (post-dorsal) (radix cobort) (v. Rosetti p.39) Starting points for stt pnts f set Puncte de pornire setting up other p kdnl valz pentru fixarea alltor cardinal vowels vocale cardinale The front part is frnt pt s ld Partea anterioar se lowered gradually with rdli w ri coboar trepata cu 3 3 intervening halts at ntvin hlts t opriri succesive la equal distance ikwl dstns distane egale We can produce in wi kn prdjus n r Putem proceda n sens reverse order vs d invers 3 equidistant points ri ikwdstnt pnts 3 puncte echidistante (aflate la distane egale) The raising of the rez v t wl Ridicarea limbii ( a tongue will be bi kmpnid ba dorsum-ului) va fi accompanied by a rdl rand v nsoit de o treptat gradual rounding of the lps rotunjire a buzelor lips A second series by seknd sriz ba O a doua serie aplicnd applying lip-rounding pla t frnt rotunjire labial to the front series sriz vocalelor din seria anterioar If the lip-rounding is f lp rand z Dac se suprim taken away tekn we rotunjirea labial An invariant value n nverint vlju O valoare invariant Slightly lower slatli l Uor mai cobort Considerably lower knsdrbli l Mult mai cobort More retracted m rtrktd Mai retras

tu pzt kwltz hast nd frnt


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