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Session break down Techniques and practice non total contact contact contact secondary 75 25 90 ?

*Posture labs Grounding- foundations of Asana practiceUjayi Pranayam Surya namaskar - *Tadasana - *Uttanasana - *Chaturanga dandasana + variations of - *Urdvha mukhasvanas / cobra - *Adho mukha savanasana - *Virabhadrasana 1 - *Utkatasana - *Virabhadrasana 2 Fundamentals - *Padangustasana - *Hasta padangustasana - *Utthitha and parsva trikonasana - *Utthitha and parsva parsvakonasana - *Prasarita a-d - *Parsvatonasana Position and awareness of the feet and shins and thighs- grounding Standing - Utthita hasta padangustasana - Ardha baddha padmottanasana Seated *dandasana Sukasana Sidhasana Ardha padmasana/ padmasana



*Salamba sarvangasana and halasana Karnapindasana Urdhva padmasana *Masyasana Uttana padasana *sirsasana *Savasana Yoga mudra padmasana

Hips and pelvic bowl *baddah konasana & supta low lunges Cat cow Upavistha konasana Supta konasana krouchasana

rocking the baby and telephone Ardha padmasana

Mula bhanda- psoas muscles- pelvic girdle- tucking the tail bone Core- navel intelligence- Kaphala bhati - Navasana - Maltese twist - Supta pandangusta relvolved and bent knees - tiger - Salabhasana - Savasana- apanasana - Table top - Utthita hasta padangusta - Ardha chandrasana - Leg lifts - Paripurna navasana and ardha navasana - Jathara parivartanasana - setu bhanda - sarvangasana on block - ubhaya padangustasana

urdhva mukha paschimottasana

heart opening - supta virasana - bhekasana - ustrasana - dhanurasan - setu bhanda - urdhva dhanurasana

forward folds and twists - dandasana - paschimotanasan - ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana - trianmukaikapada paschimotonasana - janu sirsanasana - marichyasana a-d - parivritta sukasana - marichasana c - ardha masyendrasana - purvottanasana the art of balancing - vrksasana - adhomukha vrkasnana - pike - pincha mayurasana - vasistasana - bakasana - wild thing Pranayam -nadi shodana -bellows breathe -sitali prop usage Bks iyengar- the path to holistic health pg 165- markers

asana appendix light on yoga 1st and 2nd week Tadasana- utthita trikonasana- utthita parsvakonasana- salamba sarvangasana- halasana- savasana 3rd and 4th week + virabhadrasana 1 & 2- +parsvottanasana

teaching methodology non contact contact 15 10

total contact 38

secondary 19%

sequencing 8hrs - iyengar principles of sequencing; when to teach what, light on yoga and holistic health course - vinyasa sequence comparison, improvements, ideas lesson planning curriculum design 4hrs contraindications and safety guidelines 2hrs alignment principles 10hrs family of poses 2hrs -therapeutic benefits of each group of asana business of yoga 2hrs creating and holding space 2hrs self practice and self care 10hrs NON CONTACT adjustments 4hrs * conscious communication and projection 2hrs application of modifications for individual needs 2hrs

*Developing Your Yoga Teaching Script.pdf

anatomy and physiology non total contact contact contact secondary 10 10 17


the systems 7hrs - skeletal structure - musculature - the heart - neurophysiology - the lungs - digestive mechanics and therapy of yoga asana 5hrs koshas and ayurvedic dhathus- constructive elements 3hrs physiological process of the bhandas 2hrs

Yoga philosophy non contact 10 total contact 30 15%

contact 20

Yogic lifestyle and ayurvedic daily routines 2hrs Yogic diet 3hrs Kriyas 3hrs Introduction to yoga and the branchs of yoga 2hrs Eight limbs + Yama and niyama 5hrs Guna, yuga and Tattvas 3hrs Energetic anatomy 7hrs Energetics of asana Chakra, nadis, Prana vayus Kundalini

Ethics of a teacher 3hrs Basic sansrkrit for yoga asan 2hrs Practicum contact non total





Practice teaching 6hrs Elective non contact contact 15 ? total contact 15 3% Introduction to teaching Warm up series Complete practice Introduce a new asana Pranayam and meditation Introduce a new asana Introduce a new technique in a full class 15min 2*30min 2*60min 30min 45min 30min 60min

Conscious Cooking 9hrs Integrative Nutrition 3hrs Essential Nutrition Primary Foods Pregnancy, yoga for kids and gentle yoga for elderly 3hrs

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