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Union Temple of Brooklyn

Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism

The Bulletin
Friday Evening
First Friday Family Shabbat 4:00 PM - Fridays at Four: Shabbat for Tots 6:00 PM - Snacks 6:30 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 PM - Pot Luck Dinner



Vol. 165, No 3


Saturday Morning
9:00 AM - Shabbat Study Hevre 9:30 AM - Out of the Shabbox 10:30 AM - Shabbat Morning Service, Naming Ceremony: Eve and Sofie Rumbolo

Torah: Genesis 25:19 28:9

Haftarah: Malachi 1:1-2:7

8 9
Friday Evening
4:00 PM - Fridays at Four: Shabbat for Tots 6:30 PM - Kabbalat ShabbatPizza to follow service

Saturday Morning
9:00 AM - Shabbat Study Hevre 9:30 AM - Out of the Shabbox 10:30 AM - Shabbat Morning Service

Torah: Genesis 28:10-32:3

Haftarah: Hosea 12:13-14:10

15 16
Friday Evening
4:00 PM - Fridays at Four: Shabbat for Tots 6:30 PM - Kabbalat ShabbatMusic with our Cantor

Saturday Morning
9:00 AM - Shabbat Study Hevre 9:30 AM - Out of the Shabbox 10:30 AM - Shabbat Morning Service

Torah: Genesis 32:4-36:43

Haftarah: Hosea 11:7-12:12

Friday Evening
Fourth Friday Shabbat 4:00 PM - Fridays at Four: Shabbat for Tots 7:00 PM - Dinner 8:00 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat 9:00 PM - OnegThe Kennedy Assassination: 50 years later


Saturday Morning
9:00 AM - Shabbat Study Hevre 10:30 AM - Shabbat Morning Service Haftarah: Amos 2:6-3:8

Torah: Genesis 37:1-40:23

29 30
Friday Evening
6:30 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat

Saturday Morning
10:30 AM - Shabbat Morning Service Haftarah: I Kings 3:15-4:1

Torah: Genesis 41:1-44:17

Rabbis Message

Giving Thanks as Jews and Americans

This year we have a wonderful confluence of two of the greatest holidays of our year. As Jews, we celebrate Chanukah; as Americans, Thanksgiving. The first light of the menorah is kindled on what some of us fondly call "Erev Thanksgiving," Wednesday evening. Then Thursday is both Thanksgiving Day and the first day of Chanukah.

We American Jews are always so concerned with the overwhelming onslaught of the Christmas season that we tend to play up Chanukah as the Jewish answer to Christmas, complete with presents, decorations, and all kinds of hoopla. And, on a primitive level, the connection between the festivities of Christmas and the celebration of Chanukah is easy to see. They both fall at the darkest, coldest time of the year, the time of the winter solstice. It's no wonder that Chanukah as "The Festival of Lights" and Christmas with some of its traditions rooted in fire festivals, hold such appeal. And just in case we forget our history at any given moment, we can remember that just as Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December, so too is Chanukah celebrated on the 25th - of Kislev, that is. It just happens to fall unusually early this year. But in fact, Chanukah really has no religious or historic parallels with Christmas at all. But Thanksgiving now that's another story! The Festival of Chanukah grows out of our remembrance of the great military victory of Judah the Maccabee and his army over the tyrannical Syrian King Antiochus IV and his armies. In 167 BCE, Antiochus imposed a ban on the observance of Jewish religion and custom in Judea, which Syria controlled. Then his army plundered the Temple in Jerusalem, erecting statues of Zeus, and polluting the oil in the lamps with the fat of swine. But in 165, Judah the Maccabee and the Jewish army defeated the Syrian forces, and recaptured the Temple. They held a festival to rededicate the Temple to the God of Israel. (Chanukah means "dedication.") As a model for their celebration the Maccabees used the Biblical Festival of Sukkot, which lasts for eight days. Many say that the symbols of Thanksgiving are also reminiscent of those of Sukkot, particularly the fruits and vegetables of the seasonal harvest. But of course, Thanksgiving only lasts one day, and not eight. What is clear is that Chanukah, at its core, is a celebration of freedom - freedom to live as Jews, and worship the living God of Israel. Thus the parallel with Thanksgiving is clear. Thanksgiving is a holiday that we all celebrate as Americans, to give thanks for the harvest we enjoy, and remember our obligation to share it with others. But we also celebrate as Americans of all faiths and creeds, to give thanks for our freedom to live according to the dictates of our individual consciences and religious traditions, without the intrusion or coercion of our government, or any powers other than our own rational faculties. We remember that the Pilgrims came to these shores seeking religious freedom. So did the Jews, and so did many of those who have found their way to America. And that is still the case to this day. So this year we will have a double simcha - our celebrations as Americans and as Jews will coincide. If I may, I would advise that all of us mingle our prayers this year. As we light the menorah and sing our blessings with family and friends, let's also offer prayers of thanksgiving for the promise and fulfillment of America, and strengthen our resolve to be vigilant in protecting our freedom to live according to the dictates of our hearts and minds. And as we enjoy some chocolate gelt, a meaningful donation to a food bank or similar recipient would also be very much in order. Chag Urim Sameach (A joyous "Festival of Lights") - Happy Chanukah to all. And to all, a Happy Thanksgiving. -Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman 2

Officers Column

I Got a Member

If you glance at the calendar on the inside back page of this bulletin, you should notice the numerous events and activities we have here at Union Temple. Social, religious, literary, educational, musical (even comedic) we offer a full schedule. Starting this month, every Friday night will have a special attraction attached to the service. As usual, the first Friday will include a family Shabbat followed by a potluck dinner. The second will be held in the Sanctuary with pizza and salad served afterward in the lobby. Friday number three will feature a musical program, and the fourth dinner followed by a guest speaker. These events do not run themselves we have a dedicated group of volunteers and a paid staff janitorial, office, security, bookkeeping, and administrative. Effectively we function like any other business even though we are a not-for-profit entity all for a membership of 168 units (family or single). Our goal is to bring this number up to the 300 range over the next two to three years. Imagine each family or individual finding just one new member and were over the top. To this end, we have a small perk for anyone finding a new recruit a golden lapel pin saying, I GOT A MEMBER below the temple logo will be presented with appropriate fanfare at a Friday night service. Bring a friend to a Brotherhood breakfast, a Sisterhood book discussion, or any social gathering with the aim of making our membership escalate. As long as we are running a business, lets do it for a multitude. When God gave Moses one tablet with five commandments, Moses was not satisfied. He said, how much is this tablet and God replied, free. Moses said, Ill take two. That is how we doubled our commandments to ten. So let us redouble our efforts to push membership to 336. -Lenny Shiller, Treasurer 3


Latkes and Turkey

Its November, time to start thinking about turkey, pumpkin pie and... latkes? Yes, latkes! This year, Chanukah begins erev Thanksgiving, so as the sun goes down after we have polished off that big family dinner, it will be time to begin another family celebration and to light the second candle in our menorah. How wonderful it is to be surrounded by family for these two concurrent joyous celebrations. Here at Union Temple we think of Sisterhood as a family too: We get together for our Rosh Chodesh Seders to celebrate our roles as Jewish women; we have thought-provoking programs where we broaden our horizons, and lively discussions where we open our hearts to one another. And, like any family, we laugh and eat and just enjoy the warmth of being together. At the same time, we are sharing our mission of tikkun olam, repairing our world. As our membership grows, so too does our contribution to our national organization, Women of Reform Judaism, and its many exceptional programs. Like every family celebrating Thanksgiving and Chanukah, we are thankful for all that and for the blessing of our warm and caring members who make it possible. Before you start writing your Thanksgiving and Chanukah shopping lists, though, take your pen and make a big circle around Sunday, November 3rd. Be sure to join Sisterhood at 10 AM that morning for a very special Rosh Chodesh Kislev as we pay tribute to Women of the Wall on their twenty-fifth anniversary. Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman will bring us up to date on the progress these courageous women have made for all of us as they pray aloud at the Kotel. Then, not long after you have finished your Thanksgiving leftovers and eaten the last of the Chanukah latkes, join Sisterhood and Brotherhood on Saturday evening, December 7th at 5 PM., for our annual Havdalah service. As in the past, this moving event will be followed by a visit to the Brooklyn Museum to participate in its festive First Night activities. Its an exhilarating evening that you wont want to miss. Sisterhood wishes everyone a happy Thanksgiving and a joyful Chanukah. May our hearts, our homes, and our lives be filled with blessingsand may the glow from our menorahs light the path to peace in our world. -Barbara Brett, Secretary


Hatching New Plans

threes class are learning about daily routines. So far they are great stopping at the bell when it's time for transitions. They learned to clean their hands before snack with wipes, tidy up when snack is done and push in their chairs when finished (with reminders!). The children are really enjoying dramatic play. They have been surrounded by firefighters, police officers and doctors every morning! Many of the "doctors" were trying to make the baby dolls and teachers well. Alex Beers' Sparrows have settled in to their new classroom and the many rules and routines of the threes class. They are quickly learning to share, wait, and listen to one another. "Can I play with you?" and "Hey, we can read this together!" are often heard by these budding socialites. The Sparrows eagerly await the arrival of the farmer and eggs, and are reading books such as Hurry Hurry Hurry, about a farm full of animals rushing to witness the arrival of the newest baby chicks. This focus helps children with the inevitably murky waters of separation from home and learning to live together in harmony during school hours. Many Sparrows are also busy learning Spanish from Rose, their new Monday/Wednesday afternoon Spanish teacher. The Sparrows find her muy bien. The Puffins, Caitlin Mullin's fours class, have been settling into their new environment and adjusting to the rules and routines of the classroom quite well. The Puffins are exploring emotions and learning how to express their feelings with their peers. They have been reading books like, The Way I Feel by Janan Cain to help them better understand different feelings. The Puffins made their own emotions books by illustrating pictures and dictating what makes them feel shy, happy and sad. They also practice some role-playing activities to help them better understand what types of situations make us feel different emotions. The Puffins also enjoy their afternoon Spanish classes with Rose. The Hummingbirds, Pam Apple's fours class, are busy working on their social/emotional curriculum. The children made books about their families and books exploring the themes of how they feel when they get angry and what makes them happy. They talked about friendships and what it means to play with a
(Continued on page 6)

The phase-in period has ended and we are settling into school. We will be focusing on two major school-wide curriculum units in November. The first unit will be our ever popular annual chick hatching project. A farmer will be visiting us on October 15th and delivering 12 fertilized eggs. On October 24th he will return to pick-up the hatchlings and return them to the farm. The following week we will embark on our first ever harvest festival. Here is a taste of what is going on in our classrooms. The Chickadees, Montana Vasquez-Grinnell's twos class, have just completed their phase-in, and we are so proud of their smooth adjustment to all the new things happening around them. Now that they are settled in their personalities are really emerging through each new activity introduced to them. The Chickadees will discuss farm animals, chicks and fall. When the farmer brings the eggs, they will begin a series of art projects related to the growth of the chicks from egg to chick to chicken. The Robins, Tomomi Iwamoto's older twos/younger

Shabbat Morning Hevre Torah Study for Adults

Saturday Mornings, 9:00-10:20 This years focus: SEFER DEVARIM The Book of Deuteronomy
Because of the calendar cycle, the reading of the Book of Deuteronomy generally occurs during the summer when, quite honestly, many of us are away. This is our opportunity to look at Deuteronomy in depth. In certain ways, it is a revolutionary book in relation to the four other books of the Torah. Come study with us on Saturday mornings and together well discover why.

Bagels, Coffee, and Torah Study with fellow congregants Led by Rabbi Goodman 5

Social Action

Get Involved
day in Albany on the first Monday in May , at which Rabbi Goodman and congregants travel to Albany to visit with legislators and their staff to advocate for progressive social and economic policies on the state level. For the past two years Patrika and Howard Katzman have joined Rabbi Goodman on the trip to Albany and together with Reform Jewish clergy and congregants from all over N Y State to give voice to our movement's advocacy goals in the State Capitol. So mark your calendars for May 5, 2014 ANNUAL PRE-THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE Every year on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, Union Temple volunteers gather at Key Food on Seventh Avenue from 10 AM to 2 PM to ask Key Food customers for food donations. Our efforts are coordinated by Jane Becker Field, Andy Mirer and Beth Kurfirst. To add to the spirit of the occasion, children and parents from our Religious School take part. Please respond the Social Action Committee's Email request and help make this day a success. Our friends and neighbors at the CHIPS Food Kitchen are very grateful for our help. -Marvin Lieberman and Zeva Roschko, Co-Chairs

SOCIAL ACTION FORUM YOM KIPPPUR 2013 During the annual Social Action Forum on Yom Kippur afternoon, we discussed Immigration Reform legislation in Congress. Participating in the program were Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman, Howard Katzman, Carolyn Kubitschek and Jeff Stein. Many thanks to all the presenters. Our conclusion is that the US Senate has passed a good immigration reform bill, S 744, but the matter is tied up in the House of Representatives. Since most of the NY House delegation supports the Senate Bill, we strongly recommend that members of our congregation should consider participating in programs to assist applicants with immigration questions and applications. We have identified such a program in the City University of New York's CUNY CITIZENSHIP NOW Volunteer Corps. This excellent effort is supported by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). CUNY CITIZENSHIP NOW trains volunteers to provide counseling and other needed immigration law assistance to a wide population of immigrants. For additional information on the web, please Google CUNY Citizenship Now. To apply for training for the Volunteer Corps, contact Stina Rosenquist at 646 652 7339 or call Zeva Roschko at 718 783 7232. UNION TEMPLE'S SOCIAL ADVOCACY EFFORTS The Social Action Committee of Union Temple coordinates its work with the Reform Movement's Religious Action Center in Washington and with the Reform Jewish Voice of New York State. We urge you to check their websites regularly for information about priority issues and suggestions on how you can participate in advancing reform Jewish values and positions nationally and locally. (You can find URJ Religious Action Center at and Reform Jewish Voice of NYS at and ask to be put on their email contact list). Current priority issues include gun violence, poverty, LGBT equality, immigration and reproductive rights. Each year the RJV of NYS conducts an advocacy 6

(Continued from page 5)

friend. They discussed the skills one employs when playing with a friend and how it is different than playing alone. In addition to the social/ emotional curriculum they have also talked about how "Hummingbirds try everything and that "everyone makes mistakes." They are learning that it is important to attempt all activities and that the outcome is not the most important thing. The children have also made wonderful self-portraits which they do three times throughout the year to see how their drawing skills progress. The Hummingbirds are also learning Spanish. As we focus on fall and the chicks we are already planning for Chanukah. The autumn season will be filled with lots of celebrations. Susan Sporer, Preschool Director

Prayer for Thanksgiving Day

Creative Source of all being, from You come our blessings from day to day and from year to year. The towering mountains and the shadowed forests, the abundant streams and the fruitful earth are your gift to us. May we preserve this gift for our children, that they, too, may give thanks for the blessings that will be theirs. For this land so richly blessed, we raise our voice in thanks. Your children have come to these shores from many lands in quest of liberty and new life. Many have been pilgrims to this western world. Here they found a safe haven, soil on which to prosper, and the opportunity to outgrow old fears and superstitions. For our country, for its freedom promised, attained, and yet to be enlarged, for the richness of its natural blessings, and for a growing harmony that we pray will ever increase among its citizens, we give thanks. God of justice and right, inspire all who dwell in our land with loyalty to the ideals of its founders. Give us wisdom and strength to labor for its well-being, on the firm foundation of justice and truth. Fill us with the spirit of kindness, generosity, and peace, that this land may be a beacon-light to many peoples.

. , ,
Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech haolam, hamotzi lechem min haaretz. Blessed are You, Eternal our God, who brings forth bread from the earth. * ON THE DOORPOSTS OF YOUR HOUSE, Prayers and Ceremonies for the Jewish Home, CCAR pub., p. 112

Education Corner

Om VeyStretching to Shalom Yoga

We have had an exciting start to the Religious School year. We have introduced to the students a new program called Shalom Yoga. Once a month, the students experience a different type of T'filah (prayer) through Shalom Yoga taught by Union Temples very own Gail LevineFried. In Shalom Yoga, Gail incorporates Jewish liturgy and practices into the yoga. Additionally, Gail uses Hebrew as well as the corresponding English translation. Check out the picture to the right of the 4th and 5th grade class enjoying their first session of Shalom Yoga. Thanksgivukkah- This year we have an exciting phenomenon Thanksgivukkah. The first night of Chanukah falls on Thanksgiving. We are given this rare opportunity to combine the American Holiday of Thanksgiving and the Jewish Holiday of Chanukah. Check out these websites for some great ways to celebrate the two holidays -Mindy Sherry, Director of Youth and Family Engagement

Donated by.................................................................................... in memory of
Dr. Dorothy Silverman............................................................................. Isabelle Silverman Anna Budd and George Hausman ............................................................ Helen Machtinger David A Zupnick ..................................................................................... George Zupnick Nancy Greenberg ..................................................................................... Nathaniel Bloom Helen Caplin Heller ................................................................................. Nathaniel Bloom Arlene Greendlinger ................................................................................ Harry Ebner Doris Klueger .......................................................................................... Arnold Schukin Joyce M. Charles ..................................................................................... Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson


Donated by.................................................................................... in memory of
Hortense Hurwitz ..................................................................................... Norman Weinberg Hy and Barbara Brett ............................................................................... Norman Weinberg


Donated by.................................................................................... in memory of
Barbara and Hy Brett ...............................................................................Ann Zink Frank Linda and Howard Simka.........................................................................Beatrice Goldfarb

Donated by.................................................................................... in honor of
Renee and Isidore Lewin ..........................................................................grandchildren Sofie and Eve Rumbolo namings Linda and Howard Simka


Roll Up Your Sleeves

Belonging to Union Temple means a commitment to tikkun olam repairing the word and if youve ever wanted to get involved in a more hands-on way then join Brotherhood for Mitzvah Day on November 24th beginning at 9:30 AM. Past projects have included painting and cleaning out spaces in the temple. This year, Im sure, will also produce a very meaningful service to the temple. And dont forget to bring food for the food drive, to the temple or the table sponsored by the Religious School in front of the Key Food on Seventh Avenue in Park Slope. Of course there will be bagels and coffee to help fuel the volunteers at Mitzvah Day! We also invite you to join Sisterhood and Brotherhood on Saturday evening, December 7th for our annual Havdalah service. Meet in the temple for the service at 5 PM and then walk across the street to the Brooklyn Museum of Art to join in the festivities of their First Night activities for December. Its free and a good time is guaranteed. Brotherhood would also like to wish everyone a happy Thanksgivukkah to all. This year it will be pass the latkes with the turkey! -David Rapheal, Secretary

Memorial Plaques
Maurice H. Van Raalt ............................................................. November 1, 1932 Herman Weinberger ............................................................... November 2, 1956 Edward Elman, Past President ................................................ November 3, 1976 Rose Pollack .......................................................................... November 4, 1957 Esther Weinberger .................................................................. November 5, 1954 Samuel Underberg .................................................................. November 6, 1985 Hannah Lebowitz ................................................................... November 7, 1925 William Krell ......................................................................... November 7, 1959 Estelle Martha Silverman Sloan .............................................. November 7, 1984 Mendel Nevin ........................................................................ November 8, 1950 Olga Rosenson ....................................................................... November 8, 1959 Ray Beck ............................................................................... November 8, 1964 George Wiener ....................................................................... November 9, 1947 Mathew Frank ........................................................................ November 9, 1954 Anne Silverberg ..................................................................... November 9, 1973 Gabriel Fried ......................................................................... November 10, 1924 Moses Bloom ........................................................................ November 10, 1935 Isaac M. Bermas .................................................................... November 11, 1931 Annie Wolberg ...................................................................... November 11, 1952 Sarah Marienhoff................................................................... November 11, 1958 Hon. Emil N. Baar, Past President .......................................... November 11, 1985 Moses B. Schmidt, Past President .......................................... November 12, 1954 Estella Selig .......................................................................... November 13, 1906 Hulda Lissner ........................................................................ November 14, 1931 Sidney Onkeles ..................................................................... November 14, 1957 Jerrold Feldman..................................................................... November 14, 1989 Emile R. Brown May ............................................................. November 15, 1964 Rose Astro ............................................................................ November 15, 1971 Minerva Love ........................................................................ November 16, 1971 Rebecca Levinson ................................................................. November 17, 1942 Joseph Ehrlich ....................................................................... November 17, 1944 Dora Raphaels ....................................................................... November 17, 1947 Felice D. Aaronson ................................................................ November 18, 1955 Saul Dumey .......................................................................... November 19, 1961 Edward Charles Blum............................................................ November 20, 1946 Ruth B Wolfort...................................................................... November 20, 1961 Jack Felsenfeld ...................................................................... November 20, 1961 Pearl Elman........................................................................... November 20, 1980 Joseph Petchesky................................................................... November 21, 1961 Harold D. Silvey, Past President............................................. November 21, 1997 Rosa Block ............................................................................ November 23, 1943 Samuel Frank ........................................................................ November 24, 1955 Irving R. Gerstman, Past President ......................................... November 24, 1987 Bernard B. Block ................................................................... November 25, 1962 Anne Silverman..................................................................... November 25, 1959 Laura L. Cohen ..................................................................... November 26, 1959 Sgt. Harold C. Ginsberg......................................................... November 27, 1944 Bernard P. Weinstein ............................................................. November 27, 1986 Mamie Rosenson ................................................................... November 28, 1931 Minnie Baum Needle ............................................................. November 28, 1956 Edith Helicher ....................................................................... November 28, 1969 Lazarus Rosenberg ................................................................ November 29, 1956 Max Silverman ...................................................................... November 30, 1944 May Caplin ........................................................................... November 30, 1994

The Bulletin
Union Temple of Brooklyn
17 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn NY 11238 (718) 638-7600 Fax (718) 783-9151 E-mail: Website:
Dr. Linda Henry Goodman Rabbi Emma Goldin Student Cantor Shinae Kim Temple Musician Susan Sporer Preschool Director Mindy Sherry Director of Youth and Family Engagement Beatrice Hanks President Abe Barnett Ellen Kolikoff Jeffrey Stein Vice Presidents Steven Segall Secretary Leonard Shiller Treasurer Mike Baron Hortense R. Hurwitz Doris Klueger Honorary Presidents David Rapheal Bulletin Editor John Golomb Temple Administrator Martin Kasdan Funeral Director (800) 522-0588

A memorial plaque is a lasting tribute to a loved one. If you wish more information regarding obtaining a plaque in memory of a loved one please e-mail the temple at or leave a message with the temple office. 10

Union Temple suggests that its members contact our Funeral Director Martin D. Kasdan of Boulevard-Riverside Chapels 1895 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY 1-800-522-0588 Proudly maintaining more than 50 years of Temple involvement

November 2013 ~ Cheshvan-Kislev 5774

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1
First Friday Family Shabbat 6:00 PM Snacks 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 PM Pot Luck Dinner

Sat 2
9:00 AM Hevre 9:30 AM Out of the Shabbox 10:30 AM Shabbat Service Naming Ceremony: Eve and Sofie Rumbolo

Rosh Chodesh Kislev

6:30 PM Union Temple Singers 7:30 PM Adult Ed Seminar Reform Judaism: Alive and Well?

9:00 AM Hevre 9:30 AM Out of the Shabbox 10:30 AM Shabbat Service Congregational Bus Trip to Washington, DC

9:30 AM Religious School 10:00 AM Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh Seder 6:15 PM Officers

4:00 PM Friday at Four 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

9:30 AM Religious School



5:30 PM Shalom Meditation Circle 6:30 PM Union Temple Singers 7:30 PM Adult Ed Seminar Reform Judaism:


4:00 PM Friday at Four 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

9:00 AM Hevre 9:30 AM Out of the Shabbox 10:30 AM Shabbat Service

Washington Trip

6:00 PM Board of Trustees

9:00 AM Membership Committee 9:30 AM Religious School 10:00 AM Brotherhood Breakfast





4:00 PM Friday at Four Fourth Friday Shabbat 7:00 PM Dinner 8:00 PM Service 9:00 PM Oneg Nov. 22, 1963: 50 years later

9:00 AM Hevre 10:30 AM Shabbat Service

6:15 PM Religious School Committee

6:30 PM Union Temple Singers 7:30 PM Adult Ed Seminar Reform Judaism: Alive and Well?

9:30 AM Religious School Mitzvah Day Food Drive




Thanksgiving Day


10:30 AM Shabbat Service

6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat



Prospect Park Health and Racquet Association

In Union Temple Building at 17 Eastern Parkway 718-789-4600 Ask about Special discounts for Union Temple Members

Union Temple of Brooklyn 17 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11238 (718) 638-7600


Happy Chanukah!

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