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"The human body is a biological machine.

" The mind controls this body-machine through its direct connection and interaction with the glands via the hormones and nerves.

The brain is divided into two hemispheres interconnected by a bundle of nerve fibers; through those fibers the hemispheres communicate. A popular, yet not proven, theory proposes that people with certain characteristics can be classified as having right- or left-brain dominance. (Source: Internet)

The right hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body. Right hemisphere thinking is synthetic (putting ideas together), holistic (grasping relationships in a single step), and imagistic (visual thinking with the "mind's eye"). It listens to music and appreciates threedimensional objects. The right side of the brain is responsible for art and imagination. You've probably had a moment of awareness in your life, of being totally in the here and now. Well, you were in your right brain. Our present moments are right brain based. That's because all our sensory information comes through the right brain. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for emotions. It's the right brain that gives us that sense of being connected to one another. The right hemisphere is spatially oriented and searches for meaning. It is also is the center controlling music, art and kinesthetic abilities. If an injury occurs to the right hemisphere, the patient may suffer from spatial deficiencies.

The left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body. Left hemisphere thinking appears to be analytical (taking ideas apart), linear (one step after another), and verbal (both written and spoken). It builds sentences and solves equations. Left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logic. The left hemisphere also contains the language center, interprets patterns and is detail-oriented. The left side of the brain has given man science and technology.

Left side is Logical: responsible for logic functions such as math, computations & logical deductions Analytic: examines things part by part and relates to small details. Computational: uses sums and computations to reach estimates. Factual: deals with details, items, particulars, and features of a thing. Insular: works within the parameters of an individual's existing data.

If a medical problem affects the left hemisphere of the brain, the patient may suffer from language aphasia. (Source: Article Source:

The right brain is the more creative or emotional hemisphere and the left brain is the analytical and judgmental hemisphere. Anything that is new or not familiar to an individual is right brain dominant. Anything that is familiar is left brain dominant.

LEFT BRAIN FUNCTIONS o uses logic o detail oriented o facts rule o words and language o present and past o math and science o can comprehend o knowing o acknowledges o order/pattern perception o knows object name o reality based o forms strategies o practical o safe

RIGHT BRAIN FUNCTIONS o uses feeling o "big picture" oriented o imagination rules o symbols and images o present and future o philosophy & religion o can "get it" (i.e. meaning) o believes o appreciates o spatial perception o knows object function o fantasy based o presents possibilities o impetuous o risk taking. (Source: Internet- the left side)

Music and the brain:

Babies come into the world with musical preferences. They begin to respond to music while still in the womb. At the age of 4 months, dissonant notes at the end of a melody will cause them to squirm and turn away. If they like a tune, they may coo. Scientists cite such responses as evidence that certain rules for music are wired into the brain (and musicians violate them at the risk of making their audiences squirm). "Music is in our genes," says Mark Jude Tramo, a musician, prolific songwriter, and neuroscientist at the Harvard Medical School. "All humans come into the world with an innate capability for music," agrees Kay Shelemay, professor of music at Harvard. Usually they say that the eyes are the gate that leads into one's soul, but the same can be said about: music and brain. Music could be considered a window to the brain. Its because paying or listening to music demands and stimulates, besides emotional states, intellectual abilities.

It is strange though the fact that, even if people cannot recognize or hear a song, they hear speech or other sounds, like the ones of birds, animals etc. (The condition is called amusia).

Empathy and us:

The joy of giving

Most of us have some deeply held desire to heal the world and "do unto others" through offering a helping hand. It is well documented that low thresholds of volunteering, even two or three hours a week, elevate mood in most people. (This phenomenon was dubbed "the helper's high" by Alan Luks in the early 1990s, and has subsequently been assessed biologically in brain imaging studies. It has also been looked at in research on endorphins.) (Source- Published on July 3, 2008 by Stephen G. Post, Ph.D. in The Joy of Giving )

Mirror neurons

It seems like we have scientific evidence for the innate empathy. Mirror neurons. ( VilayanurRamachandran_2009I )


Neuroscientist Daniel Wolpert gives a surprising premise: the brain evolved, not to think or feel, but to control movement. ( We have a brain for one reason and one reason only, and that's to produce adaptable and complex movements. There is no other reason to have a brain. (Source- The real reason for brains: Daniel Wolpert on


Jill Bolte Taylor is a neuroscientist. Her younger brother had schizophrenia since childhood. She was a child and all she wanted was to know what makes ' some of us' different from the rest. This quest played the major role in her being a brain-scientist. After many years working as a neuroscientist, there was a special day which came in her life. One morning...She came to know that she had a brain hamerage in her left part of the brain and all that happened, she best describes in her words... Please visit- Jill Bolte Taylor's stroke of insight. url: It's in the nature of the brain. Right brain is all belonging, all encompassing, is what makes you feel like an energy source, like you are same with the universe, like there is no distinction at all.


We have a brain to control the movement and everything else that we see is its nature, and that every sense is to synchronize the brain and its nature!

Innate behavior: We have some innateness in us. This innateness can be attributed to the nature of the brain and the nature of our skin. The innateness I am talking about is Music, Empathy, Contentment, and Euphoria along with a natural urge to seek the answer, to solve the puzzles, the mysteries. But we are not evolved to take care of that innateness: This is the innateness we have in our brain but our brain is not a boom box for securing and analyzing this innateness. The real purpose of brain is to control the movement and that is why it has evolved itself. There is this sea animal squirt that eats up its own brain once it requires no more to make movements. Another reason is to express my inconsistency with the way we make psycho-logy: All the psychology is in the brain and there exists no psychology beyond it. The reason for emotion is better - just when you get the feeling that you are not one with their energy, with their rhythm! , it brings in passivity! - and that is innately attributed to the nature of the right brain rather than relating it with memory and other things like we do in usual psychology.

We have a brain to control the movement and everything else that we see is its nature, and every sense is to synchronize the brain and its nature! (Source: My interpretation ) Thank you.

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