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The United States Department of the Commerce
mak s availabl a voluntary inspection service
which permits processors of inspected seafoods to
display official USDC grade or inspection shields
on their labels . Only those firms that process fish-
ery products under continuous inspection are per-
mitted to use th se emblems.
A Complete Guide to Fish Cookery
Fishery Market Development Seri es No.8
Department of Commerce
National Oceani c and Atmospheric Administration
National Marine Fisheri es Service
Washington, D. C. 20240
1. J
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I "(HI 'uld.,
:! 3 Hroilln'
k it up
1.7 Brol I,d hi .. Is ur 1'1 S
3 1 BMI .. " ul,d 1111.,
' \ 2 I I") 111
I,',p f II (1")111'
:r () ,'p la (n,'d h h pelr IIln ..
[) 'f'P 1.11 Int'd 1IIII'Is ur !t,' 'i
4 1',111 In n ~
5 Fnt'd pill elr ''''il-d It .. h
QUIL H1.H 0 JUI ('
0"'1\ II") 1111:
(h .. n In ,d IIII-\s ur .. , !t
POtiC hlnl:
PUdell'd Iish \\ llh " '1( .. tUL
lj.!' >,tlUI
40 ~ l ,,,mill\:
41 -\ 'urn d fi sh
4 4 Ctlmlo,h 'S fur fI!.h

Cook it up!
44 Planked fi sh
Pl anked pan-dressed fi sh
45 Planked fill ets or steaks
46 Baked fill ets or stea ks
Baked stuffed fill ets or steaks
Baked fi sh porti ons or sti cks
47 Baked stuffed pan-dressed fi sh
48 Fri ed fill ets or steaks
Deep-fat fri ed pan-dressed fi sh
Oven-fri ed pan-dressed fi sh
49 Fried fi sh porti ons or sti cks
Tart ar sauce
50 New England fi sh chowder
Tuna corn chowder
51 Manhatt an fi sh chowder
52 Californi a tuna salad
Baked salmon salad
53 Simple seafood salad
54 Broil ed fbh port ions or sti cks
Charcoal broil ed pan-dressed fi sh
Charcoal broil ed fi sh portions or sti cks
55 Li st of fi sh cooker y publi cati ons
Fish played an import ant part in the coloni zati on and economy
of the early settlers in Ameri ca. Hi storians pOint out that reli gion
was not t he onl y factor in t he Pil gri ms' search for freedom when
they sail ed west in the early 1600s. They were seeking economi c
freedo m as well and had heard wonderful tales of the pl entiful
supply of fi sh to be found across the ocean. True to their goal.
they did fis h when they fi rs t became establi shed in the New
World. and soon salt cod was the mos t import ant export it em
from America.
The fi sh on the market today are a far cry from the salt
cod upon whi ch the fi shing industry was founded. There are
about 240 commercial species of fi sh and shellfi sh marketed in
t he United States today. When you are looking for vari et y. fi shery
products give you more choice than any other food group. You
ca n buy fi s h fresh. frozen. canned. dri ed. salt ed. smoked. and in
many conveni ence forms as well.
Fish are one of our mos t deli cious and nutriti ous foods.
Fis h are an excell ent source of hi gh-qualit y proteins and al so
provide minerals and vit amins so necessary for good nutrition .
Fishe ry product s can help you balance your food budget
since' they are among the mos t economi cal protein foods you can
bu y a nd serve. Th e pr e pa r a ti on of fi s h is s impl e a nd ne ve r
req ui res s pecial equipment. Yo u can cook fi sh in a trul y amaz-
ing va ri et y of ways. For example. there are baked fi sh. broiled
fish. grill ed fis h. poached fi sh. steamed fi sh. and the ever popul ar
fried fi sh.
Daily Food Guide
.1ilk Group
)me for ever yone
:etable-Fruit Group
. more servings
Dark Green
Deep Yell ow
Meat Group
2 or more servings
Bread-Cereal Group
4 or more servings
Whole grain or enriched
8 Nutritive Value of Fish
Fish is an important protein food and such hould pIa ' an
important role in meal planning . Fish af(' mclud d in th "0 ily
Food Guide" along with muat. poultry. dnd ch . Th food
provide high quality prot 'in s ntial for gro\'\1h nd r pair of
The prot ins in our foods a re compo ' d of ve n mall r unit
known as amino acids . It is through amino acid activity that
protein fun c tion . ome amino aci ds can b ynth ized within
our bodies from mat e ri als in oth r foods : hm e v r . th rare
other amino acids that our bodi e ca nnot manufacture. The e
a r e ca lled esse ntial amino acids and are co ntained in good
quantity in all fish protein . Children need thi biologically
balanced or complete protein to keep pace with their rapidl
developing bodies . Adults need it to maintain health and \ ell-
being . Fish prot ein contains little or no connective tis ue and
there for e is very easily digested a nd assi milat ed b the body.
This fa c t makes it especially valuable in di e ts for c hildren. older
people, and convalescents .
By a fortunate coincidence. protein foods also contain vitamins
and minerals. Fishery products cont a in useful amount s of t he
B complex vitamins. whi ch include thi amine. riboflavin . ni aci n.
vitamin B6 . vitamin B 12. and pantotheni c acid . These are the
vitamins valuable in maintaining the health of nerve tiss ues and
for the normal operations of the energy-yielding processes of the
Minerals are esse nti al for ce rt a in fun c ti ons of th e body.
particularly the maint enance of sound teeth a nd bones. Fi sh are
a good source of calcium. iron. potassium. phos phorus . copper.
iodine. manganese. cobalt. and other trace minerals. The fl es h
of both salt-water and fres h-water fi s h is quite low in sodium
cont ent . making it parti c ul arly adapt able for s tri c t. low sodium
diets .
Of int erest to weight -wat chers is the fact that fi sh are hi gh in 9
protein bu t low in ca l ories . The fa : co nt e nt of th e dif fe r e nt
species varies widel y - it may be less than 1 percent for fi s h
of the cod famil y or as muc h as 20 to 25 percent for salmon or
mackerel. When fi s h are cooked by mea ns ot her than frying. and
se rv ed without th e a dditi on of ri c h sa uces . th ey t e nd t o be
calori e-s hy.
Market Forms of Fresh and Frozen Fish
Fres h a nd frozen fi s h a r marke ted in va ri ous forms or cut s.
Kn owing these forms a nd their special uses is import ant in buy-
ing fis h. The foll owing are the best known ma rket forms:
Fi s h as they come from the water. Be fore
cooking. the fis h mus t be scaled a nd
eViscerated - us uall y the head. tail.
and fi ns a re re moved . The fi sh may then
be cooked. fi ll eted . or c ut int o steaks
or chunks.
Fi s h with scales and entrail s removed .
and usuall y the head . tail. and fins are
removed . The fi s h may th en be cooked.
fill e ted. or cut int o stea ks or chunks.
Th e s ma ll e r s ize fi s h a r e ca lle d p a n-
dr esse d a nd a r e r ea d y t o cook as
purchased .
Fill ets are the sides of the fi sh cut length-
wi se away from the backbone. They are
ready to cook as purchased.
Single fillets
A fill et cut from one side of a fi s h is
call ed a single fill et. Thi s is the
type most generall y avail abl e on
the market . The fill ets mayor may
not be skinless.
Butterfly fill ets
The two sides of the fish cut length-
wise away from the backbone and
held together by the uncut fl esh
and skin of the bell y.

Steaks are cross secti on sli ces from
large dressed fi sh c ut 5/ 8 to 1 inc h thi ck.
A c ross secti on of the backbone is the
onl y bone in a stea k. They are ready to
cook as purchased.
Chunk s ar e c ross sec tion s of large
dressed fi sh. A cross section of the back-
bone is the onl y bone in a chunk. They
a re ready to cook as purc hased.
Raw Breaded Fish Portions
Porti ons a r cut from frozen fi sh bl ocks.
coa ted w(th a ba tt e r. breaded. packaged.
and frozen. Raw breaded fi s h porti ons
weigh more than j '2 ounces. are a t least
3 8 inch thi ck. and must cont ain not less
tha n 75 p rcent fi sh. They a re ready to
cook as purchased.
Fried Fish Portions
Porti ons are cut from froz en fi s h bl ocks.
coa ted with a batt er. breaded. partiall y
cooked. packaged. and frozen. Fri ed fi s h
porti ons weigh more than 1 ' 2 ounces.
are a t leas t 3 8 inch thi ck. and mus t
cont ain not less than 65 percent fi sh.
They are ready to heat and serve as
purc hased.
Fried Fish Sticks
Sti cks a re cut from frozen fi sh blocks .
coated with a batt er. breaded. partialJy
cooked. packaged. and frozen . Fried
fi s h ti cks weigh up to 1 '2 ounces. are
a t least 3/ 8 inch thi ck. and must contain
not less than 60 percent fish. They are
ready to heat and serve as purchased.
Buying Fish
How Much to Buy
The amount of fi s h to buy per serving va ri es with the recipe to
be used. the size of the se rving. and the a mount of bone in the
fi s h. Count about 3 ounces of cooked. boneless fi s h as a se rving
- a littl e less for s mall children and a littl e more for adolescent
boys and men.
The foll owing tabl e ca n help you dec ide how muc h fi s h to
buy per serving:
Whol e
Dressed or pan-dressed
Fill ets or stea ks
Porti ons
Sti cks
Ca nned
3/ 4 pound
1/ 2 pound
1/ 3 pound
1/ 3 pound
1/ 4 pound
1/ 6 pound
Fi s h may be purchased fresh. frozen. and ca nned.
Buying Fr h Fi sh
:--1(JsI \drll'lll''> flf fiSh , II f' mUIlI, olher foods, fir!! murf:
,dlUIl(ldlll dunll).! (l'fIUIIl Sf'oIS0IlS of 1111' VPtlr Your IOLiJl fish
dl',dl'r will gl\I' \OU IlIfOrl1wIIIJI1 illHllI1 off flnd
IllclH.iill' 1111' \,ilril'llI'S Ihilt drl' 111(' I'r,onomtc"ll Thf: Ir!slier
1..1111\\' 11 SPI'( II'S of fish arl' (Jftl'lI flO, silIISf,H.tury as Ihn Iwller
h.lIll\VII SIH'( It'S dl1c1 iIr" usu,dlv 1l10rt' I'r,onomic.m Your deal 'r \ ill
pn'\lolrt' \lIur fish III ' 111\ molfJ...1'I form VOll eI"sirl! Fresh fish ma\'
hi' pun hllsl'<I 111(' IHJUIHill1 tlll\ of tlH' foll{)\\!nu mur !t forms
",holl'. clr('s"l'd . "11'db. fillds , ,mel c.hull S
"rt'sh . \\ holl' . or drt'ssf'd fish hol\ I' 1111' followlIll( c.hdrur.-
1"ll sl II S
Flesh : Flrln fl"sh . liol "I'partllll1g from tlw bone" ,
Il1d" 0111'" Ii"h "n' frt'"h and h,,\(' h(!{,1l h.mdl!:d car:-
Odor: Frt'sh dnd mild \ fish Just la :n from Ih:
\\'dll'r hoi" prill II( ollh 110 ' fI"h odor Thl: fish} odor
1)(,llIl1l1'<; 1l10fl ' PflJlllJU!l1 I'd \\ ilh pd.,sagf' of lime, but
II slwuld 1101 1)(' dlsoigfl'('iIlJ" .,IWIlI: when th fish
<lfI' houghl
EBright. 111'00r. ollld full fhl' p\,p" of fr'sh fish
oIf1' brlghl ,lIld tr<lll"pdfl'llt. <IS 1111' fish b 'com s stdl' .
1111' 1'\1'" hl'(()ml' II0uII\ ollld often turn pm \\'h!'n
fish dfl ' fn, ... h. Ihl' 1'\1'" ofll'll prolrud!' , but with 10-
I n ' .tslllg ... 1,tll'IlI'S'> Ihl' ('\1'''' Ipnd to b 'come sun en
Gill : Rl'd tllld fr!'1' from "llIne rhl' color gradu' II}
f,Hlp ... \\' Ith dgl' 10 .t light pill . Ihen and
I>ruwlli.,h or grl'l'lllsh
kin : Shill\ . wllh color unfdded. When fir"t ta en
from 1111' \\' dll'r. mo..,1 hi!\ e an irride c 'nt app ar-
dnCt) . Edl h spl'cil'" hds ih charm: t ristic mar ings
dnd color ... whi('h fddl' dnd become I s prOllounc d
a,> Ihe fish
Frt'sh filll'ts. stl'db . .Inti (hun" ha ' p the follOWing charac,
tt'risli cs.
Fl esh : Fresh-cut ill appedfanc . I I should b
texture wi t hou t t races of browning or drying
the edges.
firm in
Odor: Fresh and mild .
Wrapping: If th e fill e t s, s t ea ks, or c hunks a r e
wrapped, the wrapping s hould be of moisture-va por-
proof materi al. There s hould be littl e or no air space
between the fi sh and the wrapping.
Buying Frozen Fish
Fi shery products that are sold in the frozen form are us uall y
packed during seasons of abundance and held in cold storage
until ready for di stributi on. Thus, the consumer is given the
opportunit y to select different species of fi s h throughout the
year . Hi gh qualit y frozen fi sh tha t a re prope rl y processed, pack-
aged, and held at 0 F. or below, will remain in good conditi on
for relatively long peri ods of time. Frozen fi s h may be purc hased
b y th e pound in a n y of th e foll owin g ma r ke t forms - wh ole,
dressed, steaks, fill ets, chunks, porti ons, and sti c ks.
Frozen fi sh of good qualit y have the foll owing charac te r-
isti cs:
Flesh: Should be solidl y frozen when bought. The
fl esh s hould have no di scolora ti on or freezer burn .
Virtuall y all deteri orati on in qualit y is prevent ed
whe n fi s h are pr oper ly hel d in the fr oze n s t a t e. 15
Frozen fi sh whi ch have been thawed and then re-
frozen are poorer in qualit y.
Odor: Frozen fis h s hould have littl e or no odor. A
s trong fi sh odor mea ns poor qualit y.
Wrapping: Mos t frozen fill ets, stea ks , c hunks , por-
ti ons , and sti cks are wrapped either indi Viduall y or
in pac kages of vari ous weight s. The wrapping should
be of mOis ture-vapor-proof material. There s hould
be littl e or no air space between the fi sh and the
" ....... '
Buyi ng Canned Fis h
,\ wid" \arll'ty ()f [.Inlled fish and sppcialt\ Ilpms b availablp
Oil til!' markl't today . Thl' most aiJundant \ ilri('ties of canned fj<,h
an' tUIId. salmon . md c kerl'1. .IIHI :-'!ainl' sdrdinl's
Tuna :
Sm'pral SllPcies of fish are marketed a ~ tuna. all of \\ hich are
equally dt'sirable to the homemaker . On the Pacific coa t. the
catch includes albacore. bluefin. skipjack. and yellowfin. whl'r!' -
as albdcore. bladfin . bluefin. skipjad. and little tuna are taken
on tlw r\ tlanti c coast. t\ lbdcore has lighter meat than the other
species and is tht' only tunCi permitted to be labeled as " whit e
meat " tuna . The oth er species arc labeled as " light meat " tuna.
Canned tuna is a\'ailable in three different style ' of pack. The
pad does not indicate a quality difference but refers to the size
of the pieces in the can .
Fancy or solid : The cans usuall con tain 3 or ..j large
pieces paded in oil. This pack is ideal for cold pl a tes
or for recipes where appearance is important. It is
the mos t expensive pac k.
Chunk : The tuna is c ut into co nveni e nt sized pieces
and packe d in oil. It is especiall y adaptable to salads
and other dishes whe re c hunks of tuna are desirabl e.
It is t he modera te ly pri ced pack.
Flaked or grated: The tuna is cut into smaller pieces
than the chunk style and also packed in oil. It is
excell ent for canapes or sandwi ches where tuna is
bl ended into a paste. It is generally lower pri ced
than the precedjng packs.
Canned tuna may be purchased in cans that cont ain 3'/4,
3Y2 , 6, 6Y2 , 7,9'/4 , 12Y2 , and 13 ounces .
Salmon canned on the Pacifi c coast are of fi ve di stinct species
and are usuall y sold by their names, since they indi ca te the
differences in the type of mea t. The differences are a matt er of
color, texture, and fl avor . The hi gher pri ced vari eti es are deeper
red in color and have a hi gher oil cont ent. In descending order
acco rdin g t o pri ce , th e gra des of sa lmon a re re d or soc keye
sal mon : chinook or king sal mon: medium red, coho, or sil ver
salmon: pink salmon; and chum or keta salmon . Canned sa lmon
ma y b e purc hase d in ca ns th a t cont a in 3
,4 , 7%, a nd 16
ounces .
Mackerel :
May be purchased in lS-ounce cans.
Maine sardines :
May be purchased in cans that contain 3
4 or 4 ounces.
Cleaning and Dressing Fish
Mos t of the fi sh sold in the markets today ar e already cleaned.
dressed. fill eted. or s teaked. However. if you have a fi sherman in
the famil y and ca tch your own. or if you are fortunate enough to
have fri ends who give you some of their catches. you will need to
know how to clean and dress the fi sh for cooking.
Follow these s teps in cleaning and dressing your fi sh:
Wash the fi sh . Pl ace the fi s h on a cutting
board and with one hand hold the fi sh
firml y by the head. Holding a knife almos t
verti cal. scrape off the scales. starting
a t the tail a nd scraping toward the head
(fig. 1). Be sure to remove all the scal es
around the fins and head.
Wi th a s harp knife cut the entire length
of the be ll y from the ve nt to the head.
Re move the int es tines. Next . cut around
the pelvi c fins and remove them (fig.2) .
Removing the Head and Tail
Remove the head and the pectoral fins
by c utting just back of the collarbone.
If the backbone is large. c ut down to it
on each side of the fish (fi g. 3).
Then place the fish on the edge of the
cutting board so that the head hangs
over and snap the backbone by bending
the hea d down (fig. 4). Cut any remaining
fl es h that holds the head to the body.
Cut off the tai l.
Removing the Fins
Next remove the dorsal fin. the large fin
on the back of the fi sh. by cutting along
each side of the fin (fig . 5). Then give
a q'ui ck pull forward toward head and re-
move the fin with the root bones attached
(fi g. 5). Remove the ventral fin in the
sa me way. Never trim the fin s off with
s hears or a knife beca use the root bones
5 a t the base of the fins will be left in the
fi s h. Wash the fish thoroughly in cold
running wat er . The fi sh is now dressed
or pan-dressed. de pending on it s s ize.
Cutting Steaks
Large s ize dressed fi s h may be cut cross-
wise into steaks. about an inc h thi ck (fi g.
With a s ha rp knife cut along the back of
the fi s h fr om the ta il to the head (fig. 7).
Then cut down to the backbone just back
of the coll arbone .
Turn the knife fl at and cut the fl esh
away fr om the backbone and rib bones
(fi g. 8).
Lift off the whol e s ide of the fi s h or fill et
in one pi ece (fi g. 9) . Turn the fi sh over
and cut the fill et from the other side.
Skinning a Fillet
If vou wish. you may skin the fill ts. Place
til!! fillet. skin side down. on a cutting
bOHrd . Ii oid the tail end tightly with
your f i n ~ e f s and with a sharp knif cut
clown th'rough th > flesh to the skin about
I .! inch from the nd of the fill t. Flatten
til!' klllfl' a)winst th> skin and ut the
flesh "way from th' skin bv sliding th
knife fOfwdfd while holding the lail
end uf Ih' skin firmly helwe n your
fingers ( fi g. 10) .
Storing and Thawing Fish
Fish , like many other food products, are peri shable and must be
properly handJ ed to avoid spoil age or food poisoning.
Fresh fi shery products should be placed in the refri gerator,
in their original wrapper, immedi ately aft er they are received.
A storage temperature of 35 to 40 F. is needed to maint ain the
qualit y of the products . Do not hold fresh fi sh in the refrigerator
longer than a day or two before cooking.
Frozen fi shery products s hould be placed in the freezer,
in their ori ginal mOisture-vapor-proof wrapper, immedi ately aft er
purchase unl ess the fish is to be thawed for cooking. A storage
temperature of 00 F. or lower is needed to maint ain the qualit y
of fr oze n prod uc t s. At a t e mpe rature above 0 0 F., c he mi ca l
changes cause the fi sh to lose color, fl avor, texture, and nutritive
value. Freezer storage is a conveni ent way to keep fi sh; however,
storage time should be limited in orde r to enj oy the optimum
fl avor of the frozen fi s h. It is a good practice to date the packages
as they are put in the freezer. Do not hold raw froz en fi shery
products in the freezer longer than 6 months.
(:lIol-l'd flslH'rv product ... should r:ilher be slornu In th ' r ,-
fngl:r.ilor or fn'('zl'r If Ihl'\ Hn' 1(1)(' stored in the r 'ralor,
Ihl: I ool-I'd fish ... hollldlll' pl,(( I'd in il cO\l!rpd (.ontdlllf'r Do not
hold (lillI-I,d fi ... hl'n prOdll! ts In till' refngPrutor lon"wr than 'i
or -I dd\s TIll'\' 111i1\ al..,l) Ill' SIOfl'd III tIl!! frl'l:zl!r if poc aj.!ed in
d II1IlISlllrl' \ilpllr' proof rlldll'rI,d IHlWI'\('r do not hold coo pd
[l sIII'n products III Ihl' frl'l'zl'r IOllgl'r Ih"l1 I months
( .. PIliI'd fl..,h shlluld hI' ..,Iort'd 111 it LOOI. dr\' plac;! Cunned
[ish shlluld 1101 Ill' sl"rpd 11lI1\.!l'r Ihdll d YI:iJr
III'duir' thd\' Ill\.! "0 thdt thl' fl ... h will IH: coo ed ..,oem af er
It I.., Ihd\\ I'd lJo 11111 hold thilwl,d fish I(lns.wr th,l/1 H b [ore
I lillI-III\.!
.! 1'1.11 I' 1111' 111(11\ Idu,tI pd f: ,I\.!I'''' III thl' rl'ffl\.!erator 10 Ihd\\
.\ 1111\\ .!-I hllur., for IhdWillg d I -pound pad .. dgl' .
.I If qUIl I-I'r IhilWIIl\.! I.., nl'( I'SSelf\ . pld( I' thl' mdi\'idual pac ag's
ulltil ' r I II l d rUIIIlIIl\.! \\' ,!ll'r lothil\\ ,\llow I 10:! hours for
22 IhdWIIl\.! d 1- poulld pdl d\.!l' .
-I IJII 1101 Ih' II' fish .II room Il'mpl'rdlurl' or in warm ",at r .
1 Du 11111 n ' fn'l'zl'
(i Fish portioll'" dnd sill b shlluld nul be thdwt,d before coo ing.
I. Frowil fllll'ts dllti ..,Ied!...., 1)(' 1.00 ed wilhoul thawing if
aticlitlllnai cool-1m.: limp I., allo\\l'd. Fillels or tea to b
bfl'dtir'd or "tuffed .,hould be thawed .
l------- -
How to Cook Fish
Fish are deli cious - if cooked properly. We cook fish to develop
their flavor. to soft en the s mall amount of connective ti ssue 23
present . and to make the prot ein easier to digest. Cooking fish
at too hi gh a temperature or for too long a time toughens them.
dri es them out. and destroys their fine fl avor.
How can you tell when fi sh are cooked? Raw fi sh have a
watery. translucent look. During the cooking process the watery
jui ces become milky col ored. giving the fl esh an opaque. whitish
tint. Thrs color change is unmi stakable. When the fl esh has
taken on thi s opaque whiti sh tint to the cent er of the thi ckest
part. fi sh are compl etely cooked. At thi s point the fl esh will easily
separate int o fl akes. and if there are bones present. the fl es h
will come away from them rea dil y.
Most cooked fi sh tend to break up easi ly. so handl e fi sh as
littl e and as gentl y as possibl e during and aft e r cooking to pre-
serve their appearance.
IS d form of dry heat coo mg and is on
ways to coo fish . But "ba p fi.,h ra.,y" th mo t important
gUide to follow In fish coo r\ Fish II a pr heat d. mod rat
O\' en set at .l50 F. for a .,hort p riod of tim. Thi
th' moi:-,tn ':-'S and flavor In the fish. pr \' nts drying. and
the fish t 'nder and palatabl . Fish not ba d in a ue or
with a topping <Ire ba t d with m'lt d fat or od to p the ur-
face moist .
an fish be from th frozen tat? Y s. provid d the
coo ing lime is increased to allow for tha wing d urin t h ba .in
process and pro\' id d the recipe doe not call for pecial
handling such as stu ff ing or rolling.
Baked Stuffed Fish
1 dressed fish
(3 poundsj ,
fresh or frozen
Bread stuffing
2 tabl espoons melt ed
fat or oil
Thaw frozen fish. Clean, wash, and dry fi s h. Sprinkle inside
with salt and pepper . Place fi s h on a well -greased bake and
serve pl att er , 18 by 13 inches. Stuff fi sh loosely. Brus h fi s h with
fat. Bake in a mode rate oven, 350
F .. for 45 to 60 minutes or
until fish fl akes easily when tested with a fork . M3kes 6 servings.
Bread Stuffing
1/ 2 c up chopped cel ery
1/ 4 c up chopped on i on
1/ 4 c up butte r or marga rine,
1 quart dry bread cubes
1 egg, bea ten
1/ 2 teaspoon sage
1/ 2 teaspoon sa lt
1/ 4 teaspoon th yme
Dash pepper
Cook celery and oni on in butter until tender. Combine all ingre-
dients and mi x well. Makes 3 cups stuffing.
Broiling. like bilking. i!. a dry heat method of coo ry but in broil -
ing til(' heal is direct. int 'nse. and comes from only one source.
Thin foods tend tu dry out under the broiler. so when planning
to use this method. choose pa n-dr sed fi s h. fi llet. or teak
which a re about I inch thid in pre fe rence to thinner on . If
frozen. th e fi"h should be tha wed. Bas t e fj h well with melted fat
or oil or a basting sauce befor placing th e m under the broiler.
Baste agai n while broiling to keep the fi sh mois t.
Follow th e range manufacturer' direc ti on for the operation
of th e broiler and pre hea ting . The length of time it takes to broil
fi s h depends on the thi c kn ess and the di s tance the are placed
fr om th e hea t. As a general guide have the sur fa ce of the fi sh
a bout 3 to -1 inc hes from the source of heat and place thi cker
cut s farth e r from the hea t than thin ones .
Cooking time will usually range from 10 to 15 minutes to
reac h the "fish fl ake eaSily" stage. As a rul e. the fish do not need
to be turned beca us e th e heat of the pan will cook the underside
adeq ua tely. Turn the thi cker pi eces. such as pan-dressed fish .
when half the allotted cooking time is up . Baste again with fat
or sa uce. Always serve broil ed fish sizzling hot.
Broiled Fillets or Steaks
2 pounds fis h fill e ts or
s tea ks . fresh or f rozen
2 ta bl es poons melt ed fa t or
oi l
2 tablespoons l emon jui ce
1 teaspoon sa lt
1/ 2 teaspoon pa pri ka
Das h pepper
Thaw frozen fi sh. Cut fi s h into 6 porti ons. Pl ace fi sh in a s ingle
layer . s kin side down. on a we ll-g reased ba king pan. 15 by 10 by 1
inches. Combine remaini ng ing redi ent s and mi x well. Pour sa uce
over fi sh. Broil about 4 inches fr om source of hea t for 10 to 15
minut es or until fi sh fl ake eas il y when tested with a fork. Bas te
once during broiling with sa uce in pan. Ma kes 6 servings .
Broiled Pan-Dressed Fish
3 pounds pan-dressed fis h.
fresh or frozen
1/ 4 c up melt ed fat or oil
1/ 4 c up l emon jui ce
1 Y2 teaspoons sa lt
3/ 4 teaspoon paprika
Das h pepper
Thaw frozen fi sh. Clea n. wash. and dry fi s h. Pl ace fi sh in a Single
layer on a well -g reased baking pan. 15 by 10 by 1 inches. Combine
remaining ingredi e nt s and mi x we ll. Brus h fi s h inside a nd out
with sauce. Broil about 4 inches from source of hea t for 5 to 8
minut es. Turn carefull y a nd bast e with sa uce. Broil 5 to 8 minut es
longer or until fi sh fl ake easil y when tested with a fork. Ma kes
6 servings .
Charcoal Broiling
Deep- Fat Frying
Timetable for Cooking Fish
Fi ll e ts or steLlks.
Froze n fri ed fi sh port ions
Frozen fri erl fi sh s ti c ks
Pa n-dressed
Fill e ts or s teaks
Frozen fri ed fi s h portions
Frozen fri ed fi s h s ti cks
Pa n-dressed
Fill e ts or stea "s
Froze n fri ed fi sh porti ons
Frozen fri ed fi s h s t ids
Pa n-dressed
Fille t s or s t a ks
Froze n raw bread d fi s h porti ons
Pa n-dressed
Fill e ts or s tea ks
Fillets or sleaks
Frozen raw breaded
or frozen fried
fish portions
Frozen frted fish sticks
Fill ts or s t a "s
Fi ll e ts or s t 'a\.. s
:1 pounds
:1 pu u nels
2 pounds
12 portiun s to :1
ou nces (,dch)
24 s ti cb ( ' , to I'.
oUllces I)ilch)
:l pounds
2 pounds
J 2 port ions (2' 2 to ]
oun ,es eac h)
24 s ti ks ('. to I '.
Dune s aeh)
IL (L' , til .l
1'.11 h)
L4 slic"s ( ' , to I',
I'd! h)
:1 p lIntb
12 purtions (2 ' 1 to :1
(lUll ' '5 ! eh)
2 pounds
:1 p unds
2 pounds
12 portions (2 1-') to :1
uunces ell ,h)
24 stids (Y. 10 I'.
ounces each)
2 pounds
1' " pounds
:15U" F.
:15() " F.
'150" F.
400" F.
4UO" F.
\I odera tp
:150 F.
:150 F,
:150 F.
. 00" F.
500" F
lod'r Ie
(minut es )
45 to 60
25 to ]0
20 to 25
15 to 20
15 to 20
] 0 to 16
(turning once)
10 to 15
10 to 15
10 to 15
10 to 16
(turning on e)
10 to 16
(turning once)
8 to 10
(turning once)
8 to 10
(turning once)
3 105
3 to 5
3 10
t5 to 20
10 to I
8 to 10
(turnlllg once)
8 to 10
(turninf,: once 1
8 to ]()
8to 10
5 to 10
5 to III
Charcoal Broiling
Chdrcoal broiling is d dry he,ll method of over hot coab
30 and in recent becomp a popular form of r crea ti on.
Fish. beca use they so are a natural for this method
fi s h. fillets. and a re all sui table for
c harcoal broiling . If fr ozen. th e fi sh s h o uld be th awed in
ac\ \'ancp. Because fish easily as th e ir nears com-
pletion . lise of H well-greased. long- ha ndl ed. hinged \ ire grill
is recommended .
Since c har coal broiling is a dr y h eat coo kin g me thod .
thider of fi sh a re preferable as they tend to dry out less
during th e process than thin ones. Also. to e nsure se rving jui cy
a nd fl avo rful fi sh . use a sa uce tha t con ta ins som fa t a nd bas t e
th em generously be fore a nd whil e cooking.
Fi s h are us ua ll y abo ut -l inches from mode ra tely hot
coa ls for ] 0 to:W minut es. de pending on the th ic kness of t he fi s h.
Barbecued Fillets or Steaks
2 pounds f i sh fill ets or
steaks. fresh or froze n
1/ 4 c up chopped onion
2 tabl espoons chopped
green pepper
1 clove ga rli c. fin el y
c hopped
2 tabl espoons mel t ed fat or
1 ca n (8 ounces) tomat o
sa uce
2 t abl espoons l emon jui ce
1 tables poon Worceste rs hire
sa uce
tablespoon s uga r
2 teaspoons sa lt
1/ 4 teaspoon peppe r
Thaw fr ozen fi sh. Cook oni on. green peppe r. and garli c in fat
until tender. Add rema ini ng ingredi ent s and s immer for 5 minut es.
stirring occasiona ll y. Cool. Cut fi s h int o 6 porti ons. Pl ace fish
in a single layer in a shall ow baking dish . Pour sauce over fi sh
and let stand for 30 minut es. turni ng once. Remove fi sh. rese rving
sauce for basting. Place fi sh in well-greased. hinged. wire grill s.
Cook about 4 inches from moderately hot coal s for 5 to 8 minut es.
Baste with sauce . Turn. Cook for 5 to 8 minut es longer or until
fi sh fl ake easil y when tested with a fork. Makes 6 servings .
Frying is a me thod of cooking food in fat. For fr ying. choose a
fat tha t may be hea ted to a hi gh tempera ture without danger of
smoking. Thi s is necessary because a smoking fat begins to de-
compose and will give the food an unpl easant fl avor . Because
t hey begin smoking at hi gher temperatures. vegetabl e oil s and
fats are preferabl e to fats of anima l ori gin .
The temperature of the fa t is extremely important. Too hi gh
hea t will brown the out side of the fi s h before the cent ers are
cooked. Too low heat wi ll give a pa le . greasy. fa t-soa ked product.
The mos t sa ti sfac tory fr ying tempera ture for fi s h is 350
Frozen fi sh must be thawe d before frying. Separate the
pieces and cut to uniform s ize .
After fr yi ng. drain the fi sh immedi at ely on absorbent paper
to remove excess fat. Keep the fi sh warm in a low oven until all
pieces a re cooked. then serve immedi at ely.
Deep-fat frying
Deep fa t fr yi ng is a term appli ed t o cooking in a deep layer oUat.
It is a qui ck me thod of cooking and is an excell ent way to cook
tender foods a nd precooked foods .
For deep-fat fr yi ng you need a heavy. deep saucepan or
French fr yer wit h s tra ight sides . a fr y baske t to fit the fr yer . a
deep-fat fr yi ng thermome ter. or an electri c fr ye r with aut omati c
tempe rature control. Use enough fa t to fl oa t the fi s h but do not
fill t he fryer more than half full. You must a ll ow room for the fis h
and fo r the bubbling fa t.
The fi sh may be dipped in a liquid and coat ed with a bread-
ing. or dipped in ba tt er . The coating wilJ keep the fi sh mois t
during fryi ng and will give them a deli cious cri spness.
Pl ace onl y one layer of fi sh at a time in the fry basket and
all ow enough room so tha t the pi eces do not touch. Thi s prevent s
t he temperature of the fat from dropping s uddenl y and assures
thorough cooking and even browning. When the fat has heat ed
to the proper tempe rature. lower the basket int o the fryer slowl y
to preven t excess ive bubb li ng . If the fa t i s a t the ri ght
t e mpera tur e wh e n th e fis h a r e a dd e d . a c ru s t forms a lmos t
immedia t e ly. holdin g in th e jui ces a nd a t th e s ame time
preventing the fat from soaking in. Fry until the fi sh are golden
brown and .fl ake easil y. usuall y about 3 to 5 minut es.
Deep-Fat Fried Fish Portions
12 frozen ra w breaded fis h
portions'" (2Y2 to 3
ounces each)
Fa t for frying
Tart ar sa uce
Pl ace frozen fi sh in a s ingle layer in a fry basket. Fry in deep fat.
F .. for 3 to 5 minut es or until fi s h are brown and fl ake easil y
when tested with a fork. Dra in on absorbent paper. Serve with a
tart ar sa uce. Makes 6 servi ngs .
"'Oft en labeled as "fill ets" or "steaks".
Deep-Fat Fried Fillets or Steaks
2 pounds fi sh fill ets or
s tea ks. fresh or frozen
1/ 4 c up milk
1 egg. bea ten
1 teaspoon salt
Das h pepper
1 Y2 c ups dry brea d. cer eal.
or cracke r c rumbs
Fat for fr ying
Thaw frozen fi sh. Cut fi sh int o 6 porti ons. Combine milk. egg .
salt . and pepper . Dip fi sh in milk and roll in crumbs . Pl ace in a
single layer in a fr y basket. Fry in deep fat. 350
F .. for 3 to 5
minutes or until fi sh are brown and fl ake eas il y when tested with
a fork . Drain on absorbent paper . Makes 6 servings .
Not e - A commercial breading may be used. Foll ow the direc-
tions on the package.
Pcll1- fr yi ng is a l ! ~ r m a ppli ed to cooking in a mall amount of "fat
34 in a fry pan. Of all th e way of cooking fi sh. pan- frying is probabl
the most freque ntl y used-and mos t fr equen tl y abused method.
Wh e n well co ntr olled . it is a n e ce llent wa_ o f coo kin g
pan-dressed fi sh. fi llets. and stea ks .
The general procedure is to dip the fi sh in a liquid and
th en coa t the m with a breading . Hea t a bout 1 B inc h of fat in
the bottom of a heavy fry pan. For pa ns with a temperature con-
tro\' th e right hea t is 350
F. Place one layer of breaded fish in
th e hot fa t. taking ca re not to overload the pan and thus cool the
fat. Fry until brown on one s ide. then turn a nd brown the other
side. Cooking time will vary with the thi c kness of the fish . In
gene ral. allow abo ut B to 10 minut es.
Fried Pan-Dressed Fish
3 pounds pan-dressed fi sh.
fresh or frozen
1/ 4 cup milk
1 egg . beat en
1 t easpoon alt
Das h pepper
1' 2 c ups dry bread . cer eal.
or c r ac ker c rumbs
Fat for f r ying
Thaw froz en fi s h. Clean. was h. and dry fi s h. Combine milk. egg.
salt. and pepper . Dip fi sh in milk and roll in crumbs. Pl ace fi s h
in a singl e layer in hot fat. in a lO-inc h fr y pan. Fry at a modera t e
heat for 4 to 5 minut es or until brown . Turn ca re full y. Fry 4 to 5
minut es longer or until fi sh are brown and fl a ke easil y when
tested with a fork . Drai n on absorbent paper . Ma kes 6 servings .
Quick Tartar Sauce
1/ 2 c up ma yonnaise or salad
dre ing
1/ 4 c up drained IV e t pickle
r elish
Combine ingredient s and mi well. ClUll. ake 3 4 cup sauce .
Oven- fr ying is not actu all y a true fr ying me thod . It is a hot oven
method whi ch simul a tes fri ed fi s h. Thi s method of cooking fi s h
was developed b y Evele ne Spence r . a for me r Burea u Home
Eco nomi s t. and is sometimes re ferred to as the Spencer method .
For oven-fr yi ng. the fi s h a re cut int o serving-s ize portions.
dipped in sa lt ed milk. and coa ted with toas ted . fin . dry crumbs.
The fish a re then pl aced on a s hall ow. well -g reased baking pan.
A littl e melted fa t or oil is poured ove r the fi s h. and th yare
baked in a n extre me ly hot oven (500
F) . Ni ce f atures of oven-
fr ying are tha t the fi s h don' t require turning. basting. or ca re ful
watching. and th e cooking time is s hort. us ua ll y 10 to 15 minut es.
The c rumb coa ting a nd the hi gh temp rature preven t the esca pe
of fl avorful juices and give a n a ttracti ve. brown crus t.
Oven-Fried Fillets or Steaks
2 pounds fish fillets or
s teaks, fresh or frozen
1/ 2 cup milk
1 teaspoon salt
1 2 c ups cereal crumbs or
toas ted dry bread
1/ 4 c up melted fat or
Thaw frozen fi s h. Cut fi sh int o 6 porti ons. Combine milk and
sa lt. Dip fi sh in milk and roll in crumbs. Place fi s h in a s ingle
layer , skin side down , on a well -g reased baking pan, 15 by 10 by J
in c hes. Po ur fa t over fi s h . Bak e in a n ex tr e me l y ho t ove n ,
F. , for 10 to 15 minutes or until fi sh are brown and fl ake
easily when tested with a fork . Makes 6 servings .
Poac hin g is a me th od of coo kin g in a s imme rin g liquid .
In poaching, the fi s h are pl aced in a single layer in a shallow.
38 wide pan. such as a large fr y pan . and barely covered with liquid .
The liquid used in poaching may be li ghtl y sal ted water, water
seasoned with spi ces and herbs. mil k. or a mixture of white wine
and water , to name just a few. As with other methods of fi sh
cookery. it is import ant not to overcook the fi s h. Simmer the fi sh
in the liquid in a covered pan just until the fi sh fl akes easily.
usuall y 5 to 10 minut es. Because the poaching liquid contains
fl avorful jui ces. the liquid is oft en reduced and thi ckened t o
make a sa uce for the fi sh.
Poaching is a favorite method of cooking fi sh - and with
good reason. As an e ntree, poached fi sh can be simply served
with a sauce or used as the main ingredi ent of a casserole or other
combinati on di s h. Chi ll ed and fl aked, poached fi sh makes a
deli cious salad.
Poached Fish with Egg Sauce
2 pounds ish illcts or
stea ks. fresh or f rozcn
2 cups boiling water
1 .j cup lemon iuicc'
small onion. thinlr sliced
teaspoon salt
:1 peppercorns
2 sprigs parsley
1 leaf
Egg sauce
Thaw frown fish. RemO\'e and bones from fi sh. Cut fi sh into
6 portions. Pl ace fi sh in it well-g reased IO-i nch fr y pan . Add r e-
maining and simmer for 5 to 10 minut es or
until f ish flake easily whcn wi th a fork . ' arefull y removc
fi sh 10 a hot platter . Pour Sa uce over the fi sh. Sprinkl e with
paprika. Makes 6 servings .
Egg Sauce
1/ 4 c up bul l er or margarin e
2 tabl espoons flour
3/ 4 leaspoon powder ed
musl ar d
1/ 2 leaspoon sai t
Dash pepper
1'. cups milk
2 hard-cooked eggs. chopped
1 t abl espoon chopped
pa r sl ey
Melt butt er . Stir in fl our and seasonings. Add milk graduall y
and cook unti l thi ck and smooth. stirring const antl y. Add eggs
and par sl ey. Heat. Makes 1' 2 cups sauce.
Steaming is a method of cooki ng fi sh by means of the steam
generated from boiling water . When cooked over moisture in
a ti ghtl y covered pan. the fi sh retain their natural juices and
fl avors. A steam cooker is ideal. but any deep pan with a ti ght
40 cover is sati sfactory. If a steaming rack is not avai lable. any-
th i ng may b e used th a t prevent s the fi s h fr om t ouchin g th e
water . The water used for steaming may be plain. or seasoned
with var ious s pi c e s. he rbs . or win e. Whe n the wa t e r boil s
r a pidl y. the fi s h a r e pl aced on th e r ac k. th e pa n is cove r e d
ti ghtl y. and the fi sh are steamed for 5 to 10 minut es or unti l they
fl ake easil y when tested with a fork. Steamed fi sh may be served
the same as poached fi sh.
Steamed Fish
1' 2 pounds fi sh fill ets.
s tea ks . or pan-dressed
fi sh. fresh or frozen
qua rt boiling wa ter
1' 2 teas poons sa il
Thaw frozen fi s h. Pl ace fi s h in a well -greased s teamer insert
pan . Sprinkl e fish with sa lt. Cover and cook over boiling wa ter
for 5 to 10 minut es or until fi s h fl a ke eas il y when test ed with a
fork. Cool. Remove skin and bones . Makes 2 cups cooked fi s h.
Garnishes for Fish
Gay ga rni s h '8 add life a nd zes t to fi s h di s h s in the sam wa y
that s ma rt l o o ~ i n g ace s 'ori es dress up a wa rdrob . L t the
ga rni s h provide color contras t. Ma ke it pr tt y but not gaudy.
To gi ve a fini s hing tau h to a fi s h cr ali on. conside r on or more
of these possibiliti es :
Green or red peppers
Hard-cooked eggs
Lemons or limes
ut meats
Water cress
Cooked whole or sli ced
Tops . s ti cks. curl s. or s hredded
Tops. hea rt s. s ti c ks. or curl s
Sli ces or s ti cks
Sprigs or c hopped
Sti cks or rings
Sl ices. wedges. devil ed. or gra ted yolks
Sli ces. twi sts . or wedges
Leaves or s hredded
Spri gs or chopped
Toast ed whol e. halved. sli ve red. or
Whol e. sli ced. or c hopped
Sli ces. twi sts. or wedges
Sprinkl ed s pa ringly
Spri gs or chopped
Whol e. sli ced. or c hopped
Whole. sli ced. or roses
Spri gs or c hopped
Planked Fish
1 dressed fish
(3 pounds).
fr sh or froz n
2 tabl espoons m Ited
fat or oil
S a oned hot mas hed
pot a toe
S ason d hot cooked
veg tabl es
bra coli.
ca rrot s.
onions. pas.
or tomato s)
Thaw froz n fi s h. Clean. wa s h. and dry fi h. Sprinkl e insid with
sal t and p pper . Pl ace fi s h on a pr hated. oil d plank or well-
greased bake and serve platter. 18 by 13 inches . Brus h fi s h with
fat. Bak in a moderate oven. 350 F .. for 45 to 60 minutes or
until fi s h fl a kes asily wh n t s ted with a fork. R move from
ov nand a rrang th hot mash d pot a to s and two or mar hot
vege ta bl es around th fi s h. Makes 6 s rvings .
Planked Pan-Dressed Fish
3 pounds pan-dressed
fi s h. fresh or
2 tablespoons melted
fat or oil
2 tablespoons l emon
ju i ce
1 12 teaspoons salt
1/ 2 teaspoon paprika
Das h pepper
Seasoned hot mas hed
Seasoned hot cooked
broccoli .
carrots .
onions. peas.
or toma toe )
Thaw frozen fi s h. Clea n. wash. and dry fi sh. Place fi sh in a s ingle
layer on a prehea ted . oil ed pl a nk or we ll -greased bake and serve
pl a tt er . 18 by 13 inches. Combine remaining ingredi ent s a nd mi x
well . Brush fi s h with sa uce. Bake in a moderate oven. 350 F ..
for 25 to 30 minu tes or un til fi s h fl ake easil y when tested with a
fork . Remove from oven a nd arrange the hot mas hed potatoes and
two or more hot vegeta bl es around fi s h. Makes 6 servings.
Planked Fillets or Steaks
2 pounds fish fill ets
or stea ks, fresh
or frozen
2 tables poons melt ed
fa t or oil
2 ta bles poons lemon
jui ce
1 teaspoon sa lt
1/ 2 teaspoon paprika
Dash pepper
Seasoned hot mas hed
Seasoned hot cooked
(aspa rag us.
broccoli .
ca rrots,
ca uli flower.
onions. peas,
or tomatoes)
Thaw frozen fi sh. Cut fi sh int o 6 porti ons. Pl ace fi sh in a single
layer , skin side down . on a preheated, oil ed pl ank or well -greased
bake and serve pl att er. 18 by 13 inches. Combine remaining in-
gredients and mi x well. Pour sa uce over fi sh. Bake in a moderate
oven. 350
F., for 20 to 25 minut es or until fi sh fl ake easil y when
tested with a fork. Remove from oven and arrange the hot mashed
potatoes and two or more hot vegetables around the fi sh. Makes
6 servings.
Baked Fillets or Steak
2 pounds {i sh il/ c ts
or s te aks. f() sh
or (rozen
2 t ablespoons mu/t ed
a t or oil
2 ta bl es poons If' mon
,uic ()
1 tpas poon sa lt
1 2 teaspoon pa pnka
Das h pe ppf'f
Th,I\V f rozell f ish. Cut fi sh Int o B porll ons. Pl ac fi h in a ingl
lay()r. skill sld(' down . III sed ha dish. 12 b 8 b 2
i nches. Combi ne i ngredi ent s and mi \ II. P ur sa u
0\ (' r Bet ke i n a moclpret te o\' ' n. :150 F .. for 20 to 25 mi nut
or ull t d fi sh f lake ('<lsil\ wl1('11 t Jd a fork rvings.
Baked Stuff d Fill ts or t ak
.! pounds fish ill('ts
ors/('dhs . ["('"h
or {rrJz('1l
Bf( 'i1d stuf Ing
2 tilb/pspoons mpltp(/
at or oil
2 tab/pspoon, lemon
1 /('aspoon salt
1 :1 tpasp()on papnha
Dash ppppC'f
Tha w f rozPI1 f ish . Skin f illet s. Cu t f h h i nt o 6 porti ons. Plae
in a \\' pll-g r eased baking dish. 12 by 8 by 2 i nch s . Place
fi sh in a si ngle layer on stuff i ng. Combin r maining in ' r edi nt s
and mix w(' 11. Pour sa uce O\'er f ish. Bake in mod r ate o\'en.
:150 " F .. for :!5 to :10 minut es or unti l fi sh fl ake a i ly wh n t sted
wi t h a fork. l akes 6 servings.
Baked Fish Portions or Sticks
12 {rozen {ri ed {i sh port ions
(2' 2 to 3 ounces each;
24 {rozen { ri ed fi h sti cks
(3 4 to 1'. ounces
Tart ar sa uce
Pl ace frozen fi sh in a Singl e l a r on a cooki e sheet. 15 by 12
inches. Bake in a hot oven. -l00 F .. f or 15 t o 20 minut es or until
f i sh fi r e hea ted through and fl ake eaSil y when t est ed with a fork .
Serve with a t art ar sa uce. Makes 6 servings.
Baked Stuffed Pan-Dressed Fish
3 pounds pan-dressed
fish. fresh or
Bread s tuffing
2 tabl espoons melted
fat or oil
2 tablespoons lemon
1 Y2 teaspoons sa lt
1/ 2 teaspoon paprika
Dash pepper
Thaw froz en fi sh. Clean. wash. and dry fi sh. Place fi sh in a single
layer on a well-greased baking pan . 15 by 10 by 1 inches. Stuff fi s h
loosely. Combine remaining ingredient s and mi x well. Brush fi sh
with sauce. Bake in a modera te oven. 350
F .. for 25 to 30 minut es
or until fi sh fl ake easil y when t ested with a fork. Makes 6 servings.
Fri ed Fill et. or teak
2 ,sh 0'
... 1 Pil I..... rp"h or f(JLf'n
.j (LIP milk
ogg . hl'/I /f'n
Ir'II"IHIC)f1 .... 111
lJllsh pl1plJ('r
" c. ups dl1 hr ud. er '01.
fir c.ruck 'r crumbs
Fill IJr r) ,nl<
Thilw froLI'1I CuI f, ... h inlo H portion" Combln! mil . '$I$!
.. ,tit. dlld Iwppt'r Dip fl"h III mtl dud roll in (rumb" Pial: fish
III 01 <,llIgllil\lr III hoI f,d 11101 lHIIH. h fry IHlIl Fry ill q mod!r' I
I\('.d for 4 I J :; millul '!> or unltl hrowll Turn { r :fullv lu
:i 1111Ilull'<' longl'r or until fish tlrl' hrown dm.l nil . east! \\ h n
1".,ll'd \\'llh it for [ rHill Oil ,Ih!>orb 'nl IJiJppr . I il (.!> S n ' IOj(!'
Deep-Fat Fri d Pan-Dr . ed Fi h
I pound ... p.Jn-drro ...... /'d ,.,h.
n ... h or rOLI'/1
4 I up milk
!'gg. lwul!'n
/t'ilspO()n .,illt
Da ... h peppl'r
/ '! c. ups dr) brf'ad. creal,
or crill k r crumb
Fi.1I or r) InR
Thil\\ fro/PI1 fish U{dn. \\ash. ,HId dn fhh ComblO mil. "
.,alt. ami P 'Plwr Oip f,.,h 10 mil <lIH.I roll 10 crumb Plae fl h
III d .,10,,:(1' III iI fn bas 1'1 10 d . 'p ful. 350 Foo for '3 10
5 mlOull's or unltl fish dr' bn)\\ n ,lIlel fla wh n I I d
wilh d for [)rHII1 011 dbsorb '111 paper i la 's 6 s 'n' lOgs
Oven-Fri ed Pan-Dre ed Fi h
.! pounds pan-dressed ish.
f r('sh or rown
1 2 cup milk
2 lea spoons sail
/' 1 cups cor al crumb or
toasted dn bread
rumb '
4 cup melted at or oil
Thaw frozen fish. Clean. wash. and dr fish. ombi n mil a nd
sal t. Dip fi sh in mil J... nd roll in crumb. Place fi h in a in Ie
layer on \ II-g reased ba J... ing pan. 15 by 10 by 1 inch . Pour fal
ove r fi s h. Bake in an e trem I hot oven. 5 0
Foo for 15 to 20
minut es or until fi sh ar brO\ n and fl a ke easi! \ h n te ted with
a fork. Ma kes 6 servi ngs.
Fried Fish Portions or Sticks
12 froz en fri ed or ra w
breaded fi sh port ions
(2 12 to 3 ounces each)
24 frozen fri ed fis h s ticks
(3 / 4 to 1
Fa t for frying
Ta rt a r sa uce
Pl ace frozen fi sh in a Single layer in hot fa t in a IO-inc h fr y pa n.
Fry a t a modera te hea t for .j to 5 minut es or unti l brown . Turn
ca refull y. Fry 4 to 5 minut es longer or until fi s h a re brown a nd
fl a ke easil y whe n tested with a fork. Dra in on abso rbe nt paper.
Se rve with a ta rt a r sa uce. Makes 6 servings .
Tartar Sauce
1/ 2 c up mayonn aise or salad
1 t abl espoon chopped olives
1 t abl espoon chopped onion
tablespoon chopped
parsl ey
t abl espoon chopped s lveel
Combine all ingredi e nt s a nd mix well . Chill . Ma kes 3 ..} c up of
sa uce.
New England Fish Chowder
1 pound fish fillets or
s teaks. fresh or frozen
2 tabl espoons chopped bacon
or sa lt pork
1 2 cup chopped onion
21 2 cups di ced potatoes
1 12 cups boiling wa ter
"1 teaspoon sa lt
Dash pepper
2 cups milk
1 tabl espoon butt er
Chopped parsley
Tha w frozen fi s h. Re move skin and bones from fish . Cut fish into
l-inch pieces. Fry bacon unt il crisp. Add onion and cook until
te nder. Add pot atoes. wat er. seasonings. and fish. Cover and
s immer for 15 to 20 minu tes or until pota toes are tender. Add
milk and butt er . Heat. Sprinkle with parsley. Makes 6 servings.
Tuna Corn Chowder
2 ca ns (6
2 or 7 ounces each)
tun a
can ( 10
ounces) frozen
condensed crea m of
potato soup
3 cups milk
J tabl espoon butter or
ma rga rine
tabl espoon gr ated onion
J small bay l eaf
Dash pepper
1 ca n (8 ounces) whol e
kern el corn
Chopped par sley
Dra in tuna a nd break int o la rge pi eces . Combine soup. milk.
butt e r. onion. bay lea f. and peppe r . Hea t until soup is thawed.
s tirring occasiona ll y. Add corn and tuna: heat. Remove bay leaf.
Garn is h with pa rs ley. Serves 6.
Manhattan Fish Chowde
1 pound fi sh fill e ts or
s tea ks . fresh or frozen
' . c up chopped bacon or
salt pork
'2 c up c hopped onion
2 c ups boiling wa ter
1 ca n (1 pound) toma toes
1 c up diced potatoes
' 2 cup di ced ca rrot. s
'2 c up chopped celery
'. c up catsup
1 tables poon Worcestershirc
sa uce
teaspoon sail
'. teaspoon pepper
'. teaspoon th yme
Chopped parsley
Thaw frozen fi s h. Re move s kin and bones from fi sh . Cut fi sh
int o J-inch pi eces. Fry bacon until cri sp . Add oni on a nd cook
until tende r . Add wa ter. toma toes. pota toes. ca rrot s. celery.
ca tsup. and seasonings. Cover a nd s immer for 40 to 45 minut es
or until vege ta bl es are tender . Add fi s h. Cove r and simmer a bout
10 minut es longer or until fi s h fl ake easil y when tes ted with a
fork . Sprinkl e with pa rsl ey. Makes 6 servings.
California Tuna Salad
2 ca ns (6 Y2 or 7 ounces each)
2 cups orange sections
1 avoca do
1 t abl espoon l emon jui ce
1 c up chopped cel er y
Y2 c up toas ted bl anched
sl ivered almonds
1 Y2 teaspoons c urry powder
~ 2 cup mayonnaise or sa l ad
Sa l ad greens
Drain tuna. Break int o large pieces. Reserve 12 orange secti ons
for garni sh: cut remaining sections in half. Cut avocado in half
lengthwi se and remove seed. Peel and sli ce avocado: sprinkl e
with lemon jui ce to prevent di scolorati on. Reserve 6 sli ces
avocado for garni sh: cut remaining sli ces in fourths. Combine
orange. avocado. celery. almonds . and tuna. Combine curry
powder and mayonnaise. Pour over tuna mi xture and bl end
li ghtl y. Chill . Serve on salad greens . Garni sh with orange sec-
tions and avocado sli ces. Serves 6.
Baked Salmon Salad
1 ca n (1 pound) salmon
2 cups cooked ri ce
1 cup thinl y sl i ced cel er y
1/ 2 cup chopped parsl ey
1/ 4 cup sli ced pit ted ripe
oli ves
1, 2 cup ma yonnaise or salad
2 ta bl espoons Frenc h dress ing
2 ta bl espoons l emon jui ce
1 teaspoon c urry powder
2 t abl espoons mayonnaise or
sa l ad dressing
Pa prika
Drain and brea k salmon int o large pi eces. Combine ri ce. celer y.
parsley. oli ves. and salmon. Combine mayonnaise. French
dressing. lemon jui ce. and curry powder. Add mayonnaise
mixture to sa lmon mi xture: toss li ghtl y. Place in 6 well-greased
6-ounce casseroles or custard cups. Top each with a teaspoon
of mayonnaise. Sprinkle with paprika. Bake in a hot oven. 400
for 15 to 20 minut es or until heated. Serves 6.
Simple Seafood Salad
2 ca ns (6Y2 or 7 ounces
each) tun a
ca n ( 1 pound) sa lmon
1 c up chopped cel er y
1/ 3 c up ma yonnaise or sa l ad
2 hard-cooked eggs. chopped
2 tabl espoons chopped onion
2 tabl espoons chopped sweet
pi ckl e
Salad greens
Drain fi sh. Brea k fi sh int o large pi eces. Combine all ingredients
except salad greens . Toss li ghtl y. Chi ll. Se rve on salad greens.
Makes 6 servings.
Broiled Fish Portions or Sticks
/] { rown {rind {ish portions
(]'2 to :1 ounces each )
2<1 frown fried {ish slicks
(:1 <1 to / ', oun(;es
nac h)
Tartar saucp
Place frown fish in ,I singl!! liIycr on a cookie sheet. 15 b 12 inches.
I3rlJll ahoul .J inches from sou r et! of heat for I () 0 15 minut f> or
until fish are healed through and flake e,lsily when tested with a
fork . Serve \Vith i l tilrlilr ..,<lUC('. 1akes B servings.
Charcoal Broiled Pan-Dressed Fish
:1 pounds pan-drps!-.pc! {ish.
r resh or r rozpn
/ .J cup melleci (al or oil
/ .J cup lemon juice
I ' 2 teaspoons saIl
:1 .J leaspoon paprika
Dash P(,PPf'f
Tlww frozcn fish . Clean. wash. and dry fish . Place fish in well-
grl'ased. hinged . wire grills. Combine remaining ingredient s and
mi:-. well. Brush fish wilh sauce. Cook about .J inches from moder-
ately hot coals for 5 to 8 minutes. Baste with sauce. Turn . CooJ...
5 to 8 minules longer or until fish flake easily when tested with
a fork . l\ l akes B servings. .
Charcoal Broiled Fish Portions or Sticks
12 frozen fried fish port i ons
(2'2 to 3 ounces each)
24 frozen fried fish sticks
(:1 .J to 1'. ounces
each )
Tartar sa uce
Pl ace frozen fi sh in a singl e layer in well -g r eased . hinged . wire
grill s. Cook about .J inches from moder at el y hot coals for .J t o 5
minutes. Turn . Cook for .J to 5 minut es l onger or un t il fi sh ar e
hea ted t hrough and fl ake easi l y when tes ted wit h a fork . Serve
with a tart ar sa uce. 1akes 6 servings.
List of Fish Cookery Publications
No. 1. - Florida Fi sh Re cipes . . .. .. . . . . ... [149.49/ 2:1) . 35
No.2. - Ca n-Ve ni e nt Ways with Shr imp ... [1 49.49/ 2:2) . 35
No.3. - He irl oom Sea food Recipes . . ... . .. [I 49.49/ 2 :3) . . 20
No. 4. - The Le tt e rs fr om the Ca pt a in' s Wife [1 49. 49/ 2. 4) . . 70
No. 6. - Fa ncy Ca tfi sh . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... [1 49. 49/2 :6) . . 40
No.7. - Sea food Slimme rs . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. [1 49.49/ 2:7) . . 25
No. 8. - Le t' s Cook Fis h .. .... . ...... . .... [1 49.49/ 2.8) . . 60
No. 9. - Fi sh for Complimen ts on a Budge t . [I 49.49/ 2:9) . . 15
No. 10. - Na uti ca l Not ions for Nibling . . . . .. [I 49.2:N51) .. 45
No. 11. - Fl avor o f Ma in e .... . .. . . . . . . . . . . [1 49.49/ 2: 11) . . 35
No. 12. - Time for Seafood ... . . . ..... . . . .. [149.49/ 2:12) . . 45
No. 14. - Seafood Moods . . ..... . . . . . ... .. [1 49.49/ 2 :14) . . 60
No. 15. - How t o Eye a nd Bu y Seafood .. . . [149.49/ 2:15) . . 30
No. 16. - Portra i ts with Polloc k ...... . . . . . [149.49/ 2:16) . . 60
No. 41. - Sh rimp Tips fr om New Orl ea ns . .. . [I 49.4: 41) . . 40
No. 60. - Ta ke a Ca n o f Sa lmon . . . . .. . . . [I 49. 4:60) .. 25
No. 201. - Fi sh Recip es fro m th e Grea t La kes . . [I 49.4 :201 ) . . 25
No.1. - Fi sh Cooke r y for One Hu ndred ... (149.39:1/2) .. 60
No.3. - How to Cook Oys ter s .. . ......... [1 49. 39 :3/ 2) . . 30
No.4. How to Cook Sa lmon . ....... . ..... (1 49.39: 4) .. 30
No. 6. How to Cook Ocea n Pe rch .......... (I 49.39: 6) .. 30
No.7. How to Cook Sh rimp . . . . . ......... (149.39 :7) .. 30
No. 8. How to Cook Cla ms ..... ........ .. (1 49.39 : ) .. 30
No. 9. How to Cook Ha li b ut . . . . . . .. . ... . . U 49.39 :9) .. 30
No. 10. How to Cook Cra bs .... . . . .. .... . . (1 49.39: 10) . 30
No. 11. How t o Cook Lobs te rs ..... . . . . . . . (1 49.39 :11) . 30
No. 12. How to Cook Tuna ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . [149.39 :12) . 20
No. 13. - How t o Cook Sca ll ops ........... . [I 49.39: 13) . 35
No. 14. - Fi s h a nd She ll fi s h ove r th e Coa ls . .. (149.39: 14) . . 40
No. 15. - Top 0 ' The Mornin ' wi t h Fi s h a nd
Shellfi sh ....... . ... .. . .. . .... . ... (I 49.39 :15) . . 25
Fi sh cha rt full- color 30 by 48 in ches , " Ma rine Fi shes of the N.
Atl a nti c. " $1.50 0-1971- 823-704
The above publi ca ti ons, publi sh ed by the Na ti ona l Ma rine Fi sh-
e ries Service, U. S. De pa r tme nt o f Co mme rce, may be obt a in ed
fr om the Supe rint ende nt of Document s , Government Printing Of-
fi ce, Washington, D. C., 20402, a t th e pri ces indi ca te d. A 25 % di s-
count is given on ord ers o f 100 or more of a nyone publi ca ti on
sent to one a ddress.
For Sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U. S. Government Printi ng Offi ce
Washington, D. C. 20402 - Price 60 cents
* u.s. GOVERNMENT PRINTI NG OFFI CE: 0- 1972-7 5 1-808

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