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Dengan adanya program Pemilihan Peneliti Remaja Indonesia (PPRI) Ke-11 Tahun 2012 oleh Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), maka direkomendasikan Mahasiswa berikut ini : 1. Judul Karya Tulis Ilmiah : Agar Agar Brotowali (Agtinocrispa) sebagai Alternatif Pencegahan Penyakit Diabetes

2. Pelaksana (Peneliti) a. Nama Lengkap b. NIM c. Jurusan d. Universitas e. Alamat Rumah & No.HP f. Alamat Email 3. Dosen Pendamping a. Nama Lengkap dan Gelar b. NIP c. Alamat Rumah & No. HP

: Anggun Sugiarti : 105060400111053 : Teknik Pengairan : Brawijaya : Jl. Danau Paniai Utara III C7/B13 Malang & 085234689202 :

: Dr. Ir.Lily Moentarcih, MSc. : 19610127 198601 1 001 : Perumahan Dewandaru C/1 0818383228 Malang, 24 Agustus 2012 Menyetujui,

Dear Madam or Sir: I am writing this letter in support of Julie Herbstrith's application for the Florida Personnel Association Scholarship. I have known Julie since she entered JU as a freshman three years ago when I played a role in recruiting her. Since that time I have come to know her very well as a teacher in three of her classes and through numerous academic and extracurricular interactions. It is my sincere belief that she is eminently qualified for and deserving of the distinction of your scholarship. I say this because she has demonstrated to me that she possesses extraordinarily high levels of academic ability, motivation, and potential for contributions to human resource management. Julie earned a grade of "A" in each of the three classes that she has taken from me (i.e., General Psychology, Developmental Psychology, and History and Systems of Psychology). It is significant to note that the criterion for an "A" in all three of these classes is the attainment of 95% of the total possible points. General Psychology is an extremely rigorous class, and only approximately 3-4% of its students receive "A" grades. Her performance in History and Systems was even more remarkable. She received perfect scores on nine of the ten tests and earned 100 out of a possible of 100 on her term paper. Her current accumulated GPA is 3.89 (on a 4.0 scale) and her GPA in psychology classes is 4.0. She has received no grade lower than an "A" since her freshman year. She is a member of the Honors Program and will graduate "with Honors" next year. This level of academic performance indicates an extremely firm grasp of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of a liberally educated person and is a strong predictor of future success. Her plans definitely involve graduate school, and she and I are currently investigating the options in this area. One of Julie's strongest assets is her ability to analyze, integrate, and synthesize information from a variety of sources and to bring this information to bear on an important topic. The term paper ("The History of Industrial Psychology and the Misuse of the Job Applicant Interview") that she wrote in my History and Systems class is a good example of this, and I have enclosed a copy as an addendum to this letter. Students in this class must write papers that accomplish the following three objectives: (a) trace the history of a particular area of psychology in which the student has an academic or occupational interest, (b) explain a controversial issue that exists within this area, and (c) defend a particular point of view that is part of this controversial issue. Julie's paper was by far the best in the class, not only because of the precision and clarity of her writing style and organization, but also because of the thoroughness with which she researched her topic (i.e., she cited 32 references although the assignment required only 10). Her paper is the perfect beginning to a research project in human resource management that she plans to undertake next year in a class entitled Computer-Assisted Research. This class requires the completion of an empirical research project with the aid of microcomputer applications at each stage of its development (i.e., bibliographic search, statistical analysis, graphics production, and word processing). The final requirement of this course is the presentation of the finished paper at the annual Mid-America Undergraduate Research Conference. Julie attended the conference this year to observe the presentations so that she could know exactly what is expected next year when she is a presenter. I have absolutely no doubt that she will produce a research project that reflects very positively on herself, our department, and Jacksonville University. Julie is a wonderful example of a student who is a strong but unobtrusive source of leadership in the Psychology Department. She is held in high esteem by both her peers and

her teachers. Both groups are aware that she is a young woman of considerable intelligence and motivation who is willing to contribute her skills to group efforts in a quietly effective manner. She has been an active and contributing member of both the Psychology Club and Psi Chi (the national honor society in psychology) for the past three years and will hold the office of Secretary/Treasurer of the Psychology Club during her senior year. The club will benefit from her leadership. There is no doubt in my mind that she will continue to contribute her significant interpersonal and leadership skills to the field of human resource management. In summary, I recommend Julie to you without the slightest hesitation. She is the type of young person to whom I would award a scholarship such as yours if I was in the position to do so. Sincerely, Henry Smith, Ph.D. Professor Graduate Admissions Committee Department of Family Therapy University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06268

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