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Below you will find the schools optional anonymous results to the Professional Learning Community survey.

Being open 5 days, this survey was taken by 19 individuals. The link is now open if you are interested in seeing the data in the live form. As a friendly reminder, the survey was conducted using a 5-point Likert scale with the following rating: 0-Not at all, 2-Somewhat, 3-50%, 4- to a large degree, 5-to a great extent. The survey focused on three major sections containing 5 questions each: Critical Elements (1.0), Human Resources (2.0), and Structural Resources (3.0). At this high school, the results showed the order from least to greatest as: Human Resources (average of 3.6111), Structural Resources (average of 3.6926), and Critical Elements (4.0222). Lowest Ratings: The lowest rated factor was 2.3 (Cognitive Skill Base). The statement reads: Within the school there are formal methods for sharing expertise among faculty members so that marginal and ineffective teachers can improve.

The second lowest rated factor was 2.2 (Trust and Respect). The statement reads: Teachers feel honored for their expertise within the school as well as within the district, the parent community and other significant groups.

The third lowest rated factor was 3.3 (Independent Teaching Roles). The statement reads: There are recurring formal situations in which teachers work together (team teaching, integrated lessons etc.).

Highest Rating The highest rated factor was 1.3 (Reflective Dialogue). The statement reads: Faculty/staff members talk with each other about their situations and the specific challenges they face.

Action Items 1- Within the school there are formal methods for sharing expertise among faculty members so that marginal and ineffective teachers can improve. Looking at the highest rated data of reflective dialogue (Faculty/staff members talk with each other about their situations and the specific challenges they face.), teachers are communicating with each other regarding specific challenges occurring within the school. As such, it may be beneficial to ask teachers what they would like to see done in our school to improve marginal teachers. o I will contact the School Improvement Chair for her feedback to see

how efforts to improve teaching have been done in the past at THS. This will satisfy understanding the institutional memory of THS. o It may be beneficial to see if she is willing to have a meeting with her and all Department Chairs to determine what support individual teachers within their respective departments require. At staff meetings, teachers will be spotlighted for events occurring within their classrooms; this will generate a culture of teachers wanting to share what they are doing inside their rooms. Create a group of teachers to complete walk through observations in classrooms to provide professional development from within the school for areas that teachers excel in. For example, a teacher with strong small group management/cooperative learning groups may be willing to give up some of their planning to observe a teacher struggling with cooperative learning groups to offer concrete advice/feedback. 2- Teachers feel honored for their expertise within the school as well as within the district, the parent community and other significant groups. The administrative team of THS will continue to contact the local newspaper to promote a more positive culture of learning occurring at THS. Emphasis will be paid to quality teaching and rigorous assignments. Teachers time during planning, while teaching, and after school will be protected from community members looking to schedule impromptu meetings. Teachers will be continuously encouraged to reach out to our community in order to create open channels of communication and support.

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