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Department: Maintenance Issue Date: 01.03.

06 "u#$ect

DOC. No. : AV/ME/WI/014 Page No. : Page 1 of 3 Revision No. 01.03.06 Date : !00)-

%peration o& Pouc' Pac(ing Mac'ine. REVISIONS Revision Description Original Issue

Revision Revised No. Pages 00 0

Date of Revision 01.03.06

Prepare) *+ Mainteance Officer

Approve) *+ Management Representative !C"#$$%F%&D: %nterna' (se On' !

Aut'ori,e) #+ Factor Manager

Department: Maintenance Issue Date: 01.03.06 "u#$ect

DOC. No. : AV/ME/WI/014 Page No. : Page ) of 3 Revision No. 01.03.06 Date : !00)-

%peration o& Pouc' Pac(ing Mac'ine.

1. Pouch packing to be carried out in an air conditioned area (temperature 22 to 25 o C and relati!e humidit" o# 50 to 63$. -. %he area to clean and tid". .. It is ad!isable to ha!e a separate cubical #or each pouch packing machine to handle di##erent products. %his is to ensure that there is no mi& up o# di##erent products as 'ell as di##erent batches o# same products. 4. (or setting pouch packing machine #ollo' the guideline as here under. 1. )'itch on the heater and ad*ust thermostat to pro!ide the heating condition+ predetermined #or the particular pouch packing operation to pack the particular product as per its speci#ication. 2. (ill the inkpot o# the o!erprinting unit o# the machine to the re,uired le!el+ 'hich is usuall" about 1-. abo!e the rubber roller rim. 3. /ubricate the #elt rollers and engage against the sealing rolls. 4. Clean and 'ipe the channels 'ith cotton 'ool s'ab soaking in acetone. 5. %he channel should then be co!ered+ the chute #itted to the machine onl" a#ter the sealing-cutting rollers ha!e attained to right temperatures. 6. Clean the tablet counting discs and brushes 'ith the acetones. . Check that strip packing material is consistent 'ith the characteristic o# the product in order to ensure that e&cessi!e heating the product in order to ensure that e&cessi!e heating o# the product does not take place. !. Check the t"pe heads o# the rubber rollers o# the o!er print to ensure that the o!er printing details are correct and in accordance 'ith the batch packing orders. /. 0#ter the machine starts+ the #irst ten-#i#teen empt" pouches collect and e&amine criticall" #or all the o!er printing matter #or it1s clarit". 0. Check the leak test o# the pouches. 1. I# these preliminar" checks are satis#actor"+ the pouch packing operation be continued. 0t regular inter!als checks the leak test o# the pouches. 2. I# the pouches #ail in test+ the pouches 'hich ha!e been obtained bet'een the test and the pre!ious one be isolated #or reco!er" and repacking. Correcti!e action+ particularl" in relation to sealing condition be taken and onl" then packing re2 commence. 3. I# the machine is stopped #or an" reason 'hene!er the packing material roll is changed + the #ollo'ing se,uence o# operation be #ollo'ed3 1. %he !ibrator be stopped #irst and then release the le!er o# the machine be turned to stop the product #rom being released. 2. 0n" pouches+ 'hich ha!e come in connect 'ith the hot roller+ be remo!ed 4 5iscarded.
Prepare) *+ Mainteance Officer Approve) *+ Management Representative !C"#$$%F%&D: %nterna' (se On' ! Aut'ori,e) #+ Factor Manager

Department: Maintenance Issue Date: 01.03.06 "u#$ect

DOC. No. : AV/ME/WI/014 Page No. : Page 3 of 3 Revision No. 01.03.06 Date : !00)-

%peration o& Pouc' Pac(ing Mac'ine.

3. %he roller stop b" mean o# clutch. 4. 'hen the machine stop during tea and lunch breaks+ it must be ensured that no material are retained in #eel chute. 0#ter the machine is restarted a #e' blank pouches run initiall" to ensure that o!er printing detail are clear. %he blank pouches remo!ed #rom the line and onl" then packing recommence. 5. %he pouches coming out o# the machine be inspected on the belt #or de#ects such as misprints cut on #oils+ improper seal and so on. %he good pouches as per the products speci#ication be collected and counted a#ter the" ha!e been #urther packed into cartons+ catchco!ers+ plastic bags tins etc. the re*ected pouches be collected separatel" and taken up #or reco!er" o# the product. 6. 0t the end o# the 'orking shi#t+ the product le#t in the hopper or !ibrator" bo'l and channel be remo!ed. . an" pouches l"ing on the packing line to be remo!ed. 10. %he re,uisite number o# reser!e sample be taken #rom the inspected pouches and trans#erred to the 6C department and the rele!ant record be made o# this trans#er. Da" end c#eaning of po$c% pac&ing 'ac%ine( 1. 0t the end o# the da" dust collecting tra" under the !ibrator" bo'l to be remo!ed and the dust emptied out. %he tra" to be replaced in its position. 2. 7sing a !acuum cleaner the machine bod"+ hopper and !ibrator" bo'l be cleaned. %he release pieces 'iped 'ith a duster. 3. %he channel be dismantled+ its co!er opened+ and then both cleaned 'ith a brush. It then be 'iped 'ith acetone. 4. %he ink #rom the inkpot o# the o!erprinting unit be emptied out and the inkpot rinsed 'ith denatured spirit. %he t"pe2heads be 'ashed 'ith denatured spirit and cleaned 'ith a small brush taking care not to damage t"pe head or to dislodge the assembled t"pes head. %he 'ashed and cleaned t"pe heads then be reassembled on the printing unit. 5. at #re,uent inter!als the roller to be cleaned 'ith a sharp2edged instrument be#ore the knurled sur#ace o# the rollers are brushed during the process. 6. %he dust e&traction unit be dismantled and the cloth bag collecting the dust be emptied out and 'ashed. %he unit be cleaned 'ith a brush and 'iped 'ith a duster. %he 'ashed bag be replaced and the entire unit re2assembled.

Prepare) *+ Mainteance Officer

Approve) *+ Management Representative !C"#$$%F%&D: %nterna' (se On' !

Aut'ori,e) #+ Factor Manager

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