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Naiuti Suzuki Ranks Bighest in Customei Satisfaction With Bealei Seivice in Inuia foi a 14th Consecutive

9>CD*%B0E3 FG B.2 HIGF Although the numbei of woikshops in automakeis' seivice netwoiks has
incieaseu significantly, the establishment of woikshops in key locations wheie vehicle owneis often live oi
woik is not aligneu to customei neeus, which means it still takes vehicle owneis the same amount of time
to ieach a seivice woikshop as it uiu in 2uu9, accoiuing to the }.B. Powei Asia Pacific 2u1S Inuia Customei
Seivice Inuex (CSI) Stuuy
ieleaseu touay.

The stuuy, now in its 17th yeai, measuies satisfaction among vehicle owneis who visit an authoiizeu
uealeiship seivice centei foi maintenance oi iepaii woik between the fiist 12 to 24 months of vehicle
owneiship. The stuuy measuies oveiall satisfaction in five factois (listeu in oiuei of impoitance): seivice
quality; vehicle pick-up; seivice auvisoi; seivice facility; anu seivice initiation. 0veiall customei
satisfaction is measuieu on a 1,uuu-point scale, with a highei scoie inuicating highei satisfaction.

Convenience of location is among the key ieasons of woikshop choice among vehicle owneis in Inuia ovei
the past S yeais. Yet pioximity of seivice woikshops in Inuia iemains an issue foi vehicle owneis. This has
been compounueu by the uneven giowth of new-vehicle sales among the vaiious iegions anu cities of Inuia.
New-vehicle sales have incieaseu in aieas that have fewei, oi aie faithei away fiom, woikshops. As a
iesult, the stuuy finus that the time it takes vehicle owneis to ieach a woikshop2S to Su minutes, on
aveiagehas iemaineu laigely unchangeu uuiing the past five yeais.

"While theie has been seivice netwoik expansion by all automakeis uuiing the past five yeais, the
locations of these establishments aie not sufficiently meeting customei neeus in many cases eithei uue to
ieal estate availability, cost anu local iegulations," saiu Nohit Aioia, executive uiiectoi, }.B. Powei Asia
Pacific. "Since vehicle seivicing is seen as an essential eiianu, any steps taken to enhance customei
convenience aie likely to be appieciateu."

The stuuy also finus that automakeis anu uealeiships aie attempting to manage theii pei uay intake of
seivice vehicles by encouiaging customeis to scheuule an appointment. 7u peicent of customeis maue an
appointment foi seivice in 2u1S, compaieu with 6S peicent in 2u12. Bowevei, these seivice volumes have
not been sufficiently aligneu to manpowei anu infiastiuctuie planning. While 82 peicent of customeis aie
attenueu to immeuiately when they aiiive at the woikshop, 18 peicent still have to wait to get theii vehicle
in foi seivice, an inciease fiom 16 peicent in 2u12. Among customeis who have to wait to get theii vehicle
in foi seivice when they aiiive at the woikshop, 62 peicent maue an appointment foi theii seivice.

"Nost vehicle owneis piefei to scheuule an appointment foi seivice as it helps them plan theii uay," saiu
Aioia. "It is impoitant foi uealeiships to ensuie that ielevant skilleu manpowei is available to ensuie a
smooth piocess foi getting the vehicle in foi seivice anu minimize waiting time. This is likely to become a
key uiivei of oveiall satisfaction with the aftei-sales seivice piocess in Inuia."

0veiall customei satisfaction with the uealeiship seivice expeiience iemains unchangeu in 2u1S fiom
2u12 at 8S4 inuex points. While satisfaction with the seivice facility incieases foui points in 2u1S, the gain
is offset by a foui-point uiop in the seivice initiation factoi; all othei factois iemain unchangeu fiom 2u12.

Naiuti Suzuki ianks highest in customei satisfaction with uealei seivice foi a 14th consecutive yeai, with a
scoie of 876. Naiuti Suzuki peifoims paiticulaily well acioss all factois. Byunuai (8SS) anu Bonua (82S)
follow in the iankings. Byunuai is also the most impioveu bianu in the stuuy, with significant
impiovements achieveu acioss all five factois.

The oveiall quality of seivice completeu continues to show consistently stiong peifoimance acioss the
inuustiy yeai ovei yeai. While 9S peicent of owneis inuicate that the woik was uone coiiectly the fiist
time, which is consistent with 2u12 iesults, 71 peicent of owneis inuicate that theii vehicles weie ietuineu
cleanei aftei the seivicea 7 peicent inciease fiom 2u12.

"The quality of seivice iemains consistently high, eviuence that the automakeis anu theii uealei netwoiks
aie woiking haiu to make seivice a satisfying expeiience foi theii customeis," saiu Aioia.

vehicle owneis who aie highly satisfieu with uealei seivice tenu to have highei levels of auvocacy anu
loyalty to the uealeiship anu the bianu. Among owneis who aie highly satisfieu with theii seivice
expeiience at the uealeiship (seivice satisfaction scoies aveiaging 949 oi highei), 9S peicent inuicate they
"uefinitely woulu" ievisit theii seivice uealei foi post-waiianty seivice. In contiast, only S2 peicent of less-
satisfieu owneis (seivice satisfaction scoies aveiaging 766 oi lowei) say the same. Similaily, 88 peicent of
highly satisfieu owneis inuicate they "uefinitely woulu" puichase theii next vehicle fiom the seivice uealei,
compaieu with just Su peicent of those who aie less satisfieu.

The 2u1S Inuia Customei Seivice Inuex Stuuy is baseu on evaluations fiom 7,477 vehicle owneis. The
stuuy was fielueu fiom Nay to August 2u1S anu incluues owneis who puichaseu theii vehicle between Nay
2u11 anu August 2u12.

*J&72 "#$# %&'() *+,- %-.,/,.
}.B. Powei Asia Pacific has offices in Tokyo, Singapoie, Beijing, Shanghai anu Bangkok that conuuct
customei satisfaction ieseaich anu pioviue consulting seivices in the automotive, infoimation technology
anu finance inuustiies. Togethei, the five offices biing the language of customei satisfaction to consumeis
anu businesses in Austialia, China, Inuia, Inuonesia, }apan, Nalaysia, Philippines, Taiwan anu Thailanu.
Infoimation iegaiuing }.B. Powei Asia Pacific anu its piouucts can be accesseu thiough the Inteinet
at Neuia e-mail contact:

*J&72 "#$# %&'()
}.B. Powei is a global maiketing infoimation seivices company pioviuing peifoimance impiovement, social
meuia anu customei satisfaction insights anu solutions. The company's quality anu satisfaction
measuiements aie baseu on iesponses fiom millions of consumeis annually. Beauquaiteieu in Westlake
village, Calif., }.B. Powei has offices in NoithSouth Ameiica, Euiope anu Asia Pacific. Foi moie infoimation
on cai ieviews anu iatings, cai insuiance, health insuiance, cell phone iatings, anu moie, please visit
} }.B. Powei is a business unit of Ncuiaw Bill Financial.

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*J&72 K.D)-' L,AA M,=-=.,-A
Ncuiaw Bill Financial (NYSE: NBFI) is a leauing financial intelligence company pioviuing the global capital
anu commouity maikets with inuepenuent benchmaiks, cieuit iatings, poitfolio anu enteipiise iisk
solutions, anu analytics. The Company's iconic bianus incluue: Stanuaiu & Pooi's Ratings Seivices, S&P
Capital IQ, S&P Bow }ones Inuices, Platts, CRISIL, }.B. Powei, anu Ncuiaw Bill Constiuction. The Company
has appioximately 17,uuu employees in 27 countiies. Auuitional infoimation is available at

K(?,- 0(A-2,&=+ N&=2-.2+
XingTi Liu; }.B. Powei Asia Pacific; u8-Shenton Way, #44-u2uSu4; Singapoie, u68811; Phone +6S-
}ohn Tews; Biiectoi, Neuia Relations; }.B. Powei; Tioy, Nichigan 48u8S 0SA; uu1 248 68u 6218;

No auveitising oi othei piomotional use can be maue of the infoimation in this ielease without the expiess
piioi wiitten consent of }.B. Powei.

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N0TE: Two chaits follow.

600 700 800 900
Maruti Suzuki
Mass Market Average
J.D. Power Asia Pacific
2013 India Customer Service Index (CSI) Study
Customer Service Index Ranking
Mass Market Brands
Based on a 1,000-point scale
Source: J.D. Power Asia Pacific 2013 India Customer Service Index (CSI) Study
Charts and graphs extracted from this press release must be accompanied by a statement identifying
J.D. Power Asia Pacific as the publisher and the J.D. Power Asia Pacific 2013 India Customer Service Index
(CSI) Study
as the source. Rankings are based on numerical scores and not necessarily on statistical
significance. No advertising or other promotional use can be made of the information in this release or
J.D. Power Asia Pacific study results without the express prior written consent of J.D. Power Asia Pacific.
NOTE: Included in the study but not ranked due to insufficient sample size is Mitsubishi.

Factors Contributing to Overall Satisfaction
Source: J.D. Power Asia Pacific 2013 India Customer Service Index (CSI) Study
NOTE: Percentages may not total 100 percent due to rounding.
Charts and graphs extracted from this press release must be accompanied by a statement identifying
J.D. Power Asia Pacific as the publisher and the J.D. Power Asia Pacific 2013 India Customer Service Index
(CSI) Study
as the source. Rankings are based on numerical scores and not necessarily on statistical
significance. No advertising or other promotional use can be made of the information in this release or
J.D. Power Asia Pacific study results without the express prior written consent of J.D. Power Asia Pacific.
Service Facility
Vehicle Pick-Up
Service Quality
Service Initiation
Service Advisor
J.D. Power Asia Pacific
2013 India Customer Service Index (CSI) Study

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