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Andrew Masuccl

8eflecLlon: AsslgnmenL 1wo

1hls asslgnmenL was very confuslng for me from Lhe geL-go. uue Lo Lhe facL LhaL my flrsL asslgnmenL was
a llLLle shaky, l was unsure how Lo go abouL Lhls asslgnmenL as well. l wondered how l was golng Lo
compare cardlo and welghL Lralnlng so l grabbed many arLlcles onllne Lo formulaLe my paper whlch
helped me. My group parLners helped me on whaL Lo do ln order Lo lmprove my paper. na[a Lold me Lo
really elaboraLe on my ldeas and l puL a loL more deLall lnLo my paper afLer Lhls suggesLlon 1he arLlcles l
had were helpful buL l am glad l uLlllzed my own Lake on exerclse Loo because lL helped me geL lnLo
more deLall wlLh my paper. My professor Lold me Lo Lalk abouL my personal experlence wlLh exerclse
whlch was Lhe blggesL reason for Lhe success of Lhls paper because lL helped me bralnsLorm my own,
personal ldeas beLLer and elongaLed my paper by a large amounL. l really wanL my professor Lo look aL
Lhe area of my paper where l Lalked abouL my own experlences wlLh welghLllfLlng because Lhey were
noL from any sources or onllne research buL raLher my head. l have a good blL of knowledge on welghL
llfLlng and lL seemed Lo be Lhe blggesL asseL Lo my paper because l feel llke l explalned myself well ln
regards Lo physlcal flLness. 1he blggesL weakness Lo my paper ls my lack of coordlnaLlon. l was confused
on how Lo go abouL Lhe guldellnes for Lhe paper and Look my own spln on lL. l have noL had a greaL
conLrol on my head recenLly whlch ls causlng a blg effecL on my school work resulLlng ln sub-par
asslgnmenLs. 1he good parL abouL my paper ls LhaL lL lncludes all lnformaLlon LhaL l know ls personally
Lrue abouL exerclse as l have been lnvolved ln lLs sclence slnce senlor year of hlgh school when l made lL
my senlor pro[ecL. l llke how l explalned how Lo perform my favorlLe exerclses because l know l am very
good aL, for example, Lhe hang clean. l wanLed Lo help Lhe reader undersLand how Lo go abouL
performlng Lhe exerclse. Many people are confused abouL how efflclenL welghL llfLlng or cardlo ls for Lhe
body because Lhey do noL know how Lo acLually do lL Lhe rlghL way. l Lhlnk my asslgnmenL ls greaL for
beLLer undersLandlng Lhe sclence behlnd several dlfferenL exerclses and Lhe beneflLs exerclse has ln
general for Lhe human body. My professor Lold me Lo Lalk abouL my goals for worklng ouL whlch really
helped me elaboraLe on how l came Lo be Lhe flLness guru l am. l am golng Lo beLLer prepare for my nexL
asslgnmenL by really bralnsLormlng and mapplng ouL my ldeas before l geL lnLo Lhe acLual research and
wrlLlng of Lhe paper. l look forward Lo beLLer lmprovlng myself and my wrlLlng skllls on my nexL research
asslgnmenL. 1here ls always room for lmprovemenL.

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