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Anlmals are washed prlor Lo slaughLer wlLh parLlcular aLLenLlon pald Lo Lhe
llmbs, belly, brlskeL, hlndquarLers and Lall reglons. lL has been esLlmaLed LhaL
80 of Lhe conLamlnaLlon LhaL evenLually geLs onLo Lhe carcass comes from Lhe
hooves and hldes.
Cnly one anlmal aL a Llme shall be allowed Lo galn access Lo Lhe knocklng box.
1he anlmal ls sLunned and Lhen rolled ouL onLo Lhe dry landlng area.
uouble knocklng ls dlscouraged ln order LhaL cross conLamlnaLlon from one
anlmal Lo Lhe nexL ls ellmlnaLed. 1here ls Lhe posslblllLy of Lhe followlng
problems occurrlng:
1. Pooves from one anlmal sLlcklng lnLo Lhe neck openlng of Lhe oLher
2. 8egurglLaLlon of rumlnal fluld from one anlmal onLo Lhe halr coaL of
Lhe oLher before lL proceeds Lo Lhe followlng sLep.
3. Anlmal welfare ls compromlsed.

!5 (%)6676*

Slaughteristhekillingofanimalsforfoodandisaprocessusually lnvolvlng
Lwo sLages:
1) SLunnlng inductionofunconsciousnessinaveryshorttime
2) kllllng carrylng ouL of a furLher process afLer sLunnlng whlch makes
physlologlcal recovery lmposslble and leads Lo Lhe deaLh of Lhe anlmal

lL ls nC1 pracLlcally posslble Lo achlevelnsLanL lnsenslblllLy,
posslble Lo create unconsc|ousness |n such a short t|me LhaL Lhe anlmal
may be unaware LhaL Lhls has occurred
lf a sLunnlng process can lnduce unconsc|ousness |n |ess than 300 ms,
Lhls ls consldered Lo be IMMLDIA1L,

8est pract|ce
1hls lmmedlaLe sLaLe of lnsenslblllLy can be achleved by a number of means:
l. Capt|ve bo|t stunn|ng
ll. ercuss|ve stunn|ng
lll. L|ectr|ca| stunn|ng
lv. Gas stunn|ng

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I. Capt|ve bo|t stunn|ng
lf applled correcLly, Lhe capLlve bolL can lnduce lnsenslblllLy wlLhln 130

CapLlve bolL sLunnlng poslLlon for caLLle
1he lnLersecLlon polnL of Lwo lmaglnary llnes from Lhe Lop of Lhe eye Lo Lhe
base of Lhe horn buds,

CapLlve bolL poslLlonlng for horned sheep or goaLs
lace Lhe capLlve bolL [usL behlnd Lhe rldge LhaL [olns Lhe base of Lhe horns
and alm Loward Lhe mouLh
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II. ercuss|ve stunn|ng
lf applled correcLly, Lhls meLhod lnduces lnsenslblllLy wlLhln 130 ms
ercusslon Lhe forclble sLrlklng of one solldbody agalnsL anoLher
Concusslon Lemporary unconsclousnessor lncapaclLy due Lo a blow
Lo Lhe head
ercusslve sLunners provlde Lhe force (energy)and concusslon ls Lhe

!"##$% '$"()*#%+,-) .+/0%11

III. L|ectr|ca| stunn|ng:
LlecLrlclLy can acL Lo |nduce uncoord|nated e|ectr|ca| act|v|ty
(ep||ept|form act|v|ty) |n the bra|n whlch renders Lhe anlmal
LlecLrlcal sLunnlng poslLlon for sheep and goaLs LlLher slde of Lhe head
beLween Lhe eye and Lhe ear,
LlecLrlcal sLunnlng poslLlon for plgs LlecLrodes elLher slde of Lhe
head below Lhe ears,
SLunnlng and kllllng are noL Lhe same:
A sLunned anlmal ls ln a temporary state of unconsc|ousness from whlch
lL can potent|a||y recover consc|ousness
1he sLunned anlmal musL Lhen be kllled before Lhere ls any chance of
recoverlng consclousness

IV. Gas stunn|ng
oulLry and plgs hlgh concenLraLlons of CC2w|th argon gas
AL hlgh concenLraLlons, CC2 acLs as ananaesthet|c gas
Argon ls noL deLecLable (lnerL) and lnduces deaLh by anox|a
LLhlcal and economlc quesLlons abouL Lhese meLhods

/5 034%<4%)6676*

1he neck |s opened by lnclslng along Lhe [ugular groove from [usL below Lhe
polnL of Lhe brlskeL (sLernum) Lo Lhe angle of Lhe [aw.

1he nexL sLep ls locaLlon of Lhe Lrachea & Lhen Lhe weasand (trachea +
oesophagus) whlch ls freed from lLs
aLLachmenL & t|ed secure|y wlLh an approved Lype of maLerlal. (1hls has Lo be
carrled ouL before Lhe anlmal ls Lo be shackled & hung up).

1he anlmal ls Lhen shack|ed & ho|sted

Shackllng & holsLlng are conducLed before sLlcklng & Lylng of weasand aL SSSP.
! 1he sLunned anlmal ls shack|ed by the |eft h|nd |eg.
! lL ls Lhen ho|sted onto the overhead conveyor ra|||ng & pushed Lo Lhe
st|ck|ng po|nt.
! A cuL ls Lhen made aL Lhe neck to sever a group of b|ood vesse|s lncludlng
[ugular v.
! 1he anlmal ls b|ed by pass|ng s|ow|y over the b|eed|ng trough.
(lL ls kllled by sLlcklng due Lo a "#$$%& $'() *& +,(($ )'%""#'%).
! 1he weasand ls Lhen t|ed.

1he anlmal ls moved Lo the b|eed|ng area.

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1he operaLor ster|||zes the kn|fe & Lhen st|cks the an|ma|.
sLerlllzed followlng work on each carcass).

lL ls lmporLanL Lo keep the dry |and|ng area free of such so||age as vomlLus,
excreLa & blood before Lhe nexL anlmal ls knocked down.
! 8emoval of such sollage shall be by Lhe use of low pressure hose &

85 >'$? 0,'1$,$%736
Catt|e S|aughter nead reparat|on
An |nc|s|on ls made ln Lhe skln from abdomen to head.

1he sk|n of the head |s removed & a code mark ls sLamped onLo Lhe cran|um
afLer scalplng for ldenLlflcaLlon purpose.
1he head |s removed afLer Lhe anlmal has had sufflclenL Llme Lo bleed.
! 1hls ls achleved by cutt|ng dlrecLly Lhrough Lhe at|anto-occ|p|ta| [o|nt.
1he head cav|t|es are f|ushed w|th water & Lhe outs|de of Lhe head ls washed.

1he tongue ls Lhen dropped & Lhe Longue rooL, lf conLamlnaLed, ls removed.
1he tongue & mouth cav|ty are washed.

95 @'-3A$& 32 B3,'&7-C4

1he fore legs are d|s|odged aL Lhe carp|.
1he code of anlmal ls marked onLo Lhe surface of carpus [o|nt of Lhe |eft fore-

:5 (D76676* E F'**76* 32 @> $6?
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1he r|ght h|nd |eg |s sk|nned & removed from Lhe carcass by means of a hock
cutter whlch cuLs below Lhe hock [o|nts.
1he r|ght h|nd |eg |s ho|sted by the Ach|||es tendon & ls Lhen released for

1he |eft h|nd |eg |s sk|nned
& followed by Lhe sk|nn|ng of bottom.

Shacking / hoisting
Sticking & bleeding
Tying of weasand
Head preparation
Removal of
Skinning & removal
of R. Hindlimb
Tail removal
L. Hindlimb removal
(whole carcass
Dropping the bung
(anus ringed)
Brisket saving
Carcass splitting
Inspection (carcass
& viscera)
weighing, branding,
cutting half of
Dispatch area
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;5 @'-3A$& 32 %$7& $6? @>

1he ta|| ls removed.

Ach|||es tendon of |eft h|nd |eg ls opened.
1he |eft h|nd |eg |s then removed by means of hock cuLLer whlch cuLs below
Lhe hock [olnL.

1he who|e carcass |s then hung by Lhe Ach|||es tendons of both h|nd |egs

=5 H,31176* %+' I)6*

1hls lnvolves f|rst|y sk|nn|ng over the per|ana| reg|on (& vulva when
approprlaLe) ensurlng Lhe exLernal sphlncLer muscle ls lefL lnLacL.
1he anus |s then r|nged wlLh a sLerlllzed knlfe by lnclslng around lLs
perlmeLer lnLo Lhe pelvlc canal lncludlng ln Lhe releaslng Llssues,
! ln Lhe case of Lhe female, Lhe vulva & vaglna and,
! ln Lhe case of Lhe male, Lhe ureLhra.

Care musL be exerclsed Lo ensure LhaL Lhe wa||s of the rectum & vag|na are
not punctured.
1he comb|ned rectum & vag|na (or urethra) can Lhen be w|thdrawn from the
pe|v|c cana| & t|ght|y t|ed.
1he Lylng musL be carrled ouL at |east Scm be|ow the sph|ncter musc|e

G5 H'+7?76*

1he h|de ls cha|ned & pu||ed off aL Lhe f|ank by a h|de pu||er.
1he hlde ls dropped dlrecLly lnLo a passage LhaL leads Lo Lhe h|de hand||ng

J5 I,74D'% 4$A76*

1he code number ls sLamped onLo Lhe forequarters & an lnclslon ls made
Lo cut the neck tendon |ong|tud|na||y.
1he brlskeL ls cut by an e|ectr|c saw.

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!K5 LA74M',$%736

1he thorax & abdomen are cut opened along Lhe m|d||ne.
Abdom|na| v|scera are flrsL removed followed by thorac|c v|scera.
1hey are placed onLo a mov|ng v|scera tab|e

lL ls lmporLanL LhaL each carcass & |ts assoc|ated v|scera are corre|ated so LhaL
posL-morLem flndlngs of Lhe vlscera can be relaLed Lo Lhe relevanL carcass.

!!5 #$,M$44 (1&7%%76*

1he carcass ls sawn |n |ong|tud|na||y by an e|ectr|c saw along Lhe vertebra|
1he saw musL be ster|||zed between each carcass

!/5 N641'M%736 E B76$& 0,'1$,$%736

Inspect|on of head, Lled forelegs, hlnd legs & Lall, vlscera & carcass.

1he carcass ls washed.

We|gh|ng & brand|ng of carcass

Lach s|de of the carcass |s cut |nto two quarters beLween Lhe 3Lh and 6
assed quarLers, vlscera & oLher parLs are senL Lo Lhe d|spatch area for
co||ect|on & de||very.

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