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Notes to Pages 8492

33. The resurrection of Leibniz is especially apparent from Schellings Einleitung to his Ideen zu einer Philosophie der Natur, Smtliche Werke II, 20. Writing of Leibnizs legacy, Schelling declares: Die Zeit ist gekommen, da man seine Philosophie wiederherstellen kann. See also Hlderlin to Neuffer, November 8, 1780, GSA VI/1, 56. 34. See the Einleitung to his Ideen zu einer Philosophie der Natur, Smtliche Werke II, 56.

6. The Concept of Bildung

1. Friedrich Schlegel, Ideen no. 37. Cf. no. 65 and the statement in his Vorlesungen ber die Transcendentalphilosophie, KA XII, 57: According to the highest view of man, the concept to which everything must be related is that of education (Bildung). Cf. EPW, pp. 127, 131. 2. See the Vorerinnerung to the Athenum I (1798), iiiiv. Cf. Athenum III (1800), 296. The contributors to the journal swore to devote themselves to the realm of Bildung according to the following lines: Der Bildung Strahlen All in Eins zu fassen, Vom Kranken ganz zu scheiden das Gesunde, Bestreben wir uns true im freien Bunde. 3. Montesquieu had an inuence in Germany as great as Rousseau. On the history of his reception in Germany, see Rudolf Vierhaus, Montesquieu in Deutschland: Zur Geschichte seiner Wirkung als politischer Schriftsteller im 18. Jahrhundert, in Deutschland im 18. Jahrhundert (Gttigen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1988), pp. 932. 4. This argument is explicit in Novaliss Glauben und Liebe no. 36, HKA II, 300301. Cf. EPW, pp. 4546. 5. See Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics I, chaps. 1 and 5, 1094a and 1997b; and Kant, Kritik der praktischen Vernunft, AA V, 110111. 6. The most explicit treatments are Schleiermachers early essays ber das hchste Gut, KGA I/1, 81125, and ber den Wert des Lebens, KGA I/1, 391471; and Friedrich Schlegels lectures on transcendental philosophy. See KA XII, 4749, 8586. Cf. EPW, pp. 146147. 7. Friedrich Schlegel explicitly rejected hedonism on such grounds in his early essay Ueber die Grenzen des Schnen, KA I, 37. The most sustained romantic critique of hedonism appears in Schleiermachers Grundlinien einer Kritik der bisherigen Sittenlehre, Werke, ed. Otto Braun and Johannes Bauer (Leipzig: Meiner, 1928), I, 8192. 8. On the romantic critique of philistinism, see Friedrich Schlegels novel Lucinde, KA VIII, 4150; and Novalis, Bltenstaub no. 77, HKA II, 261263. Cf. EPW, pp. 2425. 9. For the romantic critique of Kants ethics, see Schleiermachers Monologen, KGA I/3, 1718 (EPW, pp. 174175); and Friedrich Schlegels Ideen, 39 and lectures on transcendental philosophy, KA XII, 48, 72. Cf. EPW, p. 128. The source for the rst criticism of Kant ultimately goes back to Schiller, and especially his treatise ber Anmut und Wrde, which is discussed below.

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10. Schiller, NA XX, 336341. 11. Schiller, NA XX, 251289. The entire rst part is relevant to the argument reconstructed above. 12. Schiller, NA XXI, 410412. 13. Novalis, Glauben und Liebe no. 39, HKA II, 303304. Cf. EPW, p. 48. 14. Schleiermacher, KGA I/2, 169172. 15. See A. G. Baumgarten, Aesthetica 1, 14, in Theoretische sthetik: Die Grundlegenden Abschnitte aus der esthetica, trans. and ed. Hans Rudolf Schweizer (Hamburg: Meiner, 1983). 16. On the history of the concept of the beautiful soul, see Robert Norton, The Beautiful Soul (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1995). 17. See Kritik der Urteilskraft 47, 15, AA V, 207212, 226229. 18. Schiller, NA XXVI, 174229. 19. On the denition of Bildung, see Schlegels Vorlesungen ber Transcendentalphilosophie, KA XII, 48. On the account of modern Bildung, see the early essays Vom Wert des Studiums der Griechen und Rmer, KA I, 636637, and Ueber das Studium der Griechischen Poesie, in Die Griechen und Rmer: Historische und Kritische Versuche ber das klassische Alterthum, KA I, 232233. 20. Such was Schlegels remarkable formulation in the section entitled Eine Reexion in his novel Lucinde, KA V, 7273. 21. Thus spake Novaliss hero in Heinrich von Ofterdingen, HKA I, 380. 22. See Vorarbeiten 1798 no. 105, HKA II, 334. Cf. EPW, p. 85. 23. See Bltenstaub no. 16, HKA II, 419. Cf. EPW, p. 11. 24. See Ideen no. 39, KA II, 259. 25. See Schlegels Brief ber den Roman, KA II, 333334. 26. Ideen no. 83, KA II, 264. Cf. EPW, p. 132. 27. The main exception to this generalization is Schleiermachers Gelegentliche Gedanken ber Universitten in deutschem Sinn (1808), in Werke IV, 533642, which was written for the foundation of the new University of Berlin. 28. Ueber die Philosophie, KA VIII, 4445.

7. Friedrich Schlegel
1. For an illuminating account of the use of the concept of the romantic in eighteenth-century Germany, see Raymond Immerwahr, Romantic and its Cognates in England, Germany and France before 1790, in Romantic and Its Cognates, ed. Hans Eichner (Tornoto: University of Toronto Press, 1972), pp. 5384. 2. The Studiumaufsatz was completed in draft form in early October 1795; but due to publishing delays it did not appear until January 1797. By that time Schlegel had already abandoned his neoclassicism. 3. The locus classicus for this argument is Arthur Lovejoys Schiller and the Genesis of German Romanticism, in Essays in the History of Ideas (New York: Putnam, 1963), pp. 207227, esp. 216. 4. The chief examples of this view are Richard Brinkmann, Romantische Dichtungstheorie in Friedrich Schlegels Frhschriften und Schillers Begriff der

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