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For guitar solo unless otherwise specified. [IP] = in preparation COMPOSITIONS

Opus No./date Title / !"#$ # / !"#&'( $ / !"#( & / !"#. ( / !"#" . / !"$! " / !"$! !4 / !"$! !!'!3 ! / !"$! !# / !"$4 Prelude in C )onata in d * onl+ Larghetto published, -editation on a ground bass

Publisher/ref. Number %olumbia %O !$ %olumbia %O !$$ )chott )%) $ )chott )%) & 0uitar 1e2iew No.. 0uitar 1e2iew No.!. )chott )%) !3 %olumbia %O !$3

-iniature )uite /pitaph for -anuel Ponce Impromptu in /b Three modern miniatures )imple 2ariations on Las Folias Not completed Prelude in a Chanson *3 guitars, also one of 5)i6 Friendships *7oO.!,

0uitar 1e2iew No.!3 0uitar 1e2iew No.!! No2ello 0uitar 1e2iew No.!! 8roe9mans " ( 0uitar 1e2iew No.!3 :npublished 8roe9mans " &

!$ / !"$4

)onatina *flute/guitar,

!& / !"$4 !( / !"$ !. / !"$#

%radle song *high 2oice/guitar, Valse caprice Nocturne ; Toccata

!" / !"$$ 34 / !"$$ 3! / !"$$ 33 / !"$& 3 /!"$(

)imple Prelude 50rown up< *high 2oice/guitar, Alla gavotta %oncertante =uartet *guitar/string trio,

0uitar 1e2iew No.!( 0uitar 1e2iew No.!. %olumbia %O !. :npublished

5)ister awa9e< ; 5>irl+ beacon< *high :npublished 2oice/guitar ?ariations on 5Three blind mice< ?ariations on a %atalan fol9 song ?ariations on 5)elengers 1ound< *3 guitars, )ome used in 5)i6 Freindships< *7oO@!, 0uitar 1e2iew No.3$ No2ello

3# / !"&4 3$ / !"$& 3& / !"$(

No2ello %asa de la 0uitarra 0uitar 1e2iew No.33 %olumbia %O !. 8erben !(!( No2ello 8erben !##3

3( / !"$. 3. / !"$. 3" / !"$. 4 / !"&4 ! / !"& '$ 3 / !"&$'&

)onatina ?ariations on 5The %olorado Trail< Prelude in a Fantasia ; Fugue on 5Torre bermeAa< /nglish )uite *No.!, ?ariations on a BFrench nurser+ song *3 guitars,

/ !"&( # / !"&( $ / !"&. & / !"&. ( / !"&.

Carillon *3 guitars, became part of Op.&! Sans cesse *3 guitars, Sonatinette 0oing Cutch *# guitars, Fi2e Duiet songs *high 2oice/guitar, Fnf stille Lieder *0erman te6ts, 0uitare 1e2iew No. ! No2ello 8roe9mans .&. 8erben !##3

8erben . / !"&. " / !"&. #4 / !"&" Prelude@ %anto ; Toccata 0ree9 )uite *3 guitars, Four Transatlantic dances *recorders/guitar or piano, #4a /!""( #4b /a""( #! / !"(4 CittoE melod+ instrument/$ guitars CittoE guitars


8erben !#!" 8erben !#!4 %orda -usic %-P !$!

:npublished %orda -usic %-P "( 8roe9mans !4!&

Four simple songs without words *recorder/guitar or piano, Danse joyeuse *flute/guitar, Fantasis ; Fugue on 5Torre bermeja< *3 guitars,

#3 / !"(! # / !"(!

8roe9mans !4!4 :npublished

## / !"(4 #$ / !"(4

> flight of fugues *! or 3 guitars,

8roe9mans !4!$

Three )ongs without words for %arlos :npublished >ndres Suite piemontese Suite ancienne Sonatina lirica tude diaboli!ue > Tudor fanc+ *guitar/orchestra, >ll in a row *of 7ebernFs, Sua cosa *7es -ontgomer+ memorial, 8allade *# guitars, 8erben !$!# 8erben 334 8erben !"(3 8erben !(!& :npublished 8erben !"(! 8erben 34# 8roe9mans ! ($

#& / !"(4 #( / !"&" #. / !"(! #" / !"&" $4 / !"(!'3 $! / !"(3 $3 / !"(3 $ / !"(

$# / !"( $$ / !"( $& / !"( $( / !"( '# $. / !"( '# $" / !"(# &4 / !"(# &! / !"(# &3 / !"(# & / !"($ &# / !"(& &$ / !"(& && / !"(( &( / !"($'(

-usic Gall *cello/guitar, )ome of NoahFs >r9 )i6 eas+ pictures Tout en ronde -utations on the Dies irae Partita *No@!, "etite Suite fran#aise Suite fran#aise *3 guitars, "r$%ude en arp&ges Tentos *# guitars, The memor+ of a dance *flute/guitar, Night'music 8irds

:npublished 1icordi HC $. No2ello :ni2ersal 3"!$ 8erben 34#3 %olumbia %O 3!$ /schig .3!# 8erben 33$& /schig .3! :npublished Iimmermann 33&& %hanterelle Tuscan+ TP)'4#&

Centone di Sonate I@ II@ I? *?iolin/guitar, :npublished Paganini/Cuarte Hittle )uite *No.!, *# guitars, Trio for three *Trois pi&ces, * guitars, 7hen the twain meet *high 2oice/lute, CittoE high 2oice/guitar Danserie 'o() *3 guitars, *nsieme *harpsichord or piano/guitar 7ithin eas+ reach *pieces for small hands, No2ello Hemoine 3$4.( :npublished :npublished :npublished 8erben 3 && 1icordi HC &3#

&. / !"(( &" / !"(( (4 / !"(( (4a / !""3 (! / !"(( (3 / !"(. ( / !"(.

(# / !"(. ($ / !"(. (& / !"(" (( / !"(" (. / !"(" (" / !"(" .4 / !"(" .! / !"(" .3 / !"(" . / !"(" .# / !".4

0uitar duets without tears *3 guitars, Jouth at the strings Ciana Poulton@ her Impromptu *lute, /nglish )uite No.3 *3 guitars, /nglish )uite No. *four guitars, Hittle )uite No.3 *three guitars, Cipt+ch No.! *four guitars, Hittle )uite No. *three guitars, /nglish )uite No.# *flute or recorder/guitar, Gomage to >ntonio Hauro *three 2alses, ?ariations on a )wedish fol9 song *three guitars,

1icordi HC & ! 1icordi HC & 4 :npublished :ni2ersal 3"!&" Gampton Gampton G0 4 %olumbia %O !. Koachim Tre9el $4" %hester $$(!# :ni2ersal 3"(!4 Hemoine 3$!#$

.$ / !".4 .& / !".4 .( / !".4

0uitar =uintet No.! *guitar/string Duartet, Cipt+ch No.3 *flute/guitar, Danserie 'o+, *tango ; tarantella,

?ogt ; FritL !4.3 :npublished 0itarre ; Haute 0endai 0uitar No. #3 8erben 3 #& 1icordi HC &(& :npublished %hester $$(!$ :npublished

.. / !"("' )tudies .4 ." / !".! "4 / !".! "! / !".3 "3 / !".3 "3a / !""! 0ree9 )uite No.3 First fi2e frets Creams *three guitars, -n petit ja.. *recorder or flute/guitar, -n petit bis *recorder or flute/guitar

" / !".3 "# / !".

*dylle pour *da *Gomage to Ida Presti, 1i2erboat )uite *four guitars,

:ni2ersal 3"!(& )chott *-ainL, /C (!(! 8erben 3(!! :ni2ersal 3"!.$ 0endai 0uitar 00 !4" 8erben 3$#& No2ascribe /d/Jolotl g.!3 %olumbia %O !" Hemoine 3#""$ :npublished

"$ / !". "& / !". "&a / !""3

Hittle )uite No.# *four guitars, >mericana CittoE four guitars

7oO.3/!". Cora./n *Vals, # "( / !".# ". / !".# "" / !".$ !44 / !".$ !4! / !".& !43 / !".& *n honorem *oanni Dulandi Sonatina del sur Friends and lo2ers *high 2oice/guitar, ?ariations on a theme of MtNpOn 1a9 Concierto alegre *two guitars/orchestra, 'uages passants 1einhardt *Gomage to

CAango :npublished

!4 / !".( !4# / !".& !4$ / !".. !4& / !"." !4( / !"." !4. / !""4 !4" / !""! !!4 / !""3

Gar9@ har9 the >r9P *Gigh 2oice/guitar, Partita No.3 50ela.ione< )impl+ blues %annington *)omerset, )uite *flute/guitar, 1usi2ones Concerto democratico *four guitars, )ummerset follies *si6 guitars, %annington collage *si6 guitars,

%olumbia %O 34 :npublished 1icordi HC &!! :npublished 8erben "

Hemoine 3$ .& Hemoine 3&4## %orda %-P 3(!

!!! / !""3 !!3 / !"" !! / !"" !!# / !"" !!$ / !""# 7oO. !""# !!& / !""# !!( / !""# !!. / !""# !!" / !""$ !34 / !""$ /

>rctic )uite /nglish )uite No.$ *si6 guitars, Danserie 'o+3 0a2otte@ )arabande@ 0igue, 8ath 7ater -usic *fi2e guitars/drums, )hades of blue *two guitars/double'bass "ara un feli. matrimonio /nglish )uite No.& *panflute or flute/guitar, Canci/n y Dan.a *Gomage to 1uiL'Pipo, Genr+Fs purple parcel *si6 guitars/drums, 1ussiana

Nors9 -usi9 [IP] Hemoine 3&3&" Hemoine 3&&3$ %orda %-P 3( Pan -usic P .4 :npublished :npublished :npublished %orda [IP] -argau6 !4$(

?ariations on a theme of Ni9ita Qosh9in :npublished *three guitars, >ppalachian dreams Popscotch *fi2e guitars/melod+ instrument/drums ?arieties of )cotch *two guitars, 4ubahan2u ?ariations on an Indonesian song 4eteran ji5a *?ariations on a -a+lasian song / / / )tella Qilclone Qaren Tunes for Trace+ )chirmer /C #!!3 %orda [IP]

!3! / !""$ !33 / !""&

!3 / !""& !3# / !""&

-el 8a+ -8 ".!. :npublished

!3$ / !""&


7oO.# !""& 7oO.$ !""& 7oO.& !""& !3& / !""&

:npublished :npublished :npublished %orda [IP]

*accordion/fi2e guitars/drums, !3( / !""( !3. / !""( )hades of green *two guitars, Valse en rondeau -el 8a+ ".!. Tuscan+ TP)'4&$ Hemoine 3(4 # -el 8a+ ".!.

!3" / !""(' ?ariations on an >ndante of Ni9ita Qosh9in . ! 4 / !"". ! !/ ! 3 / !"". KoplinesDue *two guitars, Not completed 0uitar =uintet No.3 5/choes< 0uitar/)tring =uartet ! / Not completed Hittle )uite No.$ *accordion/fi2e guitars, Not completed /nglish )uite No.( *6upforchester, CittoE *melod+ instrument/fi2e guitars, Valse lyri!ue Dan.a eccentrica ?ariations on an Italian fol9 song !3 )tudies "e!ue7a Suite vene.olana 1oraviana CittoE *guitar/string orchestra, Not completed

?ogt ; FritL !3#(

! # / !"". ! $/ ! & / !""" ! &a / 3444 ! ( / 3444 ! . / 3444 ! " / 3444 !#4 / 3444 !#! / 3444 !#3 / 3444 !#3a / 3444 !# /

%orda %-P 3(&

?ogt ; FritL !3.$ :npublished Tuscan+ TP)'4&$ Tuscan+ TP)'4&$ Tuscan+ TP)'4 " Tuscan+ TP)'4#4 Tuscan+ TP)'4#" :npublished :npublished

!## / 3443 !#$ / 3443 !#& / 344&

Koan 8aeL )uite Fi2e -oods *flute/guitar, )omerset )uite op. !4& for flute ; guitar

:npublished :npublished Hath9ill *H-P!!!, -usic

!#( / 344&

Partita III 5Cieci cori< op. ! $ for mandolin /dition %or2us ; guitar

ARRANGEMENTS For solo guitar unless otherwise specified %omposer >lbinoni' 0iaLLotto K.).8ach 7or9 >dagio %ello )uite No.! 87? !44( Instrument*s, 0uitar/ string orchestra Publisher :npublished )chott 0> 3! )chott 0> 3!# No2ello 0uitar/ )tring orchestra French )uite No. 87? &!# 8ach at the beginning *!st Jear, # Pieces from the FitLwilliam ?irginal 8oo9 # Pieces from the FitLwilliam ?irginal 8oo9 " Pieces *with )eppo )iirala, " 0icercari > ?arietie of Hute'Hessons *with Ciana Poulton,E ?ol.! S %orantos ?ol.3 S >lmaines ?ol. S ?oltes ?ol.# S Fantasias ?ol.$ S 0alliards ?ol.& S Pa2ins Two guitars Two guitars Treble recorder/ guitar Treble recorder/ guitar :ni2ersal 3"!. No2ello :npublished

%ello )uite No. 87? !44" %ello )uite No.# 87? !4!4 Kesu Ao+ of manFs desiring

Kohn 8ull 7illiam 8+rd Houis ; FranRois %ouperin K.-aria da %rema 1obert Cowland et al

)chott !4".& )chott !4".( 8erben !.## 8erben 3!33

8erben !$"! 8erben !$"3 8erben !&" 8erben !.34 8erben !" $ 8erben 34"4 8erben 3!3!

Kohn Cowland

5Cowland dolens< *Semper Do5land@ Forlorne Gope Fanc+@ Farewell " Pieces

:ni2ersal 3"!$!

& Pieces $ Pieces from the )ampson Hute 8oo9 0iles Farnab+ & Pieces from the FitLwilliam ?irginal 8oo9 $ Pieces from the F?8 Treble recorder/ guitar

8erben 34!$ Ianibon $$(" )chott !4"..

)chott 0> 334 Three guitars Two guitars No2ello :ni2ersal 3"!$# %happell :ni2ersal 3"!&! Two guitars No2ello


& Italian pieces # Cuets for eDual instruments *with Geather Pratt,

0eorge 0ershwin Francsco 0uerau

!3 %lassics $ Pieces from "oema 8amonico *!&"#, GandelFs turn *3nd +ear,

0.F.Gandel >nthon+ Golborne

& Hute pieces ( 8andora pieces !3 %lassics & Fantasias ( Pieces from Tres libros de musica *!$#&, $ Pieces from the FitLwilliam ?irginal 8oo9 ! %lassics !4 Tunes from The /nglish Cancing -aster # French Cances Pieces $ Pieces from "i&ces de clavecin Sonatina T Ciacona from NeuenlautenfrUchte *!&(&, Four guitars Treble recorder/ guitar

8erben !(3$ :ni2ersal 3"!&$ %happell :ni2ersal 3"!$3 :ni2ersal 3"!.& )chott !4"." %happell :ni2ersal 3"!.# No2ello )chott 0> 3!&

Kerome Qern Francesco da -ilano >lonso -udarra -artin Peerson ; Peter Philips %ole Porter Kohn Pla+ford Praetorius Genr+ Purcell Kean'Philippe 1ameau /saias 1eussner

8erben !&"# :ni2ersal 3"!$(

0aspar )anL

$ Pieces from rd 8oo9 of Tablature *!&"(, . eas+ pieces from Tablature *!&"(,

:ni2ersal 3"!&& :ni2ersal 3"!&( )chott 0> 33.

8oo9 of

Comenico )carlatti


# )onatasE Q.3! @ 3"!@ #4!@ #$3 3 )onatasE Q.#(3@ $3! )onatasE Q.!(&@ !((@ 34. # )onatasE Q.3!4@ 3$#@ (.@ #(! # )onatasE Q..4@ . @ "#@ 3. # )onatasE Q..$@ ."@ 4#@ # ! 3 )onatasE Q. $3@ $ FranL )chubert " )ongs Die sch9ne 1llerin *with Qonrad 1agossnig, P.I.Tchai9o2s9+ )+l2ius Heopold 7eiss Pieces from >lbum for the +oung Pieces *1enuet( Air en echo( "aisane: Gigh 2oice/guitar Gigh 2oice/guitar Four guitars Two guitars

:ni2ersal 3"!#" :ni2ersal 3"!#. :ni2ersal 3"!$. :ni2ersal 3"!$" :ni2ersal 3"!("

:ni2ersal 3"!(! :ni2ersal 3"!(. 8erben !.!" )chott *-ainL, 0> #&& 8roe9mans !4.& :ni2ersal 3"!$4

Pieces 3 Tombeau;E 1+Comte de Logy( 1+Cajetan( <aron d=8artig )uite in d from the -oscow m/s

Two guitars

8roe9mans !3"3 8roe9mans !3.&

:ni2ersal 3"!&.

COLLECTIONS For guitar solo unless otherwise specified Title > 0race of minuets Instruments Publisher )chott !!4.! 1icordi HC &4$

Tra2els with the guitar *simple fol9 songs, > Celight of /nglish lute music For m+ friends %hristmas carols *elementar+,

)chott 0> 3## %olumbia %O 3## No2ello No2ello

#4 %ommunit+ songs !& /nglish fol9 songs *eas+, /nglish fol9 songsE *0reenslee2es@ 8ushes ; 8riars@ 8lac9birds ; Thrushes Pla+ford tunes 34 KaLL ; popular songs

No2ello No2ello 8roe9mans !4!( 7ise -usic/-usic )ales

-ore of these anon *from the FitLwilliam ?irginal 8oo9, To name but none *from the /liLabeth 1ogers ?irginal 8oo9 3 >non+mous lute duets *The lea2es be green. Creweries >ccords, -adrigalia Tac2 f9r allt *Than9s for e2er+thing, # /liLabethan pieces !4 Pieces from the -ulliner 8oo9

Two guitars Two guitars Two guitars Three guitars Four guitars Four guitars Treble recorder/guitar

No2ello No2ello 8erben !.($ 8roe9mans !!## Thore /hrling 8roe9mans !4." No2ello

Ta9e +our partners *Pla+ford tunes, Tunes from 0ilbert ; )ulli2an & /arl+ 1enaissance dances & Cances of b+gone times !4 /nglish fol9 songs %hristmas carols )ing %hristmas carols to guitar accompaniment 5the eas+ wa+< )ing Negro spirituals to guitar accompaniment 5the eas+ wa+<

Treble recorder/guitar Cescant recorder/guitar Cescant recorder/guitar

No2ello No2ello 8roe9mans "#& No2ello

Treble recorder/guitar

8roe9mans "#$

Treble recorder/guitar 1ecorders/guitars ?oice/guitar ?oice/guitar

No2ello No2ello )chott 0> 3!" )chott 0> !!4(&

DIDACTIC WORKS 0uitar wor9shopE anal+sis of Op.&/. *)or, The +oung personFs wa+ to the guitar Foundations studie in classic guitar techniDue The bases of classic guitar techniDue Gampton -usic No2ello No2ello

No2ello No2ello 1icordi HC $"" 1icordi HC $"4 )chott !4".4 :ni2ersal 3&"3& -el 8a+ [IP] 0endai 0uitar

The guitaristFs >8% of music )tudies in apoyando Ta9ing care of +our guitar 0uitar accompaniment 5the eas+ wa+< The guitaristFs hands and their de2elopment *with Huis Iea, -elod+ and harmon+ for guitarists Kapanese edition


>uthor/composer Haurindo >lmeida 8eetho2en *ed.%hoppen, )iegfried 8ehrend Tristram %are+ Terence %roucher -anuel de Falla %olin Gand Gandel *arr.8iberian, 8r+an Qell+ >ntonio Hauro >ntonio Hauro >ntonio Hauro *arranger, 1uth Nunn 1a2el *arr. 0ubba+,

Title 0uitar method Andante from )onata Op.!#/3 0uitar m+ hobb+ *in /nglish, )onata for guitar alone /leg+ 8omenaje( pour le tombeau de Claude Debussy Fifteen minutes for guitar Chaconne ; 3! ?ariations *two guitars, Aubade+ 'octurne > Toccata Triptico *Armida( 1adrugada( La negra, 3 Valses *?l negrito( La 4atica, ?eneLuelan pieces -oods for guitar "avane pout une infante d$funte

Publisher %riterion *:)>, No2ello Iimmermann No2ello No2ello %hester $$&($ 1icordi HC &(( No2ello No2ello :ni2ersal 3"!(3 :ni2ersal 3"!( :ni2ersal 3"!($ No2ello )chott !4"&.

-a6imo Ciego PuAol 1odrigo 1iera 8ett+ 1oe 1eginald )mith'8rindle 1ichard )to9er Traditional *arr.1odgers, Kuan %arlos IorLi *arr.)iewers,

$ Preludes # eas+ ?eneLuelan pieces ( %ecil )harp tunes *recorders/guitars, !4 /as+ Preludes Pieces for Polita /lLabethan melodies *3 boo9s, $ Canciones sin palabres *two guitars,

:ni2ersal 3"!.4 :ni2ersal 3"!(# No2ello :ni2ersal 3"!&3 1icordi HC &(. )chott 0> 3!(/. :ni2ersal 3"!.!

BOOKS >ndrVs )ego2ia. >s I 9new him -el 8a+ I)8N 4'(.&&' !"'4

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