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Dear Church of IOI, At the time of the great destabilization, the universe expanded and gave rise to space

and particles. Each particle had, at that time, a counterpoint that existed in multiple states in the space in between. This still exists, and makes everything interconnected. This great destabilization lead to the existence of particles within space that are connected, for there is no one without the other. This great force that is the proximate cause of both gravity and atom bombs caused planets and stars to be formed. Upon one planet, and many others, amino acid chains- waking up from their destabilized form by kinetic, chemical, and electric energy- began to again revert to their organized original state. Some of these chains became so complex in their attempt to return to an organized state that they formed opinions and expectations of orderliness. Religious observance days of the religion dubbed "ioi" will be the Monday or Friday before or after any three day weekend permitted by the Holiday Laws of the nation in which you live. It is not a sin to work on a Nationally recognized holiday. Monothestic deities are encouraged. The idea that all matter, electricity, and space is connected is central to the core belief of the religion. It is acceptable to raise an eyebrow or question anyone's belief- but with respect and genuine desire to understanding of their metaphor. Athiests and agnostics are welcome if they acknowledge coincidence, interconnectedness, strangeness, or weirdness to a human existence. Such people are encouraged to explore the interconnectedness of space, and to focus on science rather than religion.

The most traditional form of sacrament is the drinking of water. The drinking of water is required on Sunday. The drinking of water is also encouraged on Friday, as this is when the great destabilization occurred. The inhaling of various forms of smoke on any day of the week is a sacrament to nothingness as it embraces eventual death. As with any substance ingested or brought into the body, the individual who takes within them that substance does so of their own accord. One should take sufficient steps to ensure that their experiments or ways of life do not harm those around them, including family, friends, or the public at large. These harms include those psychological, monetary, or distance from loved ones, no matter who says whose fault it is. Sunday is a day of rest. No person, nor institution, except the government of your nation, can require of you anything on Sunday. Sunday is a day of reflection, and personal intermingling. Although you are not required to work, you may perform any function on a Sunday. The use of copy and paste, by mouse, keyboard, or other method of selection should be avoided. Such work is a sin on Sunday, as it promotes replication of information. All text should be typed by keystroke, dictated, or through mental control of device, creating and inspiring originality in thought. The copying of files and the making of backups on aSunday is a sin, except when committed by those working for the central authority, thereby creating the double standard necessary to the formation of a religion. Copies made by act of distribution are encouraged, as they benefit the other. While no one can require anything of you on aSunday, be mindful at all times that there is no greater service to nothingness than service to the fellow man, natural surroundings, or the community at large. Deep thought and meditation is encouraged, on Sunday, as recommended by the Church of IOI.

While it is acceptable to raise an eyebrow at theother's beliefs, it is only acceptable to meet those beliefs with negativity if you strive to commit the exact same fallacy as the speaker, or demonstrate the fallacy of the speaker. The forms of paradox and fallacy and the symbols of programming and logic are sacred. Striving to comprehend logic will serve the purpose of moving discussions forward, rather than causing repetition, which is a sin on Sunday and discouraged at all times. Repetition of clothing, behavior, habits, internal thoughts, external words, or external acts are not an exception. Such repetition of behavior throughout a week is to be identified and recognized on a Sunday. After identification of a repetition, that behavior should be scrutinized. If it does not harm or create distance to the other, it is not a sin. The question of sin can be discussed only in the context of repetition. This sin should be discussed with anyone not directly affected by the repetition, seeking additional viewpoints on the nature of the sin. If it is determined by another that your repetition is beneficial to others instead of yourself, or it is not at all harmful to others, it is not a sin. It is a mortal sin if one attempts, or allows the replication or combination of life forming ingredients sufficient to form a new creature on a Sunday. Cloning of full biological organisms on a Sunday is a mortal sin. Replication of machinery or repetitious product on Sunday is a sin, especially in times of War. Followers of the IOI church, if they use the word god to avoid pointless discussion, are encouraged to distinguish their belief from others by failing to capitalize the "g." It is a belief that this lack of capitalization is actually more accurate than the capitalization of a monotheistic entities within other religion.

In writing, this deviation will inspire delineation between our religion and others, and help to discover the nature of god. Any word in any language is acceptable. Negativity is not tolerated unless it is in response to fallacious argument that you can not comprehend. Likewise, deception is to be avoided. While it is not a sin to lie, it is a sin to lie when that lie is intended to hurt or deceive the others. The meaning of text is disconnected from its words. Once they are placed into written form, they can lose all meaning and are worthless unless they are presented in full context. The primary context of the meaning of words should be framed in existence, within the mind of the deliverer. Anyone speaking anything like the above, should never be listened to. The words of the religion say what they mean, except when they were for one reason or another wrong. No central authority decides the words. Donations to the church central authority are never to be required. Maintenance of the lives of those entities in misery, those who are fearful, those who are oppressed, or those who are scared of death is encouraged at all times. By assisting others with those problems, you will give the greatest gifts to the Church of IOI, and will receive great gifts by natural event. At the request of a member, the central authority will maintain a database of members, so you can pass on information to future members and record your life achievements. You may select to have this information shared when you publicly when are deceased, open to the public, limited to church members, or limited to direct descendants. It is a mortal sin that this database be used to relay messages from temporal location to another outside of the normal space time continuum. It is a sin to place inaccurate information in the permanent database.

These life achievements will be protected by a central authority, who shall lack any authority over the content of any database entry, any control over its members, or the various sects of the religion. The content of the database is sacred, and should not be abridged or altered except in the event of mortal sin. It should be handled in a manner that it is protected with the utmost security, only subject to tampering or release in the event that the member wants such information released. Specific methods should be made for prompt delivery at any time, any message, and to whatever source requested by the member that it be sent.


Abraham Theother

The Divinely Inspired Manuscripts of Abraham Theother

"If anyone ever claims to be with the central authority, they are lying." -- Abraham Theother


Chapter 1

Like all good religions, this one picks a starting point and calls it the beginning. It is not the beginning. It was the beginning of what we understand. This event is called the great destabilization. Before the great destabilization, everything was organized except the things that keep the speed of light from being perfectly constant. This fabric that currently makes up what we call space contains slippery parts. The speed of light is constant in a vacuum because of the fabric of space is like the felt of a pool table, containing imperfections. These are the slippery parts that combined to cause the beginning. Mastery of the slippery parts of nothingness is the key to holding the power of a star within the palm of your hand. The slippery points are also points of interconnectedness, which touched and still affect everything around us. Every point within the visible world has a counterpoint in the nothingness. This great organization, that didn't cause our existence as much as create it, is why we strive for order. Upon many planets, chains of amino acids began reorganizing. Kinetic, electrical, and chemical energies fought against entropy toward the reorganization, causing the creation of biological entities. Some of these organisms became so complex, that they formed opinions. Most of them formed unrealistic expectations of orderliness, which must have existed before the great destabilization.


Chapter 2


You have no choice in the nation in which you were born. Your parents, when they combined their DNA and gave you a fighting chance, gave you no choice regarding the economic condition under which you exist. Because you were given no choice in the matter, it is only fitting that any Friday or Monday following or preceding a three-day weekend, as governed by your nation-state, is a day of religious observance. Depending on the nation in which you live, your government, or another religion, or corporate interest, may seek to prevent you from practicing this religion. Remember, it is not a sin to work on a nationally recognized holiday. It is a sin to work on a day immediately following or immediately preceding the weekend that is to be designated as a three-day weekend by the laws of your nation-state.


Chapter 3


When defining IOI belief, it is acceptable to use the word god. The need becomes immediately apparent when you want to avoid pointless discussion. It is acceptable to question the belief of others, both within and without IOI if you have genuine desire to understand their metaphor. While it may contain inaccuracies, the applications of those metaphors to the belief of the IOI church are holy and sacred. It is acceptable to have no belief, whatsoever, in IOI, and still be a member. If you are an atheist or agnostic, you are also welcome. IOI members believe in coincidence, interconnectedness, strangeness, and weirdness. Do not accept IOI as your religion if you have no fear of death. If you have no fear of death, it is unlikely that you have a reason to live. If pain and discomfort is your issue, this is natural. If chaos has taken over your existence, this is normal. You will never be organized, nothing will ever work as you want, and your expectations are based on a false understanding on "the way things should be." Only if you are facing impending painful death, should suicide be contemplated. If you are miserable in your existence- suck it up.


Chapter 4


Religious events often happen on a Sunday. This day was selected because this chapter was divinely inspired on a Sunday. Cut and paste was not used to create this chapter or any chapter on a Sunday. Sunday is also the day that everything was created. The great destabilization occurred on a Friday, and the next day on a Sunday, everything you now look at existed. Time was funny right after the great destabilization and Saturday was skipped. On Sunday, someone drank a glass of water. It is holy to do this. This is the most traditional form of sacrament to the singularity. The bend of the molecule of water is caused by the nothingness. The slippery parts of nothingness are the same things that caused the great destabilization. On Sunday, take the sacrament and think, slippery nothingness. It is acceptable and holy to take the sacrament on Friday. Taking smoke into the lungs of any variety is looking death in the face. It is encouraged and is a sacrament. Be careful to avoid repetition. Any substance taken into the body that is a sacrament may be harmful to yourself or others. It may cause you to be disconnected from the nothingness.


Chapter 5


Sunday is a day of rest. No person, nor institution, except your government can require anything of you on a Sunday. Sunday is a day of reflection. You should talk to someone on Sunday. You should also be alone. The use of copy and paste on a Sunday is a sin. You should create, not replicate, on a Sunday. The copying of files, including the making of backups, shall not occur on a Sunday among the members of the IOI Church. Replication should be avoided at all costs. Replication as a result of distribution is not a sin. Only the central authority of the IOI Church may make backups or copies of files on a Sunday in order to preserve the holy database. The holy database is the sacred record and sacred space within any medium that it occupies. It is not land, but the information is holy, sacred, and divine. Sunday is your time to realize that you are a selfish person. There is no greater service to nothingness than to your fellow man, nature, or community. While nothing is required of you on that day, you should find yourself doing helpful things for others. In the middle of IOI is nothing. Doing nothing is barely existing. Pick a side.


Chapter 6


The Church of IOI does not embrace general negativity. The ability to copy and paste, symbols of programming and mathematics, the laws of physics, chemistry, and the social sciences, are the sacred symbols of IOI. Negativity is only acceptable when you are met with fallacy of the other. You should strive for logic when you are met with fallacy. If you are unable to locate the exact failure of the other's statements, you may curse at them in frustration. Understand that you will look too easily frustrated. Within IOI, paradox and repetition are sacred sin. They are to be embraced, but only within religious experience and understanding, not action. It is a mortal sin to create paradox within our space time continuum. On Sunday, you should review all your repetitive behavior within the previous week. That behavior should be scrutinized individually, and listed in writing. If this behavior does not harm others, it is not a sin. The writing and conclusions reached should be scrutinized by another outside of your realm of existence. A stranger (the other) or the IOI clergy will suffice. If your repetitious behavior is not harmful to yourself or those around you, it is not a sin.


Chapter 7


Your sex life is your business. But, when you're not doing it right, the IOI Church will declare it a mortal sin. If you perform attempts at replication or combination of DNA on a Sunday sufficient for the creation of a life form, you are committing a mortal sin. The effect of this mortal sin is not intended to make heterosexual intercourse more exciting on a Sunday. The Church of IOI will catch you and erase your database entry. Cloning of biological organisms on a Sunday is also a mortal sin. Replication of machinery or repetitious product on Sunday is a sin, especially in times of War. This time should be spent reflecting on the nature of death.


Chapter 8


god should not be capitalized. The IOI Chuch should also not be capitalized, but it is. If Abraham capitalizes his name, he is Abraham. If abraham does not capitalize his name, he is abraham theother. If The Other capitalizes his name, he is an individual. If the other does not capitalize his name, he is a group consisting of all others. god of this religion and the God of other religions is the same. We chose god, god chose us. We didn't choose God, God didn't choose us.


Chapter 9


Lies and deception can create negativity. They are fallacy existing towards sin. It is not sin to lie, but it is a sin to lie when you are intending to forward a fallacious argument. Fallacies hurt the other, except when they don't. Lies hurt the other, except when they don't. Willfully exposing your own lie is holy, and you will find favor in the Church of IOI.


Chapter 10


Lies come in many forms. This could be a lie. And so could this. Anyone who says anything about words being meaningless and worthless without understanding the mind of the speaker or writer, or the full context of presentation, should be avoided. People who take words out of context should be avoided. People speaking of such things should be avoided. Life was not created for arguing about words. Use whatever word you want. The IOI Church Central Authority has strict control over the definition of all words, and anyone who says that they are with the IOI Church Central Authority is lying. The divinely inspired words of Abraham Theother are correct, and mean what they say, except when they are wrong. They are subject to interpretation by the various sects of IOI as they exist in their native language and subject to the laws and rules of their Nation-State. The rules and laws of your Nation-State are correctly defined and justified, except when they are wrong.


Chapter 11


Donations to IOI Church Central Authority are never to be required. Donations to IOI sects are never to be required, except those with cult designation. Those sects choosing to activate cult status can distribute property communally, or not, but also agree that mass suicide is not an option unless all members have a terminal illness. Life is not a sufficient terminal illness. Those choosing a cult designation must define themselves clearly in all literature, pamphlets, and recruiting efforts as a cult. Failure to do so is a mortal sin for all members of the sect. IOI sects must follow the core beliefs of the IOI Church Central Authority, except where deviations in meaning or belief are decided. IOI sect members should focus on existential despair, death, oppression, justice, life, enjoyment, orderliness and chaos. Assisting the other or The Other with this issue should bring you less pain and misery in your existence. These acts cause naturally occurring reciprocal events through energy built up within the nothingness.


Chapter 12


The IOI Church Central Authority maintains an afterlife database. Each IOI sect can maintain their own electronic storage of a database, and this database shall be considered holy and sacred, as within the sect, and within the IOI Church. The holy database shall not be used for relay of messages or information from without the normal space time continuum. This is a mortal sin. It is sinful, because it gives incorrect information and invites fallacy, to provide false information to a sect database. The purpose of the IOI Church Central Authority database is to record and store life events so that future DNA recipients can learn about you. No person can be added involuntarily to the IOI Church Central Authority database, nor can any person be added involuntarily to the IOI Church database of any sect. IOI Church sect database entries should carry with them sufficient information as to where, how, and when this information is delivered. The IOI sect may oversee delivery. Temporal displacement is always one direction. To do otherwise, is mortal sin. It is mortal sin.


Chapter 13


Things to Say on Sunday

ioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioio ioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioio ioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioio ioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioio ioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioio ioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioio ioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioio ioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioio ioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioio ioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioio ioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioio 10101010101010101010101010 10101010101010101010101010 10101010101010101010101010 10101010101010101010101010 10101010101010101010101010 10101010101010101010101010 10101010101010101010101010 10101010101010101010101010 10101010101010101010101010 10101010101010101010101010 10101010101010101010101010 something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing something nothing me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other me other


Chapter 14


If someone tells you that you are hurting them, listen. If someone asks you a question, speak. If you live internally, act. If you live externally, heel. If you live in front of a computer, climb a tree and eat some fruit.

If you are dissatisfied, look at what you expected, and what you put into it. If confronted with fallacy, identify the fallacy by name. If you can not identify it, use it back upon them. The forms of the fallacy are holy and should be studied for this purpose. If confronted with lie, find the truth. If confronted with corruption, expose it. If you can make a difference to the other, act, act, act, act.


Chapter 15


Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided. Repetition is to be avoided.



Chapter 16


Repetition is to be avoided because it is a sin. On Sunday, you should review your repetitive acts. If anyone close to you has mentioned them, or stated that they might be a problem, they are. If you somehow feel guilty about them, because you might be taking away comfort from another, they are. the other is generally right.


Chapter 17


Repetition within the database is a mortal sin. All mortal sins must be confirmed by the IOI Central Authority before they can be wiped from the database. IOI sects control information only until it can be transferred to the IOI Central Authority. All databases are holy and sacred, Amen.


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