Sie sind auf Seite 1von 15


How Does Employees Satis a!tion In luen!e T"e #e$ o$man!e %#$o ita&ility' ( ($gani)ations In T"e (il And Gas Se!to$s* +Name o t"e ,$ite$+Name o t"e Institution-


1.1. Organizational Structure and Satisfaction Most !u$$ent tas/s a$e0 in a way0 !ons!iously !$eated until t"e Indust$ial Re1olution t"at was an e2!eptional p$a!ti!e3 T"e tas/s we$e a !onse4uen!e o an an!ient t$adition3 Hunte$s0 a$me$s and a$tisans did t"ei$ wo$/ as t"ei$ an!esto$s "ad taug"t t"em3 5ont$ol $ega$ding t"e e2e!ution o t"e wo$/ was done &y a !$a tsman0 o$ was d$i1en and !ont$olled &y a o$eman3 Supe$1ision o way o e2e!ution o wo$/ &y a !ont$a!to$ is !alled !ont$ol o$eman %6eat"e$ and Raute$0 .778'3 Sin!e t"e i$st "al o t"e nineteent" !entu$y0 t"e in luen!e o t$adition in t"e design o t"e tas/ "as &e!ome smalle$3 T"e $ise o a!to$y p$odu!tion and0 !onse4uently0 t"e $ational design o tas/s and un!tions a$e a!!ele$ated &etween 19:7 and 1:.73 S!ienti i! management; 6$ede$i!/ Taylo$ was 1e$y impo$tant to plan un!tions3 He ad1o!ates a s!ienti i! app$oa!"0 wit" w"i!"0 in a systemati! way0 t"e &est met"od would &e used to a!!omplis" a tas/3 <i/ewise s"ould &e systemati!ally e2amined w"at t"e &est p$odu!tion planning0 w"i!" tools s"ould &e used and w"at $e4ui$ements e2ist o$ t"e des/top3 =e!ause t"is way o wo$/ing is espe!ially stipulated &y t"e met"od o ope$ation and less o$ t"e !ont$a!to$ in o$mation0 t"e !ont$ol !an &e !alled a !ont$ol ope$ation met"od3 T"e s!ienti i! met"od o management was a1o$ed &y t"e int$odu!tion o ma!"ine$y3 Many simple and $epetiti1e ope$ations !ould &e &ette$ pe$ o$med &y ma!"ines3 A p$odu!tion t"at was su&di1ided into stages !ould &e optimally pe$ o$med wit" an assem&ly line3 T"is "as &een applied 1e$y su!!ess ully in 1:1> &y Hen$y 6o$d in t"e p$odu!tion o t"e model T?6o$d3

MARKETING MANAGEMENT In t"is !on!eption o p$odu!tion0 t"e way o wo$/ing is not pa$ti!ula$ly stipulated &y t"e met"ods o ope$ation0 &ut t"e ope$ation o t"e assem&ly line3 T"is is !alled t"e ma!"ine !ont$ol3 T"e !onse4uen!es o t"is app$oa!" !an &e typi ied as ollows: t"e di1ision o la&o$ and o$gani)ation we$e &ased on !e$tain o$ms o $ationali)ation0 spe!iali)ation and di1ision o tas/s3 T"is goes toget"e$ wit" minimi)ation and standa$di)ation o s/ills3 =e!ause o t"is0 it &e!omes e!onomi!al p$odu!tion !an &e well !ont$olled %Aa$&o and DAngelo0 .77>'3 A typi!al 4uote %Budge et al30 .778': CT"e wo$/ is not "a$d0 itDs t"e ne1e$ o1e$ t"e plant3D Anot"e$ employee: DT"e$e is not"ing mo$e dis!ou$aging t"an "a1ing a &a$$el &eside you wit" 1737 &olts in it and using t"em all up3 T"en you get anot"e$ &a$$el wit" anot"e$ 1737 &olts0 and

you /now e1e$y one o t"ese 1737 &olts "a1e to &e pi!/ed up and put in e2a!tly t"e same?t"e last pla!e t"e 1737 &olts3 D Many wo$/e$s seemed $ust$ated o$ indi e$ent to "is wo$/3 ( ten t"is would lead to eelings o isolation o$ e1en agg$ession and sa&otage wit" $ega$d to t"e o$gani)ation and wo$/3 ,al/e$ and Guest !on!luded t"at wo$/e$s "ated t"ei$ wo$/3 In t"e "isto$y o t"e o$gani)ations t"e$e a$e se1e$al !ases o dissatis a!tion0 t"e most amous &eing t"e 6$en!" wo$/e$s $e&elling against t"e te$$i&le !onditions o t"e i$st indust$ial $e1olt0 in t"is !ase t"$owing t"ei$ sa&ots %!logs' ma!"ine$y0 leading to a "alt in p$odu!tion3 ItDs Eust a legend0 &ut it se$1es well to illust$ate t"e "uman eeling a&out t"e wo$/ in past !entu$ies %Tus"man and Romanelli0 .779'3 T"e most impo$tant p$o&lems we$e t"e ault o t"e assumption t"at wo$/e$s we$e moti1ated &y $ational?e!onomi! $easons3 T"e idea was t"at employees le t t"ei$ &e"a1io$ a$e in luen!ed mainly &y t"e possi&ility to $e!ei1e all possi&le $ewa$ds3 T"e negati1e $ea!tions o employees to t"e design o s!ienti i! management0 "owe1e$0 !ould not "a1e &een gene$ated3

MARKETING MANAGEMENT ,o$/e$s we$e moti1ated &y ot"e$ $easons3 Dis!ontent was no !onse4uen!e o t"e usual a!to$s su!" as sala$ies0 se!u$ity0 !onditions o wo$/0 se!u$ity o$ management3 Dissatis a!tion was a $esult o t"e simpli!ity o t"e ma2imum a!ti1ity0 w"i!" made t"e wo$/ &o$ing and impe$sonal3

E1e$yone !ould a!!omplis" any tas/0 di e$en!es in a&ility &etween un!tions almost none2istent and t"e possi&ilities o a !a$ee$ we$e minimal3 Additionally0 t"e !onne!tion o man to a ma!"ine always $unning and t"e noise in t"e "alls a!to$y so!ial !onta!ts we$e &lo!/ed3 T"e dis!ontent o t"e employees "ad negati1e !onse4uen!es o$ &usiness: low p$odu!tion0 "ig" tu$no1e$0 many a&sen!es o$ illness and t"e need o$ e2t$a supe$1ision and !ont$ol3 (n t"e ot"e$ "and0 one must $emem&e$ t"at t"e$e a$e0 in !e$tain !i$!umstan!es0 employees w"o enEoy $epetiti1e wo$/3 Resea$!"e$s and management o !ompanies !onside$ed 1a$ious solutions to deal su!" p$o&lems3 Among t"ese solutions0 two main app$oa!"es !an &e "ig"lig"ted3 (n one side t"e e2pe$t $e1iew ideas &egan to gain g$ound3 Spe!ial attention was gi1en to t"e !ontent o t"e tas/0 to ma/e t"e wo$/ less tedious and monotonous3 (n t"e ot"e$ "and0 t"e$e is an app$oa!" inspi$ed &y t"e 1ision o "uman $elations0 in w"i!" so!ial aspe!ts o t"e wo$/ situation we$e imp$o1ed0 among ot"e$ t"ings0 &y allowing employees to !oope$ate mo$e wit"in g$oups3

1.1.1 Improving the Content of the Task T"e !ent$al idea !ontained in imp$o1ing t"e !ontent o t"e tas/ is t"at t"is imp$o1ement leads to &ette$ lin/ de1elopment needs o employees3 T"e$e a$e t"$ee possi&le types: F F Bo& $otation %Eo& $otation' E2pansion o t"e wo$/;

MARKETING MANAGEMENT F Bo& en$i!"ment3 T"e Eo& $otation is a i$st way o st$u!tu$ing t"e wo$/3 Mem&e$s o a wo$/ing g$oup $egula$ly !"ange t"e des/top a!!o$ding to a diag$am o$ i2ed in a!!o$dan!e wit" mutual appointments3 T"e a$guments o$ t"e use o Eo& $otation is t"at0 t"is way0 employees would "a1e g$eate$ di i!ulties in inding t"ei$ $ole &o$ing and dull %Dean and =owen0 1::8' T"e e2pansion o t"e wo$/ $elated to a num&e$ o a!ti1ities is 4ualitati1ely simila$ to a new agg$egate un!tion3 T"e Eo& $otation and e2tension wo$/ &e!ame well /nown o$ sp$eading t"e Bapanese system o lean p$odu!tion and t"e !on!ept o !ontinuous imp$o1ement %Kai)en'3 Su!" ideas would &e !on i$med &y studies t"at ound t"at t"e in luen!e on t"e Eo& satis a!tion in!$eases %Adle$ et al0 1::@' and de!$eases t"e monotony o wo$/ %Haas and Hansen0 .77>'3 T"e en$i!"ment o t"e wo$/ is distin!t $om t"e ampli i!ation o t"e tas/ in t"e !onst$u!tion o t"e un!tion does not o!!u$ in t"e "o$i)ontal di$e!tion %mo$e tas/s o t"e same type'0 &ut in t"e 1e$ti!al di$e!tion %tas/s o a di e$ent natu$e and le1el'3 T"e a$guments o$ Eo& en$i!"ment a$e due to t"e e o$t o$ de1elope$s to !onside$ t"e un!tions !at!"y and inte$esting0 !omplete and meaning ul3 T"e en$i!"ment o t"e tas/ p$ima$ily means t"at t"e a!ti1ities $ega$ding t"e planning0 o$gani)ation and !ont$ol a$e added to t"e $ole3 T"us0 t"e employee "imsel &e!omes mo$e de!isions on t"e o$gani)ation and e2e!ution o t"e wo$/3 T"ey ea$n t"is way0 mo$e autonomy and $esponsi&ility and a$e $eso$ting to 1a$ious s/ills

and a&ilities3 Satis a!tion is in!$eased0 a!!o$ding to a su$1ey !ondu!ted &y Ha!/man and (ld"am %1:>G' at 1H3GI3

MARKETING MANAGEMENT T"ese p$ope$ties o en$i!"ment o t"e wo$/ !an easily lead to supp$ession o un!tions o supe$1ision3 T"e$e o$e0 t"e en$i!"ment o wo$/ s"all not &e !onside$ed an isolated e1ent0 &ut $at"e$0 s"ould &e inse$ted in a &$oade$ !"ange in t"e o$gani)ation3

Ha!/man and (ld"am %1:>G' de1eloped a model t"at !ould &e used to dete$mine to w"at e2tent t"e un!tions a$e D$i!"3 T"e Bo& 5"a$a!te$isti!s Model %B5M' p$oposes t"at t"e employee would "a1e an int$insi! moti1ation0 "ig" satis a!tion and pe$ o$ms well w"en !$iti!al psy!"ologi!al situations a$e p$esent3 A!!o$ding to t"e t"eo$y0 t"ese psy!"ologi!al situations "appen i t"e tas/ t"at t"e employee e2e$!ises "as t"e ollowing !"a$a!te$isti!s: F T"e signi i!an!e o t"e e2pe$ien!e is a $esult o t"$ee !"a$a!te$isti!s o t"e tas/: 1a$iation in 4uali i!ations %s/ill 1a$iety': t"e deg$ee to w"i!" it $e e$s to t"e a&ility and te!"ni!al e2pe$tise t"at a$e !onside$ed t"e "ig"est le1el; identity un!tion %tas/ identity ': t"e deg$ee to w"i!" t"e un!tion !omposes a !omplete and !o"e$ent set o tas/s0 and t"e$e&y leads to 1isi&le $esults0 and impo$tan!e o t"e un!tion %meaning t"e tas/'0 t"e deg$ee to w"i!" t"e un!tion "as a dis!e$ni&le in luen!e on li e o$ wo$/ o ot"e$s3 F F Knowledge o $esults: o&tained &y !ontinuous eed&a!/ and $elia&le in t"e wo$/ a$ea; #e$sonal Responsi&ility: !$eated w"en t"e employee "as su i!ient autonomy to ma/e de!isions $ega$ding t"e planning and e2e!ution o t"e wo$/ on t"e des/top3 6inally0 t"e t"eo$y leads to t"e !on!lusion t"at t"e p$esen!e o t"ese eatu$es wo$/ does not automati!ally lead to t"e e2pe!ted $esults %e3g30 moti1ation "ig" int$insi!'3 Among employees a$e o&1iously di e$en!es3 T"e$e a$e pa$ti!ula$ly t"$ee a!to$s &y w"i!" employees !an &e identi ied3 T"e !"a$a!te$isti!s o t"e un!tion des!$i&ed only p$odu!e psy!"ologi!al !$iti!al situations and t"e$e o$e t"e $esults w"en t"ese a!to$s a$e satis ied:

MARKETING MANAGEMENT 13 Knowledge and p$o essional s/ills must &e !ompati&le wit" t"e $ele1an!e o t"e tas/ %agility and a&ility': t"e employee must "a1e t"e !o$$e!t 4uali i!ations0 i not t"e !"allenge o t"e wo$/ will "a1e an opposite impa!t3 T"e tas/ may &e0 o$ e2ample0 somew"at di i!ult0 so t"at t"e pe$son mani esting $ust$ated &y t"ei$ poo$ pe$ o$man!e3


.3 T"e need o$ employee g$owt" %g$owt" need st$engt"': only w"en a pe$son enoug" to add 1alue to t"ei$ pe$sonal de1elopment0 $ea!t positi1ely to a !omple2 and !"allenging tas/3 @3 T"e deg$ee o satis a!tion wit" t"e wo$/ !i$!umstan!es %satis a!tion !onte2t': i an employee is un"appy wit" t"e di1e$gent aspe!ts o wo$/ing !onditions0 su!" as wages0 o1e$sig"t o$ $elations"ip wit" you$ !olleagues p$o&a&ly will not $ea!t positi1ely to t"e !"a$a!te$isti!s outlined t"e tas/3 Ha!/man and (ld"am !on!lude t"at employees wit" a Eo& t"at "as "ig" moti1ational potential a$e gene$ally satis ied0 espe!ially wit" t"e g$owt" possi&ilities3

1.1. Importance of !roup Structure T"is app$oa!" pla!es t"e emp"asis on t"e employee as a so!ial &eing3 T"is notion was pa$ti!ula$ly $aised &y t"e Human Relations S!"ool3 T"e emp"asis is on t"e $ole o employee alongside ot"e$ mem&e$s o t"e o$gani)ation0 t"ei$ needs and t"e so!io?psy!"ologi!al impa!t o t"e o$gani)ation3 T"e Ta1isto!/ Institute o Human Relations in Jnited States &e!ame0 in t"e ea$ly i ties0 in1ol1ed in t"e p$o&lems o Ame$i!ans mine$s3 In 1iew o t"is0 t"e employees o t"e institute de1eloped a st$u!tu$alist t"eo$y o la&o$: t"e app$oa!" o t"e so!io?te!"ni!al system3 T"e !"a$a!te$isti!s o t"is st$u!tu$e o wo$/ a$e:

MARKETING MANAGEMENT F T"e ta$get st$u!tu$e o t"e wo$/ is not e2!lusi1ely e2p$essed in p$odu!ti1ity3 T"e

a!ti1ities also point to g$eate$ Eo& satis a!tion and mo$e inte$esting and stimulating tas/s; F =ette$ !oope$ation &etween manage$s and employees ? in !ont$ol un!tions and suppo$t ? is !on!e$ned; F F T"e t$eadmill o p$odu!tion is !ounte$ed &y ot"e$ o$ms o di1ision o la&o$3 T"e indi1idual tas/s a$e $epla!ed &y tas/s $e4ui$ing also demands !oo$dination3 T"ese tas/s !an &e !atego$i)ed into wo$/ing g$oups; F Rewa$d systems unde$go !"anges; &e!ome appli!a&le systems o $emune$ation ag$eement !ont$a!t and $emune$ation o t"e g$oup0 and also0 o$ e2ample0 a $ewa$d system multi a!to$; F 5a$e ul attention to t"e design0 p$odu!tion te!"nology and t"e p"ysi!al en1i$onment o wo$/ as auto plants wit"out assem&ly lines0 a!to$ies less noisy0 wit" t"e o i!e in t"e same $oom o t"e a!to$y et!3 A amous e2ample o t"is Eu$opean app$oa!" is t"e Kol1o a!to$ies0 pa$ti!ula$ly t"e Kalma$ plant0 &uilt in t"e se1enties3 Spa!es we$e &uilt &ee"i1e0 w"e$e t"e en1i$onment o t"e small wo$/s"op !an dominate and in w"i!" p$odu!tion g$oups %1G?.G mem&e$s' "a1e t"ei$ own !a ete$ia and ot"e$ a!ilities3 In t"e p"ysi!al wo$/ en1i$onment was gi1en attention to t"e !olo$s0 &ig glasses0 t"e 1isual natu$e and sound 4uality e4ual to t"ose o i!es0 p$omoting t"e demo!$ati)ation and "umani)ation o wo$/ en1i$onment needed3 T$anspo$t and assem&ly modules a$e used t$anspo$ta&le assem&ly0 w"i!" ma/e possi&le to position a &ody so t"at it !an !a$$y standing wo$/3 T"e a!tual g$oup mem&e$s s"a$e t"e wo$/ and to dete$mine and pe$ o$m tas/s in wo$/ !y!les o L M ? .7 minutes3 T"$oug" in o$mation system0 t"e inal inspe!tion is ta/en &y t"e g$oup itsel 3


1. . Communication and Satisfaction 5ommuni!ation is t"e t$ansmission o 1e$&al in o$mation and M o$ non?1e$&al !ommuni!ation &etween two o$ mo$e people0 a !$iti!al !onne!tion in o$gani)ations3 T"is in o$mation !omes $om data t"at a$e p$o1ided &y t"e sende$ and t"e $e!ei1e$ pe$!ei1ed wit" a !e$tain meaning3 In 1e$&al !ommuni!ation t"e in o$mation is t$ansmitted t"$oug" language3 #eople use !e$tain wo$ds to e2p$ess t"ei$ ideas0 emotions0 ideas and desi$es3 T"e in o$mation !an &e t$ansmitted in se1e$al ways o$ally o$ in w$iting3 In non1e$&al !ommuni!ation !on!e$ns in o$mation t"at is not !on1eyed 1e$&ally0 as intonation and e2p$ession3 Inte$pe$sonal !ommuni!ations !ontain &ot" o$ms ea$lie$ and "a1e t"e a&ility to gi1e and $e!ei1e eed&a!/0 p$o1iding a two?way !ommuni!ation %6eenay et al30 1::8'3 In pa$ti!ula$0 !ommuni!ation wit" supe$io$s "as a g$eat in luen!e on employee satis a!tion3 It is impo$tant to ta/e se$iously t"e employees %espe!ially new employees in t"e p$o!ess o so!iali)ation'0 gi1e eed&a!/ on pe$ o$man!es0 in o$mation on poli!y and $ules0 wo$/ inst$u!tions0 tas/s0 s!"emes and o&Ee!ti1es; t"ese o$ms o !ommuni!ation lead to "ig" satis a!tion0 $ega$dless o t"e !lass o un!tion %6eenay et al30 1::8'3 At t"e same time satis ied employees spea/ mo$e easily wit" t"ei$ &osses w"en !ommuni!ation is &ased on t$ust3 Among t"e most sop"isti!ated o$gani)ational st$u!tu$es0 su!" as t"e mat$i20 $ole !on li!ts o!!u$ in t"is o$m o !ommuni!ation0 !omp$omising satis a!tion: an employee w"o "as multiple &osses to !olle!t and pass on in o$mation3 T"e $ole o !ommuni!ation depends not only on o$mal un!tion w"e$e manage$s a$e0 &ut also o in o$mal netwo$/s3

MARKETING MANAGEMENT 5ommuni!ation "o$i)ontal0 o$ late$al0 is di$e!t and t"e$e o$e less de o$med0 &ut still "as i2ed


!"annels3 Disg$untled employees p$onoun!e positi1ely only t"$oug" late$al !ommuni!ation wit" !olleagues3 ItDs di e$ent !ommuni!ation wit"in t"e team0 &etween teams0 &etween depa$tments and &etween line employees and suppo$t employees3 Resea$!"e$ adds t"e !ommuni!ation &etween di1isions3 6o$ t"e mutual mat!"ing0 in o$mal !ommuni!ation is widely used0 wit" t"e ad1antage o g$eate$ speed3 T"ese $umo$s0 in Englis" o$ g$ape1ines %g$ape1ines a$e teleg$ap" wi$es we$e "anging $om t$ees du$ing t"e Ame$i!an 5i1il ,a$0 w"i!" ended t$un!ating messages3 5a&les $esem&le 1ines0 "en!e g$ape1ines'0 t$ansmit in o$mation mu!" aste$ and >G I it a!!u$ately %6eenay et al30 1::8'3 T"e ad1antages o in o$mal !ommuni!ation a$e speed and o$ientation to t"e solution3 (n t"e ot"e$ "and one !an damage t"e $elia&ility o t"e o i!ial !"annels3 Manage$s !an use te!"ni4ues t"at t$eat su&o$dinates mo$e di$e!tly in1ol1ing t"emsel1es in t"ei$ day?to?day0 in o$de$ to pass in o$mation $apidly "onest0 wit" it0 in a way0 systemati)ing t"e $umo$s3 Management !an s"ow t"at wo$ds and a!tions "a1e a $eal &asis $emo1ing t"is way0 t"e ea$3 T"is is espe!ially impo$tant o$ new employees %#utti et al30 1::7'3 Su!" an idea is not $e4ui$ed to wo$/ o$ to t"e o$gani)ationDs p$o!edu$es and is t"e$e o$e in o$mation $umo$s3

1.". Leadership and Satisfaction A!!o$ding to t"is t"eo$y0 t"e $ole o t"e leade$ is to !la$i y t"e goals %and t"e pat"s t"at lead ta$gets' o$ su&o$dinates3

MARKETING MANAGEMENT T"e leade$Ds &e"a1io$ !an in!$ease employee satis a!tion w"ile p$o1iding mo$e !on iden!e and unde$standing o t"e $elations"ip &etween pe$ o$man!e $esults and all t"e ne!essa$y suppo$t and leade$s"ip t"at a$e in!onsistent wit" t"e ne!essa$y3 T"e !onne!tion &etween satis a!tion and leade$ &e"a1io$ is in luen!ed &y two g$oups o


situational 1a$ia&les: en1i$onmental o$!es %tas/ st$u!tu$e0 o$mal aut"o$ity0 wo$/ing g$oups' and !"a$a!te$isti!s o t"e su&o$dinate %!ont$ol !ente$0 e2pe$ien!e0 pe$!ei1ed a&ility'3

1.#. $erformance and Satisfaction T"e ot"e$ 1a$ia&le t"at must &e studied wit"in t"e s!ope o t"is wo$/ is t"e pe$ o$man!e issue3 Measu$es o$ e1en !on!epts o pe$ o$man!e a$e "ig"ly $elati1e and !ont$o1e$sial3 T"is stage o t"e wo$/ aims to p$esent some o t"e main 1iews a&out w"at is &usiness su!!ess ? t"at would &e t"e !$ystalli)ation o a good pe$ o$man!e &y t"e o$gani)ation0 and e2plain t"e !$ite$ia !onside$ed o$ t"is study3 It is t$ue to say t"at not ne!essa$ily t"e t"eo$ies t"at will &e e2"i&ited "e$e a$e !on li!ting %Budge et al30 .771'3



5u$$ie #0 Dolle$y0 =3 %.77H' Organizational commitment and perceived organizational support in the NSW police, Inte$3 B3 #oli!e St$ategies Manage0 .:%8': pp3 >81?>GH De Kos0 A30 N Megan!/0 A3 %.779' C,"at HR manage$s do 1e$sus w"at employees 1alue: E2plo$ing &ot" pa$tiesD 1iews on $etention management $om a psy!"ologi!al !ont$a!t pe$spe!ti1e0 Personnel Review0 38%1'0 pp3 8G?H7 Dean0 B3 ,30 N =owen0 D3 E3 %1::8'3 Management t"eo$y and total 4uality: imp$o1ing $esea$!" and p$a!ti!e t"$oug" t"eo$y de1elopment3 A!ademy o management $e1iew0 1:%@'0 @:.? 8193 DeSan!tis0 G3 <3 %.711' C n e!amination o" an e!pectanc# theor# model o" decision support s#stem use0 n3d Do!/el0 A30 =asson0 B3 S30 N 5oet)ee0 M3 %.77H' Ct"e e e!t o $etention a!to$s on o$gani)ational !ommitment: An in1estigation o "ig" te!"nology employees0 S $ournal o" %uman Resource &anagement0 '%.' 6eat"e$0 N3 T30 N Raute$0 K3 A3 %.778'3 ($gani)ational !iti)ens"ip &e"a1iou$s in $elation to Eo& status0 Eo& inse!u$ity0 o$gani)ational !ommitment and identi i!ation0 Eo& satis a!tion and wo$/ 1alues3 Bou$nal o o!!upational and o$gani)ational psy!"ology0 >>%1'0 91?:83 6eeney0 B3 A30 Nolle$0 #30 N 5allan0 K3 B3 %1::8'3 Atta!"ment style0 !ommuni!ation and satis a!tion in t"e ea$ly yea$s o ma$$iage3 6u0 ,30 Des"pande0 S3 #30 N A"ao0 O3 %.711' CT"e impa!t o et"i!al &e"a1io$ and a!ets o Eo& satis a!tion on o$gani)ational !ommitment o 5"inese employees0 $ournal o" (usiness ethics0 )*'%8'0 pp3 G@>?G8@

MARKETING MANAGEMENT Gagne0 M30 N De!i0 E3 <3 %.77G' CSel ?dete$mination t"eo$y and wo$/ moti1ation0 $ournal o" organizational (ehaviour, .H0 pp3 .H.P@@1 Haas0 M3 R30 N Hansen0 M3 T3 %.77>'3 Di e$ent /nowledge0 di e$ent &ene its: towa$d a p$odu!ti1ity pe$spe!ti1e on /nowledge s"a$ing in o$gani)ations3St$ategi! Management Bou$nal0 .9%11'0 11@@?11G@3


Budge0 T3 A30 #i!!olo0 R3 630 N Ilies0 R3 %.778'3 T"e o$gotten ones* T"e 1alidity o !onside$ation and initiating st$u!tu$e in leade$s"ip $esea$!"3 Bou$nal o applied psy!"ology0 9:%1'0 @H3 Budge0 T3 A30 T"o$esen0 53 B30 =ono0 B3 E30 N #atton0 G3 K3 %.771'3 T"e Eo& satis a!tionQEo& pe$ o$man!e $elations"ip: A 4ualitati1e and 4uantitati1e $e1iew3#sy!"ologi!al &ulletin0 1.>%@'0 @>H3 Ret$ie1ed $om Moyni"an0 D3 #30 N #andey0 S3 K3 %.77>' C+inding Wor,a(le -evers over Wor, &otivation .omparing $o( Satis"action, $o( /nvolvement, and Organizational .ommitment0 dministration 1 Societ#; @:%>'0 pp3 97@?9@. #utti0 B3 M30 A$yee0 S30 N #"ua0 B3 %1::7'3 5ommuni!ation $elations"ip satis a!tion and o$gani)ational !ommitment3 G$oup N ($gani)ation Management0 1G%1'0 88?G.3 Ri!"a$d Ha!/man0 G$eg R3 (ld"am0 Moti1ation t"$oug" t"e design o wo$/: test o a t"eo$y0 ($gani)ational =e"a1io$ and Human #e$ o$man!e0 Kolume 1H0 Issue .0 August 1:>H0 #ages .G7?.>:0 Ret$ie1ed $om "ttp:MMwww3s!ien!edi$e!t3!omMs!ien!eMa$ti!leMpiiM77@7G7>@>H:771H> Ro&e$ts0 K30 Miles0 R3 E30 N =lan/ens"ip0 <3 K3 %1:H9'3 ($gani)ational <eade$s"ip Satis a!tion and #$odu!ti1ity: A 5ompa$ati1e AnalysisR3 A!ademy o Management Bou$nal0 11%8'0 871?8113 Ret$ie1ed $om "ttp:MMamE3aom3o$gM!ontentM11M8M8713s"o$t



Stee$s0 R3 M30 Mowday0 R3 T30 N S"api$o0 D3 <3 %.778'3 Int$odu!tion to spe!ial topi! o$um: T"e utu$e o wo$/ moti1ation t"eo$y3 2he cadem# o" &anagement Review0 34%@'0 @>:?@9>3 Ret$ie1ed $om "ttp:MMwww3Esto$3o$gMsta&leM173.@7>M.71G:78: T"e Toyota !ultu$e o !ontinuous imp$o1ement 3 %n3d3'3 Relia(le Plant and -ean &anu"acturing $ournal 3 Ret$ie1ed May 1@0 .71@0 $om "ttp:MMwww3$elia&leplant3!omMReadM1791>Mtoyota?!ontinuous?imp$o1ement Tissen0 R3 B30 <e/anne D30 63 R3 E30 =u$ge$s0 R3 G3 =3 M30 N 1an Mont o$t0 K3 %.717'3 C5"ange o$ "old: $ee2amining HRM to meet new !"allenges and demands: t"e utu$e o people at wo$/: a $e le!tion on di1e$ging "uman $esou$!e management poli!ies and p$a!ti!es in Dut!" o$gani)ations3 2he /nternational $ournal o" %uman Resource &anagement0 3)%G'0 pp3 H@>?HG.3 Toyota !"ie to employees: ,e must $esta$t ? 5NN3!om3 %n3d3'3 .NN0com /nternational 5 6rea,ing, World, 6usiness, Sports, 7ntertainment and 8ideo News3 Ret$ie1ed May 1@0 .71@0 $om "ttp:MMedition3!nn3!omM.717M=JSINESSM7@M7GMtoyota3toyodaMinde23"tml Tus"man0 M3 <30 N Romanelli0 E3 %.779'3 ($gani)ational e1olution3 ($gani)ation !"ange: A !omp$e"ensi1e $eade$0 1GG0 .7791>83 Kan Ee$de0 ,30 N T"ie$$y0 H3 %1::H' CK$oomDs e2pe!tan!y models and wo$/?$elated !$ite$ia: A meta?analysis0 $ournal o" applied ps#cholog#0 8)0 pp3 G>G?G9H ,al/e$0 5"a$les N Guest0 Ro&e$t %1:G.'3 T"e man on t"e assem&ly line3 5am&$idge0 Mass3:Ha$1a$d0 G$aduate S!"ool o =usiness Administ$ation3 Ret$ie1ed $om "ttp:MMwww3!luteonline3!omMEou$nalsMinde23p"pMBDMMa$ti!leM1iewM8::.MG79@

MARKETING MANAGEMENT ,o$$all0 <30 #a$/es0 530 N 5oope$0 53 <3 %.778' CT"e impa!t o o$gani)ational !"ange on t"e


pe$!eptions o JK manage$0 7uropean $ournal o" Wor, and Organizational Ps#cholog#0 )3%.'0 pp3 1@:?1H@ Aa$&o0 R3 B30 N DAngelo0 R3 %.77>'3 T"e Hen$y 6o$d #$odu!tion System E e!ti1e Redu!tion o #$o!ess De e!ts and ,aste in Su$gi!al #at"ology3Ame$i!an Eou$nal o !lini!al pat"ology0 1.9%H'0 171G?17..3 Ret$ie1ed $om "ttp:MMaE!p3as!pEou$nals3o$gM!ontentM1.9MHM171G3s"o$t Ai!/a$0 M3 B30 Gi&&y0 R3 E30 N Benny0 T3 %.778' CBo& attitudes o wo$/e$s wit" two Eo&s, $ournal o" 8ocational 6ehaviour, H80 pp3 ...P.@G

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