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Press Release

Statistical data published by NATO and supported by statements made by its General Secretary Anders Fogh Rasmussen refers to Greeces military expenditure as a percentage of its GD ! and places Greece second only behind the "SA among the NATO member countries# This data once again confirms the rele$ance and the importance of the uncompromising and staunch struggle of the anti%imperialist mo$ement! &hich has become more essential than e$er# No&adays! &hile the people of Greece are suffering enormously under the barbarian measures being ta'en against it! Greece still remains one of the best customers of the arms industry# This sho&s that Greece! despite the impo$erishment of its people due to austere and barbarian measures! continues to hold its leading position in military expenditure! as it is the only country in NATO! follo&ing the "SA! that ma'es o$er () of its GD a$ailable for military expenditure# Greece has for a $ery long time been one of the best customers for the multinationals in the military industry# Tens of billions of euro ha$e been le$ied from the Gree' people to purchase materials &hich do not ser$e the defence needs of the country! but instead ser$e the schemes of NATO alone# As an example! the amount of money spent on &eapons since *+,- is e.ual to half of the a$erage annual GD of those years! &ithout ta'ing into account the interest/ 0n other &ords! the expenditure on armaments has contributed o$er 12) of the accumulated public debt/ This is exclusi$ely expenditure on importing &eapons and military systems &hich generally only ser$e imperialist plans! to the detriment of the countrys defence industries# 3hat is more! extending and strengthening this participation in imperialist schemes dangerously entraps our country and its people# At this time &hen ri$alries in the eastern 4editerranean region are escalating! and there are bad omens for a more &idespread &ar in the region! &ith Syria and 0ran as the main targets of the imperialists! the peoples must ha$e their eyes and ears open to pre$ent such &ars# The more Greece becomes en$ol$ed in the structures of the imperialist organisations and bodies! the stronger the doctrine of the Gree' Armed Forces becomes! along &ith its arms purchases# This &ill certainly not be in the interest of the Gree' people and all other peoples of the &orld# The Gree' 5ommittee for 0nternational D6tente and eace calls on the Gree' people to consider thoughtfully7 8 4ore than one in e$ery four people in our country are unemployed! &hile at the same time billions of euro are being spent for the re.uirements of NATO# 8 3ho benefits more in our e$eryday life from the participation of our country in NATO! in the 9" and! more generally! in imperialist organisations and schemes: 8 3hat does the Gree' people gain from the participation of the country in organisations that massacre other peoples in our region: The Gree' 5ommittee for 0nternational D6tente and eace ;99D<9= calls upon our people to intensify its struggle against NATO! until it lea$es the organisation# The 99D<9 calls on the people to intensify its struggle for the return of all Gree' armies from o$erseas# >et us continue our struggle for Greeces exit from all imperialist organisations! so that our people &ill become masters in our o&n land# Press Office of EEDYE 11th January 2013

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