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Storm Water Sewer Design Calculations

written by: Harlan Bengtson edited by: Lamar Stonecypher updated: 5/26/20 !se the "#cel $ormulas in the templates included with this article to compute the hydraulic portion $or storm water drainage in a storm sewer design%

Storm Sewer Hydraulic Design

&he "#cel template that can be downloaded $rom this article is use$ul $or ma'ing the hydraulic portion o$ storm sewer design calculations between any pair o$ manholes% &he $irst step in this stormwater drainage system design is using the rational method to determine the design stormwater runo$$ $low rate $or a gi(en section o$ storm sewer% &he ne#t step is calculation o$ the pipe diameter and slope $or that section o$ storm sewer) using the *anning "+uation% ,inally) the pipe in(ert ele(ation at each manhole needs to be determined% -n o(er(iew o$ typical design criteria and the o(erall hydraulic design procedure is a(ailable in the article) ./rain Storm 0ater with 1ood Storm Sewer Hydraulic /esign%. "ach o$ the steps is discussed brie$ly in the ne#t se(eral sections o$ this article and the spreadsheet template with the "#cel $ormulas is then presented and discussed on page 2%

The Rational Method for Calculation of Design Flow Rate

&he design stormwater runo$$ rate to use $or any stormwater drainage system design is typically calculated with the rational method e+uation) 2 3 4i-) where 2 is the design stormwater runo$$ rate) 4 is the runo$$ coe$$icient 5an estimate o$ the $raction o$ rain$all that becomes sur$ace runo$$6) i is the design rain$all intensity) and - is the runo$$ area that drains to the section o$ sewer pipe being designed% *ore details about the rational method and its use are gi(en in the article) .&he 7ational *ethod $or 4alculation o$ 8ea' Storm 0ater 7uno$$ 7ate%. &he most complicated part o$ rational method calculations is determination o$ the design rain$all intensity) which depends upon the design return period) the design storm duration) and the intensity9 duration9$re+uency 5:/,6 relationship $or the location o$ the storm sewer design% /etermination o$ design storm intensity is discussed in the article) .4alculating /esign 7ain$all :ntensity $or !se in the 7ational *ethod%.
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The Manning Equation for Calculation of Pi e Diameter and Slo e

&he criteria used to calculate the design diameter and slope $or a section o$ sewer pipe are as $ollows: % 2% &he pipe must be able to carry the design stormwater runo$$ rate% &he $low (elocity in the sewer pipe must be greater than or e+ual to the design ;min 5usually < $t/s6

&he use o$ these design criteria and the *anning e+uation = 2 3 5 %>?/n65-657h2/<65S /26 @ to calculate the pipe diameter and slope is discussed and illustrated with an e#ample in the article) .How to !se the *anning "+uation $or Storm Sewer 4alculations%. &he procedure is also illustrated in the spreadsheet template presented on page 2 o$ this article%

Determining Pi e !n"ert De ths at Manholes

&he design criterion that helps to determine the pipe in(ert depth 5or ele(ation6 at each manhole is a minimum re+uired depth o$ co(er abo(e the sewer pipe $or protection $rom $reeAing% &his will typically by speci$ied by a state or local design code% &he re+uired minimum co(er) the re+uired pipe slope) and the ground sur$ace ele(ations $rom a map li'e that shown at the le$t) are used to calculate the pipe in(ert ele(ations at each manhole% &his calculation is illustrated using "#cel $ormulas in the "#cel spreadsheet template presented in the ne#t section) on page 2 o$ this article%

#se of E$cel Formulas in a S readsheet Tem late to Put it all Together

&he "#cel spreadsheet template shown at the le$t contains the design calculations $or a storm sewer line along *aple -(enue) $rom Bth Street to >th Street) based on the manhole layout map shown in the pre(ious section% &he column numbers gi(en in the spreadsheet will be used to discuss the (arious parts o$ the spreadsheet calculations% 4olumns ) 2) and < contain in$ormation $rom a map that is drawn to scale) li'e the one in the pre(ious section and used $or this e#ample% 4olumn > is the cumulati(e area draining to the downstream sections o$ sewer pipe% :n this e#ample) the manhole at Bth Street and *aple -(enue is assumed to be the uppermost part o$ this sewer line% 4olumn < is an estimate o$ the runo$$ coe$$icient% 4olumn < is the inlet time $rom the $arthest point in the drainage area% ,or the $irst section o$ sewer pipe) the inlet time is the time o$ concentration% ,or subse+uent

sections o$ sewer pipe) the time o$ concentration is the inlet time to the $irst inlet plus pipe $low time to the inlet o$ the pipe section being designed) as gi(en in column C% 4olumn B is the calculated design rain$all intensity% &he portion o$ the "#cel template shown at the right is a linear regression o$ storm duration) D) (s the in(erse o$ storm intensity) /i) using :9 /9, data $or the location o$ interest) to get an e+uation $or storm intensity as a $unction o$ storm duration% &his linear regression ma'es use o$ the $act that the relationship between i and D is typically o$ the $orm i 3 a/5D E b6) where a and b are constants% 4olumn ? is simply the calculation) 2 3 4i-% 4olumns 0 through 5 ma'e use o$ the *anning "+uation and 2 3 ;- to determine the minimum standard pipe diameter and pipe slope needed) as well as a chec' on ;$ull and 2$ull when the pipe is recei(ing the design stormwater runo$$ $low rate% 4olumns 6 and C are used to calculate the pipe $low time to be used $or the time o$ concentration calculation in column C% 4olumns B and ? gi(e ground sur$ace ele(ations ta'en $rom the manhole layout map% 4olumns 20 and 2 calculate the pipe in(ert ele(ations% &he in(ert ele(ation o$ the uppermost end o$ the pipe is ta'en to be the sur$ace ele(ation minus the

minimum co(er 55F in this case6 plus the pipe diameter% &he in(ert ele(ation at the lower end o$ the pipe section is calculated using the pipe slope that was pre(iously determined% 4olumns 22 and 2< are a chec' on the depth o$ co(er at each manhole) and column 2> is a listing o$ the $inal design pipe slope% :n order to see the $ormulas used $or each part o$ the calculation) clic' here to download this "#cel spreadsheet template 5with !%S% units6 $or storm sewer design calculations

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