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Environmental Engineering
Gerry Keay
2B Mech
Since the beginning of this school
term there have been a number of rumours
circul ating within our engineering
community on the topic of an
Environmental Engineering degree
program starting here in September.
These rumours have ranged from a
program being planned two years from
now, to a degree program being in place
starting this fall. In actual fact, neither of
these rumours is entirely true or entirely
During an interview with Professor
Scharer of the Chemical Engineering
department, one of the main players
behind the implementation of
Environmental Engineering, it was learned
that starting in this upcoming fall term,
Environmental Engineering will be offered
as an option to engineers in present degree
When asked why the progtam was
initially investigated, Professor Scharer
cited as one of the main reasons, the
dissatisfaction many senior engineering
students felt with the scope of present
pollution control options in fourth year
Another topic of speculation has been
the system of enrolment for
Environmental Engineering. Environ-
mental Engineering will not be a full
degree discipline within engineering this
fall, and no students will be admitted into
it. Forty extra students, however, will be
admitted into the existing engineering core
for the purpose of forming the first
Environmental Engineering class when it
does become a degree program. As it is
presently planned, 10 more students will
be accepted into both the Civil and
Systems Design engineering departments
while 20 extra IA students will swell the
ranks of the first year Mechanical
Engineering class. It was decided that
these three departments should handle the
extra forty first year students because their
present core programs in the first two
years of study most closely resemble that
of the proposed curriculum of
Environmental Engineering, and because
these departments are able to admit the
required number of extra students without
having their v e r ~ e of admission dropped
Its time has come.
to an unacceptable level. One question
which immediately comes to mind when
told that there will be forty extra students
admitted to engineering for the purpose of
ruling a class in a program which has not
yet been put into place is: How do you
know that forty of these students will
want to switch from their home
department when the time comes? During
this year's Campus Day, which was held
in March, the attending high-school
students were asked if they were interested
in such a program. Their very positive
response has made the Undergraduate
Office confident that they will have no
problem finding enough students to fill a
class of forty.
The reasons why Environmental
Engineering is not now planned to be a
separate discipline in this fall term are
mostly financial. The Ontario
Government has not yet guaranteed the
University funds for the new faculty and

equipment which are required for the
Yet another topic of rumour was
whether or not this new discipline would
be a joint project with the Faculty of
Science. The Faculty of Science will be
starting an Environmental Science
program in the fall, and some of the
courses in this program and our proposed
program will overlap. Environmental
Engineering will be entirely an
Engineering program with no direct
connection with the Faculty of Science.
The Environmental Engineering
Option Committee, includes as members
Prof. G.E. Schneider, Prof. J.B. Moore
from Management Science, Prof. Jernigan
of Systems Design, Prof. Scharer, Prof.
E. McBean from Civil Engineering, and
Profs. A. Strong and G. Bragg from
Mechanical Engineering. Noting that
more than two calendar years will have
elapsed before the proposed Environmental

Issue ...
Visit a prohibition speakeasy in the Roaring '20s
June 22, 1990
Engineering program differs significantly
from the other engineering programs, the
committee decided that an option program
would be an adequate beginning until
funding for a degree program is approved.
In the fIrst two years there is only a three
course difference between the proposed
Environmental Engineering progra:m and
those of most other present disciplines.
Because of this similarity, if this option is
made into a degree program within the
next two years, students taking the
Environmental Engineering option will be
able to switch int,o the degree program
with no loss of time.
The structure of the fall option
program will consist of three required
courses which include two Environment
and Resource Studies courses, and one
Organic Chemistry course. As well as
the three required courses, four courses
chosen from a grouping which reflect one
of four themes within the option are
required. These four themes are similar to
the options which are offered in the third
and fourth year of the proposed degree
program and are described below.
After the first two years in the
proposed EnvirQomental Engineering
degree, program. students will be asked 10
choose a more specific line of study in one
of four options. The farst is the Waste
eme option. tuden ...
Waste Management option will study the
mechanisms of movement, distribution
and reactions of residuals in the
environment. Another option is the
Thermal Process Option. Students in this
option will deal with the design of
industrial, commercial, and domestic
systems which are concerned with energy
utilization and supply, and the related
thermal/fluid processes and how they effect
the environment. The third and fourth
Environmental Engineering Options are
both proposed as Modelling Options:
Decision Modelling, and Environmental
Systems Modelling. Both of these
options are concerned with developing
mathematical models to assist in the
solution of environmental problems.
What will the role of an
Environmental Engineer be in society? In
general, the role of environmental
engineers will be to fill the present gap
between the professionals on the
ecological and technical sides of the
environmental debate. Presently, it is felt
that both ecologists and engineers have
too narrow a view of technologies and
systems which may have an impact on the
environment. Environmental Engineers
will provide both the technical expertise in
modelling and design, and a thorough
understanding of the environmental impact
of modem technology.
Find out about the new P**5 system
Build your very own car for two hundred dollars
Page 2
I love to listen to music. A lot
I do it for many reasons: to cheer
myself up; LO calm myself down; to
entertain myself when I'm driving or doing
odd jobs; or, most often, just to be a part
of something beautiful.
I don't just listen, either. I've been a
violinist for over three quarters of my life,
and a singer for over half. I've devoted a
huge amount of time to it over the years,
and I don't regret a single moment. Being
part of a really good ensemble is one of
the greatest possible experiences in life. (I
can live without solos. Too much stress.)
Sometimes, though, the sheer beauty
of music depresses me. The people who
have created it have, through their art,
enriched countless lives and brought
immeasurable joy into the world. In this
way, they are immortal in the truest sense
of the word.
Compare this to me. No matter what
T do, and no matter how good I am at it,
the works of my hands and mind are
unlikely to outlive me. My actions won't
benefit the world in arty permanent way. I
will leave no lasting legacy.
All this, of course, only hits me
when I'm in a really bad mood. When I'm
a little more rational, things seem
As far as I can tell, there are three
things that humans, both individually and
as a whole, can leave behind them. I label
these arbitrarily as Truth, Beauty, and the
state of the world. None of them have any
fixed defmitions for me.
Formal definitions of Truth abound,
of course. Choose any of them that suit
The lroP Warrior is a forum for
thought-provokina and informative uticles
- premtted by the academic community of
the Univenity of Waterloo. Views
, expressed in &he Ium WII[rior. other thaD
the editorials. are Ihose of dlo authon and
do DOt neceumly reflect the opinions of
the edi_ or &he ~ Society.
The Iron Warrior encouragcs
submi .. iou from, students. faculty and
o l h ~ r members of the universi'y
community. Submissions should reflect the
c:oncems and iJueJlectual standards of the
univenity in general. and should bo
typewritten or neatly written. double-
$paced and on one side of the page only.
~ authors name. class (if applicable) and
phone DUmber mould be included.
Iron Warrior
you. For me, though, they all fail. Any
such definition would, to me, have to
encompass such things as the
philosophies of Descartes and Kant; the
discoveries of Newton and Einstein; the
teachings of Christ and Buddha; the
methods of Hippocrates and Pasteur; the
ramblings of Mark Twain and Stephen
Leacock; and a whole host of other things,
equally diverse.
Similarly with Beauty. Beethoven's
Ninth Symphony; Tolkien's The Lord of
the Rings; Dali's The Persistence of
Memory; the Beatles' Yesterday; Milton's
On !lis Blindness; StravinSky'S The Rites
of Spring; all of these and more would
have fall within an acceptable definition of
Truth and Beauty share one thing,
though: only the rarest of human beings
can create them in their lasting forms.
For the rest of us, there's the state of the
world to consider.
Again, I'm not exactly sure what I
mean by the state of the world, but it has
something to do with the happiness and
prosperity of all of its inhabitants, both
human and not I won't try to judge what
its status is these days, except to say that
it could probably be improved.
Which is where we come in. When
we solve a problem, -or make someone
else happy, or even improve oursel ves
somehow, we contribute in a small way to
a continuing legacy of humanity that's
just as important as any work of art or
word of wisdom. As engineers, the tool
we use for this is technology.
So, when I'm in one of those black
moods, I try to remind myself that while
not everyone can create or discover Truth
and Beauty, these things don't belong just
to their originators. Those people are
only the lightbearers for humanity, and
All submissions. unless otherwise
Slated, become the property of the Wm
W.ajw. which reserves the right 1.0 refuse
publication of matetial which it deems
unsuitabJe. The Irgn Wmiot also reserveu
dle riaht 1.0 edit Brammer. spelling and
portions of teXt that do not meet university
IWldarda. Authors will be notifaed of any
major chanaes that may be required.
All submissions and advertising
enquiries should be forwarded 10:
Engineering Society
CPH 1127
University of Watedoo
(519) 888-4762
they often suffer for this privilege. Their
light illuminates us all. Furthermore, the
joy they give is genuine, but ephemeral.
If I, as an engineer, help to solve a
problem for someone, I'm doing
something just as valid and (in a way) just
as durable to create happiness (or at least
prevent unhappiness).
And if that doesn't help, I can always
listen to music, and share for a moment in
someone else's immortality.
At school, in what can be a high
stress environment, it is important to be
able to get away from the studies. I have
been trying to keep up with class, prepare
for midterms, plan my courses, and go to
interviews. My mind is always whirling.
For me there are several getaways: a long
run, a hot bath, a few songs on the piano,
and a quiet lake in the morning.
Music. It is one of the treasures for
life - it can sooth, refresh, motivate or
entertain. I have songs I go to for
comfort, to hear the familiar melodies and
words. I can relate to the lyrics and
somehow music can reach right inside to
touch us.
We have a capacity for music: to
enjoy it, to appreciate it, to be drawn by
it. When I hear someone play or sing
lovely music I pause - to be able to create
sounds so beautiful, to express what I feel
so simply - that is the wonder of music.
A few minutes at the piano or guitar,
playing and singing, is the perfect study
break for me. To practice and perform my
favorites is familiar and comforting.
There is something refreshing about
experiencing a quiet lake on an early
summer morning: to rise before the sun
and sit by the water's edge. .
The early morning air is still cool;
the ground is still wet with dew. There is
still a low blanket of fog resting on the
lake. The sky lightens and the brightness
and warmth of the first rays of the sun
reach out over the lake like the welcoming
arms of a friend. In its calm, the lake is
smooth and the sunlight dances on the
The only sounds are those that
belong: the gentle rhythm of the water
lapping the shore, the squirrels' incessant
challer, the song of birds. No human
sounds intrude.
To sit and watch the sun as it rises is
to experience a special stillness. Life
seems easier to bear. This is an
opportunity to feel the beauty and
perfection of God's creation. The 23rd
Psalm comes alive:
He leads me beside qu.iet waters,
He restores my soul.
Linda Hachey
John Kingdon
Brian Champ
Inge Vangemeren
Lisa Anderson
Mike "blackmail" Popik
Peter "No time" Szakaly
Al "Kiddies Pal" Adams
A.I. "The Prez" Baxter
Trina "PPPPP" Chiarelli
Ron Dicke
Milos Djokovic
Paul "Quiz me" Fieguth
Dr. Jim Ford
Gerry "Front Cover" Keay
Sean "Money man" Murphy
loge Vangemeren
Harvey Watson
Brenda "Stress" Beal (Manager)
Amy "c&D" Alfred
Simon Lee
Ted "IW" Timar
Harvey "Me again" Watson
Mattias Wandel
Stephan Waespe
Jamie Caceres (Manager)
Kim Boucher
Stuart Carmichael
Baldwyn Cheih
Martin Zagorsek
June 22, 1990
Iron Warrior Page 3
To the Editors:
This morning I was exposed to a
sexist attack against two people who I
respect very much. The incident involves
a poster with a picture of AJ Baxter and
Katherine Koszamy on an "ad" for a local
strip club indicating them as headlines for
the nightly show. To add a look of
authenticity to the doc ument, the
perpetrators included an Engineering
Society stamp to the poster.
This action was a deliberate sexist act
against two people. agai nst two leaders of
the Engineering Society. who spend
tremendous amounts of their time to
improve the Engineering image on
campus and out in the community. These
two people are there to listen to the wants
and needs of the students in engineering.
What is the matter with with our
society when women are attacked
physically and psychologically? Why
should society allow this to happen? Do
men feel threatened by women to the point
that they must attack on any possibl e
level? Docs sexism involve a form of
idiotic macho paranoia that prevents
rational, logical thought?
What is the matter with
our society?
Employers have recognized that a
problem exists and are looking for ways to
find a solution. In some instances. they
are demanding a change. Me. S.G.
r , . ng, enior ice Pre ident 0
Human Resources at Ontario Hydro, has
stated in a letter to all engineering schools
that Ontario Hydro "can't afford to employ
engineers who are reluctant to work in a
multicultural workplace." Graduating
engineers ,"must be prepared to work with
and for women and men of all races." Mr.
Horton is stating loud and clear that the
status quo of sexist tradition is no longer
tolerable. As a result, schools that don't
improve their image will not have their
students in high demand.
It can be said that at Waterloo we've
remained at the forefront of progressive
change by trying to promote ourselves on
campus and in the community. We can
say as well that our president and vice-
president are women. Yet, our credibility
is destroyed when a few disgustingly
stupid people commit an act such as this.
It galls me that my future as an
engineer is jeopardized by a bunch of
unthinking morons. But, more than that,
I am outraged that two of 1IlY friends were
attacked for no other apparent reason other
than the fact that they are women.
I am not prepared to accept a
compromise in terms of my future or my
friends. I will not allow either of the two
to be destroyed. This morning I was
exposed to a sexist attack and I did not like
Sean Murphy
2B MechEng
June 18, 1990.
A.J. Baxter
Midnight. This column was due two
days ago. The IW editors are lurking in
my backyard to see if I am writing.
(Lurking in my back yard is not hard to do
considering I don't have a lawn mower,
and I have seen African jungles in better
condition). Enough drivel. On to
important issues.
This last week, EngSoc was contacted
by three (count them, 3) radio stations.
The purpose of this contact, you wonder?
THE TOOL. Yes, all the talks how hosts
across North Arr.erica want tc ialk to the
radical female EngSoc Prez who is
changing all of UW Engineering
traditions. Jump back...
Talk show hosts just
love to cut people up.
At first I was really impressed that
pcople in the US of A wanted to hear
about the progressive attitudes that our
Engineering Society was adopting. I was
told to be careful (by some knowledgeable
people) because these talkshow hosts just
love to cut people up. They don't listen
to good arguments; they just insult and
So to be on the S(\fe side. I called one
of the stations, k'llked to the secretary. and
found out w!tat type of questiollS the
interviewer might ask. The
informed me that the interviewer was
basically a jerk who liked to make fun of
issues such as rape, abortion, wife beating
and feminism. You know, a "get the
listeners laughing" type of deal.
I cancelled the interview.
The revised version of the University'S Ethical Behavior Policy will receive
second reading at the Senate meeting of June 19. This policy, along with the
Student Discipline Policy and the university's position regarding these
All students should familiarize themselves with these policies. Violation of
any section will result in an investigation by the appropriate university
authorities. The penalties range from an official reprimand to expulsion and
are detailed in the policies.
Dean of Engineering
At first I was angry at my own
stupidity and niavete. Then 1 got
depressed by the fact that there is an
audience for this type of crap. I am
appalled that such serious issues are
trivialized in this manner. Later that day,
a copy of the letter that was issued by
Ontario Hydro cros ed m desk. It
basically said that Ontario Hydro does no!
want to hire from sexist educational
Wonderful. Society tells us not to be
sexist but puts up with media broadcasting
that just reinforces il. Sometimes I throw
my hands up in despair. Perhaps I should
inform you that I have a wicked midterm
in less than 48 hours and that may be
reflected in the sombre tone of this week's
spew session.
On to fun, happy, light items I have
to tell you about..
Kim Boucher did an amazing job
representing Engineering on the
coordination of S ummerfesl.
Congratulations to all of the engineering
students who helped oul. Don't forget
about Canada Day events. Every year the
Engineering Society runs the children's
events, and every year it is one of the
most successful events of the weekend.
AI Adams is pulling the engineers
together, so contact him for more info. (If
you can't find him, talk to Belinda) I do
recall that volunteers and the Brick:
Hospitality House were mentioned in the
same sentence a week or so ago.
There will be a parade on Canada Day
for which the TOOL and the BNAD will
be present. So, if you can set aside time
to march, sing or play an instrument you
will be guaranteed to have a wild and crazy
Don't forget about
Canada Day.
Mike Cassin (Social Director) is
pulling together a game show Olght at the
Bomb on June 29th. Hopefully everyone
will be finished midterms by thiS lime and
celebration will be in order. If you nce.d
more info on times etc. sec Mike in the
Orifice. On the social tone. remember to
take photos of class events for the EOT
pub. Mike Will really appreciate the
material as he puts the famous slide show
together . (As well, you will need them
for your yearbook in 4th year)
A couple of weeks ago, I was
approached by a candidate for the Liberal
nomination for Waterloo North.
Mr. Telgedi expressed an interest in
talking to university students about the
Liberal party and what he would do if he
won the Liberal nomination. Basically he
wants interested students to join the
Liberal Party and support him on
nomination night. He has been involved
in the University community for a number
of years and is concerned about the endless
budget cuts we have been dealt. If you arc
. r ' n . .
me in the office for more info.
Olltario lIydro does 1I0t
wallt 10 hire from sexist
To close off this week's session r
want LO make the student body aware of
the fact that a poSler went up sometime
ovcr last weekend with the EngSoc stamp
photocopied on to it. Please understand
that EngSoc in no way endorsed or had
any knowledge of such posters. End of
discussion on that topic.
Have a great couple of weeks.
That's right! The last issue of the Iron
Warrior for Spring 1990 will be on the
stands on Friday, July 6. If you've been
planning to write something, now's the
time to talk to the editors. We need:
Come and talk to us at the EngSoc Office.
Page 4
Iron Warrior
How to Pass 1 st Year
Dr. Jim Ford
Among freshmen, questions about
first year often arise, and frequently the
same question is repeatedly asked. I
thought it would be timely to discuss
some of these and to describe in a general
way how the system works.
The Level Playing Field
We accept students mainly from
Ontario (approximately 90%), the
remainder coming from out of province.
Professor Bodnar takes great care in the
admissions process to select those students
most likely to be successful. It is still the
case, however, that there is a wide
variation of background preparation in all
Year I subject areas. This is most
obvious in Mathematics, which is why we
administer a Preparedness Test in the fIrst
week of the 1 A term.
The results of this test are then used
to assign students to the GE 119 Problems
Laboratory, where they have the
opportunity to work in small groups with
a Tutor. This is our attempt to give each
student the chance to make up deficiencies,
i.e. coming to the same level as their
classmates - the level playing field. Of
course some students resent being assigned
to GEI19, and others misuse it, but those
who allend regularly show consistent
improvement in their performance.
IA to IB
We regard the lA term as the
transition from high school to University,
and so treat 1 A results more or less as
mid-terms. Any failing grade here does
- -,

',7' 4 1'., .1'4. " .
not need to be re-taken, provided that an
overall passing average has been obtained
(see 1990-1991 Calendar, P.9.4.7). In
general, students can expect their 1 B
average to be 5-8% greater than their lA
average. This is because they are now
seuJed into the system, know where to go
for help, and are more efficient in their use
of time.
Promotion from IB
Students are assessed on the basis of
their term's work, culminating in six
examinations wrillen during the 12 day
examination period. Thus it is nOl
possible to have a "re-write" at a later date.
Exceptions to this can be made for medical
or family emergencies of which we are
immediately informed.
The required average for promotion
from IB is 60%. If that were all, the
promotion decision could be left to a
computer. In fact, the promotion decision
is based on the answer to the question: "Is
the student most likely to be successful in
2A?" Thus the individual marks have to
be interpreted. Marks of 52% in Calculus
and 85% in a GSE would obviously carry
more weight if reversed. The current 1 B
failure rates (4.9% in Spring, 5.6% in
Winter 1990) suggest that the steps we are
taking are beneficial.
June 22, 1990
a pray about se;auz fwrassment
in tfu workpface
Wednesday, June 27, 1990
and 7:00pm
of Waterloo)
Sponsored by The Federafion of Students
Dean of Students, Sexual Harassment
Office, ALL UW Student Societies, and
the Department of Women's Studies
A fmal note for holders of Canada
Scholarships: at the present time an 80%
average in IB is required in order to retain
the scholarship.
Good luck in the remainder of the
rsn ,
June 22t 1990 Iron Warrior PageS
The days of illegal alcohol
In an attempt to take you back to the
days of speakeasies and the years of the
prohibition, EngSoc invites you to
Moon Oller Bourbon Street. On
July 7, dine on fine food at the Conestoga
Country Club and then relax and let loose
to the energizing sounds of the Bourbon
Tabernacle Choir. Tickets are now on sale
for $30 in the Engineering Office. but
only until June 29. (Note: a vegetarian
meal is also available; see the display case
for more information.)
speak-eas-y (spek'e'ze) n. pI. -eas-ies
Slang A saloon where liquor is sold
On January 15 1919, the 18
amendment to the US Constitution was
ratified, implying that nation-wide
prohibition would come into effect one
year later, not to be removed for 14 years.
Surviving the dry years
became an art.
The Volstead Act was the resulting
law that prohibited the manufacture,
transport, and sale of alcoholic beverages.
Should a bar or saloon remain in business
after January 17 1920, it would be labeled
a "speakeasy". As such, it could then be
deemed a "common nuisance" and be
subjected LO the infamous Padlock Laws
which called for the padlocking of doors
for up to one year.
So did this keep Americans from their
drink? No. Rather, it drove them to find
new and innovative ways to allow the
flow of alcohol to continue. Surviving
the dry years became an art.
Speakeasies thrived during the days of
the prohibition. By the end of the 1920's
there were more illegal bars in operation
than there were legal ones prior to the
enactment of the Volstead Act.
Located in any building other than the
obvious, speakeasies could be found in old
warehouses, drugstores, restaurants, and
even in the brownstones of Manhattan.
The freely swinging and inviting doors of
the pre-prohibition days were replaced by
thick barriers and a peep hole. Any device
that could stall a potential raider was
employed, buying time for the speakeasy
owner to hide his wares. One speakeasy
owner, aided by an engineer, had boules
on a special shelf. A bulton could be
pressed to release the shelf, sending the
bottles down a chute. At the bottom they
would slam into irons projecting out from
the sides of the chute, allowing the liquids
to seep through the sand and the rocks
waiting at the bouom. As an added
feature, an alarm would simultaneously go
off, instructing the patrons to drink up -
Life for the speakeasy owner was
more than just the thrill of carrying on
illegally and getting away with it: survival
came at a cost. Owners had to deal with
gangs threatening to take over the joint, as
well as corrupt police and public officials
who came seeking both protection and
hush money. Many owners found the
police the most bothersome, as they
enjoyed fmancial and liquid bribes.
enjoyed finacial and
liquid bribes!
The prohibition acted as a liberator of
the bars. Prior to the 18
Amendmenl, iL
was unacceptable for women to drink in
public. After 1920, when it was illegal
for both men and women to drink, women
joined the men in their illegal drinking
To remain open in spite of the
padlock laws, a speakeasy would maintain
a number of entrances to keep its services
available La its customers. Walter and
Friday, June 29
Engineering Pub
at the
?kg :JltJj ':fey
Come Or! tfown
an4 ruin some
r.MVU prius III
Cherry' s was a speakeasy located in a
bowling alley and boasted a 30 metre bar
and two entrances each with their own
address. When one door was padlocked,
the other would just have had its padlock
Club 21 had to be one of the best
known speakeasies in New York City.
The owners kept nosy reporters away from
its high profile clientele but also
discriminated against individuals who did
not dress up to par by refusing them
entrance or by allowing them to sit at the
worst tables of the house.
This snob appeal mentality was not
the norm at all speakeasies. Many were
complete dives and drinking what they
passed off as beer and wine could literally
threaten your life. At such places, owners
and Bartenders were only out to make a
profit and used any trick available to
achieve their goal.
1933 witnessed the 'end of
prohibition. Realizing that it was a total
failure at the national level. the US
government revoked the 18
Rather than ridding society of alcohol,
prohibition only acted to increase a
disrespect for the law as drinking was
maintained throughout the dry years.
Family Feud (with an Engineering Twist)
Starts at 10:00 pm
4 families of 5 needed (Role playing encouraged)
Prizes for the winning team
The Newlywed Game
Starts at 11 :15 pm
Three couples of roomies from the last co-op term
Prizes for the winning couple
The Dating Game
Starts at 12 :00
4 males & 4 females needed
Prizes for matches of each round
Contestants will be selected by ballot
Ballots distributed between 8:30 and 9:15
Draw at 9:30
Page6 Iron Warrior June 22, 1990
What happened to that $75.00?
more are needed. If you have any
suggestions, please leave a note in my
box in the Orifice.
What is being done to inform new
students about the VSC?
Endowment !Jjxiat:e:
Milos Djokovic
Endowment Director
About three weeks ago, Avi Belinsky,
Lhc previous and founding Endowment
Director, passed Lhe Endo),!ment torch into
my unsuspecting hands. I knew little
about Lhe Endowment, but felt strongly
about its principles and was willing to
work hard at making it a success. Ever
since I took the position, people have
expressed similar enthusiasm toward Lhe
fund. This article will address some of the
fundamental issues.
What's the difference between the
Endowment and the VSC?
The Waterloo Engineering
Endowment Foundation (WEEF) is the
student organization that administers our

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fund. For now, the fund consist of only
the Voluntary Student Contribution (your
$75/term) and last term's Plummer's
Pledge. Plans are being made to obtain
more capital for the fund; one plan
invokes industry participation Lhrough the
matching of student contributions.
What's the status of WEEF?
Currently, we are trying to iron out a
constitution LO be presented as information
at the next Board of Governors meeting.
A committee, which meets regularly on
Thursdays at 4:30, has been established to
ensure that the intent of the student
referendum is upheld in the constitution.
Lawyers, consultants, and directors of
similar funds are helping us LO create a
professional document that will protect
our investment.
In terms of our financial status, we
have approximately $70,000 in the
endowment fund, which is being managed
for us by Financial Services. Last term's
Plummer's Pledge is just starting to come
in; so this figure should change by the end
of this term.
How many VSC cancellations
were there?
This is the first term for the
collection of the VSC; therefore we
expected a cancellation rate of about 25%.
Our estimate was close to the actual
Something that all
departments could
benefit from ...
amount of 22%; but I feel that this figure
could be reduced drastically.
The primary reason given for
cancelling the contribution was a lack of
money. However, analysis of the
cancellation data shows that the student in
senior years were twice as likely to cancel
their contributions as opposed to other
years. This may be attributed LO Lhe fact
that senior students felt they would not
directly benefit as much from the fund as
would junior and intermediate students.
As the terms pass and the fund enhances
our facilities, we can expect cancellations
to drop LO about 15 %.
Who controls the money now?
With the constitution still under
development, temporary measures have
been set up. In the interim, Lhe money is
jointly managed by the Dean of
Engineering, and President and Lhe
Treasurer of Eng Soc. Once the
constitution is ready and presented to the
Board of Governors, we will employ the
final administrative structure.
What will be the first project?
The constitution will provide a
methodology for an equitable distribution
of funds across all departments. For the
rust funded project however, it was decided
that something that ALL departments
could benefit from would be funded.
Right now we have a few ideas but many
We plan to have sections in the
course calendar, the Registrar's Newsleuer,
and the Engineering Handbook. The text
will describe the purpose of the fund,
some of its accomplishments, and how to
go about cancelling if need be.
Suggestions in the
Orifice ...
Another project is to establish an
"Endowment Update" article in every first
issue of IW. This update will relay the
current financial status of the Endowment
and will also describe current funding
initiati ves.
If you have any further questions
about the Endowment, feel free to leave
me a note in the Engineering Office.
on Ring Road
Tanya Sagermann
Ring Road Classic Director
When r look around nowadays, it
seems like more and more people are
sporting Oakleys and cycling pants. Is it
just a fashion trend, or has cycling truly
become that popular? Well, for those of
you who are serious about riding (or
should 1 say somewhat serious), this is the
perfect time to pullout your Bianchis,
Mieles, Nishikis, and Raleighs and even
your Canadian Tire wheels and strut your
The Ring Road Classic is designed for
any level of rider. The novice race is for
exactly that - novice riders (i.e. you're just
out for a good time and don't care how you
place). The Men's and Women's Open are
the more serious races for people who
train (in between studying and classes and
partying) . Don't worry, the tough
competition won't be with us this year
because Lhe OCA provincials are on the
same day. That means there won't be too
many licensed riders.
The relay races are for all ievels and
should be fun. The last race is a mountain
bike race over in the Columbia Fields area
that is still in the works.
Prizes are available for LOp riders, and
for all riders a post race BBQ is being held
at POETS (that's where part of the
admission fee goes).
Hardshell helmets are a m..u.t to all
riders, and the waiver attached to the
application forms I!!llSl be read and signed.
Don't ask reasons, just do it and all should
work out well. Application forms are in
the Orifice and at the Turn key desk.
T-shirts with Lhis year's logo are available
in the Engineering Office.
Not just for engineers.
One last thing: this race isn't intended
just for engineering students. It's open to
anyone (on-campus or off), so tell any of
your friends who might be inLerested. For
those who don't ride but wish to help out
by marshalling, timing, or BBQ-ing,
please leave your name and phone number
in the Engineering Office. It would be
greatly appreciated.
Notice of Bus Re-Routing:
Just a word of warning LO all students
on campus: because of the Ring Road
Classic, all regularly scheduled buses that
ordinarily take the road will be taking
alternative routes from 8am to 2pm. on
Sunday, July 8th, 1990. Stops will be on
University, Westmount, and Columbia
instead. Sorry for any inconvenience Lhis
may cause.


/- ' .. -
t. . .1'. ..;;:'
.. .
. 746-8764 " .

June 22, 1990
Iron Warrior
Page 7
A Real Test
Paul Fieguth
So, you've just finished your
midterms. and you're motivated to work,
but there isn't anything to do? Well, test
your intellecl with the following
1. A friend of mine recently observed
that his bathroom scale indicated a weight
2 to 3 pounds less when placed on a rug as
compared to a hard floor 0
The following was proposed:
bathroom scales determine weight by
measuring the compression of a spring
inside the scaleo When placed on a rug,
the rug acts as a small spring that absorbs
some of the compressive force of the
person standing on the scale, resulting in a
lower compression of the scale and
indicated weighL
Support or defeal this hypothesiso
20 The power of solar energy at the
radius of the earth's orbit is on the order of
1000 W Im
0 Calculale the influx of solar
energy over the whole eartho For a power
conversion efficiency of 1 %, how many
large nuclear reactors (approxo 1000 MW)
worth of power does this represent? This

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(Ie:> zop 18
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is a particularly insightful calculation in
view of current environmental problems
associated with bulk energy productiono
30 We have a system where drops of
waler (each drop 001 mL) al 30 C fall
into a small beaker containing 1 mL of
waler, which is initially at 30 Co The
drops fall a distance of one metreo
Ignoring evaporation and heat loss to the
beaker, find:
i) the temperature after 10 drops
ii) the limiting temperatureo
40 Quick rough calculaling ability is a
valuable skill for any engineero Without
any reference materials or a calculator,
estimate the number of apples that would
occupy the same volume as the suno
1m 6
\10;; /,."L

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OPEN DAILY: 9am - 10pm
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People to be Noticed!
Outstanding Class
Marc Gravel 4A Mech
of the "Loudmouth
Meeting Award"
Reeves IB Sys
Honesty Award"
Outstanding Directors:
Kim Boucher Publicity
Rob Greenwald Academics
Jefferson Darrell (Otis)
Dan Blosdale & Lily Jung
The Stanley Burger Philosophy
III SlrLllll'Yos WI' believe lhnt r'llch
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wlwlesol1lt? /Ill'ol . Ruery itcIII on our IlU'IW
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oltly (resh. Itutritious ilrgrearl'llts. (Jur
burgers (Ire made with 100% /J!ue beef,
all onoillral spiccs. no added preservatives
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toile wide ilt pulling ollly lite best ill to
I'ucr)'f/ting we //lake.
Eltpcricllce the IJiffen.'IlCC of a
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210 King St.o No Waterloo
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(Ulm' ono COllflOll IlI"I
Stanley Burger
Only $3.

\" )
Expires July 6, 19900
_._. __ __ _ ________ ____ e __ ___ __
Page 8
Iron Warrior
June 22,.1990
Building A Car for $200
of the car. They are also a great way to
hold parts together when they start to fall
The brakes are the easiest part. All
you need is a concrete block and a length
of rope. The newspaper ties can be used
here if you weave them together to make
them strong enough. Whenever you want
to stop, just push the block out of the car.
If you tie the block to the back axle then
you will make sure that you stop, because
you might rip the back wheels off. Harvey Watson
4A Chern. Eng.
Do you want to own a car but can't
afford to buy one? Do you wish to trade
your two wheeled self-powered
pedalmobile for a gas guzzling nre beast?
Then you are reading the right article,
because here and now we will tell you
how to make your very own car for just
two hundred dollars.
There are several basic parts required:
a body, wheels. an engine, and brakes.
The body is the easiest part to create:
go to your nearest lumber store. Four
sheets of plywood. a handful of nails and a
few 2x4's should not cost more than $140.
The advantage of this design is that you
can create your own styling. The exterior
can be as smooth and sleek or ostentatious
and gaudy as you like.
Wheels can be found in any number
of places. Many grocery stores leave their
buggies unattended, so teenage hoods
remove them from the premises for a
joyride. The store will never know that
the buggy went to a better reward than the
Breakfast of
Inge Vangemeren
3A Systems
Is it enough to be a mathematical
genius and a conceptual wizard? At the K-
W Engineers Breakfast last week,
Dr. Norman Ball gave a brief commentary
on the issue of technical excellence. As
future engineers, should we presently
concern ourselves with non-technical
activities and skills? After all, we should
concentrate on technical background in
order to successfuUy lead the way to new
"The Home o.
HP 48SX Scientific
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Come try it today.
HP Equation Writer application:
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Easy automatic unit managemenl.
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Expansion options with plug-in
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technologies and the application of
existing technologies. Do we need a
strong social background? Dr. Ball
answered this question with a clear cut
"Yes - and no."
The answer to the question of
technical excellence depends on one's
personal definition of the role of
engineering. Engineering as the flOe art of
design and improvement may well suffice
without social skills. However,
Engineering in a facilitator role,
overseeing designs and their
implementation, re uire a very ng
HP 285
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HP Calculators -
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HP Solve feature to customize
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Enhanced RPN with albegraic
Near Olde English Parlour
886 - 7453
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( J,_
junk heap. If you prefer a set of wheels
with a diameter bigger than your hand,
you may want to get an extra sheet of
plywood and cut tJ1em for yourself.
The motor can be scavenged from
someone's garage sale for less than thirty
dollars. Any brand of lawn mower will
do, and in a pinch an old outboard engine
will suffice. Instead of buying a belt to
connect your wheels to the motor you can
go around to the local newspaper boy and
ask for the plastic straps that come around
his bundle of papers every day. Get lots
because you will need some for other parts
Every good car has lights so this car
should not be an exception. A set of
Christmas lights can be bought from
Canadian Tire for about $30 if you go at
the right time. This package will provide
enough lights to do the front and back
with a couple left over for replacements.
So there it is: a do-it-yourself car for
under $200 dollars.
Please be reminded that we are not
liable for any physical or bodily damage
of social skills. GM President" Why "ex-"engineer?
Aren't doctors doctors for life? Is there a
possibility that we may someday no
longer consider ourselves (or be viewed as)
engineers? Again - one's personal
definition of Engineering surfaces - is
engineering purely technical?
When climbing the corporate ladder
(for those of us who wish to put finer
bread on the table, or take on greater
responsibility), almost all situations will
force engineers to move towards a
facilitator role, in which writing, speaking
and presentation skills are vital. How
many times have we heard the phrase
"There goes a fine engineer and here comes
a losing manager"?
So, take a minute to define what it is
you'll be doing 10 years from now. Then
ask yourself if you have all. the skills
necessary to perform that role. Interaction
& presentation skills always need
Dr Ball drove this concern home with
a newspaper clipping describing the recent
a p intm n of a n w President for the
American division of General Motors.
The headline: "Ex-Engineer appointed as
For more information about the K-W
Engineers Breakfast, contact the
Engineering Society Office.
- (
The Sandford Fleminq Foundation
Waterloo Campus Achvity
Room 4366, Carl Pollock Hall, U. of W.
Waterloo, ON., N2L 3G1, (519) 888 4008
Teaching Assistantship Award
How about nominating the guy who helped you all
term? Simply fill out a nomination form (available
from the Eng.Soc. Office) on the T.A. of your
choice. A comment from the Prof. would also
help. Nominations for the Teaching Assistantship
Award should be forwarded to the Eng. Soc. Off.
or to the Sandford Fleming Foundation Office,
CPH 4366, by the end of term.
Karen Mark Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded annually to a woman engineer-
ing student in her third year of studies at Waterloo. This award
has been established in memory of Karen Mark who was a third
year student in Chemical Engineering at the time of her death.
If you wish to contributed to the endowment fund for the Karen
Mark Scholarship contact Mr. Jeff Weller, c/o Dean's Office.
Carl Pollock Hall.
An organization devoted to the advancement of engineering education

as $ tiS 5
June 22, 1990
Iron Warrior
Page 9
Participation Points
.: tJrMUfJ.
Trina Chiarelli
P**5 Director
Leagues P ublicit y
Squash Ladder .... ...... .. .. .. .. . ......... ... .. . . . 2 Posters (lclass/week) .. ........ . .............. 10
up to the fifth", or the Paul Plumber
Participation Points Program, awards
attendance and participation at most events
sponsored by the Engineering Society .
Following is a list of the points available
for assorted events. The class totals are
calculated and prizes awarded at the end of
term pub. (Thursday July 26th).
The P**5 Director has the rights to
change the points awarded at any time and
has final say in all matters.
Discipline Rep ................................. 20
Old Midterm or Final .......................... 1
Plant Sale: Volunteer ... . .... .. ................ 5
Blood Donor: Donor ......................... 15
General Volunteers ........................ .5-10
Un Want Ads
Returned Ad ...................................... I
Collecting, Sorting (lperson/week) ...... 10
Class Boxes (/week) .......................... 10
Make new Newspaper Box ................ .40
Organization (running) ..................... 100
Participation ............................... ..... 20
Isl. .. ............................................... 20
2nd ................................. .... ........... 15
3rd ............................ . .. .. ......... ... .. . . 12
4th ................................................ 10
5th .................................................. 8
Floor Hockey
Organization (running) ..................... 100
Participation .................................... 40
1st. .......... . ................. . .... . .. ... . . ....... 20
2nd ............................................ .... 15
3rd ............................... . ................. 12
4th ............ ................................ ... . 10
5th .................................................. 8
Volunteers . .. .. ... . ........ .... . ..... ...... . ... 10
Participation (Iteam) .. .... ... ... ...... ...... .40
1st. ......... ......... . ............... .... ..... ... .l OO
2nd ... ... .... ... .. .... ... ....... ..... .... ..... .. ... 60
3rd .. .............. ... ........ .. . .. ........ .. .. .... . 50
4th .. . ... ..... ...... ........ ...... ......... ... .. . .. 50
POETS Bottle Drive
1st. ......... ... .. .. ............ . .. . .............. .lOO
2nd .... ... .. .. ....... .. .. ... .... .... ............. .. 80
3rd .. . ....................................... .. . .... 70
4th .......................... . .................... . 60
5th ................................................ 50
6th ..... ................. . ......................... 40
7th ................... . .................. ... ... . .... 30
8th ................................................ 25
9th ............................... .. ....... .. ...... 20
10th ....................... .. ...................... 15
Campus Wide Events
(eg RRC, Canada Day, BNAD)
Volunteers . . ...... . ... .. ........................ 10
Minor Volunteers ........ ... .................... 5
Contests (lperson) .. .......................... 10
Prof Quotes ................. . ..................... 1
EOT Pub Slide Show
Per Slide Used ................................... 1
Organization (running) .. . .. .. .. .. .... .... .. 200
Participation ................................... 100
Ist. ............................................... 200
2nd ............................................... 120
3rd ................................................. 80
4th ............................. ................... 40
5th .... . .. .. ......... .. .. ..... . .. ...... ... .... .. .. . 20
Prez/VP/Treasurer ........... .. .. ...... ... .. .. 1 00
roN Editors ..... ... .. . . .. ........ . .. ... .......... 75
Others (/person) ..... .. ... ...... .... ...... ... .. 50
"By the pricking of my thumbs,
Something wicked this way comes."
An Engineering Road Trip to
at the Stratford Festival Theatre
Friday, July 13th
8:00 pm
Prime Seating
Tickets $32
Get them at the Orifice
Price includes bus transportation to and from the
theatre the night of the play, leaving at 6:30pm
from the west side of the East Campus Hall.
Iron Warrior
Articles .... .. ..... . ... ................. . ... .. ... . 10
Layout/Typing (lissue) ... .. .... .. ........... 10
Distribution (/c1ass) ..... .. .. ........ ....... .. 10
Pictures (/person) .. ........ ...... . ...... .. .... 10
Organi zat ion .. .. ... ...... .. ... .. ....... .. .... ... 16
Participation ... ... .. .. ... ...... ..... .. ..... . .... 10
1st. .... .. ... ........ .. ... ..... ... .... .. .. ..... .... ... 6
2nd . ...... ...... .. ........ . .... ..... .... ....... ... ... 4
3rd ....... . ... .. ... .......... ... .... .......... . ...... . 2
Organizalion .... .......... ..... .......... .. ... .... 8
Participation . .. .......... ....... .. ............... .4
1sl. ............. . ................. ...... ........ ... .. 4
2nd ............. .... .... .... .... ................... .. 3
13rd ...... ........ .. .... ........... . .... . .. . ..... .... . . 1
Organization ......... . ..... .. ... ... .... ... ........ 4
Participation ................. ... . ................. 2
1st. ................ .. ................................ 2
2nd .................................................. l
No Class member at Council meeting .. -1
No Class List.. .............................. -IO
No Course Critiques Rep ................. -lO
MAX ........................ . ................... 100
Will be ranked from 1 to 10 at the end of
the term by a committee made up of
member from each discipline whose class
is not in the race.
a pray aDout se.)(JUZf harassment
in tfie
Wednesday, June 21,1990
and 7:00 pm
of Waterloo)
Sponsored by The Federation of Students
Dean of Students, Sexual Harassment
Office, ALL UW Student Societies, and
the Department of Women's Studies
Our apologies to Dr. Brzustowski for
misspelling his name in the June 8
issue of the Iron Warrior.
n ,
o 0
r ) 0'
Ql 0

CALL FOR INFO: 888-4090
Page 10
Iron Warrior June 22, 1990
Be a part of CANADA DAY
AI Adams
Canada Day Director
Canada Day! Come out to Columbia
Lake and be a part of the celebration!
As part of the K-W Canada Day
activities, Eng Soc runs the childrens'
Junior Olympics. To accomplish this
formidable task we need approximately
100 enthusiastic volunteers.
A Canada Day volunteers meeting
was held in POETS on Thursday, June 21.
. Pc.ople arc nceded to be team leaders and to
run small events in pairs (i.e. 3 legged
race, Kool -Aid boat racing, waterball oon
Canada Day is Sunday July 1st and
our Junior Olympics will run from 5pm
to 8pm
What's in this for you? A party at the
Brick Hospitality House and a party after
all the Canada Day activities. Volunteers
may help out in the Federation of Students
activities such as the Parade, BBQ's, stage
set-up and take-down, and will receive a
free T-shirt (which can also be bought by
Enough said! Il's a great time, and
it's free! Stop by the Engineering Office
and sec if more voluntccrs arc nceded.
ot Just Another
Paper Airplane Contest
Ron Dicke
On Wednesday, June 27th 12:30-2:30
pm in the DC Foyer, the Canadian
Aeronautics and Space Institute (CAST)
Student Branch will be hosting a paper
airplane con lest. This is part of a week of
events which include a speaker from
Boeing on Wednesday (11:30-12:30
DCI302). So after seeing how Boeing
tests their 747's, try test flying your own
creations. Categories include di stance,
acrobatics and accuracy. For 25 a plane
you could win prizes including a gliding
trip. At the comest there wi Il also be a
display of what CASI is and docs. We
will be on hand to answer any questions
you may have concerning CASI. So
come on out and be a CASI Top Gun.
]f you have any questions drop by the
CASI offi ce on the 4th fl oor of E2 (aceess
via 3rd fl oor) or leave a message in the

23 24
25 vf\


r Jltt. . p,,-Cf+\

t-W E E K
1+ # .
2 3


all night NIGHT
Canada Day
8 9 10
Ring Road acceptance of
FORMAL find out where
you're working
soccer tourn.


27 " 28 29 Game Show

at the Shelter

or-.w.t Ranking
of interviews
4 5 6
11 12 13

Poets Pub
at Stratford
Watch for... NAUTICAL II Sat 14th tentative.

June 22, 1990 Iron Warrior
Good morning.
Harvey Watson
4A Chern
CKchts leaned against a clover stalk
and sighed as the hairs scratched
comfortingly against his shell. He was
old enough to retire. but somehow, the
reasons he had had for joining The Comm
still kept him from giving up hope that a
message would come. The brothers in the
past had had a similar affliction; most of
them died well after retirement age, still
working to keep the faith. CKchts still
had a decisec until he went to bed so he
decided to relax and bask in the continual
sun. The steady breeze made the clover
leaves flutter softly in the warm sunshine,
casting mottled patterns on the ground.
The sky was as clear as always. Several
smells came wafting by on the warm
breath of air: dinner from a house near the
park, the cool clean smell of the lake, and
a hint of the musty woody smell of the
forest nearby. As he relaxed, his thoughts
drifted towards his youth.
Several generations had grown up
since that exciting, expectant time when it
was prophesied that the nex t message
would come. It had been as regular as a
sine wave. Every four generations the
green screen of The Comm came to life
and said "Good morning. How are the
projects going?"
messages; keeping new and challenging
proofs for themselves. Many bad feelings
festered and became open wounds. The
population began to lose faith. The first
hint of real discontent began to show: a
cult started to proclaim that all their
reasons for living did not come from The
Comm but that people were put on the
world to create their own future and
destiny. A smaller cult even preached that
people were put into the world just to
have fun. Blasphemy!
Then Kap?p. a great orator in The
Comm. had claimed that errors had been
made in the records. CKchts remembered
that stirring speech well.
03/15/15: 16:30:00 had come and
gone. - No message was received. Kap?p
was disgraced. A myriad of teams
completely stripped down and rebuilt the
comm panel from the original drawings.
They hadn't found any problems but they
did it anyway. CKchts had personally
gone over every micrometer of the display
section. Nothing had been wrong. When
he replaced the old display with a new one
all the parity tests had come back exactly
the same.
Backlash from Kap?p's rousing speech
was felt throughout the brotherhood.
Private donations fell to one tenth of
previous levels. The government cut their
... ----'" ._ --_. __ ._-- --..
The priests would then load the ::0- =D-- ---c:--
results of the last four generations into the '""---...,
archaic machine. Finished projects and :t;J- *- l--r-......-1
requests for more information were f L ......
painstakingly transferred to the machine. ):' - . )
Sometimes it would take a whole disec to
Page 11
follow the nonnal setup path. The though
of waiting several disecs for every
response was daunting but, what if it had
the answer?
CKchts looked around wonderingly.
He felt as though a long time had passed.
He glanced at his chron. It was almost
time for work! All rest period spent in the
park? He'd never forgotten to go home
That discc. at work, CKchts began the
laborious task of searching through the
The twinge meant death
was very near.
data on The Comm. The delay was worse
than he had feared. Usually. the response
returned the next disec but sometimes a
response wouldn't return until three or four
disecs later. Over the next quart a picture
slowly began to fonn. If it was true. the
time scale was enormous. How could a
being possibly exist and stay sane, living
for so long? In several disecs he would
know the truth for certain.
Without telling anyone, CKchts
wrote down a prediction: "There will be a
message within a few disecs of
03/16/15:08:00:00." To this he added his
reasoning and the implications that came
out of it Now all he had to cb was wail.
Several disecs passed. CKchts woke
on the morning of 03/16/15:08:00:00 and
hurried to work. Nothing. CKchts
remembered the timescale and hoped a
little harder.
That evening CKchts felt The Twinge
that meant that death was very near. He
said good-bye to his friends and family and
went to bed. He woke the next morning
and by force of habit went to work.
He walked in the door as he complete the procedure. Then they would
receive congratulations for the work theyy
__ ___ .;.; re;::.:: membercd The T in c. "Last
see The Comm. " he thought and went into
the room. There. as simple and as plain
had completed and clarification 0 pre . U"'"
problems. Sometimes they would even
g 1 a new problem to solve.
Unfortunately, the response frequently
lOok several disecs and occasionally a
whole generation.
The last communication was now
almost ten generations ago. The last
"Good Morning." had been just short of
twelve generations ago. What if they had
been deserted? What would they do when
they ran out of problems to solve,
theorems to prove, equations to derive?
What would there be to give life mcaning?
Would pcople spend the whole disec
"The Comm's records
are wrong. "
wasting time? Even the peripheral jobs
would lose meaning. Producing food is
only valuable because it feeds the workers
who work on the problems. If the
workers run out of problems then the food
producers will also be useless because
there will be no point in feeding the
workers. Fortunately, this was not yet the
case. but if they did not receive a message
soon they would be out of problems in
only a generation or two. This was a very
dull time. quite unlike when CKchts had
joined The Comm.
CKchts had entered the brotherhood
when the expectation of another message
had been at a peak. Everyone had been
disappointed. Again.
The regular 08:00:00 message had
been missed but the general consensus was
that a system glitch was the reason. Four
generations later the next message was
also missed. Speculation abounded. The
Comm was accused of lying. of
withholding messages and of hoarding
"The Comm's records are wrong!"
claimed Kap?p. "Reoccurrence happens,
not every 08:00:00, but four generations
after the last message! The dark ages of
our past allowed our ancestors to make
mistakes. Those mistakes misled us.
Poor training of The Comm Operators
resulted in incorrect recording of the date
of the last message. The last message was
on 03/13/15:16:27:34. Now we approach
eight generations later. The equipment
fault of four generations ago has been
repaired. On 03/15/15:16:30:00 the next
message will be received. Once again we
will have new and challenging problems
upon which to work. The old problems
can be left for those who enjoy them. The
society will prosper as we once more
begin to strive for excellence. Nothing
will go wrong this time!"
budget in half. For long quans The
Comm had to survive on a meagre budget
before the government felt that it was
politically safe enough to give them a
raise again. By this time the amount of
money added to the budget barely kept up
with inflation. The day to day working
supplies became scarce without sufficient
funds to replace them. Now the budget
was effectively one quarter of what it had
been. Brothers had to survive on smaller
salaries. The hardship was intense.
CKchts. in the many quarts since that
disappointing era had spent long disecs in
research. He felt certain that the clue to
,the long period without a message had
something to do with the last message.
This feeling drove him in his research but
the answer remained silent. shadowy.
... ... ...
Keeping new and
cluzllenging proofs for
CKchts woke with a start. He was
researching it all wrong! Could he
possibly find the answer that way? After
all this time?
CKchts had heard stories about all the
other extraneous information that could be
called from The Comm if you didn't
as if it had always been there, was the
message. He knew that all he had found
was true. The implications were
In bright umber 011 black, th words
said "Good Morning. How was your

Iron Warrior salutes
creative Engineers
Give us your:
To be published in IW #5 July 6
Deadline; June 29
Submit to Cheryl .in the Eng Soc
Office (or to your class rep)
Page 12
Iron Warrior June 22, 1990
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