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Certified Mail Article Number: Common Law Trust Legal Process Judicially Defined Public Notice/Public Record Legal

Process defined: An order of a state court a ointing a recei!er of t"e ro erty of a debtor is legal rocess wit"in t"e meaning of section #$ of t"e %an&ru tcy Act of '()*+ ,n re: %ininger -.+/+0 # 1ed+ Cas+ 2'34 2'5+ At common law t"e owner of a c"attel could not maintain an action for re le!in for t"e ossession of goods ta&en from "im by legal rocess+ T"e code modified t"is rule4 and aut"ori6ed t"e maintenance of t"e action of re le!in for ersonal ro erty sei6ed by legal rocess4 w"en it was e7em t from sei6ure by suc" rocess+ T"e term 8legal rocess9 contem lates a rocess issued in !irtue of and ursuant to law+ ,f a warrant for t"e sei6ure of li:uors s"ould be issued by a magistrate of "is own !olition4 not by aut"ority of any law4 it could not be contended t"at a sei6ure made in ursuance t"ereof would be lawful4 or t"at t"e ossession t"us ac:uired would be by !irtue of legal rocess+ Nor can ro erty sei6ed under an unconstitutional law any more be said to be sei6ed under legal rocess t"an if t"e rocess issued wit"out law+ ;ence t"e fact t"at t"e li:uors for w"ic" re le!in was instituted were sei6ed under a warrant issued under an unconstitutional statute is no defense to t"e action+ Cooley !+ Da!is4 #2 ,owa4 '3(4 '#)+ A foreclosure of a mortgage by ad!ertisement is not a legal rocess or a <udicial decree+ T"e roceedings in t"is &ind of a foreclosure are carried on w"olly outside of a court and wit"out t"e aid of its rocess or decree= and neit"er t"e gi!ing of a mortgage nor t"e sale of t"e remises on foreclosure4 rior to t"e e7 iration of t"e time for redem tion4 effect any c"ange in title or ossession of t"e ro erty+ Loy !+ ;ome ,ns+ Co+4 32 Minn+ #'>4 #'$4 #' Am+ Re + #25+ 8Legal Process49 as used in insurance olicy4 w"ic" ro!ided t"at4 if any c"ange s"ould ta&e lace in t"e ossession of t"e ro erty by legal rocess4 t"e olicy s"ould be !oid4 meant 8!alid legal rocess+9 Run&le !+ Citi6ens? ,ns+ Co+ -.+/+0 5 1ed+ '2#4 '25+ T"e words 8legal rocess9 means all t"e roceedings in an action or roceedings+ T"ey would necessarily embrace t"e decree4 w"ic" ordinarily includes t"e roceedings+ As used in a olicy of fire insurance4 conditioned t"at if t"e ro erty s"all be sold or transferred4 or any c"ange ta&e lace in t"e title or ossession4 w"et"er by legal rocess4 <udicial decree4 or !oluntary transfer or con!eyance4 t"en and in e!ery suc" case t"e olicy s"all be !oid4 t"e "rase means w"at is &nown as a 8writ9 and as attac"ment or e7ecution on writs are usually em loyed to effect a c"ange of title to ro erty4 t"ey are4 or are among4 t"e rocesses contem lated by t"e olicy+ Perry !+ Lorillard 1ire ,ns+ Co+ -N+@+0 5 Lans+ 3)'4 3)2+ Process4 w"et"er by writ or warrant4 is legal w"ene!er it is not defecti!e in t"e frame of it and is issued in t"e ordinary course of <ustice from a court or magistrate "a!ing <urisdiction of t"e sub<ectAmatter4 t"oug" t"ere "a!e been error or irregularity in t"e roceedings re!ious to t"e issuance of t"e rocess+ Commonwealt" !+ %rower4 * Pa+ Dist+ R+ 3>24 3>>+ Judicial And /tatutory Definitions Bf Cords And P"rases Dolume > '$)2 - age 2)5(4 2)5$0 LAC MERC;ANT defined: %ody of law go!erning commercial transactions4 w"ic" "ad its origin in common law of England regulating merc"ants+ /ee .+C+C+ F 'A')#+ /ee also Commercial Law= Mercantile Law= .niform Commercial Code+ %lac&?s Law Dictionary /i7t" Edition - age ((50 MERC;ANT defined: Bne w"o is engaged in t"e urc"ase and sale of goods= a traffic&er= a retailer= a trader+ Term commonly refers to erson w"o urc"ases goods at w"ole sale for resale at retail= i+e+ erson w"o o erates a retail business -retailer0+ A erson w"o deals in goods of t"e &ind or ot"erwise by "is occu ation "olds "imself out as "a!ing &nowledge or s&ill eculiar to t"e ractices or goods in!ol!ed in t"e transaction or to w"om suc" &nowledge or s&ill may be attributed by "is em loyment of an agent or bro&er or ot"er intermediary w"o by "is occu ation "olds "imself out as "a!ing suc" &nowledge or s&ill+ .+C+C+ F 3A')2-'0+ %lac&?s Law Dictionary /i7t" Edition - age $(*0 MERCANT,LE defined: Bf4 ertaining to4 or c"aracteristic of4 merc"ants4 or t"e business of merc"ants= "a!ing to do wit" trade or commerce or t"e business of buying and selling merc"andise= trading= commercial= conducted or acting on business rinci les+ %lac&?s Law Dictionary /i7t" Edition - age $(50 MERCANT,LE AGENC,E/: /ee Credit bureau+ %lac&?s Law Dictionary /i7t" Edition - age $(50

Certified Mail Article Number: MERCANT,LE LAC defined: An e7 ression substantially e:ui!alent to commercial law+ ,t designates t"e system of rules4 customs4 and usages generally recogni6ed and ado ted by merc"ants and traders4 and w"ic"4 eit"er in its sim licity or as modified by common law or statutes4 constitutes t"e law for t"e regulation of t"eir transactions and t"e solution of t"eir contro!ersies+ T"e .niform Commercial Code is t"e general body of law go!erning commercial or mercantile transactions+ /ee .niform Commercial Code+ %lac&?s Law Dictionary /i7t" Edition - age $(50 C"ereas defined ursuant to: .+C+C+ Construction of H.niform Commercial CodeI to Promote its Pur oses and Policies: A licability of /u lemental Princi les of Law+ -a0 HT"e .niform Commercial CodeI must be liberally construed and a lied to romote its underlying ur oses and olicies4 w"ic" are: -'0 to sim lify4 clarify4 and moderni6e t"e law go!erning commercial transactions= -30 to ermit t"e continued e7 ansion of commercial ractices t"roug" custom4 usage4 and agreement of t"e arties= and -#0 to ma&e uniform t"e law among t"e !arious <urisdictions+ -b0 .nless dis laced by t"e articular ro!isions of Ht"e .niform Commercial CodeI4 t"e rinci les of law and e:uity4 including t"e law merc"ant and t"e law relati!e to ca acity to contract4 rinci al and agent4 esto el4 fraud4 misre resentation4 duress4 coercion4 mista&e4 ban&ru tcy4 and ot"er !alidating or in!alidating cause su lement its ro!isions+ C"ereas defined ursuant to .+C+C+: JActionJ4 in t"e sense of a <udicial roceeding4 includes recou ment4 counterclaim4 setAoff4 suit in e:uity4 and any ot"er roceeding in w"ic" rig"ts are determined+ C"ereas defined ursuant to .+C+C+: J1aultJ means a default4 breac"4 or wrongful act or omission+ C"ereas defined ursuant to .+C+C+: JConsumerJ means an indi!idual w"o enters into a transaction rimarily for ersonal4 family4 or "ouse"old ur oses+ C"ereas defined ursuant to .+C+C+: JContractJ4 as distinguis"ed from JagreementJ4 means t"e total legal obligation t"at results from t"e artiesK agreement as determined by Ht"e .niform Commercial CodeI as su lemented by any ot"er a licable laws+ C"ereas defined ursuant to .+C+C+: JPersonJ means an indi!idual4 cor oration4 business trust4 estate4 trust4 artners"i 4 limited liability com any4 association4 <oint !enture4 go!ernment4 go!ernmental subdi!ision4 agency4 or instrumentality4 ublic cor oration4 or any ot"er legal or commercial entity+ C"ereas defined ursuant to .+C+C+: JRecordJ means information t"at is inscribed on a tangible medium or t"at is stored in an electronic or ot"er medium and is retrie!able in ercei!able form+ C"ereas defined ursuant to .+C+C+: JGood fait"4J e7ce t as ot"erwise ro!ided in Article >4 means "onesty in fact and t"e obser!ance of reasonable commercial standards of fair dealing+ C"ereas defined ursuant to .+C+C+: JAggrie!ed artyJ means a arty entitled to ursue a remedy+ C"ereas defined ursuant to .+C+C+: JRemedyJ means any remedial rig"t to w"ic" an aggrie!ed arty is entitled wit" or wit"out resort to a tribunal+ C"ereas defined ursuant to .+C+C+: JRe resentati!eJ means a erson em owered to act for anot"er4 including an agent4 an officer of a cor oration or association4 and a trustee4 e7ecutor4 or administrator of an estate+ C"ereas defined ursuant to .+C+C+: JRig"tJ includes remedy+ C"ereas defined ursuant to .+C+C+: J/endJ in connection wit" a writing4 record4 or notice means: -A0 to de osit in t"e mail or deli!er for transmission by any ot"er usual means of communication wit" ostage or cost of transmission ro!ided for and ro erly addressed and4 in t"e case of an instrument4 to an address s ecified t"ereon or ot"erwise agreed4 or if t"ere be none to any address reasonable under t"e circumstances= or -%0 in any ot"er way to cause to be recei!ed any record or notice wit"in t"e time it would "a!e arri!ed if ro erly sent+

Certified Mail Article Number: C"ereas defined ursuant to .+C+C+: JDocument of titleJ includes bill of lading4 doc& warrant4 doc& recei t4 ware"ouse recei t or order for t"e deli!ery of goods4 and also any ot"er document w"ic" in t"e regular course of business or financing is treated as ade:uately e!idencing t"at t"e erson in ossession of it is entitled to recei!e4 "old4 and dis ose of t"e document and t"e goods it co!ers+ To be a document of title4 a document must ur ort to be issued by or addressed to a bailee and ur ort to co!er goods in t"e baileeKs ossession w"ic" are eit"er identified or are fungible ortions of an identified mass+ C"ereas defined ursuant to .+C+C+: JDeli!eryJ4 wit" res ect to an instrument4 document of title4 or c"attel a er4 means !oluntary transfer of ossession+ MERCANT,LE PAPER: /ee Commercial Pa er= Negotiable ,nstruments+ %lac&?s Law Dictionary /i7t" Edition - age $(50 MERCANT,LE /PEC,ALT@ defined: A writing t"at is not ayable to order or to bearer but is ot"erwise negotiable+ /ee .+C+C+ F #A()> -ma&ing Article # a licable to instruments lac&ing words of negotiability0+ %lac&?s Law Dictionary /i7t" Edition - age $(50 CLEAN ;AND/ DBCTR,NE defined: .nder t"is doctrine4 e:uity will not grant relief to a arty4 w"o4 as actor4 see&s to set <udicial mac"inery in motion and obtain some remedy4 if suc" arty in rior conduct "as !iolated conscience or good fait" or ot"er e:uitable rinci le+ 1ran&lin !+ 1ran&lin4 #5> Mo+ 22343(# /+C+3d 2(#4 2(5+ Bne see&ing e:uitable relief cannot ta&e ad!antage of oneKs own wrong+ 1air Automoti!e Re air4 ,nc+ !+ CarAL /er!ice /ystems4 ,nc+4 3 Dist+4'3( ,ll+A +#d *5#4(2 ,ll+ Dec+ 3>4 2*' N+E+3d >>24>>(+ %lac&?s Law Dictionary /i7t" Edition - age 3>)0 CLB/E defined: /ignifies t"e interest in t"e soil4 and not merely a close or enclosure in t"e common acce tation of t"e term+ Doct+ M /tud+ #)* East4 3)* 3 /tra+ '))2= 5 East4 '>2' %urr+ '## ' C"+ R+ '5)+ 3+ ,n e!ery case w"ere one man "as a rig"t to e7clude anot"er from "is land4 t"e law encircles it4 if not already enclosed4 wit" an imaginary fence= and entitles "im to a com ensation in damages for t"e in<ury "e sustains by t"e act of anot"er assing t"roug" "is boundary4 denominating t"e in<urious act a breac" of t"e enclosure+ ;amm+ N+ P+ '>'= Doct+ M /tud+ dial+ '4 c+ (4 + #)= 3 C"art+ 2#)+ #+ An e<ectment will not lie for a close+ '' Re + >>= ' RolleKs R+ >> /al&+ 3>2 Cro+ Eli6+ 3#>= Adams on E<ect+ 32+ A Law Dictionary Ada ted To T"e Constitution and Laws of t"e .nited /tates of America and of t"e /e!eral /tates of t"e American .nion by Jo"n %ou!ier Re!ised /i7t" Edition4 '(>5 ;BLDER ,N D.E CB.R/E defined: ,n commercial law4 a "older of an instrument w"o too& it for !alue4 in good fait" and wit"out notice of any claim or defense against it4 .+C+C+ F #A#)3-'04 and w"o can enforce t"e instrument free from all claims and ersonal defenses+ .+C+C+ F #A#)>+ A ayee may be a "older in due course+ A "older does not become a "older in due course of an instrument by urc"ase of it at a <udicial sale or by ta&ing it under legal rocess4 or by ac:uiring it in ta&ing o!er an estate4 or by urc"asing it as art of a bul& transaction not in regular course of business of t"e transferor+ A urc"aser of a limited interest can be a "older in due course only to t"e e7tent of t"e interest urc"ased+ Naw Dalley /tate %an& M Trust Co+ !+ Riddle4 3'$ Nan+ >>)4 >2$ P+3d $3*4 $##+ A "older in due course of a consumer credit contract -i+e+ consumer a er0 is sub<ect to all claims and defenses w"ic" t"e debtor -buyer0 could assert against t"e seller of t"e goods or ser!ices obtained ursuant to t"e credit contract or wit" t"e roceeds t"ereof+ '5 C1R F 2##+' et se:+ %lac&?s Law Dictionary /i7t" Edition - age *#'0 /ui Juris4 &nown as: Jo"n4 of t"e genealogy of Doe freeborn s iritual being on t"e land state t"e facts contained "erein are true4 correct4 com lete4 and not misleading4 to t"e best of my ersonal first "and &nowledge and belief+ %eing of sound mind4 com etent4 o!er t"e age of '(+ T"is my free will4 !oluntary act and deed to ma&e4 e7ecute4 seal4 ac&nowledge and deli!er under my "and and seal wit" e7 licit reser!ation of all my unalienable rig"ts and my s ecific common law rig"t not to be bound by any contract or obligation w"ic" , "a!e not entered into &nowingly4 willingly4 !oluntarily4 and wit"out misre resentation4 duress4 or coercion4 w"ereby , did not sign nor consent+ , am not now nor "a!e e!er been a .+/+ Citi6en or a 1ourteent" Amendment 1ederal Citi6en or Em loyee4 , am not bound by sworn oat" or oat" of office+ C"ereas , "ereby disclaim Clauses Bne and Two of /ection Bne to t"e 1ourteent" Amendment4 toget"er wit" Article 1our /ection T"ree Clause Two+

Certified Mail Article Number: Nemo4 aliens: rei4 sine satisdatione4 de fensor idonens intelligitur defined: No man is considered a com etent defender of anot"er?s ro erty4 wit"out security+ A rule of t"e Roman law4 a lied ,n art ,n admiralty cases+ ' Curt+ 3)3+ Nemo est sn ra leges defined: No one is abo!e t"e law+ Lofft4 '23+ Nemo alieno nomine lege age re otest defined: No one can sue in t"e name of anot"er+ Dig+ >)4 '*4 '3a+ ,n my Pri!ate Ca acity as General Administrator of said account Droit4 Droit4 T"is ser!es Notice t"at your offer "as been Acce ted as Daluable Consideration and Returned for Dalue+ T"is ro erty is E7em t from Le!y+ Please Ad<ust t"is Account for t"e Proceeds4 Products4 Accounts and 1i7tures and Release T"e Brder-s0 of T"e Court to Me ,mmediately+ Ma&e ad<ustment and close t"is account immediately4 wit" re<udice+ , acce t your Bat"4 Bat" of Bffice /ecurity Agreement4 Constitutions as byAlaws4 and Malfeasance %ond and lace you in t"e Pri!ate commencing t"is selfAe7ecuting binding contract between you and ,+ 1urt"er4 , a oint you trustee on your "onor and solemn Bat" to erform your obligations and duties to Protect My unAaAlienAable Rig"ts in your 1iduciary Ca acity against any and all claims4 legal actions4 orders4 warrants4 <udgments4 demands4 liabilities4 losses4 foreclosure4 de ositions4 summonses4 lawsuits4 costs4 fines4 liens4 le!ies4 enalties4 ta7es4 damages4 interests4 and e7 enses w"atsoe!er4 bot" absolute and contingent4 as are due and as mig"t become due4 now e7isting and as mig"t "ereafter arise4 and as mig"t be suffered by4 im osed on4 and incurred by Debtor for any and e!ery reason4 ur ose4 and cause w"atsoe!er+ Please "onor Bbligation of Good 1ait" in Performance of your Duties+ Ouid Pro Ouos4 an e:ual e7c"ange or substitution+ T"is my free will4 !oluntary act and deed true and lawful attorneyAinAfact to ma&e4 e7ecute4 seal4 ac&nowledge and deli!er under my "and and seal4 e7 licitly reser!ing all rig"ts wit"out re<udice= %y:PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP /ui Juris &nown as= Jo"n of t"e genealogy of Doe %ailor for JB;N DBE %ailee P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Mi&e4 Carson T"ird Party Citness J/ealed and deli!ered in t"e resence of us+J /TATE B1 ,LL,NB,/ 0 0 //: CB.NT@ B1 CBBN 0 CERT,1,CATE B1 ACNNBCLEDGMENT Bn t"is date t"e indi!idual named abo!e4 in "is/"er stated ca acity4 ersonally a eared before me to e7ecute t"is ac&nowledgement t"at t"is instrument was signed4 sealed4 and deli!ered as t"eir free will4 !oluntary act and deed to ma&e4 e7ecute4 seal4 ac&nowledge and deli!er under t"eir "and and seal !erified and aut"enticated for t"e uses and ur oses t"erein mentioned+ PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP DATE A11,L NBTAR@ /EAL ,1 REO.,RED PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP /ignature of NBTAR@ P.%L,C Date Commission E7 ires PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

NBT,CE: Public acts defined: are t"ose w"ic" "a!e a ublic aut"ority4 and w"ic" "a!e been made before ublic officers4 are aut"ori6ed by a ublic seal4 "a!e been made ublic by t"e aut"ority of a magistrate4 or w"ic" "a!e been e7tracted and been ro erly aut"enticated from ublic records+ %lac&?s Law Dictionary /i7t" Edition - age 350

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