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Express Yourself

Choose Your Second Education!

Change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and
dares to become involved with experimenting with his own life!

Herbert Otto

Your first education is your initial world’s thoughts, attitudes and beliefs
about how you should live. Your first education was handed to you and
you had no choice but to take it. Maybe it was right for you then
(probably wasn’t) but whether it was right or wrong it is now obsolete.

A first education has two stages. In the first stage we learn it and in the
second stage we live it. Most adults are now living the second, or adult,
stage of their first education. In other words, they are now doing as
adults what they learned as children. This is the false persona and living
life from this foundation is a nightmare.

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child; but when

I became a man I put away childish things

1Corinthians 13:11

If you have not consciously gone through the process of moving beyond
your first education, you are still living it. It never changes on its own.

You must intentionally and consciously choose your second education.

No one can force you to begin, no one can force you to continue and you
can quit any time you want. How and when you even start is entirely up
to you. There is no right or wrong way to authentically express yourself -
there is only your way! Your second education is your way, not their

The privilege of a lifetime is to be who you are.

Joseph Campbell

Remember this important distinction. When you were a child life was
forced upon you. You had no choice but to learn your specific family
dynamics and build a persona to deal with where you found yourself. If
there was a choice between the world changing or you adapting, you
always adapted. That is just the way it works and there was nothing you
could do about it.

Your second education begins when you learn that the world is not forced
upon you. As a conscious adult you can interact with your world with
awareness. You will no longer be a victim of the world. You will be a
full participant in your own life. In order to be a participant in your own
life you must consciously witness.

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Consciously Witness!

All of man’s problems stem from his inability to sit quietly with himself!

When someone asks you how you are and you respond that you are
hungry, tired, happy, disappointed, thinking about going to Maui or even
I don’t know, how do you immediately know the answer? It is because
we witness all the time. It is a universal human trait and we do it
continually, yet, few are actually consciously aware of the process. It just
means that as human being we have awareness. We are aware that we are
aware. You are always aware of something but you are not always
conscious of what you are aware of.

No man is free who cannot command himself!


Try this. Start by just being aware of the world around you. No matter
where you are or what you are doing, you can become aware of your
immediate physical world. Slow down. Just allow whatever comes into
your awareness to be there. Follow your breath.

If you are outside, you may become aware of a flower, the clouds, the
sound of birds, the breeze on your skin, a smell and all the manmade
noises. You may notice your breathing or even your heartbeat. You can
witness with all your senses, your thoughts, physical sensations and your
emotions. You can witness your head and your heart. You can become
aware of your thoughts and feelings. Relax into it.

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Attachment is the greatest fabricator or illusions; reality can be attained
only by someone who is detached!

Simone Weil

Remain impartial in your observation. This can be difficult at first. If

you find yourself impacted by what you are witnessing take a deep
breath, center yourself, release the feeling by bringing them clearly into
awareness and continue the process ~ or not. Like any skill, it will get
better. Just continue to be aware of how you feel inside. The intent is to
be in the present moment. Be here now.

As you become more adept at witnessing your life patterns will emerge
into your awareness. You will catch glimpses of yourself saying things to
yourself and others that is inconsistent with who you know yourself to
be. You will see habitual patterns that are no longer right for you and are
now causing you pain, aggravation and discomfort.

When you witness these patterns they become clear in your awareness
and you then have the capacity to change them. Bringing old,
dysfunctional life cycles into awareness and then consciously releasing
them is the only way to express your authentic self.

No one can continue to live from the foundation their old beliefs and
express their authentic self in the present moment. Your authentic self is
always present right now and your false persona is only present in your
mind. They are mutually exclusive. You created one while the other
occurs naturally.

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By becoming aware of your habitual responses you create a brief pause,
or space, between what the external world is doing and how you respond.
It is this space that gives you the capacity to change your way of being.
Your freedom lies in this brief pause. Learning to witness is what
generates this essential space.

When you learn to witness you can now access the content of your
consciousness. Think about this for a moment. There is awareness and
there is what you are aware of. So, what is the content of your
consciousness right now? What are you thinking about, what are you
saying to yourself and others, how do you feel and what are you doing
with your day? It takes no effort to be aware but it does require some
courage and authentic willingness to do it until it becomes the only thing
you do.

Is your consciousness primarily full of your past? Are you continually

reliving the past in your mind? Do you see the future as a way to fix the
past? Are you emotionally attached to your false persona? After all, you
are the one that created it and has maintained it all these years.

How aware of the present moment are you? Can you make peace with
the present moment now?

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Release Your Past!

You can never plan the future by the past.

Edmund Burke

In order to move into your future you must let go of your attachment to
your past. Many people re-live their past daily. This is being “stuck in
form.” In other words, you keep doing the same thing over and over
while complaining but never changing. Do you know people like that?
Are you one of them?

If you spend a lot of energy on what has happened in the past, it leaves
very little for creating what is available to you in the future. The present
moment is the access point to a different future.

We only learn our limits by going beyond them!


Letting go of your past can be a little challenging but it is one of the most
freeing and exciting things you can do for yourself. It is possible to leave
the past in the past and move forward.

What this means is that you are no longer emotionally attached to what
has already happened to you. If this requires you to go and make amends
to people then do it. This is about freeing you from the psychological
pain of your life story. How you feel about yourself now is what is most

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It is essential that you bring yourself into the present moment and at least
accept that your present reality is what it is. You do not have to be
joyous, ecstatic, or tickled pink about what you are and what is
happening but you must at least accept it in order to access your authentic
self. Making decisions from the foundation of the authentic self is the
only way to resolve the conflicts in your life.

Your authentic self only exists in the present moment, not in the past or
future. Your authentic self is always present within you and is never in
the external world. As this reality becomes crystal clear you will awaken
from your nightmare and you will be out.

There is a naturally occurring Creative Process that operates all the time
for all of us. If you do not change it this process will keep recreating
your life the way it has always been.

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Living The Creative Process!

There is a genius in all of us!

Albert Einstein

All creative people have mastered the creative process, either consciously
or unconsciously and use it in creating whatever they have chosen. Even
if you believe you are the most uncreative person in the world, you still
use the same creative process to generate results. It works the same for
everybody, all the time! It is natural to our existence.

So, a natural creative process is already an integral part of your life. You
use this process to create all the results you experience as your daily
reality. Your consciousness is the foundation from which your results are
generated. It is how all creation takes place; yet, most people are
unaware of the process or how to effectively use it.

The Creative Process looks like this:


and then it repeats. It is best to look at the process as a loop not a line.

Those who really seek the path to enlightenment dictate terms to their
mind. They then proceed with strong determination!


You are the CAUSE of a THOUGHT upon which you take ACTION,
which produces a RESULT that you evaluate and make a CORRECTION
to, which leads you to another THOUGHT. The cycle continues. Look

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at each element of this process and understand how it applies to you. You
are already using it everyday.

The Creative Cycle is like Witnessing in that it occurs naturally as part of

our human processes. Our goal to make this process conscious also.

There is a philosophical concept that it is in your best interest to adopt. It

is that you are 100% responsible for everything that happens in your life.
Where you are today exists because of the choices you have made in the
past. This is hard for some people to accept and they will assert a
number of arguments to try and prove it wrong. However, as adults we
all must start from where we are now and take responsibility for where
we want to go. Blaming society, your parents, fate or luck for the
circumstances of your life now is simply not a valid strategy for
achieving health, wealth or happiness. It is impossible to blame others
and express your authentic self.

No other individual or group has the power to determine how I will think
and feel about myself!

Nathaniel Branden

Here is the bottom line. If you can not actually change something in your
life, you can change your relationship to it. When you look at life from
this perspective, there is nothing outside of your reality that can affect
you. Therefore, there is nothing that you can not change. You can
change it or you can change your relationship to it. You can not be the
victim of anything!

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We need to teach the next generation of children from day one that they
are responsible for their lives.

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Taking full responsibility for your life now is the beginning concept of
the creative process. By accepting that you are the cause of your own
thoughts and that you only take actions on thoughts that you accept as
true, you can begin to see that you are the source of all the results in your
life. This has always been the case and it will never change.

Some assert there is nothing more powerful than a thought that is firmly
believed because on such a thought a person will act with conviction.

The Creative Process is so important that it has its own section.

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An Idea!

You do not see things as they are. You see things as you are.


We are consistently defining ourselves by how we think, act, talk, feel

and what we produce in life. The self that you are aware of, and to whom
you always pay attention, is an idea. It is your idea of you. It consists of
thoughts in your mind.

You have an idea of who you are, what the world is like, what you are
capable of doing and how you want your life to be. What you believe to
be your past and what you think is your future, are just present ideas. It
is impossible for you to experience anything but the present moment.

The present moment is all of reality and only reality is safe. You have
never experienced anything but the present moment and you never will.
You can think about your past and future but you can not experience

It is impossible for the mind to have a complete picture of reality. You

will always experience some fear and anxiety in both your past and future
because they are mental constructs. When you are truly centered in the
present moment you will not experience fear or anxiety because it is
authentic and not a mental construct.

We act consistent with our beliefs and beliefs are ideas about ourselves
and the world. Therefore, if we can change our idea of who we are and
what we are capable of, we can change our choices and that will alter the
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circumstances of our lives. This process starts with the knowledge that
the idea you hold of yourself is caused by you. Your false persona is an
idea of who you are created by you based on the opinions of others.

The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter  

their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.

William James

Your authentic self is not an idea.  It did not originate in thought like 

your false persona did.  You did not create it.  It is what remains when your 

false persona vanishes.

However, your idea of who you are and what the world is did originate 

in thought – yours.  Your idea of yourself is a creation of your mind.  Your 

false persona is an idea.  Outside of your thoughts it has no existence.

Again, your authentic self is not an idea.  You did not create it and you 

can not get rid of it but you can cover it up, which prohibits you from 

experiencing it.  It always exists now, in the present moment.

So, changing ideas about yourself, like from bad to good, or vice 

versa, leaves your identity as an idea.  Now you are acting out the good (or 

bad) idea of yourself.  You have made up a label for yourself and you are 

trying to live consistent with that label.  Look very closely at what labels you 

have accepted for yourself.
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Your authentic self is not an idea.  You can not create it, you can only 

express it.  You can’t make it up but you can become aware of it.  Being and 

thinking are two distinct activities.  It is essential that you learn the 

difference between the two, so give this some serious practice.

Sit quietly and think about your past or future and then sit quietly and 

just be here now.  See the difference?  One brings forth your false persona 

the other allows you to experience who you truly are.  This is how you will 

wake up.

Up until this time we have been speaking as if you and your authentic 

self are two different things.  We have said things like you will discovery 

your authentic self.  You and your authentic self are always one and can 

never be separate.  When you get to know yourself you will know that you 

have always been you.  That is why it is effortless to be yourself.  There is 

really nothing to do and no place to go in order for you to be who you are.

Think about this for a moment.  Haven’t you always been you? 

Everything in your life has changed since you were young but you are still 

you.  The important point is that you have always been you and you always 

will be you; it is simple something that you can not change and you don’t 

want to.  What you can change is everything else.

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So, exactly what is the authentic self?  The authentic you is the 

witness to your own life.  Who else can it be?  It is the awareness of what is 

happening right now.  It sees it all and knows everything about your life 

because it lived it as you and it is who you are now.  You are the permanence 

behind the every changing form of the world.  You are the awareness of that 

which is.

You have always been you and the physical world has never been you. 

There is nothing physical about your authentic self.  Think back to when you 

were eight, ten or 25 years old or whatever age you think back to, and you 

will always have been you.  The world has changed, your body has changed, 

your thoughts and feelings have changed, in fact, everything has changed 

except you.

If your authentic self changed every time your thoughts, feeling or the 

external world changed, you would never be able to know, much less express 

who you truly are.  You would be lost.  But, because your authentic self is 

permanent, not created by you and can not be diminished in any way by your 

conduct, you can always live from this indestructible foundation.  The 

authentic self waits in its permanent, pristine state for you to cease your 

impossible quest to find yourself in the ever changing, external world.

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The authentic self is what remains after all your illusions about 

yourself have gone and you no longer live from a false set of beliefs given to 

you by others.  Your authentic self is the one who responded to the call to 

become free of all the false burdens that have been heaped upon you.  Your 

authentic self is the you that will take all the actions necessary to express 

who you truly are.  Instead of making things happen, let things happen and 

your authentic self will hold center stage.

Just be who you are now.  It really is effortless and the most satisfying 

experience you can ever have.

Here is the key to knowing yourself.  If it will change it is not you.  It 

is important that you think through this for yourself.  Sit quietly and let 

everything change and see that you don’t.  You witness what changes but you 

do not change.  If it changes it is not you.

Once you settle in to your relationship with your authentic self you 

will set a direction for your new life.  The new direction is not away from 

what you have had, but to what you now know is possible.

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Going To – Not Away!

Whatever you can do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius,
magic and power in it. Begin it now!


In order to wake up from the nightmare of the false persona it is essential

that you be going to something specific that you truly want, instead of
merely attempting to get away from something that is wrong.

The reason is very straightforward. When you succeed in moving away

from something that is unpleasant, you have a sense of relief. However,
simply having less pain is not something that will sustain you. This relief
is temporary. You will only have a feeling of peace, security and
fulfillment if you create a situation that is truly right for you. You can
never do this by only going away from what you don’t want.

If you want to predict the future, create it in your mind first!

Peter Drucker

Here is another way to look at it. If you are being pushed from behind
you will stop when the pressure from behind stops. If there is nothing
coming from within you to pull you forward, you will simply stay stuck
at that point of less pain. In other words, you will never have what you
truly want; you will only have less of what you do not want. You should
think about that – a lot!!

Obey your own destiny; it is often very difficult, but it is the only means
of attaining serenity!

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Change Tzu

Try this quick exercise. Think of something that you don’t have but
believe that if you had it your life would be much better. Here is the
second part. It can’t be something that you can have more or less of. For
example, you might think that if you had more money, more love, less
stress, less weight, etc your life would work much better. Is there
something you can think of that you believe you need that the world does
not have readily available? I already know you won’t be able to think of
anything, so let’s move on.

Whatever is right for you in life is available. Are you available to it?
Again, think through this for yourself. Is there anything in the world that
you desire or need to be completely fulfilled, successful and happy that
does not exist in some form? Again, I am not talking about having too
much or too little of something. Is there something you need that does
not now exist?

The world contains everything all of us could possibly need to be

completely happy. It is available. So, why don’t you have the right
things in the right ways at the right amounts for you? It is because you
are trying to meet the needs of your false persona and that personal is
never satisfied. Everything that you need is available; you are not
available to it.

Here is how you adjust the more or less deficiencies of your life:

First, you must know that your false persona has used the creative
process to create all kinds of relationships and things in your life, and
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none of them are right for your authentic self. Because the false persona
is nothing but an incomplete thought, and literally not in touch with
reality, it has created too much of some things and too little of others.
Since relationships are used to confirm that the false persona is right, all
of your relationships with people and things are out of balance. In short,
your life is a mess and you need to wake up from this nightmare.

With that firmly in mind turn inward and become centered in your
authentic self. Ask Life's Ultimate Question (“What do I want now?”)
and proceed with what you know. As you do this the creative process
will adjust everything in your life to be consistent with your authentic
self just as it did for your false persona. The creative process doesn’t
care which self uses it but you sure do, and that is how you get rid of the
excesses of your life. This will take practice but it is how it is how you
bring your life into balance and harmony.

So far we have spent a lot of time on individual beliefs systems and the
difference between living from the false persona or the authentic self.
However, we all live in a bigger world and the culmination of all our
personas, whether true or false, results in a world belief system or as I
sometimes like to call it – our collective B.S. It is the world’s false
persona and you can see it on the news every night. The world’s belief
system is known as a paradigm and ours is now in the midst of a
fundamental change.

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Changed Paradigms!

Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for


The world has changed. Have you? The first thing you need to know
about paradigms is that they change, but not often. The word paradigm
is in vogue today and as used here means a model or pattern by which
the world understands itself. For example, at one point in history the
general population believed in the divine right of kings. This was
something that nobody questioned for centuries until they did. The move
from the acceptance of the divine right of kings to its rejection in the
French and American revolutions is an example of a paradigm shift.

Just recently, the paradigm by which our world sees itself has changed
again. For example, many of us were born into the Industrial Age
paradigm, which has vanished and has been replaced with a new
paradigm. This change has already occurred; it will never be reversed.
However, many still live with a mindset that was created in that
surpassed era. If you are still trying to put current reality into an
Industrial Age box it will make you a little crazy.

For our purposes, this is the essential thing you must know about the
change from the Industrial Age paradigm to the new one we are now
living. In the Industrial Age your consciousness was considered
irrelevant and the idea that you had some control over your future was
considered ludicrous. This was because the only thing that existed was
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lifeless atoms, which bounced off one another like billiard balls.
Everything that happened in the world happened through this mechanical
mechanism. It was believe that the power of physics prevented your
consciousness from playing any major role in your life.

That paradigm has been transcended and no longer accurately describes

today’s reality. Now it is known that the choices you make control your
destiny. You are an active participator and the vision you hold as true
will play out as your experience of life. This is not only psychology but
it is also physics.

Today the world changes so quickly that in growing up we take leave not
just of youth but of the world we were young in.

Peter Medawar

We have learned from medicine, sports, business, biology and

psychology that consciously participating in our own lives is essential to
our well being. But what does physics say; after all, it is the bedrock of
all sciences.

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A Participatory Universe!

In the first 25 years of the 20th Century physics went through a

fundamental paradigm shift with the advent of relativity and quantum
mechanics, both of which still dominate our current scientific thinking.

Instead of giving you a lecture on physics I will just quote a Nobel Prize
winner in physics:

It is not only that man is adapted to the universe. The universe is adapted
to man!

John Wheeler

In other words, we are meant to be here and the universe is designed for 

our participation.  We fit together.  You can truly have everything that is 

right for you.  It is how it works.

One thing that is of fundamental importance to our discussion is what 

physics says about consciousness.  We already know that the Industrial 

Age excluded consciousness as meaningful because it was believed to be 

generated by our physical structure, which was thought to be controlled 

by lifeless atoms.

A basic shift in the importance of human consciousness began with 

relativity, which revealed that time and space change depending on the 

position and velocity of an observer relative to another observer.  Space 

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and time were no longer fixed but relative to human beings and their 


Quantum mechanics took it even farther by postulating that human 

consciousness is required for the world as we know it to appear.  No one 

fully understands the relationship between consciousness and physical 

reality but nobody denies that there is one.

Here is what you need to know about physics and consciousness.  The 

physical world is made up of vibrating energy that can not be created or 

destroyed but will always change form, and you are the never changing 

consciousness that is required for it all to happen.  The creative process is 

how your input comes into the system.  That is why it is a participatory 

universe and why you can get out of any situation by becoming aware of 

your authentic self and following where it leads.

When you do this you will end up out in the world interacting with other 

people.  Most will still be operating from their false persona.  Stay 


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Into The World!

Society is one vast conspiracy for carving one into the kind of statue it
likes, and then placing it in the most convenient niche it has.

Randolph Bourne

You have to live in the world out there and that world is not interested in
your success! The world out there is interested in you staying the same.
You will only have people in your life truly interested in your success if
you cultivate the personal traits that will allow such people to be part of
your world. In other words, when you begin to live from the bedrock of
your authentic self you will attract others who are also living that reality.
It is how the world works.

At some point, you must step back and honestly look at where you are
and how you are doing. Ask again: Who am I now? Sooner or later, you
must change your thinking from the belief that you are still in your
situation to the belief that you are out. Eventually you are going to have
to express your authentic self. You will wake up.

It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.

e.e. cummings

You must begin to think, act and live from the fundamental foundation
that you are responsible for your life and your success. Don't worry
about all the little screw ups that seem to happen on their own. All real
people screw up! It has been said that the only person not making any
mistakes is the person who is not doing anything.

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Here's the thing about success. Only you will know when it is real!
Moreover, when it is real, you will know it! It will happen in spurts and
not one cataclysmic event. So, just keep moving! Don't quit and don't go

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Never Quit!

It is hard to beat a person that never quits!

Babe Ruth

Actually, it is impossible to quit creating your life. You create your life
all the time everyday whether you want to or not. The secret is to never
quit consciously creating your life.

Imagination is more important than knowledge!

Albert Einstein

In order to stay engaged your imagination is also more important than

willpower. It is impossible to exert constant effort but it is effortless to
continue to imagine a better life. Approach the future from the
perspective of your imagination and the exhaustion which comes from
relying on your willpower will be a thing of the past.

Changing your situation does not occur by chance or accident. There is

no chance or accidents in the universe and there is not any in your life
either. If this statement is hard for you to believe please give it some
serious thought. We don’t always see the connections but they are there.

Here is the bottom line on quitting: You couldn’t quit now even if you
tried. Once you are out you can’t go back.

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Then & Now What
The Different World Paradigms


1. End of a paradigm Beginning of a paradigm

2. Either/or thinking All/and thinking

3. Live out of our memory Live out of our imagination

4. Effective repetition is power Creativity is power

5. World is deterministic World is creative

6. The future just happens to you You create your future

7. The universe is a thing The universe is consciousness and a 

8. Focus on the pieces (reductionism) Integrate the pieces (holistic)

9. Doctor decides Patient participates

10.The world is the cause of what I am the cause of what happens to me 
happens to me

11. Whole is equal to the sum of parts The whole is greater than sum of 


12.What is important is visible Invisible and visible together

13.Content is most important Context is most important

14. Doing is emphasized Being is emphasized

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15.Work on the outside because Work on the inside because the
      there is no inside outside is a reflection the 

16.Power is from the top down Power is dispersed at both the top 
and  bottom

17. Means of production is wealth Ideas and relationships are wealth

18. Quest for security Quest for freedom

19.More is better Authentic is better

20.Focus is on mass (E=MC2) Focus is on mass/energy 

(E=MC  2)/consciousness

21. Form is important Space and form blend

22.Thinking in terms of practices Thinking in terms of principles

23.Translation and transmission Transition and transformation

24.Ownership is important Stewardship is important

25.Competition between Cooperation among

26.Things are essential People and ideas are essential

27. Directives from the top down Communication among all

28.Power of the individual over Power of the individual within 
the community. the community

29.The past is a prior event The past is a current thought

30.The future is an event to come The future is a current thought

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31. Centralized authority Individual responsibility

32.Self­denial ethic Self fulfillment ethic

33.Higher standard of living Higher quality of life

34.The world is dead The world is alive

35.The universe is meaningless The universe is intelligent

36.I think, therefore, I am I am, therefore, I can think

37. Limits on happiness No limit on self fulfillment

38.You can’t be yourself You must be yourself

39.Traditional sex roles Blurring of sex roles

40.Societies definition of success Individual definition of success

41. Faith in industry/institutions Self reliance

42.Traditional families Alternative families

43.Live to work No distinction between work and life

44.Hero worship Love of ideas

45.Animals are dumb and meant to Animals are complex and intelligent,   to 

be  domesticated which makes them our 

46.Expansionism Pluralism

47. Industrial growth Tech/info/social growth

48.Others decide You decide

49.God/King/Government is supreme Individual is supreme

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50.We must kill to get what we need We must not kill to get what we 

51. World paradigm supports war World paradigm negates war

52.Typewriter Computer

53.We live in  scarcity The universe is abundant

54.Me against you  You and me

55.Limited communication Global communication

56.Telephone lines Internet

57. A second is 1/86,400 of a day  A second is 9,192,631,770 vibrations 

of a caesium 133 

58.Dogmatic religion Personal spirituality

59.Force events to happen Allow events to happen

60.Fear Freedom

61. Confrontation Engagement

62.Xerox it (physical form) Google it (digital form)

63.Centralized reaction Localized response

64.Manipulate the system Coordinate systems

65.Logic and reason Inspiration and insight

66.Achieve consensus Create results

67. Jazzercise, weight lifting Qi Gong, yoga

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68.Survive Thrive

69.Hold on Release

70. Life is a struggle Life is a creative discovery

71. The physical world is for my ego The physical world is for my Spirit

72.Others are responsible for me I am responsible for me

73.A duality that ends in nothing A duality that ends in a unity

74.People with titles are in control People without titles are in charge

75.Institutions take care of people People take care of people

76.Children and bullies Adults and caregivers

77. Happiness is impossible Happiness is your choice

78.A whimsical and capricious god An inexhaustible depth of wisdom
and love

79.Success comes from your mind Success comes from your imagination

80.Drugs and medication to cope Free to live your life fully

81. I can’t function in this world I can create what I authentically 


82.Fix the world Let the world go

83.What should I do What do I want

84.Conflict Collaboration

85.Cultural wars Cultural understanding

86.You have to You want to

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87. Closed Open

88.Manage the economy Allow individuals to prosper

89.Cog in a machine A unity of systems

90.Work in order to buy a lifestyle Have a lifestyle unique to you

91. All meaning comes from outside you All meaning comes from within you

92.Man­made institutions make your rules Life guides you without man­made 

93.God comes to your world through You go to God’s world through 
institutions choice

94.Desperately want to be someone else Truly want to be yourself

95.Fear is the foundation of the past and Love is the foundation of the present 

96.Leadership requires authority Leadership requires influence

97. Men dominate Men and women participate

98.Focus on the past and future Focus on the present

99.Capital and labor Ideas and energy

100.Beliefs Knowledge

101.Think like a mechanic Think like a gardener

102.Speculators Entrepreneurs

103.War Peace

Express Yourself
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