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Name: Gilda Ramírez Del Pozo

Subject: English Pedagogy
Teachers: Isabel Vasquez V.
Rodrigo Gonzalez S
Class: Professional Practicum
Year: 2009


READING ARTICLES............................................................................2

PEDAGOGICAL ARTIFACTS..............................................................3-10

SCHOOL INFORMATION....................................................................11

LESSON PLAN MODEL........................................................................12-25

LEARNING MATERIALS.....................................................................26-38


The following Report tries to show my process as a student teacher, process which was
very important, though stressing specially the days before the supervisor teacher`s visit.

I can not deny that I was scared at the moment of being evaluated for both teachers, the
guide teacher and the supervisor teacher, when I was doing my classes, but I also can
not deny the help and support they both gave me when we have our meetings. There I
could understand that the point of every Supervition was give us the chance to realize
about our mistakes at the moment of teaching and overcome the problems to correct
them. To become in the near future teachers of excellence.

I must point in this proces the support I had from my Guide Teacher , who was always
willing to help me with her pieces of advice.

As a second point, I think, I had excelent, smart and participative students, who made
this process for interesting, relaxedand positive in terms of student-teacher relationship
and in terms of the learning-teaching process.


Introduction: Primary English

“What will I need in The following is a ‘shopping list’ of the items that you will need to
do the
the classroom?” activities described in this book and in many courses for younger
Everyday items
You will find these items useful for many activities in the primary classroom.
Glue: the stick kind is the cleanest to use in the classroom.
Coloured pencils: your students should have their own but you will need a
supply for the classroom.
Card: in as many different colours as possible. Black is good for mounting
wall charts.
Scissors: several pairs of round-ended safety scissors.
Drawing pins: the ones with coloured heads are easier to find if they fall on the
floor. (These should be kept out of children’s reach.)
Sticky tape: several rolls.
Transparent adhesive plastic covering: expensive, but useful for keeping things
in good condition throughout the year.
Shoe boxes with lids (any size): ask the students to bring these in. They are
useful for activities and for storing materials.
Paints and paint brushes: simple poster paints are the best.
White paper: the kind used as lining paper for wardrobes. This is for friezes
and projects.
Magazines, comics and newspapers: ask the students to bring in old
printed material.
Special items
These are useful for specific activities in this book.
Safety pins: these are useful for some activities and are always handy if the
students are acting. (They should be kept out of children’s reach.)
A washing line: long enough to be hung across the classroom.
A sheet or large piece of material: together with the washing line this can be
used for activities and is useful for providing a ‘stage’ for acting activities, either
as the curtain or the backdrop. You can glue or pin scenery onto it.
Clothes pegs: four or five.
Bathroom scales
Measuring tapes or long rulers
Some of these objects can be provided by the children themselves while others
may be provided by the school.
Keep all of these things in a box in the staff room if you do not have an ‘English
classroom’. Make sure that you keep any potentially dangerous objects out of
the children’s reach.



Reflection Nº1: What have you learned from workshop Nº1?

Al realizar este primer trabajo en grupo y responder sobre expectativas y miedos me di

cuenta que èstas han cambiado desde el primer año hasta ahora. Si bien las expectativas
que tenia en ese entonces han sido llenadas, y temores antiguos ya no estàn, debido a
que estoy al final, casi, de esta Carrera de Pedagogìa, algo que ha sido lo mas
importante en mi vida(junto con ser madre), aparece un nuevo desafio como es el
consolidar mis estudios y terminar lo que hace 5 años decidi hacer, con esto nuevas
dudas y miedos aparecen, pero son aspectos que compartimos todos como alumnos de
pràctica profesional, algo que quedo claro en el trabajo en grupo realizado el miercoles
Me parecio excelente idea el compartir experiencias, dudas y puntos de vista referente a
nuestra clase, creo que es necesario para mejorar nuestras debilidades y las de los demas
compañeros. Tambien el que los profesores nos guien es un apoyo fundamental.


Reports and Pedagogical reflections

I. Observation stage.

a) Pedagogical artifact Nº1

I began the observation stage on March 30rd , my class is a fifth primary grade, at that
time there were 16 students, nowadays there are 13. I could observe , since that
moment, that they were an excellent class, very disciplined, very intelligent, creative,
they really like to participate, specially when they tried to speak in English. Besides the
students are very respectfull with their teachers and they like to help them at the
moment of delivery of material. In the first two weeks I did not see any problems of
behavior, or any struggle between them. I could observe that the teacher began her
classes with a greeting, then she asked what day is, and continued with a review of the
previous class, and she started with the new content .
.Most of the class did not have problems with English, except 3 students who are
"eximidos" from the class for order of “la profesora de diferencial”, for which the
English teacher evaluates them in a different way.

b) Reflection Nº1 (any topic related to this stage)

I think the stage of observation is very important because you can create an idea about
the students who you will teach , also when you observe how the guide teacher
theaches you can realize the best way of approaching the class at the time you teach,
in this stage you can see what the activities the students like and which you could use
as a future model. This way I could see that my students prefer very colorful images
activities, they like to speak in English, to do a performance in front of their classmates,
they are not ashamed.
II. Team-teaching stage.

a) Pedagogical artifact Nº2

The guide teacher respected the observation time and team-teaching stage, only in this
stage I participated in the activities of the class. The guide teacher asked me for help to
check the student`s notebooks to see if the words she taught them where well written,
also, I prepared activities such as puzzles, letter soups and crossword as a complement
of the class. Besides I callled the roll, and the evaluation of oral reports along the guide
teacher, I worked specially with a student that was "eximido", and with another group
of studentss in a translation task of a text, while the teacher was working with another

b) Reflection Nº2. “Interactions in the classroom”

The relationship inside the classroom were very friendly and respectful about other
students opinions, and when the students had some doubts, there were no problems
when they asked, except in some occasions when the students told jokes, but that was
not a problem at the moment of teaching.
There was only a problem at the time of working in groups since most of the girls and
some boys did not want to work with one of their classmates,( the boy who was
“eximido”). That bothered me a bit, but I did not say anything to the students, I only
talked to one of the student and told her and what would happen if she was the one who
nobody wants to work with. For the same reason this student does not like to work in
groups, and isolated himself, and at the time of an oral presentation in pairs he asked
me to work with him.
This particular situation makes me think about how hard is to cope with certain
problems in the classroom, also how to be pendent to all the students you have, and the
way to solve problems between them, sometimes is a hard thing to do not to overprotect
a student when you realize that He or She is mistreated for the rest of the class.

For me both stages were important at the moment of doing my teaching, you can see
how the class works , and this is the model at the moment of planning and teaching a

Workshop Nº 2

Refer to the Teaching Stage you have already started and answer the following

1. Do you feel satisfied with your performance as a teacher so far? Take about the things
you like and about the ones you don´t like.

I felt so pleased after my supervisor teacher talked to me about my performance. I think

that I did better than I had thought, and I feel satisfied but not at all because I had some
problems with the time consumed in the class, I could not finish entire the class.
I really like the participation of the students, they really enjoy when they have to speak
or help me with the activities, I like the outcomes after every class, and the guide
teacher`s support.
I do not like the fact that I had not had the skill to solve a specific problems in front of
the class related to a partial change of an activity because of lack of time, and my
nervousness betrayed me.

2. Guide teacher´s support: How effective has it been during this stage? Why?

The guide teacher`s support has been effective, significant, and I have felt very
confortable since I started my practical-teaching at school. She usually tells me positive
and negative aspects about my performance, suggestions, and what I am doing well or

3. Student´s level of engagement: Do your students enjoy the classroom learning

activities presented? ; What do they say about them?

I think my students have enjoyed almost all the activities because I have presented a
variety of the ones they like, like flashcards, games, different materials, and listenings,
and I have tried to do them in a proper way.

4. Planning and lesson preparation: What teaching approach do you consider

appropriate to students ´learning style? Which one are you actually using with them?

I think, and taking into account the style of my students, a good teaching approach
is a creative style, many activities presented in a class in a short period of time, and
they have to be very colorful. I have to be very patience because they like to ask
everything, how you can say different words, or what you are going to do in the
class, I explain that when I start the class but they ask over and over again, but I
really enjoy teaching to my students, and I do not have any problem in explain
something that they need.

5.Lesson Timing: How much of the planned activities do you actually cover in each
lesson? Is it what you expected?

I have covered all the planed activities, but when the supervisor teacher went to evaluate
my performance I had a problem with the time. I had planned four activities but the
thirdone took more time than the one planned, and the students could not finish the
activity , and I could not finish the class in a proper way because I was not able to think
in another activity, and solve the problem.

Formato de Consejo de Curso y Orientación

I.-Datos Generales

Nombre del establecimiento educacional: Colegio Cardenal José María Caro

Curso: 5º Básico
Profesor Jefe: Mónica Rubio
Profesor en práctica: Gilda Ramírez Del Pozo
Fecha: 26 de Junio de 2009
Hora Inicio: 8:20
Hora termino: 9:10

II.- Desarrollo del consejo de Curso

1. Tema de Orientación: Comida Saludable

2. OFT Cubierto: Respeto por las opiniones de los demás, de los turnos para hablar.
3. Tabla del consejo de curso: No hay Tabla.

Al conversar con la Profesora jefe con anterioridad ella planteo que el Consejo de Curso
esta más enfocado a un curso de Orientación donde los temas principales tienen relación
con el Autocuidado, convivencia y los valores.
La reunión comienza con el acostumbrado saludo del profesor a los alumnos y alumnas,
aclarando mi participación en la reunión. Luego los niños comienzan a juntar las mesas
para tomar todos desayuno, te o café y pan, acordado en la reunión de Orientación
Como no hay tabla la profesora propone el tema, el que se discute mientras toman
desayuno. La profesora pregunta a los niños que entienden por comida Saludable y
ejemplos de ella, también pregunta porque razón debemos comerla, cada niño tiene la
oportunidad de opinar, esto se hace en orden, levantando la mano. Al final de la reunión
la profesora jefe redondea el tema con una conclusión.
La clase dura solo una hora, el ambiente es muy acogedor, los alumnos y alumnas se
notan entretenidos con esta modalidad y participativos al momento de pedir opinión.

Formato de Reuniones de Padres y Apoderados

I.-Datos Generales

Nombre del establecimiento educacional: Colegio Cardenal José María Caro

Curso: 5º Básico
Profesor Jefe: Mónica Rubio
Profesor en práctica: Gilda Ramírez Del Pozo
Fecha: 17 de Junio de 2009
Hora Inicio: 16:30
Hora termino: 17:45
Tabla de Reunión: Notas de los alumnos y alumnas
Comportamiento general
Finalización de semestre

II.-Tema Principal

El tema principal de la reunión de apoderados tenia relación con la finalización del

semestre y las notas obtenidas por los alumnos.
El comentario de la profesora jefe en cuanto a las notas de los alumnos fue que en
términos generales el promedio del curso es excelente, las notas están muy altas, lo que
se vio reflejado en el resultado de la prueba SIMCE que arrojo un tercer lugar a nivel
regional obtenido por los alumnos de 5º básico.
En cuanto al comportamiento se hablo de un problema en particular entre alumnos, y
pidió a los padres que aconsejaran a sus hijos en cuanto a trato entre los niños.
En relación a finalización del semestre la profesora pidió a los padres opinión sobre que
hacer el ultimo día de clases, que seria el 10 de Julio, a lo que los apoderados
respondieron que los niños quieren una fiesta de disfraces como termino de clases.

III.- Comentario

Todos los temas propuestos en la tabla fueron tratados, pues la reunión fue convocada
con el fin de tratar estos temas en específico sin pérdida de tiempo en asuntos no
planteados por la profesora en la tabla.
La participación de los apoderados es activa, en un clima de respeto, y tranquilidad.
En esta reunión no hubo participación de la directiva del curso, salvo para proponer lo
de la fiesta de disfraces que los alumnos quieren como termino de semestre, en relación
sacar el dinero para la fiesta.

Formato de reuniones de Profesores

I. Datos Generales

Nombre del Establecimiento Educacional: Cardenal José María Caro.

Profesor en Práctica: Gilda Ramírez Del Pozo
Fecha: 24 de Junio de 2009
Tabla de la Reunión: No existe tabla, los contenidos no van abordados en un orden
Hora de Inicio: 16:10
Hora de Termino: 17:30

II. Tabla de Reunión:

La Directora, que es quien dirige la reunión, comienza a hablar sin proponer los temas
a conversar, por lo cual no hay una tabla ni orden en los temas que se abordaran. Por lo
tanto al finalizar la reunión y analizando nuestros apuntes llegamos a determinar los
temas que se tomaron en el consejo.

El primer tema del consejo fue información sobre la jornada a la que asistió la Directora
y la jefa de UTP. A rasgos generales en esta jornada se hablo sobre:

• La optimización en la utilización del tiempo de las horas de clase, también los

resultados de las pruebas SIMCE.
• Llamada de atención a los profesores para que se preocuparan del orden, aseo y
decoración de las salas.
• Otro tema que se trato y que la Directora manifestó como muy positivo fue que
las planificaciones de Lenguaje y Matemáticas vienen ya desarrolladas.
• Evaluación de contenidos a los alumnos, la jefa de UTP debe conocer las
pruebas con anticipación, una vez evaluadas debe haber una revisión con los
alumnos para ver los errores y como mejorarlos, en este punto hay una
intervención de la Directora en la que plantea que ella debe ir a observar las
clases y que le gustaría ser invitada por los profesores.
• Lista de obligaciones del profesor.

El segundo tema en cuestión se refirió a que profesores irían al curso de formación de

futuros líderes.

El tercer tema se refirió a que profesora se haría cargo del Primero Básico el próximo

Como cuarto tema se hablo del concurso de poema que se realizara a vuelta de

Como finalización del consejo, los profesores fueron invitados por las Parvularias de
Kinder y Pre-kinder para que conocieran las actividades que se realizan en un día de

III. Comentario:

El consejo es dirigido solo por la directora del establecimiento con algunas

intervenciones de la jefa de UTP, ellas son las que proponen los temas y al final
permiten que los profesores manifiesten sus comentarios sobre lo planteado. A mi
parecer existió poca participación de los profesores, y hubo un momento de discusión
cuando la directora manifestó que solo una profesora trabajaba hasta los días domingos
preparando sus clases, varias profesoras discutieron eso planteando que ellas siempre
preparaban sus clases y que también trabajaban los domingos y los otros días hasta altas
horas de la noche. A pesar de esta discusión, el clima de la reunión fue relajado, salvo la
situación inesperada descrita anteriormente.


School: Colegio Cardenal José María Caro.

Principal: Selma Alliendes Cabrera.

City: Viña Del Mar.

Address: Avenida Principal, s/n, Población Cardenal Caro, Chorrillos

School`s phone number: 2676792

Grade: 5th grade

Schedule: Monday 8:20-9:50/Friday 11:50-13:20

Guide teacher`s name: Ingrid Maturana Riffo

Guide teacher`s email address:

Lesson plan Model
Date: Monday, 18th, May, 2009 Level: 5th grade

Skill: Listening

Expected Outcomes:Listen and comprehend vocabulary about places at school.

Listen and comprehend a telephonic conversation.
Resources: Radio, CD with conversation, flash cards with images of places at school and their
names, sheet of paper with pictures of school places, pencil, eraser.

Time Comments

Introduction 10`

Role calling The students will say “present” or “absent”

Date The students will answer about what day is today.
TPR The students will follow some oral instructions for them to
be confident.
Learning The students will know the topic to teach.

Core of the class 25`


Enumerate the places at The students will say, in English or Spanish, the places at
school. school, while the teacher will be sticking the pictures of
Use flash cards with places on the board, after that the students will repeat the
pictures and names. names of that school locations.
The students will have some flash cards with the names of
the school locations and will match them with the picture.

While-stage 20`

Answer a question. The students will answer orally, and write in their
notebook the question “What is your favourite place at
school?”, and “Why?”.

Post-stage 25`

Listening The students will listen the telephonic dialogue, and in a

sheet of paper they will circle the places at school
appearing in the Listening. (that activity will be evaluated)
The students will answer some questions orally about the
listening activity.

Closing 10`

Recap main points. The students will share what they have learnt.
Learning. They will know what they will learn next class, and the
Future learning. needed materials.

Lesson Plan Model

Date: Monday, 25th, May, 2009 Level: 5th grade

Skill: Writing, Speaking

Expected Outcomes:Listen, comprehend, and repeat numbers from 40 to 100.

Enumerate objects in a specific place, using “there is”, or “there are”
Resources: Poster with numbers from 40 to 100, pencil, eraser, colour pencils, white sheet of
paper, and notebook.

Time Comments

Introduction 10`

Role calling The students will say “present” or “absent”

Date The students will answer about what day is today.
Review The students will remember the last class.
Learning The students will know the topic to teach.
Previuos knowledge

Core of the class 25`

Numbers from 40 to 100 The students will learn the numbers which will be in a
Activity related to poster, and they will repeat the names of them.
numbers. The students will receive a plastic bag with some money,
they will have to answer to the question “How many pesos
do you have?
The students will play a game called BINGO. They will
receive a sheet of paper with numbers.The teacher will say
the numbers and the students will have to mark them with
a cross. The student will win when He or She gets nine
While-stage numbers.
Draw their school.

The students will draw a map of the school, and they will
write the name of places at school in that map.
“There is”, “there are”.
The students will work in groups and will enumerate the
school locations, using their own drawings, for that activity
they will use the grammatical structure “there is”, for the
singular sentences, and “there are” for plural sentences.

Recap main points. 10`

Learning. The students will share what they have learnt.
Future learning. They will know what they will learn next class, and the
needed materials.
Lesson plan Model
Lesson plan Model

Date: Friday, 29th, May, 2009 Level: 5th grade

Skill: Reading-Writing

Expected Outcomes: Enumerate the objects in a specific place, using “there is” or “there are”

Resources: Pencil, eraser, colour pencils, sheet of paper, and the notebook.

Time Comments

Introduction 10`
Role calling The students will say “present” or “absent”
Date The students will answer about what day is today.
Review The students will remember the last class.
Learning The students will know the topic to teach.
Previuos knowledge

Core of the class

Pre-stage 30`
Draw their school The students will work in groups of five, and they will
draw a map of their school. They will write the name of
places at schoolin that map.

While-stage 25`
There is The students will enumerate the school locations using
There are their own drawing, for that activity thgey will use the
grammatical structure “there is”, for the singular sentences,
and “there are” for plural sentences.
The students will say the sentences that they will write to
the class.
Post-stage 15`
Worsheet Nº 2 The students will work in the worksheet Nº 2 about
“There is” and “There are”.

Closing 10`
Recap main points. The students will share what they have learnt.
Learning. They will know what they will learn next class, and the
Future learning needed materials.
Date: Monday, 1st, June, 2009 Level: 5th grade

Skill: Reading-Writing

Expected Outcomes: Enumerate places at school.Ask and answer about quantity of objects,
using the question “How many ....?”
Resources: Images of places at, notebook, pencil, eraser.

Time Comments

Introduction 10`
Role calling The students will say “present” or “absent”
Date The students will answer about what day is today.
Review The students will remember the last class.
Learning The students will know the topic to teach.

Core of the class 15`

Collage The students will stick the pictures of places at school on
the board, and they will create a school, like a collage.

While-stage 25` The students will learn to ask and answer about amount of
How there in places at school, they will use the question How many
your school? ......... is there in your school?.
They will see the difference between singular and plural
answer. For that activity they will use the collage.
They will ask to another classmates the question.

The students will work in their books, in activities related

Post-stage 30` to numbers and quantities.(pag, nº 28-29, activities 3, 4, 5,
Student book and 6)
The students will review the answers orally.

The students will share what they have learnt.

Closing 10` They will know what they will learn next class, and the
Recap main points. needed materials.
Future learning
Lesson plan Model
Lesson plan Model
Date: Friday, 5 , June, 2009 Level: 5th grade

Skill: Reading-Speaking

Expected Outcomes:Comprehend the use of question “How many...?”

Comprehend plural and singular words, using grammatical structure
“There is”, “There are”
Listen and comprehend vocabulary about places at school and numbers.
Resources: Flash cards with images of places at school and numbers, student book, worsheet,
pencil, eraser.

Time Comments

Introduction 10`
Role calling The students will say “present” or “absent”
Date The students will answer about what day is today.
Review The students will remember the last class.
Learning The students will know the topic to teach.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 20`
What is this?(place or The students will answer the question “What is this?” after
number) the teacher shows the picture about places at school or
What is your favourite number.
place at school? The sstudents will answer the question “What is your
favourite place at school?”, orally.

Student Book 30` The students will work in their book.(pag.29-30, activities
nº 8-9, and progress check.)
The students will review the answer, orally.

Worksheet 20` The students will answer the worsheet.

Closing 10`
Recap main points. The students will share what they have learnt.They will
Learning. know what they will learn next class, and the needed
Future learning. materials.
Date: Friday, 12th, June, 2009 Level: 5th grade

Skill: Writing (Test)

Expected Outcomes: Listen and comprehend the instructions related to the test.
Use of vocabulary about places at school, and numbers
Use of structure “thereis- there are”
Answer the question “What is your favourite place at school?”
Resources: Sheet of paper with the test, pencil, colour pencils. Eraser, and marker.

Time Comments

Introduction 10`
Role calling The students will say “present” or “absent”
Date The students will answer about what day is today.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 10` The students will listen the instructions about how they
will answer the test.
The students will tell the doubts.

While-stage 50`
Test The students will take the test.

Post-stage 10`
Review the test The students will review the answers of the test.

Closing 10`
Recap main points. The students will share what they have learnt.
Learning. They will know what they will learn next class, and the
Future learning. needed materials.

Lesson plan Model

Date: Monday, 15th, June, 2009 Level: 5th grade

Skill: Listening

Expected Outcomes:Name the days of the week and the school subjects.
Ask and answer about what day the students have any school
Listen and comprehend a dialogue about a Timetable.
Resources: Flashcards with images of the school subjects, sheet of paper with images of the
school subjects, sheet of paper with a timetable, Radio, CD with the dialogue, sheet of paper
with questions about the dialogue, marker, pencil, glue, and eraser.

Time Comments

Introduction 10`
Role calling The students will say “present” or “absent”
Date The students will answer about what day is today.
Review The students will remember the last class.
Learning The students will know the topic to teach.
Previuos knowledge

Core of the class

Pre-stage 25`
School subjects The students will learn the name of the school subjects
which will be in a serie of flashcards.
The students will receive a sheet of paper with images of
the school subjects, and they have to stick them in their
The students will write the name of the school subjects
next to the pictures , and they will repeat the names.

While-stage 25`
Days The students will write a Timetable, and they will write
“When do you have...?” the name of the days on it.
The students will learn the question “When do you have
...?”, and they will that using vocabulary related to school
subjects and days. After that they will write in the
Timetable when they have some subjects, they will work in
Listening 20`
The students will listen a dialogue, and in a sheet of paper
they will circle the correct answer related to the dialogue.
( That activity will be evaluated)
Recap main points. 10`
Learning. The students will share what they have learnt.
Future learning. They will know what they will learn next class, and the
needed materials: color pencils and glue.
Lesson plan Model
Date: Monday, 22nd, June, 2009 Level: 5th grade

Skill: Speaking

Expected Outcomes: Read and comprehend a survey about favourite things.

Ask and answer about preferences.
Respect different preferences.
Resources: Sheet of paper with the letter soup, Sheet of paper with the class survey, marker,
pencil, and eraser.

Time Comments

Role calling The students will say “present” or “absent”
Date The students will answer about what day is today.
Review The students will remember the last class.
Learning The students will know the topic to teach.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 15`
Vocabulary about school The students will work in a letter soup about school
subjects subjects.

While-stage 20`
Favourites survey The students will work in pairs. They will ask and answer
-What is your the favourites sursvey.They will write their own
favourite...? preferences on a sheet of paper .
-Who is your The students will know that the structure What is your
favourite...? favourite...? is used to ask about things, and the structure
Who is your favourite ...? is used to ask about people.

Post-stage 35` The students will ask and answer the favourites survey in
Speaking front of the class. (the speaking activity will be evaluated)

The students will share what they have learnt.

Closing 10` They will know what they will learn next class, and the
Recap main points. needed materials.
Future learning.

Lesson plan Model

Lesson plan Model

Friday, 3rd6,thJuly,
Date: Monday, , July,2009
2009 Level: 5th grade

Skill: Reading
- Speaking

Expected Outcomes: Read

progress of the
a text
about a bedroom.
Recognize and use the prepositions of places correctly.
Resources: Sheet of paper and aanswer
Bingo,about location
student book, of the objects
pencil, in the bedroom
and eraser.
Resources: Sheet of paper with the reading and questions about it, pencil, eraser, dictionary,

Time Comments
Time Comments
Introduction 10`
Role calling 10` The students will say “present” or “absent”
Date calling The
The students
students will
will say “present”
answer or “absent”
about what day is today.
Review The students will answer about what day is today.
The students will remember the last class.
Learning The
The students
students will
will remember the last
know the topic class.
to teach.
Learning The students will
Previuos knowledgeknow the topic to teach.
Previuos knowledge

Core of
of the
the class
Pre-stage 20`
Student bookof places The
The students
students will
will look
workupin in thebooks.(pag.
their dictionary some
36, activities nº
2 and nº 3) on, between, behind, in front of, next to,
and under)

While-stage 25`
15` The studens will work in pairs.
Bingo Thestudents
The studentswill
read and comprehend
nine thevocabulary
words of the Reading called
“Ana`s bedroom”
related to places at school, subjects, days of the week, and
They will underline
they will create theirthe prepositions that will appear in the
The students will use the dictionary when they do not or
understand a word or sentence.
Post-stage 35`
Listen and say the 25` The students will listen the words and they will cross them
words. the questions The students
if they willwords.
have the answer the questions about the text.
The students will say the word for the Bingo.

Closing 10`
Closing 10` The students will review the answers.
Recap main points. The students will share what they have learnt.
Learning. They will know what they will learn next class, and the
Future learning. needed materials.
Class Survey

Name: _______________________ Grade: ______ Date:_____________________

1.- What is your favourite colour? _____________________________________

2.- What is your favourite day of the week? ________________________________

3.- What is your favourite number? _____________________________________

4.- What is your favourite subject? _______________________________________

5.- Who is your favourite teacher? ________________________________________

6.- Who is your favourite friend? _________________________________________

Time table


Break B R E A K

Break B R E A K

Lunch L A U N CH

Guía de Trabajo Nº1

Listening Transcription

Boy: Hello?
Grandpa: Hi, Alvaro.How is everything going in Valdivia?
Boy: Grandpa! Hi! Everything`s fine here.
Grandpa: Excellent, excellent.Tell me about your new school.
Boy: Oh, it`s very big.There are two big libraries and a great computer room. There is a
science lab and a big dining room where we all have lunch.
Grandpa: So how many students are there in your class?
Boy: There are forty two students: 30 boys and only 12 girls.
Grandpa: Oh, so there are plenty of bouys for a football match
Boy: Yes,! We all play football.
Grandpa: Oh! That`s good. So there is a football field...
Boy: No, there isn`t.But there`s a playground. We play there every break.
Grandpa: So you`re having a good time there.
Boy: Yes.But I do miss you and grandma a lot.
Grandpa: I miss you too. I`ll call you again soon, OK?
Boy: OK, grandpa.Bye.
Grandpa: Bye.

Name: __________________________________

Date: __________________________________

Actividad: escuche cuidadosamente la conversación telefónica entre dos personas y

responda correctamente las siguientes preguntas.

1.- ¿Qué personas aparecen en la conversación telefónica? Encierra en un círculo la letra

que corresponda.

a) Grandpa and son

b) Mother and father

2.- ¿Qué lugares del colegio aparecen nombrados en la conversación telefónica?
Encierra en un círculo el dibujo correcto.

Library Principal`s office Dining room

Science Lab Computer room Bus Stop

Worsheet Nª 2

Name: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________

Grade: ___________________________

A.- Write there is or there are in the following sentences.

example: THERE ARE nine pills on the desk.

(there is / there are)

1.- _________________ a fly in my soup.

(there is / there are)

2.- _________________ two hearts in the picture.

(there is / there are)
3.- ________________ a watch in the hand.
(there is / there are)

- 4.- __________________ twelve flowers in the picture.

(there is / there are)


5.- _________________ three butterflies next to the clock.

(there is / there are)

Worksheet Nº 3

Listening Transcription

Mother: Hi, Pilar!How was school today?

Pilar: Fine, the teacher gave us our timetable.
Mother: Did she? So When do you have Spanish.
Pilar: I have Spanish on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
Mother: And when do you have Art?
Pilar: I have Art on Tuesday and Thursday.
Mother: What about Natural Science?
Pilar: I have Natural Science on Wednesday and Thursday.
Mother: And when do you have Social Studies?
Pilar: On Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
Mother: Really? Three days, huh?
Pilar: Yeah
Mother So what is your favourite subject?
Pilar: Guess
Mother: Hmmm... Art?
Pilar: No. My favourite subject is English.
Mother: And when do you have English?
Pilar: I have English on Monday.
Mother: Just Monday?
Pilar: Yeah, just Monday.


1.-Listen the Dialogue carefully, and answer the following questions. Circle the correct

A.- Who are in the dialogue?

a) Dad and daughter

b) Mum and daugther
c) Grandmother and granddaughter

B.- Listen and circle the school subjects Pilar mentions.

Music - Spanish - Physical Education - Art - Natural Science

Technology - Social Studies - Maths - English - Religion

C.- What is her favourite school subject?

a) Maths
b) Natural Science
c) English

D.- When does she have it?

a) Tuesday
b) Monday
c) Thursday
Worksheet nº 4

Name: _____________________________ Grade: ___________

1.- Read the text carefully, and translate it. Use the dictionary.

Ana`s Bedroom

Ana lives in a flat. There are seven rooms in her flat, a kitchen, a living, a dining room,
a bathroom, and three bedrooms. Her bedroom is very confortable, there is a lamp and a
clock on the night table.There are rings and necklaces in the box. There is a television
on the table. There is a rug under the bed. There are two shoes between the bed and the
closet.There is a door in front of the bed. There is a teddy bear next to the pillow. There
are two dolls on the bed. There is a window behind the bed.


2.- Answer the following questions.

a.- Where is the lamp and the clock?


b.- Where is the television?


c.- Where is the rug?


d.- Where are the dolls?


NAME: _________________________________

DATE: _________________________________

GRADE: _________________________________

1.- Match the picture with the correct Word. (8 points)


A.- 1) ____ School grounds

B.- 2) ____ Bus Stop

C.- 3) A Dining room

D.- 4) ____ Toilet


E.- 5) ____ Library

2.- Circle the correct number (6 points)

How many pesos do you have in your purse ?

Example: I have fifty nine pesos in my purse

a) 49
b) 59
c) 68
A.-How many pesos do you have in your backpack ?

I have ninety two pesos in my backpack

a) 72
b) 56
c) 92


B.- How many pesos do you have in your pocket ?

I have eighty seven pesos in my pocket

a) 87
b) 77
c) 43

C.- How many pesos do you have in your wallet ?

I have fifty four pesos in my wallet

a) 64
b) 54
c) 90

3.- Look at the picture. Read the following sentences. Decide if they are True or False.

Write a CROSS (X) in the correct answer. Correct the false sentences. (8 points)

I) There are two girls in the classroom. __________ ____X____

There is one girl in the classroom

a) There are two boys in the classroom. ___________ __________


b) There is one desk in the classroom. ___________ __________


c) There is one watch in the classroom. ___________ __________


d) There are five bears in the classroom. ___________ __________

4.- Translate the following sentences. (6 points)

a) There is one eraser in the classroom.

b) There are ten teachers in the teacher`s room.

c) There are five dogs in the school ground.

5.- Answer : What is your favourite place at school? (3 points)

My _______________________________________________________________


I must conclude after this process of student teacher that I really chose the right course
of studies, I really enjoy teaching boys and girls, I feel very comfortable in front them. I
think I have plenty of patience and dedication, but I would like to teching in
preparatory, because I believe it is easier to teach them and work with them because
they are more motivated and they like to work in the given activities.

Among the Reports we had during this process I think the meetings in which we share
and talk about our experiences were really helpful, because we realized that we were not
the only one who had certain problems, beside we learnt from our classmates problems
related to teaching or controling the class.

Also the meetings with Supervisor teachers were really positive, specially after their
visits, the feed back they gave, made me feel better at the moment of another visit,
because I had the chance to correct the previous mistakes and prepared in a better way
the class.

As a final conclusion I must say and made reference about the importance that the
Lesson Plans had, they were of big help at the moment of preparing classes, they guide
you, and help you have a more clear and assorted class to our students. I think they are
really necessary.


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