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AP Psychology Exam Review Unit 1: Introduction to Psychology

Textbook: Introduction, Chapter 1, Appendix A

Main ideas and terms to know: ~Understand the main perspectives on psycho o!y, past and present: "Introspection #$undt% "&ehaviora #'kinner ( $atson% "+sychoana ytic #,reud% "-eurobio o!ica "/vo utionary "&ehavior !enetics ~0now the various de!rees, careers, and sub1ie ds o1 psycho o!y: "psychiatrist vs2 psycho o!ist " sub1ie ds o1 psycho o!y

")umanist #*o!ers% "' tura "Co!nitive

~Understand the need 1or scienti1ic research and the imitations o1 common sense: "app ied vs2 basic research "hindsi!ht bias "overcon1idence "con1irmation bias "i usory corre ation "1a se.consensus e11ect ~Understand the various research methods, their stren!ths and weaknesses: "case study "survey "random samp e "natura istic observation "corre ation "positive corre ation "ne!ative corre ation "corre ation coe11icient "experimenta method "experimenta condition "contro "independent variab e "dependent variab e "con1oundin! variab e "random assi!nment "within.!roup desi!n "sin! e b ind "doub e b ind "experimenter bias "p acebo "3uasi.experimenta ~Understand some o1 the statistica measures used to exp ain and describe experimenta resu ts: "corre ation coe11icient #+earson4s *% "meta.ana yses "properties o1 a norma distribution #be .shaped curve% "567 and 857 "positive y and ne!ative y skewed distributions "variance "standard deviation "si!ni1icance tests #29:% "measures o1 centra tendency #mean, median, mode% "nu hypothesis ~Understand some o1 the ethica issues o1 psycho o!ica research: "!uide ines 1or anima research "deceivin! sub;ects "in1ormed consent

Unit 2: The Biological Basis o Behavior

Main ideas and terms to know: ~Understand the structure and 1unction o1 a neuron: "soma "axon "mye in sheath "nodes o1 ranvier "synaptic vesic es "synaptic knob "restin! potentia "action potentia "sodium.potassium pump "depo ari<ation "abso ute thresho d "re1ractory period "excitatory vs2 inhibitory si!na s "synapse "'teps o1 synaptic transmission% "anta!onist "types o1 neurons #sensory, motor, inter% "dendrite "synaptic termina s "nuc eus "se ective permeabi ity "hyperpo ari<ation "a .or.none response "neurotransmitter "! ia ce

~Understand the various branches o1 the -ervous 'ystem: +eriphera , Centra , Autonomic, 'ke eta , 'ympathetic, and +arasympathetic #know the basic 1unction o1 each and how they are connected%

~0now the ma;or ! ands o1 the endocrine system, the hormones that they secrete, and how hormona transmission di11ers 1rom neura transmission: Adrena , +ituitary, Thyroid, +ara.thyroids, +ancreas, =vary, Testis ~Understand the various techni3ues 1or studyin! the brain: " esion studies "ab ation "//> "CAT 'cans "+/T 'cans Cerebra Cortex ,ronta obes +arieta obes =ccipita obes Tempora obes Corpus Co osum &roca4s area "M*I

~0now the parts o1 the brain and their basic 1unctions: &rain 'tem Cerebe um )indbrain Tha amus Midbrain )ypotha amus ,orebrain ?imbic 'ystem Medu a )ippocampus +ons Amy!da a Motor cortex 'ensory cortex $ernicke4s area *eticu ar 1ormation

~Understand the 1indin!s o1 the sp it.brain patient studies and the concept o1 hemispheric specia i<ation

Unit !: "ensation # Perce$tion

Main ideas and terms to know: ~Understand the basic princip es o1 perception: "Abso ute thresho d "di11erence thresho d "si!na detection theory "$eber4s ?aw "sensory adaptation "habituation

"@-A "sub imina messa!es

~0now the parts o1 the eye and their 1unctions "transduction "wave en!th B hue "amp itude B intensity #bri!htness% "cornea "pupi "iris " ens "retina "rods "cones "retina "1ovea "b ind spot "1eature detectors "a1terima!e "opponent process theory "Coun!.)e mho t< trichromatic theory ~0now the parts o1 the ear "Amp itude B oudness "1re3uencyB pitch "outer ear "auditory cana "midd e ear "hammer "anvi "inner ear "semicircu ar cana s "p ace theory "1re3uency theory ~The minor senses: touch, taste, sme "phantom imb sensation "!ate contro theory "taste buds "kinesthesis ~Understand the 1o owin! concepts re ated to perception: "se ective attention #cocktai party e11ect% "Aepth perception: &inocu ar Cues vs2 Monocu ar cues "Constancies #shape, si<e, distance, bri!htness% "pinna "eardrum "stirrup "coch ea "conduction vs2 nerve dea1ness "pain contro " ock ( key theory o1 sme ">esta t ru es o1 or!ani<ation "perceptua set "adaptation "context e11ects

~Identi1y bio o!ica and socia 1actors that e11ect perception ~Consider the c aims and skepticism o1 /'+ "te epathy "c airvoyance "preco!nition "psychokinesis "!an<1e d procedure

Unit %: Alternate "tates o &onsciousness

~0now the various s eep sta!es and their characteristics "'ta!es 1, D, E, F, */M "A pha waves "hypno!o!ic sensations "Ae ta waves "paradoxica s eep "ni!ht terrors "narco epsy "insomnia ~Aream Theory ",reudian # atent and mani1est content% ~Understand the G1acts and 1a sehoodsH o1 hypnosis ~0now the various dru!s, their e11ects and c assi1ications2 -ames to 0now: Char es 'herrin!ton, *o!er 'perry, +hineas >a!e "s eep spind es "s ow.wave s eep "s eep apnea "*/M rebound

"activation.synthesis hypothesis

Unit ': (earning and )emory

Main ideas and terms to know: ~Understand the basic princip es o1 C assica Conditionin!: "unconditioned stimu us #UC'% "unconditioned response #UC*% "conditioned stimu us #C'% "conditioned response #C*% #note: be ab e to identi1y the C', C*, UC', ( UC* 1rom a scenario% "conditionin! arran!ements: #de ayed, trace, simu taneous, backward% "stimu us !enera i<ation "stimu us discrimination "hi!her order conditionin! "extinction "spontaneous recovery "aversion therapy "systematic desensiti<ation ~Understand the basic princip es o1 =perant Conditionin!: "positive ( ne!ative rein1orcement "positive ( ne!ative punishment "escape and avoidance responses "shapin! "primary (secondary rein1orcers "successive approximations "'kinner box "continuous vs2 partia rein1orcement "schedu es o1 rein1orcement: 1ixed and variab e interva , 1ixed and variab e ratio " atent earnin! "over;usti1ication ~Understand the basic princip es o1 observationa earnin!: "mode in! "&obo do studies ~Understand the processes invo ved in memory: "sensory memory "short term memory " on! term memory "1 ashbu b memory "chunkin! "mnemonic devices "encodin! "stora!e "retrieva "semantic encodin! "acoustic encodin! "visua encodin! "inter1erence theory "retroactive vs2 proactive inter1erence "iconic ( echoic memory "imp icit vs2 exp icit memory "?on! term potentiation "state dependent memory

~ /xp ain the various theories o1 1or!ettin! "decay "disuse "encodin! 1ai ure "tip.o1.the ton!ue phenomena

"positive ( ne!ative trans1er

~Consider the concept o1 constructed memory and the debate on repressed and recovered memories: "misin1ormation e11ect "antero!rade ( retro!rade amnesia "eyewitness testimony -ames to 0now: Ivan +av ov, &2,2 'kinner, @ohn $atson, A bert &andura, )erman /bbin!haus, >eor!e 'per in!, / i<abeth ?o1tus

Unit *: &ognition and Intelligence

Main ideas and terms to know: ~Understand the methods and imitations o1 prob em so vin!: "a !orithm "heuristic "insi!ht "prototype "1ixation "menta set "1unctiona 1ixedness "con1irmation bias "representative heuristic "avai abi ity heuristic "overcon1idence "1ramin! "be ie1 perseverance "be ie1 bias "arti1icia inte i!ence ( neura networks ~Understand the structure o1 an!ua!e and the theories o1 an!ua!e ac3uisition: "phoneme "morpheme "!rammar "semantics "syntax "sta!es o1 an!ua!e ac3uisition "te e!raphic speech " ho ophrastic speech "critica period "Chomsky vs2 'kinner "$hor14s in!uistic re ativity ~Consider the ways in which we de1ine and measure inte i!ence: ", ynn e11ect "II e3uation "menta a!e "!.1actor "mu tip e inte i!ences "savant syndrome "achievement vs2 aptitude tests "standardi<ation "re iabi ity "va idity "de!rees o1 menta retardation "heritabi ity o1 inte i!ence "'tan1ord.&inet Test "savant syndrome "emotiona inte i!ence "norma curve "$AI' and $I'C "cu tura biasJ1airness

-ames to 0now: ,rancis >a ton, A 1red &inet, ?ewis Terman, Aavid $echs er, )oward >ardner, *obert 'ternber!, Arthur @ensen2

Unit +: )otivation and Emotion

Main ideas and terms to know: ~Understand the basic concepts and theories o1 motivation: pay particu ar attention to the interp ay between psycho o!ica and physio o!ica 1actors: "Instincts "evo utionary theory "incentive motivation "drive.reduction theory "homeostasis "arousa theory #Cerkes.Aodson ?aw%

~Understand the psycho o!ica and physio o!ica 1actors behind hun!er motivation: "physio o!ica 1actors: stomach contractions, ! ucose, seratonin, hypotha amus #remember the di11erence between the atera and the ventromedia % "set point "metabo ic rate "+sycho o!ica 1actors: cu ture, externa s vs2 interna s "/atin! disorders: anorexia nervosa and bu imia nervosa

~Understand the psycho o!ica and physio o!ica 1actors behind sexua motivation: "sexua response cyc e #Masters ( @ohnson%: excitement, p ateau, or!asm, reso ution #re1ractory period% "0insey report "hormona in1 uence "!ender di11erences in sexua responses "sexua orientation #psycho o!ica and bio o!ica 1actors% "'exua disorders ~Understand the 1actors that ead to achievement orientation: "birth order e11ects "intrinsic vs2 extrinsic motivation "Theory K vs2 Theory C mana!ers ~Understand the physio o!ica and cu tura 1actors re ated to the expression o1 emotion: "Cu tura y universa expressions o1 emotion "Characteristics o1 1ear, an!er, and happiness "catharsis "sub;ective we .bein! "1ee !ood, do !ood phenomenon "adaptation. eve phenomenon "re ative deprivation ~Understand the three theories o1 emotion: "@ames.?an!e "Cannon.&ard "'chachter.'in!er #two 1actor% "Contemporary mode

Unit ,: -evelo$mental Psychology

Main ideas and terms to know: ~Understand the main issues invo ved with the physica deve opment o1 a chi d "terato!ens "1eta a coho syndrome #,A'% "maturation "the deve opment o1 the brain "window o1 opportunity "critica period "p asticity ~Understand +ia!et4s sta!es o1 co!nitive deve opment: "be ab e to reco!ni<e a 1our sta!es and know what a chi d can and cannot do at each sta!e: '/-'=*IM=T=*, +*/.=+/*ATI=-A?, C=-C*/T/ =+/*ATI=-A?, ,=*MA? =+/*ATI=-A? "assimi ation "accommodation "e3ui ibrium vs2 dise3ui ibrium "schemas "ob;ect permanence "e!ocentrism "conservation "animism "reversibi ity "co!nitive maps "re ationa o!ic "seriation "abstract thinkin! "hypothetica .deductive reasonin! ~Understand 0oh ber!4s sta!es o1 mora deve opment: +reconventiona Mora ity: punishment.and.obedience orientationL naive hedonism Conventiona Mora ity: G!ood boyJ!ir H orientationL socia order maintainin! mora ity +ostconventiona Mora ity: mora ity o1 contract, individua ri!hts, democratica y accepted awL mora ity o1 individua princip es o1 conscience2 ~Understand /rik /rikson4s /i!ht 'ta!es o1 'ocia Aeve opment: "be ab e identi1y a ei!ht sta!es and the crisis associated with each: =ra .sensory trust vs2 mistrust Muscu ar.ana autonomy vs2 shameJdoubt ?ocomotor.!enita initiative vs2 !ui t ?atency industry vs2 in1eriority +uberty.ado escence identity vs2 ro e con1usion Coun! adu thood intimacy vs2 iso ation Adu thood !enerativity vs2 sta!nation = d a!e e!o inte!rity vs2 despair

~Understand other concepts that re ate to socia deve opment: "Attachment theory "stran!er anxiety "imprintin! "secure attachment vs2 insecure attachment #Ainsworth4s 'tran!e 'ituation 'tudies% "0a!an4s research on in1ant temperament ")ar ow4s monkey studies ">ender identity and !ender typin! "Maccoby and @ack in study "&io.socia theory "'ocia . earnin! theory ">ender.schema theory ">ender di11erences #rea and stereotyped% "-atureJ-urture "three parentin! sty es: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, re;ectin!.ne! ectin! ~Aeve opmenta issues 1rom ado escence throu!h o d a!e "ado escence "ima!inary audience "persona 1ab e "puberty "menarche "A <heimer4s disease "crysta i<ed inte i!ence vs2 1 uid inte i!ence "0Mb er.*oss4s 1ive sta!es o1 dyin!: denia , an!er and resentment, bar!ainin!, depression, acceptance2 -ames to 0now: @ean +ia!et, ?awrence 0oh ber!, /rik /rikson, )arry )ar ow, @erome 0a!an, / i<abeth 0Mb er. *oss, Caro >i i!an2

Unit .: Personality and /ealth

Main ideas and terms to know: ~&e sure to have an understandin! o1 a o1 the ma;or persona ity theorists: +sychoana ytic #,reud, @un!, Ad er, )orney, /rikson%: ~,reud: Three components o1 persona ity: id, e!o, supere!o "p easure princip e "rea ity princip e "idea Jconscience "wish 1u 1i ment " ibido Ae1ense mechanisms: "repression "re!ression "rationa i<ation "denia "reaction 1ormation "disp acement "pro;ection "sub imation +sychosexua 'ta!es o1 Aeve opment: =ra #9.D% Ana #D.F% =ra 1ixation ana retentive ana expu sive =ther ,reudian terms: "1ree association "identi1ication "dream ana ysis #mani1est ( atent content% +ha ic #F.5% ?atency #5.pub2% >enita =edipa comp ex / ectra comp ex penis envy castration comp ex ",reudian s ip

~Car @un!: Ana ytic +sycho o!y " persona unconscious "co ective unconsciousness ~A 1red Ad er: Individua +sycho o!y "strivin! 1or superiority


"opposin! 1orces "birth order e11ects

"in1eriority comp ex

~0aren )orney: "insecurity "basic anxiety "basic hosti ity "copin! mechanisms #movin! towards peop e, movin! a!ainst peop e, movin! away 1rom peop e% ~/rik /rikson: /i!ht A!es o1 Man

The )umanists: Car *o!ers, Abraham Mas ow ~*o!ers: person centered theory "se 1.concept "unconditiona positive re!ard ~Mas ow: )ierarchy o1 -eeds "+hysio o!ica , 'a1ety, &e on!in!ness, /steem, 'e 1 Actua i<ationN #N ess than 17 reach 1u se 1 actua i<ation% "+eak experiences The &ehaviorists and Co!nitive.'ocia ?earnin! Theorists: &2,2 'kinner, A bert &andura "=perant conditionin! "observationa earnin! "mode in! "reciproca determinism " ocus o1 contro #interna vs2 externa % The Trait Theorists: >ordon A port, $i iam 'he don, )ans /ysenck "&ody types: endomorph, mesomorph, ectomorph #'he don% "&i! ,ive: /motiona stabi ity, extroversion, openness, a!reeab eness, conscientiousness ~Understand the various methods 1or measurin! and assessin! persona ity: "+ro;ective tests: *orschach, TAT "+ersona ity inventories: MM+I, C+I, &ri!!s.Myers ~Understand the re ationship between stress and hea th #Chap2 1O% "stress "stressor ">enera Adaptation 'yndrome #>A'% "Type A and Type & persona ities "bio1eedback "types o1 con1 ict : approach.approach, approach.avoidance, avoidance.avoidance, doub e approach.avoidance 2

-ames to 0now: 'i!mund ,reud, A 1red Ad er, Car @un!, 0aren )orney, /rik /rikson, Car *o!ers, Abraham Mas ow, >ordon A port, &2,2 'kinner, A bert &andura, )ans /ysenck, $i iam 'he don, )ans 'e ye2

Unit 10: A1normal Psychology

Main ideas and terms to know: ~Understand the debate surroundin! dia!nostic abe in!: "medica mode "*osenhan study "A'M IP "M4-au!hton *u e "criteria 1or determinin! disordered behavior #atypica , disturbin!, ma adaptive, un;usti1iab e% ~Understand the characteristics o1 a o1 the ma;or psycho o!ica disorders #know their symptoms ( other dia!nostic 1eatures%: Anxiety Aisorders: "+hobias"speci1ic phobia "socia phobia "a!oraphobia "=bsessive.compu sive disorder #ocd% "+ost.traumatic stress disorder #ptsd%: acute, chronic, with de ayed onset ">enera i<ed anxiety disorder #H1ree.1 oatin! anxietyH% "panic attacks 'chi<ophrenia: "psychotic disorder "ha ucinations "disor!ani<ed behavior "de usions o1 !randeur "not mu tip e persona ity "disor!ani<ed speech "catatonic behavior "persecutoria de usions "de usions "Hword sa adH "positive vs2 ne!ative sym2 "echo a ia ( echophraxia

"subtypes: paranoid, disor!ani<ed, catatonic, undi11erentiated "dopamine hypothesis "hypo.1ronta ity hypothesis Mood Aisorders "Ma;or depressive disorder "bipo ar disorder "seratonin ( norepinephrine

"manic disorder "H1 i!ht o1 ideasH "cortiso

"dysthymic ( cyc othymic disorder " earned he p essness "s eep disturbances

Aissociative Aisorders "dissociative amnesia "dissociative 1u!ue "dissociative identity disorder "Types o1 amnesia: oca i<ed, se ective, !enera i<ed, continuous, systemati<ed "understand the controversy surroundin! A2I2A2 #1ormer y M+A% 'omato1orm Aisorders "conversion disorder "hypochondriasis "somati<ation disorder "AAJ)A ")istrionic "-arcissistic

Aeve opmenta Aisorders "Autism "'avant syndrome +ersona ity Aisorders "+aranoid "'chi<oid "Avoidant "Aependent

"Conduct Aisorder

"Antisocia "&order ine "=bsessive.Compu sive

Unit 11: Treatment o -isorders

~Understand the ma;or types o1 psychotherapies: "+sychoana ysis: ",reud "1ree association "catharsis "trans1erence ")umanist: +erson.centered therapy #or c ient centered% "*o!ers "non.directive therapy "unconditiona positive re!ard "warmth, empathy, !enuineness, positive re!ard, active istenin! ski s "&ehaviora : "Aversion therapy "'ystematic desensiti<ation "Token economy "Co!nitive: "*ationa ./motive Therapy #*/T% "A bert / is "Aaron &eck, co!nitive therapy 1or depression ~0now the various chemotherapies #dru! therapy%: be ab e to associate the ma;or dru!s with the types o1 i nesses that they are used 1orL a so have an understandin! o1 how the dru!s work Antidepressants: most work by enhancin! e11ects o1 seratonin and norepinephrine MA= inhibitors mop up norepinephrine and seratonin at the synapse Tricyc ics #TCA4s%: b ocks the reuptake o1 norepinephrine ( seratonin at presynaptic #sendin!% termina s 'e ective 'eratonin *euptake Inhibitors #''*I4s%: b ocks the reuptake o1 on y seratonin . +ro<ac ?ithium Carbonate: a sa t used to treat bipo ar disorder Antipsychotic Aru!s: most work as dopamine anta!onists "Thora<ine. re ieves positive symptoms, causes tardive dyskinesia "C o<ari . re ieves positive and ne!ative symptoms Anti.anxiety Aru!s: &en<odia<apenes #Centra nervous system depressants% "Pa ium "?ibrium =ther &iomedica Therapies: "*ita in #stimu ant used to treat AAJ)A% "/CT #/ ectroconvu sive Therapy%: used to treat severe depression "+sychosur!ery: +re1ronta ?obotomy "&i atera Cin!u otomy #new procedure used 1or =CA%

-ote: !rowth in use o1 dru! therapies be!innin! in 1859s ed to the trend known as deinstitutiona i<ation2 -ames to 0now: / is, &eck, 0anner, *osenhan

Unit 12: "ocial Psychology

Main ideas and terms to know: ~The structure and 1unction o1 !roups "-orms "*o es "*o e con1 ict ~,actors o1 !roup in1 uence "con1ormity #'o omon Asch% "in1ormationa pressure "'ocia Ai emmaJ'ocia trap "normative socia pressure

~,actors that ead to con1ormity "=bedience "Mi !ram4s study "'ocia oa1in! ">roup po ari<ation e11ect ~Attribution theory "dispositiona vs2 situationa attributions

"Aeindividuation "'ocia 1aci itation "*isky.shi1t phenomenon ">roupthink "1undamenta attribution error "primacy e11ect

~Attitudes and Attitude Chan!e "co!nitive.dissonance theory #,estin!er% " techni3ue " techni3ue ~'tereotypes, pre;udice, racism, and Aiscrimination "i usory corre ation "in.!roupJout.!roup bias ";ust.wor d hypothesis "types o1 a!!ression ~'ocia traps "prisoner !ame "attraction "bystander e11ect "<ero.sum !ame "mere.exposure e11ect "socia exchan!e

"hi!h ba techni3ue "scape!oat theory "1rustration.a!!ression hypothesis " ha o e11ect "a truism "Qimbardo4s +rison experiment

-ames to 0now: Mi !ram, Asch, @anus, ,estin!er, 0itty >enovese #?atane and Aar ey%

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