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Proyecto FinalEspaol II Un GlogTodo de Mi

Your glog should include: At least 2 images At least one slideshow (Animoto, etc.) At least one video of YOU speaking

Information in the glog Tu vida como un nio

Excellent Information is relevant and specific. Student fully answers each question with excellent detail.

Good Information is mostly relevant and specific. Student understands the question.

Information in the glog Tu memoria favorita

Information is relevant and specific. Student fully answers each question with excellent detail.

Information is mostly relevant and specific. Student understands the question.

Information in the glog Tu familia y como cambi durante los aos

Information is relevant and specific. Student fully answers each question with excellent detail.

Information is mostly relevant and specific. Student understands the question.

Information in the glog Mi horario

Information is relevant and specific. Student fully answers each question with excellent detail.

Information is mostly relevant and specific. Student understands the question.

Information in the glog Los planes para el futuro

Information is relevant and specific. Student fully answers each question with excellent detail.

Information is mostly relevant and specific. Student understands the question.


Attention to detail (x 3)

Wow. Students have used creativity in the design. Glog is visually interesting and compelling. Students have used correct punctuation, complete sentences, grammar and spelling.

Neat! Students have used creativity in the design. Glog is visually interesting. Students have used correct punctuation, complete sentences, grammar and spelling; errors do not distract. (5-6 errors) Student does minimum requirements in regard to number of images, videos or slideshows.

Acceptable Information is sometimes relevant and specific, but may lapse into generalization. Student somewhat understands the chosen topic Information is sometimes relevant and specific, but may lapse into generalization. Student somewhat understands the chosen topic Information is sometimes relevant and specific, but may lapse into generalization. Student somewhat understands the chosen topic Information is sometimes relevant and specific, but may lapse into generalization. Student somewhat understands the chosen topic Information is sometimes relevant and specific, but may lapse into generalization. Student somewhat understands the chosen topic OK! Students have used some creativity in the design. Glog is visually interesting. Students have used correct punctuation, complete sentences, grammar and spelling; errors may distract from impact. (9-10 errors) Student leaves out either a slide show or video.

Incomplete Information is either not relevant and specific, or incomplete. Student does not show understanding of the chosen topic Information is either not relevant and specific, or incomplete. Student does not show understanding of the chosen topic Information is either not relevant and specific, or incomplete. Student does not show understanding of the chosen topic Information is either not relevant and specific, or incomplete. Student does not show understanding of the chosen topic Information is either not relevant and specific, or incomplete. Student does not show understanding of the chosen topic Hmmm. Unclear that students have used creativity in the design. Glog incomplete or unfinished. Students have not used correct punctuation, complete sentences, grammar and spelling. Errors distract from impact of glog. (>10 errors) Student leaves out images and slide show or video.

Following Directions (X 2)

Student goes above and beyond of minimum requirements in regard to number of images, videos or slideshows.


***Si usa un traductor (persona que habla espaol o en la computadora), no leer el proyecto. Automticamente recibe una nota mnima.*** ***IF YOU USE A TRANSLATORINTERNET OR HUMANI WILL NOT READ THE WHOLE PROJECT. YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY GET A ZERO.

Vosotros escribiris una historieta de tu vida en espaol. Cada historieta necesita estas cosas: 1. Una carta a la maestra: describe que aprendiste durante tus clases de espaol. Incluye la informacin: vas a usar tu espaol? Cundo? (You will turn in the letter apart from the blog.) Vas a continuar estudiando espaol? Por qu o por qu no? Qu te gusta de espaol, y que no te gusta? Cada otra informacin que quieres incluir. Mnimo de 20 oraciones. Firma de la maestra de entregar la primera copia: _____________________

2. Tu vida como un nio: una descripcin de tu vida como un nio. Usa el imperfecto. Mnimo de 20 oraciones. Firma de la maestra de entregar la primera copia: _____________________

3. Tu memoria favorita: una descripcin de memoria favorita de tu vida. Usa el pretrito e incluye verbos irregulares. Mnimo de 20 oraciones. Firma de la maestra de entregar la primera copia: _____________________

4. Tu familia y como cambi durante los aos: Una descripcin de tu familia y como ha cambiado durante los anos. Usa el imperfecto Y el pretrito. Mnimo de 20 oraciones. Firma de la maestra de entregar la primera copia: _____________________

5. Mi horario: Una descripcin de tu vida diario. Escribe esta seccin en el presente y usa los verbos reflexivos y verbos con cambios radicales en los races. Incluye un mnimo de 10 cosas que haces cada da. Firma de la maestra de entregar la primera copia: _____________________

6. Los planes para el futuro: Una descripcin de que hars despus del colegio. Usa el futuro. Mnimo de 10 oraciones. Firma de la maestra de entregar la primera copia: _____________________

FECHA DE ENTREGAR EL FINAL: 18 de mayo dos mil y once (Email Dra. H. when your glog is complete.) I will
give you 5% extra credit if you have me sign this paper/check every entry. Attach the rough drafts here with the final letter.

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