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Symbolism of the Dasamsa or Tenth harmonic (divisional chart) Every student of Jyotish knows well that apart from

the natal chart or rasi chak ra, there are other divisional charts or vargas used for better clarity as well as for a more in-depth analysis. While some of the vargas like Drekkana (D-3), N avamsa (D-9), Dwadasamsa (D-12) and Shastiamsa (D-60) are to be used for both th e overall results as well as specific results, there are other charts that are u sed for specific purposes. Dasamsa is one among such important vargas. It is wel l known that Dasamsa or D-10 is used to shed more light on profession or career. But is that all? What is the actual scope of this division? Let us see what Par asara (BPHS) says about the Dasamsa. According to Parasara (BPHS 7), the D-10 or Dasamsa is used for judging Mahatphalam . The word mahatphalam , can loosely be translated as Great results or Great fruits . Now that does not directly or necessarily mean just career or profession. The dasams a is used (along with the rasi or natal chart) to predict about matters related to career, status, achievements, one s role in the society, etc. This is also what the 10th house or mid-heaven signifies. Since the dasamsa shares the same symbo lism as the 10th house largely, let s briefly look into what the 10th house signif ies. The symbolism of the Tenth House/ Meridian axis and the Dasamsa One could write many pages listing the various direct and derived significations of any house, planet or sign. But it helps the beginner to first identify the k ey word or key symbolism of a house, from which many other significations arise or are derived. The most important of the houses are the angles, which are the c orner stones, rather the pillars of the chart. They support the chart and are he nce refered to as Vishnu sthanas (Vishnu sustains or maintains the universe). Th e 10th house (which roughly corresponds with the mid-heaven) is the point of max imum externalization of the self. It represents one s social role and position, an d life direction too. Traditionally these are linked to one s career as well. Quit e often it is true; true to the extent that one defines oneself by what one does . A very important key word for the tenth house is sva-dharma . While the 9th house signifies dharma, the tenth signifies svadharma. While dharm a is universal to a certain extent, svadharma is very much individual and varies from individual to individual. Now what is svadharma? Simply put svadharma is wh at an individual needs to with his/her life in order to evolve . But spiritual evo lution, rather the ascent back to the original state, the cosmic roots, is also linked to liquidation of karma. Thus the tenth house affords us a chance to liqu idate karma through one s career or whatever one most naturally is suited to do. T he 4/10th is very enigmatic and probably one of the least understood in a way. A word about the Meridian axis or the 4/10 axis. The fourth house is a house of inward and personal life as opposed to outward an d social concerns (seen in the opposite tenth house). Matters that support one s e xistence both on physical and emotional levels come under this house. The fourth house symbolizes at a broader level all that is supportive of your physical exi stence, thus signifying the home, mother (or anybody who fulfils the mother like nurturing and supportive role) , one s forbears, native land, past and tradition. Among all the above, the home is the most personal and intimate life. It is the support under one s feet. Your home is the piece of earth where you settle down a nd put out roots. It is the place of intimate personal life to which you retire after a day of confronting the outer social world. The idea of belonging is the main point of this house. Real estate, land and agriculture also belong to this house. Hence a loaded 4th house could symbolize a sense of insecurity that can p erhaps drive you to get more land, property and houses to fill the inner conflic t. It governs the feelings of belonging, being at home, and being connected. It symbolizes psychological structures that are genetically inbuilt or formed in ea rliest life. More number of planets in the fourth house, indicate a strong perso nal, subjective manner of dealing with the world, making you an introvert. You n eed to feel secure, making the need for a sense of belonging very important. At a root level, this house speaks of your basic securities (or insecurities). One s desire to achieve stability and to put down roots is seen here. Consequently, 4t

h house events are related to one s search for situations and people who can offer material and moral security. A negative manifestation could indicate lack of th e much-needed support or conflict at home. But this could often drive one to the opposite house as a compensation. Remember that planets in the 4th house influe nce the 10th house affairs by their full aspect on the 10th. All planets aspect the 7th sign from the sign they occupy, thus affirming the fundamental principle of polarity. Opposite houses counterbalance each other. The tenth house symbolizes your role in the outside world, a state that you aspi re to, your svadharma- your very own purpose in life. Tenth house matters not on ly draw you away from the concerns of your family and home, but can also be very fulfilling. Anything and anybody capable of influencing your social status also comes under this house. The tenth house includes among others, career, professi on, honor from people of authority, work of or in the government, service, comme rce, self-respect, fame, influence and status. More planets here signify a need to achieve and be recognized as a person of importance. While the 1/7 axis tells us about how one (1st ) interacts with others, how one reaches out to the other s (7th), the 4/10 tells about one s sense of identity, about the way one expresses oneself, the objective towards which one is working, and the experiences from w hich one is coming. While the 4th house indicates your sense of identity, who yo u are, the tenth indicates what you should aspire for, what you need to do in or der to grow. Thus in a way the 10th holds the key to the enigma of the 4th. The 4th represents the unconscious workings of your mind, and how you externalize th em in the Tenth. As the karmasthana, the tenth house can represent the ultimate blossoming of karma. Career affords one a chance to liquidate karma by living ou t one s personal dharma (svadharma). That is why the highest manifestation of Ketu in the 10th is self-realisation (remember Ketu in 10th in ideal conditions can give self-realisation as in the case of Sri Ramakrishna).

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