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Beyond Twitter:

International perspectives and trends in social media

(cc) Anne Bartlett-Bragg,

Headshift, July 2009

Thanks for joining us the other day!

This presentation has probably raised more questions for you than we were able to address during the session!
If you’d like to discuss your ideas further or develop a social media strategy - please contact either Anne - at Headshift, or Cecelia at Marketing Elements!

Looking forward to seeing you online!

Anne Bartlett-Bragg Cecelia Haddad
Managing Director Director
Headshift Australasia Marketing Elements
0418 852 581 (02) 9360 3600
Headshift is Europe's leading enterprise social computing
consultancy - and now in Australasia!

We have over 7 years' experience in designing,

implementing and growing next generation social software

They’re tweeting about your product

on Twitter.

They’re chatting about you on


They’re searching for you on Google.

[ Impact ]

Razorfish: The Razorfish Social Influence Marketing Report: Fluent (2009)

The old marketing funnel is dead.

The top down communication

channel has changed - forever.

[ Impact ]

McKinsey Quarterly: The Consumer Decision Journey (2009)
These new tools support many forms of participation

★ connects people
★ they rate & review & share
★ tag & re-organise
★ use alerts & subscribe to feeds [ Impact ]

Universal McCann: When did we start trusting strangers? (2008)

Recommendations from personal

acquaintances online are the most trusted
forms of advertising.
90% of consumers trust recommendations
from people they know
70% trusted opinions online
Based on 25,000 internet consumers form 50 countries
Nielsen Wire (7th July 2009)

[ Impact ]

Nielsen Wire: Global Advertising - Consumers Trust Real Friends and Virtual Strangers the Most

When the customer just can’t get themselves heard - where do they go?
To YouTube !!

Read more about the United Airlines story here:

“Smashed guitar YouTube song - United is listening now!”

The link to the YouTube song: United Breaks Guitars:

The response on YouTube:

Marketing strategies:
In need of a new act?

[ Trends ]

McKinsey Quarterly: The Consumer Decision Journey (2009)

Self-organising communities:
Niche - passionate - taking action


1) Self-organising communities
Groups of passionate people are using the easily accessible web-based platforms to create niche communities. Many of these are intended to assist people to take action.
A great example is: Do the Green Thing
Originally intended for a UK audience - now has a global following. It uses quirky messages in a variety of rich media formats to informally educate and provide people with everyday actions
that can make a difference.
There are multiple places where members can take action - including Facebook - all actions focusing on spreading the word!
2) Niche social networks
MetroTwin is a niche social network created by British Airways to address an identified need (through market research) to provide a network of shared travel experiences between frequent
business travellers between London & New York.
The site allows business travellers to share their tips and favourite places - the key is the shared experiences with others “just like me”.
The results provide a rich resource of preferences to the British Airways - and the travellers enjoy the tips!

[ Trends ]

3) People Power
For the people, by the people - one of the early claims of user-generated content - and now we see examples of how users are creating and sharing their experiences in ways we would not have
imagined 10 years ago!

One & Other
A project by Anthony Gormely - to create living art / scultpure on the 4th plinth in Trafalgar Square.
For 100 days, 24 hours a day (from 6 Juy - 14 October, 2009) people will have 1 hour of fame to stand (or sit, or whatever) on the plinth. The event is being recorded and streamed live onto a
website that also carries blog post stories from the participants, voting by the public on their favourite plinther for the day. The site is being constantly refined as the public requests new
Apart from the visitors in Trafalgar Square, around 300,00 people visit the website every day!
Some visitors do literally nothing... others are using the time and space to draw attention to a cause or raise awareness for their own artworks.
A truly eclectic, but addictive project! Be warned - once you start watching.. you may not be able to stop!

The idea behind Nòva100 is simple: find 100 interesting people, and leave them completely free to write what they want on their blogs. Then generate a site to aggregate and present their work, offering a new
way to publish content.
Trends... the Twitter effect

[ Trends ]

The Twitter Effect...

No presentation on social media these days could avoid discussing the Twitter phenomenon!
(We’ve prepared a separate handout for your reference - more about the “how to”s )

The 3 examples shown here focus on the impact (negative) that Twitter can have and the influence associated with it.
However, there are also some great examples of businesses that use Twitter successfully - Dell Computers is just one of the exemplars.

From the article (20th July 2009): Audiences are voicing snap judgments on movies faster and to more people than ever before on Twitter, and their ability to create a box office hit or a flop is forcing major
studios to revamp marketing campaigns.
The “word of mouth” effect is being amplified by the speed of distribution of platforms like Twitter and having an almost immediate effect on the box office statistics - instead of taking a few days for reviews to
be published, cinema goers are tweeting their opinions within minutes - impacted attendance within a day! A challenge for movie marketers - that’s for sure!



Brands must socialise with customers.

Brands must develop a credible social


Social Media Today: The Coming Change in Social Media Business Applications (2009)
Listen: Build a radar...

Towards a new relationship with market


• Build a radar
• Monitor and aggregate conversations
• Discover emerging trends
• Divert a crisis - protect your brand
[ Listen ]

Refer to separate document on Winangali - Headshift’s social radar platform.

Listen: Build a radar...

[ Listen ]
Don’t just dive in!

Think about what you want to achieve... [ Engage ]




What do you need to think about? [ Engage ]
Tips for Implementation

1. Immerse yourself
2. Participate to understand
3. Start small and stay focused
4. Identify your business objectives
5. Define your strategy
6. Choose your tools carefully [ Engage ]
Our tips for Implementation:
The key point is understanding the nature of the interactions that are occurring in the social online spaces and how these may influence or impact your brand, product or service.

1. Immerse yourself
Do you have a Twitter account? Do you read blogs?
Joining the conversation is a great way to begin - which leads to our next tip:

2. Participate to understand
Even if you are not actively contributing or creating content - listening or watching how the conversations are being shaped in your area of interest will provide you with important data to
further inform your strategies.

3. Start small and stay focused

Try to avoid the scatter gun approach - trying to do everything at once is not only time consuming - but it’s also likely to fail.
Consider a small pilot project with clear objectives - then you can evaluate how to move forward.

4. Identify your business objectives

The lessons learned from the previous steps can now be collated and analysed to identify clear business objectives.

5. Define your strategy

With these objectives in mind, a strategic approach will again ensure you are not randomly allocating resources, providing a pathway to achieve your business objectives.

6. Choose your tools carefully

Now it’s time to select the tools or platforms - and NOT before!
It is too easy to be seduced by shiny objects - with clear objectives and defined strategies you can avoid this trap.

Q: What would STOP you from

implementing social media?

Q: What would be the value to your


Q: How do I manage all the


Consider the following questions and how they may influence or inform your next steps towards implementing a social media strategy into your current marketing mix?

Q: What would STOP you from implementing social media?

Frequent responses to this question include:
• The IT department won’t allow us to use any social media applications.
This response is best handled by an open discussion with the IT department and other organisational key stakeholders.
In some instances, we have been asked to prepare reports outlining the nature of the applications and impact to the business’ key IT infrastructure.
Alternatively, we frequently recommend that the social media platform is hosted externally, on secure servers, but not integrated into the main business infrastructure.
• We don’t know where to start!
Our recommendation to this response is always - start small!
In particular, start by listening - learn from what is revealed through the social radar approach. Once you understand where the conversations are occurring, you can then make informed
decisions about how to engage or participate.
• We don’t have any budget allocated for social media strategies
Even 5 - 10 % of your overall marketing budget spent on social media activities can reap returns in areas you have not previously considered!

Q: What would be the value to your brand?

• Direct engagement with customers - direct feedback.
Authentic conversations occurring about your product or service can reveal a depth of information you did not previously have access to.
• Insights to inform further product development
• Ability to ask for feedback on new initiatives
• Extend your customer reach
Q; How do I manage all the comments?
• This is a genuine concern for many businesses.
It really depends upon the initiative you have selected in your strategy.
For example - if you started with a listening platform - we would expect someone to spend up to 5 hours a week (over 7 days), reviewing and monitoring the platform.
If you had implemented a community with an expected high level of customer engagement, you could expect to have someone spend 25% of a full time role as a community manager.
• Alternatively, you outsource these roles - both Headshift and Marketing Elements can provide the services of experienced social media moderators who are experienced and understand the
nature of these platforms.

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