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3 Acupressure Points to Improve Your Digestion

Good digestion is the seat of a long life. Traditional Chinese medicine has long understood the importance of good digestion. One famous medical doctor from the 16 century named Yu Jia Yan wrote:

If the Stomach is strong, life will be healthy; if the Stomach is weak, life will be unhealthy. If the stomach is strong, a person has the a ility to transform food into !alua le nutrients that the ody can use. If the digesti!e force is wea" or loc"ed, the ody will not recei!e the nutrients it needs or properly eliminate waste. You may have heard of acupressure. The philosophical and clinical roots of Chinese medicine did not ha!e words for the en#ymes, minerals, acteria, and other catalysts that we now "now to e an important part of the digesti!e process. $onetheless, modern medicine has found that acupuncture can effecti!ely regulate the digesti!e system and strengthen its a ility to rea" down food, a sor nutrients, and eliminate waste. Chinese medicine understands the ody as constantly alancing the opposing and interdependent forces ofyin and yang, which are li"e the water and fire aspects of the ody. This constant alancing act is e%pressed as qi &commonly spelled chi', which translates to (energy.) *ach organ in the ody has its own qi and follows a specific pathway. +uch li"e a ri!er running through the earth, qi runs through pathways in the ody called meridians. +eridians are li"e ri!ers of qi in the ody. ,here the -i collects is called an acupoint. .timulating these acupoints is called acupressure.
You can try acupressure at home using the right essential oils to stimulate healing in your ody. /cupressure can oost your immune system, impro!e energy, and remedy a num er of chronic digesti!e issues0

How to Do Acupressure on Yourself:

1. .imple tips to get started:

,hen applying pressure, egin lightly. 1se four le!els of pressure, gently pressing deeper each time. /t the deepest le!el, massage the area in a circular motion. 2. ,hen acupressure is com ined with the right essential oil, the effect is compara le to acupuncture. +any times, an acupuncturist will use essential oils on children or on patients who do not wish to e needled.

You can massage the essential oil directly into the acupoint. Or after applying acupressure, place the essential oil directly on the acupoint.



The acupoint "nown as .tomach 36 &.T436' is also called 5u .an 6i, which means (leg three miles). The name refers to the a ility of this point to greatly strengthen energy, so that a person can wal" another three miles, e!en when e%hausted.

To locate: .lightly end your leg and place four fingers 7ust elow the "neecap. 8egin with the inde% finger at the ase of the "neecap. The point is where the little finger rests, on the outside aspect of the hard shin one. 9eel around for the tender spot. This acupoint can boost the immune system, and it can also strengthen overall energy. It is often used to strengthen wea" digestion and impro!e digesti!e disorders, ranging from constipation to diarrhea, gas, loating, !omiting, and nausea. #ssential oils: Orange, $eroli, or 8ergamont. Caution: /ll of these oils can ma"e the s"in sensiti!e to sunlight and are phototo%ic. 1se only in the e!ening or when you plan to stay indoors. Supplement" ,hen your stomach is not digesting food properly, it:s important to get the most io4a!aila le sources of nutrition. 8ody *cology ;itality .uper<reen heals and nourishes your gastrointestinal tract. ;itality .uper<reen is made with <lutImmune, a form of glutamine that is ten times more potent than 64glutamine. <lutImmune has an unparalleled capacity to re uild the lining of the intestines. ;itality .uper<reen also contains a uni-ue lend of fermented algae and fermented !egeta les. 9ermentation means that the nutrients found in these foods are at ma$imum a!aila ility. It also means that there are plenty of good acteria to help with digestion, reduce inflammation, and support the immune system. %. &#' 1%"

=en is a channel where all the yin fluids of the ody collect. =en 12, also called 5hong ,an or (middle ca!ity,) is specifically where the energy of the stomach gathers and collects. In Chinese medicine, the stomach is called the (sea of water and grain). One of its principle functions is to transform water and grain into usa le nutrients.

To locate: 9ind your elly utton and locate the point where your ri s come together, where there will e a soft depression. If you draw a line from the point where your ri s meet to your elly utton, =en 12 is in the center of this line. In the cha"ra system, this relates to the solar ple%us. This acupoint is used for lack of appetite and indigestion. *%cess emotion while eating, especially anger, can damage the function of the stomach. This acupoint relie!es stomach upset that is related to emotions. It can also alle!iate fullness from o!ereating, gas, loating, and acid regurgitation. #ssential oils" <inger. On sensiti!e s"in, mi% ginger essential oil with a carrier oil, such as 7o7o a. Supplement" In addition to acupressure, digesti!e upset and acid regurgitation can often e alle!iated with the addition of good acteria in the form of fermented foods and e!erages. Com ining diet with acupressure is li"e two people coming together for a common goal. The effect is often more profound. Try drin"ing > ounces of 8ody *cology Innergy8iotic three times a day.

The good acteria in a fermented e!erage can often calm down gas and loating. =esearch also suggests that acid regurgitation may e due to an o!ergrowth of harmful acteria. <ood acteria "eep those ad guys in chec". STOMACH %("

*!en though this acupoint is located on the stomach meridian, it is where all the energy of the large intestine gathers and concentrates. The name for .tomach 2? &.T42?' is Tian .hu, which means (hea!en:s pi!ot). This acupoint is where the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract meet and relate to each other.

To locate: @lace three fingers parallel and alongside the center of the elly utton. The point is at the edge of the last finger, three fingers away from the center of the elly utton.

.tomach 2? is especially useful in alle!iating constipation, diarrhea, and any other "ind of intestinal disorder. .timulating .T42? also mo!es a dominal lood and can alle!iate menstrual irregularities. #ssential oils" 9ennel or 9ran"incense. Try direct application. Or mi% a few drops of fennel or fran"incense with a carrier oil. Coconut oil and apricot "ernel oil are especially good choices. ,ith light pressure, massage around the elly utton in small circles that mo!e from right to left. Caution" If you are pregnant, a!oid fennel essential oil. 1. 2. 3. >. ?. 6. 8egin at .T42? on the right side. +assage in small circles up towards =en412. Continue massaging in small circles, mo!ing toward .T42? on the left. Continue massaging in small circles to a place that is a couple of inches elow the elly utton. Complete the circle, and continue massaging in small circles until you reach .T42? on the right side. =epeat for se!eral minutes and reathe deeply.

Supplement" 8ody *cology 6i!/mend is the perfect complement to .T42? disharmony. It contains ?A mg of wasa i powder and also has e%tracts of articho"e, sarsaparilla, and mil" thistle. These her s increase ile flow and impro!e owel elimination. /dding sulfur4rich wasa i to your diet is one of the est ways to support your ody:s pathways of elimination, assist your immune system, and relie!e inflammation.

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