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Smart Energy

Network of Excellence
ID 5403


Technology Analysis
Energy Efficiency in builings

WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Energy efficiency in buildings: overview ................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Strategic objectives at EU level .......................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Regulatory fraewor! ................................................................................................................ 5
2.1.2 "inancial su##ort ec$anis ..................................................................................................... %
2.2 &ar!et status ..................................................................................................................................... '
2.2.1 &ar!et status of $eating and cooling e(ui#ent .................................................................... 11
2.) &ar!et #otential .............................................................................................................................. 11
2.4 *arriers to large scale de#loyents ................................................................................................. 11
) +ec$nological state of t$e art .................................................................................................................. 1)
).1 Energy efficiency standards .............................................................................................................. 1)
).2 +$e construction c$ain ..................................................................................................................... 15
).2.1 ,onstruction of new neutral-energy #ositive buildings. .......................................................... 15
).2.2 Refurbis$ent of e.isting buildings. ........................................................................................ 1/
).) Energy efficiency tec$nologies ......................................................................................................... 1%
).).1 Insulation aterials .................................................................................................................. 1'
).).2 +rans#arent eleents .............................................................................................................. 21
).).) &ulti#le s!in facades ................................................................................................................ 2)
).4 012, systes ................................................................................................................................... 2)
).4.1 0eat #u#s .............................................................................................................................. 24
).4.2 0eat recovery systes. ............................................................................................................ 25
).4.) +$eral solar $eating systes ................................................................................................. 25
).4.4 Solar cooling systes ............................................................................................................... )1
).4.5 3istrict $eating ......................................................................................................................... )1
).4./ &icro energy generation .......................................................................................................... )2
).5 ,ross4cutting tec$nologies ............................................................................................................... )2
).5.1 &aterials ................................................................................................................................... )2
).5.2 +$eral energy storage ........................................................................................................... )2
).5.) Inforation and counication tec$nologies ........................................................................ )5
4 5roising R63 areas and researc$ c$allenges ....................................................................................... )/
4.1 Refurbis$ent of e.isting buildings ................................................................................................. )%
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

4.2 7ew buildings ................................................................................................................................... )8
4.) EE district counities .................................................................................................................... 4)
4.4 5roising researc$ tec$nologies ..................................................................................................... 44
4.4.1 +$eral insulation aterials .................................................................................................... 44
4.4.2 +rans#arent aterials9 #roising areas ................................................................................... 4/
4.4.) &ulti#le s!in fa:ades ................................................................................................................ 4%
4.4.4 R0, tec$nologies ...................................................................................................................... 4%
4.4.5 3istrict $eating ......................................................................................................................... 48
4.4./ ;ig$ting ..................................................................................................................................... 5<
4.5 5roising researc$ for cross4cutting tec$nologies .......................................................................... 5<
4.5.1 &aterials researc$ .................................................................................................................... 5<
4.5.2 +$eral energy storage ........................................................................................................... 52
4.5.) Inforation and ,ounication +ec$nologies =I,+>. ............................................................. 54
4./ Indicators .......................................................................................................................................... 5/
4./.1 7uber of #atents involved ..................................................................................................... 5/
4./.2 7uber of #ublications involved ............................................................................................. 5'
4./.) Euro#ean funded #rojects ........................................................................................................ 58
5 ,onclusions .............................................................................................................................................. /<
5.1 5roising researc$ tec$nologies in EE in buildings ......................................................................... /<
5.2 ,ross cutting tec$nologies c$allenges ............................................................................................. /2
References ........................................................................................................................................................ /4

WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

1 Introduction
*uildings account for 4<? of total energy consu#tion in t$e Euro#ean Union. +$erefore9 reduction of
energy consu#tion and t$e use of energy fro renewable sources in t$e buildings sector constitute
i#ortant easures needed to reduce t$e Union@s energy de#endency and green$ouse eissions =1>.
Reducing t$ese eissions is a big c$allenge but can also be seen as a great o##ortunity9 in fact t$e
construction sector can a!e a significant contribution to reducing t$e i#acts of cliate c$ange and to
decreasing fossil fuel de#endence.
"urt$erore t$e construction sector accounts for )<? of industrial e#loyent in t$e Euro#ean Union9
contributing about 1<94? of t$e Aross 3oestic 5roduct9 wit$ ) illion enter#rises9 85? of w$ic$ S&Es =2>.
+$e R0, re#ort =)> asserts t$at t$e BEuro#ean researc$ efforts currently suffer fro being dis#ersed and
insufficiently coordinated to fully realise t$e #erforance #otential and ensure long ter EU leaders$i# on
renewable $eating and cooling =R0,> tec$nologiesC. +$is affiration can be e.tended also in ot$er
researc$ fields9 suc$ as EE in buildings and RES.
Under t$e 0oriDon 2<2< #rograe /95 billion E is to be allocated to researc$ and innovation in BSecure9
clean and efficient energyC in 2<1442<2< =4>.
+$e ai of t$is re#ort is to identify and #rioritise i#ortant EE in buildings tec$nologies and $ig$lig$t
relevant to#ics of #roject4oriented researc$.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

2 Energy efficiency in buildings: overview
account for 4<? of total energy consu#tion in t$e Euro#ean Union =1>. In Euro#e t$ousands of
buildings are built or renovated every year. +$e construction sector is one of t$e largest e#loyers wit$
1/94 illion jobs9 contributing to about 1<94? of t$e Aross 3oestic 5roduct =A35> wit$ 29% illion of
business being S&Es =2>. Fit$in t$e construction ar!et9 t$e buildings industrial sector is t$e largest
econoic sector9 as t$eir construction and refurbis$ent account for '<? =1.2<< billion E> of t$e total
construction sector out#ut of EU2% in 2<<%.
2.1 Strategic objectives at EU level
Euro#ean Union e#$asiDed t$at BEnergy Efficiency is one of the most cost effective ways to enhance
secrity of energy s!!ly" an# to re#ce emissions of greenhose gases an# other !olltants. $n many ways"
energy efficiency can %e seen as Ero!e&s %iggest energy resorceC =4>.
In &arc$ 2<<%9 t$e Euro#ean ,ouncil set clear goals for 2<2<:
Increase energy efficiency to ac$ieve a reduction of 2<? of total energy use below 2<<5 levelsG
2<? contribution of renewable energies to total energy useG
2<? reduction of Areen$ouse Aases =A0A> below 188< eissions.
+$e calculations of t$e i#act assessent docuent =5>9 s$ows t$at t$e EU is not on trac! to realise t$e
objective of saving 2<? of t$e EU energy consu#tion. +$e reduction in energy consu#tion is estiated
to be only about 8? in 2<2<.
In reaction to t$is9 t$e Euro#ean ,ouncil on Energy in "ebruary 2<11 e#$asised t$at t$is Bre'ires
#etermine# action to ta! the consi#era%le !otential for higher energy savings of %il#ings" trans!ort an#
!ro#cts an# !rocessesC =/>. Res#onding to t$is call9 t$e ,oission $as t$erefore develo#ed a new Energy
Efficiency 5lan =4>. +$e #lan focuses Bon instrments to trigger the renovation !rocess in !%lic an# !rivate
%il#ings an# to im!rove the energy !erformance of the com!onents an# a!!liances se# in them. $t
!romotes the e(em!lary role of the !%lic sector" !ro!osing to accelerate the refr%ishment rate of !%lic
%il#ings throgh a %in#ing target an# to intro#ce energy efficiency criteria in !%lic s!en#ing. $t also
foresees o%ligations for tilities to ena%le their cstomers to ct their energy consm!tionC =4>.

2.1.1 Regulatory fraewor!
+$e ain regulatory instruent in t$e EU for underta!ing t$e energy consu#tion of buildings is t$e
3irective 2<1<-)1-EU =1> on t$e Energy 5erforance of *uildings. 2 #ro#er i#leentation and
enforceent of t$e 3irective@s #rovision will a!e an i#ortant contribution to i#roving t$e energy
#erforance of buildings. &eber States $ave iniu #erforance re(uireents for building insulation
and ventilation t$at are defined in national building codes and regulation. 3ifferences occur due to cliate9
construction tec$ni(ues and culture. "or low energy buildings9 t$e following indicators are given of feasible
insulation levels =%>:
;ow U4values =$ig$ t$eral resistance> can be reac$ed of <914<915 F-
+ri#le #ane9 low eissivity and gas4filled windows in war edged fraes can reac$ <9%4<98 F-

*uildings are intended as $ouses9 #ublic and #rivate offices9 s$o#s and ot$er buildings.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

2ir tig$tness of t$e building9 in cobination wit$ $eat recovery ventilation systes can obtain levels of
<94 I <9/ 2,0 =air c$anges #er $our> wit$ an energy efficiency of t$e installation over '<?.
+$e iniu energy #erforance re(uireents ust be ensured by t$e &eber States for t$e following
categories of intervention: construction of new buildings9 ajor renovation
of e.isting buildings and
o#tiising t$e energy use of tec$nical building systes.
+$e recast of t$e Energy 5erforance of *uildings directive =E5*3> introduced9 aong ot$er easures9 t$e
so called Bnearly Jero Energy *uildingsC =nJE*> as a future re(uireent to be i#leented fro 2<18
onwards for #ublic buildings and fro 2<21 onwards for all new buildings.
In addition to t$e E5*3 recast9 t$e ,oission is also elaborating various i#leenting easures under
t$e Eco4design
and t$e Energy ;abelling 3irectives
In res#onse to t$e identified ga# in reac$ing t$e 2<? energy savings objective in 2<2<9 t$e ,oission
#ro#osed in Kune 2<11 a new EE 3irective aied at #utting t$e EU bac! on trac! towards ac$ieving t$is
target. +$e #ro#osal covers a nuber of easures regarding t$e energy efficiency of buildings and related
financing9 including ='>:
2 legal obligation to establis$ energy saving sc$ees in all &eber States: energy distributor or retail
energy sales co#anies will be obliged to save every year 195? of t$eir energy sales9 by volue9
t$roug$ t$e i#leentation of energy efficiency easures suc$ as i#roving t$e efficiency of $eating
syste9 installing double glaDed windows or insulating roofs9 aong final energy custoers.
Re(uireents for #ublic bodies to #urc$ase energy efficient buildings9 #roducts and services. +$ey will
furt$er $ave to #rogressively reduce t$e energy consued on t$eir own #reises by carrying out every
year t$e re(uired renovation wor!s covering at last )? of t$eir total floor area.
&easures to ensure easy and free4of4c$arge access to data on real4tie and $istorical energy
consu#tion t$roug$ ore accurate individual etering9 so as to# e#ower consuers to better
anage t$eir energy consu#tion. *illing s$ould be based on t$e actual consu#tion well reflecting
data fro t$e etering.
2 re(uireent for &eber States to ta!e a##ro#riate easures to reove regulatory and non4
regulatory barriers to energy efficiency9 notably as regards t$e s#lit of incentives between t$e owner
and t$e tenant of a building or aong owners.
2bout t$e nJE*9 t$ere are several ste#s t$at reain to be ade by EU and its &eber States to i#leent
t$is conce#t. 2ccording to t$e *5IE docuent =8>:
2greeent on a concrete outline of a definition for nJE*9 based on t$e E5*3 recast =1>G
,reate benc$ar!s for suitable nJE* in different &eber States as a basis of co#arisonG
2gree for t$e t$res$old value for nJE*G
Aenerate a coon re#orting forat for &eber States to be used for national #lansG
"acilitate and su##ort i#leentation of new nJE* by $el#ing t$e investors to deal wit$ t$e necessary
initial investents9 to elaborate #lanning and to develo# ca#acities for t$e new energy efficient
Elaborate a definition for buildings renovation at nJE* levels.

&ajor renovation eans t$e renovation of a building w$ere &eber States ay c$oose to a##ly one of t$e
following o#tions: a> t$e total cost of t$e renovation relating to t$e building envelo#e or t$e tec$nical building syste
is $ig$er t$an 25? of t$e value of t$e building9 e.cluding t$e value of t$e land u#on w$ic$ t$e building is situatedG or
b> ore t$an 25? of t$e surface of t$e building envelo#e undergoes renovationG
3irective 2<<8-125-E, of t$e Euro#ean 5arliaent and of t$e ,ouncil of 21 Lctober 2<<8 establis$ing a fraewor!
for t$e setting of ecodesign re(uireents for energy related #roducts.
3irective 2<1<-)<-EU oft t$e Euro#ean 5arliaent and of t$e ,ouncil of 18 &ay 2<1< on t$e indication by labelling
and standard #roduct inforation of t$e consu#tion of energy and ot$er resources by energy related #roducts.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

2.1.2 "inancial su##ort ec$anis
Union financial instruents and ot$er easures are being #ut into #lace or ada#ted wit$ t$e ai of
stiulating energy efficiency4related easures. Suc$ financial instruents include:
Regulation =E,> 7< 1<'<-2<</5 aended to allow increased investents in energy efficiency in actual
5ublic 5rivate 5artners$i#s =555> on a BEuro#ean energy4efficient buildingsC initiative to #roote green
tec$nologies and t$e develo#ent energy efficient systes and aterials in new and renovated
+$e E,4Euro#ean Investent *an! =EI*> initiative BEU sustainable energy financing initiativeC w$ic$
ais to enable9 aong ot$ers9 investents for energy efficiency and t$e EI*4led B&arguerite "undC:
t$e 2<2< Euro#ean "und for Energy9 ,liate ,$ange and InfrastructureG
,ouncil 3irective 2<<8-4%-E,/: structural and co$esion funds instruent Kereie
Energy Efficiency "inance "acility9 t$is #rograe is built to financially assist t$e I52 countries
Intelligent energy Euro#e #rograe II =IEE>9 focuses on reoval of non4tec$nological barriers to
energy efficiency and renewable energy ar!et u#ta!e. Under t$e 2<<%42<1) #rograing #eriod9
%)< illion E is available. +$e IEE $el#s creating favourable ar!et conditions9 s$a#ing #olicy
develo#ent and i#leentation9 #re#aring t$e ground for investents9 building ca#acity and s!ills9
inforing sta!e$olders and fostering coitent. +$is also includes #rojects on financing EE in #ublic
Under t$e IEE9 t$e so4called E;E72
+ec$nical 2ssistance "acility was launc$ed in 2<<89 aied at
#roviding co4financing =of u# to 8<? of eligible costa> to local and regional aut$orities for t$e
develo#ent and launc$ of sustainable energy investents in t$eir territories. +$e EU su##ort ust
lead to investents wit$ a leverage of at least 1:2<. So far9 around 2% illion E $as been assigned to
#rojects w$ic$ s$ould trigger investents a##roac$ing 195 billion E. 2bout a t$ird of t$ese investents
are addressing t$e buildings sector and energy #erforance contractingG
Lt$er action of t$e IEE is t$e &;EI
9 aied at sall scale sustainable energy investents #rojectsG
+$e ,ovenant of &ajors: is an Euro#ean oveent involving local and regional aut$orities9 voluntarily
coitting to increasing energy efficiency and use of RES on t$eir territories. *y t$eir coitent9
,ovenant signatories ai to eet and e.ceed t$e Euro#ean Union 2<? ,L2 reduction objective by
+$e Entre#reneurs$i# and Innovation #rograe =EI5>9 one of t$e s#ecific #rograes under t$e ,I59
see!s to su##ort innovation and S&Es in t$e EU focusing on9 aong ot$ers9 eco innovation #ilot and
ar!et re#lication #rojects for t$e testing in real conditions of innovative #roductsG
+$e I,+ 5olicy Su##ort 5rograe 2<1<G
+$e Euro#ean Energy efficiency "und =EEE ">9 launc$ed on 2<119 #rovide different ty#es of loans9
guarantees and-or e(uity to local9 regional and national #ublic aut$orities. EEE " ais at financing EE

Regulation =E,> 7< 1<'<-2<</ of t$e Euro#ean 5arliaent and of t$e ,ouncil of 5 Kuly 2<</ on t$e Euro#ean
Regional 3evelo#ent "und.
,ouncil 3irective 2<<8-4%-E, of 5 &ay 2<<8 aending 3irective 2<</-112-E, as regard reduced rates of value
added ta.
Kereie: Koint Euro#ean resources for icro to ediu enter#rises.
2lbania9 *osnia and 0erDegovina9 ,roatia9 &ontenegro9 Serbia including Hosovo9 +ur!ey9 and t$e forer Mugoslav
Re#ublic of &acedonia
E;E72: Euro#ean ;ocal Energy 2ssistance.
&obilising ;ocal energy Investents
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

=%<?>9 RES =2<?> and clean urban trans#ort #rojects t$roug$ innovative instruents9 in #articular
#rooting t$e a##lication of energy #erforance contracting. 2 tec$nical assistance grant su##ort =2<
illion E> is available for #roject develo#ent services =tec$nical9 financial> lin!ed to t$e investents
financed by t$e fund.
+$e 5rograe for t$e co#etitiveness of enter#rises and S&Es =,LS&E> 2<1442<2<G
Sevent$ Researc$ "raewor! 5rograe ="5%>
+$e Euro#ean *an! for Reconstruction and 3evelo#ent #rovides funding wit$ t$e ai of stiulating
energy4efficiency4related easures.
;oo!ing forward9 t$e ,oission $as #ro#osed to concentrate funding fro t$e Euro#ean regional
3evelo#ent "und =ER3"> in t$is area: 2<? of t$e ER3" s$ould be s#ent on EE and RES in ore develo#ed
and transition regionsG /? in less4develo#ed regions. *ased on t$e aounts #ro#osed9 t$is would result in a
iniu allocation of soe 1% billion E ='>.
&oreover9 under t$e 0oriDon 2<2< #rograe /95 billion E is to be allocated to researc$ and innovation in
BSecure9 clean and efficient energyC in 2<1442<2<. 2 relevant s$are of t$is budget will be allocated to t$e
B&ar!et u#ta!e of energy innovationC for #rojects facilitating t$e energy #olicy i#leentation9 in t$e
s#irit and continuation of t$e IEE 5rograe activities ='>.
+$ese instruents s$ould be used to give #ractical effect to t$e objectives of t$e E5*39 wit$out $owever
substituting national easures =1>.
2.2 &ar!et status
+$e building construction sector !nows a wide area of tec$nologies9 for w$ic$ a brief overview is given in
section 2.4. In line wit$ t$e energy #erforance re(uireents9 t$e ar!et is focused on ore sustainable
construction tec$ni(ues9 aterials and building co#onents t$at will enter t$e ar!et9 in order to
contribute to a decrease in overall energy consu#tion.
+$e buildings sector is co#osed of two ain categories of buildings: residential buildings and non
residential buildings. 7on residential buildings are $eterogeneous and t$ey are usually classified by ty#e
and by branc$ of activity.
2ccording to t$e IE2 re#ort =1<>9 t$e #o#ulation in t$e Euro#ean Union will reain relatively stable until
2<5<. 0owever is e.#ected a growt$ in ters of residential floor area and in ters of services floor area.
+$e following table e.#lain t$e building situation and t$e e.#ected evolution in building stoc! in Euro#e.
Table 1. !ey ac"i#i"y for "he builing sec"or in "he Euro$ean %nion
2<<8 2<15 2<)< 2<5<
5o#ulation =illion> 5<< 5</ 51/ 512
7uber of $ouse$olds =illion> 2</ 21% 2)' 252
Residential floor area =illion
> 18.5<< 2<.514 22.554 24.///
Services floor area =illion
> %.25< %.%/% 8.25< 1<.112
Source: IE2. Energy Technology Pers!ectives )*1). Pathways to a Clean Energy +ystem.
+$e cliatic conditions9 t$e building ty#e and t$e living #references vary greatly wit$in t$e EU. In t$e
regions wit$ long $eating seasons and a low cooling deand are situated two4t$irds of t$e services sector
floor s#ace =1<>.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

It is estiated t$at annual growt$ rates in t$e residential sector are around 1? w$ile ost countries
encountered a decrease in t$e rate of new build in t$e recent years9 reflecting t$e i#act of t$e current
financial crisis on t$e construction sector. Residential buildings accounts for %5? of t$e EU building stoc!9
non residential buildings accounts for 25? of t$e total stoc! in Euro#e =11>.+$e *5IE survey =11> indicates
t$at9 across t$e focus countries in t$is study9 /4? of t$e residential building floor area is associated wit$
single faily $ouse and )/? wit$ a#artents.
+$e ty#ology of buildings vary greatly in ters of age9 siDe and location.
In t$e residential sector9 t$e age of a building is often strongly lin!ed to t$e level of energy use for t$e
ajority of buildings t$at $ave not undergone renovation to i#rove energy #erforance. +$e *5IE survey
=11> $as classified buildings in t$ree different classes lin!ed wit$ different c$ronological #eriods for eac$
Lld: ty#ically re#resenting buildings u# to 18/<
&odern: ty#ically re#resenting buildings fro 18/< to 188<
Recent: ty#ically re#resenting buildings fro 1881 to 2<1<.
Sout$ 7ort$ 6 Fest ,entral and East Italy 2ustria
*uildings #re 18/< )%? 42? )5? 4<? ))?
*uildings 18/14188< 48? )8? 4'? 52? 42?
*uildings 188142<1< 14? 18? 1%? '? 2)?
Source: *5IE. Ero!e,s %il#ing n#er the microsco!e. A contry-%y-contry review of the energy !erformance of
%il#ings. 2<11.
Lne t$ird of t$e Euro#ean residential building stoc! was built before 18/<9 and alost '4? are at least 2<
years old. Energy use is usually lin!ed to age of t$e building t$erefore t$ere is a great energy savings
#otential in u#grading building envelo#es and building systes to odern standards =1<>.
2ccording to Eurostat database9 t$e energy use in buildings is a rising trend wit$ an increase fro around
4<< &toe to 45< &toe over t$e last 2< years. +$e electricity increased by 5<? over t$e last 2< years and
t$e use of oil and solid fuels decreased by 2%? and %5? res#ectively.

Figure 1. &is"orical final energy consu'$"ion in "he builing sec"or since 1(() for "he E%*+, -.i"/erlan
an Nor.ay 0111.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

+$e s#ecific annual energy consu#tion #er s(uare eter for s#ace $eating decreased in t$e ost #art of
EU countries since 188% =12>.
+$e recent Euroconstruct overview s$ows t$e following details in residential and non residential
constructions =1)>.

Table *. Resien"ial cons"ruc"ion2 ne. an reno#a"ion 0million euro at 2009 prices1

7ew residential construction Residential renovation
,ountry 2<<% 2<<8 2<<%42<<8 ? 2<<% 2<<8 2<<%42<<8 ?
2ustria './)< '.)81 429' 4.148 4.224 19'
Italy 42.5'5 )<.5)2 42'9) 5'.8<2 5/.%'2 4)9/
Festern Euro#e =E,415> )48.<%) 21%.222 4)%9' )4/.412 ))/.25< 4298
Eastern Euro#e =E,44> 12.152 11.1)5 4'94 5.2)5 5.))4 198
+otal countries )/1.225 22'.)5% 4)/9' )51./4% )41.5'4 4298
Source: Euroconstruct =1)>

Table 3. Non4resien"ial cons"ruc"ion2 ne. an reno#a"ion 0million euro at 2009 prices1

7ew non4residential construction 7on4Residential renovation
,ountry 2<<% 2<<8 2<<%42<<8 ? 2<<% 2<<8 2<<%42<<8 ?
2ustria %.)/< /.1<% 41%9< 2.52/ 2.44) 4)9)
Italy 2'.<<2 2).5</ 41/91 )).4/% )<.458 489<
Festern Euro#e =E,415> 25'.%%' 225./)4 4129' 18).)2< 1'%.1'/ 4)92
Eastern Euro#e =E,44> 18.552 1'.)8% 4598 %.5/1 %.8'/ 59/
+otal countries 2%'.))< 244.<)1 4129) 2<<.''1 185.1%2 429'
Source: Euroconstruct =1)>

Table 5. Reno#a"ion ac"i#i"y in cons"ruc"ion 'ar6e"2 resien"ial an non4resien"ial 0%1

Rate of renovation in residential Rate of renovation in non4residential
,ountry 2<<% 2<<8 2<<%42<<8 ? 2<<% 2<<8 2<<%42<<8
2ustria )2? ))? )91? 2/? 28? 119'?
Italy 5'? /5? 129<? 54? 5/? )9%?
Festern Euro#e =E,415> 5<? /1? 229<? 4)? 45? /9<?
Eastern Euro#e =E,44> )<? )2? %9/? 2'? )<? '95?
+otal countries 48? /<? 2195? 42? 44? /9<?
Source: Euroconstruct =1)>

+$e construction sector suffered causing by t$e global econoic crisis9 renovation activity was re#resented
by over 48? of t$e total construction out#ut in 2<<8.
In Italy9 a country wit$ a strong e.#ort de#endency9 renovation is t$e #rinci#al construction ar!et by /5?
=in 2<<8> of t$e total building construction ar!et9 and urban regeneration and revitaliDation reains a
crucial factor of t$e Italian construction activity in t$e following years =1)>. Renovation activities increased
by 12? fro 2<<% to 2<<8.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

In 2ustria and soe #arts of sout$ern Aerany t$ere are different #rograes to #roote #assive
$ouses. In t$e U##er 2ustria #rovince9 t$e #assive $ouses $ad a ar!et s$are of %? of t$e ar!et for one
faily $ouses in 2<</ =14>. Renovation activities covers ))? of t$e construction ar!et in t$e 2ustrian
residential sector.
2.2.1 &ar!et status of $eating and cooling e(ui#ent
Ee* 555 re#ort =15> clais t$at t$e global ar!et for $eating and cooling is very large =about %< US3 billion
in 2<<'> and t$e value of t$e residential boiler ar!et in 22 EU countries was estiated to be 59/ billion
EUR in 2<<4. "urt$erore9 t$e ar!et of t$e icro4,05 is still in t$e early stages of develo#ent. Alobal
sales were wort$ )4/ US3 illion in 2<<8 =1/>.
2.) &ar!et #otential
+$e E5*3 re(uires t$at fro 2<2< all new buildings are nearly Dero4energy buildings =nJE*>9 but9 according
to IE2 #ers#ectives =1<>9 t$e new buildings $ave liited i#act because of t$e low nuber of new
constructions. E.isting buildings re#resent t$e greatest o##ortunity for efficiency i#roveents and
sustainable develo#ent.
+$e following table gives an overview of t$e ar!et growt$ factors needed to satisfy future deand in t$e
case t$at all new buildings were built according to nJE* #rinci#les and s$ows current ar!et siDes
according to t$e *5IE docuent =8>.
Table 7. O#er#ie. of "he E% 'ar6e" gro."h fac"ors neee "o sa"isfy fu"ure e'an
&ar!ets ,urrent ar!et siDe Re(uired growt$
Insulation aterials =&io E> 2.<1< 2N)
+ri#le glaDing windows =
> 1.5<<.<<< O1<
1entilation systes wit$ $eat recovery =units> 1)<.<<< 'N1<
0eat #u#s =units> 1'5.<<< 2N)
5ellet boilers =units> 4).<<< 2N)
Solar t$eral systes =
> ).%<<.<<< 2N)
Source: elaboration ,E+2 fro *5IE =8> data

2.4 *arriers to large scale de#loyents
+$e low nuber of new building co#ared to t$e e.isting building stoc! is t$e reason t$at t$e #otential
energy savings are not leading to t$e desired overall energy savings. L#erational energy in residential or
coercial buildings to be renovated s$ould be t$e first as#ect to be ta!en into account w$en considering
t$e i#roveent of t$e energy #erforance of building stoc!s =%>.
+$e $ig$ investent costs involved9 t$e lac! of inforation on energy4efficient solutions at all levels and
scarce availability of solutions to s#ecific conditions9 are considered as t$e ajor barriers to t$e
i#leentation of energy4efficiency easures in buildings as identified by a cost4o#tial et$odology =%>.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

+$e E2* roada# =1%> observe t$at Ct$e introduction of new #roducts and new tec$nologies in t$e
construction sector is very slow =tec$nological inertia>9 due to lac! of inforation under real conditions of
t$e #erforance of t$ese #roducts in buildings.
+$e *5IE docuent =8> assert t$at a #ossible barrier ay be a Bar!et t$at is not able to satisfy t$e
increasing deand for new tec$nologiesC.
+$e building energy related industry is directly affected by t$e develo#ent in t$e construction ar!et.
+$e construction ar!et reflects t$e i#act of t$e econoic and financial crisis9 t$e oversu##ly of
construction and reduced confidence =%>.
5robles wit$ t$e i#leentation of t$e 3irectives into national regulations =and in relation to Euro#ean
standards> are seen as an additional barrier.
,urrently9 in t$e construction industry c$ain e.ists a certain inertia in t$e use of conventional or well
establis$ed aterials9 as t$ere is a #revalent coercial networ! t$at generally leads to a lower #rice9
lin!ed to sce#ticis wit$ res#ect ot$er ore environentally friendly solution.
0esitant investents in t$e i#leentation of t$e energy efficient easures is considered as a barrier also

WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

) +ec$nological state of t$e art
+$e building sector uses a wide array of tec$nologies and aterials in t$e building s$ell9 in s#ace $eating
and cooling systes9 in water $eating systes9 in lig$ting9 in a##liances and electric consuer #roducts9
and in business e(ui#ent. "ro an energy #ers#ective9 buildings are co#le. systes9 in w$ic$ t$e
interaction of tec$nologies alost always influences energy deand =1<>.
).1 Energy efficiency standards
+$e ost coon energy efficiency standards for buildings are:
;ow Energy *uildingsG
5assive 0ousesG
Jero Energy *uildings =JE*> and Jero ,arbon *uildingsG
5lus Energy *uildingsG
Areen buildings.
Lt$er ty#es of buildings also ai at $ig$er standards beyond t$e re(uireents in energy efficiency
standards and building codes9 for e.a#le9 Intelligent *uildings9 Sustainable *uildings.
8o. energy builings. +$is ter is generally used to indicate t$at buildings $ave a better energy
#erforance t$an t$e ty#ical new building or t$e energy efficiency re(uireents in building regulation9 and
t$at t$e building $ence will $ave a low energy consu#tion co#ared to a standard building =14>.
+$e Recast of t$e 3irective 2<1<-)1-EU =1> assert t$at &eber States s$all ensure t$at by )1 3eceber
2<2<9 all new buildings are nearly Dero energy buildings and after )1 3eceber 2<1'9 new buildings
occu#ied and owned by #ublic aut$orities are nearly Dero energy buildings. *ut t$e Recast of t$e 3irective
2<1<-)1 does not #rescribe a unifor a##roac$ for i#leenting nJE* and neit$er does it describe a
calculation et$odology for energy balance. +$e national #lans will $ave to translate t$e conce#t of nJE*
into #ractical and a##licable easures and definitions.
*5IE docuent =8> argue t$at a new built nJE* standard is ac$ievable wit$ e.isting tec$nologies and t$e
$eat #u# solutions see to be suitable because of t$e e.#ected greening of grid electricity and t$e
#ossibility of direct co#ensation by #roduction of electricity #roducted on site. "urt$erore t$at
docuent argue t$at a big #otential is also evident in district $eating systes wit$ $ig$er s$ares of
renewable energy.
Passi#e &ouses. 2 #assive $ouse is a building in w$ic$ a cofortable indoor cliate can be obtained
wit$out a traditional $eating or cooling syste. 2 #assive $ouse a!e a.iu e.#loitation of #assive
tec$nologies =eventually ado#ting also soe active solar tec$nology>9 assuring a cofortable indoor
cliate during suer and winter wit$out needing any conventional $eating or cooling syste =1'>.
,o#ared to traditional building t$ey use far less energy. In order to be a #assive $ouse a building ust
fulfil t$e following conditions:
+$e building ust use 15 !F$-
a or less in $eating energyG
+$e s#ecific $eat load for $eating source at design te#erature ust be less t$an 1< F-
Fit$ t$e building #ressurised to 5< 5a by a blower door test9 t$e building ust not lea! ore air t$an
<9/ ties t$e $ouse volue #er $our =n5<P<9/-$>G
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

+otal #riary energy consu#tion
ust not be ore t$an 12< !F$-
2 #assive $ouse9 in #ractice9 re(uire t$e following c$aracteristics:
0ig$ insulation. 2ll t$e building #arts for walls9 roofs and floors are insulated wit$ U4values wit$in <91 I
<915 F-
+$eral bridges ust be avoidedG
Findows in a #assive $ouse are efficient and $ave t$ree layers of glass9 coating on ulti#le sides and
are filled wit$ gas. +$ey will also $ave war edges and s#ecial energy efficient fraes. Lverall U4values
for t$ese windows are <9% I <9'5 F-
S#ecial care ust be ta!en in order to obtain very air tig$tG
Efficient ec$anical ventilation in order to secure a controlled air e.c$ange on <94< ties #er $our.
0eating and cooling of t$ese buildings are ty#ically su##lied by innovative systes w$ic$ include a $eat
e.c$anger. +y#ically t$is will be cobined wit$ a $eat #u# or a $ig$ly efficient sall $eating syste.
5assive $ouses are not bound to a s#ecific ty#e of constructions and e.a#les $ave been designed on
different ty#es of buildings9 suc$ as concrete9 bric!s9 and wooden frae $ouses. "urt$erore9 even if t$e
standard is called B5assive 0ouseC it is also used for large residential buildings9 coercial and #ublic
buildings suc$ as sc$ools9 s$o#s or office buildings.
+$e 5assive 0ouse standard is defined for t$e central Euro#ean cliate9 ty#ically a $eating based cliate
w$ere t$ere is only a liited cooling need for cofort reasons. +$e IE2 docuent =14> asserts t$at t$ere is
a need to define a furt$er standard9 w$ic$ define t$e standards and solutions for t$e cooling based and $ot
cliates and w$ic$ can be useful in all cliates.
9ero Energy :uilings. 2 Dero energy building =JE*> is a residential or coercial building t$at do not use
fossil fuels but only get all t$eir re(uired energy fro solar energy and ot$er RESs =14>. 2t t$e $eart of t$e
JE* conce#t is t$e idea t$at buildings can eet all t$eir energy re(uireents fro low4cost9 locally
available9 non4#olluting9 renewable sources. 2ccording to t$e definition #resented by +orcellini et al. =1'>9
t$e renewable energy su##ly o#tion $ierarc$y can be e.#lained t$roug$ t$e following table:

Table ;. 9E: energy su$$ly o$"ion hierarchy
JE* su##ly4side o#tions E.a#les
Reduce site energy use t$roug$ low4energy
building tec$nologies
0ig$ t$eral insulation
0ig$4efficiency 012, e(ui#ent9
7atural ventilation
Ln4site su##ly

1. Use renewable energy sources available
wit$in t$e building@s foot#rint
Solar $ot water
Find located on t$e building
2. Use renewable energy sources available at
t$e site
5$otovoltaic on4site
Solar $ot water on4site
Find located on4site
;ow4i#act $ydro
Lff4site su##ly
). Use renewable energy sources available off
site to generate energy =electricity and-or
$eat> on site
*ioass =wood9 #ellet9 et$anol9 biodiesel>
Faste streas fro on4site #rocesses

5riary energy for $eating9 $ot water and electricity.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

4. 5urc$ase off4site renewable energy
Utility4based wind9 519 0ydro
Eission credits
Source: elaboration ,E+2 fro BJero Energy *uildings: 2 critical ;oo! at t$e 3efinitionC =1'> data
2s t$e current generation of electric storage tec$nologies are liited9 ac$ieving a JE* wit$out t$e grid is
alost i#ossible. 2 JE* uses traditional energy sources suc$ as t$e electric and natural gas utilities w$en
on4site generation does not eet t$e loads. F$en t$e on4site generation is greater t$an t$e building@s
loads9 e.cess electricity is e.#orted to t$e utility grid =1'>.
Plus energy builings. 5lus energy buildings are buildings t$at deliver ore energy to t$e su##ly systes
t$an t$ey use. Lver a year9 t$ese buildings #roduce ore energy t$an t$ey consue =14>.
<reen builings. Areen *uildings are t$ose wit$ increased energy efficiency9 but at t$e sae tie
reductions are ade on water consu#tion9 use of aterials and assessent of t$e general i#act on
$ealt$ and environent. Areen buildings can include a long list of re(uireents including resources9 indoor
air4(uality and re(uireents t$at all #roducts for t$e building ust coe fro a local region =14>.
).2 +$e construction c$ain
+$e Energy Efficient *uildings 555 beyond 2<1) =15> asserts t$at t$e today@s fragented nature of t$e
construction c$ain still gives little freedo for innovations t$at are indis#ensable to define a ore
sustainable built environent.
).2.1 ,onstruction of new neutral-energy #ositive buildings.
+ec$nologies and et$ods to build neutral or energy #ositive buildings. Energy efficiency easures
include design strategies and features t$at reduce t$e deand4side loads suc$ as: $ig$ #erforance
envelo#es =abient e.#osed surface area>9 sun control and s$ading devices9 windows and glaDing9 #assive
solar $eating9 natural ventilation9 day4lig$ting9 air barrier systes9 water conservation.
+$e Energy Efficient *uildings 555 beyond 2<1) =15> asserts t$at t$e fragented nature of construction
c$ain still gives little freedo for innovations. +$e w$ole construction c$ain is described as follows:
3esign stageG
+ec$nology building bloc!s9 including t$e structural #arts of t$e building9 t$e building envelo#e9 and t$e
energy e(ui#entG
,onstruction #rocessG
5erforance onitoringG
End of life.
Design =15>. It is at t$is #$ase t$at t$e ost #art of t$e building #erforances is set bot$ in ters of energy
savings and cost of owners$i# over t$e life cycle before refurbis$ent. +$e ain drivers of t$is eleent are
described as follows:
Integrated design and i#roved odelling tools a!e building #erforance ore #redictable and
easier to o#tiise at t$e design stageG
Eerging standards for *uilding Inforation &odelling =*I&>9 aong t$ese9 t$e I", forat is becoing
an official ISL-IS 1/%)8 international Standard.
RecogniDed ar!et value of ;,24based green building certification9 even t$oug$ t$e ost widely
recognised environental assessent et$odologies in t$e construction industry use ;,2 a##roac$es9
t$e ;,2 databases t$at are a##licable for t$e w$ole Euro#e are still of liited (uality.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

Technology builing bloc6s. In line wit$ Euro#e@s 2<42<42< target9 EU A0As eissions $ave to be cut by at
least 2<? below 188< levels by 2<2<. +$e Energy Efficient *uildings 555 beyond 2<1) =15> asserts t$at t$e
focus ust be #ut on t$e ebedded ,L
wit$ coes fro t$e aterials =,oncrete9 steel9 aluiniu9
A0A eission abatent9 in line wit$ Euro#e@s 2<42<42< target9 wit$ t$e develo#ent and successful
ar!et introduction of ceent and concrete wit$ significantly reduced ebodied ,L
. ,eent
#roduction accounts for an estiated 5? of t$e world@s ,L
eissions =18>. "urt$erore9 an increasing
co#etition fro t$e ,$inese ceent industry9 it is i#ortant for Euro#e t$at innovative construction
aterials and related anufacturing #rocesses leading to drastically reduced ebodied ,L
9 in order
to aintain and i#rove t$e Euro#ean co#etitiveness.
Raw aterial availability suc$ as natural sands and aggregates are in decreasing availability.
"urt$erore t$e growing #ublic awareness to #rotect reaining resources9 alternative solutions $ave
to be identified and develo#ed.
Fit$ regards t$e building envelo#e9 new insulation aterials and tec$ni(ues for construction aterials9
windows and doors are available for new buildings and refurbis$ent. 2ir tig$tness and t$eral bridges of
t$e w$ole construction receives ore attention t$an before to reduce overall energy consu#tion =%>.
&any buildings lea! $eat t$roug$ ga#s in t$e joints of t$eir windows or doors. 0eat losses by ventilation
can be strongly reduced by i#roving t$e air tig$tness of t$e building. 2n energy efficient building
envelo#e contains bot$ a t$eral barrier and an air barrier. +$e ain drivers of t$is eleent are following
3evelo#ent of ass custoiDation and standardiDation. +$e Energy Efficient *uildings 555 beyond
2<1) =15> clais t$at factory4ade odules9 #roduced in a controlled industrial environent9 could
facilitate t$e #ro#er integration of odules during t$e construction #$ase9 allowing a better
ac$ieveent of t$e building #erforance targets at coissioning and during its life tie and a
reduction of t$e final cost.
7ew functionalities broug$t by innovative aterials
7ew functionalities broug$t by I,+
2not$er i#ortant building bloc! eleent are t$e energy e(ui#ents. Ee* 555 re#ort =15> clais t$at t$e
global ar!et for $eating and cooling is very large =about %< US3 billion in 2<<'> and t$e value of t$e
residential boiler ar!et in 22 EU countries was estiated to be 59/ billion EUR in 2<<4.
Cons"ruc"ion $rocess. It is a #art of t$e critical #at$ to reac$ t$e final energy #erforance because any
defect can lead disorders and even #at$ologies w$ic$ can co#roise t$e durability of t$e building
#erforance =15>.
Perfor'ance 'oni"oring uring "he builing life. +$e Ee* 555 =15> argue t$at #erforance onitoring9
bot$ at coissioning and during t$e building life9 could enable users to oversee and control t$eir own
consu#tion9 allows detecting #otential isuses of building and #otential #at$ologies of t$e building =15>.
En of life. +$e building deolition is an i#ortant environental issue and it can be addressed9 bot$ at
design =e.g. reusable co#onents> and deolition levels =e.g. reusable aterials>. ,urrently9 t$e deolition
of buildings at t$e end of t$eir service life a!es it very difficult to se#arate t$e different aterials9 in fact
ost of t$ese aterials end u# in landfills or incinerators =2<>. +$e building industry is already involved in
significant waste recovery.
).2.2 Refurbis$ent of e.isting buildings.
+$e i#act in ters of decrease of energy use and ,L
eissions will be strong9 considering t$at in Euro#e
'<? of t$e 2<)< building stoc! already e.ists and today )<? of e.isting buildings are $istorical buildings
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

=1%>. +o retrofit building fabrics is vitally i#ortant to reduce energy deand in buildings. +$e insulation
for solid walls is #ossible troug$ internal or e.ternal solutions.
+$e e.ternal solutions often co#rises of an insulation layer fi.ed to t$e e.isting wall9 suc$ as a #rotective
render or decorative cladding. +iber #anels9 stone or clay tiles9 bric! sli#s or aluiniu #anels are often
used for cladding. *enefits of e.ternal wall insulation for solid walls include no internal living s#ace loss9
iniu disru#tion9 $eat losses t$roug$ t$eral bridges and condensation ris! are reduced.
+$e internal solid wall insulation ty#ically consists of eit$er dry lining in t$e for of fle.ible t$eral linings9
lainated insulation #lasterboard9 or built4u# syste using fibrous insulation suc$ as ineral wood $eld in
#lace using wood or etal frae. ,avity wall insulation is one effective energy efficiency easure =21>.
,oonly used insulation aterials include t$e following aterials: ineral wool9 e.#anded #olystyrene9
urea foralde$yde foa and organic #lant fibber aterials. +$e t$eral #erforances of t$e organic #lant
aterials can be co#roised if t$ey coes into contact wit$ oisture. Fater va#our barriers are often
used in internal insulation in order to avoid condensation.
+$e $eat losses by ventilation t$roug$ ga#s in t$e joints of t$e windows or doors can be strongly reduced
by i#roving t$e air tig$tness of t$e buildings.
).) Energy efficiency tec$nologies
+$e energy #erforance of buildings can be classified in four consu#tion categories:
a. *uilding energy needs =savings>. +$is is directly related to indoor and outdoor cliate conditions for
wor!ing and living in buildings and to t$e $eat transfer t$roug$ t$e builing en#elo$e and t$e
b. *uilding systes energy =EE>. +$e cobined efficiency of t$e installations for $eating9 cooling9
ventilation9 $ot water9 and electricity are t$e relevant factors in t$e end4use of energy
consu#tion. +$e EU $aronises national easures relating to t$e #ublication of inforation on
t$e consu#tion of energy and of ot$er essential resources by $ouse$olds a##liances.
c. Lccu#ancy energy consu#tion =be$avioural>. +$e use of energy de#ends strongly on $ow t$e
occu#ant a!e use of t$e building. 0ouse$old a##liances9 suc$ as was$ing ac$ines9 refrigerators9
etc.. and entertainent a##aratus9 suc$ as +1 and co#uters9 consue ainly electricity t$at is
converted for a great #art into au.iliary $eat. Lccu#ancy be$aviour is covering also variable as#ects
as t$e o#ening of windows9 te#erature setting9 clot$ing $abits9Q
d. Energy consu#tion in t$e building anufacture9 trans#ort and installation. +$e building industry
uses great (uantity of raw aterials t$at also involve energy consu#tion. Lften #roducts t$at are
#resented as c$ea# in t$e ediu ter can $ave very $ig$ environental cost t$at are never
2 building could be subdivided in four systes: structure9 envelo#e9 ec$anical9 interior. In t$is
categorisation9 t$e envelo#e $as to res#ond to natural forces t$at include rain9 snow9 wind and sun =22>.
7uerous a##lications for innovation and re(uested tec$nologies for t$e built environent offer
o##ortunities to reduce t$e energy consu#tion. ;ow energy buildings can becoe reality w$en t$e design
#rocess ta!es into account t$e energy flows fro #assive solar landsca#e design =orientation and
iediate environent9 including soil> integrated wit$ arc$itectural design =%>. +$is design will $ave to
incor#orate tec$nologies t$at are related to: building energy needs9 building syste energy.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

).).1 Insulation aterials
In EU9 coonly used insulation aterials include ineral wool9 e.#anded #olystyrene and urea
foralde$yde foa. Lrganic #lant fiber insulation is anot$er useful grou# of aterials. +$e i#act of
conventional insulation wit$ $ig$ level of industrial #rocessing is clearly $ig$er t$an t$e i#act of natural
aterials suc$ as cor!9 wood fibre9 reed or straw and recycled ones.
In t$is docuent9 t$e insulation aterials are subdivided into t$ree categories: 1.,onventional t$eral
insulation aterialsG 2.Eco4efficient building aterialsG ).Innovative insulation aterials.
+$e following tables collect t$e c$aracteristics of different ty#ologies of building aterials ta!ing into
account t$e following #araeters:
+$e forat of t$e #roductG
R: t$eral conductivity =F-H>G
S: 3ensity =!g-
c: t$eral ca#acity of t$e aterial =K-!gH>G
AF5 storage: global waring #otential storage ebodied into a slab of 1 . 1 . <91 of t$e aterial =!g
fro #rocess: ,L
eissions associated wit$ t$e anufacture of a slab wit$ a volue of 1 . 1 . <91
of t$e aterial =!g ,L
Con#en"ional "her'al insula"ion 'a"erials. 2re included into t$is category ineral aterials and synt$etic
Table +. Con#en"ional "her'al insula"ion 'a"erials
&aterials forat
R S c

F-H !g-
K-!g H !g ,L
2 e(.
!g ,L
2 e(.

,alciu silicate Aranular9 5anels9 slab <9<4) 115 '5<41<<< < n.a.

bul! granular aterial <91 48<N8<< 8<< < n.a.
!neaded aterial <91/N<92 '<<N8<< 8<< < n.a.
E.#anded #erlite

Aranular <9<4%N<9</ '<N1)< 8<< < n.a.
5anels <9<5N<9</ /<<N14<< 14<< < n.a.

bul! granular aterial <9<5N<9<% '<N1<< 1<<< < n.a.
!neaded aterial <9<'N<9<8 )'<N/<< '<< < n.a.

#anels <9<4N<9<45 4<N85 '<<N8<< < 189)
felts <9<)5N<9<4 )<N5< '<<N8<< < 189)
Alass wool

#anels <9<45N<9<5 4<N85 '<< < 189/
felts <9<)5N<9<4 )<N5< '<< < 189/
"oa glass #anels <9<)'N<9<5 1<5N1/5 '4< < 2494
5olyester fibers 5anels9 slabs9 <9<54 2< 1%<< < n.a.
5olyuret$ane rigid foa 5anels <9<2<N<9<)< 4<N5< 1/<< < 1%9<
5olystyrene e.truded 0", #anels <9<)<N<9<4< 2<N5< 15<< < )/591
5olystyrene e.truded ,<
#anels <9<)2N<9<4< 2<N5< 15<< < 1598
E5S 5olystyrene
e.#anded #anels <9<)5N<9<4< 15N)< 15<< < 1294
Source: elaboration ,E+2 =2)>

WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

Eco4efficien" builing insula"ion 'a"erials. Lrganic #lant fibber insulation is anot$er useful grou# of
aterials t$at are becoing increasingly #o#ular.
7atural fibres can be divided9 according to t$eir origin9 into vegetable and anial. +$e ost used are t$e
vegetable ones due to t$eir wide availability and renewability in s$ort tie res#ect to ot$ers.
2 great advantage of t$e insulation based on natural fibres is not only a low value of t$eral conductivity
but also t$e natural c$aracter of in#ut fibres. 2not$er advantage is t$at it is a renewable aterial w$ic$
does not #lace any significant strain on t$e environent. 3es#ite t$ese #ositive features9 $owever9 t$e
construction ar!et is still doinated by synt$etic insulating aterials. +$is is caused by soe negative
c$aracteristics of aterials based on natural fibres =25>:
4 0ig$ wettability and absorbability due to an o#en #ore structure9 in fact9 t$eir #erforance can be
co#roised if t$ey coes into contact wit$ oisture. Fater va#our barriers are often used in
internal insulation to avoid condensationG
4 +$e need to #rotect natural aterials against biological attac!sG
4 "laability of t$ese aterials.
+$e aterials based on natural fibres can be largely odified by c$eical treatent in order to solve t$e
#robles listed above.
Table =. Eco4efficien" builing 'a"erials
&aterials forat
R S c

F- H !g-
K-!g H !g ,L
2 e(.
!g ,L
2 e(.

E.#anded clay aggregate
bul! granular aterial <9<8<N<91)< )2<N45< 8<< < 59%
5anels9 slabs <91/<N<9)1< /<<N1.2<< 8<< < 249'
,oon reed #anels 5anels9 slabs <9<45N<9<5/ 1)<N18< 1.<<< 4)19/ 195
,oon straw #anels bale <9<4<N<9<5< 1<< /<< 42<9) 19/
,or! #anels
5anels e.#anded <9<)5N<9<4< 12< 1.8<< 4159% )95
5anels co#ressed <9<)8N<9<5< 2<< 1.8<< 41'9' 491
Food fibres Rigid #anels <9<)'N<9<52 15<N)<< 2.1<< 42%94 1495
,oconut fibre insulation 5anels <9<4)N<9<4% 5<N15< 1.5<< 4159) 1892
S$ee# wool insulation 5anels <9<)%N<9<44 )<N'< 1.%<< 449' /94
,ellulose fiber insulation "la!es <9<)%N<9<41 25N/5 1.8<< 4/9) 591
,ellulose fiberboards 5anels <9<4< /<N8< 2.<<< 4591 198
Henaf fibers 5anels <9<)8N<9<45 2<N'< 1.%<< 4 4
,otton fibers "la!es9 #anels <9<4< 2<N)< 1.5<< 4 4
Source: elaboration ,E+2 =2)>

>nno#a"i#e insula"ion builing 'a"erials. +oday@s state of t$e art t$eral insulation solutions cover
vacuu insulation #anels =1I5s>9 gas filled #anels =A"5s>9 reflective insulation aterials9 and aerogels. In
addition9 alt$oug$ not strictly a t$eral insulation solution9 5$ase ,$anging &aterials =5,&s> ay also be
entioned as t$ey contribute to t$e total t$eral building envelo#e #erforance t$an!s to t$e $eat
storage and release during solid state to li(uid #$ase transforations =24>.
+$e following table collect t$e c$aracteristics of t$e today@s state of t$e art of innovative building aterials.

WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

Table (. >nno#a"i#e insula"ion builing 'a"erials
&aterials forat
R S c


F- H !g-
K-!g H !g ,L
2 e(.
!g ,L
2 e(.

1acuu insulation #anels
#anels <9<<4N<9<<' 4 4 4291 %<9%
Aas filled #anels 5anels <9<4< 4 4 4 4
2erogel 5anels filled <9<1) 4 4 4 4
5$ase c$anging aterials 5anels 4 4 4 4 4
Reflective insulation "oils 4 4 4 4 4
Source: elaboration ,E+2

?acuu' insula"ion $anels 0?>Ps1. +$e 1I5s $ave t$eral conductivities ranging between <9<<) F-H and
<9<<4 F-H9 one order of agnitude lower t$an t$e ty#ical t$eral conductivity for traditional insulation
aterial. 0owever9 wit$ tie water va#our and air are diffusing t$roug$ t$e 1I5 foil envelo#e and into t$e
o#en #ore structure of 1I5s9 increasing t$e t$eral conductivity u# to ty#ically <9<<' F-H after 25 years
aging. "urt$erore9 #erforating t$e 1I5 envelo#e causes an increase in t$e t$eral conductivity to about
<9<2 F-H. 2not$er disadvantage of t$is ty#e of tec$nology is t$at cannot be cut or adjusted at t$e
building site and care $as to be ta!en in order to not #erforate it during building assebly and t$roug$ its
service life =2/>.
<as fille $anels 0<FPs1. 2lt$oug$ uc$ lower t$eoretical values $ave been calculated9 t$e lowest re#orted
t$eral conductivities are around <9<4 F-H in t$e #ristine condition9 siilar to t$e traditional
insulation aterials. +$e A"5s a##lying a gas less t$eral conductive t$an air9 e.g. argon9 !ry#ton9 and
.enon9 e.$ibit t$e sae ajor disadvantage of t$e 1I5s =2/>.
Aerogels. +$e aerogels re#resent anot$er state of t$e art innovative t$eral insulation solution and are
one of t$e ost #roising $ig$ #erforance t$eral insulation aterials for building a##lications today.
Fit$ a t$eral conductivity down to 1) F-=H> for coercial #roducts t$ey s$ow rear!able
c$aracteristics co#ared to traditional t$eral insulation aterials. Using carbon blac! to su##ress t$e
radiative transfer9 t$eral conductivities as low as <9<<4 F-H ay be reac$ed at a #ressure of 5< bar.
2lso t$e #ossibility of $ig$ transittances in t$e solar s#ectru is of $ig$ interest for t$e construction
sector. Fit$ t$e #ro#er !nowledge t$ey give bot$ t$e arc$itect and engineer t$e o##ortunity of re4
inventing arc$itectural solution =25>.
Reflec"i#e insula"ion. +$ese aterials consist of several layers of t$in etallic foil or etallised #olyer
fil wit$ a low eission coefficient cobined wit$ s#acer aterials in4between. *ecause of t$e low
eission coefficient of t$e foils9 radiation t$roug$ t$e insulation aterial is significantly reduced as a result
of w$ic$ t$ese aterials are claied to $ave very $ig$ t$eral resistance9 even u# to 5 or /
H-F =2/>.
0owever9 it $as noticed t$at reflective aterials degrade over tie as dust accuulating on t$e surface
diinis$ its #erforance =21>.
Mul"i$le4layer insula"ion =21>. &ulti#le layers of insulation are usually used to ac$ieve better t$eral
#erforance e.#loiting t$e #ro#erties of insulation aterials and reflective aterials. "or instance using a
series of reflective layers inters#ersed wit$ layers of t$eral insulation aterials.
Phase changing 'a"erials 0PCMs1. 5,& aterials are not insulation aterials but t$ey are included in t$at
category t$an!s to t$e #erforance i#roveents t$at t$ey can lead to t$e envelo#e. Inclusion of t$eral
storage aterials in building eleents increases t$e functionality of t$e eleents9 t$e #ossibilities to
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

en$ance t$e storage ca#acity of t$e building and reduce t$eral cycling of $eat #u#s or burners9 wit$out
t$e need to fit dedicated t$eral energy stores =)>.
In recent years t$e use of t$eral energy storage wit$ 5,& $as becoe a to#ic wit$ a lot of interest wit$in
t$e researc$ counity and also wit$in arc$itects and engineers. 5assive a##lications include t$e addition
of icroenca#sulated 5,& i#regnated in wall board9 w$ic$ will act to offset air4conditioning #lant by
allowing t$e wall or t$e ceiling to absorb $eat acting effectively as ass =e.g. slowing t$e res#onse of t$e
building to solar gains in suer>.

).).2 +rans#arent eleents
Findows and ot$er ty#es of trans#arent areas in t$e building envelo#e deterine t$e #enetration of solar
radiation into t$e building9 daylig$t entrance9 natural ventilation rates and $eat flow to or fro t$e
environent. In order to i#rove t$e #erforances of t$e trans#arent co#onents9 t$e following actions
are re(uired:
en$ance t$e #enetration of solar radiation during t$e $eating #eriodG
iniiDe t$e solar radiation during t$e cooling #eriodG
decrease $eat flow t$roug$ t$e o#eningsG
i#rove day lig$tingG
#erit a ore efficient airflow during t$e suer season.
+$e following tables collect t$e c$aracteristics of different ty#ologies of trans#arent eleents ta!ing into
account t$e following #araeters:
: t$eral transittance of t$e aterial =F-
g value: a coefficient t$at easure t$e solar energy transittance of t$e glassG
AF5 storage: Alobal waring 5otential storage ebodied into a slab of 1 . 1 . <91 of t$e aterial
=!g ,L
fro #rocess: ,L
eissions associated wit$ t$e anufacture of a slab wit$ a volue of 1 . 1 . <91
of t$e aterial =!g ,L
1acuu glaDing systes wit$ very low U
values $ave e#loyed ulti#le glass #anes9 inert gases and
nuerous low eittance coated surfaces. +$ese systes usually re(uire t$ree or ore #anes of glass =21>.

WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

Table 1). Trans$aren" con#en"ional "echnologies
+y#e +$ic!ness U
g AF5

=> =F-
H> !g ,L
2 e(.
!g ,L
2 e(.

Single glaDing / 59' <9'% < 1494<
3ouble glaDing 4-12
-4 298 <9%% < 249'8
-4 29' <9%% < 24981
+ri#le glaDing 4-'
-4 19% <9/' < 4191<
3ouble glaDing low4eission9 2rgon9 TU<91 4-1/
-4 19) <9/4 < 24985
3ouble glaDing low4eission9 2rgon9 TU<9<5 4-1/
-4 192 <9/< < 4
3ouble glaDing low4eission9 2rgon9 TU<9<4 4-1/
-4 191 <95/ < 4
3ouble glaDing low4eission9 Hry#ton9 TU<91 4-1/
-4 191 <95/ < 2%98)
+ri#le glaDing9 2rgon 4-12
-4 <9%4 <952 < 5<92<
+ri#le glaDing9 Hry#ton 4-12
-4 <9/< <9/1 < 5291%
Source: elaboration ,E+2

Trans$aren" insula"ion 'a"erials 0T>M1 =21>. +I& aterials can allow solar energy transittance of ore
t$an 5<? and t$eral conductivity of less t$an <92 F-
H. +$is ty#e of aterials can be #roduced by
utilising different ty#e of o#tical absorber or cavity structures. Aenerally over$eating control and cost
issues are t$e two ajor issues associated wit$ trans#arent insulation.
Elec"rochro'ic 'a"erials. Electroc$rois is t$e #$enoenon dis#layed by soe aterials of reversibility
c$anging colour w$en a burst of c$arge is a##lied electroc$roic aterials are used to control t$e aount
of lig$t and $eat allowed to #ass t$roug$ windows. +$e electroc$roic aterials are generally coatings
t$at can be de#osited bot$ on glass or #lastic. +$e layers include a trans#arent outer conductive layer9 an
active electroc$roic layer9 a #assive counterelectrode layer9 and an ion4conducting electrolyte layer =2%>.
Pho"ochro'ic 'a"erials. 5$otoc$roic glass is c$aracteriDed by a decrease of t$e transission of t$e glass
in t$e #resence of lig$t. U#on reoval of suc$ incident lig$t9 t$e glass regains t$e original $ig$ level of
transittance #resent before introduction to t$e lig$t =2'>.
Ther'ochro'ic 'a"erials. +$ey are #articular coatings t$at c$ange colour in relation to t$eir te#erature.
"or $ig$ te#eratures9 t$eroc$roic coatings $ave t$e ability to reflect solar energy9 reducing t$e
surface@s te#erature9 absorb solar energy. +$eroc$roic systes can function as energy saving
systes9 in fact9 a##lied t$us on e.ternal building surfaces9 t$ey $ave t$e #otential for t$e reduction of
$eating and cooling loads.
&ologra$hic o$"ical ele'en"s 0&OE1. 0ologra#$ic o#tical eleents $ave useful #ro#erties for diffuse lig$t
transission and radiation control. 2 $ologra#$ic o#tical eleent is a new class of o#tics t$at o#erates on
t$e #rinci#le of diffraction. +$e $ologras are #roduced on fils9 w$ic$ are lainated between two #anes
of floatglass. *y t$e #$ysical effect of diffraction different fors of lig$t ani#ulation are #ossible9
co#arable to t$ose irrors9 #riss9 lenses and ot$er o#tical eleents. ;ainated glass wit$ lig$t
directing $ologras allows a great variety of a##lications in arc$itecture for utilisation of solar energy9
i#roveent of roo cofort as well as design of solar lig$t4and colour effects =)1>.
Pris'a"ic $anels. +$ey are #lanar9 sawtoot$ devices ade of clear acrylic =or ot$er trans#arent aterials>.
F$en used as a s$ading syste9 t$ey refract direct sunlig$t and transit diffuse s!ylig$t.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

8aser4cu" $anels. 2 laser4cut #anel is a daylig$t redirecting syste #roduced by a!ing laser cuts in a t$in
#anel ade of clear acrylic aterial. +$e laser cutting divides t$e #anel into an array of rectangular
eleents. Eac$ cut surface t$en becoes a sall internal irror t$at deflects lig$t #assing t$roug$ t$e
).).) &ulti#le s!in facades
+$e building envelo#e #erfors a nuber of functions9 aong of t$ese are included: control of #$ysical
environent factors9 structural su##ort for t$e building9 fire safety9 security9 energy conservation and
Figgins and 0arris =)<> asserts t$at a building@s fa:ade can account for between 15? and 4<? of t$e total
construction budget and ay be a significant contributor to t$e cost of u# to 4<? ore t$roug$ its i#act
on t$e cost of t$e building@s services.
&ulti#le s!in facades =&S"s> =also !nown as active envelo#es9 second s!in facades9 twin facades9 etc.>
consists of two #anes se#arated by a cavity t$roug$ w$ic$ air flows. +$e driving force for t$e airflow is
natural or ec$anical ventilation. In t$e cavity9 usually a s$ading device is #rovided. Aenerally9 distinction is
ade between naturally and ec$anically ventilated &S"s =)1>. +$e #rinci#les to reduce t$e energy
deand in buildings strongly de#end on t$e c$osen ty#ology of &S".
E.ists a co#le. interaction between air flow in t$e fa:ade and t$e 012, syste and t$e building energy
anageent syste. In order to coe to a correct assessent of t$e energy #erforance9 it is i#ortant
to cou#le siulation of t$e building and t$e building co#onents.
3ynaic fa:ades cou#led wit$ intelligent systes were introduced and ;awrence *er!eley 7ational
;aboratory develo#ed a descri#tion for t$e dynaic fa:ade t$at enable t$e building to o#tiiDe t$e solar
gains during t$e winter and reduce t$e cooling loads during suer. +$e ada#tion of dynaic envelo#es
offer t$e #otential to ac$ieve a near4o#tiu energy efficient syste and iniiDing t$e energy cost and
environental i#act.

).4 012, systes
0eating9 ventilating and air4conditioning =012,> generally includes a variety of active ec$anical-electrical
systes e#loyed to #rovide t$eral control in buildings. +$e objective of an 012, syste is to control
t$e te#erature9 oisture9 air oveent9 and air cleanliness9 norally wit$ ec$anically eans9 in order
to ac$ieve t$eral cofort. 012, systes ay be designed as local syste or as central syste.
+$is section gives an overview of t$e best available tec$nologies e#loyed in t$e service and t$e
residential sector according to t$e best available tec$nologies =*2+> for $eat and cooling ar!et in EU =)2>.
<as boilers. In gas boilers9 t$e gas cobusted and t$e generated flue gas #asses t$roug$ a $eat e.c$anger
w$ere t$e war flue gas transfers $eat to anot$er edia9 w$ic$ norally is water. ,ondensing gas boilers
are considered t$e best available tec$nology in t$e ar!et of t$is ty#e of boilers but t$ey $ave only a
inor #ossible efficiency i#roveents left. +$e advantage of t$e gas boiler syste is t$at any countries
$ave large distribution networ!s of natural gas. +$e disadvantages of t$is tec$nology are t$at it uses a
fossil4based energy source and t$e #ollutants t$at are eitted fro t$e cobustion #rocess are carbon
dio.ide =,L
>9 nitrogen o.ides =7L
>9 carbon ono.ide =,L> and et$ane =,0
Elec"ric boilers =)2>. 2n electric boiler is used for #roducing $ot water directly fro electricity. 0eating
eleents using electrical resistance are used for sall a##lications. +$e te#erature range is fle.ible.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

2ong of t$e advantages of t$e syste are t$at t$e it can use e.cess of electric energy w$en t$e
#roduction of electricity is very $ig$9 it $as a si#le design9 it is reliable and easy to regulate. +$e
disadvantage is t$at t$is solution $as liited use because t$e electricity costs in soe countries.
:io'ass =21>. *ioass for energy could reduce carbon life cycle and A0A eissions fro t$e cobustion
of fossil fuels. +$e efficiency of biofuel syste boilers tends to be lower t$an t$at of fossil fuels boilers.
0owever9 recent tec$nological develo#ents $ave increased t$e efficiency of bioenergy systes
Co'bine hea" an $ 0C&P1. ,05 utilise t$e waste $eat #roduced during t$e generation of electricity9
i#roving t$e efficiency by over )<? co#aring to generating $eat and electricity se#arately. "urt$erore9
using ,05 to #rovide also cooling can a!e t$is tec$nology ore econoically attractive =21>. +$e ain
advantage of t$e syste is t$at it #roduces two ty#es of energy needs siultaneously wit$ a $ig$er total
efficiency in $eat energy conversion. +$e ain disadvantage is t$e cost of investent =)2>.
).4.1 0eat #u#s
0eat #u#s e#loy t$e sae tec$nology as refrigerators9 oving $eat fro a low4te#erature location to
a warer location. ,o#ression $eat #u#s consue electricity and t$e absor#tion $eat #u#s use $eat
=e.g. stea9 $ot water or flue gas> =)2>. +$e $eat #u# tec$nology ay $ave low ,L
eissions if t$e
efficiency is $ig$ es#ecially in t$e case of electrically driven $eat #u#s9 if t$e electricity is #roduced wit$ a
large #art of renewable energy. +$e *5IE docuent =8> argues t$at t$e efficiency of actual $eat #u#s and
co#ression c$illers9 fans and #u#s is already very close to t$e t$eoretical ac$ievable o#tiu. +$e in#ut
to t$e absor#tion cycle $eat #u#s is a $eat source and energy to drive t$e #rocess. +$e following $eat
sources are used. 2bient air9 water9 ground or waste $eat fro industrial #rocess. +$e coon $eat
#u#s t$at are used for s#ace $eating and for doestic $ot water are as follows:
Around source closed loo# brine-water $eat #u#G
E.$aust air-water $eat #u#G
2bient air-water $eat #u#G
2bient air-air $eat #u#.
+$e advantage of t$e $eat #u# syste ay $ave low ,L
eissions. +$e disadvantage is t$e cost of t$e
necessary e(ui#ent.
Elec"rically ri#en hea" $u'$s. +$is ty#e of $eat #u# use a va#our co#ression cycle driven by an
electric otor. +$e sae ac$ine can #rovide $eating and cooling in alternating order or in #arallel.
Ther'ally ri#en hea" $u'$s. +$ey use t$e sae t$erodynaic cycle as electrically driven co#ression
$eat #u#s9 $owever t$e co#ressor is re#laced by a t$eral sor#tion cycle. +$erefore t$eral energy is
needed to drive t$e cycle and electricity is needed only for au.iliary co#onents. +$erally driven
ac$ines are ainly used for cooling #ur#oses in cobination wit$ waste $eat or $eat #roduced by
renewable sources. 0owever9 t$ey can also wor! as $eat #u#s =)>. +$e ost i#ortant re#resentatives of
$eat4driven cooling-$eat #u# systes are li(uid absor#tion and solid adsor#tion cycles.
In absor#tion devices t$e refrigerant is absorbed in t$e li(uid sor#tion ediu c$anging its concentration.
In case of solid sor#tion $eat #u#s-c$illers9 t$e refrigerant is eit$er adsorbed in t$e #ores of t$e solid
adsor#tion ediu9 or c$eically absorbed into t$e crystal lattice of t$e solid =)>. +$e current ar!et for
sor#tion $eat #u#s is very sall because of t$e following reasons: $ig$ costs9 lower t$eral efficiency
t$an li(uid sor#tion systes and o#erate wit$in a narrow window of o#erating te#eratures.
+$e configuration of an absor#tion $eat #u# consists of t$e following co#onents:
a reactor called generator9 w$ere t$e sorbent =li(uid or solid> is $eatedG
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

t$e condenser9 w$ere t$e desorbed refrigerant va#our is condensed into li(uidG
t$e eva#orator9 w$ere t$e cooling effect is #roducedG
a reactor called absorber t$at receives refrigerant va#our fro t$e eva#orator.
2 $eat4driven $eat #u#-c$iller wor!s at t$ree levels of te#erature:
t$e ac$ine is driven by a $eat sourceG
$eat is rejected at ediu te#eratureG
collected at low te#erature.
F$en $eat is re(uired fro t$e syste9 t$e relevant out#ut is t$e $eat rejected at ediu te#erature.
).4.2 0eat recovery systes.
2 $eat recovery syste conserves energy by reove $eat fro e.tracted air to t$e incoing air. Fit$
central systes it is #ossible to #re$eat t$e outside air wit$ t$e disc$arged air in winter or to #recool t$e
war outside air wit$ t$e cooler indoor air in suer. Soe ty#es of regenerative $eat recovers are able
to $uidify or dry t$e outside air.
S#ecial fors of $eat e.c$angers are ground4cou#led $eat e.c$angers t$at use t$e geot$eral $eat
ca#ture and dissi#ation function to war or cool air.
).4.) +$eral solar $eating systes
Solar $eating systes can be a##lied for $eating of doestic $ot water alone or cobined wit$ s#ace
$eating. +$e solar t$eral systes are co#osed by t$ree essential eleents: solar collectors9 solar
t$eral systes and $eat storage systes =)2>.
).4.).1 Solar energy collectors
+$e ajor co#onent of any solar syste is t$e solar collector w$ic$ absorbs t$e incoing solar radiation9
converts it into $eat9 and transfers t$is $eat to a fluid flowing t$roug$ t$e collector.
+$e table below suarise t$e ty#ologies of solar collectors available in t$e ar!et:

Table 11. -olar collec"ors a#ailable in "he 'ar6e"
,ollector ty#e 2bsorber ty#e ,oncentration
Indicative te#erature
range =V,>
UnglaDed flat #late collectors "lat 1 )<N/<
UnglaDed collectors "lat 1 15N)<
AlaDed flat #late collectors "lat 1 )<N'<
Evacuated tube collectors "lat 1 5<N2<<
,o#ound #arabolic collector +ubular 145 /<N24<
Source: elaboration ,E+2 fro Halagirou =))>

%ngla/e collec"ors. +$ey consist only of an absorber and t$ey can be used in various a##lications suc$ as
water #re$eating for doestic or industrial use9 $eating of swiing #ools9 s#ace $eating and air $eating
for industrial or agricultural a##lications. +$ey are also soeties found as a selective coated stainless
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

steel absorber. +$is ty#e of collector $as a lower #erforance at e(ual o#erating te#erature t$an a
glaDed flat4#late collector as it lac!s t$e glass cover9 $ousing and t$eral insulation.
it is very c$ea# due to its si#le constructionG
t$e absorber can re#lace t$e wall s!in9 for e.a#le9 and offer ore aest$etic solution for s$eet etal
fa:ades t$an glass collectorsG
suitable for diversity of roof4fa:ade fors and it can easily ada#ted to slig$t curves.
because of t$e lower s#ecific #erforance9 it re(uires ore surface area t$an a flat glaDed collectorG
*ecause of t$e $ig$er $eat losses9 t$e surface te#erature increase and could be dangerous in soe
<la/e fla"4$la"e collec"ors 0<PFC1. 2lost all glaDed flat #late collectors currently available on t$e ar!et
consist of a etal absorber in a flat o#a(ue rectangular $ousing. +$e collector is t$erally insulated on its
bac! and edges9 and is #rovided wit$ a trans#arent cover on t$e u##er surface. +wo #i#e connections for
t$e su##ly and return of t$e $eat transfer ediu are fitted9 usually to t$e side of t$e collector. 2 ty#ical
glaDed flat #late collector is s$own in t$e "igure 2.

Figure *. <la/e fla" $la"e collec"or 0331
F$en solar radiation #asses t$roug$ a trans#arent cover and i#inges on t$e blac!ened absorber surface
of $ig$ absor#tivity9 a large #ortion of t$is energy is absorbed by t$e #late and t$en transferred to t$e
trans#ort ediu in t$e fluid tubes to t$e carried away for storage or use. +$e underside of t$e absorber
#late and t$e side of casing are well insulated to reduce conduction losses. +$e trans#arent cover is used to
reduce convection losses fro t$e absorber #late t$roug$ t$e restrain of t$e stagnant air between t$e
absorber #late and t$e glass and reduces radiation losses fro t$e collector as t$e glass is trans#arent to
t$e s$ort wave radiation received by t$e sun but it is nearly o#a(ue to long wave t$eral radiation eitted
by t$e absorber #late =suc$ as t$e green$ouse effect> =))>.
+$e core #iece of a glaDed flat4#late collector is t$e absorber. +$is consists of a $eat Iconducting etal
s$eet wit$ a dar! coating. +$e absorber #late is selective coated9 and t$e coercial solar absorbers
coatings are ade by electro#lating9 anodiDation9 eva#oration9 s#uttering and by a##lying solar selective
#aints. +y#ical selective surfaces consist of a t$in u##er layer9 w$ic$ is $ig$ly absorbent to s$ortwave solar
radiation but relatively trans#arent to long4wave t$eral radiation. &aterials ost fre(uently used for
collector #lates are co##er9 aluiniu9 and stainless steel =)5>.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

+$e tubes for t$e $eat transfer fluid are in t$e ost cases eit$er in eander =sna!e> s$a#e or in #arallel
=$ar# absorber> and usually $ave a distance of 1<< I 12< . +$e t$ic!ness of t$e absorber #late is
ty#ically in t$e range between <.15 and <.) de#ending on t$e aterial used =)4>.
Alass is widely used to glaDe solar collectors because it can transit as uc$ as 8<? of t$e incoing
s$ortwave solar irradiation w$ile transitting virtually none of t$e long4wave radiation eitted outward by
t$e absorber #late. Alass wit$ low iron content $as a relatively $ig$ transittance for solar radiation but its
transittance is essentially Dero for t$e long4wave t$eral radiation eitted by sun4$eated surfaces.
2dvantages =)5>:
It is c$ea#er t$an a vacuu collectorG
It offers ulti#le ounting o#tions =on4roof9 fa:ade ounting and free installation>G
It $as a good #erforance ratioG
It $as good #ossibilities for do4it yourself assebly.
3isadvantages =)5>:
It $as a lower efficiency t$an vacuu collectorsG
It is not suitable for generating $ig$er te#eratures9 as re(uired for e.a#le in stea generationG
3o not adit t$e #assage of t$e lig$tG
7eeds $ig$ conductive and e.#ensive aterials as solar absorbers in order to conduct to t$e #i#es t$e

E#acua"e "ube collec"ors 0ETC1. 2 large nuber of variations of t$e absorber s$a#e of E+, are on t$e
ar!et =)/>. Evacuated tubes wit$ ,5, reflectors are also coercialiDed by several anufacturers =))>.
+$ese solar collectors consist of a $eat #i#e inside a vacuu4sealed tube. +$e vacuu envelo#e reduces
convection and conduction losses9 so t$e collectors can o#erate at $ig$er te#eratures t$an flat #late
collectors. E+, use li(uid4va#our #$ase c$ange aterials to transfer $eat at $ig$ efficiency. +$ese collectors
feature a $eat #i#e =a $ig$ly efficient t$eral conductor> #laced inside a vacuu4sealed tube. F$en t$ese
tubes are ounted9 t$e etal ti#s u#9 into a $eat e.c$anger as s$own in "igure ).
Fater9 or glycol9 flows t$roug$ t$e anifold and #ic!s u# t$e $eat fro t$e tubes. +$e $eated li(uid
circulates t$roug$ anot$er $eat e.c$anger and gives off its $eat to a #rocess or to water t$at is stored in a
solar storage tan! =))>.

Figure 3. -che'a"ic iagra' of an e#acua"e "ube collec"or 0331.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

It ac$ieves a $ig$ efficiency even wit$ large te#erature difference between absorber and
surroundings9 and wit$ low radiationG
It ac$ieves $ig$ te#eraturesG
It can be easily trans#orted to any installation location because of its low weig$tG
*y turning t$e absorbing stri#s =in t$e factory or during t$e assebly> it can be aligned towards t$e
It is ore e.#ensive t$an a glaDed flat4#late collectorG
It cannot be used for $oriDontal installation for $eat #i#e systes =inclination ust be at least 25V>.
Co'$oun $arabolic collec"or 0CPC1. ,5, are non4iaging concentrators. +$ese $ave t$e ca#ability of
reflecting to t$e absorber all of t$e incident radiation wit$in wide liits. +$e necessity of oving t$e
concentrator to accoodate t$e c$anging solar orientation can be reduced by using t$roug$ wit$ two
sections of a #arabola facing eac$ ot$er9 as s$own in "igure 4. ,5, can acce#t incoing radiation over a
relatively wide range of angles. *y using ulti#le internal reflections9 any radiation t$at is entering t$e
a#erture9 wit$in t$e collector acce#tance angle9 finds its way to t$e absorber surface located at t$e botto
of t$e collector.

Figure 5. -che'a"ic iagra' of a co'$oun $arabolic collec"or 0CPC1 0331
+$e absorber can ta!e a variety of configurations. ,5,s are usually covered wit$ glass to avoid dust and
ot$er aterials fro entering t$e collector and t$us reducing t$e reflectivity of its walls. ,5, can also be
stationary but radiation will only be received t$e $ours w$en t$e sun is wit$in t$e collector acce#tance
angle. +wo basic ty#es of ,", collectors $ave been designedG t$e syetric and t$e asyetric. +$ese
usually e#loy two ain ty#es of absorbersG fin ty#e #i#e and tubular absorbers =))>.
Fa@ae in"egra"e collec"ors. In #rinci#le9 collectors can be ounted on fa:ades or roof. 2 collector t$at is
installed on t$e fa:ade receives a lower annual global irradiance t$an a roof installation. 0owever9 it $as a
ore unifor yield #rofile #er year9 and is subject to lower t$eral loads: t$at is9 t$ere are fewer
stagnation #eriods =)5>.
3avidson et al. =)%> develo#ed and evaluated a -e'i4"rans$aren" builing Ain"egra"e $ho"o#ol"aic
"her'al sys"e' =S+*I51-+>. It is constructed of 51 cells lainated on solar absorbers #laced in a window
be$ind t$e glaDing. +$is syste re(uires #arabolic reflectors t$at increase t$e cost of t$e overall syste.
A -olar Ther'al Fa@ae Collec"or .i"h e#acua"e "ubes in office builings9 w$ic$ is being su##orted by
t$e *&U and under t$e anageent of t$e Institute for *uilding construction and 3esign ;2 at t$e
University of Stuttgart was develo#ed
. +$e i#ortant tec$nical as#ects9 suc$ as visual trans#arency9 even
distribution of lig$t t$roug$out t$e roo9 t$eral insulation and #rotection fro t$e sun are uni(uely
cobined in t$is #roduct. 2s a result9 t$e ,5, evacuated tube collector is an aest$etic and integral

WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

co#onent of t$is office fa:ade syste. +$e diensions of t$e syste are strictly bonded wit$ t$e lengt$
of t$e evacuated tube collectors.
2 "rans$aren" solar "her'al collec"or for .ino. in"egra"ion
based on low4cost window tec$nology is
currently develo#ed by 5erasteelisa grou# =coordinator>9 Inter#ane9 *erc$told Ingenieure and "raun$ofer
ISE. +$is fa:ade co#onent will at t$e sae tie allow visual contact to t$e e.terior9 #rovide solar and
glare control and it will generate $eat. In suer t$e collector will be used as a $eat source for solar
cooling systes. +$is a##roac$ is to integrate a#ertures wit$ angular selective transittance into t$e
absorber of a solar t$eral collector w$ic$ is integrated in t$e trans#arent #art of t$e fa:ade. +$ese
a#ertures will selectively s$ield t$e direct irradiation of t$e sun =coing fro directions wit$ $ig$er solar
altitude angles> w$ile retaining visibility t$roug$ t$e window $oriDontally or downwards.
2 syste way to control and #revent over$eating in buildings and can generate t$eral energy for $eating
and cooling #ur#oses is #ro#osed =)'>. +$e idea is to use t$e facade9 or #art of t$e facade9 as a solar
t$eral collector for energy generation and daylig$t control. It is #ro#osed t$at a s#ecial venetian blind
trac!s t$e sun along its #at$ and its s$a#e and aterials can be ada#ted to absorb ost of solar t$eral

).4.).2 Solar t$eral systes.
+$e $eat absorbed by a $eat transfer fluid9 #assing t$roug$ t$e solar collectors9 can be stored or used
directly. In solar water $eating systes9 #otable water can eit$er be $eated directly in t$e collector =direct
systes> or indirectly by a $eat transfer fluid t$at is $eated in t$e collector9 #asses t$roug$ a $eat
e.c$anger to transfer its $eat to t$e doestic or service water =indirect systes>. +$e $eat transfer fluid is
trans#orted eit$er naturally =#assive systes> or by forced circulation =active systes>. E.ce#t for t$ero4
si#$on and integrated collector storage =I,S> systes9 w$ic$ need no control9 solar doestic and service
$ot water systes are controlled using differential t$erostats.
"our ty#es of solar energy systes are used to $eat doestic and service $ot water: t$ero4si#$on9 I,S9
direct circulation and indirect circulation. +$e first two are called #assive and no #u# is e#loyed9
w$ereas t$e ot$ers are called active systes because a #u# or fan is e#loyed in order to circulate t$e
fluid =))>.
$ntegrate# collector storage systems .$C+/ .!assive/ - I,S systes use $ot water storage as #art of t$e
collector9 i.e. t$e surface of t$e storage tan! is used also as an absorber. 2s in all ot$er systes9 to i#rove
stratification9 t$e $ot water is drawn fro t$e to# of t$e stratification9 t$e $ot water is drawn fro t$e to#
of t$e tan! and cold a!e4u# water enters to t$e botto of t$e tan! on t$e o##osite side =))>.
3isadvantage of t$is syste is $ig$ t$eral losses fro t$e storage tan! to t$e surrounding soe of t$e
area is intentionally e.#osed for t$e absor#tion of solar radiation.
0irect circlation systems .active/-In direct circulation systes is s$own sc$eatically in "igure 52 #u# is
used to circulate #otable water fro storage to t$e collectors w$en t$ere is enoug$ available solar energy
to increase its te#erature and t$en return t$e $eated water to t$e storage tan! until it is needed. 2s a
#u# circulates t$e water9 t$e collectors can be ounted eit$er above or below t$e storage tan!. 3irect
circulation systes often use a single storage tan! e(ui##ed wit$ an au.iliary water $eater. It can be used
wit$ water su##lied fro a cold water storage tan! or connected directly to city water ains. 5ressure4
reducing valves and #ressure relief valves are re(uired $owever w$en t$e city water #ressure is greater
t$an t$e wor!ing #ressure of t$e collectors. 3irect water $eating systes s$ould be not used in areas
w$ere t$e water is e.treely $ard or acidic because scale de#osits ay clog or corrode t$e collectors.

WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

2 variation of t$e direct circulation syste is t$e drain4down syste. F$en a freeDing condition or an
over$eating occur9 t$e syste drains autoatically by isolating t$e collector array and e.terior #i#ing fro
t$e a!e4u# water su##ly and draining it using t$e two norally o#en valves.

Figure 7. -che'a"ic iagra' of a irec" circula"ion sys"e' 0331
$n#irect water heating systems .active/ - Indirect water $eating systes9 s$own in "igure / circulate a $eat
transfer fluid t$roug$ t$e closed collector loo# to a $eat e.c$anger9 w$ere its $eat is transferred to t$e
#otable water. +$e ost coonly used $eat transfer fluids are water-et$ylene glycol solutions9 alt$oug$
ot$er $eat transfer fluids suc$ as silicone oils and refrigerants can also be used. +$e $eat e.c$anger can be
located inside t$e storage tan!9 around t$e storage tan! =tan! antle> or can be e.ternal. It s$ould be
noted t$at t$e collector loo# is closed and t$erefore an e.#ansion tan! and a #ressure relief valve are
re(uired. 2dditional over4te#erature #rotection ay be needed to #revent t$e collector $eat transfer
fluid fro deco#osing or becoing corrosive. +$e solar circuit is co#osed by t$e following ain
eleents: #i#elines9 solar li(uid9 solar #u#s9 solar circuit $eat e.c$anger9 fittings and e(ui#ent for
filling9 t$e safety e(ui#ent and a controller syste =)5>."urt$erore a solar t$eral syste needs of t$e
following eleents: a return4flow #revention9 flow eters9 safety valves9 ebrane e.#ansion vessels.
In several systes on t$e ar!et9 t$e functions of #u#9 control unit9 valves and connections $ave been
integrated into a single unit9 a soIcalled solar station =)5>.
2 variation of indirect water $eating systes is t$e drain4bac! syste. 3rain4bac! systes are generally
indirect water $eating systes t$at circulate water t$roug$ t$e closed collector loo# to a $eat e.c$anger9
w$ere its $eat is transferred to t$e #otable water. ,irculation continues as long as usable energy is
available. +$e collector fluid drains by gravity to t$e drain4bac! tan! w$en t$e circulation #u# sto#s. If t$e
syste is #ressuriDed t$e tan! serves also as an e.#ansion tan! w$en t$e syste is o#erating and in t$is
case it ust be #rotected wit$ a te#erature and #ressure relief valves. In t$e case of an un#ressurised
syste t$e tan! is o#en and vented to t$e atos#$ere. 2s t$e collector loo# is isolated fro t$e #otable
water9 no valves are needed to actuate draining9 and scaling is not a #roble9 $owever9 t$e collector array
and e.terior #i#ing ust be ade(uately slo#ed to drain co#letely =))>.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

Figure ;. -che'a"ic iagra' of an inirec" .a"er hea"ing sys"e' 0331
).4.).) 0eat storage syste.
+$e energy su##lied by t$e sun rarely atc$es t$e ties w$en $eat is re(uired9 t$erefore t$e generated
solar $eat ust be stored. +$e solar stores generally are able to contain t$e $ot water consu#tion of
about one or two days. +$e $eat storage systes are described in t$e subsection ).5.2.
).4.4 Solar cooling systes
+$e use of t$e suer e.cess $eat for solar t$eral cooling offers a great o##ortunity because solar
radiation usually coincides wit$ cooling loads.
+wo ain tec$nologies can use solar t$eral collectors for air conditioning in buildings =1/>: closed #rocess
and o#en #rocesses.
Close $rocesses. In t$is #rocesses t$e cooling ediu is not in direct contact wit$ t$e environent.
+$e cold water #roduced can be used in c$illed ceilings9 in concrete core conditioning9 or also in t$e
classical way in t$e air cooler of an air4conditioning syste. 2ong t$e closed #rocesses is #ossible to
distinguis$ between t$e absor#tion and adsor#tion #rocesses =)5>.
O$en cycles: t$e air is conditioned by coing into direct contact wit$ t$e cooling ediu. +$ey are
also referred to as desiccant eva#orative cooling systes and are used for direct treatent of air in a
ventilation syste.
).4.5 3istrict $eating
3istrict $eating is a syste for distributing $eat generated in a centralised location for $eating
re(uireents suc$ as s#ace $eating and water $eating t$roug$ a #i#ing networ!. Sources of t$e $eat could
include cobined $eat and #ower #lants9 bioass9 ca#turing geot$eral $eat and natural sources for
$eating and cooling9 or recu#erating industrial waste $eat =)8>. 3istrict $eating #lants $as been e.#ected to
#rovide $ig$er efficiencies and better #ollution control t$an localiDed $eating sources due to t$e factors
t$at district $eating systes will be ore li!ely to be aintained9 o#erated and controlled ore
#rofessionally =21>.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

).4./ &icro energy generation
&ost a##lications in daily life will rely on electricity and renewable $eat energies. &icro4generation is t$e
generation of Dero or low carbon $eat and-or #ower to eet own energy deand on site. 2ong of icro4
generation tec$nologies $eat solar9 51 #anels and wind are t$e ost #roising ones.
).5 ,ross4cutting tec$nologies
Fit$ t$e ter Bcross4cutting tec$nologiesC in t$is re#ort we intend to describe any tec$nology w$ic$ can
be used to increase t$e energy efficiency of t$e eleents described above. +$ree !ey tec$nologies $ave
been identified: aterials9 t$eral energy storage and I,+.
).5.1 &aterials
+$e advanced aterials sector is one of t$e traditional strengt$s of Euro#ean industry. +$e EU ,oission
staff wor!ing #a#er on &aterials Roada# =4<> asserts t$at t$e construction sector is t$e largest raw
aterial consuing industry9 wit$ a volue t$at in Euro#e alone e.ceeds 2 billion etric tons #er year.
Researc$ and develo#ent of new aterials is crucial to increase t$e energy efficiency of buildings and
renewable $eating and cooling.
+$e ost i#ortant i#roveents in develo#ent in new insulation aterials and in energy efficient
aterials of t$e last years coes fro aterials researc$.
).5.2 +$eral energy storage
+$eral energy storage can be stored as a c$ange in internal energy of a aterial as a: sensible $eat9 latent
$eat9 t$eroc$eical $eat and cobination of t$ese =41>.
2n overview of ajor tec$ni(ue of storage of t$e t$eral energy is s$own in t$e following diagra.

Figure +. Differen" "y$es of "her'al s"orage



Sensible 0eat
;atent 0eat Solid4;i(uid
,$eical 5i#e
0eat of reaction
0eat 5u#
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

-ensible hea" s"orage. In t$ese systes t$eral energy is stored by raising t$e te#erature of a solid or
li(uid. Sensible $eat storage syste utiliDes t$e $eat ca#acity and t$e c$ange in te#erature of t$e
aterial during t$e #rocess of c$arging and disc$arging. +$e aount of $eat stored is in relation of t$e
s#ecific t$eral ca#acity of t$e ediu9 t$e te#erature c$ange and t$e aount of storage aterial =41>.
In t$e range of te#erature fro <41<<V, water a##ears t$e best li(uid available because it is ine.#ensive
and $as a $ig$ s#ecific $eat.
+$e ost usual #ractice is to e#loy vertical cylindrical $ot water tan!s as t$e storage ediu w$ic$ is a
well4!nown tec$nology and by large9 t$e ost e.tended one. +$e #erforance of $eat storage using $ot
water tan!s is increased by t$eral stratification9 w$ic$ is caused by t$e different density of t$e $ot and
cold layers of water wit$in t$e tan! so t$e $ot water reains in t$e to# of t$e tan! and t$e cold water in
t$e botto. +$e stratification a!es it #ossible to $ave $ig$er te#eratures to be sent to t$e load and
lower ones to t$e $eat source. +$us9 reducing t$e i.ing9 and t$erefore t$e destruction of e.ergy9 t$e
global #erforance of t$e #lant is i#roved.
Soe additional issues $ave to be ta!en into account w$en studying t$e real #erforance of $ot water
tan!s: during t$e c$arging and disc$arging #rocess soe between t$e $ot and cold water is
unavoidableG des#ite t$e good insulation of t$e tan!s9 soe $eat is lost t$roug$ t$e walls of t$e tan!
decreasing t$e te#erature of t$e stored waterG t$e conduction t$roug$ t$e walls of t$e tan! allows t$e
$eat transfer between t$e cold and $ot Dones wit$in t$e tan! decreasing stratification and widening t$e
t$erocline: in t$e o#eration of t$e #lant t$ere are variations in t$e te#eratures of c$arging and
disc$arging =+
and +
> w$ic$ su##ose in t$e $ig$ and low te#erature Dones ="igure '>. +$ese
variations are caused by #art load o#eration9 variable $eat loads9 etc.

Figure =. -che'a"ic re$resen"a"ion of "he s"ra"ifica"ion effec" in a ho" .a"er s"orage "an6
Seasonal t$eral storage can #lay a significant role in balance $eat deand and renewable energy su##ly
=22>. +$e ost used tec$nologies are described as follows:
+an! t$eral energy storage =++ES>. +$ese tan!s are norally constructed fro concrete or steel. +$ey
are relatively e.#ensive co#ared to constructions in w$ic$ t$e ground is used as a structural or
t$eral co#onent. +$e *2+ docuent =)2> asserts t$at t$eir advantage is t$at t$eir #ro#erties are
easier to control and t$e tig$ness is better because t$ey are not influenced by t$e local soil conditions.
5it t$eral energy storage =5+ES>. +$ese ty#e of tan!s are an o#ening in t$e ground lined by
water#roof ebrane9 filled wit$ water and covered by a floating and insulating lid. +$e storage
ca#acity is /<4'<!F$-
*ore$ole t$eral energy storage =*+ES>. 2not$er #ossible tec$nology is t$e a##lication of tubes in
bore$oles. +$ey are used w$it$ $eat #u#s and t$ey o#erate at low te#eratures. +$e storage can

2. ,a#os ,elador X9 &. LdrioDola9 K.&. Sala I#lications of t$e odelling of stratified $ot water storage tan!s in t$e siulation of ,05 #lants
Energy ,onversion and &anageent 52 =2<11> )<1'I)<2/

WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

reac$ efficiencies in t$e range of 8< to 1<<? w$en t$e storage o#erates around t$e annual average
te#eratures of t$e ground and t$ere is no strong natural ground water flow.
2c(uifer t$eral energy storage =2+ES>. +$ese storage systes are constructed in underground
a(uifers by using direct $eat e.c$ange in vertical wells.+$e a(uifers are used ty#ically for low4
te#erature a##lications in cobination wit$ $eat #u#s for cooling during suer and $eating
during winter.

8a"en" hea" s"orage. ;atent $eat storage is based on t$e $eat absor#tion or release w$en a storage
aterial undergoes a #$ase c$ange fro solid to li(uid or li(uid to gas or vice versa =42>. 5$ase c$ange can
be in t$e following for: solid4solid9 solid4li(uid9 solid4gas9 li(uid4gas and vice versa. Solid4solid 5,& offer
t$e advantages of less stringent container re(uireents and greater design fle.ibility =4)>. +$e ain
c$aracteristic of t$is tec$nology is t$at during t$e #$ase c$ange t$e aterials reain9 t$eoretically9 at
constant te#erature. 2t its elting te#erature9 t$e 5,& reains in t$e solid #$ase w$ile it absorbs a
fi.ed aount of $eat !nown as t$e latent $eat of fusion. Lnce t$e 5,& absorbs t$e latent $eat of fusion it
c$anges #$ase fro solid to li(uid. 2s $eat is reoved fro a 5,&9 its te#erature decreases until it
reac$es t$e 5,&@s elting te#erature. ;atent $eat storage aterials can store 5414 =42> ties ore $eat
#er unit volue t$an sensible storage aterials suc$ as water9 asonry9 or roc!.
5,&s t$eselves cannot be used as $eat transfer ediu. 2 se#arate $eat transfer ediu ust be
e#loyed wit$ $eat e.c$anger in between to transfer energy fro t$e source to t$e 5,& and fro 5,& to
t$e load. +$e $eat e.c$anger to be used $as to be designed s#ecially9 in view of t$e low t$eral diffusivity
of 5,& aterials. +$e volue c$anges of t$e 5,&s on elting would also necessitate s#ecial volue
design of t$e containers. 2ny latent $eat storage syste #ossess at least t$e following t$ree co#onents: a
suitable 5,& wit$ its elting #oint in t$e desired te#erature range9 a suitable $eat e.c$ange surface and
a suitable container co#atible wit$ t$e 5,&.
+$e #rior art $as several $eat storage devices e#loying 5,&s as $eat storage aterial. "or e.a#le9 U.S.
5at. 7V 494<)9/45 discloses a 5,& $eat storage-transfer device $aving a $eat e.c$anger tube surrounded
by 5,&. 2 #u# is #rovided to circulate t$e 5,&9 w$ile in its li(uid state9 around t$e tube to #revent
stratification of t$e 5,&. 5atent nV59/'%9%</ =3.Mogi Aoswai9 ,$ung H. 0sie$9 ,$and H. Kots$i9 K. ".
Hlausner: 5$ase c$ange aterial storage $eater9 7oveber 1'9 188%> discloses a storage $eater for storing
$eat and for $eating a fluid9 suc$ as water9 t$at $as an enclosure defining a c$aber t$erein. +$e c$aber
$as a lower #ortion and an u##er #ortion wit$ a $eating eleent being dis#osed wit$in t$e enclosure. 2
tube t$roug$ w$ic$ t$e fluid flows $as an inlet and an outlet bot$ being dis#osed outside of t$e enclosure
and $as a #ortion interconnecting t$e inlet and t$e outlet t$at #asses t$roug$ t$e enclosure. 2 densely
#ac!ed bed of #$ase c$anging aterial #ellets is dis#osed wit$in t$e enclosure and is surrounded by a
viscous li(uid suc$ as #ro#ylene glycol t$at is in t$eral counication wit$ t$e $eating eleent =#ellets>
and t$e tube and transfers $eat fro t$e $eating eleent to t$e #ellets and fro t$e #ellets to t$e tube.
+$e viscosity allows a frictional #ressure dro# of t$e fluid in contact wit$ t$e 5,& #ellets t$at substantially
reduces vertical t$eral convection in t$e fluid. 2s t$e fluid flows t$roug$ t$e tube t$e $eat is transferred
fro t$e viscous li(uid to t$e fluid flowing t$roug$ t$e tube9 t$ereby $ating t$e tube.
+$e e.istent devices do not naturally in$ibit t$e vertical convection. 0eat a##lied to t$e botto of t$ese
devices naturally rises to t$e to# of t$e device9 t$ereby stratifying t$e $eat storage aterials. *ecause of
t$is9 t$e storage aterial at t$e botto of t$ese devices tends to be under4used decreasing t$e overall
efficiency of t$e storage device.

Ther'oche'ical s"orage. Sensible and latent $eat storage tec$ni(ues $ave a nuber of disadvantages for
long4ter $eat storage9 suc$ as $eat loss and relatively low energy density re(uiring large volues =44>.
+$e energy is stored in reversible c$eical reactions9 can ac$ieve densities )412 ties greater t$an sensible
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

stores =)>. It is #ossible to store energy by eans of c$eical #rocesses in t$eroc$eical aterials9
a!ing use of reversible c$eical reactions li!e as follows:
A(x) +B(g) C(x) +heat
+$e ain advantage of t$eroc$eical storage co#ared to 5,& is t$at losses only occur during c$arging
and disc$arging9 but not over tie9 a!ing t$ese systes #referable for long ter storage =)>.
+$is tec$nology is divided into c$eical reactions and sor#tion systes.
+$e following table suarise t$e different energy ca#acities9 #ower efficiency and storage tie of
different t$eral energy storage tec$nologies.
Table 1*. Energy ca$aci"ies, $ efficiency, an s"orage "i'e of "her'al energy s"orage sys"e's
+ES tec$nology ,a#acity 5ower Efficiency Storage tie ,ost
!F$-t !F ? US3-!F$
0ot water tan! 2<N'< 1N2.<<< 5<N8< $our4wee! <91N<91)
,$iller water tan! 1<N2< 1N.2.<<< %<N8< 0our4wee! <91N<91)
2+ES low te#erature 5N1< 5<<N1<.<<< 5<N8< 3ay4year 1aries
*+ES low te#erature 5N)< 1<<N5.<<< 5<N8< 3ay4year 1aries
5,&4general 5<N15< 1N1.<<< %5N8< 0our4wee! 1)N/5
+$eral4c$eical 12<N15< 1<N1.<<< %5N1<< day4year 1<N52
Source: elaboration ,E+2 fro IE2 data =1/>

).5.) Inforation and counication tec$nologies
Inforation and counication tec$nologies =I,+> #lays an increasing role in increasing t$e energy
efficiency and enabling renewable =$eating and electric> systes to satisfy a $ig$er s$are of t$e energy
deand. *y onitoring and directly anaging energy consu#tion9 I,+ can enable efficiency
i#roveents in all a##lications w$ic$ re(uire a t$eral energy su##ly. I,+ tec$nologies can be e.#loited
in control tec$nologies in order to i#rove t$e energy efficiency of buildings by res#onding to c$anges in
bot$ t$e internal and e.ternal environent and delivering real4tie inforation on t$e #erforance of
building systes and co#onents. *uilding controls also enable cost4saving o##ortunities suc$ as #ea!4
s$ifting and #artici#ation in deand4res#onse #rogras by counicating wit$ t$e e.ternal utility grid.

WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

4 5roising R63 areas and researc$ c$allenges
2s entioned in t$e E5*39 t$e re(uireent of nearly Dero energy buildings fro 2<1'42<2<9 will need t$e
develo#ent of a new design a##roac$9 based ore on energy flows in buildings. "urt$erore9 according
to t$e Ero!ean +trategic Energy Technology Plan =%> t$e trend for energy consu#tion in buildings is a
decrease of t$eral energy for s#ace conditioning and an increase of electricity for installations and
a##liances. Renovation of t$e buildings is an i#ortant o#tion to reduce energy consu#tion
"urt$erore t$e integration of renewable energy tec$nologies =RE+s> in t$e built environent is a valuable
o#tion to su##ort t$e reduction of energy consu#tion =%>.
+$e ulti4annual Roada# and longer ter strategy =1%> asserts t$at t$e following researc$ c$allenges
need to be addressed for a sustainable strategy for energy4efficient buildings:
3efinition of energy Iefficient solutions for renovation. &any innovative solutions are directed towards
new buildings but only a few are a#tiisde for t$e e.isting stoc!. &oreover9 buildings9 es#ecially
residential buildings are never considered as a w$ole. R63 $as to #to#ose integrated solutions ta!ing
into account t$e various constrainsof e.isting buildings.
*uilding Industry transforation.+$e ga#s are on systeic a##roac$es for refurbis$ent9 building
design and (uality of installation. +$e Energy Efficient building 555 =1%> asserts t$at t$ere is a real need
to develo# solutions suitable for use by t$e construction industry: affordable #ac!ages solutions or !its
w$ic$ are easy to install.
&ar!et transforation. ;ow carbon tec$nologies $ave to grow strongly t$e ne.t years.
2cce#tability by custoers. Eac$ tec$nology ust be t$oug$ t$roug$ in ters of t$e be$avioural
correlates and o##ortunities
+$e Energy Efficient building 555 =1%> describe t$e researc$ c$allenges in energy efficiency in buildings
subdividing t$e arguent in t$ree a##lication areas: refurbis$ent of e.isting buildings9 new buildings and
energy efficient district-counities.

Table 13. Research challenges in EE in builings accoring "o "he Energy Efficien" builing PPP
2##lication areas ,ross cutting tec$nologies
Refurbis$ent to
transfor e.isting
buildings into EE
Systes and e(ui#ent for energy
use for e.isting buildings
+ec$nological as#ects
Systes and e(ui#ent for energy use
Storage of energy
Yuality indoor environent
3esign4Integration of new solutions
Envelo#e and co#onents
IndustrialiDation and ass custoiDation
2utoation and control
;yfe cycle analysis =;,2>
Energy &anageent Systes
;abelling and standardiDation
&aterials: ebodied energy and ulti4
3iagnosis and #redictive aintenance
Envelo#e =for e.isting buildings>
Solutions for cultural $eritage
Systeic a##roac$ for e.isting
7ew buildings
Systes and e(ui#ent for energy
use for new buildings
Systeic a##roac$ for new
Energy efficient
Interaction between buildings9 grid9
$eat9 networ!
Systes and e(ui#ent for energy
3istrict and urban design

Renovation of t$e *uildings
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

Systes and e(ui#ent for energy
Systes and E(ui#ent for energy
3iagnosis Storage of energy =district>: t$eral9
electrical or ot$er
Retrofitting =district>
Source: elaboration ,E+2 fro t$e energy efficiency 555 data =1%>

4.1 Refurbis$ent of e.isting buildings
+$e i#act in ters of decrease of energy use and ,L
eissions will be strong9 considering t$at in Euro#e
'<? of t$e 2<)< building stoc! already e.ists and today )<? of e.isting buildings are $istorical buildings
=1%>. +$e diversity of arc$itectures and cliates in Euro#e re(uires a w$ole value c$ain innovation #rocess
w$ere design9 tec$nology c$oice and construction are even ore intertwined t$an for new buildings. +$e
Energy Efficient building 555 argue t$at in order to o#tiiDe t$e refurbis$ent of t$e e.isting buildings9
needs to integrate various solutions in t$e following researc$ areas:
Envelo#e for e.isting buildingsG
Solutions for $istoric buildings and cultural $eritageG
Systes and e(ui#ent for energy useG
Systeic a##roac$ for e.isting buildings.
En#elo$e for eBis"ing builings. Innovations are needed in t$e area of new aterials9 #roducts and
co#onents to address energy efficiency in buildings. +$ere is a need to develo# aterials9 #roducts9
co#onents and building tec$ni(ues used in new buildings s#ecifically designed and ada#ted for t$e
energy efficient retrofitting of e.isting and occu#ied buildings. 2ccording to t$e RisZ Re#ort =4/> t$e
following table $ig$lig$t soe R63 needs over t$e ne.t decades in t$e t$eral envelo#e sector:
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

Table 15. RCD nees in en#elo$e of eBis"ing builings o#er "he neB" ecaes accoring "o "he RisD re$or"
RCD nees Charac"eris"ics
Insulation systes s#ecifically designed for t$e energy
efficient retrofitting of e.isting and occu#ied buildings
;ong life #roducts
+$in aterials
0ig$ #erforances aterials
2dvance aterials wit$ low t$eral conductivity
2da#ted #roducts
2est$etic as#ect
Easy to install
2dvanced window tec$nologies =windows using
advance aterials wit$ low t$eral conductivityG
windows wit$ built4in solar cells>
2dvance trans#arent aterials wit$ low t$eral
2dvance fraing aterials wit$ low t$eral
2dvance in sun control glass coatings and fils
2dvance in sart lig$ting control of t$e lig$t in
trans#arent surfaces
+$eral storage aterials
2dvance in cost effectiveness9
2da#ted #roducts
2dvance in reliable and safety aterials
*uilding aterials using recyclable aterials
*uilding aterials wit$ low ebodied energy
Source: elaboration ,E+2 fro RisZ Re#ort =4/>

-olu"ions for his"oric builings an cul"ural heri"age. +$e Energy Efficient building 555 =1%> clais t$at
t$ere is a need for novel sustainable strategies9 conce#ts9 et$odologies and tec$ni(ues to i#rove t$e
energy efficiency of cultural $eritage buildings. Innovative et$odologies need to be develo#ed to i#rove
t$e #lanned aintenance and conservation #olicies at EU level considering t$e ada#tability to new
building4useages and iniu intervention i#act.

-ys"e's an eEui$'en" for energy use. Innovation is needed in new et$odologies to integrate cofort
systes9 energy anageent systes and local energy generation into e.isting buildings. +$e Energy
Efficient buildings 555 argue t$at s#ecific efforts s$ould be devoted to s#ace $eating and $ot doestic
water t$at is t$e largest #art of energy use in t$e buildings.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

Table 17. RCD nees in en#elo$e of eBis"ing builings o#er "he neB" ecaes accoring "o "he RisD re$or"
RCD nees Charac"eris"ics
0eat #u#
&ore efficient
Sall siDe for retrofitting
Easy to install
+$eral storage systes-aterials
&ore efficient
Sall siDe for retrofitting
Easy to install
;ow #ower bulbs and solid state lig$ting
2dvance in cost effectiveness9
2da#ted #roducts for retrofitting
7ew conce#ts of $eating and-or cooling sources
&icro ,obined 0eat and 5ower =,05> based on fuel cells
2lternative refrigeration eans Stirling cycles9 *rayton
cycles9 and acoustic9 agnetic and t$eral4electric
Intelligent systes-sart buildings
2utoated diagnostics
2dvanced sensors
Integrated control networ!s
Source: elaboration ,E+2 fro RisZ Re#ort =4/>

-ys"e'ic a$$roach for eBis"ing builings. L#tiiDing t$e refurbis$ent of e.isting buildings s$ould
integrate various tec$nological solutions in envelo#e9 in systes9 and in RESs w$ic$ will interact wit$ eac$
ot$er and wit$ t$e e.isting building eleents.

4.2 7ew buildings
,onsidering t$e new buildings9 in t$is re#ort will be considered t$e c$allenges of t$e ost #roising
researc$ and innovation areas ta!ing into account t$e entire construction c$ain of a new building.
Design challenges. In t$is #$ase ore t$an '<? of t$e building #erforance is fi.ed bot$ in ters of
energy savings and cost of owners$i# =15>.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

Design challenges in ne. builings
Integrated design
*uilding inforation odelling *I& tools t$at are cost4effective and
intero#erable t$an!s to a standard e.c$ange forat.
Energy efficient building design tools li!e9 dynaic building siulation
7ew odelling and siulation a##roac$es are needed to ta!e into
account t$e overall #$ysics and be$aviour of t$e envelo#e
0aroniDed ;ife ,ycle assessent et$ods at t$e w$ole4building level
and u# to district scale
Innovation in education and training #ractice
Eco design
*uilding@s o#eration9 aintenance and end of life
*uildings co#onents reuse and recycling #otential
*uilding aterial durability and recycling #otential
,o#le. ulti4criteria o#tiiDation #rocess t$at covers t$e
environental i#act and t$e value for t$e users ta!ing into account
cofort9 #roductivity9 aest$etics9 #ublic $ealt$
Reliable aterial and e(ui#ent database
Source: elaboration ,E+2 fro Ee* 555 =15>

-"ruc"ure. In line wit$ Euro#e@s 2<42<42< target9 EU A0As eissions $ave to be cut by at least 2<? below
188< levels by 2<2<. ,eent #roduction accounts for an estiated 5? of t$e world@s ,L
eissions =18>.
+$e Energy Efficient *uildings 555 beyond 2<1) =15> asserts t$at t$e focus ust be #ut on t$e ebedded
wit$ coes fro t$e aterials =,oncrete9 steel9 aluiniu9 tiber>.
"urt$erore9 an increasing co#etition fro t$e ,$inese ceent industry9 it is i#ortant for Euro#e t$at
innovative construction aterials and related anufacturing #rocesses leading to drastically reduced
ebodied ,L
9 in order to aintain and i#rove t$e Euro#ean co#etitiveness.
Raw aterial availability suc$ as natural sands and aggregates are in decreasing availability. "urt$erore
t$e growing #ublic awareness to #rotect reaining resources9 alternative solutions $ave to be identified
and develo#ed. In areas w$ere it is ade(uate9 for instance in areas wit$ large wood resources located in
reasonable #ro.iity to t$e construction site9 or tiber $arvested in forests w$ere sustainable forestry is
#ractised9 it is very #roising.
-"ruc"ure challenges in ne. builings
,eent and concrete wit$ low
ebodied ,L

3evelo#ent of co#osite ceents wit$ largely reduced clin!er
Incor#orate into t$e ceent significant aounts of industrial inorganic
*lending wit$ recycled concrete fines or slags
Use of tiber for t$e construction in
areas wit$ large wood resources
,onstruction of individual $oes
,onstruction of ulti4storey buildings
Innovative structural aterials wit$
low ebodied ,L

Use of reclaied aterials
Use innovative aterials
;ocal sourcing aterials
*uilding aterials w$ic$ are entirely or #artly based on raw aterials
e.tracted close to t$e building site
Source: elaboration ,E+2 fro Ee* 555 =15>
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

En#elo$e. Innovative aterials could contribute to t$e reduction of ebodied energy and anufacturing
cost reduction.
En#elo$e challenges in ne. builings
Innovative aterials and #refabricated
*etter insulation aterials9 t$inner9 c$ea#er and easier to install.
7anofoas9 aerogels9 vacuu insulation aterials9 ulti4aterial
+$eral reflective aterials9 reflective layers
&aterials for switc$able glaDing =sart windows>
I#roved insulation concrete: concrete based on co#osite ceent
used in connection wit$ innovative insulation solutions
Envelo#e energy $arvesting
Solar t$eral integrated fa:ade systes
*uilding Integrated 5$otovoltaic *I51
;ow ebodied energy aterials
Eco4efficient building aterials
Recycled aterials
Sart building envelo#e
5rovide res#onse to regular variations9 envelo#e ada#table to a
dynaic and co#le. environent
2da#t to user needs and be$aviour9 and to t$e effects of t$eir #resence
&ulti4criteria o#tiisation
L#tiiDation of all envelo#e design
5erforance constrains: acoustic9 fire resistance9 indoor air (uality9
t$eral cofort9 energy #erforance9 daylig$t control9 legislation9
aest$etics9 cultural $eritage9
Environental constrains: availability of #roducts9 ebodied ,L

&et$odologies and tools for evaluate t$e energy #erforances =e.g.
software9 et$odologies>
I#leent data on aterial c$aracteristics and energy needs
3evelo#ent of ass custoisation and standardisation =e.g. odular
$oes9 #refabricated building co#onents9 etc>
Source: elaboration ,E+2 fro Ee* 555 =15>

Energy eEui$'en". +$e Ee* 555 re#ort =15> clais t$at B*eyond e.isting tec$nologies9 brea!t$roug$
solutions can be e.#ected fro energy storage =$eat and electricity> refrigeration and building integrated
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

-ys"e' an eEui$'en" challenges
L#tiise t$e renewable energy
sources integrated in building
Reduce t$e costs of integrated RES in buildings
Increase t$e energy efficiency of integrated RES t$roug$ advance in
aterials and configuration
0eating systes
Increase t$e efficiency of $eat #u#s and ground $eat #u#s
Increase t$e efficiency of ventilation systes and $eat recovery systes
,obined $eat and 5ower systes =,05> fro bioass
Energy storage systes
+$eral energy storage systes: wall ass9 $ot water storage9 5,&
aterials9 t$eroc$eical $eat storage
Electricity storage systes: batteries9 flyw$eel systes9 $ydrogen9
co#ressed air9 etc.
;ig$ting solutions
7ew tec$nologies in lig$ting solutions =;E39 L;E3>
Intelligent &anageent of 3aylig$t
*uilding anageent Systes
&anage t$e energy flows by ta!ing advantage of inertia in $eating and
cooling systes and by using energy storage e(ui#ent
Envelo#e and energy e(ui#ent synergically integrated by innovative
Energy anageent systes and anageent #rotocols in order to
o#tiiDe generation9 storage and distribution at district level
I#leent sart etering systes
Source: elaboration ,E+2 fro Ee* 555 =15>

Cons"ruc"ion $rocess. +$e construction sector $as to guarantee t$at t$e energy #erforances eet #re4set
contractual values. 2ny defect in t$is #$ase can lead to disorders and even #at$ologies w$ic$ can
co#roise t$e durability of t$e building #erforance. +$e increasing co#le.ity of t$e construction
#rocess involves a variety of s!ills and e.#ertise located in various co#any siDes t$at $ave different roles
and res#onsibilities in eac$ of t$e construction #rocesses. +$en a##ro#riate education and training are
Cons"ruc"ion $rocess challenges
5re4assebled #arts of t$e envelo#e
5refabricated structural co#onents
I#roveent of t$e #rocesses
I#roveent of t$e #rocesses
Increase t$e efficiency in refurbis$ent #rocesses
2dvanced and autoated #rocesses t$at favour t$e use of #refabrication
&ore efficient construction #ractices in order to reduce aterial
re(uireents and iniiDe ,L
eissions during t$e trans#ort of aterials
and t$e construction #rocesses
3edicated tools
*uilding inforation &odelling tools $ave to be develo#ed
&et$ods for self4ins#ection tec$nologies
+raining of t$e wor!ers
Yualified wor!er base ready to eet t$e #otential de#loyent growt$ of
energy efficient buildings
S!illed interediate anageent to i#rove construction (uality
Source: elaboration ,E+2 fro Ee* 555 =15>
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

Moni"oring an 'anage'en" uring "he builing life. 2 #erforance onitoring systes could enable
t$e users to control t$eir own consu#tion9 allows detecting #otential isuses of a buildings and allows
detecting #otential #at$ologies of t$e onitored building.
Manage'en" challenges
5erforance onitoring
;ow cost and low aintenance sensors of: air infiltration9 $eat
conduction9 solar $eat gains
Energy #erforance onitoring systes wit$ advanced functionalities
3ynaic building siulation odels
Source: elaboration ,E+2 fro Ee* 555 =15>

:uilingFs en of life. In t$e #ers#ective of resource efficiency and sustainability of buildings9 building
destruction #ractices ust evolve towards ore sustainable a##roac$es.

:uilingFs en of life challenges
*uilding deconstruction
+ec$nical solutions enabling a ore wides#read use of recycled
aterial9 e.g. concrete
,ostIeffective tec$nological solutions to se#arate co#osite
construction aterials =e.g. reinforced concrete>
Selective deconstruction systes
+ec$nical solutions for #roducing construction aterials and
#refabricated eleents based on recycled aterials
3ecision a!ing tools of t$e c$oice
3evelo# reliable evaluation et$ods-tools t$at use t$e ;ife ,ycle
2ssessent and ;ife ,ycle ,osting a##roac$
Source: elaboration ,E+2 fro Ee* 555 =15>

4.) EE district counities
2ccording to t$e re#ort of t$e Ee* 555 =1%> t$e following si. researc$ c$allenges are lin!ed wit$ Energy
Efficient districts-counities.
3istrict and urban design.
Systes and e(ui#ent for energy #roduction at district level =e.g. district $eating fro waste $eat>.
Systes and e(ui#ent for energy use at district level =e.g. district $eating $eat e.c$angers>
Storage of energy: t$eral9 electrical or ot$er.
Interaction between buildings9 grid9 $eat9 networ!s9 etc.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

4.4 5roising researc$ tec$nologies
4.4.1 +$eral insulation aterials
,ontinuous increase of insulation t$ic!ness can result in ore co#le. design9 construction and
aintenance9 an adverse net4to gross floor area and #ossible $eavier load bearing constructions.
+$e traditional t$eral insulation aterials li!e t$e aterials listed in +able %9 $ave t$eral conductivities
between <9<) F-H to <91 F-H.
In order to avoid too t$ic! building envelo#es9 ot$er t$eral insulation aterials or solutions are needed.
+$e 2S0R2E docuent =24> asserts t$at t$e t$eral insulation aterials and solutions of toorrow need
to $ave as low t$eral conductivity as #ossible. "urt$erore t$e t$eral conductivity s$ould not increase
too uc$ over a 1<< years or ore lifes#an tie and s$ould be able to aintain t$eir low t$eral
conductivity even if t$ey are #erforated by e.ternal objects. +$e following list suarises t$e #ro#osed
re(uireents of t$e $ig$ #erforance t$eral insulation aterials:
+$eral conductivity: [ <9<<4 F-HG
+$eral conductivity after 1<< years: [ <9<<5 F-HG
7ot to be influenced significantly by #erforation vulnerabilityG
5ossibility to cut for ada#tion at building siteG
Resistant to cliate aging durabilityG
Resistant to biological growt$G
Fater resistantG
,o#etitive costs vs. ot$er t$eral insulation aterialsG
;ow environental i#act =including energy and aterial use in #roduction9 eission of #olluting
agents and recycling issues>.
2 range of lower R insulation aterials $ave been develo#ed and utilised suc$ as aerogel9 ulti4layer
insulation9 trans#arent insulation9 gas filled insulation9 and vacuu insulation.
2ccording to t$e EU &aterials Roada# =4<>9 are described t$e following #roising researc$ areas. 7anotec$nology based insulation aterials.
In order to reduce building o#erational energy9 needs to develo# advanced and $ig$4#erforance nano4
tec$nology based insulation aterials. 2ong ot$ers9 t$e following aterials are described and discussed
in t$e Riso re#ort =4/> and in to t$e E2* 2dvisory Arou# =1%>:
?acuu' insula"ion 'a"erials 0?>M1. 2 1I& is basically a $oogeneous aterial wit$ a closed sall #ore
structure filled wit$ vacuu wit$ an overall t$eral conductivity of less t$an <9<<4 F-H in t$e #ristine
condition. 3ue to its closed #ore structure t$e 1I& can be cut and ada#ted at t$e building site wit$ no loss
of low t$eral conductivity. "urt$erore 9 #erforating t$e 1I& wit$ an e.ternal object would only result in
a local $eat bridge =2/>.
<as insula"ion 'a"erials 0<>M1. 2 AI& is basically t$e sae as a 1I&9 e.ce#t t$at t$e vacuu inside t$e
closed #ore structure is substituted wit$ a low4conductance gas. 2 AI& is a $oogeneous aterial wit$ a
closed sall #ore structure filled wit$ a low4conductance gas9 e.g. argon9 !ry#ton9 or .enon9 wit$ an overall
t$eral conductivity of less t$an <9<<4 F-H in t$e #ristine conditions =2/>.
Nano insula"ion 'a"erials 0N>M1. 2 7I& is a $oogeneous aterial wit$ a closed or o#en sall nano4#ore
structure wit$ an overall t$eral conductivity of less t$an <9<4 F-H in t$e #ristine condition. +$ese
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

aterials ac$ieve t$eir low t$eral conductivity t$an!s to t$e so4called Hnudsen effect =or nano4#ore
effect>. In fact9 decreasing t$e #ore siDe wit$in a aterial below a certain level9 i.e. a #ore diaeter of t$e
order of 4< n or below for air9 t$e gas t$eral conductivity9 and t$ereby t$e overall t$eral conductivity9
becoes very low. +$is is due to t$e Hnudsen effect w$ere t$e ean free #at$ of t$e gas olecules is
larger t$an t$e #ore diaeter. +$e 7I&s do not need to #revent air and oisture #enetration into t$eir
#ore structure during t$eir service life for at least 1<< years.
Dyna'ic insula"ion 'a"erials 0D>M1. 2 3I& is a aterial w$ere t$e t$eral conductivity can be controlled
wit$in a desiderable range. +$eral conductivity control ay be ac$ieved by being able to c$ange in a
controlled anner t$e following #araeters =2/>:
4 +$e inner #ore gas content or concentration including t$e ean free #at$ of t$e gas olecules and t$e
gas4surface interactionG
4 +$e eissivity of t$e inner surfaces of t$e #oresG
4 +$e solid state t$eral conductivity of t$e lattice.
+$e t$eral insulation regulating abilities of 3I&s give t$ese conce#tual aterials a great #otential but
until now $as to be deonstrated t$at suc$ aterials can be anufactured. *io4based insulation aterials
+$e use of natural aterials w$ic$ #rovide a siilar of $ig$er level of insulation and t$eral cofort
buildings can contribute to t$e A0A reduction due to t$e less ,L
eissions during t$e #roduction #$ase
and because of t$e se(uestrating ,L
into t$e aterial. +$e following aterials $ave $uge #otential and
need furt$er develo#ent in order to ac$ieve co#etitivity wit$ conventional aterials:
*iotic renewables =s$ee#@s wool9 woodfibre insulation9 $e# insulation9Q>G
7ano4tec$nology based biofibers9 regenerated fibersG
3evelo#ent of bio4based #olyers and #lasticsG
,$eistry and anufacture of nanotec$nology based bio#olyers and fibres fro various sourcesG
7atural fibre insulation wit$ t$eral bonding tec$nology using bio4based #lasticsG
Evaluation of #otential gains in ter of ebodied energy co#ared to conventional aterials by ;,2 of
bio4based aterialsG
;aboratory4scale #rototy#es of #roduction #rocesses ebedding results fro basic researc$.
4.4.1.) Reduction in ebodied energy for traditional =synt$etic and ineral
based> insulation aterials
E.ists a $uge #otential in reduction ebodied energy and ,L
eissions t$roug$ develo#ing advanced
#rocesses for traditional insulation aterials.
;,24based easures to reduce environental i#act in #roduction of fossil fuel or ineral based
insulation aterials: increase recycling contents9 anufacturing efficiency and renewables in
Use ,L
as a foaing agent substituting 0", in #roduction #rocesses of \5S foas and #olyuret$ane
foas insulationG
Substitution towards of bio4based aterialsG
;aboratory4scale #rototy#es of #roduction #rocesses ebedding results fro basic researc$.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis
[46] 5$ase c$anging aterials
+$e use of #$ase c$anging aterials =5,&s> in building@s envelo#e allow to reduce building s#ace
conditioning energy consu#tion. *ut t$e $ig$ cost and #roduct availability are t$e ain barriers to t$e
large scale de#loyent. +$e following researc$ activities could be i#leented in t$is researc$ area:
*asic researc$ for aterial o#tiiDation and a##lied researc$ to investigate aterial integration in
new constructive solutions =e.g. cobination between reinforceent9 insulating aterials and 5,&s>G
I#roveent of t$eral inertia in lig$tweig$t aterials wit$ t$e use of additivesG
Incor#oration in a $uge range of new and ordinary construction aterialsG

4.4.2 +rans#arent aterials9 #roising areas
+$e ost #roising R63 areas in trans#arent aterials can be suariDed in two ajor areas: 1. develo#
advanced and $ig$ #erforance windows to reduce building o#erational energy and 2. reduce t$e
ebodied energy develo#ing advanced #roduction #rocess for glass and trans#arent aterials #roduction. 2dvanced and $ig$ #erforance trans#arent aterials
In order to reduce building o#erational energy it is $as been develo#ed advanced and $ig$ #erforance
windows to reduce building o#erational energy and in #articular: low4eissivityG reflection surfacesG
vacuu glaDing o#tiiDation of solar energy and daylig$t transittanceG insulated fraesG #assive fraesG
lig$t directing eleentsG sun #i#esG #risatic rooflig$ts or $olog$ra#$ic4o#tical eleentsG Intelligent
windows. Alass wit$ controlled $eat transfer9 energy4$arvesting glasses9 aerogel glaDing.
Elec"rochro'is"ic 'a"erials. Sart windows tec$nology could start t$e #otentials of future i#roving
glassing #roducts and building control systes. &onitoring and evaluation of t$e #erforance of sart
windows is a !ey to establis$ed i#acts of new glaDing tec$ni(ues on w$ole building #erforance =21>. +$e
review of Rowley =4%> suarise t$e class of electroc$roic aterials and t$e #ossible a##lications.
+ransition etal o.ides: #otential use in sart windows9 t$eral control of satellites and
electroc$roic writing #a#erG
5russian blue systes: #otential use in dis#laysG
1iologens: used in car rear view irrors and #otential use in dis#laysG
,onducting #olyers: #otential use in sart windows and dis#laysG
+ransition etal and lant$anide coordination and etal4#olyers: #otential use in
switc$able irrorG
&etal #$t$alocyanines: #otential use in dis#lays.
Con"rolle $ho"ochro'ic. +raditional #$otoc$roic glass is c$aracteriDed by a decrease of t$e
transission of t$e glass in t$e #resence of lig$t. In order to $ave #$otoc$roic devices t$at are ca#able of
controlling transission at t$e discretion of t$e user9 a great interest to t$e ar!et is t$e user controlled
#$otoc$roic device by odifying t$e electrical #otential.
<asochro'ic 'a"erials. 2 gas suc$ as $ydrogen alone or i.ed wit$ inert carriers in coo#eration wit$ an
electrocatalytic layer serves as t$e source of ions for insertion into an electro4c$roic electrode. U#on
a##lication of a #otential between t$e electrocatalytic layer and t$e trans#arent conductor9 t$e ions
fored at t$e catalyst can be trans#orted t$roug$ an ionic conductor and into t$e electroc$roic layer
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

causing coloration of t$e device. Reversal of t$e #otential results in t$e reoval of t$e ions fro t$e
electroc$roic electrode and a decolourising of t$e device =2'>.
Ther'ochro'ic 'a"erials. 7eeds furt$er researc$ in order to i#rove t$e t$eroc$roic coating@s
#erforance by #reventing #$oto4degradation.
Aa$"i#e liEui crys"al glasses. +o develo# advanced and cost effective tec$nologies consisting of li(uid
crystal fil de#osited on a fle.ible substrate.
&ologra$hic o$"ical ele'en"s 0&OE1. 3evelo# new anufacturing #rocesses for $ologra#$ic eleents in
large forats and on large scale in order to a!e t$eir use in arc$itecture #ossible and attractive. "urt$er
a##lied researc$ need to be develo#ed in order to better ada#t t$e $ologra#$ic fils wit$ t$e
re(uireents of s$ielding and redirection of t$e lig$t.
Pris'a"ic $anels. +$ey are #lanar9 saw4toot$ devices ade of clear acrylic =or ot$er trans#arent aterials>.
"urt$er a##lied researc$ need to be develo#ed in order to better ada#t t$e laser cut #rocessing wit$ t$e
re(uireents of s$ielding and redirection of lig$t.
8aser4cu" $anels. 2 laser4cut #anel is a daylig$t redirecting syste #roduced by a!ing laser cuts in a t$in
#anel ade of clear acrylic aterial. "urt$er a##lied researc$ need to be develo#ed in order to better
ada#t t$e laser cut #rocessing wit$ t$e re(uireents of s$ielding and redirection of lig$t. Reduce ebodied energy
3evelo# advanced #roduction #rocesses for glass #roduction in order to reduce t$e ebodied energy and
t$e ebodied ,L
Use of alternative fuels instead of fossil fuelsG
Increase of recycled raw aterialsG
Use and introduction of new burner tec$nologies.
4.4.) &ulti#le s!in fa:ades
+$e researc$ c$allenges in ulti#le s!in fa:ades can be suariDed as follows.
,reate ore advanced integrated envelo#e solutions in order to o#tiiDe t$e energy consu#tion of
3evelo# res#onsive fa:ades integrating intelligent and res#onsive aterials9 e.g. s$a#e eory alloy9
3evelo# new aterials and devices bio4ins#ired9 studying nature@s ec$aniss9 #rocesses and
iitates t$ese designs and #rocesses in order to develo# res#onsive and ore efficient fa:ades9
3evelo# new aterials wit$ lower ebodied energy
4.4.4 R0, tec$nologies
0eating9 ventilating and air4conditioning =012,> generally includes a variety of active ec$anical-electrical
systes e#loyed to #rovide t$eral control in buildings. "urt$er researc$ and develo#ent is re(uired
for all t$e systes.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

In t$is re#ort will be investigated only t$e R0, tec$nologies t$at e.#loit t$e #rinci#le of t$e $eat #u# and
e.#loit solar energy. 0eat 5u#s.
Elec"rically ri#en hea" $u'$s. +$e R0, re#ort =)> clais t$at t$ere is a Bsignificant roo for furt$er
i#roveentC and t$en ne.t generation of $eat #u#s s$ould satisfy t$e following c$aracteristics:
be ore efficientG
use natural refrigerantsG
use low (uantity of refrigerants: 2544< gra-!F in relation to t$e different circuitsG
be cost and energy effective
$ave efficient and fle.ible odulation ca#acityG
a##ly i#roved strategies and designs for defrosting G
a##ly i#roved strategies and designs for noise $andlingG
be designed to a.iise seasonal efficiencyG
enable a.iu integration wit$ ot$er $eat sourcesG
integrate sart controls and integrate wit$ standard counications interface to t$e internet and to
sart eters-sart gridsG
be as sall as #ossibleG
be less e.#ensiveG
iniise aintenance needsG
Researc$ is #riary re(uired in i#roved co#onents described as follows:
$eat e.c$angers9 re(uiring en$anced $eat transfer surfaces9 iniising refrigerant volue9 efficient
draining of t$e condensate and efficient a##roac$es to defrostingG
co#ressors9 re(uire researc$ and develo#ent in order to facilitate and #roote t$e use of natural
refrigerants as an efficient solution9 furt$erore incor#oration of latest electrical otor and latest
electronically coutated otors will increase efficiency considerably t$roug$ s#eed variationG
fans and #u#s used for trans#ort t$e different edia inside and outside t$e $eat #u#sG
e.#ansion valves.
"urt$erore needs integrate $eat #u#s wit$ solar t$eral systes in order to #roduce $ot water at
$ig$er te#erature.
Ther'ally ri#en hea" $u'$s. 2bsor#tion $eat #u#s =li(uid absor#tion cycles> is considered a ature
tec$nology9 R0, re#ort =)> asserts t$at R63 is re(uired in t$e following fields:
&aterials: develo#ent of new wor!ing fluidsG
,o#onents: develo#ent of new co#acting $eat e.c$angers9 i#roveent of reliabilityG
Sart controls: develo#ent of sart dedicated controls and o#tial o#eration and ada#tation to t$e
t$eral deandG
3evelo#ent of $eat #u#s wit$ advanced cycles and control strategiesG
3eonstration and in field assessent of absor#tion $eat #u#s in different cliatesG
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

2##lication wit$ different renewable $eat sources =e.g. solar t$eral9 waste $eat9 etc.>.
-oli asor$"ion hea" $u'$s. R0, re#ort clais t$at t$e solid adsor#tion $eat #u#s $ave been less
develo#ed t$an li(uid absor#tion ones eaning t$ey still $ave significant #otential for i#roveents. R0,
re#ort =)> asserts t$at R63 is re(uired in t$e following fields:
&aterials: needs develo# sor#tion aterials acce#ting wider window of driving te#eratures in order
to i#rove t$e seasonal efficiency #erforance and ca#able to stay stable over several t$ousands of
,o#onents for sor#tion $eat #u#s9 in #articular co#act sor#tion $eat e.c$anger9 $eat e.c$anger
tec$ni(ues to increase $eat transfer rates9 eva#orators and condensers for different wor!ing fluids at
very low #ressureG
Solid sor#tion $eat #u# systes. Solar t$eral
+$e R0, strategic researc$ and agenda =4'> clais t$at t$e R63 #riorities for solar $eating and cooling
systes in residential buildings s$ould focus on t$e following areas:
-olar collec"or i'$ro#e'en"s. 0ig$er #erforing collector aterials9 design and #rocesses t$roug$ t$e
develo#ent of t$e following eleents:
develo#ent of trans#arent cover aterials wit$ $ig$ o#tical transissionG
switc$able coatings t$at reduce t$e stagnation te#eraturesG
new absorber aterials wit$ low4eission coatingsG
te#erature resistant insulating aterialsG
$ig$ly reflective and lig$t aterials for reflectors9
i#roveent in t$e collector construction design and anufacturing #rocesses.
-olar "her'al sys"e' i'$ro#e'en"s. 0ig$er #erforing solar systes9 in #articular:
develo#ent of co#act solar based $eating systesG
develo#ent of $ybrid systes cobining solar syste wit$ a $eat4#u# or a #ellet boilerG
increase t$e overall t$eral #erforance of t$e systeG
i#roved $ydraulic design and co#onents in order to reduce lossesG
new controller systes in order to better anage t$e $eat flu.esG
develo# innovative storage tan!s
reduction in costs.
4.4.5 3istrict $eating
7uerous tec$ni(ues and easures are #ossible to reduce costs and raise t$e efficiency for $eat
distribution and t$e Energy +ec$nology Initiatives =)8> describe t$e following four #ossible researc$ areas:
7ew $eat distribution et$ods li!e low4#ressure9 low te#erature systes connected directly to a radiator
syste9 wit$out $eat e.c$anger. Re#lacing t$e electricity consued in $ouse$olds a##liances =e.g.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

dis$was$ers9 clot$es was$ers or dryers>. 7ew i#roving $eating #i#es and substations and i#roving t$e
relations$i# between su##ly and deand t$roug$ t$eral storage and syste o#tiisation.
4.4./ ;ig$ting
+$e U.S. 3e#artent of Energy docuent =45> asserts t$at t$e goal of lig$ting R63 is to develo# lig$ting
tec$nologies wit$ significantly increased efficiency co#ared wit$ today@s ost efficient lig$ting #roducts9
in #articular focusing on t$e following areas:
Solid State ;ig$ting =SS;> aterials and devices9 w$ic$ include bot$ lig$t4eitting diodes =;E3s> and
organic lig$t4eitting diodes =L;E3s>G
+$e Ee* 555 =1%> argue t$at one of t$e researc$ c$allenges in lig$ting is t$e integration of advanced
lig$ting li!e L;E3s wit$ sensors and actuators as well as wit$ suitable intelligent #ower electronics and
control systesG
I#roving anufacturing tec$ni(ues to reduce costs and en$ance #roduct (uality.
4.5 5roising researc$ for cross4cutting tec$nologies
+$e ter cross4cutting tec$nology is intended9 in t$is docuent9 as any tec$nology or area or syste w$ic$
can be used to reac$ energy efficiency in buildings. 2 nuber of cross4cutting tec$nologies are coonly
involved in energy efficiency in buildings and soe of t$e are described in t$is section.
4.5.1 &aterials researc$
2s referred by t$e Euro#ean +ec$nology 5latfor =48>9 Bt$e advanced aterials sector is one of t$e
traditional strengt$s of Euro#ean industry and aterials researc$ is at t$e core of sustainable
tec$nologiesC. &aterials researc$ #resents a lot of o##ortunities for synergies and co#leentary
between different a##lications. 0ereinafter will be described t$e researc$ c$allenges included in t$e
wor!ing #a#er dedicated to B&aterials Roada# Enabling ;ow ,arbon Energy +ec$nologiesC =5<>
subdivided in t$e following areas:
De#elo$ a#ance an high $erfor'ance builing $rouc"s. +ransfer t$e !nowledge fro ot$er researc$
areas =e.g. aeros#ace9 autootive9 etc.> to building a##lications.
I#roved use of nanotec$nologies to increase insulation and t$eral inertia #ro#erties of concrete or
co#osite structures9 including t$eral concrete9 t$erally insulated #roducts9 t$eral inertia of
,oncrete wit$ stabilised 5,& enca#sulated.
3evelo#ent of new #roducts based on aerogels #lus concrete or nano#orous concrete.
7ew ceraic aterials for advanced facades wit$ renewable energy storage integrated
&aterials wit$ ebedded sensor for life4long advanced onitoring and control
7ew ad$esive for cost4effective installations
3evelo#ent of ceraic tiles wit$ layers of insulating aterials and $ig$er t$eral inertia9 and
advanced surface #ro#erties.
7anotec$nologies coatings wit$ variable surface o#tical #ro#erties
Use of nanotec$nologies for advanced aerogel9 $ybrid aerogels9 new nano4aterials
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

De#elo$ a#ance $rouc"ion $rocesses "o reuce e'boie energyGcarbon.
Reduce t$e i#acts in ceraic #roducts wit$ tec$nological i#roveents in t$eir anufacture. *ribian
et al. =2<> clais t$at t$e re#laceent li!e t$e re#laceent of old !ilns wit$ new ones ore efficient
can increase t$e energy efficiency of 2<?9 t$e use of $ig$ s#eed burners and t$e recovery of t$e $eat
fro t$e !iln so!e to #re$eat-dry t$e #roduct to be fired ac$ieving a reduction in t$e consu#tion of
t$e !iln of 5? and '? res#ectively and t$e installation of cogeneration syste wit$ a reduction of 1<?
in t$e #riary #ower.
Reduce t$e i#acts in ceent-steel industry ado#ting new tec$ni(ues of $eat recovery
De#elo$ a#ance an high $erfor'ance $rouc"s "o reuce builing e'boie energyGcarbon. Using9 in
areas w$ere it is ade(uate9 tiber as aterial of t$e building@s structure construction or ot$er natural
aterials li!e wood fibres9 cor!9 cellulose fibres9 !enaf fibres9 cotton fibres9 lab wool. "urt$erore9 t$e
use of anial or vegetal origin in buildings involves a #rior ca#ture of ,L
=e.g. in t$e forests> and storage of
t$is ,L
for t$e w$ole useful life of t$e building. *ribian et al. =2<> asserts t$at t$e use of s$ee#@s wool for
#roduce t$eral insulation in buildings is an o##ortunity because in any cases t$e lab@s wool $as seen
in t$e ar!et as a waste #roduct. 2t t$e sae tie9 obtaining cor! in t$e forests and fars in t$e sout$ of
Euro#e =ainly 5ortugal and Sardinia> is one of t$e ost ecological #roduction ty#es t$ere is9 as t$e cor! is
e.tracted fro t$e tree during t$e suer every 1< years not daaging t$e tree.
*iotic renewables
7anotec$nology4based biofibres9
3evelo#ent of bio4based #olyers and #lastics leading on t$e long4ter to re#lace building aterials
Evaluation of #otential gains in ters of ebodied energy co#ared to conventional aterials by ;,2
of bio4based aterials
De#elo$ a#ance an high $erfor'ance 'a"erials .i"h high use of recycle 'a"erials. It is necessary to
#roote a radical c$ange in t$e design of buildings in order to favour t$e disassebly of t$e construction
aterials and facilitate t$e recycling of t$e different co#onents by selecting t$e aterials at t$e end of
t$eir service life. *ribian et al. =2<> #ro#ose to use reversible joints between t$e different aterials9
avoiding ad$esion as far as #ossible =e.g. bolted joints>9 transferring tec$nologies9 for instance9 fro
autootive industry9 w$ere t$is conce#tual design is reality.
+ec$nologies to increase t$e use of waste streas fro ot$er sectors to fuel ceent !ilns
Increase t$e recycled aggregate and-or waste fraction
Regenerated fibbers =e.g. fro waste #a#er or waste tiber or waste cloat$ings9 etc.>
Increase t$e recycled fraction in bric!s using #a#er fibres for lig$tweig$t bric!sG
De#elo$ ne. a#ance 'e"hos for e#alua"ion of 'a"erial urabili"y.
Aenerate fundaental understanding of ec$anis t$at influence t$e durability of t$e different
#ro#erties of construction aterials9 #roducts and co#onents9 included ;,2 analysis tools and reliable
3efinition and a##lication of coon etrics and t$e develo#ent of #rocesses to generate i#roved
durability9 including reliable test et$ods and ins#ection #rocedures.

WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

4.5.2 +$eral energy storage
2ccording to t$e R0, re#ort =)>9 t$e ost #roising researc$ #riorities in t$eral energy storage are
described as follows.
Con"rol s"ra"egies for in"egra"ing sensible s"ores in"o "he -'ar" <ri. 0eat #u#s could #lay an i#ortant
role in sart electricity grids if t$eral #roduction can be decou#led fro t$eral deand. +$ere is a need
to develo#9 in line wit$ sart4grid-sart4$oes tec$nologies9 et$ods to accurately deterine t$e state
of c$arge9 controls and control algorit$s so t$at $eating and cooling is o#tially generated fro t$e RES
w$en available9 w$ile still #roviding t$e consuer wit$ t$eir needs at tie of t$eir c$oosing.
A#ance 'oni"oring of s"orage sys"e's. 3evelo#ent of low4cost sensors of #ressure9 co#osition and
internal energy are needed s#ecifically for latent and t$eroc$eical systes.
-ys"e' e#alua"ion. 2 nuber of researc$ #riorities relevant to all +ES systes are:
&et$ods and criteria to transfer researc$ results fro laboratories to industry
;ife4cycle assessent of different t$eral energy storage conce#ts.
Integration of t$eral energy storage sub4syste in t$e co#lete syste.
*usiness odels for storage.
A#ance con"rol s"ra"egies. +$e storage of $eat =or cold> is a tie4de#endent #rocess. +$e R0, re#ort
asserts t$at new strategies s$ould be develo#ed t$at correctly odel t$e tie4de#endent and syste4
dynaic be$aviour of syste wit$ t$eral energy storage. 2dvanced control strategies could be a##lied
3istrict $eating wit$ seasonal storageG
0eat deand of industrial buildings wit$ buffer storage eleentsG
Industrial $eat #roduction systes incor#orating seasonal storage systesG
Use of industrial sur#lus $eat.
2ccording to t$e R0, re#ort =)>9 t$e ost #roising researc$ #riorities of t$e t$ree ajor ty#es of t$eral
energy storage are described as follows. Sensible $eat storage
FleBible #olu'e "an6 sys"e's. +oday@s systes for s$ort4ter and seasonal storage use tan!s wit$
constant volue. In seasonal storage9 es#ecially w$en two tan!s are used9 two ties t$e re(uired volue
is used for storage. ,once#ts suc$ as one tan! wit$ fle.ible dia#$rags or wit$ fle.ible walls s$ould be
develo#ed =)>.
Reuc"ion of hea" losses 0see 'a"erials research1. 7ew c$ea#er vacuu insulation aterials
Ne. sensible "her'al energy 'a"erials 0TE-1 .i"h high conuc"i#i"y.
O$"i'isa"ion of hyraulics in a#ance .a"er s"ores. 2dvanceents are #ossible in t$e following areas:
L#tiisation of t$e internal $eat e.c$angersG
Internal free convection in water tan!sG
0eat losses due to #arasitic $eat convection in #i#esG
Integration of 5,& in water tan!s in order to increase energy densityG
Reduction of and increase stratification.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

Ne. 'e"hos "o analyse TE- 'a"erials. +$e R0, re#ort =)> asserts t$at ost analytical et$ods for
investigating t$eral #ro#erties are not #recisely tailored to t$e study of +ES aterials. +$ere are
#ro#erties w$ic$ cannot be assessed t$roug$ analytical et$ods currently available for suc$ a##lications.
Wa"er $i" energy s"orage. +$e *2+ docuent =)2> asserts t$at one of t$e c$allenges of t$is ty#e of storage
is aintaining t$e ebrane 1<<? watertig$t over any years of t$eral cycling. In4fact t$e groundwater
flow cause $eat loss9 since t$is ty#e of storage soeties is not well insulated at t$e botto. ;atent $eat storage
+$e ain advantages of 5,& $eat storage are $ig$er energy density and t$e delivery of $eat at constant
te#erature. +$e following researc$ areas are described as researc$ #riorities according to t$e R0, re#ort
O$"i'isa"ion of $hase change hea" s"orage. For! in t$is to#ic re(uires ainly basic and a##lied researc$.
+$e tec$nology of 5,& storage could be i#roved as follows:
Increasing t$e storage density in order to a!e #ossible to integrate 5,&s into buildings and 012,
3evelo#ing $eat e.c$angers t$at can also enca#sulate t$e 5,&G
3evelo# new and environent friendliness aterials and-or i.tures wit$ 5,& #ro#erties.
>n"egra"ion of PCMs in builing ele'en" 'a"erials. +$is to#ic re(uires ainly a##lied researc$ and
develo#ent to be carried out t$roug$ collaborative R63 between t$e building industry and researc$
institutes. +$e R63 could be focused as follows:
Incor#orate 5,& in #olyers for window fraesG
Incor#orate 5,&s in drainage systesG
Incor#orate 5,&s in aterials for wall9 floor and ceilingG
Researc$ to deterine t$e fire4ris! of t$ese aterials w$en ebedded into construction aterials is
Fluis co'bining hea" "ransfer an hea" s"orage. +$e R0, docuent =)> asserts t$at t$e energy
consu#tion for 012, can be reduced if $ig$er efficiency co#onents are used9 including $eat transfer
fluids and t$eral energy storage aterials. If t$ese two features are cobined9 t$e aterial use can be
o#tiised because less #u#ing will be needed and $eat transfer will i#rove.
-of".are algori"h's an coes for PCM beha#iour. 3evelo#ent and test of algorit$s9 #rocedures and
new codes in order to better #redict t$e be$aviour of 5,& aterials.
4.5.2.) +$eroc$eical storage
+$e R0, re#ort =)> clais t$at t$e ain bottlenec! in t$e develo#ent of co#act9 seasonal $ouse4scale
$eat storage is t$e current lac! of stable9 $ig$ #erforance9 cost effective storage aterials and #rocesses
and t$e ain researc$ #riorities in t$is field are:
Ma"erials for "her'oche'ical hea" s"orage. +$is area needs of basic and a##lied researc$. 7ovel
t$eroc$eical reactancts and cobination of aterials $ave to be identified. Hnowledge of $ow to
synt$esise9 c$aracterise and co#are aterials and t$eir #erforance ust be gained. Environent
friendliness is an i#ortant #araeter to consider in t$e develo#ent of new t$eral energy storage
aterials. "urt$erore t$ese aterials can be tailored to t$e a##lication9 w$ic$ will $ave a s#ecific
re(uireent for te#erature level9 energy and #ower density9 an o#en or closed reaction #rocess9
reversibility9 cost and to.icity or ulti#le #ur#oses suc$ as cobining $eat transfer and $eat storage. In
order to better understand t$e be$aviour of t$ese aterials and for design new co#act storage aterials9
co#uter siulation of t$e #$ysical #rocesses governing aterials can be used.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

O$"i'isa"ion of "her'oche'ical hea" s"orage $rocesses. +$is to#ic re(uires ainly a##lied researc$.
5rocess design and o#tiisation is needed using tools t$at siulate olecular and ionic interactions9
reaction !inetics and bul! scale ass flow are needed. +$e design of novel reactors and $eat e.c$anger
#rinci#les are needed. "urt$er a##lied researc$ s$ould focus on: design of #rocess9 control of t$e syste9
#redicting annual #erforance9 integrating t$e storage syste in building a##lications.
&aterials for storage containent. 7ew storage aterials need to be develo#ed9 including c$ea# t$in
#olyeric aterials9 wit$ #ro#erties suc$ as:
0ig$ t$eral insulationG
0ig$ ec$anical strengt$G
0ig$ t$eral stabilityG
Unreactive wit$ t$e t$eral storage aterials.

4.5.) Inforation and ,ounication +ec$nologies =I,+>.
>CT are e.#ected to $ave significant i#act on i#roving energy efficiency in buildings. REE*
identified five !ey researc$ areas w$ere I,+ enables bot$ new a##lications and integration: Integrated
design and #roduction anageent9 Intelligent and integrated control9 User awareness and decision
su##ort9 Energy anageent 6 trading9 Integration tec$nologies.
>n"egra"e esign an $rouc"ion 'anage'en"
Integrated engineering : integration of various tools to su##ort a $olistic #rocess bringing toget$er t$e
views of different sta!e$olders to address t$e w$ole life of buildings.
3esign for Energy Efficiency tools9 covering a broad range of ,23 and *I& tools and ot$er a##lications
suc$ as #erforance estiation tools =e.g. siulation9 w$ole life costing and life cycle i#act
5roduction anageent t$at covers contracts 6 su##ly networ! anageent9 #rocureent9 logistics9
on4site and off4site #roduction anageent.
>n"elligen" an in"egra"e con"rol.
2utoation and control: et$odologies9 #rocedures and I,+ systes t$at are able to anage all
energy #roduction and usage in a building9 according to inforation received fro inside t$e building
and outside in order to ensure cofort9 w$ile o#tiiDing t$e energy consu#tion of t$e building.
&onitoring: relying on t$e instruentation of t$e building wit$ sart eters9 ot$er sensors9 actuators9
icro4c$i#s9 icro and nano4ebedded systes t$at allow collecting9 filtering and #roducing
inforation locally and wireless sensors networ!.

REE*4Euro#ean strategic researc$ Roada# to I,+ enabled Energy4Efficiency in *uildings and constructions. +$e
REE* #roject is a ,o4ordination action addressing t$e strategic objective: I,+ for environental anageent and
energy efficiency for t$e construction sector $
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

%ser a.areness an ecision su$$or"
5erforance anageent: create tools to t$e end4user for #erforance i#roveent and decision
1isualiDation of energy use9 REE* re#ort =51> clais t$at t$e ongoing researc$ #rojects on t$is to#ic
need to be furt$er continued t$roug$ ultidisci#linarity #ilot #rojects.
*e$avioural c$ange by real4tie #ricing because new tec$nologies for energy etering and local
energy generation will c$ange t$e custoer relations$i# wit$ t$e energy #roviders.
Energy 'anage'en" C "raing
Real4tie res#onse and 5redictive anageent t$roug$ ebedded sensing9 autoation and control.
3istributed generation and deand res#onse
>n"egra"ion "echnologies
5rocess integration develo#ing collaboration su##ort tools
Syste integration
Hnowledge s$aring eaning as access to !nowledge re#ositories9 long ter data arc$ival and recovery
1irtualiDation of built environent

WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

4./ Indicators
+$e nuber of #atents9 t$e nuber of #ublications and t$e nuber and ty#ology of Euro#ean funded
#rojects ay be considered as indicators of t$e tec$nologies t$at are currently being #ursued for R63 and
coercial a##lications.
4./.1 7uber of #atents involved
5atents are a useful tool to #oint out trends and #riorities in tec$nological #rogress for a given field. +$e
ai of t$is section is to analyse tec$nological advances in energy efficiency in buildings based on t$e
nuber of #atents in soe relevant areas. 5atents reflect t$e inventive activities in t$e tec$nology fields
+$e #atent syste is one et$od firs use to #rotect t$eir inventions9 t$e #atents are registered by
governent bodies. In standard tec$nology9 t$e #atent activity s$ould be visible before t$e introduction of
t$e corres#onding #roduct or #rocess into t$e ar!et. 2 s#ecific advantage of #atent statistics is t$e
#ossibility of tracing tec$nology activities for long #eriods on t$e basis of #atent classification codes

Table 1;. Nu'ber of $a"en"s in#ol#e in energy Efficiency of builings, in Euro$e an in "he Worl
Regions *))) *))1 *))* *))3 *))5 *))7 *)); *))+ *))= *))( *)1)
2U+: 2ustria / ) / % ' ) 8 1) 1' 22 22
*E;: *elgiu 2 4 2 2 ) 5 ) 8 ' 11 /
,JE: ,Dec$ Re#ublic 1 < 1 < 1 1 2 2 ) 2 1
37H: 3enar! 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 1) 2 12 2
"I7: "inland ) 5 ) ) 2 < 8 1 5 % /
"R2: "rance 12 11 1/ ' 15 1) 25 15 2' 24 )1
3EU: Aerany 5' 5' 1<% 81 12< 115 12) 14' 112 11' 1)%
AR,: Areece < < < 1 < < < < 1 2 <
0U7: 0ungary 4 1 < < 1 5 < 11 1< 2 15
IR;: Ireland 1 1 1 < 1 < ) < 1 1 1
I+2: Italy % ' % 8 / 1/ 1< 12 8 15 '
7;3: 7et$erlands 54 %5 %2 48 /4 55 82 8< 85 '1 %1
5L;: 5oland 1 1 2 < 1 < < < ) ) )
5R+: 5ortugal 1 < < < < < < < < < 1
S1H: Slova! Re#ublic < < 1 < < 1 < 1 < < <
S17: Slovenia 1 1 < 2 1 < 1 < < 1 1
ES5: S#ain < < 1 < 2 1 4 5 2 / /
SFE: Sweden 4 / 5 % 5 1< ' % ' 12 11
A*R: United Hingdo 21 41 )1 22 )) 2/ 18 2% )2 44 25
+otal Euro#e 1%5 218 258 2<5 2/8 254 )15 )55 )4< )/5 )4'
+L+2;: Forld +otal 4<' 51/ //4 %5' 8%1 %21 '1< 8%/ 8/< 1.<'' 1.1/2
Source: Elaboration CETA from WIPO data (52)

E. Koc$e9 I#roving t$e Efficiency of R63 and t$e &ar!et 3iffusion of Energy +ec$nologies9 Harlsru$e: S#ringer
3ordrec$t 0eidelberg 9 2<<8.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

Table 1+. Nu'ber of $a"en"s $ublishe $er each "echnology in "he Euro$ean Pa"en" Regis"er.
2<<) 2<<4 2<<5 2<</ 2<<% 2<<' 2<<8 2<1< 2<11 2<12
+$eral insulation 15 ' 1' 18 1/ 18 )2 2/ 2/ )5
2erogel 4 5 ) 4 / % ) ) 1< 1<
1acuu insulation / ) 4 ' 5 8 5 / 1< 12
Electroc$roic aterials 2 1 1 < 1 1 < 1 < <
+$eroc$roic aterials < 1 1 2 < < < < 1 <
5$otoc$roic aterials 1 < 1 2 ) 4 2 1 2 2
Reflective insulation systes < < < < 1 < 1 < < <
0ologra#$ic layer < < 1 < < < 1 ) < <
;ow eissivity glass-coating < < 1 < < 2 1 1 1 <
"a:ade syste 2 / 5 2 ) 5 / 8 1< 8
+$eral storage ) 4 ) % / ' 8 14 1< 24
5,& 5$ase ,$anging aterials % / 1 4 / ' / 5 2 5
0eat recovery systes ' 1< % 1/ 25 22 24 2% 4< 4%
0eat #u#s )1 18 21 )/ 4< /4 /5 %) 114 142
Around $eat e.c$anger < < < < 2 1 1 1 ) )
Solar t$eral 2 2 5 5 8 8 18 2% 4' 4<
Radiant $eating ) 4 5 4 ) ) ) 5 4 1
012, syste 2 ) ) 14 / 4 4 8 / %
Source: Elaboration CETA from European Patent Rei!ter data (5")

Table 1=. Nu'ber of $a"en"s $ublishe $er each "echnology in "he Worl >n"ellec"ual Pro$er"y
Organisa"ion regis"er
Pa"en"s *))7 *)); *))+ *))= *))( *)1) *)11 *)1*
Energy efficiency in buildings 41 4) 41 55 /5 /1 ') /8
+$eral insulation aterials 11)/ 115) 1151 1</2 1</% 8') 8'5 %1/
2erogel '' 14< 1<5 1)' 1<' 15/ 154 181
1acuu insulation #anels %/ '< 84 %5 /) 5/ 8) 1<2
Aas filled aterials 51 52 %1 /8 4< 55 41 41
Electroc$roic aterials 22 1' 25 21 24 18 41 )2
+$eroc$roic aterials / 8 % 11 % 12 % /
5$otoc$roic aterials 2' )) )1 )2 22 1' 2< 18
Reflective insulation /5 // 4) 52 5% 5/ )% 2/
0ologra#$ic layer 2% 21 2' 18 1' 22 ' 12
;ow eission glass 51 5% 48 5' 4/ )1 44 )4
;ow eission coatings /8 8% 1<% 1<) %1 55 /4 44
"a:ade syste 2/ )1 )4 )) 4) '2 4% 41
+$eral storage %2' %54 '12 '<< '4' ')8 84' /4)
+$eroc$eical $eating storage 5 1 2 < < ) 4 2
5,& aterials )8 42 52 5' 58 5/ 5% 5%
*io4based aterials 25 4% )) 4/ 41 4) %/ %1
0eat recovery systes 2)1 25) 28% 2'' )1) )') 4/5 )'5
0eat #u#s 2'18 )<8< )</8 )<8/ )2%/ ))48 )2/< 2)<)
Around $eat #u#s-e.c$angers /< %2 1<% 8/ 88 1<8 12% %<
Radiant $eating 41< )85 )'< )52 )4' )'% )/8 28<
Solar t$eral 14' 1'8 25) )4/ 5</ /%8 '// %14
Source: elaboration ,E+2 fro FI5L =54>

WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

4./.2 7uber of #ublications involved
+$e analysis of t$e #ublication statistics is anot$er valid tool for describing t$e develo#ent and t$e
i#ortance of tec$nologies.
+$e following table collect t$e nuber of #ublications #er eac$ tec$nology found in t$e Science3irect
database =54>. +$e #ublication searc$ $as been done by t$e use of !eywords9 in order to si#lify t$e
Table 1(. Nu'ber of $ublica"ions $ublishe $er each "echnology in "he Else#ier a"abase
2<<5 2<</ 2<<% 2<<' 2<<8 2<1< 2<11 2<12
Energy efficiency in buildings 1./14 1.8)2 1.%'5 1.'/2 2.22' 2.551 ).)/2 4.)21
+$eral insulation aterials 2.2)2 2.)1/ 2.4'' 2.%28 ).118 ).1%2 ).812 4.%')
2erogel )2/ )'< )'4 4/4 512 515 /1' %<'
1acuu insulation #anels 12 25 18 2/ 28 15 )< 45
Aas filled aterials 111 115 122 12/ 1)8 15% 141 1%/
Electroc$roic aterials 8% 145 1)% 1'/ 144 1)/ 15/ 1'2
+$eroc$roic aterials 5 % ' 11 8 8 % 1/
5$otoc$roic aterials 28 4< 2/ 4< 45 41 5% 4'
Reflective insulation 142 158 1%) 22/ 254 28' 51% 44'
0ologra#$ic layer )2' )/% )/< ))2 )5/ )1) )') ))8
;ow eission glass 5/ %) %' %5 %< %8 8) 115
;ow eission coatings 1/ 21 1' 1< 24 2< 28 2'
"a:ade syste 1< 1) 21 12 21 18 )2 4<
+$eral storage )81 4%% 52% 55' /51 //1 '48 1.1)/
+$eroc$eical $eating storage 4 2 4 4 2 ) ) 2<
5,& aterials %1 1)< 15) 1%' 1'8 25< )4% 482
*io4based aterials 2% 2< 42 5' %8 145 1'1 2)2
0eat recovery systes 4' 4% 5< 48 %% '' 115 1)5
0eat #u#s '4 1<' 1<5 1)8 11< 141 1/8 222
Around $eat #u#s-e.c$angers 5 2 15 1< 11 24 )) )8
Radiant $eating 2% 2% )4 24 )8 4) 4/ /2
Solar t$eral )82 4)% 4/< 5/< /%) %4< 1.11/ 1.41<
Source: elaboration ,E+2 fro Sciverse database =55>

WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

4./.) Euro#ean funded #rojects
Energy efficiency is addressed by a relevant nuber of Euro#ean #rograes and initiatives. +$e Energy
+$ee of t$e current Researc$ "raewor! #rograe ="5%>9 focuses on increasing t$e efficiency in energy
generation9 t$e efficient energy use in t$e anufacturing industry9 #oly4generation and socio4econoic
It also co#rises t$e large4scale integration of renewable energy su##ly and energy efficiency in buildings
wit$ BEco building InitiativeC and B,L7,ER+L InitiativeC. +$e 7&5 +$ee
allow researc$ for advanced
aterials and $as set u# a Koint +ec$nology Initiative =K+I> on Energy Efficient *uildings bringing toget$er all
t$e different sta!e$olders active in t$e building sector. "urt$erore t$e tec$nologies involved in I,+ $ave
a #articular focus on energy4sart $oes and building and on sart lig$ting =55>.
+$e following table collect t$e nuber of researc$ #rojects funded by t$e EU.

Table *). Nu'ber of $roHec"s fune
+$eral insulation % ' 2/
2erogel 5 8 ))
1acuu insulation 4 4 1<
Electroc$roic aterials 1 5 1<
+$eroc$roic aterials 4 1 4
5$otoc$roic aterials 4 ) %
Reflective insulation systes 1 4 1
0ologra#$ic layer 4 % )
;ow eission glass-coatings 2 4 '
"a:ade syste ) 8 )4
+$eral storage 2 1< 18
5,& aterials 12 4 28
0eat recovery systes 2 8 4/
0eat #u#s 2 1 2)
Around $eat e.c$anger 4 4 2
Solar t$eral systes 12 42 )'
Source: Elaboration ,E+2 fro ,ordis data =5/>

7anosciences9 7anotec$nologies9 aterials and 7ew 5roduction +ec$nologies t$ee.
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

5 ,onclusions
In t$is section are suariDed t$e researc$ #riorities for EE in buildings tec$nologies elaborated fro t$e
Euro#ean strategic agendas. +$e table below suarise soe of t$e ost #roising tec$nologies and t$e
researc$ c$allenges for reduce t$e ,L
eissions in energy efficiency in buildings.
Table *1. -u''ary of "he 'os" $ro'ising "echnologies in "he fiel of energy efficiency in builings

Envelo#e =new buildings and
2dvanced insulation tec$nologies =in roof9 walls and floor>G
2dvanced trans#arent eleents4aterialsG
*uilding aterials using recyclable aterialsG
*uilding aterials obtained fro natural sourcesG
+$eral storage aterials.
R0, Renewable $eating and cooling
for new buildings and refurbis$ent
&ore efficient $eat #u#sG
+$eral storage aterials and tec$nologiesG
2dvanced solar t$eral systesG
2lternative refrigeration eans Stirling cycles9 brayton cycles9 and
acoustic9 agnetic and t$eral4electric tec$nologiesG
,ross4cutting tec$nologies
2dvance in aterialsG
+$eral energy storageG
Source: Elaboration CETA
5.1 5roising researc$ tec$nologies in EE in buildings
Table **. RCD $riori"ies in builingFs en#elo$e
2dvanced insulation tec$nologies in
o#a(ue eleents

1acuu insulation aterials =1I&> i#roveentsG
Aas insulation aterials =AI&> i#roveentsG
7ano insulation aterials =7I&> i#roveentsG
2erogel insulation aterials i#roveentsG
Reduction of ebodied energy in
o#a(ue eleents
*io4based insulation aterialsG
I#rove t$e #roduction #rocessesG
Increase t$e rate of recyclable aterials.
2dvanced trans#arent eleents4
2dvanced and $ig$ #erforance trans#arent aterialsG
2da#tive and controlled windows4sart surfaces.
Reduction of ebodied energy in
trans#arent eleents
Use of alternative fuels instead of fossil fuelsG
Increase of recycled raw aterialsG
Use and introduction of new burner tec$nologies.
&ulti#le s!in fa:ades
3evelo# advanced integrated envelo#e solutionsG
3evelo# res#onsive fa:ades integrating intelligent and res#onsive
3evelo# new aterials and devices bio4ins#iredG
3evelo# new aterials wit$ lower ebodied energyG
Source: Elaboration CETA
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

Table *3. RCD $riori"ies in R&C "echnologies
R&C "echnologies
Electrically driven $eat #u#s
Increase t$e efficiency of $eat e.c$angersG
Increase t$e efficiency of co#ressorsG
Increase t$e efficiency and t$e reliability of t$e co#onentsG
Integrate t$e $eat #u#ing systes wit$ ot$er R0, tec$nologiesG
Integrate wit$ sart eters9 sart controlsG
3evelo# new refrigerants ore environental friendlyG
3evelo# new refrigeration cycles systes.
+$erally driven $eat #u#s
3evelo#ent of new wor!ing fluidsG
3evelo#ent of new co#act $eat e.c$angersG
3evelo#ent of $eat #u#s wit$ advanced cyclesG
2##lication wit$ different renewable $eat sourceG
3evelo# new adsor#tion $eat #u# systesG
3evelo# new solid sor#tion aterialsG
3evelo# new co#onents for adsor#tion $eat #u#sG
Solar t$eral collectors
develo#ent of trans#arent cover aterials wit$ $ig$ o#tical
switc$able coatings t$at reduce t$e stagnation te#eraturesG
new absorber aterials wit$ low4eission coatingsG
te#erature resistant insulating aterialsG
$ig$ly reflective and lig$t aterials for reflectors9
i#roveent in t$e collector construction design and anufacturing
Solar t$eral systes
develo#ent of co#act solar based $eating systesG
develo#ent of $ybrid systes cobining solar syste wit$ a $eat4
#u# or a #ellet boilerG
increase t$e overall t$eral #erforance of t$e systeG
i#roved $ydraulic design and co#onents in order to reduce lossesG
new controller systes in order to better anage t$e $eat flu.esG
develo# innovative storage tan!s.
Source: elaboration ,E+2

WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

5.2 ,ross cutting tec$nologies c$allenges
Table *5. RCD $riori"ies in a#ance 'a"erials
2dvanced $ig$ #erforance #roducts
Increase t$eral insulation of aterialsG
Increase t$eral inertia of aterialsG
7ew 5,& aterialsG
+ransfer !nowledge fro aeros#ace to building a##licationsG
3evelo# new ceraic aterialsG
Increase t$e t$eral durability of t$e aterialsG
Use of nanotec$nologies
3evelo# new insulation aterials: =aerogel9 vacuu insulation
aterials9 nano4#orous aterials9..>G
7ew aterials wit$ $ig$ t$eral inertiaG
3evelo# new $ig$ selective coatings.
Reduce ebodied energy
3evelo# advanced #roduction #rocessesG
3evelo# biotic aterialsG
3evelo# nanotec$nology4based biofibresG
3evelo# bio4bsed #olyers and #lasticsG
3evelo# advanced aterials wit$ $ig$ use of recycled aterialsG
;,2 analysis.
Source: elaboration ,E+2

Table *7. RCD $riori"ies in "her'al energy s"orage
Ther'al energy s"orage
Sensible $eat storage
"le.ible volue tan! systesG
Reduction of $eat lossesG
3evelo# of new sensible $eat storage aterialsG
7ew et$ods for +ES aterials analysis.

7ew sustainable +ES aterialsG
En$anced t$eral storage stratificationG
L#tiisation $ydraulics in advanced water stores.
;atent $eat storage
7ew $eat e.c$angers wit$ 5,&G
7ew 5,& wit$ adjusting elting te#eratureG
7ew 5,& aterials wit$ a greater nuber of cyclesG
7ew 5,& aterials ore environental friendlyG
,orrosion4resistant storage aterialsG
Software algorit$s and codes for 5,& aterialsG
Integration of 5,& in building envelo#e aterialsG
5,& for t$eral inertia in buildings.
+$eroc$eical $eat storage
7ew t$eroc$eical $eat storage aterialsG
7ew t$eroc$eical reactanctsG
3evelo# seasonal t$eral storage systes
3evelo# new and environental friendly aterialsG
L#tiisation of t$eroc$eical $eat storage #rocessesG
WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

3evelo# nuerical odelsG
3evelo# solutions for singleIfaily $ousesG
3evelo# aterials and systes for c$eical storage cointainent.
Source: elaboration ,E+2 fro R0, docuent =)>

Table *;. RCD $riori"ies in >CT
>CT2 >nfor'a"ion an Co''unica"ion Technologies
Integrated design and #roduction
3esign for energy efficiency tools =;,2 analysis>G
5erforance estiation tools wit$ integrated ;,2G
5roduction anageent toolsG
&odelling =*I&> instruents wit$ integrated ;,2.
Intelligent and integrated control
2utoation and controlG
Yuality of serviceG
2dvanced sensorsG
2utoated diagnosticsG
Fireless sensors networ!s.
User awareness and decision su##ort
1isualiDation of energy useG
*e$avioural c$ange by real4tie #ricing.
Energy anageent 6 trading
Real4tie res#onse and 5redictive anageent toolsG
3istributed generation and 3eand Res#onse.
Integration tec$nologies
Intero#erability 6 StandardsG
Hnowledge s$aringG
1irtualiDation of built environent.
Source: elaboration ,E+2 fro REE* data =51>

WP 1.1 COMPETENCY MAP Technology Analysis

1. Euro$ean Co''ission. Ero!ean Commission. 0irective )*1*1211E3 of the Ero!ean Parliament an# of
the Concil of 14 May )*1* on energy !erformance of %il#ings. 2<1<.
2. F>EC4Euro$ean Cons"ruc"ion >nus"ry Feera"ion. htt!566www.fiec.org6. ]Lnline^
). R&C &ea"ing C Cooling. +trategic research Priorities for Cross-ctting Technology. *russels :
Secretariat of t$e R0,45latfor9 2<12.
4. Euro$ean Co''ission. Energy Efficiency Plan )*11 COM.)*11/ 1*4 final. 2<11.
5. -EC *)11. )77 $m!act assessment. s.l. : Euro#ean ,oission9 2<11.
/. Euro$ean Council. Ero!ean Concil Conclsions 81)1)*11 E3CO )11111 9E:1. *ruselles : s.n.9 2<11.
%. IRC. )*11 Technology Ma! of the Ero!ean +trategic Energy Technology Plan .+et-Plan/. s.l. : Euro#ean
,oission9 2<11.
'. Euro$ean Co''ission,. ;inancial +!!ort for Energy efficiency in <il#ings. *russels : s.n.9 2<12.
8. :P>E. Princi!les for Nearly =ero-Energy <il#ings. Paving the way for effective im!lementation of !olicy
re'irements. s.l. : *5IE9 2<11. IS*7: 8%'848114)<21.
1<. >EA. Energy Technology Pers!ectives )*1). Pathways to a Clean Energy +ystem. 2<12.
11. :P>E. :uilings Perfor'ance >ns"i"u"e Euro$e. Ero!e,s %il#ing n#er the microsco!e. A contry-%y-
contry review of the energy !erformance of %il#ings. 2<11. IS*7: 8%'848114)<14.
12. Euro$e, Enera"a. -u$$or"e by >n"elligen" Energy. Energy Efficiency Tren#s in <il#ings in the E3.
1). Eurocons"ruc". Ero!ean Constrction5 Mar>et Tren#s ntil )*12. 2<1<.
14. >EA. Energy Efficiency 9e'irements in <il#ing Co#es" Energy Efficiency !olicies for new %il#ings. 2<<'.
15. Energy efficien" :uilings PPPbeyon *)13. 9esearch ? $nnovation 9oa#ma!. 2<12.
1/. >EA. Technology 9oa#ma!. Energy-efficient <il#ings5 @eating an# Cooling E'i!ment. 2<11.
1%. Energy4Efficien" builings PPP. Mlti-annal roa#ma! an# longer term strategy. 2<1<. 8%'4824%84
1'. Auenaer", A., De Cleyn, -. &. an ?an6erc6ho#e, :. Econoic analysis of #assive $ouses and low4
energy $ouses co#ared wit$ standard $ouses. Energy Policy. 2<<'9 )/.
18. =ero Energy <il#ings5 A critical Aoo> at the 0efinition. Torcellini, P., Pless, -. an Deru, M. 2<</.
7RE;-,54 55<4)8')).
2<. W:-CD an >EA. Cement Technology 9oa#ma! )**45 car%on emissions re#ctions ! to )*B*. 2<<8.
21. :ribian, >gnacio, Ca$illa, An"onio an %son, Alfonso. ;ife cycle assessent of building aterials:
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