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Columbia-Minerva, "Big & Little Crochets" Leaflet 2519, 197 Directions are for Toddler Size (2 to 4).

Changes for Child (6 to 8), Petite Miss (8 to 1 ) and !"erage Miss (12 to 14) are in #arentheses. M!T$%&!'S( Col)*+ia,Miner"a -nitting .orsted (r oz #)ll s/ein) or 0ant)/ 4,#l1 /nitting 1arn (2 or 4 oz #)ll s/ein)( 8 (1 ,12,12) ozs. 0$$D'$S( 2or Toddler 3 Child,45o1e4 crochet hoo/ size 6. 2or Petite 3 !"erage Miss,45o1e4 crochet hoo/ size "I" 7!87$( 9n size 6,: shells to ;4. 9n size I,: shells to ;,1<24

5ac/( Ch 27 (31-35-39) very loosely for neck and shoulder. %o. 1( In 7th ch from hook work 2 dc ch 2 and 2 dc for a shell ! sk"# 3 ch 1 shell "n ne$t ch re#eat from ! % (5-&-7) t"mes more ch 3 turn. %o. 2( 1 shell "n ch-2 s#ace of each shell end 1 dc "n turn"n'-ch ch 3 turn. (e#eat (ow 2 hav"n' & (7-)-9) shells across for #at work"n' % (%-5-&) more rows om"t turn"n'ch at end of last row. *asten off leave end for marker. 2ront( +ork same as ,ack do not fasten off ch 3 at end of last row. To =oin( +ork same as (ow 2 across front end 1 dc "n turn"n' ch ch 3 for underarm -o"n to ,ack ,y work"n' 1 dc "n marked dc 1 shell "n each shell across ,ack 1 dc "n last dc ch 3 for underarm -o"n to f"rst dc on front. *asten off. 5od1( .o"n yarn "n center ch st at underarm. *or f"rst shell ch 3 1 dc ch 2 and 2 dc "n center st 1 shell "n each shell across front 1 shell "n center st of underarm cha"n 1 shell "n each shell across ,ack sl st to ch-3 of f"rst shell sl st to ch-2 s#ace of same shell there are 1% (1&-1)-2/) shells around. +"dth around "s 23 (2&0-33-3&0) "nches. %o. 2( Ch 3 1 dc ch 2 and 2 dc "n f"rst s#ace 1 shell "n each shell around -o"n to ch-3 of f"rst shell ch 1 sl st to s#ace of same shell. (e#eat last row 3 (%-&-&) t"mes more. +ork"n' a 2 dc ch 3 and 2 dc shell "n each shell work % more rows. Toddler 3 Child onl1 -o"n to ch-3 of f"rst shell ch 1 sl st "n s#ace. Misses,onl1 work"n' a 3 dc ch 3 and 3 dc shell "n each shell work 5 more rows -o"n to ch-3 of f"rst shell ch 1 sl st to s#ace. !ll Sizes ch 3 work 1 (1-2-2) dc ch 2 and 2 (2-3-3) dc "n s#ace for f"rst shell ! ch 1 "n ne$t ch-3 s#ace work 11 dc for scallo# ch 1 2 (2-3-3) dc ch 2 and 2 (2-3-3) dc shell "n ne$t shell re#eat from ! around end ch 1 scallo# "n s#ace of last shell ch 1 -o"n to ch3 ch 1 sl st to f"rst s#ace. %o. 2( +ork f"rst shell ! ! sk"# 1 dc on scallo# ! ch 1 1 dc "n ne$t dc ! re#eat from ! to ! ) t"mes more ch 1 sk"# last dc of scallo# 1 shell "n ne$t shell re#eat from ! ! to

7%99>? 69M$ @ 7%99>? 2!S6&90S @ 7%99>? !CC$SS9%&$S


Knitted dress .. See below Convert this to knit Yellow = crochet blue = knit Sizes 1 nd ! This Dress c n be " de with the #ollowin$% The & "ous '()R*T+,' CROCHET COTTO,- +rticle ./ or 'DE 0)1E' 2u lit3 CROCHET COTTO,- +rticle 4.5 6 758 b lls 0t. Yellow or color desired. Steel crochet hooks ,o. 1 nd ,o. .. 4 buttons. Directions re $i9en #or size 1. Size ! is $i9en in br ckets. SKIRT BACK: St rtin$ t to: with ,o. 1 hook- ch 16; 71;.8- 1 dc in .th St #ro" hook1 dc in e ch o# ne<t ; sts o# ch- = ski: ! sts o# ch- 1 dc in e ch o# ne<t ; sts o# ch- 4 dc in ne<t St o# ch- 1 dc in e ch o# ne<t ; sts o# ch- re:e t #ro" = ; 7>8 ti"es- ski: ! sts o# ch- 1 dc in e ch o# ne<t ; sts o# ch- ! dc in l st St- ch .- turn. 2nd Row. Ski: 1 dc- dc in ne<t dc 7ch 1- ski: 1 dc- dc in ne<t dc8 4 ti"es- = ski: ! dc- dc in ne<t dc 7ch 1- ski: 1 dc- dc in ne<t dc8 4 ti"es- 7ch 1- dc in ne<t dc8 twice- 7ch 1- ski: 1 dc- dc in ne<t dc8 4 ti"es- re:e t #ro" = ; 7>8 ti"es- ski: ! dc- dc in ne<t dc 7ch 1- ski: 1 dc- dc in ne<t dc8 4 ti"es- ch 1- dc in 4rd St o# end ch- ch 4- turn. 3rd Row. dc in s "e s: ce with ch 4- = 7dc in ne<t loo:- dc in ne<t dc8 4 ti"es- dc in ne<t loo:- ski: ! dc- dc in ne<t loo:- 7dc in ne<t dc- dc in ne<t loo:8 4 ti"es- 4 dc in ne<t dc re:e t #ro" = cross Row endin$ l st re:e t with dc in end loo:- ! dc in 4rd St o# end ch- ch .- turn.

Repeat 2nd and 3rd rows until b ck "e sures 1/ ? 711 ?8 inches #ro" be$innin$- endin$ with 4rd Row- cut thre d. @ork #ront section in s "e " nner. BODICE: &ront% @ith ,o. . hook ch ;6 7>48- dc in .th st #ro" hook- 1 dc in e ch re" inin$ St o# ch- ch 4- turn. e!t Row. 1 dc in e ch dc ch 1- turn. e!t Row. sl st cross ne<t . 768 sts #or r"hole- ch 4- 1 dc in e ch dc to within l st . 768 sts- ch 4- turn. e!t Row. 1 dc in e ch dc 5/ 7;/8 sts- ch 4- turn. Re:e t l st Row until #ront "e sures ! A 7!?8 inches #ro" be$innin$. e!t Row. 1 dc in e ch o# ne<t !/ 7!!8 dc ch 4- turn. @ork e9en in dc o9er !/ 7!!8 sts until #ront "e sures 4 B7. A8 inches #ro" be$innin$ endin$ t r"hole ed$e- ch 1- turn. e!t Row. Shoulder% 1 sc in e ch o# ne<t ; dc 1 s dc in e ch o# ne<t ; dc- 1 s dc% thre d o9er hook- insert in St- :ull throu$h- thre d o9er nd work o## ll loo:s t one ti"e8- 1 dc in e ch re" inin$ dc cut thre d. Ski: ne<t !. 7!58 dc #or neck- tt ch thre d in ne<t dc ch 4 nd work o::osite side to corres:ond re9ersin$ the sh :in$ nd decre sin$. BACK: 0e#t H l#% @ith ,o. . hook ch 4C 7.48- dc in .th St #ro" hook- 1 dc in e ch re" inin$ St o# ch- ch 4- turn. e!t Row. 1 dc in e ch dc ch 4- turn. e!t Row. 1 dc in e ch dc to within l st . 768 dc 7 r"hole8- ch 4- turn. @ork e9en in dc until b ck "e sures s "e s #ront to shoulder endin$ t r"hole ed$e- ch 1- turn. e!t Row. 1 sc in e ch o# ne<t ; dc 1 s dc in e ch o# ne<t ; dc- 1 dc in e ch re" inin$ dc cut thre d. Ri"ht #a$%. @ork s "e s le#t h l# re9ersin$ the decre sin$ nd sh :in$. S&EE'ES: @ith ,o. . book ch 64 76;8- dc in .th st #ro" hook- 1 dc in e ch re" inin$ st o# ch- ch 4- turn. e!t Row. 1 dc in e ch o# ne<t > 71/8 dc- incre se in e ch o# ne<t 4. dc- 1 dc in e ch re" inin$ > 71/8 dc- >. 7>>8 dc- ch 4- turn. @ork e9en in dc o9er >. 7>>8 sts until slee9e "e sures 1 ? 71 B8 inches #ro" be$innin$ch 1- turn. e!t Row. sl st o9er ne<t . 768 dc- 1 dc in e ch dc to within l st . 768 sts- ch 4- turn. e!t Row. sl st cross ne<t 4 dc- ch 4- 1 dc in e ch dc to within l st 4 dc- ch 1- turn.

Repeat $ast Row until !! 7!.8 sts re" in- cut thre d. Sew shoulder se "s cross !/ 7!!8 dc- le 9in$ 11 71!8 dc #ree on e ch side #or b ck o# neck. Sew side nd slee9e se "s. Sew slee9es in :osition e sin$ in #ullness t to:. Sew side se "s o# skirt. G ther to: o# skirt nd sew to bodice. Crochet Row o# sc on e ch side o# b ck o:enin$- cut thre d. +tt ch thre d t lower ed$e o# b ck o:enin$ nd work Row o# sc u: le#t side- cross neck ed$e- down ri$ht side- workin$ three ch 4 loo:s #or buttonholes- cut thre d. Sew buttons in :osition. K,*TTED Sizes 1 nd ! This Dress c n be " de with the #ollowin$% 'D+@,' D+CRO, or 'D+@,' ,Y0O, SOCK +,D S@E+TER Y+R, . 768 ozs. 0t. Dlue or D b3 Dlue or color desired. 1 :r. e ch knittin$ needles ,o. 1 nd ,o. !. Steel crochet hook ,o. !. . buttons.

Convert this to (ro(het

Directions re $i9en #or size 1. Size ! is $i9en in br ckets. G+)GE% > sts = 1 inch. BACK: On ,o. ! needles c st on 1.; 71658 sts nd K 11 rows. @ork in : ttern s #ollows% ) st and 3rd Rows. K cross e ch Row. 2nd Row. ( cross Row. *th Row. = K 1- Y /- K ! to$- re:e t #ro" = cross Row. +th and ,th Rows. K cross e ch Row. Re:e t these 5 rows #or : ttern. @ork e9en in : ttern until b ck "e sures C 7C ?8 inches #ro" be$innin$ endin$ with !nd Row o# : ttern. Ch n$e to ,o. 1 needles nd work s #ollows% e!t Row. K 1- ( 1- = K ! to$- ( ! to$- re c t #ro" = 5 ti"es- = K ! to$- ( 1- re:e t #ro" = !> 7418 ti"es- = K ! to$- ( ! to$- re:e t #ro" = 5 ti"es- K 1- ( 1- C/ 7C58 sts. @ork in ribbin$ o# K 1- ( 1 #or 1 71 A8 inches. Ch n$e to ,o. ! needles nd work in : ttern #or 1 71 ?8 inches. e!t 2 Rows. Dind o## . 768 sts t be$innin$ o# e ch Row- then decre se 1 st on e ch side e9er3 other Row until ;! 7;>8 sts re" in- endin$ on wron$ side. e!t Row. Di9ide sts #or b ck o:enin$- work cross 45 74C8 sts- :l ce re" inin$ 45 74C8 sts on holder #or le#t side.

@ork e9en in : ttern on 45 74C8 sts until r"hole "e sures 4 A 7.8 inches #ro" lst decre sin$ :oint endin$ t r"hole ed$e- discontinue : ttern. e!t Row. Dind o## > sts t be$innin$ o# Row. ( 1 Row. Repeat $ast 2 rows. e!t Row. Dind o## 5 7>8 sts t be$innin$ o# Row. ( 1 Row. Dind o## re" inin$ 1. 7168 sts #or b ck o# neck. &E-T SIDE: Sli: the 45 74C8 sts #ro" holder nd work s "e s ri$ht side re9ersin$ the decre sin$ nd sh :in$. -RO T: On ,o. ! needles c st on 1.; 71658 sts nd work s "e s b ck to under r". Shape ar.ho$es sa.e as /a(k ar.ho$es. O"ittin$ the b ck o:enin$- work e9en in : ttern until r"hole "e sures ! A 7! ?8 inches #ro" lst decre sin$ :oint endin$ on wron$ side. e!t Row. @ork cross !; 7!C8 sts nd :l ce on holder- work cross ne<t 1> 7!/8 sts nd :l ce on nother holder #or neckline- work cross re" inin$ !; 7!C8 sts. @ork 1 Row e9en. e!t Row. Decre se 1 st t be$innin$ o# Row 7neck ed$e8- then decre se 1 st t neck ed$e e9er3 other Row until !! 7!.8 sts re" in. @ork e9en in : ttern until r"hole "e sures s "e s b ck r"hole- discontinue : ttern. Bind o%% shoulder s "e s b ck shoulder. Sli: the !; 7!C8 sts #ro" holder nd work s "e s o::osite side- re9ersin$ the decre sin$ nd sh :in$. S&EE'ES: On ,o. 1 needles c st on 55 7;/8 sts nd work in ribbin$ o# K 1- ( 1 #or B inch- incre sin$ 4 768 sts on l st Row o# ribbin$ 5C 7;68 sts. Ch n$e to ,o. ! needles nd work in : ttern until slee9e "e sures ! 7! ?8 inches #ro" the be$innin$. e!t 2 Rows. Dind o## . 768 sts t be$innin$ o# e ch Row- then decre se 1 st on e ch side e9er3 other Row until .4 7.68 sts re" in- then decre se 1 st on e ch side e9er3 Row until !4 7!68 sts re" in endin$ on wron$ side. ,e<t Row. K 1- = K ! to$- re:e t #ro" = cross Row- bind o##. BACK O0E I 1: @ith ri$ht side tow rd 3ou- tt ch 3 rn t lower end o# o:enin$ nd work !1 7!68 sc u: side- ch 1- turn. @ork ! "ore rows o# sc- cut 3 rn. +tt ch 3 rn t to: o# o:enin$ on ri$ht h nd side nd work !1 7!68 sc ch 1- turn. e!t Row. = 1 sc in e ch o# ne<t 4 7.8 sc- ch ! #or buttonhole- ski: ! sc- re:e t #ro" = 4 ti"es- 1 sc in ne<t sc- ch 1- turn nd work 1 sc in e ch sc- workin$ 1 sc in e ch ch o# buttonholes- cut 3 rn. Sew lower end o9er l ::in$ ri$ht side o9er le#t side.

Dlock e ch section. Sew se "s nd sew slee9es in :osition. ECKBA D: @ith ri$ht side tow rd 3ou on ,o. 1 needles- :ick u: nd K 15 71;8 sts cross b ck- 15 sts on side o# neck- sli: nd K 1> 7!/8 sts #ro" holder- :ick u: nd K 15 sts on o::osite side o# neck- :ick u: nd K 15 71;8 sts cross re" inder o# b ck- >! 7>58 sts. @ork in ribbin$ o# K 1- ( 1 #or B inch- bind o##. Sew buttons in :osition. T ken #ro" St r D b3 Dook 1C6/

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