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The Parish Church of St Paul, Drighlington

10th No e!"er #01$ 10%00 a! We welcome Rev. David Hulme and our friends from Drighlington Methodist Church who are joining us for worship this morning. We stand to sing God is ove! let heaven adore him (442) during which the uniformed organisations present their standards &o' is lo e( let hea )n a'ore hi!* &o' is lo e( let earth re+oice* let creation sing "efore hi!, an' e,alt hi! -ith one oice% .e -ho lai' the earth)s foun'ation, he -ho s/rea' the hea ens a"o e, he -ho "reathes through all creation, he is lo e, eternal 0o e% &o' is lo e( an' he enfol'eth all the -orl' in one e!"race* -ith unfailing gras/ he hol'eth e )r1 chil' of e )r1 race% An' -hen hu!an hearts are "rea2ing un'er sorro-)s iron ro', then the1 fin' that self3sa!e aching

'ee/ -ithin the heart of &o'%

&o' is lo e( an' though -ith "lin'ness sin afflicts the hu!an soul, &o')s eternal lo ing32in'ness gui'es an' heals an' !a2es us -hole% Sin an' 'eath an' hell shall ne er o)er us final triu!/h gain* &o' is lo e, so lo e for e er o)er the uni erse !ust reign%
Timothy Rees Geoffrey Chapman

We remain standing The Lord be with you an' also -ith 1ou We gather here to worship God, whose purposes are always good, whose gentle and creative power sustains the world; who loves us, even though we constantly fail him; who gives esus to be the Light of the World that by his !pirit we may be led into the ways of truth and love" We come to remember all those who have lived and died in the service of others; to pray for all who suffer through warfare and hatred today and to as# for God$s grace and blessing that we may learn the ways of forgiveness and peace" Let us confess to God the sins and shortcomings of the world, its pride, its selfishness, its greed; its evil divisions and hatreds" Let us confess our share in

what is wrong, our failure to see# and establish the %ustice and peace that God wills for all"

Most !erciful &o', -e confess that -e ha e sinne' in thought, -or', an' 'ee'% 4e ha e not lo e' 1ou -ith our -hole heart% 4e ha e not lo e' our neigh"ours as oursel es% 5n 1our !erc1 forgi e -hat -e ha e "een, hel/ us to a!en' -hat -e are, an' 'irect -hat -e shall "e* that -e !a1 'o +ustl1, lo e !erc1, an' -al2 hu!"l1 -ith 1ou our &o'% A!en &ay God have mercy upon us, pardon and deliver us from all our sins, confirm and strengthen us in all goodness, and #eep us in life eternal; through esus Christ our Lord" A!en ' R(')*+G ,R-& the .rophet eremiah /0 12314 To whom shall * spea# and give warning, that they may hear5 !ee, their ears are closed, they cannot listen" The word of the Lord is to them an ob%ect of scorn; they ta#e no pleasure in it" 6ut * am full of the wrath of the Lord; * am weary of holding it in" .our it out on the children in the street, and on the gatherings of young men as well; both husband and wife shall be ta#en, the old fol# and the very aged" Their houses shall be turned over to others, their

fields and wives together; for * will stretch out my hand against the inhabitants of the land, says the Lord" ,or from the least to the greatest of them, everyone is greedy for un%ust gain; and from prophet to priest, everyone deals falsely" They have treated the wound of my people carelessly, saying, 7.eace, peace$, when there is no peace" They acted shamefully, they committed abomination; yet they were not ashamed, they did not #now how to blush" Therefore they shall fall among those who fall; at the time that * punish them, they shall be overthrown, says the Lord" This is the word of the Lord Than2s "e to &o' We stand to sing "or the healing of the nations (427) during which T8( G-!.(L is brought to the people. All face the Gospel 6or the healing of the nations, 0or', -e /ra1 -ith one accor', for a +ust an' e7ual sharing of the things that earth affor's% To a life of lo e in action hel/ us rise an' /le'ge our -or'% 0ea' us for-ar' into free'o!, fro! 'es/air 1our -orl' release, that, re'ee!e' fro! -ar an' hatre', all !a1 co!e an' go in /eace% Sho- us ho- through care an' goo'ness fear -ill 'ie an' ho/e increase%

All that 2ills a"un'ant li ing, let it fro! the earth "e "anne'( /ri'e of status, race or schooling, 'og!as that o"scure 1our /lan% 5n our co!!on 7uest for +ustice !a1 -e hallo- life)s "rief s/an% You, Creator3&o', ha e -ritten 1our great na!e on hu!an2in'* for our gro-ing in 1our li2eness "ring the life of Christ to !in'* that "1 our res/onse an' ser ice earth its 'estin1 !a1 fin'% We remain standing and face the Gospel 8ear the Gospel of our Lord esus Christ according to &atthew 40 9:39; &lor1 to 1ou, 8 0or' 7<ou have heard that it was said, =<ou shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy"> 6ut * say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your ,ather in heaven; for he ma#es his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous" ,or if you love those who love you, what reward do you have5 )o not even the ta?3collectors do the same5 'nd if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others5 )o not even the Gentiles do the same5 6e perfect, therefore, as your heavenly ,ather is perfect" This is the Gospel of the Lord"

Praise to 1ou, 8 Christ #DDR$%%& The e!d. $ethodist %hurch 5NTERCESS58NS




we stand for T8( 'CT -, R(&(&6R'+C( There is a procession to the $emorial %hapel T8( WR('T8 *! L'*) Let us remember before God and commend to his good #eeping those who have died in war; those whom we #new and whose memory we treasure and all who lose their lives through war today" (ternal God from whose love in esus we can never be parted either in life or in death0 hear our prayers and than#sgivings for all whom we remember this day; bring us with them to your perfect peace through esus, who lives with you in the unity of the 8oly !pirit, one God now and for ever" A!en The names of the war dead of the &arish of 't &aul "righlington are read old; They shall grow not old as we that are left grow

age shall not weary them nor the years condemn" 't the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them" 4e -ill re!e!"er the! The (ast &ost is sounded and a silence is )ept e!eille is sounded 7When you go home tell them of us and say ,or your tomorrow we gave our today$ We remain standing for T8( .('C( 6lessed are those who ma#e peace; they shall be called sons and daughters of God" We meet in 8is name and share 8is peace" The peace of the Lord be always with you an' also -ith 1ou Let us offer one another a sign of peace 'H$ C( $C')(* is ta)en and the bread and wine brought to the altar as we sing @Tune0 'r 8yd +osA 0or', -e co!e to as2 1our healing, teach us of lo e* all uns/o2en sha!e re ealing, teach us of lo e% Ta2e our selfish thoughts an' actions, /ett1 feu's, 'i isi e faction, hear us no- to 1ou a//ealing, teach us of lo e%

Soothe a-a1 our /ain an' sorro-, hol' us in lo e* grace -e cannot "u1 or "orro-, hol' us in lo e% Though -e see "ut 'ar2 an' 'anger, though -e s/urn "oth frien's an' stranger, though -e often 'rea' to!orro-, hol' us in lo e%

4hen the "rea' is raise' an' "ro2en, fill us -ith lo e* -or's of consecration s/o2en, fill us -ith lo e% As our grateful /ra1ers continue, !a2e the faith that -e ha e in 1ou !ore than +ust an e!/t1 to2en, fill us -ith lo e% .el/ us li e for one another, "in' us in lo e* stranger, neigh"our, father, !other 9 "in' us in lo e% All are e7ual at 1our ta"le, through 1our S/irit !a2e us a"le to e!"race as sister, "rother, "in' us in lo e% We remain standing* The Lord is here .is S/irit is -ith us

Lift up your hearts 4e lift the! to the 0or' Let us give than#s to the Lord our God 5t is right to gi e than2s an' /raise ,ather you made the world and love your creation" <ou gave your son esus Christ to be our !aviour" 8is dying and rising have set us free from sin and death" Be still an' 2no- that 5 a! &o' Be still an' 2no- that 5 a! &o' Be still an' 2no- that 5 a! &o' We praise and bless you, Loving ,ather, through esus Christ our Lord; and as we obey his command, send your 8oly !pirit, that bro#en bread and wine outpoured may be for us the body and blood of your dear !on" -n the night before he died he had supper with his friends and ta#ing bread, he praised you" 8e bro#e the bread, gave it to them and said0 7Ta#e eat; this is my body given for you" )o this in remembrance of me"$ When supper was ended he too# the cup of wine" 'gain he praised you, gave it to them and said 7drin# this all of you, this is my blood of the new covenant shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins" )o this as often as you drin# it in remembrance of me"$ we sing* 5 a! the 0or' that healeth thee 5 a! the 0or' that healeth thee

5 a! the 0or' that healeth thee Lord of all life, help us to wor# together for that day when your #ingdom comes and %ustice and peace will be seen in all the earth" Loo# with favour on your people, gather us in your loving arms and bring us with .aul and all the saints to feast at your table in heaven" we sing* 5n thee, 8 5n thee, 8 5n thee, 8 we sit and silence is 0or', 5 /ut !1 trust 0or' 5 /ut !1 trust 0or' 5 /ut !1 trust )ept

's our !aviour taught us so we pray, 8ur 6ather, -ho art in hea en, hallo-e' "e th1 na!e* th1 2ing'o! co!e* th1 -ill "e 'one* on earth as it is in hea en% &i e us this 'a1 our 'ail1 "rea'% An' forgi e us our tres/asses as -e forgi e those -ho tres/ass against us% An' lea' us not into te!/tation* "ut 'eli er us fro! e il% 6or thine is the 2ing'o!, The /o-er an' the glor1 for e er an' e er% A!en We brea# this bread to share in the body of Christ Though -e are !an1, -e are one "o'1 "ecause -e all share in the one "rea' <ou prepare a table for us, offering not %ust bread, not %ust wine, not %ust blessing but your very self so we


may be filled, forgiven, healed, blessed and made new"

All are welcome to recei!e either the bread and wine or a blessing. &lease come forward as directed. We sit as we sing the communion h+mn.

Anthe!( .ol1 is the true 0ight :.arris;

8oly is the True Light, and passing wonderful, lending radiance to them that endured in the heat of the conflict" ,rom Christ they inherit a home of unfading splendour, wherein they re%oice with gladness evermore" 'lleluiaB

@41CA Ma2e !e a channel of 1our /eace% 4here there is hatre' let !e "ring 1our lo e* -here there is in+ur1, 1our /ar'on, 0or'* an' -here there<s 'ou"t, true faith in 1ou% (! Master! grant that ) ma+ never see, so much to -e consoled as to console. to -e understood as to understand. to -e loved as to love with all m+ soul. Ma2e !e a channel of 1our /eace% 4here there<s 'es/air if life let !e "ring ho/e* -here there is 'ar2ness, onl1 light* an' -here there<s sa'ness, e er +o1% Ma2e !e a channel of 1our /eace% 5t is in /ar'oning that -e are /ar'one', in gi ing to all !en that -e recei e* an' in '1ing that -e<re "orn to eternal life%

When e!er+one has been to the altar rail we stand for T8( 'CT -, C-&&*T&(+T Let us pledge ourselves anew to the service of God and humanity0 that we may help, encourage and comfort others and support those wor#ing for the relief of the needy and for the peace and welfare of all nations"

&o' our 6ather, -e /le'ge oursel es to ser e 1ou an' all hu!an2in', to li e an' -or2 for the cause of /eace an' the relief of -ant an' suffering% &ui'e us "1 1our S/irit* gi e us -is'o!* gi e us courage* gi e us ho/e that 1our -ill !a1 "e 'one an' 1our =ing'o! co!e on earth as it is in hea en* A!en We sing* 'he ,ingdom of God is justice and jo+ (,-.) during which the uniformed organisations collect their standards and recess. The 2ing'o! of &o' is +ustice an' +o1, for >esus restores -hat sin -oul' 'estro1* &o')s /o-er an' glor1 in >esus -e 2no-, an' here an' hereafter the 2ing'o! shall gro-% The 2ing'o! of &o' is !erc1 an' grace, the ca/ti es are free', the sinners fin' /lace,

the outcast are -elco!e' &o')s "an7uet to share, an' ho/e is a-a2ene' in /lace of 'es/air% The 2ing'o! of &o' is challenge an' choice, "elie e the goo' ne-s, re/ent an' re+oice? .is lo e for us sinners "rought Christ to his cross, our crisis of +u'ge!ent for gain an' for loss% &o')s 2ing'o! is co!e, the gift an' the goal, 5n >esus "egun, in hea en !a'e -hole* the heirs of the 2ing'o! shall ans-er his call, an' all things cr1 @&lor1?) to &o' all in all%

God grant to the living grace, to the departed rest, to the church, the Dueen, the Commonwealth and all people, unity, peace and concord, and to us and all God$s servants, life everlasting" 'nd the blessing of God 'limighty, the ,ather, the !on and the 8oly !pirit be with you and remain with you always" A!en Go in peace to love and serve the Lord 5n the na!e of Christ% A!en $inisters and choir recess #ct of Remem-rance at the War Memorial this afternoon at /.01 pm


Morning Pra1er will ta#e place every Thursday at A%00 at St Paul)s% The church will remain open for prayer and Mi''a1 Pra1er this wee# is at 11%BC Tues'a1 1# No e!"er 3a chance to see a documentary about Wa#efield Cathedral on 66C9 at C"22pm% 66C TE$s !ongs of .raise also comes from the Cathedral on 1F +ovember" Christ!as Tree 6esti al an' Craft 6airG!aturday H: +ovember 12"22G:"22" )onations would be very much appreciated towards the raffle and tombola priIes and Lynne would be delighted to hear from anyone prepared to do some ba#ing for the ca#e stall" There is also a list at the bac# of church for a couple of hampers we are putting together" .lease add your name to the list if you are able to provide any of the items" Sun'a1 #B No e!"er 9 To1 Drighlington Metho'ist Church Ser ice at

Dece!"er Parish MagaDine J items to be included in the )ecember magaIine need to be given to )es and 'lma by 1F +ovember" Christ!as &reetings in Parish MagaDine J there is an envelope at the bac# of church for Christmas greetings to be included in the )ecember parish magaIine together with a K4 donation" Beer an' .1!ns #B No e!"er at the &il'erso!e Conser ati e Clu", !treet Lane F"22

pm onwards" *nvite a friend or neighbour for an evening of praise and fellowship" 6unDi Annual Sho- at St Peter)sG F )ecember " : course dinner L entertainment" Theme this year is 7'll Creatures Great M !mall$ Come in fancy dress on animal theme" Tic#ets K12 adults and K4 children" A' ent Carol Ser ice /"22 pm !unday 1 )ecember" Christingle at !t .aul$sG!unday ; )ecember at 9"22pm Carols "1 Can'lelightG!unday HH )ecember at /"22pm All Age Nati it1 !unday HH )ecember at 12"22 am G8ear the Christmas !tory with music and drama from our children and young people" Mi'night Co!!union Tuesday H9 )ecember at 11":2 pm" Christ!as Morning Wednesday H4 )ecember 8oly Communion at 12"22 am"



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