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Material Safety Data Sheet



INGREDIENT NAME Chlorodifluoromethane

EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: Colorless !ol"#$le l$%&$' ($#) e#)ere"l "*' +"$*# s(ee#$s) o'or, No*-+l"--".le -"#er$"l, O!ere/0os&re -"1 2"&se '$33$*ess "*' loss o+ 2o*2e*#r"#$o*, A# )$4)er le!els CNS 'e0ress$o* "*' 2"r'$"2 "rr)1#)-$" -"1 res&l# +ro- e/0os&re, V"0ors '$s0l"2e "$r "*' 2"* 2"&se "s0)1/$"#$o* $* 2o*+$*e' s0"2es, A# )$4)er #e-0er"#&res 56278C9 'e2o-0os$#$o* 0ro'&2#s -"1 $*2l&'e H1'ro2)lor$2 A2$' 5HCI9 H1'ro+l&or$2 A2$' 5HF9 "*' 2"r.o*1l )"l$'es, POTENTIAL HEALTH HAZARDS S:IN : Irritation would result from a defatting action on tissue. Liquid contact could cause frostbite. EYES : Liquid contact can cause severe irritation and frostbite. Mist ma irritate.

INHALATION: R-22 is low in acute to!icit in animals. "hen o! gen levels in air are reduced to 12-1#$ b dis%lacement& s m%toms of as%h !iation& loss of coordination& increased %ulse rate and dee%er res%iration will occur. 't high levels& cardiac arrh thmia ma occur. INGESTION : Ingestion is unli(el because of the low boiling %oint of the material. )hould it occur& discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract from ra%id eva%oration of the material and consequent evolution of gas would result. )ome effects of inhalation and s(in e!%osure would be e!%ected. DELAYED EFFECTS: *one +nown

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; M),)R-22

S:IN: .rom%tl flush s(in with water until all chemical is removed. If there is evidence of frostbite& bathe /do not rub0 with lu(ewarm /not hot0 water. If water is not available& cover with a clean& soft cloth or similar covering. 1et medical attention if s m%toms %ersist. EYES: Immediatel flush e es with large amounts of water for at least 12 minutes /in case of frostbite& water should be lu(ewarm& not hot0 lifting e elids occasionall to facilitate irrigation. 1et medical attention if s m%toms %ersist. INHALATION: Immediatel remove to fresh air. If breathing has sto%%ed& give artificial res%iration. 3se o! gen as required& %rovided a qualified o%erator is available. 1et medical attention immediatel . ,4 *45 give e%ine%hrine /adrenaline0. INGESTION: Ingestion is unli(el because of the %h sical %ro%erties and is not e!%ected to be ha6ardous. ,4 *45 induce vomiting unless instructed to do so b a %h sician.

ADVICE TO PHYSICIAN: 7ecause of the %ossible disturbances of cardiac rh thm& catecholamine drugs& such as e%ine%hrine& should be used with s%ecial caution and onl in situations of emergenc life su%%ort. 5reatment of overe!%osure should be directed at the control of s m%toms and the clinical conditions. 7, FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLAMMA<LE PROPERTIES FLASH POINT: FLASH POINT METHOD: AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE: UPPER FLAME LIMIT 5!ol&-e = $* "$r9: LOWER FLAME LIMIT 5!ol&-e = $* "$r9: FLAME PROPAGATION RATE 5sol$'s9: OSHA FLAMMA<ILITY CLASS:
1as& not a%%licable %er ,45 regulations

*ot a%%licable 3n(nown *one8 *one8 87ased on ')9R': )tandard 3# with match ignition *ot a%%licable *ot a%%licable

E>TINGUISHING MEDIA: 3se an standard agent ; choose the one most a%%ro%riate for t %e of surrounding fire /material itself is not flammable0 UNUSUAL FIRE AND E>PLOSION HAZARDS: R-22 is not flammable at ambient tem%eratures and atmos%heric %ressure. 9owever& this material will become combustible when mi!ed with air under %ressure and e!%osed to strong ignition sources. Contact with certain reactive metals ma result in formation of e!%losive or e!othermic reactions under s%ecific conditions /e.g. ver high tem%eratures and<or a%%ro%riate %ressures0. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; M),)- R-22

IN CASE OF SPILL OR OTHER RELEASE: /'lwa s wear recommended %ersonal %rotective equi%ment.0 :vacuate un%rotected %ersonnel. .rotected %ersonnel should remove ignition sources and shut off lea(& if without ris(& and %rovide ventilation. 3n%rotected %ersonnel should not return until air has been tested and determined safe& including low-l ing areas.


NORMAL HANDLING: /'lwa s wear recommended %ersonal %rotective equi%ment.0 'void breathing va%ors and liquid contact with e es& s(in or clothing. ,o not %uncture or dro% c linders& e!%ose them to o%en flame or e!cessive heat. 3se authori6ed c linders onl . ?ollow standard safet %recautions for handling and use of com%ressed gas c linders. R-22 should not be mi!ed with air above atmos%heric %ressure for lea( testing or an other %ur%ose. STORAGE RECOMMENDATIONS: )tore in a cool& well-ventilated area of low fire ris( and out of direct sunlight. .rotect c linder and its fittings from %h sical damage. )torage in subsurface locations should be avoided. Close valve tightl after use and when em%t .


ENGINEERING CONTROLS: .rovide local ventilation at filling 6ones and areas where lea(age is %robable. Mechanical /general0 ventilation ma be adequate for other o%erating and storage areas. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE E?UIPMENT S:IN PROTECTION: )(in contact with refrigerant ma cause frostbite. 1eneral wor( clothing and gloves /leather0 should %rovide adequate %rotection. If %rolonged contact with liquid or gas is antici%ated& insulated gloves constructed of .A'& neo%rene or but l rubber should be used. 'n contaminated clothing should be %rom%tl removed and washed before reuse. EYE PROTECTION: ?or normal conditions& wear safet glasses. "here there is reasonable %robabilit of liquid contact& wear chemical safet goggles. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; M),)- R-22

RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: *one generall required for adequatel ventilated wor( situations. ?or accidental release or non-ventilated situations& or release into confined s%ace& where the concentration ma be above the .:L of 1&BBB %%m& use a selfcontained& *I4)9 a%%roved breathing a%%aratus or su%%lied air res%irator. ?or esca%e- use the former or a *I4)9 a%%roved gas mas( with organic va%or canister.


APPEARANCE: PHYSICAL STATE: MOLECULAR WEIGHT: CHEMICAL FORMULA: ODOR: SPECIFIC GRAVITY 5("#er @ A,89: SOLU<ILITY IN WATER 5(e$4)# =9: 0H<OILING POINT: FREEZING POINT: VAPOR PRESSURE: Clear& colorless liquid and va%or 1as at ambient tem%eratures @=.#2 C9C1?2 ?aint ethereal odor 1.21 D 21.1C />B?0

B.3 wt$ D 22C and 1 atmos%here *eutral -#B.@C /-#1.#B?0 -1=BC /-22=?0 13=.1 %sia D >B? 311.# %sia D 13B? 3.B VAPOR DENSITY 5"$r @ A,89: COMPARED TO: CC1# F 1 EVAPORATION RATE: E1 = VOLATILES: 1BB FLASH POINT: *ot a%%licable /?lash %oint method and additional flammabilit data are found in )ection 2.0

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; M),)- R-22


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