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Pave you ever walked lnLo a room and noLlced how some women geL all Lhe aLLenLlon

whlle oLhers
don'L? WheLher Lhey are slngle or ln a relaLlonshlp, Lhese aLLenLlon-grabblng women have one Lhlng ln
common LhaL you need Lo have ln common wlLh Lhem Loo.

1hey all know how Lo lLl81.

8elng able Lo fllrL and leLLlng a man know you're lnLeresLed are your besL beLs for geLLlng (and keeplng)
Lhe aLLenLlon of almosL any man ln your llfe.
Are your fllrLlng skllls a llLLle rusLy?
lear noL, my dear. ?our 8elaLlonshlp ConfldanL !onaLhon Aslay-Cuy Spy lnLo Lhe Male Mlnd-ls here Lo
share wlLh you flve valuable Llps for glvlng any man ln your llfe Lhe Creen LlghL" and lmprovlng hls shorL
aLLenLlon span long enough for you Lo fllrL your way Lo hls hearL.

!"# %&# '()* )+, -./, -0(123) 4*"5 %,5607,8

Cnce you sLarL geLLlng ouL Lhere and spoLLlng men wlLh poLenLlal wrlLLen all over Lhem, Lhe lasL Lhlng
you wanL Lo do ls mlss ouL on a chance Lo meeL Lhem. Ladles, you need a plan!

LeL's begln wlLh a few Llps for geLLlng more aLLenLlon from men-Lhe aLLenLlon of men ?Cu choose Lo
A Guide to Flirting: Green Light Tip #1

lllrLlng ls uslng your femlnlne energy" Lo slgnal LhaL you are ln a 8LCL1lvL mode, whlch [umpsLarLs a
man's mascullne energy" and shlfLs hlm lnLo ClvlnC mode. And LhaL's exacLly where you boLh wanL Lo
be when deLermlnlng lf Lhere's poLenLlal for Laklng Lhlngs furLher.

Guy Spy Report

llrsL of all, lL's key LhaL you undersLand Lhls abouL guys: We're more apL Lo acL mascullne" and pursue
you when you ellmlnaLe our fear of re[ecLlon. 1hls ls why fllrLlng ls so effecLlve and lmporLanL! lllrLlng ls
glvlng a guy Lhe green llghL." lL leLs hlm know ?Cu'8L lnLeresLed, and LhaL he should acL on hls lnLeresL
ln ?Cu.

Any guy who does nC1 Lake you up on a green llghL lsn'L worLh your romanLlc conslderaLlon. Why
noL? 8ecause ?Cu wanL and deserve a guy who acLs llke a MAn, and LreaLs ?Cu llke Lhe greaL caLch of a
WCMAn you are. uon'L seLLle for less.

So whaL are some ways Lo fllrL effecLlvely? Cne of Lhe slmplesL ways ls Lo make eye conLacL-more Lhan
once, and wlLh a smlle. l'll keep lL slmple, effecLlve. and 8LAL.

Flirting Tip #1: Make Purposeful Eye Contact

Step 1 -- Sit at the Intersection (Notice him):

Say you're aL a coffee house, looklng cuLe and readlng your book. ?ou noLlce a parLlcular guy walk ln,
geL ln llne, and walL Lo place hls order. ?ou feel Lhe LellLale Llngle LhaL says he's your Lype-lL's ln hls
look, Lhe way he's dressed, Lhe way he rolls hls eyes lmpaLlenLly, eLc.

Step 2 -- Look Both Ways (Decide if youre interested):

Cbserve hlm for a whlle and see lf he does anyLhlng LhaL kllls Lhe aforemenLloned Llngle. Lven more
lmporLanL, make sure he's noL wearlng a weddlng rlng! lf lL's a go on boLh counLs.

Step 3 -- Give Him the Green Light (Communicate Im Interested!):

Ladles, sLralghL up. lf he's a worLhwhlle man and has Lhe SLlCP1LS1 lnLeresL ln you, An?
encouragemenL wlll prompL hlm Lo come your way. So, do Lhls:

1. Make eye conLacL for 2-3 seconds, Lhen look away.
2. Make eye conLacL agaln, and add a warm smlle. Check hls response. lf he doesn'L reacL ln some
poslLlve way (e.g., wlLh a reLurn look or smlle), he's probably noL lnLeresLed-your green llghL has
been lgnored! lf he does reacL poslLlvely.
3. ConLlnue wlLh Lhe frequenL eye conLacL and smlles unLll he makes a move (e.g., he waves,
comes over, somehow engages wlLh you). lf he doesn'L make a move, Lhen he's noL your guy.

reLLy easy, eh? 1hen whaL are you walLlng for? CeL on ouL Lhere and work some eye conLacL! ?ou've
goL noLhlng Lo lose, and only everyLhlng Lo galn.

9,) #*"5 ,#,: 1* )+, )./;0(< =+0/, >? 1*,: )+, .&&5*.7+0(<@
A Guide to Flirting: Green Light Tip #2

LeL's revlew, shall we? lllrLlng ls a way for you Lo harness your femlnlne energy" and leL a guy know
you're lnLeresLed ln glvlng hlm a chance Lo prove hls worLh, buL lL's also dolng lL ln a way so LhaL he can
seL aslde any fear of re[ecLlon long enough Lo approach you and aL leasL ask for your name.

1hese slmple yeL effecLlve Llps are green llghL" queues LhaL say: Show me whaL you've goL, and you
may [usL wln Lhe chance Lo ask me ouL."

Some Llps, llke purposeful eye conLacL and keeplng hlm engaged, are acLlve and requlre you Lo be more
on your game, oLhers, llke Lhls nexL one, are passlve, buL should be employed all Lhe Llme lf you're
looklng Lo meeL a man-because you never know when or where he" may Lurn up.

Guy Spy Report

llrsL of all, lL's key LhaL you undersLand Lhls abouL guys: We're vlsual creaLures. Maybe ?Cu can'L [udge
a book by lLs cover, buL WL can. Pey, lL's noL LhaL we don'L care abouL whaL's on Lhe lnslde, buL Lo geL
us Lo even fllp Lhrough Lhe pages, Lhe ouLslde has Lo plque our lnLeresL. As l llke Lo say, Men fall ln love
wlLh Lhelr eyes, women fall ln love beLween Lhelr ears."

1he way you presenL yourself ln publlc can deflnlLely be consLrued as a green llghL" Lo men, because
when we see a woman who obvlously works on appearlng fllrLy and femlnlne, we flgure she may [usL be
dresslng for Lhe momenL when she

Flirting Tip #2: Have an Attractive Appearance

Look Attractive:
1o guys, a woman ls aLLracLlve when she looks llke she Lakes care of herself: She's puL LogeLher, ln good
shape, and carrles herself wlLh confldence.

SLand before a full-lengLh mlrror and be honesL wlLh yourself-or have one or more sLyllsh frlends glve lL
Lo you sLralghL. uo you need a makeover? Should you lose welghL? Are you sLlll wearlng your halr Lhe
way you dld ln hlgh school? Are prevlous decades calllng, demandlng Lhelr cloLhes back? lf so, here are
some ways Lo geL lL LogeLher:

Co Lo a hlghly recommended halr sLyllsL, and ask for a greaL, low-malnLenance sLyle LhaL flaLLers
your face. Make sure lL's someLhlng you can recreaLe aL home!
Wear naLural looklng, buL flaLLerlng makeup. uon'L cake lL on! MosL guys haLe Lhe heavlly
made-up look.
Wear sLyllsh form-flLLlng cloLhes LhaL flaLLer your colorlng and flgure. lllp Lhrough magazlnes Lo
geL currenL, and shop dlscounL deparLmenL sLores for chlc, affordable Lhreads.

Do Things that Make You Feel Attractive:
1o feel fllrLaLlous and boosL your confldence, you could:

1reaL yourself Lo a faclal or manlcure/pedlcure.
Pave your LeeLh whlLened.
Work ouL Lo Lone up and geL LhaL endorphln rush.
Wlnk aL a good-looklng guy onllne.

Act Attractive:
lf lL doesn'L come naLurally, do as Lhey say and lake lL Llll you make lL." AC1 aLLracLlve by havlng good
posLure, smlllng aL sLrangers, and overall carrylng yourself wlLh confldence.

Find Your Inner Beauty:
CeL yourself LogeLher splrlLually and achleve peace wlLhln so LhaL Lhls [ourney can be for yourself! ?es,
you wanL Lo flnd a guy, buL more lmporLanLly, you wanL Lo flnd and be happy wlLh ?Cu. And, guess
whaL? When you do, your aLLlLude wlll say Lo everyone you meeL 1hls ls Lhe real me, and l llke who l
am!" now 1PA1 ls aLLracLlve. 8ecause when you are a happy, secure lndlvldual, you Lend Lo come off as
more open, frlendly, and 8LCL1lvL. 8lngo! 1here's your green llghL.

!" $%&%&'%$( Who you are on Lhe lnslde counLs for a loL when lL comes Lo flndlng ?Cu8 uream Man.
8uL you're maklng lL harder on yourself Lo flnd hlm lf your appearance doesn'L encourage guys Lo
approach and geL Lo know you. So, make an efforL! Work on Lhe preLLy wlLhln. and Lhe preLLy
wlLhouL. 8oLh are lmporLanL, and boLh reflecL Lhe real you.

3 =*A.( 0: .))5.7)06, =+,( :+, /**;: /0;, :+, ).;,: 7.5, *B +,5:,/B@
A Guide to Flirting: Green Light Tip #3

So, how's Lhe fllrLlng golng? So far, we've covered Lwo greaL fllrLlng Llps: 1) !06, C"5&*:,B"/ ?#, D*().7)
and 2) >.6, .( 3))5.7)06, 3&&,.5.(7,@

LeL's conLlnue Lo bulld up Lhe arsenal wlLh yeL anoLher Llp for glvlng any man you'd llke Lo meeL Lhe
Creen LlghL so he can bravely seL aslde hls fear or re[ecLlon-aL leasL momenLarlly!-and approach you.

Agaln, Lhe purpose behlnd Lhese Llps ls Lo harness your femlnlne energy" ln such a way LhaL lL
encourages a guy Lo demonsLraLe hls worLh Lo you. Creen llghLs" are llke behavloral queues LhaL
lndlcaLe lnLeresL. lf a guy ls genulnely lnLeresLed ln you, a green llghL should be all he needs Lo lnlLlaLe
conLacL wlLh you.

Cne excellenL fllrLlng Llp for aLLracLlng a man's aLLenLlon ls. %).(1 *") 0( . 75*=1. 1he concepL behlnd
Lhls Creen LlghL ls LhaL havlng a poslLlve and exuberanL vlbe ls aLLracLlve and a form of lndlrecL fllrLlng.
Pow do you emanaLe such a vlbe? 8ead on!

Guy Spy Report

llrsL of all, lL's key LhaL you undersLand Lhls abouL mosL guys: We're aLLracLed Lo happy." !usL llke mosL
women, we guys are drawn Lo someone who comes across as upbeaL, comforLable ln Lhelr own skln,
and carrylng a mlnlmal amounL of emoLlonal baggage. So, brlng on Lhe poslLlve! leel and acL ouLwardly
happy, and chances are we'll wanL Lo geL Lo know you.

Flirting Tip #3: Stand out in a Crowd

Pavlng a healLhy confldence ln llfe ls good for Lhe soul. lL's all abouL llklng yourself, whlch wlll naLurally
draw oLhers Loward you because people Lend Lo llke opLlmlsLs-you know, Lhe glass ls half full" Lype?
1he 8ubbly"-Lype Colble CalllaL slngs abouL?

LeL your poslLlve energy loose! 8y so dolng, you call aLLenLlon Lo yourself ln a way LhaL ls non-
LhreaLenlng and, ln facL, encouraglng for someone who would llke Lo approach you, buL [usL needs LhaL
llLLle nudge.

Say you're wlLh a frlend aL Lhe bowllng alley. Pere are some ways Lo say sLand ouL":

As you're seLLllng ln Lo your lane, puLLlng down your Lhlngs, )""* +$",-. +-/&+0%.)1. reLend
you're expecLlng someone else and are confused as Lo where Lhey mlghL be. 1hls ls an excuse Lo
make eye conLacL and smlle aL anyone lnLeresLlng.
Walk around looklng for Lhe perfecL" slze/welghL bowllng ball. Agaln, Lhls ls an opporLunlLy Lo
bump lnLo" people, work Lhe room, and [usL be soclal. !+1 2"&%03/-4 +,./')%, llke:

Ceez.Lhese are all mlxed up! l [usL wanL a seven-pound ball." 1urn Lo Lhose around you and
ask, uo you guys happen Lo have a seven-pound ball you're noL uslng?"

Whlle you bowl, +50 )/*% 1",6$% 3+7/-4 03% 0/&% "8 1",$ )/8%. lf your ball goes down Lhe alley, slap
yourself on Lhe forehead, play up Lhe embarrassmenL, glggle hysLerlcally wlLh your frlend- show
LhaL you're havlng fun and can laugh aL yourself. Llkewlse, lf you bowl a sLrlke, [ump up and yell,
Woo-hoo! ?eah, 8A8?!"
Co up Lo Lhe snack bar and laughlngly share wlLh a guy you've noLlced who's walLlng aL Lhe
counLer, Man, we're havlng a blasL, buL l really do need Lo learn how Lo bowl!" 1hls ls a way Lo
/-./$%50)1 +2* 8"$ 3%)9 wlLhouL looklng llke a damsel ln dlsLress. lL's also anoLher way of
appearlng bubbly and ouLgolng-Lhe confldenL glrl you are, who ls up for new Lhlngs.

8emember, as l polnLed ouL ln Lhe lasL Llp, when you're a happy, secure lndlvldual, you Lend Lo come off
as open, frlendly, and 8LCL1lvL. And belng recepLlve LranslaLes lnLo green llghL."

So, geL on ouL Lhere and be noLlceable! 8ehave ln a way LhaL says, l llke myself! l'm a happy soul
who'd love Lo meeL.?Cu!" Anyone worLh hls salL wlll obllge.
A Guide to Flirting: Green Light Tip #4

8y now, you should know LhaL men, even shy ones, wlll usually sLep up and approach you lf Lhey're
lnLeresLed, Anu you make lL clear you are Loo!

8emember, Lhe purpose behlnd Lhese Llps ls Lo make lL easler for men Lo approach you by slgnallng Lo
Lhem LhaL you are: a) lnLeresLed, b) approachable and c) harmless-because a man's ego can easlly be
brulsed by re[ecLlon.

Creen llghLs" equal ?Cu8 behavlor LhaL says Lo a man, show me whaLcha goL, and you may [usL wln
Lhe chance Lo ask me ouL." lf Lhere's lnLeresL on hls parL, a green llghL should be all lL Lakes Lo geL hlm Lo
acL on lL.

AnoLher fllrLlng Llp ls.3&&5*.7+ >'-! llnd an excuse Lo lnlLlaLe conLacL wlLh a man you flnd aLLracLlve
and-as menLloned ln an earller Llp-passes Lhe weddlng rlng check. 1he concepL behlnd Lhls Creen
LlghL: lnlLlaLlng conLacL wlLh a man ls a dlrecL form of fllrLlng. And, lf he's lnLeresLed ln you, he'll Lake
Lhe balL. Pow Lo execuLe? We'll offer some examples ln a momenL.

Guy Spy Report

llrsL of all, lL's key LhaL you undersLand Lhls abouL mosL guys: We are flaLLered
when a woman approaches us. lL appeals Lo our ego, and Lells us, ln no uncerLaln
Lerms, LhaL we've been noLlced by you. 1oss us a bone, and we'll happlly LroL
back Lowards you wlLh lL ln our mouLh.

Flirting Tip #4: Approach Him

As menLloned before, belng confldenL ls good for Lhe soul. lL's also good for your soclal llfe!

!usL as sLandlng ouL ln a crowd can reveal you llke yourself and draw oLhers Lowards you, belng
ouLwardly frlendly can have Lhe same effecL. Llkewlse, lL glves LhaL person who flnds you aLLracLlve a
nudge Lo go for lL!"

And, lf he doesn'L, whaL have you losL? ?ou [usL end up looklng llke a confldenL, frlendly woman. 1he
Lrlck ls Lo be very CASuAL abouL lL all. AcL as Lhough you're communlcaLlng wlLh a frlend, lnsLead of a
compleLe sLranger. CoL lL?

Say you're en[oylng breakfasL aL a hlgh-end hoLel, [usL one of Lhe many places where you can meeL Lhe
man of your dreams. Some ways Lo approach hlm":

?ou're slLLlng aL your Lable and noLlce a guy wlLh poLenLlal glanclng your way. lf he holds eye
conLacL aL all, casually ralse your glass of [ulce or coffee mug and [oklngly LoasL hlm from afar.
1haL's all! 8eLurn Lo eaLlng your food. ?ou could also Lry someLhlng llke.

1aklng a ladyllke blLe of food, reLurn hls gaze as you gesLure Lo your plaLe, make Lhe ok" slgn,
Lemporarlly close your eyes and mlme, 1hls LasLes fanLasLlc!" volle! ?ou've welcomed hlm lnLo
your world, esLabllshed LhaL you noLlce hlm, and posslbly more. Cr.
Walk as Lhough you're abouL Lo pass hls Lable, Lhen look down, sLop, and casually ask, Pey, l'm
sorry, buL ls LhaL (polnL Lo hls plaLe) Lhe Pouse CmeleLLe? l was Lhlnklng of orderlng lL." Agaln,
an lnvlLaLlon Lo hlm Lo engage.

lf a guy ls aLLracLed, he'll be 1P8lLLLu lf you make Lhe flrsL move. 1rusL me here. And flrsL move" ln
many cases can be as slmple as saylng Pello" because, agaln, a man lnLeresLed ln and worLhy of ?Cu
wlll have Lhe guLs Lo Lake Lhe ball and run wlLh lL. 1hlnk: 8eal men (l.e., your Lype) llke Lo be Lhe
pursuer, buL we don'L mlnd lf you glve us Lhe green llghL flrsL.

So, gesLure or Lalk Lo hlm flrsL. uo lL Lwlce, lf you feel Lhere's a chance he dldn'L see. 8uL, be frlendly
and casual, and you won'L come across as aggresslve or oLherwlse make hlm feel uncomforLable. lf he's
lnLeresLed, avallable, and worLhy," he'll do Lhe resL.

?ou have absoluLely noLhlng Lo lose, and qulLe posslbly Lhe man of your dreams Lo galn.

A Guide to Flirting: Green Light Tip #5

now LhaL you've goL Lhe baslcs down, we can wrap up wlLh Lhe flfLh and flnal Creen LlghL Llp. uon'L
worry! l'm noL golng anywhere. 1hls fllrLlng gulde ls [usL Lhe Llp" of Lhe lceberg, and ls meanL Lo be a
fun, easy way Lo geL you ln Lhe proper mlndseL Lo meeL Mr. 8lghL.

lllrLlng ls lmporLanL! Why? 8ecause lf you don'L how Lo fllrL wlLh purpose, your chances of landlng Mr.
8lghL are reduced. 1he man of your dreams lS ouL Lhere, ladles. ?ou [usL have Lo lncrease your odds of
flndlng hlm sooner raLher Lhan laLer by frequenLlng places where you'll be lncllned Lo meeL hlm, Lhen
fllp on Lhe charm and slgnal hlm Lo walk your way.

8uL. whaL lf you've goLLen hlm Lo approach you, Lhe Lwo of you are Lalklng, and you wanL Lo make sure
you're slgnallng he should sLlck around?

1hls lasL fllrLlng Llp ls a blg one. E,,& +0A ,(<.<,1. Cnce a guy has approached you (or you've chosen
Lo lnlLlaLe conLacL a la lllrLlng 1lp #4) and you've Lalked a blL, you may declde you'd llke Lo keep Lhlngs
movlng forward. lf Lhere's muLual aLLracLlon, Lhe lasL Lhlng you wanL Lo do ls saboLage geLLlng Lo know
Lhls man beLLer! So, whaL do you do? We'll geL Lhere momenLarlly.

Guy Spy Report

llrsL of all, lL's key LhaL you undersLand Lhls abouL mosL guys: lf we're lnLeresLed ln a woman, lL rocks
our world Lo know she's on Lhe same page we are. So, make sure you're sendlng Lhe rlghL message!
CLherwlse, you [usL mlghL blow an opporLunlLy Lo geL Lo know a greaL guy beLLer.

Flirting Tip #5: Keep Him Engaged

1he ldea here ls Lo make sure Mr. Cuy wlLh oLenLlal knCWS you're lnLeresLed ln learnlng more abouL
hlm. Say you're neLworklng aL professlonal neLworklng mlxer. ?ou and a male aLLendee have
exchanged names, and you sense chemlsLry ln Lhe alr. Some ways Lo clearly communlcaLe your lnLeresL
and keep Lhe ball rolllng:

Selze upon any personal deLall he has shared, and ask for advlce ln LhaL area. lor example, lf he's Lold
you he's laLe Lo Lhe mlxer because he was geLLlng hls car washed, ask whaL car wash he recommends.
Say you'll probably head over Lhere Lomorrow, slnce your own car needs washlng. keep Lhe convo golng
by asklng hlm dlrecLlons. Slmple, rlghL? 8uL, here, you're acLually accompllshlng a few Lhlngs: Showlng
a common lnLeresL (havlng a clean car), asklng for advlce ln a personal maLLer (where Lo geL your car
cleaned), and expresslng a plan Lo use Lhe advlce (placlng LrusL ln hlm). lL's a small gesLure ln whlch you
remove Lhe buslness formallLy of your meeLlng, LreaL hlm llke a frlend, and lnvlLe hlm lnLo your world.

Ask hls oplnlon abouL someLhlng he's lnLeresLed ln, Lhen express a deslre Lo learn more abouL Lhe
sub[ecL yourself. Say he's drlnklng a glass of wlne and commenLs LhaL he Lhlnks lL's elLher a good
vlnLage. Ask, Ch, are you a red (whlLe) wlne drlnker? WhaL ls lL you llke abouL Lhls wlne speclflcally? l

really wanL Lo learn more wlne and wlnemaklng. uo you know of any good local places Lo do some
LasLlng?" 8efore you know lL, you mlghL be plannlng a daLe Lo Lhe wlne counLry!

Clve hlm some 8LAL eye conLacL as he Lalks. ?ou know. Lhe klnd LhaL's lnLense, buL warm? 1he klnd
LhaL Lelegraphs, l really llke whaL l'm seelng and hearlng rlghL now" ln an almosL dreamy sorL of way. lf
Lhe feellng's muLual, he'll plck up on whaL you're saylng" lmmedlaLely, and hang wlLh you awhlle Lo see
where lL's all headed.

Smlle and maybe even lnvlLe hlm Lo slL down. Say you don'L mean Lo be rude, and you do wanL Lo hear
Lhe resL of whaL he has Lo say, buL need Lo geL off your feeL. l'm golng Lo grab a chalr for awhlle," you
mlghL share. ?ou're welcome Lo [oln me, lf you wanL." lf he's lnLeresLed, he'll Lake you up on lL,
oLherwlse, he'll probably leL you walk away. Agaln, elLher you'll buy more Llme wlLh a guy who's [usL as
lnLeresLed ln you as you are ln hlm, or sLop Lalklng Lo someone who feels he has beLLer places Lo be.
?ou'll have clarlLy, and come ouL ahead elLher way!

lf a guy ls aLLracLed, he'll be 1P8lLLLu wlLh any ouLward slgns of engagemenL from you. Say and do
Lhlngs LhaL lndlcaLe you're curlous Lo geL Lo know hlm and/or spend more Llme ln hls company, and he'll
follow your lead. lf noL, move on, slsLer! 1here are always more flsh ln Lhe sea, and you're looklng Lo
flnd one LhaL flnds ?Cu lrreslsLlble.

LeL me [usL wrap up Lhls serles by repeaLlng Lhese words of wlsdom-because Lhey need Lo be your
manLra! Say lL wlLh me: lf a man ls lnLeresLed ln and worLhy of ML, he wlll have Lhe deslre and Lhe
guLs Lo Lake Lhe ball and run wlLh lL."

uL anoLher way (and, yes, l'm repeaLlng myself Lo drlll Lhls lnLo your greaL guy-deservlng head), real
men--l.e., your Lype--llke Lo be Lhe pursuer. buL, we don'L mlnd lf you glve us Lhe green llghL flrsL.

So, geL on ouL Lhere! use femlnlne energy Lo flnd, engage, and keep Lhe Man of ?our ureams. lollow
Lhls advlce, and lL'll only be a maLLer of Llme before he" walks lnLo your llfe. Llke l always say, Llfe ls
whaL ?Cu make of lL. So Lake conLrol of your desLlny!"

1hanks for Lhe opporLunlLy Lo be of servlce.

?our 8elaLlonshlp ConfldenL,
!onaLhon Aslay
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