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Municipal Engineer Volume 166 Issue ME2 Design of a sand filter for highway runoff in the north of Spain

Sua rez, Jime nez, del R o et al.

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Municipal Engineer 166 June 2013 Issue ME2 Pages 121129 Paper 1200028 Received 31/05/2012 Accepted 30/01/2013 Keywords: roads & highways/sewers & drains/ sustainability

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ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Design of a sand filter for highway runoff in the north of Spain

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Joaqu n Sua rez MEng, PhD Associate Professor, GEAMA, Environmental and Water Engineering Research Team, Civil Engineering School, University of A Corun a, Spain Vicente Jime nez MSc, MEng PhD student, GEAMA, Environmental and Water Engineering Research Team, Civil Engineering School, University of A Corun a, Spain Hector del R o MEng, PhD Postdoctoral student, GEAMA, Environmental and Water Engineering Research Team, Civil Engineering School, University of A Corun a, Spain Jose Anta MEng, PhD Associate Professor, GEAMA, Environmental and Water Engineering Research Team, Civil Engineering School, University of A Corun a, Spain

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Alfredo Ja come MEng, PhD Associate Professor, GEAMA, Environmental and Water Engineering Research Team, Civil Engineering School, University of A Corun a, Spain Daniel Torres MSc, MEng Predoctoral student, GEAMA, Environmental and Water Engineering Research Team, Civil Engineering School, University of A Corun a, Spain Pablo Ures MSc, MEng Predoctoral student, GEAMA, Environmental and Water Engineering Research Team, Civil Engineering School, University of A Corun a, Spain Sara Vieito Technician in water quality analysis, GEAMA, Environmental and Water Engineering Research Team, Civil Engineering School, University of A Corun a, Spain

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Urban and highway runoff has negative environmental and ecological effects on the waters that receive it. Highway runoff mobilises heavy metal elements and suspended solids from atmospheric deposition and traffic, as well as road degradation and maintenance. A pilot sand filter is designed to reduce metals, hydrocarbons and suspended solids from a highway reach in Fene, Spain. This unit filters a percentage of highway runoff, reducing the mobilised loads of pollutants through filtration and sorption. A monitoring programme is developed to characterise runoff pollution of the pilot catchment. Runoff is found to be heavily polluted with sediments, high chemical oxygen demand, total phosphorus, copper and zinc. Field data are also used to develop a calibrated hydraulic model of the catchment with the storm water management model. From the long-term simulations using this model, the filtration device is designed for an average spill frequency of about 20 events per year and to capture and treat approximately 90% of the average annual stormwater runoff.

E Imax Ptotal Qmax WQv se sobs NashSutcliffe coefficient five minutal maximum intensity event total precipitation event maximum flow water quality volume error variance variance of observed discharges



Runoff from roads, streets and highways may contribute to the pollution of soil and water bodies. Pollution originating from asphalt and tyre abrasion, corrosion of crash barriers and leaking products from vehicles usually enters streams naturally, without any kind of treatment. The European water framework directive states that this runoff must be considered as a possible pressure on the receiving water bodies, and

Municipal Engineer Volume 166 Issue ME2

Design of a sand filter for highway runoff in the north of Spain Sua rez, Jime nez, del R o et al.

therefore the impact exerted on the aquatic environment has to be analysed. One increasingly common approach to reduce non-point source pollution from urban land uses is the consideration of best management practices (BMPs), which reduce runoff and pollution generation through various engineering practices and technologies. The inclusion of such practices into an integrated planning and designing perspective for the whole urban water cycle may minimise environmental degradation; this approach is commonly known as water sensitivity urban drainage (WSUD), sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) or lowimpact development (LID) design. The current paper presents the design procedure of a sand filter for a highway catchment with an extent of 0?94 ha. The main objective of the filter is to reduce the mobilisation of metals, hydrocarbons and suspended solids to estuarine aquatic waters. Prior to the filter design, a field campaign was conducted to characterise runoff quantity and pollution. The collected data were also used to develop a calibrated hydraulic model of the catchment with the storm water management model (SWMM). A long-term simulation of 10 years was executed to analyse different filter configurations, varying the unit volume and drain time. This made it possible to perform a sensitivity analysis of the filter design parameters on its hydraulic efficiency, determined by means of annual percentage of treated runoff and annual spill frequency. The SUDS unit presented in this paper is a pilot technique that is integrated in the sewerage project of Ares-Mugardos, promoted by the Hydraulic Regional Authority of Galicia (Augas de Galicia) and developed by COPASA and Taboada y Ramos civil work companies. The main objective of the paper is to analyse the highway runoff pollution and to develop a novel pilot technique that reduces the impact exerted on the estuarine receiving waters.

downstream from the catchment, close to the control section, a pumping device would be necessary for the proper operation of the system because there is insufficient hydraulic head available at this location. The drainage network is about 1?8 km long. The network was built with concrete pipes with an average diameter of 400 mm. The total catchment area is 3?94 ha, with 71% of impervious surface. The average catchment slope is 5?2% and the network slope is 3?5%. The drainage area to the filter unit is only 0?94 ha and it is almost impervious (91%). Surface average slope is 3?6%, with a conduit average slope of 3?4%. Owing to a high level of urbanisation and the steep slope, high peak flows and reduced concentration times are expected at the catchment outlet.


Data collection

The sampling station was installed upstream of the catchment outlet. The sampling period was from March 2010 to June 2011. In total, 10 events were sampled at the control section. Rainfall was recorded with an ARG100 aerodynamic rain gauge located near the control section. Water discharges were measured with a Sigma 950 area velocity flowmeter. Velocity measurements were performed using a Doppler probe with a mean resolution of 0?3 cm/s and 2% accuracy. The velocity probe was placed in the conduit invert and comprised a bubble type depth sensor, with 3 mm resolution and 0.8% accuracy. Flow measurements were recorded at a frequency of 5 min. The control section equipment was complemented with data loggers and general packet radio service (GPRS) modem. Pollution was characterised with a Sigma 900 automatic sampling device. This instrument is equipped with a container that holds 24 plastic bottles, on top of which is a distributor arm that swings back and forth, filling them every 5 min. From the 24 samples, 710 composite volume-proportional samples were analysed in each rain event to reduce the cost and number of analytical determinations. Conventional pollutants (chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS) and total nitrogen) were analysed according to standard methods (Standard Methods, 1998). Heavy metals were determined using high-resolution mass spectrometry. Mineral oil was determined with a liquidliquid extraction coupled with gravimetric extraction and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with a liquidliquid extraction, followed by solidphase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography determination. For the numerical long-term simulations the rain gauge records from the regional weather service Meteogalicia were employed. This is an aerodynamic tipping bucket rain gauge with a time


Materials and methods

Study site

The highway catchment analysed in this study is located in the area of San Valent n, in Fene village (Galicia, Spain). This is an urban motorway reach with four lanes of impervious asphalt and high urban traffic, with averaged daily traffic of 19 000 vehicles. The catchment runoff is directly spilled to the Ferrol estuary, which is considered as a sensitive aquatic medium following the European urban waste water treatment directive 91/271/EEC criteria (EC, 1991). Owing to the influence of the tidal level on the catchment outlet, only a part of the whole area was considered as drainage area to the sand filter treatment (Figure 1). If the filter unit was to be placed

Municipal Engineer Volume 166 Issue ME2

Design of a sand filter for highway runoff in the north of Spain Sua rez, Jime nez, del R o et al.

Meteogalicia rain gauge


Ferrol estuary

Study site

(a) Catchment outlet

Monitoring station

Sand filter

Catchment area drainage area to the sand filter (b)

100 m

Figure 1. (a) Location of the study site and the Meteogalicia rain gauge; (b) sketch of the pilot catchment and the drainage area to the sand filter

resolution of 10 min. The Meteogalicia rain gauge is 6?6 km away from the study site but the period of record keeping is from 2001 to the present. A 10-year record (20022011) was used in the long-term analysis. In this period an average precipitation of 1231 mm/year and 192 rainy days were recorded.

reduction, water quality control and ecology issues are considered (Ciria, 2007; US-EPA, 2004). In Spain, no national regulations for the WSUD have been adopted yet. At regional and local levels, some authorities have promoted simplified guidelines mainly focused on the design of combined sewer overflow infrastructures (Puertas et al., 2008). In the context of runoff source control and storm-water drainage systems the development of SUDS techniques is a recent issue in Spain, and most of the applications are based on guidelines from the UK and USA (see among others CasalCampos et al., 2011; Go mez-Ullate et al., 2011; Herna ez et al., 2011). In the present work, the sand filter design was achieved by using the unified storm-water sizing criteria to meet pollutant removal goals (e.g. MDE, 2000). In this approach, the first step consists in defining the water quality volume (WQv) to be treated by the filter. Small storms are responsible for most


Sand filter design procedure

Essentially, WSUD systems are designed using hydrology and hydraulics concepts similar to those used for conventional drainage systems. Nevertheless, alongside purely technical issues, concepts of amenity and integration with the environment also have to be considered (Ciria, 1999). Traditionally, storm-water facilities have been used and designed to address the quantitative impacts of increased runoff peaks and volumes through detention and retention structures. In addition, storm-water regulations are adopting integrated approaches in which geomorphological impacts, pollutant

Municipal Engineer Volume 166 Issue ME2

Design of a sand filter for highway runoff in the north of Spain Sua rez, Jime nez, del R o et al.

annual runoff and pollutant wash-off from urban surfaces, and therefore are of the most concern for water quality resource protection (Claytor and Schueler, 1996). A common water quality emission standard defines the WQv as the volume that would capture and treat 90% of the annual average runoff (US-EPA, 2004). Obviously, this volume depends on the local climatic conditions and watershed land surface. Thus, the extended one inch rule from the US regulations (US-EPA, 2004) or storing 1215 mm of precipitation, as stated in UK manuals (Ciria, 1999, 2007), cannot be directly used in the Spanish context. In order to define 90% of the annual average runoff the methodological approach shown in Figure 2 was followed. First, from the 10-year record the average rainfall year was selected following the technical regulations for Galician hydraulic works (Herna ez et al., 2011). The statistical properties of the average annual rainfall record are defined as (a) the total rainfall volume should be between 90% and 110% of the average total rainfall volume of a 10consecutive-year record the number of rainfall days should be between 90% and 110% of the average number of annual rainy days of a 10consecutive-year record.

To compute the runoff volume from the average rainfall year a calibrated model of the catchment was developed with the SWMM code (Section 3.2). The influence of different treatment volumes and emptying time on the percentage of captured runoff and spill frequency was analysed with different simulation scenarios (Section 3.3). From the model results an optimum WQv was defined and then a long-term simulation with the 10-year record was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of the sand filter. When the WQv has been defined, sizing the different filter parts (pretreatment, sedimentation basin and filter media) is an easy task following, for instance, the Claytor and Schueler (1996) guidelines.


Results and discussion

Hydraulic and pollutant characterisation

This section presents the most important results of the analysis of pollution associated with the motorway runoff captured in 10 storm-water events. The average discharge in the watershed outlet ranges between 2 and 37 l/s in the recorded events, while peak flows reach 350 l/s. The average runoff volume was 144?8 m3, varying between 10 and 696 m3. As the variability of the pollutant mobilisation may be very high, a common approach to characterise their concentrations is by defining the total flow-weighted concentrations to obtain the event mean concentration (EMC). Table 1 presents the EMC values obtained for some selected pollutants during the rainfall events. The table also shows the EMC characteristic values of separate and highway catchments taken from the literature for purposes of comparison. A detailed characterisation of the highway runoff pollution from the study site can be found in Jime nez et al. (2012). In comparison with the runoff from separate catchments, the values obtained in the field campaign carried out clearly show that the pollution contributed by the runoff is found in medium concentrations (Stockholm Vatten, 2001). Nevertheless, it is also worth noting that the drainage areas from separate systems are usually much larger than the contribution area of the study site. For instance, Anta et al. (2006) characterised the runoff from a separate catchment in Santiago de Compostela (also in the Galicia region), which has an extent of 55.4 ha, roughly 10 times bigger than the study area. Pollutant EMC site concentrations are of the same order of magnitude as those found in highway runoff works, with the exception of COD and TSS, which are roughly two times bigger, and cadmium and lead values, which can be considered as low concentrations. Nevertheless, the volume of polluted water can generate short and long-term impact problems in aquatic systems by exceeding the threshold critical load (problems related to the heavy dissolved oxygen demand) or


Define the average rainfall year from the 20022011 record

Calibrate SWWM catchment model from field data (Section 3.2)

Define the unit WQv from the average year rainfall profile (Section 3.3)

Determine long-term sand filter efficiency (Section 3.3)

Design the sand filter layout from the WQv (Section 3.4)

Figure 2. Flow chart of the complete design procedure for the pilot sand filter


Municipal Engineer Volume 166 Issue ME2

Design of a sand filter for highway runoff in the north of Spain Sua rez, Jime nez, del R o et al.

COD: mg/l EMC in the study site: average (std deviation) Separate catchment runoff Stockholm Vatten (2001): Low load High load Anta et al. (2006) Highway runoff Harrison et al. (1991) Caltrans (2003) Crabtree et al. (2006) 176?5 (209?7)

TSS: mg/l 327?8 (326)

Ntotal: mg/l 3?9 (2?6)

Cd: mg/l 0?1 (0?2)

Cu: mg/l 25?4 (14?5)

Pb: mg/l 7?4 (5?4)

Zn: mg/l 172?8 (113?7)

PAH: mg/l 2?4 (2?1)

Oil: mg/l 4.7 (3.1)

2560 2560 212 NA 117?9 88?6

,50 .175 801 NA 157?9 144?6

,1?25 .5?0 NA NA 4?8 NA

,0?3 .1?5 NA 2 4?5 0?5

,9 .45 79 50 48?5 41?0

,3 .15 58 100 113?6 23?05

,60 .300 225 100 227?5 140?3

,1?0 .2?0 NA NA NA NA

,0.5 .1.0 NA NA 10.9 NA

Table 1. Event mean concentrations (EMCs) of the pollutants in recorded events: COD, TSS, total nitrogen (Ntotal), selected heavy metals, PAHs and mineral oil. Values from similar studies are shown for comparison

of bio-accumulation problems (basically related to heavy metals in dissolved form).

are mainly impervious. Conduit flow routing was simulated using the dynamic wave model. Initial values for the Manning roughness coefficient, for overland and pipe flows, depression storage and infiltration parameters were adopted from the SWMM users manual (Rossman, 2005). The percentage of impervious surface for each catchment was determined from visual inspection of aerial photographs. In order to reduce the model output uncertainties, the model was calibrated and validated with the data collected in the field campaign. The only input data needed for the model were from the pluviometric profile recorded in the control section. The calibration consisted of the adjustment of the impervious area,


SWMM model calibration and verification

The SWMM code (v5.020) was employed to develop the hydraulic model of a highway catchment (Rossman, 2005). The system geometry was taken from the municipal water companys geographic information system data and was considered to be unaffected by errors. A highly detailed discretisation was performed consisting of 67 sub-catchments, with 0?07 ha average surface, 51 pipes and 52 manholes. Parameters governing runoff generation were adopted from the shape and average slope of each sub-catchment. The Horton equation was used to calculate infiltration, although the model outputs are not very sensitive to this process as the catchments

Event 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 June 2010 8 July 2010 3 October 2010 3 October 2010 29 October 2010 30 October 2010 7 May 2011 29 May 2011 Calibration Calibration Calibration Calibration Validation Validation Validation Validation

Duration: h: min 18:00 01:25 06:15 14:30 13:30 07:30 04:30 04:30

Ptotal: mm 38?4 7 ?6 25?2 39?8 33?8 6 ?2 12?8 23?4

Imax: mm/h 1 2?2 8?4 2?2 4 3?2 1?6 5?8

Qmax: l/s 92?7 145?5 399?5 179?9 335?1 152?9 108?5 403?0

Volume: m3 16?9 3?6 10?5 19?7 15?9 2?6 6?3 12?5

NashSutcliffe coefficient 0?881 0?729 0?826 0?722 0?943 0?876 0?942 0?929

Table 2. Main characteristics of the events used for model calibration and validation and their computed NashSutcliffe coefficients


Municipal Engineer Volume 166 Issue ME2

Design of a sand filter for highway runoff in the north of Spain Sua rez, Jime nez, del R o et al.


Flow: l/s

s2 E ~1{ 2e sobs


3.0 4.0


5.0 6.0

where se is the error variance, with the error defined as the difference between the measured and simulated values, and sobs is the variance of the observed discharges. In total, four rainy periods were used for the calibration and four for the model validation. Table 2 presents the main characteristics of the events used for the model calibration and validation and the obtained NashSutcliffe coefficients. The NashSutcliffe values E 5 0?79 0?08 and E 5 0.92 0?03 for calibration and validation, respectively, reflect a good agreement between the model output and the registered discharges at the control section. As an example, in Figure 3 simulation results regarding events 4 and 5 have been reported.


7.0 8.0 9.0


0 0:00 0:40 1:20 2:00 2:40 3:20 4:00 4:40 5:20 6:00 6:40 Time h: min (a) 500



Following the process sketched in Figure 1, the first step of the sizing procedure was defining the average rainfall year. According to Galicia regional regulations the average year corresponds with the pluviometric record of 2008. A pond structure was modelled at the sand filter site with different specific storage volumes ranging from 50 to 250 m3 per impervious hectare or net hectare. These values correspond with a treatment volume of 525 mm of rainfall, covering the usual range for determining the WQv (Ciria, 1999; US-EPA, 2004). The pond outflow rate for each scenario was then properly selected to achieve drain times of 12 h, 24 h and 48 h. The percentage of treated runoff is represented in Figure 4. As can be observed, the annual average treated runoff volume depends on specific storage volume and the emptying time. The drain time of SUDS structural facilities is usually established in 24 h. Larger values increase the pollutant removal efficiency through sedimentation processes, although thermal impacts can be exerted on the receiving waters. Furthermore, large treatment volumes are needed to meet the 90% runoff treatment criteria. Shorter draining times increase the capturing efficiency of the filter but pollution removal efficiency decreases notably by sedimentation processes. With a 24 h drain time the specific volume 120 m3/net ha treats 90% of the average annual runoff and therefore was adopted as the WQv. In terms of total precipitation, 12 mm of runoff distributed over the contributing impervious catchment surfaces

Flow: l/s







0 10.0 0:00 0:40 1:20 2:00 2:40 3:20 4:00 4:40 5:20 6:00 6:40 Time h: min (b)

Figure 3. Example of hydrographs and hyetographs for: (a) 3 October (calibration) and (b) 29 October (validation) rain events

have to be treated in the filter. This value is equivalent to capturing about 13?34 mm over the whole watershed area. The spill frequency for the different scenarios is also shown in Figure 4. This is a common water quality emission standard for sizing combined sewer outflow (CSO) structures such as detention tanks in combined sewer networks. For the adopted specific volume of 120 m3/net ha, a frequency of about 20 spills per year can be expected. To determine the spill frequency the inter-event time was defined using the

Precipitation: mm/5 min


Estimation of WQv and filter efficiency


Precipitation SWMM Measured


Precipitation: mm/5 min

depression storage and Manning parameters of the subcatchments. A manual procedure was performed by efficiency maximisation of the NashSutcliffe (Nash and Sutcliffe, 1970) criterion E


0.0 1.0



Municipal Engineer Volume 166 Issue ME2

Design of a sand filter for highway runoff in the north of Spain Sua rez, Jime nez, del R o et al.

100 90 Spill frequency: 1/year 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Treatment volume: m3/net ha 300 100 Spill % captured frequency runoff 12 h 24 h 48 h

100% 90% Captured runoff volume: % 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

typology was a superficial sand filter, which is a widely used filtration technique for road and highway runoff. The surface sand filter (or Austin sand filter) is usually supported by a concrete shell, although earthen walls are equally acceptable (Claytor and Schueler, 1996). In this application a concrete filter was designed as it is more suitable for limited-space, highdensity and retrofitting applications. Furthermore, enough hydraulic head was available at the site of placement. The system consists of a sedimentation chamber, for pretreatment of the diverted runoff from the inlet structure and to settle out the coarser sediments, and a filter bed chamber, which has a sand layer to remove finer pollution. An underdrain system, formed by gravel and a perforated pipe, conveyed the treated runoff to the storm-water drainage system downstream from the facility. A summary of the main components of the filter device and their design criteria is presented in Table 3. Sand filters are located off-line from the drainage systems. The off-line designs are recommended to avoid sediment resuspension from the sedimentation chamber in large storm events, which would provoke rapid filter clogging. Once the WQv is obtained, filter design is an easy task following the good practice guidelines contained in Claytor and Schueler (1996). The proposed sand filter is sketched in Figure 5 and consists of the following main components. (a) (b) Inlet diverter: this is a manhole 1?5 m deep and 1?5 m in diameter with an inner diversion weir wall. Pretreatment chamber: this is a prismatic manhole (1?5 6 1?5 6 1?2 m3) containing a screen with a manual cleaning bar rack. Sedimentation chamber: a 10 6 6 m2 concrete tank, 2?7 m deep. The sedimentation chamber volume is 80% of the WQv and the surface area was estimated using the Design criteria Diverts WQv associated flow peak Dry sedimentation for 24 h, .50% of the treatment volume (.75% WQv) Size based on Darcys law (k 5 1?1 m/day); 1% of impervious drainage area; 0?6 m thick Underdrain pipe system

Figure 4. Percentage of annual captured runoff and spill frequency in the average year as a function of treatment volume and drain time

empirical and autocorrelation methods presented in Adams and Pappa (2000: pp. 5559). From these methods the spill inter-event time is established in 3 h. In the last step of the sizing procedure a 10-year long-term simulation was performed with the selected WQv. During this period, the annual captured runoff was 87 7% (average standard deviation) and the spill frequency was 21 10 events per year. These values are in good agreement with the emission standards calculated using the pluviometric average year and therefore the WQv estimated previously was maintained.


Filter layout


As mentioned before, the sand filter was designed to treat only a part of the whole highway area (Figure 1). The adopted Sand filter component Inlet flow diverter Pre-treatment and sedimentation chamber Filtration chamber Function

Diverts the WQv to the filter and bypass during larger storms Removes floating debris and sand Removes finer suspended solids, hydrocarbons, metals, biological oxygen demand and bacteria by filtration Collects the treated storm water to the conveyance system

Outflow chamber

Table 3. Function and design criteria of the different sand filter components (adopted from Claytor and Schueler (1996) and Ciria (2007))


Municipal Engineer Volume 166 Issue ME2

Design of a sand filter for highway runoff in the north of Spain Sua rez, Jime nez, del R o et al.

Side view H: 1 m V: 1 m + 7.21 m Weir diverter + 5.68 m Pretreatment chamber Manhole openings

Sedimentation chamber

Sediment trap 1%

Filtration chamber

Sampling chamber

Outlet manhole + 4.65 m

Distribution channel 1% Plan H: 1 m V: 1 m Underdrain pipe

+ 4.65 m

1.5 m

10 m




Perforated standpipe with trash rack

Gate valves

Figure 5. Pilot sand filter for the highway runoff



CampHazen equation to remove 90% of the 20 mm suspended solids (Claytor and Schueler, 1996). The chamber floor has a 1% slope and a sediment trap consisting of a small storage area to settle incoming gross sediments. Filtration chamber: two parallel filtration chambers of dimensions 6 6 2?9 m2 and 3?8 m deep. The inlet structure to the filtration chambers consists of a perforated standpipe. The size and number of orifices allows the volume of the sedimentation basin to be released over 24 h. In the filtration chamber the water is spread in a 0?8 m transversal fault distribution channel. The filter medium has a surface of 5 6 2?9 m2 and is 0?6 m thick. It consists of a cover layer of 10 cm with 25 50 mm gravel and a 50 cm bed of 0?51 mm dia. sand. Two underdrains of 40 cm perforated plastic pipe covered with gravel convey the treated runoff to the outlet manhole. Dividing the filtration chamber into two different lines facilitates filter maintenance operations. In addition, the pollution trapping efficiency of different filtration media with adsorption by carbon, algae or organic soils may be analysed in the device in the future. Filter outlet and sampling chamber: the last compartment of the unit is a sampling chamber prepared to contain water quantity and quality instrumentation.



This paper describes the sizing procedure for a highway runoff sand filter system in Spain. The results from the pollution characterisation in the field campaign reinforce the need to consider the impacts of runoff from roads and highways on natural aquatic environments. The presented methodology allows the characterisation and analysis of pollution performance of water SUDSs in urban systems combining field data collection and numerical modelling. The efficiency of the pilot filtration device was analysed in terms of spill frequency and percentage of captured runoff in a long-term 10-year simulation using a SWWM model. The proposed methodology can serve as a reference for the development of new regulations for WSUD designs in urban and highway environments in Spain or other countries, where these kinds of regulations have not been developed. Once the sand filter is constructed, the last part of this study will consist of analysing the unit efficiency, both in terms of pollution removal and captured runoff. The results will refine the filter design and validate the proposed methodology.


Municipal Engineer Volume 166 Issue ME2

Design of a sand filter for highway runoff in the north of Spain Sua rez, Jime nez, del R o et al.

This work was partially funded by the Sewerage Project of AresMugardos promoted by the Hydraulic Regional Authority of Galicia (Augas de Galicia) and developed by COPASA and Taboada y Ramos SA. The authors would like to thank for their support Felipe de la Vega, Paula Ma Payo and Carlos Temprano, project managers from the Sewerage Project.

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Planning with Analytical Probabilistic Models. Wiley, New York, USA. Anta J, Pen a E, Sua rez J and Cagiao J (2006) A BMP selection process based on the granulometry of runoff solids in a separate urban catchment. Water SA Journal 32(3): 419428.
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(2003) Storm Water Quality Handbooks: Construction Site Best Management Practices (BMPs) Manual. Caltrans, Sacramento, USA. Casal-Campos A, Jefferies C and Perales Momparler S (2011) Selecting SUDS in the Valencia region of Spain. Proceedings of the XII International Conference on Urban Drainage, Porto Alegre, Brazil, pp. 110. Ciria (1999) Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. Design Manual for Scotland and Northern Ireland. Ciria, London, UK. Ciria (2007) The SUDS Manual. Ciria, London, UK. Claytor RA and Scheuler TR (1996) Design of Stormwater Filtering Systems. Centre for Watershed Protection, Ellicott City, MD, USA. Crabtree B, Moy F, Whitehead M and Roe A (2006) Monitoring pollutants in highway runoff. Water and Environment Journal 20(4): 287294. EC (European Council) (1991) Council Directive 91/271/EEC of 21 May 1991 concerning urban waste-water treatment. European Council, Brussels, Belgium.
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Stormwater Design Manual, Volumes I and II. MDE, Baltimore, USA. Nash JE and Sutcliffe JV (1970) River flow forecasting through conceptual models part I A discussion of principles. Journal of Hydrology 10(3): 282290. Puertas J, Sua rez J and Anta J (eds) (2008) Gestio n de las Aguas Pluviales. Implicaciones en el Disen o de los Sistemas de Saneamiento y Drenaje Urbano. CEDEX, Madrid, Spain (in Spanish). Rossman LA (2005) Storm Water Management Model Users Manual Version 5.0. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, USA, Report EPA/600/R-05/040. Standard Methods (1998) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edn. American Public Health Association (APHA), American Water Works Association (AWWA) and WPCF (Water Environment Foundation), Washington D.C., USA. Stockholm Vatten (2001) Klassificering av dagvatten och recipienter samt riktlinjer fo r reningskrav. Del 2, Dagvattenklassificering. Stockholm Vatten, Stockholm, Sweden (in Swedish). US-EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) (2004) Stormwater BMP Design Manual. Volume 1: General Considerations. US-EPA, Cincinnati, USA, Report EPA/ 600/R-04/121A.

pervious paved parking area to harvest reusable rainwater. Water Science and Technology 64(9): 19421950. Harrison RM and Hamilton RS (1991) Highway Pollution: Studies in Environmental Science 44. Elsevier, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Herna ez D, Blanco JP, Arias R et al. (2011) ITOHG: CSO regulations in NW Spain. Proceedings of the XII International Conference on Urban Drainage, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Jime nez V, del R o H, Ures P et al. (2012) Contaminacio n en las escorrent as de autopistas y v as con alta intensidad de tra fico. Estudio de una cuenca piloto en Fene (Galicia) y disen o de una te cnica de drenaje sostenible de escorrent a de autopistas (TDSEA). Proceedings of the XXXIII AIDIS Conference, Salvador de Bah a, Brazil (in Spanish). MDE (Maryland Department of Environment) (2000) Maryland


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