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The one-sentence summary is that you can think of iBeacon as like GPS for indoor locations, your phone

able to pick up the iBeacon transmissions and work out where it is with a high degree of accuracy. You could, for example, drive into an iBeacon-equipped underground parking garage, park your car there and then have an iPhone app direct you back to your exact parking space when youre done shopping. So, you could be walking past a store and receive a discount coupon on your phone valid for that day. Of course, it would be pretty annoying to get spammed by random offers as youre walking down the street, but youll need to be running a corresponding app to trigger the offer. My best guess is that Apple will offer a Passbook-like app which you load up with cards for the companies you want to hear from, and only those companies can send you offers. Things get a step more interesting with personalised offers. If youre a member of that stores loyalty program, it could know what you usually bu y there and offer a discount tailored specifically to your tastes. Or a department store might know youre a gadget addict and alert you to the arrival of the latest new toy, the app offering to direct you through the store to the exact location of the gizmo. When you get there, it may offer to show you a video on your phone of the device in use. O sistema permite emitir e receber contedo. Com isso, possvel haver comunicao entre empresas, redes BLE de baixo custo e os usurios, o que leva a uma poderosa e valiosa rede de comunicao mvel. Com os iBeacons possvel definir trs nveis de aproximao: distante (de 5 a 70m de distncia); prximo (2 a 3m) e imediato (10cm). Com estas informaes possvel realizar diferentes tarefas desde que se tenha a app adequada ao iBeacon em questo, e isso faz com que se possa antever a colocao de diferentes iBeacons em diferentes locais da nossa casa, e ter uma app que automaticamente ajuste o que for necessrio em funo da nossa localizao: por exemplo, ao passarem da sala para o quarto, desligar automaticamente a TV da sala e ligar a do quarto para poderem continuar a ver o que estavam a ver; e tudo o resto que conseguirem imaginar relacionado com a deteco e localizao de onde vocs esto.
But iBeacons isnt just limited to setting up devices. It could be used to lock or unlock BLE-compatible car or house doors when you get within range of them. It can be used for hyper-local marketing too. Say youre in the mall, if there is an iBeacon transmitter in a store then that store could automatically send discount coupons to your iPhone in order to entice you to purchase something.

Joo Henrique Reichert


Universidade Federal de Pelotas, 2013


Estima-se que at 2014 metade a populao brasileira tenha um Smartphone, mas apesar de ter no nome o adjetivo Smart (inteligente), ele no to inteligente assim. Nossos Smartphones so capazes de se comunicar com servidores do outro lado do mundo, mas no conseguem identificar se estamos na sala, na cozinha ou fazendo compras em uma loja. Com o lanamento da ultima atualizao de sistema da Apple, o iOS 7, foi integrado uma nova tecnologia capaz de revolucionar a experincia do comrcio, tecnologia denominada iBeacon, ele um novo Core Location API existente apenas no iOS 7 onde permite qualquer dispositivo iOS com Bluetooth 4.0, tambm conhecido como Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), se conectar com outro dispositivo BLE, iBeacons permitem dispositivos conversarem entre si, compartilhando sua localizao em tempo real sem a necessidade de Wi-FI ou GPS.
O sistema permite emitir e receber contedo. Com isso, possvel haver comunicao entre empresas, redes BLE de baixo custo e os usurios, o que leva a uma poderosa e valiosa rede de comunicao mvel.

Este resumo objetiva em demonstrar o potencial do Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) para elevar a experincia no Comercio.

There is a hidden gem in the new iOS7 update that Apple shipped to its consumers last month- iBeacon. iBeacon API is software that enhances an iPhones location services. Prior to iBeacon, the iPhone relies on GPS positioning or cell tower triangulation to obtain location data. However, they are less useful in smaller spaces and indoor locations. iBeacon enables positioning down to a precise 20cm range and also enables indoor positioning for the iPhone.

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