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Remote sensing stream flow and soil moisture by using reflected GPS Signals

Kadam Sudhir A.#1, Desai K.R.*2 Pawar K.P*3


department of Electronics , Bharati Vidyapeeths College of Engineering# Morewadi, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India. 1) 2) 3)

Abstractthis paper, Application and development of a highly integrated GPS receiver with reflected GPS signals for Ground Object Detection and stream flow will be described. First of all, both RHCP and LHCP antennas are employed so that direct and reflected signals can be acquired simultaneously. The direction of arrival of the signals may be along the reflected signal path or even along the line-ofsight of a particular satellite. Unlike most

IntroductionA reflected GPS signal contains information about the reflecting object since the characteristics of the reflected signal varies a lot depending upon the reflecting object [1]. This information of Ground Object detection may be useful for accurate position computation with terrain multipath which is modeled for digital elevation models (DEM) that is accurate to ~ 20 cm [2]. The paper, a new application and development of a highly integrated GPS receiver with reflected GPS signals for Ground Object Detection and visual element function Mapping will be described. Several application

existing GPS reflection experiment, the goal of the study is to exploit the carrier phase, reflectivity of L1/L2 SNR components of the reflected signals and direct signals for stream clam water, disturbed water, dry soil, wet soil, grass, tree, bare soil and concrete road object detection with surface. Keywords: Integrated GPS receiver, Remote sensing of stream flow soil moisture , Antenna setup Position of Ground surface, GPS satellite, LHCP and RHCP antennas.

considerations have been analyzed in order to successfully acquire and track weak, reflected GPS signals from ground surface. First of all, both RHCP and LHCP antennas are employed so that direct and reflected signals can be acquired simultaneously. The direction of arrival of the signals may be along the reflected signal path or even along the line-of-sight of a particular satellite. Unlike most existing GPS reflection experiment, the goal of the study is to exploit the

carrier phase, reflectivity of L1 & L2 SNR components of the reflected signals and direct signals for stream clam water, disturbed water and rough bare soil ground object detection with surface. The stream flow is predicted by using Doppler shifts due to surface reflection as a moving surface .[4]. An integer ambiguity resolution algorithm has also been implemented. During the development and test stage, the digital terrain elevation data and satellites images has been used and mapped with the integrated software.

ambiguities with altitude estimation (1 centmeter level) for RHCP and LHCP antenna receiver position. 4) Fourth step: Using the resolution of atmospheric delay to aid of the instantaneous integer ambiguities with altitude estimation (1 cent-meter level) for RHCP and LHCP antenna receiver position. The Reflected points with different Prn satellite was enhanced by small different altitude deviation with range between reflected point and earth center the relation on reflected points and receiver position of profile, an instantaneous altitude for reflected point was changed by change of altitude of LHCP receiver position which was affected by troposphere delay item of reflected signal observations in order to response of ground and stream water altitude. 5) Fifth step: Using the digital terrain elevation mapping (DTED level 2) for Taiwan to aid of Dulation Height from output of GPS Receivers BESTPOSITION command. The proceeds can enhance high accuracy altimetry for stream water level or ocean level at different reflected points between ground surface or water surface. 6) Sixth step: Using Doppler shifts and SNR from observations of reflection signals and direct signals from integrated GPS receiver, The velocity estimations for stream flow or ocean tide state is predicted with satellites elevation angle and instantaneous change of position for moving water surface at reflected point areas duration step 1 and step 5. Then The Reflectivity is depended on the reflection of SNRelevation angle and ground object.

GPS Position Methodology:A modeling process of 6 steps was estimations receiver position searching process and reflected points position estimation with digital terrain elevation mapping process. [6]

1). First step: epoch by epoch to predict the initial position with altitude estimation (meter level) by using 4 or more L1 pseudo-ranges; almost like as solution of single point position.

2) Second step: Ambiguity Estimation and calculate least square estimation error min by using L1, L2 phase and P2 pseudo range to simulate the floating position with real ambiguity number with altitude estimation (10 center-meter level) 3) Third step: Using ambiguity solution method to enhancing fixed position by integer

Integrated GPS receiver

Antenna setup:Multipath is one of the error sources in GPS measurement. order to minimize the error due to multipath signal characteristics. The GPS signal is Right Hand Circular Polarization (RHCP), but a single reflection will be Left Hand Circular Polarization (LHCP). if the signal is reflected twice, it would be RHCP.odd number of reflections would be LHCP even number of reflections would be RHCP.






electromagnetic wave consists of electrical and magnetic fields. The polarization of the signal is defined by the direction of the electrical field vector. If the electrical field vector is perpendicular to the direction of transmission it is called vertical polarization. and if the vector is parallel to the direction of transmission polarization. it is called horizontal

improve response time and

increase productivity . Each GPS satellite transmits two carrier signals in the microwave range designated as L1 and L2 (frequencies located in the L-Band between 1000 and 2000 MHz). GPS receivers use the L1 frequency with 1575.42 MHz (wavelength 19.05 cm). The L1 frequency carries the navigation data as well as the SPS code (standard positioning code). The L2 frequency only LHCP GPS antennas are not used for normal GPS observation, it is hard to find LHCP GPS antenna. We have used low profile antennas with right hand and left hand circular polarization . designed for the frequency range 1.52 GHz to 1.66 GHz

(1227.60 MHz,


24.45 cm)

carries the P code and is only used by receivers which are designed for PPS (precision

positioning code).

Antenna setup during data collection:Instrument is mounted on a 6.5- meterlength of steel pipe. Two antennas are placed above a stream. one RHCP and three LHCP antennas are placed orthogonally on the

Water Level Estimation & soil moisture detection

Water Level Estimation:When each Range of Reflection points and earth center are same value in the same stream flow surface area, the new refection point XYZ will be located and accumulated projection line with time. The RHCP and LHCP fixed position cause different altitude for observation point when the mean of ground altitude is subject to estimated ground or stream altitude of reflected area per each satellite, since mean value of RHCPs altitude and LHCPs altitude start and product the mean of ground altitude. A reflected point is described for stream flow Surface with slope of line of sight between satellite and RHCP/LHCP receiver position.

stream surface so that the , reflected signals from different directions can be observed. only one RHCP antenna is used to receive the direct GPS signals. using N-P connector to combine reflected signals with three LHCP antenna connect to one receiver's RF P-N connector. RHCP antenna

connect to the other one receiver's RF P-N connector. GPS L1/L2 Band receivers are two type receivers are used .

soil moisture detection:soil moisture classified by volumetric content of saturated water for soil. and L1&L2 reflectivity on GPS reflected footprint. Doppler shifts due to surface reflection as a moving surface on river. The each instantaneous moving surface should be exploited by each reflected GPS carrier phase and reflected point. reflected GPS signal contains information about the reflecting object since the characteristics of the reflected signal varies a lot depending upon the reflecting object.

Ground Height Estimation and Surface Roughness:1) mean value of RHCP altitude and LHCP altitude start and product the ground altitude. 2)A reflected point is described for mean of

Velocity Estimation for Stream flow:The Comparison of stream flow by using Doppler shifts, stream flow surface reflected points instantaneous rate of altitude ground H and range Dground conduct the mean velocity of ocean tide are predicted as among 0.418~0.627 m/s (for PRN 8), 0.112~0.176 m/s(for PRN 27) and 0.012~0.016 m/s(for PRN 11). Stream flow and Doppler shifts with each reflected trajectory

stream surface with slope LOS -RHCP position between satellite and RHCP/LHCP receiver position. Direct receiver position :(Lo n, Lat , H ) RHCP (X d, Yd, Z d )

points was resembled and described by Matlab Tool.

coordinate and the 3-D geometry LOS between Receiver position reflected GPS signals. Reflected receiver position :(Lon, Lat, Hti)LHCP (Xr, Yr, Zr ) no. stream flow ground object can be identified at each epoch, the stream flow velocity can be roughly estimated by computing , the reflection point as a function of time and processing

satellites for LHCP receiver. Satellites osition:Lon, Lat, H)s (Xis ,yis, z si) satellite i: ID of

Doppler shift change in the apparent frequency of a wave as observer and source move toward or away from each other.

Conclusions:we conclude that to calculate accurate stream flow & soil moisture using GPS signal . we also conclude remote sensing resolution

References:1)Michael S. Grant, Scott T. Acton and Stephen J.Katzberg"Terrain L2 Reflectivity" 1st

Colloquium Scientific and


ability and results of further employing stream soil moisture. In this paper, a new application and development of a highly integrated GPS receiver with reflected GPS signals for stream flow and soil moisture

Aspects of Moisture Classification Using GPS Surface-Reflected Signals", IEEE the Galileo Programme, ESC 2007, Toulouse, France GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, VOL. 4, NO. 1 JANUARY 2010.

Application:the GPS Reflectivity model in estimating the stream flow rapidly & accuracy in flood. the velocity of stream flow from that flood flow can calculateddetect peak of stream flood .

2) Lowe, S. T., Zuffada C., Chao Y., Kroger P., LaBrecque J.L., Young L.E., models of landcover. The Authors issue that is the subject for "Five- cm - Precise ion Aircraft Ocean Altimetry Using GPS future research is the optional choice of flood or flood plain Reflections, IEEE Geophysics. Res. Let. Vol. 29, No. 10, May 2008. 3) Clyde C. Goad and Kai Borre RECPOS Least-squares searching for boundary. This paper can guarantee optimum performance in receiver position for MATLAB. MATLAB software supply. 19-aprilestimating stream classification and stream water level. 1 May 2007.

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