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Six Phases of systems Analysis & Design

Six phases of system development life cycle: A system is defined as a collection of related components that interact to perform a task in order to accomplish a goal. The point of system analysis & design is to ascertain how a system works and then take steps to make it better. A system Analyst is an information specialist who performs system analysis, design, and implementation. Six phases of System Analysis & Design: This is a six-phase problem solving proced re for examining an information system and improving it. The !"#$, system development life cycle is defined as the step-by-step process that many organi%ations follow d ring system analysis and design. &reliminary investigation !ystem analysis !ystem design !ystem development !ystem implementation !ystem maintenance First phase: conduct a preliminary investigation: The ob'ective of phase (, preliminary investigation, is to cond ct a preliminary analysis & rpose alternative sol tions, describe costs and benefits and s bmit preliminary plan recommendations. )n this first phase again we have fo r steps those are* $ond ct preliminary analysis &ropose alternative sol tions. "escribe costs and benefits of each sol tions ! bmit preliminary plan with recommendations. (.conduct preliminary analysis: This incl des stating the ob'ective defining the nat re and scope of the problems. "etermine the preliminary* To define the ob'ectives of the organi%ation, yo can do the following. +ead internal doc ment abo t the organi%ation* These can incl de original corporate characters, prospectors, ann al reports, and proced res man als +ead external doc ments abo t the organi%ation* These can incl de new articles, acco nts in the b siness press, reports by sec rities analyst, a dits by independent acco nting firms, and similar doc ments. Interview important executives: ,ith in the company with in the partic lar area yo are concerned with, yo can also interview key sers. !o rce of this may be done face (. Determine the nature & scope of the pro lems: (

This may derive from the very fact that yo have been asked to do a systems analysis and design pro'ect. -. Propose Alternative solutions: )n this other possible sol tions can come from interviewing people inside the organi%ation clients on c stomers affected by it, s ppliers, and cons ltants. ,ith this data yo have . choices. #eave the system as is )mprove the system "evelop a new system .. Descri e !osts & "enefits: ,hich ever of the three alternatives is chosen, it will have costs and benefits. $osts may depend on benefits, which may after savings. )np t errors or red ndant o tp t may be red ced. !ystems and s bsystem may be better integrated. $ stomers or s ppliers may interact better with the system. !ec rity may be improved costs may be c t. /. Su mit a preliminary plan: )n this step yo need to wrap p all yo r findings in a written report. The readers of this report will be the exec tives, who are a position to decide in which direction to proceed-wake changes, and how m ch to allow the pro'ect. )f magnet approves the feasibility st dy, then the system analysis phrase can begin. !econd phase* "o Analysis of the system* !ystem analysis is to gather data, analysis the data, and write a report. !ystem analysis describes what a system sho ld do to satisfy the needs of the sers. #ather Data: )n gathering data, there are a handf l of tools that systems analysis se, most of them not terribly technical. They incl de $ritten documents: ,ritten doc ments means reports, forms, man als, memos, b siness plans, policy statements, and soon. An organi%ation want shows levels of management and formal lines of a thority. Interviews: )nterviews with managers, workers, clients, s ppliers, and competitions will also give yo insights. Structured interviews:!tr ct red interviews means incl de only 0 estion yo have planned and written o t in advance. 1y sticking e- this script and not asking other 0 estions . 2nstr ct red interviews means yo can vary from the line of 0 estions and p rpose other s b'ects if it several prod ction. %uestionnaires: 3 estionnaires are sef l for getting information form large gro ps of people when yo cannot get aro nd interviewing every one. & servation: 4bservation thro gh observation yo can experience the conflicts and responsibilities of the people yo are working with

Sampling: )f yo r data gathering please involves a large n mber of events5people, if may simplify things ' st to st dy a sample. Analy'e the data:6odeling tools enable a system analyst to present graphic, on pictorial, representations of a system. 7xample of these is Dataflow diagrams:A "8" graphically shows the flow of data thro gh a system. A data dictionary defines all the elements of data that make p the date flow. System flowcharts:A system chart diagrams the ma'or inp ts, o tp ts, and process of a system. !onnectivity diagrams:$onnectivity diagrams are sed to map network connections of people, data, and activities at vario s locations. #rid charts:-!hows the relationship between data on inp t doc ments and data on o tp t doc ments. Decision ta les:- !hows the decision r les that apply when certain conditions occ r and what actions to take. ..$rite a reports:4nce yo have completed the analysis, yo need to doc ment this please. This report to management sho ld have three parts. )t sho ld explain how the existing system works. !econd it sho ld explain the problems with the existing system. 8inally, it sho ld describe the re0 irements for the new systems & make recommitment on what to do next. The third phase* "esign the system The ob'ective of phase., system design is to do a preliminary design and then a detail design, and write a report. Do a preliminary design: A preliminary design, often called a logical design, describes the general f nctional capabilities of a proposed information system. )t reviews the system re0 irements and then considers ma'or components of the system. !ame tools that may be sed in the design are case tools and pro'ect management software. !AS( )&&*S: - $ase 9for comp ter aided software engineering : tools are programs that a tomate vario s activities of the !"#$ in several phases. &rototyping refers to sing workstations, case tools and other s5w applications to b ild working models of systems components so that they can be 0 ickly tested and eval ated th s, a prototype is a limited working system developed to test o t design concept. P+&,(!) -A.A#(-(.) S/$: This s5w consists of programs sed to plan, sched le, and control the people, costs, and reso rces re0 ired to complete a pro'ect on time. This will often ses - charts

-;a cra tt chart ses lines and bars to indicate the d ration of a serio s of tasks. A pert 9program eval ation review techni0 e: chart slows not timing b t also r< slips among the tasks of a pro'ect. D& A D()AI* D(SI#.: A detail design, also called a physical design, describes how a proposed information system will deliver the general capabilities described in the preliminary design. The detail design s ally consider the following parts of the system in this order 4 t p t re0 irement )np t re0 irement !torage re0 irement &rocessing re0 irement !ystem control and back p $+I)( A +(P&+): All the work of the preliminary and detail design will end p in a large, detailed report F&0+)1 P1AS(: D(2(*&P )1( S3S)(-: )n phase /, systems development, the systems analysis 5 others )n the organi%ation, ac0 ire the s5w, ac0 ire the h5w, and then test the system. A%0I+( )1( S&F)$A+(: )n the make-on-by decision, yo decide whether yo have to create a programhave if c stom-written-or b y it, meaning simply p rchasing an existing s5w package -; Ac0 ire h5w -;Test the system -;2nit testing also called mod lar testing -;!ystem testing* parts are linked together & test it FIF)1 P1AS(: I-P*(-(.) )1( S3S)(-: !ystem implementation, consists of converts the hardware, software, and files to the new system and training the sers !&.2(+) )& )1( .($ S3S)(-: $onversion, the process of converting from an old information system to anew one, individ als converting h5w, s5w, and files there are fo r strategies for handling conversions -;"irect approach -;&arallel approach -;&hased approach -;&ilot approach !&-PI*( FI.A* D&!0-(.)A)I&.: "eveloping good doc ment at is an ongoing process d ring all phases of !"#$. T+A)= T>7 2!7+!* Training is done with veracity of tools. !ome times is done by the organi%ations own staffers? at other times it is contracted o t.

)1( SI4)1 P1AS(: -AI.)AI. )1( S3S)(!ystems maintenance, ad' st and improves the system by having systems a dits, ser feed back, and periodic eval ation and by making changes based on new conditions two tools that are some times considered part of maintenance part phase are -;A0DI)I.#: 6eans an independent review of an organi%ation information system to see if all records and systems are as they sho ld be often a system analyst will an a dit trial (2A*0)I&.: A diting, which is s ally done by an acco nting, is one eval ation These are sir phases of !"#$.

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