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(iiwakerij ye islands of the far away sea) Q.

This prayer of a young Hawaiian boy, dying far
from his beloved Hawaii, inspired the first %erican
Board i^iiission to Hawaii in 1820.

59-578 j^am Highway

Haleiwa, Oahu, Hav^aii

iViarch, 1957

i^ear ^"riends,

The Hawaiian Islands have a very thrilling history. In 1778, an iJ^glish ^ navigator, Captain Cook, discovered them. In 1810, t^araehameha, a olynesian military genius, had conquered them and set up a kingdom. The ivionarchy coiitin
ued until 1894 when it became a republic and in 1898 it became a part of the U.

S. In 1820, missionaries frou the States brought the Christian religion to the natives of Owyhe" and ever since it's been a mission field. ^11 churches are represented on these islands until all the natives of the islands have had an opportunity to hear about Christ, The Church of Christ (Christian; has eight missions on Oahu only. Plans should be made for missionaries to take the gospel
fluences such as Oahu, so their acceptance may be more likely. These people
of Christ to these other islands. Tiiey have not been subjected to outside in

the most to them. In trying to win them for Christ, we have been over solicitous, It is truly gratifying to see them remain faithful, ^ray that they may be so filled with the gospel as in the New Testament, that they may not be carried about vjith every kind of doctrine". I made a call on a woman who had just moved into this area, thinking that she should know about the church, I was surprised and a little thwarted to hear her say that a "Jehovah witness woman
had been there earlier and she had ordered a ^ible, I thought, 'other workers are out and vie must get there first vjith the truth'. I have bean teaching a Filipino mother but for a few weeks, I have neglected her because of other duties and a cold that kept me from visiting, ^^^hen I did go back, she told me
iiible school.

have had so much offered that they feel they can choose the church that offers

me. -^gain, I visited a lovely Japanese mother whose children are in school and
told me she would be to but she has to hold on to B^iddhism because of her
She said a woman had been there to talk to her about tiie i^ible
It is my hope that I can help her to the
It was begun in January in the

of a Jehovah 'Witness vjoman who had been there but she still wanted to study with

I asked her if I could come and study the Bible with her and she


these people are too kind to shut anyone out.

if she listened to all who came. "Light",
Vi^e have a new Church of Christ on Oahu,

I told her she would be confused

MCA building in Vahiawa, J^ir. Owen Still of ^alolo and Olen Powell of Sunset
Seach are the ministers.
Col. Nicholas, who will retire from the ^rmy this year, is coming to take

They have about 15 in attendance each Sunday afternoon.

over that work, '^'ie are happy to have a work in the second largest tov/n on Oahu. In January, two of our missions became debt free. Nichols in Hauula
had a mortgage burning service and people from all over the island came to re joice with them. The toakaha Church, Ji^elvin ^nderson-minister, is free of debt,
too. The Sunset Beach property is larger than the others aiid any money accum

ulated has to go into current expenses for the school and church. Por this reason we are sponsoring the plan of enlisting help from interested Christians
on the Finland to loan the Sunset J^each Church and school, ';t'25.00 for 5 years. These will be in form of -i^ebaiture Certificates of si'25.00 each, with interest at

Page 2

per annum. Anyone can loan any amount and receive the number of certificates. I hoping that the groups or individuals who support me will see how helpful thSe wiS be-~to us, for payment of current debts and to you, who wiU receive ^ inteJeitllch year! This Sll enable us to pay off the debt of the school and to pay for the new building needed for the workers. Ihe them is very small (Army buildings) but the expense of moving them and getting them please let us know and you will receive more infor-

"^^^"tian^Lk^rbour'^t Saito, the Japanese boy who was crippled. You will be
wonderful care that he is home now and is walking very well, he wears a brace and still drags one foot a little but such an improvement. Dr. i^owrey, when he understood their finances, cancelled the doctor s fee. The hospita bill was paid for by the City and County of honolulu. ^11 this certainly prove truth of the scripture that "all things work together for goodunto them that love the lord". 'Aiank you for evarj' prayer in his behalf. _ There have been a few baptisms on the island. t)e mother Ueryice wife;
fearl Harbor after Christmas Camp.

happy to hear what happened. It all seems as if it was a mracle and we should not be surprised the way God worked it. Bart had a wonderful operate on his back. They found an enlarged blood vessel constricting the flow.
It was a delicate operation on his spine and the doctor was not f'*" success of the operation. He was moved to Shriner's Hospital and received such

and 2 children were baptized at Hauula, and 4 young people were baptized at

avery afternoon after school is out, our yard has several neighooihood bovs playing ball, -e let them use our equipment because it keeps them busy. There is nothing out here in the country for them to do now that swimmmg and
even if we don't win them, we have given tnem sometung to do. i looked out

fishing are not so good. These boys are Filipinodo not attend cnurch. 4it
Hawaiian songs. I wish they might always be that innocent. Another scene that vAll alwaj-s remind me of Hawaii last Sunday morning when I was bringing in a car load to church, I saw our neighbor woman-^

the other day and saw them sittinR by the fence, playing a ukelele and singing

Filipinowalking do- the road. She had on a silk dress, was oarefoo. and

the older women now smoking short stubs of cigarswalking doim the road in the morning in their housecoats or peddle pusherssmoking that cigar. Some of you remember Jileanor Otake, our secretary for 2 years, ^he is enrolled in i^entucky Christian College, Graj'son, ^entucl<y, and likes it very much. She and i3enjie ^oung (another Islander^ go around to churches to tell of
the work on the Island. It would bo a pleasure for you to know them. ^

carrying her shoes and her cigar. She is never dressed upalways goes lishing in old clothesalways walking 3 yards behind her husband. 1 ra used to seeing

My father and his wife are still in ^''^lorida each winter but he s working attain in Chattanooga for an engineering fii'iii this Spring, ^y brother, ampbell, and his vdfe have a new son, ^im, born in i^ecember. % sister, i'atty and her husband. Bob, are in i'Os Angeles, these and many, many more are reasons for my wanting to come home for this summer. Plans are to here une 17> American, for los ^ngeles, 1 ought to be ^ast by *^uly. -l-hen hope to be in
1 will travel across country by bus.
will be paid for by contributions.
all of you for the same happiness

Kentucky for the rest of the su.nrjner. Arrangements for payment for flight are taken care of by "Pay as you go" ^^25.00 do-.;n and ^20.00 per month for a year.
1 am trusting that my necessary expenses

"I am happy in the sei-^ice of the King" and my love and prayer go out to
Until we meet, ^od's blessing on you,

59-573 Kam Highway

KalGiwa.^ Oahuj T H
. . ; ^ -S z'


dear Friends Eveiywhere,

i0.1 throug-h the year our thoughts

are on our crucified and rison Lord, but
at this beautiful time of the year, wg

think about that night in Bethlehem wlic;

Jesus was born, "they shall ca31 his

name Smmanucl, which bcinp' interprfi^ted

is God with us". What a precious promise to those who have bcjen obedient that God
is I'ri-th usthen and now and forever.

IJy hope is that each of you I'Till have the

peacG of a ioyous and truly Christian

This year has been one of my happiest pcvrhaus b.'-cause of the wonderful trip to
my homo! Xt so: ms like a droam--0VGrything was just perfect. What a privilege to S60 my old friends, make new ones and

meet in person, those who have been

is one of our sweetest blessings.

friends through correspondence these As

Fellowship with Christian friends

sponsoring church, Central Church of

Christ in San Bernardino, California, was the first to welcome me mth open ams.

It was a thrill to show the pictures of

the work being done here -- the people

who make up our churclies the children in whom lie the hope of the future of the
Catchinc-- rainbow trout proved to be easy in those lakes. It was a pcr^-ect place to relax, Abus trip throu'^h the Rockies, throw;h the famlands of iowa, to my

cnurch in Hawaii. A week i-rith m.y sister in Sncino, California was an introductici^ to the California style of comfortable living, 'Ilien an interesting tr3.p by car

with my father to West Yellowstone, Montana for 10 days in that beautiful co^-itry,-

memorable welcome.

mother's home place, Wanatah, Indiana. Here, again, the church rave me such a

my brouther in Atlanta, (^iorria tras T'Torth the who].e trip home. He made it poss3.blo for mo to fly by Delta Air Linos on most of my, VJhiD.e there I visited i-ira,
i'[y destination was Kentuclcy -- which is "home" to me. 1'^ headquarters was at Paul Bryant's home in Lexinc-ton. I'm sure the confusion and extra trouble that went T^ith my stay there, were missed :v"hen I finally loft, i-iy many thanks to oil who helped make it a perfect, but all too short, furlou-:h, I did miss secdnf^ a few of my friends -- I'm very sorry. It was a joy to vj.sit friends in High Street Church, 'to see the navi Southland Church, to speak at Broadvfay to the mcm's class.
to start a now churc!i. It was all a time of
in the work in the Hawaiian Islands,

1 went throuf-h the country, Txfo weeks of beinp' in the midnt of the happy lamily o^

It was enccuraf.lng to see the spiritual growth of the church a?

Martin in Carrollton, Georrria, and Goor^^e Boswoll's church near Atlanta where Ovjen Still used to minister. Everywhere I went, the churches were deeply interestoo

It was good to see the work that is beii'^' done at the Lyndon, Kentuclcy church, hy heart was really full to go back to Erlai^er, Kcntuclcy church to see the ^friends
with whom I had worked 10 years
where the Father is.

happiness but a time of sadness as I left -- knowing some would bo rone before I got back a-ain. The comfort is that there will be a place of meeting sa:ietime

Tho Sunset .Bcach Chidstian School started its 5th year t-jith &1 students en

rolled -- most of these are local people.

Si/g have A teachers bhis yeai^'j


V7er-:tefeldt from !'!ichiean came over to help us out this year and teach Grades
and I have 26 students in Grades 1 and 2. ,

7 12 students; Anne Chapman from Oregon, her 2nd year here, teaches Grades 3 and A-- 2A studentsj KLeanor Still Sprankles teaches Kinderr-'arten 1^ students;
or more children.

Kost of our childron ride our school bus for which wo charge up^to 43*00 for transportation. Our tuition rates have been lowered to help the families^with 2
The first child pays $10*00 a month and every other child in family pays '1:3,00. Vfe have some families with Achildren in our school. Vie

3tll have a few children in Hauula which necessitates two trips 15 miles each way. r.ris takes a lot of time and money but we do want these children to have a

Ojristian education, VJe are trjd-r^ to instill in each child who attoiide school the

tlcn thr-ough.-stories, memorization) and devotional and. chapel periods.

Her mother was baptized over one year ago,

i.ia|.:ortance of attending church. Over three hours a week is given to Bible ^.nstrucfourtji grade n:irls viho has attended school for 3i' year? was baptizeo. tnis fal.1.
the past, friends have sent lovely library books and these are bein^'- used by our
'"Je have started a now library tliis year and ne<":d many children's books. In

One oi our...

children. How vrc would appreciate an?/ amount of new or used books (Send them
book rate)

hope for a Ion*- er r-oriod then one yfeoX, We have our apartment building still occupied but work is slowly bein?" doue to make them liveable. How that the rains are upon us, after a l-nf dry hot fall, we are engulfed in a sea of mud, so I am
glad to be living in tho e;trae house that has iiiy classroom#

V/e are tryin;. to interest 2 or 3 teachers in coming; over to work here^-~ we ^

Our churches are carrying- an active program to int.erest the people. If only the parents of the cliildren who ccmo would take an interest and como: themselves, "The new Wahiawa cliurch w.-th Colonel ^^icholas (the retired Amy Colc^nel who has come over to minister to the newest of our mission churches) is growing nicely, A service man was baptized Thanksgivin-g, I help vdth the chi3.dren's whenever

buildir^: a very inadequate place, Tliere vrcro baptisms as a result of i-he Christian Camp hold this summer and at a revival held at Palolo Valley Church in
Honolulu, Our Christmas Christian Camp wi31 be held on the windward side of the
Island from December 26-30,

ne eded -- there were 35 in attendance one Sunday,

They mec:t in the Y I'l C A

Cnristian Colloe'e, Florentine Das and Georfo Hope enrolled Uds fall, , Saeanor^. Otake and Bc;n.jamin Younr' have been there one year. There vrill be others attending Mainland Bible Colleges in the years to come. We hope that they will return to
work in the Islands,

There are four of the local younf- people from our missions attending Kentucky

generous to supply all my needs. The SouthJ-and Church in lexinotcn sent a caeck for ;i>500,00 to"be'used in this work. It will be used for pa/ments for the Sunset Beach property. I am grateful to. all for your support, your thoug-htfulness, and
your interest in the work in Hawaii,

A financial .'Statement "iv^ll be made after t-^e new year.

People have boon so

Hay God hold each of ycu in the hollow of His hand,

' \

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