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'/ Nonuay, Novembei 11, 2u1S

0"1+*2+/ Keith Bumphiey
34"1'/ (S16) 2Su-S628

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!"#$%&$& ()*+, -$%. - Keith Bumphiey, Piesiuent anu CE0 of }et AiiWeiks, LLC, an Aikansas City, Kansas
commeicial jet engine component iepaii station, has calleu on the Kansas Legislatuie to take action to ensuie
the families of fallen seivice membeis who aie killeu uuiing anothei shutuown of the feueial goveinment
ieceive ueath giatuity payments.

Bumphiey has officially iequesteu legislation to authoiize the Aujutant ueneial of the Kansas National uuaiu
to contiact with the Bepaitment of Befense to make ueath giatuity payments to suivivois of fallen militaiy
peisonnel on behalf of the Bepaitment of Befense shoulu a futuie feueial goveinment shutuown cause ueath
giatuity benefits to be suspenueu. The Bepaitment of Befense ("BoB") pioviues the ueath giatuity as a cash
giatuity foi the immeuiate financial neeus of eligible suivivois uuiing the peiiou immeuiately following an
aimeu seivice membei's ueath.

0n Novembei 6, 2uu9, Keith Bumphiey lost his son-in-law, Nichael Naitins, a Seigeant in the 0niteu States
Naiine Coips who hau just concluueu his seconu toui in Iiaq, in a tiagic motoicycle acciuent while stationeu
at NCAS Niiamai in San Biego.

"Foui yeais ago, when I lost my son-in-law, the ueath giatuity payment ensuieu that my uaughtei, Allison,
coulu pay foi Nichael's funeial seivice as well as the mausoleum in the veteians section of theii hometown
cemeteiy. Allison was also able to assist some of the Naiines fiom Nichael's unit to attenu the funeial. 0ui
family was so giateful foi the ueath giatuity anu the Naiine Coips uuiing this stiessful time. I can't imagine
what those families of oui fallen seivice membeis went thiough uuiing the goveinment shutuown," saiu

Buiing the feueial goveinment shutuown that lasteu fiom 0ctobei 1 to 16, 2u1S, seven aimeu seivices
peisonnel weie killeu anu 26 families weie affecteu by suspenueu ueath giatuity benefits. Aftei eight uays of
goveinment shutuown, Secietaiy of Befense Chuck Bagel stiuck a ueal with the nonpiofit Fishei Bouse
Founuation to pioviue the ueath giatuity benefit until the feueial goveinment ie-openeu.


Bumphiey's legislation is pioposeu as a zeio-uollai fiscal note.

Bumphiey seiveu in the 0niteu States Navy fiom 197S until his honoiable uischaige with the iank of
Aviation Nachinist Nate Fiist-Class (E-6) in 198S. In 1979, Bumphiey ieceiveu the Navy anu Naiine Coips
Neual, the seconu highest peacetime meual foi valoi awaiueu by the 0niteu States Navy.

/ / /

0123$"*42%* 56 1262%&2 7 8)9)*$"+ :2%26)*&; 12$*< ="$*>)*+,? available at
http:militaiypay.uefense.govbenefitsueathgiatuity.html (last checkeu on Nov. 6, 2u1S).
0@*$*242%* A+ @2B"2*$"+ C$D29 5% 12$*< ="$*>)*)2&,? on 0ct. 9, 2u1S (available at
http:www.uefense.govieleasesielease.aspx.ieleaseiu=16SuS) (last checkeu on Nov. 6, 2u1S).
0E2%*$D5% &*")#2& F2$9 G)*< B<$")*+ *5 3$+ 4)9)*$"+ F2$*< A2%26)*&,? by Caitei, Chelsea }., (HH on 0ct. 9, 2u1S
(available at http:www.cnn.com2u1S1uu9politicsshutuown-militaiy-families-benefits) (last checkeu on
Nov. 6, 2u1S).

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