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THIRD PERIODICAL TEST IN SCIENCE AND HEALTH IV NAME:_____________________________________Score: ______ Direction: read the questions care u!!

"# $rite the !etter o the correct ans%er on the &!an's# ______(# _______ )ossess )otentia! ener*"# a# Thin*s at rest &# thin*s in +otion c# a!! thin*s ______,# ______ )ossess 'inetic ener*"# a# A!! thin*s &# thin*s at rest c# thin*s in +otion ______-# $hen thin*s +o.e/ _____________# a# Their )otentia! ener*" is trans or+ed into 'inetic ener*" &# The" ha.e a!! the ener*" c# Their 'inetic ener*" is trans or+ed into )otentia! ener*" ______0# $hich o the o!!o%in*" sho%s )otentia! ener*"1 a# $ashin* a dishes &# sittin* on a chair c# s'i))in* ro)e ______2# $hen a &a!! ro!!s/ ___________ is &ein* used# a# Potentia! ener*" &# no ener*" c# 'inetic ener*" ______3# $hich" descri&es rictions1 a# Li*htin* a cand!e &# Ru&&in* t%o stones to*ether to )roduce ire c# 4!"in* a 'ite ______5# $hich condition ) that riction resist +o.e+ents1 a# S!idin* on a shin" sur ace is eas" &# Pu!!in* a hea." o&6ects on a rou*h sur ace is .er" hard c# Pu!!in* hea." o&6ects on a )o!ished sur ace is easier# ______7# 8ecause o !ess riction/ it is easier to cut +eat %ith _______________# a# A shar) 'ni e &# a du!! 'ni e c# a !on* 'ni e ______9# $hat he!)s the cars +o.e on a road1 a# 4riction &et%een the car tires and the *round &# 4orce co+in* ro+ the %hee!s c# $ind that &!o%s )ushes the car# ______(:# $hich aster on a !at sur ace1 a# 8a!! &# &!oc' o %oods c# sheet o )a)ers ______((# $h" can;t a &a!! ro!! continuous!" on a rou*h or ston" sur ace1 a# The orce %hich ena&!es the &a!! to +o.e is re!eased# &# The rou*h sur ace is not +ade ro &a!! to ro!! c# Throu*h te<ture o the sur ace &!oc's he +o.e+ent o the &a!!# ______(,# $h" do )eo)!e s!ide on %et !oors1 a# 8ecause riction on %et !oors is too +uch rather than a dr" one# &# 8ecause )eo)!e are care!ess c# 8ecause there is .er" !itt!e riction on %et !oors#
Indicate whether the following activities require (I) increasing friction / (D) decreasing friction or (N) no friction.

______(-#C!i+&in* a tree ______(0# =sin* s!ide equi)+ent in the )!a"*round ______(2# $i)in* dust o the ta&!e Which of the following illustrate heat moving from a hot to a cold body? ______(3#a# 8!o%in* o the %ind &# 4ee!in* heat ro+ the hand!e o a s)oon a !i*hted cand!e c# Ridin* a &ic"c!e ______(5#a# heatin* !e t> oods ro+ the re ri*erator &# Pushin* a cart c# Ta'in* a &ath ______(7#There shou!d &e source o ener*" and ener*" trans or+ation or heat to ____________# a# Disa))ear &# &e reduced c# &e )roduced ______(9#$hat is s)ontaneous co+&ustion1 a# It is the s!o% +o.e+ent o the heat in an o&6ect unti! it reaches its i*nitin* te+)erature and &urns natura!!"# &# S)ontaneous co+&ustion is the condition o the air around us# c# It is the ener*" )roduced e in heatin*# ______,:#_____________ is the trans er or )assa*e o heart ro+ a hot to co!d &od"# a# Radiation &# con.ection c# conduction ______,(#________ is the )assa*e o heat throu*h !iquid or *as# a# Con.ection &# radiation c# conduction

______,,#An eru)tin* .o!cano i!!ustrates ho% heat tra.e!s throu*h _______________# a# Radiation &# conduction c# con.ection ______,-#Identi " ho% heat tra.e!s &" con.ection ro+ the o!!o%in*: a# Puttin* an a!u+inu+ )ot the &urnin* sto.e &# 8oi!in* %ater c# !i*htin* a +atchstic' ______,0# $hich +ateria!s are *ood conductors heat1 a# Pa)er &# %ood c# +eta!/ a!u+inu+ ______,2# Ho% do %e )re.ent ire1 a# Identi " the ire ha?ards in the surroundin*s &e ore )roceedin* %ith so+e )re.enti.e +easures# &# A!%a"s ha.e a &uc'et o %ater )re)ared around the house or schoo!# c# Do not use +atches# ______,3# Store !a++a&!e +ateria!s ____________# a# an"%here &# in sa e and coo! )!ace c# %here chi!dren cou!d reach and )!a" %ith the+ ______,5# 4ire caused &" 'erosene or *as can &e )ut out &" thro%in* sand or !our on &urnin* o&6ects to a# Continue o<"*en su))!" &# cut>out car&on +ono<ide c# cut>o o<"*en su))!" ______,7#In case o ire/ _____# Instead/ ca!! the nearest ire station and +o.e quic'!" to sa.e others ! a# It;s o'a" to )anic &# do not )anic c# )ac' a!! "our thin*s ______,9# $hich" sho% ho% +an causes soi! to erode1 a# 8urrin* o trees or 'ain*in &# %aterin* )!ants c# &ui!din* &i* di'es ______-:#The )rocess o %ashin* a%a" soi! is ca!!ed ________________# a# C!eanin* &# soi! erosion c# )o!!ution ______-(#4ro+ the o!!o%in*/ identi " ho% the %ind causes soi! erosion# a# As stron* %inds &!o%/ it carries a%a" dust and soi! )artic!es to di erent )!aces# &# As the %ind &!o%s/ the sur ace o the earth so tens causin* soi! to erode# c# Stron* %inds create co!d te+)erature that causes soi! erosion# ______-,# Ho% do %e )eo)!e and ani+a!s &eco+e s a*ents o soi! erosion1 a# $hen )eo)!e and ani+a!s eat )!ants @ oods# &# $hen the" +o.e a&out ro+ )!ace to )!ace/ the" !oosen soi!# c# $hen )eo)!e &ui!d houses on soi! and ani+a!s create their ha&itats in orests ______--# Ho% does soi! erosion a ect ar+ers1 a# $hen to)soi! is eroded/ ar+s &eco+e unsuita&!e or ar+in* and ar+ers %i!! not *ain an"thin* ro+ ar+in*# &# Soi! erosion +a'es soi! erti!e and cro)s hea!th" c# $hen soi! erodes/ ar+ers har.est a&undant!" ______-0# Erosion chan*es the sur ace o the !and# Hi*h!ands _____________# a# Ma" &e !attened and &eco+e !o%!ands &# +a" &eco+e hi*her c# 8eco+e suita&!e or ar+in*# ______-2# Ho% does contour )!o%in* )re.ent soi! erosion1 a# 4ar+ers +a'e !at areas on the +ountainside and )!ants there/ )re.entin* soi! ro+ *oin* do%n the +ountain s!o)es# &# P!o%in* in cur.ed !ines )re.ent %ater ro+ easi!" *oin* do%n the hi!!/ thus )re.entin* %ater ro+* the to)soi!# c# 4ar+ers )!ant cro)s a!ternate!" on the hi!!side# Arasses )re.ent the soi! ro+ *oin* the do%nhi!!# ______-3#_____ )re.ents soi! ro+ &ein* %ashed a%a" &ecause in &et%een &are soi!/ cro)s !i'e corn s+a!! cro)s !i'e &eans/ %hich s!o%s do%n an" run>o %ater that +a" ha.e started ro+ the e<)osed soi!# a# Terracin* &# cro) Rotation c# Stri) Cro))in* ______-5#_____ is done in stee) s!o)es %here !e.e! ste)s are &ui!t %ith stones to )rotect the soi! ro+ run>o s %hen hea." rains a!!# a# Contour )!o%in* &# terracin* c# cro) rotation ______-7# $hich o these orests )re.ent soi! erosion1 a# Denuded orest &# dense orests c# &oth 'inds o orest ______-9# Ho% do trees )re.ent soi! erosion 1 a# Their roots a&sor& *reat a+ount o %ater durin* !oods/ thus he!)in* in the conser.ation o soi! &# Trees consu+e the soi! c# trees * shade to soi! ______0:# The &est %a" to )re.ent soi! ro+ erodin* is _______# a# !o**in* &# 'ain*in c# continuous )!antin* trees

IBATLONA PAAS=8OB SA 4ILIPINO IV Pan*a!an: _______________________________Petsa: __________________ 8aitan*: ________________ Panuto: 8asahin at una%ain* +a&uti an* +*a )an*un*usa) at isu!at an* titi' n* ta+an* sa*ot# ______(#Pa*'ata+is @ta+is n* hino* na +an**an* na&i!i +oC Ano an* antas n* 'asidhian n* )an*>uri1 a# !anta" &# 'ata+ta+an* antas c# )ina'a+asidhi d# )anu'du!an ______,# Basun*it>sun*itan si"a sa !ahat n* +atandan* &inatan* na'i!a!a 'o# a# )ina'a+asidhi &# !anta" c# )anu'du!an d# 'ata+ta+an* antas ______-# $a!an* han**an* 'a!i*a"ahan an* nadara+a 'o 'a)a* 'a)i!in* 'ita# Anon* uri n* )an*n*a!anan* 'a!i*a"ahan1 a# di>'on'reto &# )antan*i c# 'on'reto d# tahas ______0# Na*si>a%it n* &uon* )uso an* +*a +an*>aa%it# Anon* uri n* )an*>a&a" an* *ina+it sa +*a )an*un*usa)1 a# Pan*>a&a" n* )anan*>a"unan c# Pan*>a&a" na )an!unan &# Pan*>a&a" na )a+anahon d# Pan*>a&a" na )a+araan ______2# Na*)a)ahin*a sa !i!i+ n* )uno n* +an**a an* )uno n* &aran*a"# Ano an* )uno n* 8aran*a"1 a# 'a)itan &# Ba*a%ad c# tanod d# )u!is ______3# Ma" du*on* artista an* &atan* ito# Si"a a" ________# a# ana' n* artista &# 'a+a*>ana' n* artista c# +a" ta!ino sa )a*>arte ______5# ______ an* u!a+ na ni!uto +o# Ano an* 'ata+ta+an* antas n* )an*>uri D'asidhanE1 a# +aa!at na +aa!at &# so&ran* a!at c# +as"adon* +aa!at d# +ed"o +aaa!at ______7# _______ si Rosie# Aa+itin an* )ina'a+asidhin* antas n* 'asidhian n* )an*>uri# a# +ata!i>ta!ino &# Pa*'ata!i>ta!inod c# +ed"o +ata!ino d# +ata!ino n* &aha*"a ______9# ______ an* da!a*an* )a'a'asa!an ni"a# Aa+itin an* )anu'du!an* antas n* )an* @ uri # a# !u&han* +a*anda &# na)a'a*anda c#%a!an* 'asin*>*anda d# )a*'a*anda>*anda ______(:# ______ an* a+)a!a"an* na'ain 'o# Aa+itin an* )anu'du!an* antas n* )an*>uri# a# )a*'a)ait>)ait &# +a)ait n* &aha*"a c# +a)ait>)ait d# +ed"o +a)ait ______((# Sasa!i ta"o n* )a!i*sahan sa )a*ta'&o/ ____________# a# 'aha)on &# 'anina c# 'a*a&i d# &u'as ______(,# Tu+a'&o si"a________ na)a'a&i!is# a# na &# n* c# nan* d# at ______(-#Lu+a'i an* &a"%an* ni"a ________ sa+)un* senti+etro# a# n* &# nan* c# na d# at ______(0# Itina*o ni"a an* &o!a sa i!a!i+ n* +esa # anon* uri n* )an*>a&a" an* +a" sa!un**uhit1 a# Pan*>a&a" na Pan!unan c# )an*>a&a" na )a+anahon &# )an*>a&a" na )a+araan d# )an*>a&a" na in*'!iti' ______(2# Ma*suot ta"o n* sa)atos &a*o +an ____ !u+a# a# at &# na c# o d# n*unit ______(3# Ma"roon si"an* du*on*> artista ______ a"a% n* +a*u!an* ni"an* +a*>artista si"a# a# o &# at c# n*unit d# a" ______(5# 8ini*"an ni"a a'o n* +a!a+i* _______ inu+in# a# n* &# na c# at d# o ______(7# Ma" &u'o n* 'aho" na sinasa&itan ni"a n* &u'o# Ano an* 'ahu!u*an n* sa!itan* +a" sa!un**uhit1 a# &u'o n* &u!a'!a' &# uri n* ha!a+an c# &aha*i n* ha!a+an d# &un*a n* ni"o* ______(9# Maha! na +aha! ni"a an* 'an"an* nana" ____ tata"# a# na &# n*unit c# o d# at ______,:# Li)ad>a*i!a an* !i)ad an* i&on* nahu!i ni Bi'o"# Ano an* 'ahu!u*an n* sa!itan* +a" sa!un**uhit1 a# ha'&an* n* 'a&a"o c# +a!ahi*anten* !a'ad &# !i)ad tu!ad n* a*i!a d# !a'ad tu!ad n* aso ______,(# Pito an* )ito n* )u!is# Ano an* i&i* sa&ihin n* sa!itan* +a" sa!un**uhit1 a# si!&ato &# &i!an* c# da!a>da!a d# ha!a+an ______,,# FAn* ta*a! na+an ni AndresG Anon* oras 'a"a si"a daratin*1 An* na*sasa!ita a" _____1 a# +a*a!itin &# +aini)in c# +a)anu+&at d# +a)ani&u*ho

______,-# Panuto: I&i*a" an* 'ina!a&asan n* ta!ata# Na)a*&intan*an na )u+ata" si Man* Se!o sa 'an"an* a+o# Da!a%a+)un* taon nasi"an* na&i!an**o# N*unit si"a a" +a&ait sa !oo& n* &i!an**uan# Ba"a ________# a#Pina!a"a si Man* Se!o +u!a sa &i!an**uan &#8inita" si Man* Se!o c#Nahatu!an si Man* Se!o n* ha&an* &uha" na )a*'a&i!an**o d#Sina'tan si"a n* *u%ardi"a sa &i!an**uan ______,0# @ ,2# Na&asa* ni Nene an* )!orera# I)a*)au+anhin )o nin"o# Hindi 'o )o sinasad"a/ sa&i n* Nene#Ano 'a"a an* susunod na +an*"a"ari1 a#)ina!o si Nene n* 'an"an* nanan"# &#=+i"a' n* u+i"a' an* 'an"an* nana"# c# Sina&unutan si Nenen* 'ana"n* nana"# d#Na*a!a' an* 'an"an* nana" sa )a*tata)at ni Nene Panuto: I&i*a" an* )a*!a!ahat sa +*a )an*"a"arin* &inan**it sa 'u%ento# ______,3# a# Natutu%a an* +*a +a*u!an* sa &atan* +ata)at &# Maaarin* +asa+a an* +an*"a"ari 'un* +a*sa&i n* totoo c# hindi da)at +a*sa&i n* 'atotohanan sa !ahat n* )a*'a'ataon Hira) na hira) sa &uha" an* +a*>asa%an* Te&an* at Ti+o"# Hindi ni!a +a!a+an 'un* )aano ni!a &u&uha"in an* ani+ ni!an* ana'# Natan**a! )a sa )a*a%aan at na%a!an n* tra&aho si Ti+o"# Na*ta"o n* +a!iit na tindahan n* *oto at hot ca'e si Ti+o"# Masara) an* *oto at hot ca'e dahi! +ura at+asustansi"a# Ma&entan*>+a&enta an* 'ani"an* +*a )aninda# ______,5#Ano an* +aaarin* +an*"a"ari1 a#na'aahon sa 'ahira)an an* +a*>ana' &#su+a+a sa )an*ho>ho!d u) si Ti+o" c#na+ata" sa *uto+ an* +*a ana' n* +a*>asa%a# d#Na!u*i an* +a*>asa%a ______,7# A!in* 'asa&ihan an* +a*&i&i*a" n* )a*!a!ahat sa +*a )an*"a"ari sa 'u%ento1 a# 'a)a* +a" isinu'so' +a" +adudu'ot &# an* !u+a'ad n* +atu!in 'un* +atini' a" +a!a!i+ c# ha&an* +a" &uha" +a" )a*>asa d# an* !atan* +atuno* a" %a!an* !a+an ______,9#Na&asa +o an* *aniton* &a&a!a# FMa*>in*at/ +a" &u'as na i+&urna!#G a# susu&u'an* du+aan sa ta&i n* &a&a!a &# a!isin an* &a&a!a c# du+aan sa !u*ar na )ina*!a*"an n* &a&a!a d# du+aan sa !u*ar na +a!a"o sa &a&a!a ______-:#Pa*>ara!an an* +*a sa!ita# ( , 0 Bani"a Ba+iseta Ba+a!ian Ba+tan A"usin nan* )aa!)a&eto an* +*a sa!itan* na'a'ahon# A!in an* ta+an* )a*'asunod sunod1 a# - ( 0 , &# - , 0 ( c# - 0 , ( d# - ( , 0

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