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Alyana Alfaro

28u9 Beigenline Ave. Apt. 2F 0nion City, N.}. u7u87


Professional Experience

!"# %&'() *+,-./(,-0 1-02(3 402,&/2() *+,-/+ 5()) 6789:;/-<-+,
Reseaich, wiite, anu iepoit news stoiies anu summaiies to be uistiibuteu to NBC's ten laigest local maikets
0puate anu maintain photo galleiies, viueos anu othei web content
Content management via inteinal CNS

=>- ?2))(.- ?&2'-3 %2<,2+.< *+,-/+ @ABB-/ 6789
Reseaicheu, upuateu anu maintaineu online calenuai with event listings in New Yoik City via inteinal CNS
Pitch anu wiite "voice Choices" foi weekly piint publication anu web

;(C-B-+, ;2-'-<3 #&+,/2DA,2+. E/2,-/ 5()) 6786:5()) 6789
Repoit anu photogiaph foi NY0's Repoiting NYthe Nation online publication, www.
Receiveu tiavel giants to iepoit in Alabama, Washington B.C. anu Connecticut
Stuuent iepiesentative foi 2u1S SP} Confeience in Anaheim, Ca.

F(+'-/< ;&2+,-3 @&'2() 1-02( #&&/02+(,&/ 5()) 6788:5()) 6789
0puateu company Facebook (giew likes by ovei Suu) anu staiteu uanceispointenj twittei
Sent mass email blasts to ovei 1uuu subsciibeis
Naintaineu company website via CNS

=>- @-,&+2(+3 ;2/(,- %2G- HI/,< (+0 4+,-/,(2+B-+,J I<<2<,(+, 402,&/ 5()) 677K: @L/2+. 6786
Wiote, iepoiteu anu pitcheu news anu enteitainment stoiies foi Seton Ball 0niveisity's stuuent newspapei
Layout anu uesign using Auobe InBesign anu Illustiation. Euiteu woik of stuuent contiibutois
Copyeuitoi fiom 2u1u-2u11

=>- F(2)M N-'&/03 !-O< *+,-/+ @ABB-/ 6788
Wiote anu iepoiteu stoiies foi uannett-iun Noiiis County, N.}. baseu uaily newspapei


!-O P&/Q R+2C-/<2,M3 I/,>A/ %S #(/,-/ T&A/+()2<B *+<,2,A,- IA.A<, 6786:F-'S 6789 H-UL-',-0J
Nastei of Aits in }ouinalism
Concentiation: Repoiting New Yoik in Nultimeuia

@-,&+ V()) R+2C-/<2,M3 #&))-.- &G I/,< (+0 @'2-+'-< IA.A<, 677W:1(M 6786
Bacheloi of Aits in }ouinalism anu Public Relations. Ninois in Psychology anu Spanish
Nagna Cum Lauue, 0niveisity Bonois Piogiam

Honors and Associations

!T #&))-.2(,- ;/-<< IO(/0<
2u12 Awaiu Recipient: Seconu in Layout anu uesign among foui-yeai college newspapeis in N.}.

!(,2&+() I<<&'2(,2&+ &G V2<L(+2' T&A/+()2<,<3 @,A0-+, 1-BD-/


Fluent in Spanish
Niciosoft 0ffice (Woiu, Excel, PoweiPoint)
Auobe Suite (InBesign, Illustiatoi, Photoshop)
viueo Euiting (Auobe Piemiei, Final Cut Pio)
Constant Contact
Social Neuia (Facebook, Twittei, Tumbli, Instagiam,
Pinteiest, Stoiify, Bootsuite, WoiuPiess)

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